Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

“.No!Did you know it was a possibility?No. You didn’t do anything wrong!I was drunk, you weren’t!.”Tony growled looking annoyed. “...I hate you.”he muttered softly, slumping as he realized that steve was right, swallowing hard as he turned his head, pressing his face against steve’s shoulder hand trailing over his hip, smirking as he cupped the other in his hand, groping him.smirking as he glanced towards teh stage.”hm, you should look at the show going on...”He purred a little.

Bucky smirked watching him, moaning as his nipple was pinched, squirming. “Oh!Oh yes..”he moaned arching into the touch, whimpering as he looked at the other, dropping to his knees before smirking. And you just knew that the wicked little smirk meant whatever came out next was going to be horrible. “And such a little problem it is,hm?”He smirked sliding his lips down over him, closing his eyes, just asking to be punished.
Steve lifted an eyebrow at Tony, waiting for him to realize. "no you don't, you love me." he stated with a smile as he stroked the others hair. "here. have some apple juice." he ordered, slipping it into his hands before sighing as he was groped, amused. "show?" he asked, looking puzzled before he blinked. "oh... well they didn't take long did they?" he asked, looking amused as he leaned back and let Tony touch as he pleased.

Loki smirked. "yes? you want to wear my insignia on your nipple?" he asked, licking his lips as he watched the other squirm. his eyes narrowed as he heard the quip and tugged his cock out of the others mouth before smacking him across the face. it was hard enough to leave a red mark and send the sound of it fluttering across the room. it would sting, and burn, but the redness would fade after an hour at most and wouldn't bruise. "shut your fucking mouth and suck me before i leave you up here for anyone to fuck." Loki demanded, gripping the others hair tightly and forcing every inch of his cock down Bucky's gullet to keep him silent. "Suck, Slave."
“Hm, I guess I do.”Tony muttered sighing softly as he let the other pet him, calming slowly as he took the juice, sipping it slowly before snickering as steve simply let him grope him. Totally different from what he’d expect from his normally private captain. “They really didn’t.”he snickered undoing the other’s pants, sliding a hand inside, teasing him a little, “Just looking at him like that, make you want to fuck him again doesn’t it?”He growled, jealousy coloring the words.

“I do.”Bucky shuddered swallowing, wincing as he was smacked, falling to the side for a moment, panting as he looked up at him, shuddering, because while it stung, he was a super soldier, it was a mild annoyance at most. “Hmmm..hmmm..huhm..”Bucky said around the cock being shoved in his mouth as he sucked and played, the tone and moans showing that even with a cock down his throat, he couldn’t stop talking. So much like nephew and uncle.
he chuckled a little. "Tony!" he gasped, startled as the hand slid into his pants, relaxing when he realized that other couples where doing the same. "no. it makes me hot as hell watching Loki dominate him like that, but i would much rather have the cute kitten i have rather than go back to that mangy mutt." he promised. "me and Bucky are brothers now Tony. you don't have to worry about me touching him." he promised, smiling at him as he stroked his collar. "i'm yours, remember? yours for ever and eternity." he promised before he looked curious. "that gag has a big whole in it... how is that supposed to shut him up?"

"mmmm such a talkative little shit." Loki growled, smirking at him as he thrust down Bucky's throat before holding him in place, making Bucky stay there, his cock shoved down the others throat. "i should gag you, chatty little slut." he mused, glancing at the wall of toys before pointing at one and handing Tony's 'money card' to the Staff member who brought over the package. Loki pulled himself free and the gag was magicked out of it's package and into place, forcing Bucky's mouth open as the O-Ring settled into place. now Bucky couldn't swallow, or talk. "much better." Loki growled as he pushed his cock back into place, a smirk fluttering at the edge if his lips. well aware that Bucky was acting up because they had an audience.
Tony snickered at the gasp, pressing a kiss to steve’s neck just along the collar edge, smirking a little as he groped him, “Hm, he is mangy isn’t he?And I’m not that cute.”He said though he didn’t deny the kitten. He knew he was more catlike, extremely picking, affectionate sometimes and sparingly, and a loner mostly, though usually not by choice. “Good.Cause he’s never going to touch you again.”He growled before nuzzling the other, because while he heard the promise, he was to scarred, to hurting to remember that it was forever, no matter what steve said. “Hm?Oh. When you shove your cock into it, it’ll keep him silent. Watch.”

Bucky growled rolling his eyes up to look at him, groaning as he was held in place, eyes widening as he was gagged, choking a little before he got uused to it, raising a eyebrow as he looked at him, mouthing it a little till he got used to it, rolling his eyes up to stare up at loki to see what was next, whimpering around loki’s cock as he pushed in./
he shivered at the kiss and bucked into the hand, flushing brightly. "he is mangy." he agreed, swallowing thickly. "and you are cute. completely adorable and sexy and mine." he purred, pulling the other into a kiss. "and he has to touch me. how am i to pummel him if i can't touch him?" he asked with a small grin. "i like kicking his ass all over the wrestling ring." he admitted as he blinked at the ring, poking Tony in the side. "i want one." he ordered. "or if we already have one, i want to try it. on me i mean." he admitted, licking his lips. "and i wanna see what it feels like to be smacked in the face. Bucky looked like he really enjoyed that." he admitted, licking his lips a little as he imagined Tony smacking him around. his cock throbbed in Tony's hand.

Loki smirked. "if you need to tap out, you will either pinch my inner thigh, or stomp your foot on the floor twice." he ordered Bucky before he slowly rocked his hips, sliding his cock in and out, smirking. Bucky couldn't suck, he could barely move his tongue, all he could do was sit there and take it. Loki pulled away and stroked himself off, splattering Bucky's face and tongue with his seed with a moan, the crowd clapping politely. well, those that weren't occupied clapped anyway. "Do you want me to fuck you Slave? fuck you in front of all of these people, let them see what a whore you are for cock?"
Tony grinned as the other man bucked into his hand, flushing softly. “Am not. Though I am sexy and all yours.”The younger tony grinned, so young, he looked so happy as he looked up at the other, before making a face, slapping Steve lightly, following his instructions. “You know that’s not what I meant, Captain.”He growled before nodding as he was poked, moving away to get one of the gags, before looking at steve.”Go find a private booth. I’ll be right there.”he ordered smirking as he slipped away. Having every intention of putting steve’s mouth to good use.

Bucky nodded a little as teh other rocked into his mouth, looking up at him, groaning quietly as he watched the other, shuddering as loki came, eyes wide and blown as he watched him. Nodding quickly, whimpering at the motion, pinching loki lightly, wanting out of the gag, but not out of the game.
he flushed before he grinned. "i'm sexy and all yours too." he promised with a grin before blinking as he was smacked. "yes i know, but i like to tease you." he admitted with a chuckle before whining as Tony pulled away before he nodded eagerly as he moved to find a more private booth after tucking himself away before finding a booth and claiming it for himself, feeling himself fidget. how weird. he didn't normally fidget. was it nerves, or excitement?

Loki smirked a little at Bucky. "what a good boy." he praised, stroking the others hair, looking quite pleased when Bucky used the Safety action. sometimes Bucky didn't use it, and Loki had to judge for himself if Bucky had too much. he un-clipped the gag and tossed it to the side where it vanished. it would be later found under Bucky's pillow. "up." he ordered. "hands crossed above your head." he ordered, chaining Bucky into place before he pulled a bottle of lube out of his pocket and examined it. "maybe i should let them touch you." he mused playfully, studying Bucky. "would you want that?" honestly curious, asking Bucky's opinion.
“So you are.”Tony grinned laughing a little as Steve just blinked at him for slapping him, smiling quietly as he stole a kiss before getting the gag and going in search of steve, smirking as he paused at the opening to the booth, tilting his head.”You okay?”He muttered seeing the other fidget, and despite his upset, and the utter need to forget, he wanted to make sure the other was okay, walking in and slipping onto the bench next to him, gently running his fingers through the other’s hair.

Bucky sighed quietly, leaning into the other’s hand, rolling his jaw a little as the gag was pulled out, his jaw aching a little but not to bad, the ache already fading. Smiling slightly as he stumbled to his feet slightly, looking at the other as he followed the instructions, whimpering quietly as he was chained, turning his head to look at him. “....No.”he said shuddering as he looked around the room, swallowing hard.”No.”he muttered
Steve paused. "yes. no... i don't know. i feel weird." he admitted, fidgeting again. "i feel..." he frowned. "i feel like my mind is tilted... i'm sorry that's not right i feel..." he was off his center. it wasn't hard to guess why. the panic attack had effected him too after all and then Tony had ignored him. now that they where in a sexual situation he was suddenly aware of the fact that he needed his sub space. not that he knew that, he'd never experienced it before. feeling off center. the club wasn't helping much, he honestly hadn't realized that there really where other people like him.

"okay?" Loki asked as he carefully fed Bucky a few sips of juice before he smiled as he chained the other up. "alright." Loki agree, turning to glare at the crowd. "back up you're upsetting my pet. touch him and i'll break your fingers." the people who had been getting within touching distance backed up fast, much to the amusement of the others. "better?" he asked Bucky with a smile as he kissed the other and snapped the lube open. "look at them look at you." he purred. "so jealous that i can touch you and they can't. i'm going to fuck you wide open, and all they can do is watch while i show them how to really bring another pleasure. you'd like that wouldn't you? such a good boy for me. i'm very pleased that you used your Safety." he admitted, stroking Bucky's inner thigh. "i'll let you have a reward my lovely. what would you like?"
“Oh.You’re off balance. Like me. You know how I get.”He said studying the other, smiling slightly moving over, pressing a kiss to the other’s neck, “I’m sorry. I had meant to enjoy tonight, not make it horrible.”he muttered pulling the other into a kiss, feeling guilty for panicking and for ignoring him, swallowing hard as he smirked leaning back as he studied the other, glad they were in privacy, at least as much as tehy could.”Do you want to leave, Steve?”he asked studying him, even as he undid his jeans, urging steve down. “Suck, captain.”he ordered quietly, stroking his hair.

“Yea. Jaw aches some.”He muttered sipping the juice before smiling at the others, laughing quietly at loki’s words, shuddering as he considered the other, whining quietly in need as he watched.”So bossy.”he muttered groaning at the sound of the lube being snapped open, shuddering as he rested his head against his arm, watching the crowd before tilting his head to watch loki.”I-I would.”he muttered swallowing hard, moaning as he was stroked, “Blowjob.”He said smiling quietly.
he blinked. "...oh. i've never felt like this before." he frowned. "i don't like it." he admitted leaning into the kiss. "no. i like it here. it's nice. relaxing." he admitted. "it's... i like knowing that there are others like me." he admitted, trying to explain why he liked the club. it wasn't so much the people, as it was that no one would judge him here the way they would had someone else seen him like this. "kay." he agreed, lowering his head and eagerly lapping at that thick cock, swallowing it down. he loved to practice his blowjobs and he was getting better every time. and the more he sucked, the more things seamed to slide into place.

he smiled and gently massaged the jaw a little. "yes i imagine so. we'll practice more with the gag if you liked it. if not, i won't bother with it again. i like the other type better." he admitted. "you look prettier in them." he admitted. the gag Loki usually used was basically just a silk tie that he tied around the others mouth. it was mostly for looks, it didn't really stop him from talking. "i am bossy. you like it." he teased. "Blowjob? i knew i never should have listened to Steve." he teased even as he sank to his knees and lowered his mouth, engulfing him all in one go.
“me either, but it’s okay. I’ll take care of you, Cap.”he muttered, the nickname much like steve’s ‘pet’. A quiet term of endearment, smiling a little. “Yea, it’s nice to feel like that...”He smiled at the other because it was nice, even if he’d avoided the clubs simply because of who he was. Groaning as the other lowered his mouth, he rocked gently into his mouth, careful not to choke him as he stroked his hair, closing his eyes as he just enjoyed it before pulling away, gently pushing steve around. “Up, Cap. Lay down on the bench.”he said leaning down to kiss him slowly.

“it wasn’t bad.like the other better though,”Bucky agreed smiling a little, before smiling a little, squirming a little. “I do.”He said sighing softly, groaning as he shuddered, eyes widening a little as he laughed, “You should always listen to steve. Steve is the Captain.”He teased a little groaning, whining as the other blew him, thrusting as much as the chains would let him.
Steve shuddered at the nickname and smiled. he liked it when Tony called him that. he moaned eagerly as he sucked the other and whined as he was pushed away. Tony had been so close! how was Steve going to learn how to swallow if he never came down his throat dammit!? but he found himself laying on the bench and being kissed. he blinked at Tony and then smiled. Tony looked so cute, all focused like that.

he nodded. "me too." he smirked. "you only liked the other one because you could talk through it." he teased as he nodded. "i suppose so. if i must." he sighed playfully before delivering a sharp slap to Bucky's ass for thrusting before gripping those hips tightly, sucking and swallowing, slow, teasing, tormenting. pulling back anytime Bucky came close to orgasm before resuming until Bucky was a gibbering begging mess.
Tony moaned softly as he looked down at the other, smirking slightly.”I know, but I want to finish in you, not in your mouth.”he muttered kissing him, blushing as the other man stared at him, “What?You’re smiling indulgently?What did I do now?”He whined a little leaning down, nuzzling the other a little, he was so very cat like really. Focusing on keeping the other down and relaxed he shifted his hold, pinning steve to the bench with a hand as he stroked a hand over his cock.”Hmmm, I wonder what I should do to you...so pretty like this...”He muttered as he slid his lubed fingers into the other, taking his time to make sure the other was ready."Safe word?"He asked studying the other.even if he wasn't being that rough, he still needed to know, afraid of hurting the man.

“Hm, that to. But less hard on the jaw.”He said smiling slightly, yelping, moaning like a whore as he was slapped, whining quietly as he tried to hold still,moaning as loki kept him from moving, and soon he was indeed a gibbering mess, simply hanging from his hands a little as he focused on what loki was doing.
Steve sighed and pouted at the other before smiling. "you look so focused. like when your building something. makes me feel good to know i'm looked at like that." that he was just as important as Tony's inventions. he knew Tony loved him of course, but to know he was just as obsessed about as Tony's technology was a very warming feeling. "ah... anything. Tony. anything. please. fuck. please." he mewled, squirming a little. "Titanium. Safe-Word is Titanium." seams like Steve had a reoccurring Theme too.

Loki smirked at the yelp and there was another smattering of small applause. finally Loki pulled away and looked up at Bucky. "Cum." he ordered before engulfing the others cock once more even as two fingers slipped inside of Bucky and pressed in just the right spot.
“Hm, well I plan on taking you apart and putting you together again.”Tony muttered pressing a kiss to the other’s shoulder as he looked him over, his eyes soft and pleased, and he really was as obsessed over his lover as he was his tech. More so probably, considering it took alot to pry tony away from the lab, which meant it had to mean more to him to be able to leave it behind. “Kay.”he muttered smirking as the other squirmed, fingering him slowly before shifting slipping between the other’s legs, groaning as he slid into him, turning slowness into a torture in itself.

Bucky moaned blinking hard as tears filled his eyes, shuddering a little as he squirmed, moaning as he came on command, slumping into the other man as much as the bonds would allow, whimpering quietly.”Loki.”he muttered swallowing hard.
Steve moaned a little, wondering what that meant. how could he be taken apart? he supposed he was about to find out. he moaned and mewled as Tony fingered him slow. this wasn't what Steve was used to. he hated it.... and loved it. god what was Tony doing to him!? it wasn't long before he was pleading for Tony to go harder, faster, please please please.

Loki grinned as he swallowed down every drop before licking the other clean. then he stood up and kissed Bucky. "what a good boy." he purred, carefully unstrapping the other from the chains before carrying him to a more private booth and handed him another cup of juice. "how are you feeling?" Loki asked, well aware that Bucky was probably going to say 'fine'. "how did you enjoy that. is it something we want to do again?" he asked curiously.
Tony laughd quietly in amusement as he pressed a kiss to the man's neck biting down hard enouh to leave a bruise at least for a few hours nuzzling the other as he took his time, refusing to be rushed as he fucked the other with a slow roll of his hips, though he lost control the closer to orgasm he got,hands tight on the others hips as he gave in and fucked him hard coming with a moan of a mix of cap and steve. Stroking the other off desperate to watch him come.

"Your good boy.."bucky muttered smiling at thr god,slumping into him as loki untied him, resting his head against the others shoulder, snuggling against him,refusing to be moved from the others lap.sipping the juice he gave the man a nearly sleepy pleased smile,just strung out."hmmm good.fine."he muttered blinking up at the other slowly."yes.oh gods yes."he muttered shuddering at the idea going quiet for a moment before frowning."should we be worried we lost track of the other two?"
Steve cried out, delighted as he felt the sharp pain, only turning him on even more. he moaned and mewled and whimpered and whined and gasped as he was fucked oh so slowly. it was amazing. it was great! he came harder than he'd ever remembered cumming and he shuddered and trembled under Tony as he tried to stay aware. "...mmm Sir... amazing. so good." he slurred sleepily. "...i wanna go have sex in a parking lot sometime." he breathed. "this was awesome."

"yes, my good boy." Loki purred with a smile as he let himself be nuzzled, the applause much more eager now. the crowds had loved the show. "oh good, because that was fucking fantastic." Loki breathed with a grin. "we'll have to explore with sex tapes and redtube." he mused with a chuckle. "you'd like being online for everyone to see, wouldn't you?" he asked with a grin. "no. i know where they are." he promised with a chuckle as he kissed the other. "see any toys up on that wall you want?" he asked, examining the length of impressive toys.
"That was amazing."tony agreed panting as he came,settling on top of the other with a sigh, cuddling for a moment before moving away and clraning steve up gently and slowly before pausing,staring down at thr other."ap parking lot?"he stared before smiling."we can do that. Wed have to go over to brooklyn to have the privacy,but we can."tony said running his fingers through thr others hair, smiling at him gently. He was so adorable like this.

Bucky smiled at the idea of being loki's,cuddling into him with a sigh before laughing quietly."I think you liked it as much as I did."he said smiling pleased at having pleased him before moaning."oh..oh sir,that would be amazing.knoeing everyone could see.."he shuddered before lauhing looking relieved though that the others were okay looking over the toys before shrugging."not particularly,ut choose something if you think I'd like it."he said smiling a little.
Steve smiled as he was cuddled and then cleaned, humming happily. "yeah, a parking lot, where anyone could come up and find us." he breathed with a grin. ah, it wasn't so much that he liked being watched, but rather thew fear of getting caught. naughty boy. "i like Brooklyn." Steve agreed, riding high on his Subspace. "i really want a ice-cream." he admitted as he sagged into the others attention. "an we go get Ice-cream in Brooklyn?" unlike some, when Steve was in subspace, he seamed unable to keep his thoughts in his head. "hey Tony isn't Toe a funny word? i think it is."

Loki smirked. "damn straight i did." he admitted with a small snicker. "that was amazing." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "we'll do that then." he promised with a smirk. "i'll have to blindfold you of course, so no one can tell who you are." he teased, well aware that a blindfold wasn't going to stop people from identifying them. Loki just liked to blindfold the little brat. "i make better ones." Loki scoffed, smirking at the other. "did you know Steve babbles when he's riding his Space?"
"You are such a naughty brat."tony snickered leaning back on his heels in bemusement as he finished cleaning the other up, before helping him dress, looking amused as he listened to him ramble."we can get ice cream in brooklyn.and if your really good maybe I'll fuck you in the parking lot."he said standing helping the other up."toe is a funny word.come on,lets go say goodbyr to loki and bucky okay?"

"..you just like blindfolding me.bastard."bucky grumbled because he wasn't a huge fan of being withour his sight being a sniper,but loki got such enjoyment out of it it was okay."I know you do. But if you want something,get it. And I know. You should have seen him in the war. I had to gag him with my brlt a few times because he wouldn't shut the hell up."he snickered
he nodded. "i am. very naughty. you should punish me." he purred as he helped... okay well he thought he was helping, Tony redress him. "if i'm really good, can i lick the ice-cream off your cock?" Steve asked hopefully, his lips pulling up into an impish grin as he followed Tony. "goodbye Loki! Tony's gonna let me lick ice-cream off his cock in a parking lot in Brooklyn!" he chirped as soon as he caught sight of Loki and Bucky. "we're taking the car, cus i wanna get fucked on the hood." he admitted with a nod. Loki just snorted and motioned that he didn't care. he'd just telaport himself and Bucky home.

"yes. i do." Loki agreed with a chuckle as he kissed the other. "and i love you for letting me do it." he admitted before he smirked. "i think you just liked gagging him." he teased before snorting as Steve, blissed out on his subness chattered at him. "he really does talk a lot when he's like that." Loki mused, looking close to laughing. "want to go home or do you want to stay for a little while longer?" Loki asked, uncaring either way. just wanting to do whatever Bucky wanted as he examined the wall of toys again. his own where better. and what he couldn't make he could get online.
“I will be punishing you.”Tony smirked laughing quietly, because it amused him that the man was utterly unhelpful in getting him dressed, though tony could tell he thought he was helping. “Oh, if you want.I’m sure I can see that.”Tony snickered a little smiling as he shrugged, looking amused as loki,even if he was blushing ever so slightly. “See you.”Tony said as he left with steve, smirking as they slid into the car, settling into the sports car before heading for brooklyn,absently reaching over and undoing steve’s pants as they drove, wondering just how much the man would let him go, stroking him slowly.

“That might have been it, but he really is chatty. More then normal, it’s fairly adorable.” Bucky snickered watching them go, before smiling at loki. “let’s go home.”he said despite enjoying being on view, the man was private enough to want to spend alone time with the other to
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