Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

Steve nodded. "good. i like it when you punish me. it's great." he breathed with a grin. "oh good. i like licking your cock." he admitted with an eager nod as he blinked at Loki as if he wasn't sure who the other was. "i still don't like you." he informed Loki before he stalked off, ignoring Loki's chuckles. he was dozing as they started out into Brooklyn and jerked when he felt Tony's hand on him before relaxing into it and moaning, rolling his hips. far too gone to care about how he might look to people who could look in. "Tony. mm Tony..." he moaned eagerly before the car was suddenly not on the road anymore. oh, they hadn't crashed, not at all, it was just that a couple of doombots had lifted the car and was now injecting it with a sleeping gas. "...Tony?" too late. the sleeping gas was inhaled, careening them both into sleep.

Loki chuckled a little. "he's quite cute yes. not as cute as you, but cute enough." he agreed with a smile as he kissed the other and dragged him through space until they where sitting on the couch in Bucky's private rooms. "better?" he asked with a smirk, well aware that Bucky hated it when he did that.
Tony laughed as the other jerked, slanting a glance across the car at him.”You are such a eager boy, aren’t you?”He teased before yelping as the car tilted, hands jerking helplessly at the steering wheel, trying to drive even as he fell asleep, clinging to his captain’s arm, as if he could keep the other man with him simply through sheer force of will.

“No one is as cute as me, you know.”he snickered a little before yelping, wincing as he landed on the couch, swallowing hard as he looked at the other. “I hate that. Loki....”he whined making a face at him.
when Tony woke, it was to a very familiar smell, in a very familiar chair, to a very familiar voice. his name was Ricardio Domantoya. he had been a business partner to Howard stark and had, at one point, bought Tony for an entire year. Howard had died before that year was up, and Ricardio had kept Tony. he had been Tony's one and only Master before Johnny had come along and rescued Tony from years of violent abuse and conditioning. it had been a very long time since Tony had even heard of Ricardio, sine everyone had thought Ricardio died from the fight over Tony that he and Johnny had. Johnny had been in the hospital for weeks after that fight, and Ricardio had vanished. "You will submit to me!" the tone was firm and sure, and the sound of a whip hitting flesh sounded through the air. it wasn't hitting Tony's flesh. no, not Tony's, but Steve. who was kneeling, chained into that position. but his back was straight, his head was held high, and even though he was gagged, his eyes where shining with a pride. "everyone submits to me in the end. why so stubborn?" the man demanded, bringing the whip down across Steve's back again. he didn't twitch, didn't wince. made no indication that he had even felt it. "Tony was hard to break too, at first. but it won't be too long before you're both kneeling at my feet like the good little sluts you are." Steve's eyes narrowed at that, annoyed that this bastard was calling tony a slut. in the corner, there where doombot parts, showing just who had tried to kill Steve. now that same person wanted Steve to submit, and Steve was having none of it. at all.
Tony came up out of sleep with a frown, looking confused and feeling even more lost, the younger version of his body, and the seat he was finding him in, leaving him with a sense that the life he’d led...maybe it hadn’t happened?Maybe it had been a dream?”Y-yes, always, sir.”Tony responded, even after years of being parted, to conditioned, to well trained to not respond, flinching as he heard the whistle of the whip, waiting for the blow before tensing a little his head lifting, blinking in confusion. A small smile curling his lips as he found steve, yanking at his bonds, fear spiking through him. He might not fight for himself, but he’d be damned if he didn’t fight for steve. “He’s the boy from brooklyn. I’m not sure he knows the word to submit. I mean, he did punch hitler, like 200 times.”tony said in a offhanded way that said even if Ricardio had scared him to deal, he was still a mouthy little shit. “Ric, let me. I’ll submit. You really don’t want him.”
Ricardo smirked at Tony's response. automatic, good. still well conditioned. Steve just smiled at Tony, pleased that the other was awake, the whip splaying across his back once more, not that Steve noticed it. he would only submit to Tony. "be Silent Tony. you wouldn't want me to get the cock gag would you?" Ricardo demanded. the cock gag was just that. a gag in the shape of a cock that would sit in Tony's throat and make him choke and gag at any movement of his head. it was one of Ricardo's favorites. "no. he touched what was mine." Ricardo stated, smirking viciously at Tony. "but, perhaps he might be more willing to obey me... yes. perhaps." the man mused as he stroked Tony's hair. "you always where such a good boy for me, before that filthy bitch took you away from me." Ricardo mused as he stroked Tony's cheek, which had once meant 'open and suck'. but Ricardo didn't have his cock out, so clearly it meant something else now. "yes." Ricardo agreed with a smirk. "i think that will work nicely." he decided. "i'm going to untie you." Ricardo stated, holding up a little device. "do something i don't like, and i push this little button. and the bomb sitting inside of Captain America's stomach goes boom." he warned, well aware that Tony would try to escape, or free Steve. he'd taken appropriate steps to keep that from happening. "kneel in front of him, clearly he just doesn't know how good it feels to submit."
Tony whimpered quietly, shuddering, shaking his head, obeying the order to be silent, watching him, whining quietly, pained at the idea he’d gotten steve into this. Turning hsi head a little as ricardo petted him, even if he wanted to protest what happened, what johnny had done had saved his life, but still conditioned to give in, to scared to not to, despite the years that had passed. Looking confused at the idea of not sucking he looked anxious as he tried to decide what to do, nodding when he was told he was going to be untied. Already plotting how to use his freedom before freezing, staring at steve before swallowing hard, nodding quietly. Agreeing to be good even as he was freed. Swallowing shakily he eased out of the chair and moved to kneel in front of steve, even if he looked calm and collected, his eyes were wide and anxious, so scared.
Ricardo smirked, Tony was so cute when he was trying to be in control of himself. he looked good when he was frightened. he watched Tony kneel, just as he had always done and he smirked, examining the naked body. Tony hadn't aged a day, how curious. Steve made a small sound to get Tony to look at him, his eyes shining with pride for Tony. trusting Tony. promising tony that this would change nothing between them. do whatever he had to do to keep them both alive. "Submit to me." Ricardo ordered Tony, the first touch of pain slicing over his back. it was an uncontrolled though, Steve was so much better with the whip and Steve made a scoffing sound, making Ricardo pause. "what. you think you could do better!?" he demanded. Ricardo had never handled criticism well. Steve just made another scoffing sound. it wasn't like he could reply, he was gagged.
Tony swallowed hard as he knelt, trembling ever so slightly as he looked up at steve, something hurt and broken at the look on steve’s face, that no matter what this wouldn’t change. Moaning quietly at the flash of pain across his back, but he was still in control, he’d had better men paint his back with pain and stripes, not only steve, but johnny was better. For the first time really, realizing just how young he’d been in submitting, into accepting because he was just to damned young to know better. But he knew better now...”N-no sir. He’s not better. Never could be better then you.”He said, his voice sliding into that weak whine, begging to be hurt, even if his eyes were anxious and worried more about steve, then whatever was going on behind him, trusting himself, trusting their relationship, to get through this.
Steve offered him a small smile, trying to be reassuring, scoffing at Ricardo. "hush, Tony." Ricardo ordered, well aware Tony would say anything to keep from getting beaten with the fists, or from having his lover blown up. he tore the Gag off of Steve, making the Super soldier gag slightly as the fake cock rubbed on it's way out. "so. you think your better than me!?" "i know i am. Tony's not a little boy anymore after all. he's a man. and he needs the work of a skilled Dom." Steve stated simply. "your nothing but a man who plays pain and passes it off as being a proper Dominant, but you don't know shit." there was a loud cracking sound. Ricardo had backhanded Steve hard enough to make the super-soldiers head twist. "fuck, you can't even make me submit and Tony, the subbiest sub in the world can do that. you're nothing but an amateur whose too big for his iron man underwear." Ricardo made a furious sound and backhanded Steve again. this time a line of blood slipped out from his mouth and he smirked. "not a bad backswing but that's not the kind of pain i like." "you'll like what i give you." "not how it works, but sure. break me if you can. i've been tortured by some of the best. i doubt you can make me crack." Steve was distracting the bastard, giving Tony the chance he needed. Ricardo was furious and wasn't paying any attention to the supposedly helpless Tony.
Tony whined a little going quiet, eyes wide and worried, swallowing hard. Eyes widening as he watched steve talk, for a moment at a loss for words, his pride stinging at the idea of being the ‘subbiest sub’ before realizing what steve was doing, rocking back on his knees a little, getting ready to move, remembering all the lessons loki had given him, the younger body even better for moving and fighting then he had been as a older man, and he’d been damn good older. Growling as he pushed up and back, twisting to grab the other’s wrist, crushing his hand before ricardo could push the button, tackling him, cradling the trigger in his hands gently, carefully against his chest, before swallowing hard, using his leverage to keep ricardo down, slanting a look at Steve. “Can you get out yourself, or do you need help?”
Steve smiled as Ricardio screamed in rage before going down. "please. these things are just chains." Steve stated, snapping the restraints like they where just string. "i didn't want to struggle against him in case he had done something to you. poisoned you or something." he paused and poked his belly. "he must have made me swallow it before i woke up." he admitted as he grinned at Tony. "you're fucking sexy like that, you know? kicking ass. sorry about calling you the subbiest Sub but i had to piss him off." he admitted as he took Ricardio from Tony and forced the man into a Kneel and chained him in place. "so. this man is the one Johnny saved you from." he mused, stalking around him before smirking at Tony. "shall we show him what a REAL Dom does?" he asked. "shall i BREAK him for you Tony?" he asked as he picked up the abandoned whip. "shall i show him the truth of giving in?" oh, he'd never touch Ricardio, gross. but he could give the man a good beating. there was a look on Ricardio's face that Tony had never experienced too. fear. Ricardio, who had always made Tony be afraid, was now afraid himself. "we should probobly call someone. they're probobly worried."
“Well, just making sure.”tony smiled a little before making a face as steve poked his stomach. “Don’t poke it. You might set it off. I don’t want to explain that.”He said twitching a little looking anxious and worried as steve poked his stomach, blushing ever so slightly at the praise, “I’m gonna show you who’s the subbiest sub, Rogers.”He growled before relaxing as he was allowed to move away, twitchy and anxious as he watched Ricardo, so many memories in that look. “He was. Damn near got himself killed in the effort. 18 and more then reckless. He was a idiot.”Tony muttered before swallowing, “You could if you want, though its tempting to let Loki have him,....I’m going to go outside and call the others.”he said while he’d enjoy knowing the man got his ass kicked, his emotions concerning ricardo were to much of a tangled mess to stay and watch. Patting his pockets for his cell he eased towards the door just far enough away he couldn’t see if steve was beating on him, but not far enough away to not offer help if steve needed it. Calling loki he swallowed hard,”Loki?Can you come get us?We’ve..had a issue.”he swallowed hard.
Steve shrugged. "i'm not too worried, he was whipping me after all. it's probobly got one of those protective coverings so it can't be set off if it gets smacked around." he admitted. "besides. he was going to turn me into a 'toy', can't do that if i'm dead." he pointed out before shuddering. "i look forward to it." he breathed, smirking. "ouch. damn, that had to have sucked..." Steve muttered. if Johnny had been eighteen than Tony had to have been around twenty five or so. or more. how long had he been under Ricardio's control? too long. "actually..." here he smirked. "we should let Johnny have him." he mused. "Poetic justice, isn't that what it's called?" he asked, watching Ricardio. he didn't want to touch the ugly bastard. not that Ricardio was ugly, not on the outside anyway. "Tony? yes i can come get you. where are you!? what the hell happened you've been gone for HOURS, Johnny's close to having a panic attack.... also i'm sorry." he admitted. "we couldn't get him to calm down so, er... we took him down." that was impressive. it was hard to get Johnny into a subspace. but that just proved how bad Johnny had been off that they'd had to.
“...oh. Hadn’t thought of that.”Tony shuddered a little at the idea of steve being used as bad as he was, swallowing hard before swallowing hard, looking at the other. “22. I’m not that much older then Johnny.”Tony said swallowing hard, because they’d met in college...but it’d been tony’s 2nd time through college, having started at 16 the first time. He responded knowing what steve was thinking, not about to admit that his dad had died when he was 18, so..things had gone so badly after that. Tilting his head he nodded.”we should. I like it.”tony said before wincing at loki’s panic. “We’re...I’m not sure where we are. R...someone kidnapped us. I need a ride home, and transport for a prisoner.”He said before startling a little, “....Fucking hell.That’s hard.fuck.”Tony cursed realizing just how badly johnny must have been freaking out, rubbing a hand over his face.”Okay. I’ll take care of him when I get back....Jarvis can track my phone. Just ask him and he’ll get you here.”
Steve shrugged. "you were only out about an hour longer than me. he had to monologue first. i was unimpressed. Loki was far scarier." he admitted with a scoff. "he tried to use a paddle first. idiot has NO idea how to use one." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i was better than he was when i thought i was straight!" he pointed out, shaking his head before he grinned. "Johnny will teach him a lesson." he agreed. "you where Kidnapped!?" Loki demanded, terror lacing his voice. "how badly are you hurt!?" he demanded. "i'll be there right away. Jarvis is giving me coordinates right now. BUCKY! Stay with him! CLINT! BRUCE! GET THE CAR!" Loki yelled as he started organizing everyone, Bucky saying something that Tony couldn't catch. "Bucky wants to know how to handle Johnny. even in his headspace he keeps trying to get up." Loki admitted. "can we tie him down without throwing him into a panic? we tried earlier and he wigged out on us." Johnny didn't like to be tied down, though he did like to be tied up. tying him to something made him panic, but you could tie his wrists to his ankles no problem.
“Oh good. Monoloueing idiots are always useful....and Loki is a god. Sorta figures he’s scarier. The fact that he’s dating your best friend, is the scariest part of him these days.”he pointed out smiling quietly at the idea of steve being better no matter what before wincing. “Uh, yea. It’s not that big of a deal. We’ve deal with the kidnapper, we just need a ride home.”Tony said wincing as everyone yelled, frowning slightly as he considered that. “Tie his ankles to his hands, and put him on the phone with me. I’ll talk to him the whole time while you get here. And leave Bucky with Johnny, he’ll be able to keep him down till I get there.”Tony said looking anxious, and indeed spent the whole time it took loki and the others to get there, talking to johnny, carefully not telling the man anything about what had happened, simply being his usual manic self even as he helped the others load up ricardo, letting steve explain the bomb, because well, there was somethings tony’s sanity couldn’t handle, and imaging steve getting blown up and splattered after he’d already been so hurt, made him insane.
Steve chuckled. "yes, very useful. i think he realized early on that i wasn't very impressed because he started calling me names. he's very unoriginal." Steve stated with a roll of his eyes. "i mean really. my third grade Gym teacher had better insults then him." he admitted before he grimaced as he realized tony was getting grilled. "i kind of figured you had the kidnapper under wraps, considering your calling us." Loki pointed out dryly before he relayed his orders to Bucky, Johnny making small sounds of protest before he calmed again. "that worked, thank god. he kept trying to leave." Loki admitted. "we'll be there in twenty minutes." Loki promised before handing the phone to Bucky who held it to Johnny's ear. Johnny would occasionally mutter something back to Tony, but he never made sense when he was in subspace. it was always gibberish. still it was a good sign, Tony was calming him down. Johnny had simply sunk into his head space too fast. it tended to mess him up a bit when he went under too soon. inside the car Bruce started to chuckle as he scanned Steve's belly. "wow... this guy is an idiot. it's a bomb alright. but it's certainly not going to explode, ever. he doesn't have a fucking power source to set the damn thing off! doesn't matter if he pushed that button or not. this thing would never have exploded." Bruce promised, making Steve snort.
Tony looked up from where he was smiling slightly at the gibberish he was getting, because while he tried really hard to not let it happen, taking johnny down to fast happened sometimes, and it took awhile to talk him back. It was always slightly amusing to listen to the gibberish for awhile, and he’d gotten the man to say some really ridiculous shit over the years. “...You know, I feel even stupider now. Thanks, Banner.”he grumbled feeling even worse for himself then he had already about having been a idiot at 22, before smiling slightly, nudging steve. “Come on. You can help me take care of johnny.”He said as he reassured them all he was fine, before nearly running for his bedroom where he knew bucky had johnny, panting slightly when he walked in, shaking his head at the sight of the firestarter handcuffed to himself. “You are such a mess sweetheart. But it’s okay. I’m going to take care of you.”he muttered waving bucky out, gently running his hands through johnny’s hair, tilting his head to look at steve. “You don’t have to stay you know....”He muttered wanting to give him a out just in case the man didn't want to stay and followed just to make sure tony himself was okay.
"you shouldn't feel stupid." Bruce stated simply. "after all, even if there wasn't anything at all in Steve's stomach, that bastard still SAID there was. you can't just ignore something like that." he admitted. "if it doesn't pass on it's own, i'll remove it surgically." he promised Steve who nodded. "that's going to be an interesting bowel movement." Steve muttered rather sourly. "i'll take care of the kidnapper." Bruce promised. "i could use a test subject." Ricardio actually whimpered through the cloth filling his mouth ad the leather gag wrapped around his head. he'd be in good hands.

Johnny muttered and struggled vainly against his restraints, not really aware of who Tony was, only knowing that there was a newness to his surroundings that he wasn't sure of. "we didn't mean to." Bucky admitted, looking worried. "he was just... he asked us to take him down and then... he was and all of a sudden he was..." "it's alright Bucky, Johnny's mentality is stranger than most, that's all. Tony can put his brain back in place. it's okay." he promised, shooing Bucky out. "i'm not leaving." he promised Tony. "i won't touch him. but i won't leave." he stated with a smile. "besides, i need to know how to do this in case your head space goes south." that was nothing more than an excuse though and he was sure they both knew it. Steve was staying because he couldn't bare to leave Tony alone.
“True.Though I was thinking I was stupid for staying as long as I did...I was a stupid kid...”he sighed tiredly before laughing, nudging steve a little. “It will be, but I’ll take care of you after.”He teased a little before laughing at bruce’s words. “Hm, I’m sure he’d be of great use for your tests.”Tony smirked a little.

“Hey, hey its okay. It’s just me.”Tony muttered soothingly, slowing, calming stroking the other’s hair before looking up at bucky, nodding a little. “I know. He was panicking, unlike me, he’s even more like a lightswitch, a split second to switch. You didn’t do anything wrong, just flipped the switch.”Tony soothed his uncle smiling slightly as the man was shooed out, looking up at steve, smirking slightly. “Not to mention I might go south right now...”Tony winced a little knowing he was teetering on slipping back to where he was when he’d first escaped ricardo, his self worth and esteem in such battered shreds there was barely anything there, but he was holding it together, to take care of johnny. Smiling as he tilted his head.”You could draw him.he’d probably like a picture of him like this.”He said even as he moved away for a moment to get a riding crop, gently pushing johnny into laying down and uncuffing his hands, stretching him out on his stomach, gently hitting his back, leaning down to kiss his shoulder.”You’re so good, so good.”He muttered before starting to work, hoping that johnny would come out just enough to be able to safeword if he needed to, careful to not take it to far, not sure where johnny was, and scared of messing up. It was such a rarity he topped johnny, he was out of practice in dealing with all the emotional landmines he could step on.
Bruce shook his head. "it was the only thing you knew." he pointed out. "to a young one, or someone new to the world of BDSM, this guy is terrifying." Bruce admitted. "i've handled his kind before." he admitted.

Johnny paused and then relaxed a little as part of him recognized tony, Steve looking a bit worried. "so... he just... okay, i get it. i did that to Loki once. he cried for three hours..." Bucky admitted, making Steve blink. Bucky topped? no, not often but he did on occasion. "i'll hold you." Steve promised. "i'll take care of you once we get Johnny stabilized." he promised. "okay? maybe Johnny can even help, you'd like that, yeah?" he offered with a smile. "but you have to take care of Johnny first Love." he admitted as he pulled out a pad of paper and a pencil. he had them laying all over the tower. Johnny did as tony directed, and his breath hitched at the first light tap. tensing. he always tensed at first. by the time Tony had stopped, he was as limp as a rag-doll and looked much better. "hummm,... Tony." he slurred. "Word..." he muttered. Tony knew exactly what that meant. it meant Johnny was so far under he'd forgotten his safe-word. he just needed to be reminded. and it was a very good sign, it meant Johnny's head was back on straight. he was too low to play safe with, but it wouldn't be hard to pull Johnny up a little more. "it's kind of weird seeing him like this." Steve admitted suddenly. "he doesn't do this often does he? sub i mean."
“Yea. He panics when he goes under cause he wasn’t expecting it.It’s okay.”Tony said raising a eyebrow, cause it amused him that bucky topped sometimes. “Kay. Just help me get through this.”Tony said holding onto the tattering edges of his control, shaky and unsteady but taking care of johnny.”Yea, I’d like that.”He grinned a little watching steve draw, sighing quietly as johnny relaxed, grinning at how utterly relaxed the man was. “hmm, such a good boy. So relaxed...”Tony muttered as he poured the salve onto johnny’s back starting to rub it in, snickering a little to hear johnny slur. It was such a pleasant feeling, being the only person who ever saw him like this, to be the one trusted to keep johnny down, and bring him back. “Iron, you know that sweetheart. Obessed with me enough you know?Choosing words for me now.”Tony teased lightly, knowing the teasing would drag johnny up, before nodding at steve. “No. He doesn’t enjoy being on this end of things as much, but when he does it’s usually bad.You saw.”Tony sighed softly stroking his fingers through johnny’s hair for a moment,”You back with us, fireboy?”He muttered soothingly, careful to not startle him like this, because one time he'd done he'd ended up with second degree burns on his hands and buying a new bed when johnny flamed on, thinking he was under attack. that had been a bad day."Johnny?"
Steve nodded. "i'll do whatever you need me too... so long as i don't have sex with my son." he admitted looking a bit amused. really, it wasn't bad if he just thought about this as helping his lover and son. even if he had to watch a bit of kinky things it wasn't so bad. "goo' boy." Johnny slurred, blinking rather stupidly. "Iron." he repeated, slowly starting to come back up. "...Tony?" Johnny muttered, sounding confused now instead of blissed out. "what happened?" he never remembered when he went down too hard and too fast. probobly a good thing. "...why's Steve here?" he asked, wincing as he moved too fast and blinked as the memories came back. "oh..." he blinked. "went under too hard didn't i?" he asked with a grimace. "come on Tony. let's get you settled." he ordered, standing on shaking legs. he wasn't up high enough to Dominate Tony, but he was up high enough to be in control of himself. and calm. "i'll go get Tony's kit." Steve promised, setting down his pad of paper. "you stay here with him." he ordered as he headed out. returning quickly with Tony's favorite toys and studied Johnny. "you need to go back down? i think i can do it." Johnny just shook his head. "no. i'm alright now." he promised. "Tony can take care of me tomorrow if i still need it. Jarvis? if Sue calls tell her i'm having a mental breakdown, it's her fault and i'll talk to her in a month." Johnny ordered, the A.I affirming that order. "Tell me what you want tonight Tony." Steve ordered, wondering how best to help his lover as Johnny settled onto the table and went back to relaxing, even if he kept a close eye on Tony.
Tony snickered a little shaking his head."no I won't make you do that."he said before looking at johnny,gently rubbing the salve in."yea its me,J."he muttered watching him looking worried because it was such a rarity,he was worried about what dragged johnny down so hard and quickly. Worried that it was him missing that had caused it."steves here to make sure I don't break and hes drawing you. I wanted a picture."tony smiled a little watching thr other man."yea you did."he said watching him,not asking,not yet.he would when they were both more stable."...you sure?"he asked knowing he could hold it together long enouh to take care of johnny if he needed it before frowning as jarvis confirmed he'd let sue know."...we're talking about this later."he warned trying not to worry. "Just you.always you."tony muttered already sliding away, slipping doen to beyond normal,to that edge that he'd left behind at 22, totally aubmissive and quiet instead of his normal mouthy submissive.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head before watching Tony ease Johnny back up. "like his drawings." Johnny admitted happily before he grimaced. "your bad?" he asked, examining tony. "fuck, you're way bad..." he admitted glancing at Steve who nodded. he'd explain to Johnny later. "i'm sure. i'm stable." he promised Tony. "and we'll talk later." he agreed. "Sue just... she did something bad that's all." he promised Tony before watching him sink, fast and hard. "that's not what i asked Tony." Steve complained with a sigh as he shook his head and started pulling out things, taking Johnny's advice as he refrained from tying Tony up. instead he did something new. he wrapped leather cuffs on Tony's wrists and ankles, giving him the pressure, with freedom of movement. "how deep are you Tony?" Steve demanded. "Give me a number tony." he ordered. just like Johnny, he used Tony's system of numbers to asses how far down, or off kilter Tony was. "i'm not going to gag you." Steve decided. "i want you to be able to speak if you need to." he decided. "pick a Safe word Tony." Ricardio had never let Tony have a safe-word. a way to back out. he used Tony however he wanted with no mind to how tony felt. "shall i use the whip again Tony? or would you like the riding crop more?"
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