Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

“Hm, it happens sometimes.”He muttered before startled laughter escaped, stealing a kiss. “If he did, I’m sure we would have heard Barnes yelling over it.”He laughed petting the other, tensing at the words, before relaxing, calmly accepting that steve loved him, even if he wasn’t aware that he’d said it first, relaxing slowly, not freaking out nearly as much as he once would have. Stirring as he heard the coffee maker going, he smirked a little as he shifted his hold on the other’s hips, already sliding into him, having slowly, carefully prepared the other, having every intention of fucking the other awake. Whining quietly in annoyance as he realized Steve was awake. “...You weren’t supposed to wake up yet. I wanted to fuck you into being awake.”He whined annoyed.
Steve snickered. "well. considering he IS a shapeshifter. we might never know." he admitted with a grin.

it took Steve a long moment to realize what was happening. it flt so damn amazing that he wasn't sure he was actually awake until Tony spoke. "mmm feels good. don't stop." Steve slurred, laying there limp as a rag doll because he felt too sleepy, and too content to move. "try 'gain tomorrow." Steve promised, closing his eyes so he could better luxuriate in the sensations of being fucked into consciousness. he was going to have to give Tony something pretty damn special for this one.
Tony laughed quietly as he eased his fingers out of the other, sliding a hand down his back, pressing a kiss to the other’s hair, closing his eyes quietly, holding onto his sleepy lover as he pressed into him, groaning at the heat incasing his cock, “I can do that. Every morning, if you want.”he muttered smirking as he rolled them, laying the other back onto the bed, gently slowly making love to the other, eyes going wide as he came, clinging to the other, reassuring himself that it was real, that steve really was awake.
he moaned sluggishly as he felt the other sliding into him, humming. "mmm not 'vry morning." Steve protested. "'m gonna do this to you too." he decided. "feels amazing. your amazing." he mumbled, shuddering as he came, panting slightly as he blinked sluggishly. "mmm wonderful." he mumbled. "now lemme see your back." he ordered once Tony and himself had finished. he examined the welts, decided they where fine and then snuggled into Tony. "best. morning. ever."
Tony smirked as he pressed a kiss to the other’s shoulder, “I am amazing. So are you.”he muttered nuzzling him a little. Slumping down onto him for a moment before pulling away, whimpering at the loss as he pulled out of him, sighing quietly as the other looked over his back, grinning as he snuggled him.”It really is.”he muttered pressing a kiss to blond hair, closing his eyes.”...I should get up. Get some work done...”he muttered not wanting to move yet, but knowing he should.
Steve grinned. "well then it's good we're together. two amazing's equal mind altering and world bending." he muttered with a smirk. "which is about what out orgasms equal to." he admitted with a chuckle. "hmmm. work can wait." he ordered. "we should at least shower first." he mumbled, though he made no motion to move at all, let alone get up. in fact, he looked like he was about to go back to sleep!
“Hm, so it is.”he muttered,”as you order, Captain.”He muttered snuggling down into him, looking quite ready to go back himself. Even if he was vaguely worried that the man was still tired, he was quite willing to lay around for the day.

A few days later Tony smirked as he looked at Bucky, looking amused as he watched the other, talking around the screwdriver in his mouth as he listened to steve come in to the workshop. “Look!Steve, look I finally got him to let me look at his arm.”Tony said sounding awesomely pleased that his uncle was trusting him. Bucky rolled his eyes a little, though his eyes were dark with worry as he studied his nephew, because he’d given in simply to see if the manic mechanic was relaxing, adn despite having steve up on his feet and okay, Tony seemed to be getting worse. “Well, he wouldn’t shut up about it, and I got lube in the joints. Figured I better get it looked at.”Bucky said rolling his eyes a little as he looked up at steve.
Steve smiled a little as he walked in. he knew that Tony was avoiding him, he suspected it was because of the panic attack. he'd given Tony the space he thought he wanted but was a bit bored without Tony around, so he'd gone to Tony instead. "that's great." Tony agreed, looking amused. "gonna give him tentacle arms?" he asked curiously, intending to freak Bucky out a bit. "....Buck. i really didn't need to know that Loki is the bottom in your relationship." he complained, wrinkling his nose at the horror. he still didn't like that Loki and Bucky where dating, but he didn't really say anything about it anymore either. "you should give him a tentacle arm Tony. he'd put it to good use apparently."
“I could yes.”Tony said looking interesting at that. “What?Tentacle?What?”Bucky said staring at the two of them, looking a little freaked out, before smirking, raising a eyebrow. “Whoever said he was bottoming?”He smirked. “Ugh. I dont’ want to know what you were using on yourself, Barnes. Stop.”Tony ordered making a face. “Besides, you knew I preferred topp-”Bucky started, nearly jumping out of his skin and falling out of the chair as Tony shoved him, glaring at the brunette. “Just because you’re jealous doesn’t mean you get to shove me around.” “....”Tony twitched glaring at his uncle before nodding. “I think I will give him a tentacle arm.” “Noooo!I’m gonna tell Loki you’re being mean to me.”
"....gross." Steve complained, shaking his head at Bucky. "just gross." but he wanted to see for himself what metal fingers might to to himself. he was going to really have to talk to Tony about that odd little suit kink he seamed to be having at all times. "...Bucky. don't tease Tony." Steve ordered, sounding amused. but both men would hear the undercurrent 'upset Tony and i'll make you hurt' in Steve's voice. which was all the warning Bucky would need to know that something had happened. "besides, if Tony, cute Kitten that he is, can push you around then he has every right you wimpy little brat." Steve teased, smirking at Tony rather than Bucky. "like Loki will do anything, he'd probably like a tentacle arm."
“You didn’t think it was that gross when you were thinking about the iron man suit. You are such a kinky bastard, Rogers.”Bucky rolled his eyes before tensing, frowning slightyl as he looked at the two men, frowning at tony, eyes widening slightly as he realized that tony’s current manic state wasn’t the usual manic-ness, but stress induced. “Hey, no need to threaten him. I’m perfectly capable of telling him to fuck off.”Tony frowned as he tightened a few screws frowning slightly before bristling....much like a angry kitten would, glaring at Steve.”I am not a kitten!” “And I’m not a brat, punk. Shut up.”Bucky grumbled before pausing, considering that, paling. “No he wouldn’t.”
Steve went bright red and he fidgeted. "if... if i'm lusting after the suit then it's no ones business but my own!" he protested. "besides... it's more the fact that it's you that's gross." he teased. "it might be Loki too."b he mused. "your both fairly gross." he mused his head tilted. "don't got nothing on my pretty Kitten." h mused with a smile. "you don't want to be my Kitten Tony?" he asked, widening his eyes at Tony in that open, innocent begging way of his. "but i got you a costume!" he stated, putting his lip out just a little. he knew Tony couldn't resist him when he was acting adorable. "you are a punk. and he so would."
Tony perked up, having forgotten about that kink, looking at Steve thoughtfully as he stared at him. “..And mine, since it is my suit.”he hummed thinking about it. “Well, you didn’t used to think I was so gross. I feel hurt, Cap.” “Stop making casual sexual refreneces to when you two fucked. I will hit you again, Barnes.”Tony bristled sounding annoyed before staring at Steve, swallowing thickly, he really was incapable of ignoring a adorable steve. “I-I uh...maybe?”He stuttered a little. “Nooo.You’re wrong. Totally. I need to go see loki.”bucky stuttered a little.
Steve smiled at Tony, flushing a little. "...i like metal..." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "and with the suit on, you're actually strong enough to actually pin me down." he admitted, fidgeting. "and it's metal..." because apparently that made it all okay. "oh, he's just angry because i get better sex than him Tony, ignore him." Steve ordered before he paused. "actually. if it makes you feel better, Loki would probably give you permission to put Bucky in his place." he mused. "i bet you'd like tying him down and striping him." he teased with a lopsided grin. "of course you want to be my Kitten." Steve mused with a smile. "you can go see Loki after you've finished getting your arm looked at."
Tony stared at him, eyes blown wide, so wide in fact that there was barely any brown left as he looked at the other.”Uh-how is it you totally forgot to tell me this?I mean, you have to live with me being part cyborg these days, you could have at least mentioned it that you thought it was awesome.”He pouted, the words the only hint he wasn’t as comfortable with the tech still attatched to him as he pretended. While he loved it most of the time, it was still slightly weird for him. “It is not better sex”Bucky sputtered sulking. “...really?”Tony said glancing at his uncle before wincing, shying away from that thought.”No...can’t. Relatives you know. Sex would be weird.”He said trying not to think to hard about relatives having sex with each other before grinning. “Of course I do. I want to see this outfit.”He looked thoughtful as he finished up the arm.”There, lube free. Go have fun.” “thanks tony.”he grinned glancing up as loki appeared in the door. “Steve’s making fun of me, loki.”
Steve fidgeted, glancing away. "well it... you see i..." he fidgeted again. "ithoughtyoumightbemadatme..." he stuttered out, flushed hard and looking quite sheepish. "i couldn't find anything about it online and i didn't know you wouldn't mind and you didn't like that the suit was inside you so i didn't want to bring it up and upset you...." he admitted, fidgeting. "but yeah it... kinda makes me really hot... and i hinted at it before but you never really did or said anything about it so i thought you didn't like it...." he admitted sheepishly before he smirked at Bucky. "it IS better sex. we'll make Sex tapes and watch them, all four of us and then you'll see who has the better sex life." he taunted with a smirk before he blanched. "oh... oh yeah. he's your uncle. i totally forgot..." he admitted, looking very weird-ed out. "i am so sorry...." he muttered, looking rather horrified for having suggested it before he glanced at Tony as Bucky left. "....mad at me?" he asked, looking a bit nervous. it was a new look for him. before the memory loss, Steve would never have allowed himself to be so worried about something as simple as a misunderstanding over sex kinks.

"is he?" Loki asked, looking amused. "well. i'm sure you deserved it."
Tony stared at him, looking at him, tilting his head. “...the suit makes me uncomfortable sometimes, because I worry about how you react to it, or that it wasn’t my choice...I mean, love always having the suit, hate how it happened...”tony stuttered a little, flinching as he realized this was his fault, that he’d failed a little for not noticing this sooner, that he’d honestly forgot about the kink, and feeling like a horrible boyfriend for the utter anxiety on steve’s face. “Well, you were high. I hadn’t taken you seriously at the time...I hadn’t realized you were serious.”Tony muttered slipping a hand into steve’s, squeezing gently, trying to make that sheepish look disappear. “No, no thanks.I[m fairly certain Tony’ll kill me if I see you naked again, Captain”Bucky said rolling his eyes a little, teasing gently“It’s okay. I’m not surprised you forgot some things. They’ll come back.”tony said looking anxiously up at the man for having made him feel bad about forgetting, before flinching at steve’s words, ‘No, sweetheart, no.”He said gently, looking over at him, his stomach tight and pained as he saw the new look on his lover’s face. It killed a part of him that steve could ever be that nervous around him.

“hey. That’s not nice. I totally don’t deserve him making fun of me.”Bucky pouted before glancing over his shoulder as they walked out, looking at tony and steve worriedly.”They worry me.”He muttered as they stepped into the elevator.
Steve blinked a little. "oh." now he felt bad. how could he have not realized that? poor Tony, how could he think Steve would be upset about something that was done against Tony's will? it was nearly as invasive and traumatizing as Rape was. "...i was high!?" Steve demanded, mortified. "oh my God Tony i'm so sorry i'm sure i didn't mean to!" panicked because he thought he'd slipped out and got his hands on some more cocaine. he relaxed at the promise that Tony wasn't mad and he pulled the other into a Hug. "i'm sorry. i'm just feeling all off kilter today." he whispered. "you where avoiding me and i... i thought..." he chewed on his lip. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to upset you." he admitted, stroking his hair. "i feel all off balance..." he admitted softly. "i think it's because i still can't remember things about you. about us..."

Loki chuckled a little. "of course you do. if he's making fun of you, then that means he's comfortable with you." Loki stated simply. "he feels safe enough to be himself around you, he trusts you to not actually get mad at him, you should be pleased." Loki admitted as he poked at Bucky's arm. "don't be worried. their both off kilter is all, they'll stabilize."
Tony swallowed hard, looking anxious, “Don’t look so upset. I just forgot you liked the suit. I mean, I don’t expect everyone to love it as much as I do.”He said before startling, frowning at the man. “Steve, you were taking painkillers in the beginning. You spent alot of the time as high as a kite, but not from cocaine.”Tony said immediately seeing where he’d gone wrong, startling a little as he was pulled into a hug, sighing quietly as he wrapped a arm around his waist, leaning into him.”I’m sorry....I’ve just...”he swallowed hard, trying to think of how to explain, to make this okay. “I haven’t had a panic attack, or a flashback in nearly a year, and I’m scared you’ll leave me and I was trying to not freak out or freak you out by totally being neurotic and make you realize just how insane you have to be to want to be with me...”Tony trailed off, slumping. “I’m sorry.”he muttered, his heart hurting to realize he’d upset steve. “...we’re just not finding our balance again...”he muttered.

“...oh. Okay. Now that I can live with. Being made fun of just to know he’s trusting me.”Bucky snorted a little before growling as he was poked, poking the other back. “Are you sure?Steve’s sounding a little freaked, and Tony’s being absolutely manic.”
Steve smiled. "Tony i've lusted after your suit the first time i saw it on TV." he admitted sheepishly. "i kinda thought i twas sick though, so... you know, i didn't realize it was okay to be gay and like the things i like." he admitted before he blinked and relaxed. "oh, good. that's good..." he muttered, so relieved that he was still sober. he still remembered the gut wrenching terror he'd felt when he realized he wasn't in control. "hush now Tony. you can't help having flashbacks and i understood when it happened, what happened. you tink i don't have flashbacks?" he asked. "i do, you know. i wake up at night, not knowing where i am or what's going on, certain i'm still in that Hydra train watching Bucky die again and again. i've had flashbacks during Sex too, and yes they're scary, but i could never, ever be mad at you for them." he promised. "i'm insane enough to be with you, because we both have the same kind of insanity." he smiled at Tony. "i love you, you know. and you don't have to say the words back to know that you love me back." he promised, kissing Tony. "we're good for each other, even when we hurt each other."

Loki smiled a little and shook his head. "Tony had a flashback during sex and thinks Steve will realize that he doesn't love Tony after all. Steve is off kilter because he thinks it's wrong to lust after the things he lusts after and because he thought Tony was upset at him for causing the flashback. they just need to talk it out, that's all."
“Oh.Well. We should put that to the test then. I can summon just parts of it you know.”Tony said looking thoughtful and pleased with the idea of having sex in the suit before sighing softly, swallowing hard as he went quiet, resting his head against the other’s shoulder. “I know..Its just...been so long since I had them, and...I don’t know. Pepper, loved her to death, but she never handled it well, told me to quit iron man but...”He shuddered sighing quietly because this was hard for him. To trust, to understand that he wouldn’t be abandoned no matter how fucked up he was. “Oh...I hadn’t considered that.I’m sorry...”He muttered before frowning a little, leaning back to look up at him. “During sex?Is there something I need to know?”He asked looking anxious not wanting to ruin sex for them someone before swallowing hard. “...”Staring at the other man, a quiet panic in his eyes as he realized steve knew how he felt, but didn’t try to run away or deny it, resting her forehead against steve’s shoulder, nodding.”We are. We’ll just have to try not to...I never want to hurt you...”he muttered.

“Idiot. It’d take a jackhammer and a shove off the tower to get Steve to leave him.”Bucky snickered a little before sighing softly. “And Tony’ll show him its okay to want to the suit. You should have seen tony’s face when I reminded him that Steve wanted to fuck the suit. It was great.”he snickered before nodding.”They need to learn to communicate better.”
Steve's eyes glazed a bit at the idea of having the suit on top of him, holding him down, controlling him and he shuddered, feeling a bit ashamed that he was as hard as a rock when they where having such a serious conversation. "Pepper is a civilian. she doesn't understand." he stated calmly. "Iron Man is not a hobby, or a phase. Iron Man is a part of you, he's an actual piece of you hidden away inside your mind. stopping Iron Man would be as impossible as deciding you wanted to breath water instead of air. Iron Man has always been inside you, it just didn't have a way out until you built the Suit." he smiled at Tony. "it's alright, it was back before i met you." he admitted. "Bucky and i would be... you know and i'd hear a noise, or he'd touch me wrong and then it was..." he shook his head. "it was pretty bad back then." he admitted. "i don't have them much anymore, but they do happen." he admitted. "i never want to hurt you either. it will probably happen, but we'll always work through it." he promised, holding Tony tight before he tugged on his collars. "i'm yours, forever and always, remember?"

Loki smiled. "yes, but everyone Tony has ever loved has abandoned or betrayed him. his mother, his father, his 'uncle Obediah' Pepper, Rhodey, even Happy." Loki pointed out. "it's left him very hesitant to trust and even more hesitant to love." he admitted. "besides, at least they don't have raging fights." he pointed out with a smile. "communication will come with time. they'll be fine. i promise."
Tony grinned as he watched Steve’s eyes glaze, smirking pleased at the reaction before laughing quietly. “She was....and you are the first person to really understand that. That even before, I was iron man without having a way to let it out.”he sighed softly, before relaxing, rubbing the other’s back.”Oh. Okay. That’s okay. We’ll just be careful.”he muttered nuzzling the other for a moment before nodding. “Probably, doesn’t have to make me happy about it though.”he muttered before groaning softly.”I remember.”he said hands coming up to circle around steve’s, holding the other man against him even as he summoned the gauntlets, metal seamlessly wrapping around his hands as he jerked the other as close as possible.”Now. Work bench or bed?”

“Well, we’re not going anywhere.”Bucky said sounding determined to help his nephew understand that he was safe, that this was going to be okay, before laughing. “True. Raging fights would be interesting though.”he muttered before nodding, leaning up to kiss him lightly.”I trust you, to keep that promise.”he muttered huggign the other before shoving him towards their bedroom."Now, godling we have better things to do."
he nodded. "i understand perfectly well." he admitted with a smile. "after all, i was quite the same. i wanted to be noble, and strong and brave and to serve my country but i couldn't. and then all of a sudden i could. i couldn't get rid of me, serving and protecting is who i am no matter my body or my weapons." he admitted with a smile. "i understand all too well how you feel." he admitted. "i doubt we'll have to be careful, i already told you what will set me off." he pointed out. "just don't kiss me after you've been drinking and don't call me girly names and i'll be fine." he promised before he gasped as he was gripped tightly, his cock throbbing as his pupils went wide with lust. "Fuck." he gasped, feeling the cold metal tight against his wrists. "bench. fuck Tony the bench..."

"no we're not." Loki agreed. "but it's still going to take him a while to calm down." he admitted, shaking his head. "it will take him a while to recover from over thirty years of abuse, neglect and betrayal." he admitted before he snorted. "oh yes. a raging fight between Captain America and Iron man would be 'fun'. you need to have your head looked at." he admitted before smirking. "for a bottom bitch, you certainly are bossy. maybe i need to punish you?" he mused. "i'm thinking rope, a cock ring, a butt plug that vibrates and maybe something new."
“Hm, that’s true. You were a cute beanpole, though.”Tony teased a little nuzzling him a little, before nodding.”True.And I’m not drinking that much anymore, and have no desire for you to be a girl, so we’re good.”he muttered grinning as steve stared down at him.’Feeling needy captain?Not even capable of getting upstairs.”He teased shifting his hold as he let the rest of the suit form around him except for the helmet, shifting, pushing steve onto his stomach over the bench, holding him there easily as he jerked at his clothes to get him naked. “You, are amazing like this. So pretty. Such a needy boy.”he muttered cool metal stroking over warm skin.

“I know I know, and I want to kill them all for inflicting it on him, but it’s okay.”Bucky muttered before laughing, “It would be. Can you imagine it?They’d totally be the idiots to be having a lover’s spat in the middle of battle and fighting each other along with the enemies. It’d be amusing.”Bucky snickered raising a eyebrow as he looked at the other. “You do know the others think I’m topping right?”He snickered.
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