No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

38x2 whined in pain when he laid her down on the table, making the tears fall faster from her eyes, though this time, she did not cry audibly. "Hurts..!"
"Cease your whining." He huffed, grabbing a syringe and injecting her with an anesthetic. He sighed as he moved to grab the things he would need to fix her
She did as he said almost immediately, though she still scratched at the table in her pain until the anesthetic took her under, she then fell completely still except for the rise and fall of her chest.
Most of the bruising, lumps, and split lip was from Szayel beating her, but the injuries Nnoitra inflicted were far harsher. Her back was broken in two places and three of the lower vertebrae were shattered. The deep cut on the back of her head exposed her skull, which was cracked, but not broken.
Szayel sighed as he went to work - he had a long night ahead of him. He would have to keep her sedated while he fixed her spine and skull, the other smaller wounds would be no trouble
Fixing her injuries took nearly seven hours, and by then she was starting to stir. She was now four days old and her hair was just starting to grow in, now a light pink colored fuzz. Her eyes cracked open groggily and she turned her head to look at Szayel, watching him clean up after the surgeries.
Experiment 38x2 stared at him, then looked to his slender hands, watching them work quickly on cleaning. She made a small noise in response and reached out toward his hands, as if she were going to pick up something off the table, but instead she gently held his hand. "She is happy to be awake.."
38x2 smiled gently, waiting for the feeling to return to her feet before she tried to get up, and once she could wiggle her toes again, she slowly stood. She wobbled a bit before looking back at Szayel, chewing her lip a little before deciding to speak. "This one.. Does not want to leave here again..." She determined, meaning she didn't really want to interact with anyone outside of the lab, especially if they acted like Nnoitra.
"If you are to stay here, you need to as I say and I won't have to punish you so harshly, if at all. Understand?" He told her
"Good. Now, you should rest a little more while I synthesize you some food...I'll try to make it more enjoyable, I guess, if it'll keep you from wanting to leave again." He said
She grinned happily at the thought of better tasking food, and moved to her cage, laying down on the small futon inside and curling up, watching Szayel intently.
"It made her insides hurt though..." She said quietly, rubbing her stomach with a small whine.
"That would be the peppers and spices. They..." He stopped, trying to think of a good way to explain it, "They taste like they have tiny fires in them and that's why Nnoitra likes it so much. He likes the heat."
"Fires are bad.." She grumbled tiredly, shifting on the mattress and nibbling on her thumb. "But Tou-sama is good."
"Don't call me that..." He muttered, wondering what he could make her with the things he had. His gold eyes darted over all his chemicals and he sighed, "Guess I'll have to send someone for actual food if I can't make any.."
38x2 did not respond, already dozing off with her thumbnail still between her teeth, sprawled haphazardly on the small bed.
Experiment 38x2 slept all through the night and nearly till midday, only shifting every so often. When she woke she rolled onto her stomach and sat up, listening for any sounds that indicated someone else was awake, rubbing her eye groggily as her other hand scratched at the stitches on her back.
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