Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

"Kay...noy so bad...I'm here..."tony muttered though it was obvious he was way out of it struggling to focus before giving in to his need to not think simply being who he'd been at 22. Tony groaned a little enjoying the cuffs,loving being able to move but still feeling secure.like steve was holding onto him.blinking hard as he tried to understand the question he reached out,ecause he couldn't find the words,drawing a negative sign followed by the enfinity sign.swallowing hard as he tremblind, relaxing a little at the idea of having a safe word grabbing onto the only thing that he truly felt safe with."captain."he muttered shuddering at the offers his eyes watching steve before swallowing thickly."...crop.please."
"your bad..." Johnny stated softly before smiling as he watched Steve. the man was such a natural when it came to Tony. yes Johnny had been helping Steve, but the bracelets? he never would have thought of that. "....what does that mean?" Steve asked, sounding concerned and baffled. "it means he's in a very bad place." Johnny explained. "a lot like i just was. he went down too hard, because of something bad. he didn't want to go down and the bad memories are making it worse." "makes sense... i can fix that, i think." Steve admitted as he watched Tony. "Crop it is." he agreed. Steve could understand why. Ricardio was an idiot with the whip. you never struck someone down the spine or across the kidneys. it could cause very deep damage that lasted a long time. Steve moved over and grabbed an ottoman and gently slid it under Tony so that if Tony collapsed, it would catch him and support Tony's weight. he started out carefully, just like Tony had done for Johnny. just little taps, letting Tony feel the leather before slowly working his way higher and harder, tapping the shoulder blades before striking them, raising a welt, stroking the firm globes of the ass before hitting it hard. over and over until Tony was criss-crossed with red marks and a few welts. "tell me your safe-word." Steve ordered. "where are you sitting Tony. number please."
Tony frowned a little as he listened to the others talk trying to follow the coversation before shrugging a little twisting his hands as he enjoyed the cuffs.knowing if it was important they'd tell him. Settling on the ottoman he was scarily pliant and submissive,unlike his normal bitchy self,way to quiet because normally with a gag he still talked.this quiet was just to werid...and proved he'd been punished for talking before. By the time steve spoke the man was hovering in a cloud of haziness,blinking stupidly before he processed the words."oh..captain,my captain.."he muttered at the order to safe word,aware and back enough to joke before he smiled tiredly."5...abouts."he muttered looking up at the other
Steve smiled a little as he stroked Tony's hair as he played with the cuffs on his wrists before frowning at how pliant he was. he didn't like it. he wanted his mouthy sarcastic Tony back. "ah! a joke!" Steve stated, sounding quite relieved. "glad to have you back Tony." Steve admitted as he stroked Tony's flanks, studying the other. "shall i give you more or do you want something new?" he asked, fingering the Crop and contemplating the cock ring in the kit. the vibrating one that tony both loved and hated.
Tony sighed softly as he looked up at steve, tilting his head, his features tightening a little with worry as he considered the man. “Sorry...”he muttered shuddering as he felt steve stroking him, resting his head on his arms before he watched steve think about things.”New. But something to leave me up long enough to talk to Johnny. I want to know what happened now that I’m feeling more stable.”Tony said though he still looked a little shaky around the edges, he was still worried about johnny, especially since the other didn’t know what had gotten tony in the state yet. Worried what sue did along with what he’d do when they told him about ricardo
Steve smiled. "nothing to be sorry about Love." Steve promised, giving Tony a kiss. "alright. lets see..." he mused as he walked over to the chest and pulled out the vibrating cock ring and the tiny calligraphy pen that they'd experimented with. sharp enough to scratch, but not sharp enough to cut. the ink inside mixed with a dash of Capsaicin oil to make the scratches burn and ache without causing any real damage, or lasting damage. he settled in to work across Tony's back, scratching a picture that would last days even as the vibrating cock ring settled into place, though he left it off for now. "...Sue had me admitted." Johnny admitted suddenly. "three hours in the mental ward Tony. they let me go as soon as i told them that i wasn't crazy, just into BDSM." he admitted. "she thinks i'm insane..." his tone was flat, hurt, confused... betrayed. his sister had betrayed him. Steve cursed, stunned that she would have, could have done such a thing. "she's been trying to get me to talk to this therapist for weeks now. i only went twice and the whole time that psychologist tried to tell me i was wrong for liking to be beat, and that it wasn't my fault, and that i could be strong..." he snorted. "like i was some sort of domestic abuse and rape victim...."
Tony sighed into the kiss as he settled on his stomach, shifting to rest his chin in his hands as he braced himself on his elbows, shuddering as the other drew on his back, whimpering quietly at the sight of the cock ring, but glad steve left it off for a moment, knowing he needed to be clear headed enough to hear the other. Jerking up from his resting place so hard and fast that he yelped as the pen made a long scratch down his side, already pushing up to go to the other, the picture on his back forgotten for a moment in his haste to get to johnny, kneeling on the bed in front of him, looking the man over anxiously, reassuring himself he really was okay, or at least as okay as possible, and it was to close after Ricardo, he was beyond pissed, sue had finally pushed him across that edge with doing this. While he’d been growing fed up with her for months, coming just hours after dealing with ricardo...Resting his hands on johnny’s shoulder he leaned in to press a kiss to the other’s forehead, even if his words weren’t directed at him, the tone was still soothing and calm, “Jarvis?Can you call Sue?Tell her I want her in the tower in twenty minutes, and that her father wants to talk to her.”He said his voice ice cold, because while it rarely happened, Tony’s submissive mood, his unstablity still from dealing with ricardo, had flipped the switch to pure rage. “of course sir.”Jarvis affirmed, sounding vidinctively cold, he liked johnny, sue upset johnny, so that meant jarvis didn’t like her. Slanting a look towards cap, waving towards the pen. “You have 20 minutes to finish my back while I plot a new world order.”he said settling on his stomach again glancing towards the other.
"Hey!" Steve protested as tony moved, but it was too late. he sighed and examined the damage. nothing too serious. you could cut with the pen if you turned it just right, but it hadn't been turned that way. it hadn't even left a scratch. Steve could wipe off the ink and finish the picture without issue. Johnny had to smile when Tony fussed over him. it made him feel nice, warm and floaty. "i'll rain hell down upon her." Steve promised, his own voice cold. "now lay down Tony before you make the ink run." he complained. the ink was deep, dark and would stain Tony's skin for at least three days, not unlike permanent marker. Steve smiled as he resumed working, humming as he did so, the familiar tune soothing Johnny and Steve both, and hopefully Tony as well. "...there, done. just sit there while the ink soaks." he ordered ten minutes later, Johnny chuckling. "a Phoenix. how appropriate." he mused. "very nice." he admitted as he examined Tony's back. "i thought it fitting. reborn from great tragedy." Steve admitted, flicking the vibrator on so he could watch Tony squirm for five minutes before wiping down the back and smiling as he watched the dark ink accented the red scratches and welts. "now. you two stay here. i will handle miss Susan Storm." Steve decided. "Finish him up would you Johnny?" he asked, leaving Tony, hard and quivering in Johnny's hands, making the man laugh. "isn't it a bit wrong that i'm about to sexually assault my stepfather?" Johnny asked Tony with a grin as he studied the wriggling man.
Tony smiled a little looking relieved that johnny was letting him fuss, gently running his fingers through johnny’s hair before smirking. “Do you hear that, J?Sue’s about to get a scathing speech delivered in the “Captain america is very disappointed and pissed with you for misbehaving’ voice. It’s going to be great.”Tony snickered wincing, “Sorry.”he muttered even as he laid down again, relaxing as he heard the humming, letting the other sooth him more, tilting his head a little as he glanced over hsi shoulder, something fragile but happy in hat look, a phoenix. Yes...not just in becoming iron man...or surviving pepper’s death..or ricardo...but all of it. He’d survived, and burned brighter for it. Moaning, whimpering as he squirmed, glaring at steve in annoyance, because he hated the cock ring...even if he loved it. Moaning as his back was wiped down he squirmed, rubbing against the bed before looking up at johnny in desperation. “Not...not assult if I enjoy it. You’ve been listening to that fucking therapist to much. We need to correct this.”Tony groaned whining as he thrust into the other’s hands, “Come on. Hurry up. I want to go watch Cap give his ‘disappointed face’. He’s like a sad puppy, it’s something you need to see.”Tony whined desperate for release, and even more desperate to go yell at sue himself for daring to think he’d hurt johnny like that, when johnny had really saved him from hell....wondering if that was part of her problem. That she hadn’t forgiven him for nearly getting her brother killed.
Steve rolled his eyes. "your about to get a scathing remark." he warned playfully as he gave Tony's leg a smack. "have fun Tony." Steve teased with a snicker as Johnny laughed. "oh he's just perfect for you Tony." Johnny admitted with a laugh. "and that's true, it's not assault. but your still technically my stepfather." he admitted with a laugh as he tugged the cock ring off and tugged Tony to completion just as J informed them that Sue was there. "come on, lets get going. i wanna see Sue get what's coming to her." he admitted with a smirk as he helped Tony dress and followed Jarvis's instructions. Sue was just stepping in when they got there and Steve told them all to sit down. and then he did his magic, he didn't yell. he didn't need to. he laid out the facts and with every word spoken Sue got paler and tried to shrink into herself, looking horrified and mortified and ashamed as Steve chastised her up and down for daring to do what she did and upsetting Johnny so bad he had a small breakdown. then Steve started to explain the difference between BDSM and the mindsets and why some people needed to be hurt and then continued to chastise her for letting her own opinions override someone else's life and even claimed she was a bigot a few times. by the end of it, she was crying and Steve had that 'i'm very upset with you' face as he watched her. it was beautiful.
Tony laughed softly. “Hm, as long as it’s delivered in your Cap voice, I can take scathing.”Tony snickered a little smiling as he looked at johnny, nodding a little. “He is. Really.”He said before making a face.”Nope. Not married, Cap wouldn’t marry me anyways, so yea.”Tony twitched a little looking away, could tony.-damaged, emotionally messed up with the institution of marriage after losing pepper, and watching his parents- stark actually be considering marriage again. And yet despite all the promises, he still expected steve to leave. Grinning as they headed downstairs, settling in his chair wearing only jeans, cause he was a bastard and not above showing off his back when he knew it would freak sue out. Sighing in pleasure as steve finished, raising eyebrow at his lover. “Would it be weird if I told you I wanted to fuck you cause of this?Cause it was awesome for one to not be on the end of that speech. For once not getting the disappointed cap face.”tony smiled looking amused.
Johnny chuckled a little. "you'd be surprised Tony." he admitted as he followed the other up the stairs and watched as Sue was verbally lashed. "...Tony, honestly." Steve complained, sounding amused, ignoring how Sue was hiccuping and sobbing. she'd brought it on herself. "Go home and think about what i said Sue Storm." Steve ordered. "and if you ever, EVER do something so fucking stupid again i'll have YOU admitted!" he warned, watching her flee. "so. Johnny. we need to talk." he admitted as he smacked Tony's ass. "you go tot he playroom." he ordered with a grin. "i have something new i want to try." he admitted, watching Tony leave before explaining to Johnny who had kidnapped them. johnny was far too eager to get his hands on Ricardio, but Steve wasn't too inclined to worry about that abusive bastard.
Tony snickered watching sue flee, shuddering a little as he watched steve be bossy. That was so hot...startlign a little as he was smacked he jolted a little looking at the other, swallowing hard. “Really?”He said sounding eager at something new before swallowing hard, trying not to think about what steve was telling him,settling to wait,sitting cross legged on the floor, quiet and withdrawn, he’d given his head to much time to freak out out what had happened, but not nearly as bad as he’d been before, waiting eagerly for steve.
Steve snickered as he followed Tony with his eyes before he glanced at Johnny and showed him something. "think he'll like it?" "....oh hell yes." Johnny agreed, making Steve grin. "great!" he agreed, shoving it back into his pocket and heading after Tony, slipping inside and studying the other. "up." he ordered. "and strip. and do it pretty." he ordered, smiling. "i can't stripe your back now, it will ruin the pretty picture." he mused. "what to do with you?" he wondered as he walked around Tony before suddenly stopping. "i know exactly what to do with you." he purred settling in front of the other, offering him a tiny box with a Ring inside[url]. "Anthony Stark? would you marry me?"
Tony lifted his head a little smiling happily, pleased, all the jagged pieces of his heart and head settling into place at the sight of his captain, raising slowly, seductively as he started dropping his jeans. Shuddering as he rolled his eyes to watch steve, not turning his head to watch steve circle him, trembling slightly. “Anything you want, Captain, you know that.”He muttered not in the pliant extremely submissive way he’d been with ricardo, but because he trusted steve, would do whatever to just see what happened. Startling at little as steve stopped, eyes widening as he considered the man in front of him. “What...I...”He stuttered so lost for a moment before flushing brightly. “Y-yes. If your sure you want to.”he said blushing brightly as he leaned in to kiss him.
Steve smiled at him. "i do know that." he agreed softly, beaming at him. "of course i want to. i love you." he admitted, pulling the other into a kiss, nuzzling the other with a smile. "read the inside." he ordered softly. 'Brightly burning, yours forever.' was inscribed inside. "because your life burns with a ferocity that makes me feel like i'm flying." he admitted as he kissed the other again. "i love you Tony." he whispered with a smile. "no matter what happens, i will always and forever be yours."
“Oh.Well, I love you to.”he muttered resting his head on the other’s chest blushing brightly as he read the ring, smiling at the other, kissing him back. “Always.”he muttered just looking happy and pleased.

Months later Tony grinned as he paced the waiting room, though anyone who knew him could tell it was more manic worry then actual relaxing. Pausing to look at his best man he made a face at Johnny, taking a shuddering breath. “You said he’s there?Right?No last minute missions, no cold feet?”He said as he tugged his tie looser, feeling like he was choking as they headed for the chapel where steve was waiting for him. He didn’t care about the small group of guests waiting for him, it only mattered if steve was there.
Steve looked a little shocked, and then he brightened like the sun. Tony had said it back! now THAT was an engagement present.

"Tony. seriously. he's there." Johnny promised, looking amused. "Jarvis, where is Steve?" "Standing at the Alter sir, currently wondering if Tony is going to do a runner and assuring Bruce that he will love you and won't leave you even if you do run away." Jarvis informed him making Johnny snort as he gently fixed Tony's tie. "there he is. see?" he asked, smiling as Steve fixed his eyes onto Tony and swallowed hard, wide eyed and looking so ecstatic you knew there was going to be a long, long bout of sex once the wedding was over.
“Are you sure?I mean, he’s Cap. He could have totally decided he can do better with any of his fans.”Tony whined looking worried before pausing, tilting his head a little before sulking at jarvis’ teasing tone, knowing the AI was laughing at him. Sighing as he nodded letting Johnny fix his tie before smiling as they walked in, looking pleased and happy himself as he walked closer, listening to the minister before biting his lip, looking down and nervous as he took the ring when it was his turn to do his vows, swallowing shakily. “I’d...I’d given up on getting you guys to like me when you moved in you know. Never thought I’d have another chance to be happy when Pepper died. But you’re you, and amazing, and I’m not sure how I got you to love me, but I’m glad you do. And I love you.Always will. I want to marry you, now and forever”he said blushing ever so slightly as he slid steve’s ring onto his finger, blushing even more because while johnny knew the origins of the dark dented metal that it was made out of, he hadn’t told steve yet. The dark smoke blackened metal melted down from his original suit, the one that had saved his life in afghanstian, made sure he could live long enough to have this moment.
Johnny rolled his eyes. "as if Steve would want one of them when he could have YOU." Johnny scoffed. "seriously though? he loves you. he's there." he promised. "Tony. when i first met you, i hated your guts. you where mouthy, bratty, spoiled, and where entirely too full of yourself." his eyes glinted. "now your always full of me..." there was a running snicker through the crowd. "your mouthy sarcasm always makes me smile, and spoiled though you are you give it up all the time just to make others lives better." he smiled. "your the most amazing man i have ever met, and you bring joy and light into my life every moment i'm with you." he admitted. "i could never imagine being with anyone else. i am yours, always and forever." he promised. "my brightly burning bird. my kitten." he purred, sliding the ring into place and kissing Tony silent when he tried to protest being called Kitten again. "...by the power vested in me, i now pronounce you, husband and husband!" the Minister stated, ignoring the fact that he hadn't told them they could kiss yet. "you may now go on your honeymoon and fornicate like bunnies." that just cracked Steve up.
Tony’s eyes widened comically at steve’s words, nearly groaning outloud at the mental image that brought up, smiling happily even as tears touched his eyes, simply to just hear the words. Smiling pleased and quiet listening to the other, blushing at the idea the name even though he tried to protest, knowing he really was steve’ kitten, moaning as he was kissed kissing him back, breaking away with laughter as they were told to fornicate. Pulling away he looked around at the family he’d claimed as his own, realizign that whiel they weren’t his by blood, they were better, they were the ones he chose. Maybe he wasn’t such a misguided genius after all.

The end?
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