Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

Steve huffed. "that's sick." he complained, not that it stopped him from tying Tony to it and enjoying himself anyway. "that's right, we can't. such a good little submissive you are tonight." he purred, grinning. he knew it was because Tony was just that desperate. he had to smile at Tony's safe word. as much as his lover would deny it, he was a romantic little sap, he really was. he watched Tony cry, delighting in it, because he understood that he wasn't hurting Tony that much. it was that Tony trusted him that much. he smiled as he stroked and teased and finally slid a single finger deep inside of Tony as he leaned forward and licked the tears off of Tony's face. "your always such a good boy Tony." he whispered, grinning. "i'm going to do something new." he warned. "if at anytime you need me to stop or slow down, you will say red, or yellow. do you understand? Verbal answer." he ordered. Johnny had explained the color system to Steve. green meant go. yellow meant 'wait' and red meant 'stop but don't pull away' while Stars was instant 'get me down, let me go, back the fuck up'. it gave Steve a deeper level of confidence, knowing that Tony could convey what he needed. Steve had previously worried that Tony might need Steve to slow down, or pause, but wouldn't say anything because he didn't want to stop completely.
“And yet you’re still tying me to it.”Tony muttered teasing him, because he was still a smartass, shuddering as he heard he was being good. Even with a over inflated ego, it was fragile and shaken, the man still liked to know he was doing okay, that he was good. Whining quietly as he turned his face more into steve’s as the other licked the tears away, he shuddered a little, swallowing hard as his eyebrows pulled together over the blindfold, his head butting against steve’s a little, his nose nudging against the other’s jawline as he tried to see what steve had, even with the blindfold before nodding. “okay. Yes. Green, red or yellow...got it...”Tony said sounding a little spaced out, falling into subspace, but aware enough to know what the other was trying to tell him.
he smirked and smacked Tony's ass for the lippy comment. "don't be a smartass or i'll strap a vibrating fleshlight to you and leave you like this for a few hours." he warned, smirking. "Good. that's right." he praised, kissing Tony gently before he moved away, making sure to make noise. thanks to Johnny, he knew that Tony hated thinking he had been left alone, abandoned and helpless. Steve made sure to make plenty of noise, humming to himself mostly so Tony could hear that he was still in the room before he returned and gently pressed something against Tony's nipple. a nipple clamp. metal, but padded. it would pinch, and ache, and pull, but it wouldn't bite. "Color." Steve demanded, pinching and manipulating Tony's left nipple until it was hard and pebbled. waiting for a color before continuing.
Tony moaned, shuddering at the threat, shivering as he considered the possibility, but going quiet at the order to not be a smartass. Shivering at the praise he tensed for the moment he didn’t hear the other, before relaxing fully, nearly going utterly boneless as he listened to steve hum, to know that he wasn’t being left alone. Yelping a little as the clamp closed on his nipple he jerked a little, shuddering as he felt the other playing with him, squirming and desperate, stuttering out the words.”G-good...g-green.”he stuttered.
Steve smiled as he watched Tony go lax. good. he kept up the humming until he'd gathered everything he wanted and smirked as Tony wriggled and whimpered. "good. you know, these really look quite nice on you." Steve admitted as he let the other clamp close on his other nipple. there was a rustling sound and Tony could probably feel cold metal and cool stone, letting him know that these where 'pretty' nipple clamps. and heavier too. they pulled on his nipples, a constant dull ache. the chain was then clipped to something new and a collar, stiff, leather, covered in Lace which was held against Tony's neck. "color." Steve ordered, waiting for a response before either clipping it in place just tight enough to be constantly felt, or removing it from the equation.

Nipple Clamps
Tony shuddered, whining quietly as he felt the clamp close on the other nipple, turning his head down, even blindfolded, like he could see what the clamps looked like, groaning quietly at the dull ache that tightened his chest, startling a little as the collar was slipped on, swallowing hard. “Yellow.”He whispered quietly, that husky quiet words as tony sorted out his head, turning his head a little, testing the collar, because it wasn’t often he wore one, so it took a little getting used to, but knowing it was something steve had chosen, claiming him...yea, he was okay. Shuddering a little he swallowed hard. “Green...okay, green.”he muttered after a moment relaxing, tilting his head, waiting to see what steve would do next, trembling ever so slightly.
he smirked a little as he whined and tried to see. "your so pretty like this. all helpless and relaxed for me. eager to let me do anything i want to do." he murmured, kissing Tony's neck. "such a good boy for me." he praised as he slipped the collar into place and paused, waiting for Tony to see if he liked it or not. "too tight?" he asked, wary of choking the other after he got the Green. "so pretty." he purred, smirking. "i'm going to take a picture of you now. just for myself. i'll keep it in my wallet. okay?" he asked, hoping Tony would be okay with that. he'd explore more pictures and video cameras later. once he had Tony's permission he took the picture, or abandoned the camera depending on the answer and then hummed as he slid something cold and metal against Tony's ass. "you know. i love the feel of metal." Steve admitted suddenly. "it's so smooth and cold, slick and has that taste.." he admitted, the tiny slick butt plug slipping into place easily, not even as big as Steve's finger, but it wiggled inside of Tony anytime the billionaire moved. "you look so good in it too, covered in metal. metal chains, metal plug." he smiled as he snapped his lighter open and lit a candle. "i wonder, if i drip enough wax on it, how warm will that metal plug get inside of you?" he mused, running a trace of wax all down Tony's back without warning, making his marks ache all over again, and setting his nerves alight.
Tony shuddered a little, tilting his head to the side as steve kissed his neck, testing it before shaking his head at the question.”No captain, its okay.”he muttered before his mouth fell open at the suggestion of a picture, for a moment at a loss for words before nodding quickly. “Okay.”he said groaning, startling a little at the feel of metal against him, shivering as the plug was pushed into him, shuddering and desperate as he moved, needy, wanting to come, so desperate. Tilting his head at the sound of the the lighter being used, ‘warm, so warm...”he muttered shuddering before jerking hard as the water hit his back, startling badly, so badly that he clanked his head off the cross, for a moment disoriented, memories of hot, hot burning water hitting his back as he nearly drowned, touching, searching, screaming, only distantly aware that he was yelling stars, shredding his wrists as he pulled at the cuffs, tried to get away from his captors even if somewhere he was aware that he was home. Bleeding and wrists cut up as he pulled at his wrists.
Steve grinned at the permission and couldn't help but take two pictures, each from a different angle. "yeah. warm." he agreed before gasping as Tony freaked out. he wasted no time. he put the candle out, grabbed Tony's wrists and pinned them down with his hands, forcing Tony tight to the cross so he couldn't struggle at all as he deftly used the Voice Command to unlock the shackles. thank god all of Tony's toys where built in with override codes which where set tot he Safeword.he gathered Tony tight into hiss arms and held him, whispering into his ear, well aware that Jarvis was already contacting Johnny. Steve told Tony everything he could think of, that it was safe, he was home, see? couldn't Tony hear Jarvis? he was sorry he scared his 'good boy'. in the end he just sang Tony's favorite lullaby and held him, rocking him and petting his hair, hoping that Tony would calm down or that Johnny would get there soon.
Tony struggled harder as he was pinned, even if he couldn’t move, the sudden not fighting even more heartbreaking because it was just slouching, not recognizing anything else, but stop fighting simply because he’d recognized it was useless, distantly realizing it was his captain. Trembling in steve’s arms he pressed his face against steve’s chest as he was held, shuddering as he cried, frowning slightly as he raised his head at the sound of running footsteps, tilting his head up to look at johnny before ducking his head again, not wanting to be scolded for not tapping out sooner. Not that he’d had a problem before the wax, but he had a feeling he was going to get scolded for scaring both his boys.”Sorry...sorry I didn’t mean to...”He muttered disjointed against steve’s chest as he pressed his face against the other’s chest, hiding and taking comfort in the other’s arms.
Steve was glad when Tony stopped fighting him and simply cried. he was sure that meant Tony had remembered where he was. thank god. "shh, Tony. there's nothing to be sorry for." Steve whispered, Johnny looking worried. "what happened?" he asked, already moving to get the first aid kit and gently taking care of the small lacerations on Tony's wrists. Steve carefully explained and Johnny nodded. "you acted well." he assured Steve, who sighed in relief. "i think Tony had a flashback, that's all. it happens sometimes." Johnny admitted, gently stroking Tony's fingers the way he always did when Tony was upset but couldn't handle a lot of touch. "he used to have them a lot more but he hasn't had one for so long i didn't think about it. i think with all the stress, and the removal of the Arc reactor..." "yeah." Steve agreed. "doesn't he look pretty though?" Johnny snorted at that, recognizing Steve's attempts to cheer Tony up. "god yes he does." Johnny admitted with a chuckle.
Tony trembled quietly in steve’s arms, swallowing hard as he listened to the two talk, simply letting Johnny take care of his wrists before taking a shaky breath.”Wax...felt like warm water....didn’t...hadn’t expected it.,,,next time, we need to let me see it first...”Tony muttered trying to explain, but still out of it enough to not have the words to explain the water torture that had nearly killed him, hoping johnny could at least explain that much for him, focusing on more figuring out how to talk more, slowly calming as he was stroked, stirring a little at the praise. “I’m always pretty.”He muttered sounding more like himself, wondering if he needed to explain but sighing softly. “I’m okay. Really.”He muttered even if he didn’t move from where he was huddling against steve’s chest. “...I still want to have sex.”He demanded, head resting against steve’s shoulder, needing reassurance he was still wanted no matter how broken he was.
Steve nodded. "we'll have to go slow with the candles then." he agreed. "or we'll find something else to do." he promised. "if you don't like them at all i mean, i'm too laid back to care if we can't do something." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "your prettier than normal then." Johnny stated as he undid Tony's blindfold, letting Tony see himself in the mirror. "your not okay, really. rest a bit." Steve ordered. "we'll have more sex when you've calmed down to an appropriate level." Steve stated sternly. "i'll get you guys some coffee." Johnny promised. "Coffee and some grape juice please." Steve asked, Johnny snorting as he went to fetch the grape juice, which Steve had been guzzling like a madman lately. "you really do look pretty like this. maybe i'll tie you to the bed like this and just stare at you for a few hours after your wasted and too exhausted to have anymore sex." Steve mused, smirking.
“I think I’ll like them, I just have to get used to the feeling and knowing it really isn’t going to be...that.”Tony said smiling a little, relaxing, relieved at steve’s assurance before laughing as the blindfold was taken off, blinking a little before smirking, “I am prettier.”he agreed before sighing, relaxing at the order, responding to steve’s orders without really thinking about it.”Okay, captain.”he muttered before snickering. “Grape juice?Are you sure you’re not like pregnant or something?I mean, ew.”he grumbled before shifting to get up, shuddering as he considered steve’s words.”That, would be amazing.”he said smiling a little running his fingers through the other’s hair, “Come on. I want to go lay down, and Johnny can find us in the bedroom.”he smiled heading for the bedroom, tugging steve along after him, like a kid with a well loved stuffed animal, a reassurance that everything was okay as he clamored up into the bed,and cuddling down into it.
Steve nodded. he would take all the time in the world for Tony. "much prettier, i think i'll leave hose on you." he decided, gently tugging on the nipple clamps. "i don't think i can get pregnant but i'll have Bruce check." "he's not pregnant." Johnny scoffed. "he's just never had fruit juice before and likes them a lot and Grape is the only thing we always have in the house." Johnny stated simply, making Steve sulk that his game had been ruined. he liked teasing Tony. "come on then Princess." Steve chirped, picking up his lover like he was a new bride and carried him up to the bedroom and laid him out on the bed, examining him. "i never got to use the Ice-Cubes." he mused, shaking his head. "oh well. next time." he decided with a chuckle as he stroked Tony's hair. willing to do anything Tony needed him to do. he hoped it involved more sex.
A startled moan escaped as steve tugged on the nipple clamps, and despite the freakout, the man was becoming hard again, shuddering as he looked up at the other. “Ohh...I can go for that.”he said before looking at the other man suspiciously, feeling that he was getting teased, but his life was weird, and it wouldn’t put it past for his captain to be pregnant or something odd.”Really?”He said before frowning at Johnny, tilting his head. “Ohhh...that makes sense.”Tony said laughing as steve sulked, making a face at him. “I’m not the princess in this relationship!”He said before staring at the other, swallowing hard as he considered that.”You could use them.Ice is fun.”He said shuddering as he leaned up for a kiss, wanting him still, leaning into the touch. Calming slowly, squirming a little.
Steve grinned a little at Tony's moan, tugging on them again. "good, because you really do look gorgeous like that. i might have to get you matching panties and cock ring." he mused. "wouldn't that be lovely?" he asked with a grin. "yeah we couldn't have fruit much back during the war." he admitted. "fruit juice was even rarer." he admitted. "you are the princess. because you're pretty, delicate, and mine." he teased with a smirk as he glanced at Tony. "yeah? you like the idea of ice?" he asked, getting up and heading to the kitchen and returning with a cup full of ice-cubes. he grinned, straddled the man and plucked out an Ice-cube and studied Tony before pressing the Ice-cube to Tony's nipple.
“Hmmm...I could go for wearing panties. Might have to get them in Spangled colors.”he teased shuddering a little, before smiling a little.”Ah, that makes sense. Well, you can get whatever fruit juice you want, fridge is big enough to hold everything.”he muttered before sputtering. “I am not delicate!”He whined before nodding, “Yea. .”he said watching the other, shivering as he watched the other, shivering harder as the cold touchced his nipple, jerking a little as the cold touched him, but relaxed still, whimpering as he looked up at the other, shifting his hips, pressing up into him.
he snorted. "you look best in black and pink." Steve admitted as he stroked Tony's pale skin. "....i keep forgetting we can just go down to the store and get whatever we want. still used to being poor." he admitted sheepishly. "you are delicate." he teased. "my Delicate Kitten." he purred with a grin. he was going to torment Tony in a new way. he had researched all the ways to incite pleasure, and had heard that some subs could fall into subspace without pain. he wanted to try it, for those days when Tony couldn't, or didn't want to feel the sting of pain. he took his time, running the ice-cube all over, stroking supple flesh and teasing pebbled nipples and rock hard cock. teasing Tony relentlessly and even slipping an icecold sliver into his ass just to see how Tony would react to that. a shit eating grin on his face the entire time. he was an asshole to be sure.
“I look amazing in anything, but best in red and gold.”he muttered shuddering a little, before smiling at him, “I’ll just have to remind you then...You can have whatever you want, Cap.”He muttered growling at the other, bristling. “I am not!Not a kitten, or delicate.”Tony huffed in annoyance. And while steve tormented him, he did indeed tip over into subspace, his eyes unfocused and needy as he squirmed, moaning loudly as the ice was pushed into him, eyes wide and desperate, “Please, sir, captain...please...”He whimpered, desperate raising his head for a kiss, the last two months worth of not being touched like this, of needing steve, to reassure himself the other was indeed alive, crashed into him like a ton of bricks.
Steve snickered a little. "no you don't." he teased with a smirk as he studied the other. "i can't have everything i want." he admitted, looking amused. "i have to work for some of it, otherwise life would be boring." he admitted wit a smirk. "oh do stop arguing with me. i'd hate to have to give you an hour long blowjob with that cock ring still in place." he pointed out with a snigger. he enjoyed driving Tony to the edge, watching him sink into a softer sort of subspace. "well, since you've been such a good boy." he agreed, reaching behind himself to give himself a quick stretching before he slid the cock ring off of Tony's cock, before burying the thick rod deep inside Captain America, making the man moan eagerly. "that's it baby. oh yeah. so deep inside me." Steve moaned. he'd missed having something inside of him so, so much. missed the physical connection. he wasn't sure he'd last long. he moved anyway, riding Tony, hand on the chain so that nearly every movement tugged on Tony's nipples and neck.
“Good?I’m good.”Tony muttered with that easy compliance that said he wasn’t really aware of what the other was talking about, even as he tried to surface more, groaning as he watched the other stretch himself, nearly sobbing with relief as the other pulled off the cock ring, nearly jolting off the bed as steve sank down onto him, groaning. “I missed this. So much.Didn’t feel connected.This is amazing.”He babbled a little, whimpering in pleasure as the other rode him, hands resting on the other’s hips, gently urging him to ride, hands fondling that well shaped ass. Because while he could give the other a million toys and things to play with, tony showed love by physical acts, needed the emotional and physical connections to the man riding him to really be okay. “Not going...to last long...”he moaned, hands tightening on the other’s hips, dark eyes searching out Steve’s, swallowing hard, a short scream escaping as he came.
"very good." Steve praised, a little startled when Tony finally slid into him. "you got bigger!" he gasped, arching onto the wider, longer girth. "oh my god that feels so good!" he moaned. "i missed it too. so much. missed touching you, missed pleasuring you." he moaned. "feels so amazing. having you inside me. painting me with your seed deep inside... ooh god yes! i'm not going to last either. been too long. feels too good. fuck, Tony. Tony. Tony!" he moaned, arching hard, splattering Tony's chest with his seed, mewling eagerly as he milked out both their orgasms.
“Young age you know, you shrink with age.”Tony stuttered flushed and happy at the other’s words, shuddering as he thrust up into the other, swallowing hard. “I missed you, so, so much.”he said softly, sitting up slowly, wrapping a arm around the other’s waist, holding onto him tight as the other came, clinging to him as he rested his head against steve’s shoulder, panting and aching, “love you.”he muttered quietly into the other’s skin, not aware of saying it, panting as he laid back, gently easing the other off on his cock and urged him to lay down, not caring to clean up, just wanting to hold him.
Steve looked horrified. "what!? seriously!?" he demanded, looking down at his own cock, a bit concerned before he smirked, voice filled with amusement. "Loki must have a pretty tiny winky then." he stated with a laugh. "i missed you too." he whispered, moaning eagerly as he felt the other cumming inside. it felt wonderful. "i love you too." he murmured back. he didn't need the words to know that Tony loved him, but it was nice to hear it from time to time. "mmmm someday, i wanna fall asleep with you still buuried inside me." Steve admitted. "i love feeling all full." he admitted, not bothering to clean them up. Tony's marks could be handled int he morning, and cum cleaned off skin easily enough. "g'night Tony." Steve mumbled, kissing Tony before slipping off to sleep with a yawn. woken in the morning by Tony's automatic Coffee maker.
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