Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

he smiled a little. "Tony likes to have new ideas. i've even given him a few." he admitted, sensing the wariness. "he likes to interact with people." he admitted with a smile. "well. when he's not drowning in his ideas anyway, he can get a bit manic." he admitted with a grin. "yes well. when i was a kid we didn't talk about things like that, i wasn't sure if that was still true." he admitted with a shake of his head. "yu already have a freind in me." he promised with a smile. "i'll always be your freind." he promised, holding his pinky out to Tony. "we'll make a promise on it, okay? freinds forever." he promised before he smiled. "i am." he admitted. "i'm a bit afraid to tell Tony that for serious though. he's a bit scared of his own emotions. a lot of people hurt him, so he has a lot of trouble trusting people. i know he trusts me, but i also know that he'll panic if he realizes just how much i really love him. he's a bit self sacrificing. he'd be convinced that my loving him is a bad thing and that he'd just get me killed and stuff and try to push me away for my own good." he smirked at Little Tony. "it won't work of course. i'm much more stubborn than he is." he admitted with a grin. "and in any case, it's MY stuff isn't it? that means i get to choose who gets to touch my things now." he promised the boy before he snorted. "sure we can paint it red and gold." he agreed with a smile as he worked with Tony, showing the little boy how everything worked together and even let him run the power drill, with Steve's help of course. "you know. someday, i'd love to have a son. just like you." he admitted to Little Tony with a smile. "but don't tell 'big' Tony okay? babies scare him a bit." he admitted with a grin. "he's fine with kids like you, but anything still in diapers wigs him out."
Tony stared up at the other biting his lip before nodding. “Then I’ll tell him.”he said sounding pleased with the idea of having someone to tell ideas to, before smiling a little. “Good. I like you. You’d be a good friend.”he said linking pinkies with the other shaking it a little, “Friends forever then.”He smiled before frowning as he considered that, “Oh.... Yes I can see that....just be there. I love mama and dad, and they’re never here. I’d do anything to have them around. I’m sure your tony would take spending time with you as a show of love without freaking out.”Tony decided before giggling a little.”You do seem very stubborn.”he said before grinning as they settled in to work, looking utterly annoyed with having to have help work the drill since he’d done it before but he beared with letting steve help him, at least until he was nearly falling asleep leaning against the other man. “Really?You’ll tell dad that wont you?He doesn’t want me, but maybe if you tell him, he will.”he muttered tiredly before giggling a little. “I wont tell him.”He muttered tiredly as he leaned into steve’s arms as he watched steve finish putting the casing on the motorcycle looking tired and ready to fall over really.
Steve smiled at Tony. "i like you too." he admitted as he grinned at the pinky promise. "...you think that might work?" he asked with a smile. "i'll do that then. honestly i do love to sit there and watch him work and sketch him. he's so passionate." he admitted. "oh, you have no idea." he teased the other with a smile. he insisted on helping Tony though, because he didn't want those tiny, beautiful fingers hurt. though he did let Tony work the hand tools himself, the screwdriver and the wrench. "Tony? i don't think he'd listen to me." he admitted softly as he wrapped an arm around the tiny boy. "but you know what? i will always want you." he promised. "no matter what, forever and always." he promised as he kissed the boy's forehead. "come on. it's been a long day. we can paint it tomorrow." he promised with a smile as he gently picked Tony up and carried him back to their shared bedroom and tucked the boy in. "i love you Tony." Steve whispered as he kissed the boy's forehead again, his heart broken for all the pains and suffering Tony had gone through. he picked up his Sketchbook once more and begane to draw Tiny Tony sleeping. the little boy so majestic, innocent, angelic even.
“I do. Love doesn’t have to be said always, to be known.”Tony muttered smiling as they worked. Frowning a little as he leaned into steve. “But your Cap. He has to listen to you. He’s always gone looking for you, so he should listen.”Tony muttered, though he smiled pleased at the idea of steve always wanting him around. “Kay.Tomorrow then.”he muttered snuggling into the other as he was carried, asleep even before his head hit the pillow.

In the morning Tony frowned at the ceiling before rolling to his stomach, groaning as he pressed his face into the pillow, hoping to let the dream of being 11 year old again fade. He was going to kill Loki for not warning him he’d have weird dreams until he adjusted to being 20 age. Laying on his stomach he flailed a arm out looking for steve,”Coffee. Want coffee.”he demanded, hoping that if he got caffeine he’d feel a little more awake, not even considering his body just yet, to tired to get excited over the fact that he was in a 20 year old’s body again.
Steve smiled. "i know. Tony tells me he loves me everyday just by the way he acts." he admitted. "i never thought about it being the same in reverse." he admitted. "you really are a genius, you know that?" he asked with a smile. "and i'm sorry Tony, but he's never, ever listened to me." he admitted, refusing to admit that Howard had tried to rape him.... oh, that's why he hated Howard. "yes. Tom arrow." he agreed with a smile as he stroked the child's hair.

Steve was still asleep in the chair when Tony woke, Sketchbook in hand as Loki walked in with a tray of breakfast and a full pot of Coffee, two cups already poured. "morning Tony." Loki whispered, wary of any headaches Tony might be experiencing and unwilling to wake Steve. "how are you feeling?" he asked as he urged tony to sit up so he could poke the other and look over the changing body. "well, at least your not eleven anymore." he muttered. "hopefully that won't happen every-time you drink the elixir."
“Well, you should.It’s good to think like that.”Tony said looking thoughtful before grinning. “I know. But it’s nice to hear sometimes.”he smiled before frowning, sulking a little at that.”Oh.Damn.”He said sadly, so sadly that it would take a moment to realize he’d cussed before settling in to sleep.

“Morning. Will my head hurt this much every time?”He muttered even as he pressed his face into the pillow, ignoring the man poking him to get up before following the directions when he saw the coffee, sitting up and taking it. Sipping it as he watched steve sleep, frowning slightly.”why is he sleeping in-”he stopped sputtering as he stared at the other. “What?!I was really 11?I mean, I didn’t dream all that?”he said paling slightly as he thought over everything he’d heard and said. Maybe, maybe he really hadn’t. Indeed, now that he knew steve loved him, honestly loved him, the billionaire was freaking out a little. Despite what the younger him had said, the older him, the one with all his memories intact, was utterly hopeless at dealing with the idea that Steve Rogers loved him.
Steve smiled at Tony. "i'm not very good at thinking." he admitted. "i'm a very physical sort of person." he admitted with a wry grin. "you have just as much of an Ego as the other Tony does." he teased. "don't curse." he gently chastised. "Natasha will wash your mouth out with soap."

Loki smiled. "it might, i'm not sure." he admitted. "your body should adjust faster each time though, and it's only once a year." he pointed out. "the first time is always the worst." he admitted as he carefully lifted Tony's shirt and nodded. "yes. see? your Arc reactor is dead now. the magic inside of you killed it." he admitted, tapping the useless part. "the shrapnel inside of you is slowly working it's way back out. it should only take a few days. you shouldn't even have a scar there when it's all over." he admitted, gently removing the Arc reactor, wary of Tony freaking out. "no, that wasn't a dream, i think Steve didn't think you would remember any of it. honestly, i wasn't sure you would either. you where utterly adorable you know that?" he asked with a smile as he carefully examined the hole in Tony's chest. "this part will have to work out on it's own." he admitted. "now, lay back again, drink your coffee and eat some breakfast." he ordered. "i'll have some painkillers for when the shrapnel starts moving."
“...Good. Cause my head feels like I’ve been batted around like a gnat, and that’s a unpleasant feeling.”he muttered before wincing as the other pulled his shirt up. Even if he trusted him, and that the arc reactor was dead, it still made him feel awkward having him look at it, that’s good. I mean, a shrapnel free heart would be nice.”He said stuttering a little, his breath escaping in desperate pants as the arc reactor slid out, despite knowing it was useless, it still freaked him out to have someone else pulling it out. “Give me that.”he demanded his hands closing around the useless reactor, feeling better simply for holding it, trying to be calm, not wanting to wake steve up before swallowing hard, trying to focu. “Don’t remember everything....I can’t...pieces. I remember we went down to the workshop, and that I was safe, but beyond that?not really.”He said before frowning, “I was not. I deny the fact that I was ever anything but amazing and sexy.”he protested before swallowing hard as he looked down at the casing for the arc reactor, full blown panic tightening his features, even as he sipped his coffee with shaking hands, “K-kay. I’ll just rest then.”He said sounding on the verge of falling apart. Even if he didn't want it, it still made him uncomfortable to have it out of him to.
Loki smiled a little. "it should fade in a few hours. you're mind and brain are adjusting that's all. human's aren't supposed to live for more than a hundred years, so your brain and mentality has to adapt to a longer existence or you'll go mad." he explained. "the Elixir changes that first, so you'll have a pretty intense headache for an hour or three." he admitted as he nodded. "hey, easy, try to calm down." Loki ordered. "you're starting to have an Anxiety attack." he warned, setting a hand on Tony's shoulder. "that's alright. that's normal. it's just your mind shifting. it's going to be alright." he promised before he smiled. "i think Jarvis recorded most of it if you want to watch it later." he admitted. "when your feeling better." he ordered as he smirked at the other. "no. you where adorable, like a sweet little cherub angel." he admitted. "Steve fed you ice-cream and you got hyper." he admitted with a chuckle as he tried to sooth the other. "so. you where working on Caps suit weren't you?" he asked, hoping to get Tony to techno babble, hopefully that would calm the other. Steve just slept through the whole thing, lost in sweet dreams.
“Ahhh, that makes sense. And no reason to make me more insane then I already am. That would lead to villiany and bad things.”Tony snickered a little before nodding, thinking about that before looking up at the other, swallowing hard.”A-am not.”He stuttered a little even as his chest tightened, feeling the memories shifting, changing, leaving the billionaire reeling on how to handle things before huffing.”Noooo. I have no desire to see just how stupid I was at 11. I mean, it was a long time ago. No.”he pouted a little, twitching, because he so didn’t want to consider just how emotionally open he’d been to the people around him at 11, that was going to be scarring....and he prayed that it had been before Howard had started using him for business reasons, otherwise he was goign to have a horrible conversation with steve when he was pissed over that. “Ice cream is amazing.”He muttered before nodding, his breathing evening out as he thought about steve’s outfit. “Yea. WAnted to get it better so I don’t have to worry about him hurting himself again. There has to be a better way to keep him safe.”He said switching, his utter desire to protect steve, to not get him hurt again, obliterating every other thought, even those for his own safety. Looking across the bed he frowned a little, “IS he okay?Shouldn’t he be in bed?He shouldn’t sleep like that.”he said sounding worried.
Loki chuckled. "Steve wouldn't let you turn to Villainy." he assured Tony. "alright. your not." but he clearly didn't beleive Tony. "you weren't stupid. in fact you where really very insightful." Loki admitted. "Steve was quite amazed with your intelligence." he admitted with a smile. "i was too for that matter." he admitted before he grinned. "Ice-cream is amazing." he agreed, shaking his head a little. "it's an impressive suit, Steve's all giddy about it." Loki admitted with a grin before he turned to look at Steve. "he's fine. he's a super soldier after all. i think he didn't like the idea of crawling into bed with an eleven year old boy." he admitted. "he didn't want you to think he was a pervert or something." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "if we move him now, he'll wake up." he warned. "better let him sleep, i don't know how late he stayed up watching over you." he admitted. "here. eat some breakfast." he ordered. "it will help with the headache, eat as much as you can." he ordered. "and as soon as your hungry again, you need to eat." he ordered. "it's important that you give the magic enough fuel, or it will take twice as long."
“That’s reassuring, really.”Tony snickered a little before rolling his eyes, knowing loki was just indulging him before sighing quietly. “I was 11. I’m fairly certain I made a fool of myself.”He grumbled before smiling, looking at steve, feeling glad that the other was giddy about his outfit, maybe tony would be able to protect him then.”I know he is, I mean, I’ve put that stamina to the test.”he snickered a little but relaxing a little as he realized steve wasn’t in bed with him.”Oh well.That’s a fail. I know he’s a pervert but I’m glad he’s not that kind of pervert.”He snickered quietly, to nervous about his own history to be totally comfortable with making the joke before nodding.”I wont move him then.”he muttered even as he started to eat, shuddering.”I’ll eat whatever I’m given. I promised Cap I’d take care of myself. Seems to involve eating more...”He sighed quietly as he ate, trying not to worry to much.
Loki smiled a little. "not much of one. in fact i think you wrote down a whole list of ideas on how to improve some of your stuff." he admitted, handing over the little notebook to Tony before he smiled softly at the other. "did you really ever think Steve could possibly be that sick?" he asked softly. "Steve adores children, he'd never be so cruel as to hurt one, especially not like that." he admitted, well aware that tony had been a bit worried about it. "good. at least Cap makes you listen." he mused with a chuckle. Tony was almost done eating when Steve jerked, huffed a few times and cracked open an eye. "...huuh?" he muttered, sitting up slowly as he tried to regain his senses and figure out where he was and why he was sleeping in a chair. "...Tony!" he gasped, looking ecstatic. "you're you! i was so worried i was going to have to wait fifteen years for you to grow up again!" he admitted, trying to get up and collapsing. "my legs are asleep! ugh i hate that. don't touch me you scoundrel." he ordered Loki who was about to go over and help Steve back up. "are you okay!? how are you feeling!? oh good, you've eaten."
“...Well, I don’t know if I’m upset or not that a 11 year old me found mistakes with my older self’s stuff...this is confusing.”Tony muttered making a face but snickering, before bristling, glaring a little. Feeling defensive of steve, even if the man had been nervous about it, it wasn’t steve himself, simply to many memories of adults groping him. “Of course not. Shut up. You’re being disgusting, of course Cap wouldn’t.”he grumbled sounding annoyed before rolling his eyes.”He does not. I choose to listen to steve, he can’t make me.”Tony grumbled. Tensing a little as Steve woke, he offered a small smile as he looked at the other, snickering. “So I am. In a 20 year old’s body, but I’m me.”He smiled looking amused before wincing. “Just let him help Cap. I want cuddles.”he demanded before nodding. “My head hurts, and I feel a little out of sorts, and really, really embarassed that apparently I didn’t dream being 11, but I’m okay.”Tony said reassuringly smiling at him, looking slightly worried, wondering if meeting him at 11 had freaked out his lover to much to stay.
Loki chuckled. "i don't know if he found mistakes, just ideas for new things." he admitted. "i beleive Steve referred to your adult form as 'Big Tony' and your child self as 'Little Tony' if that helps you at all." he offered with a smile. "i know Steve would never Tony, but you have memories of being helpless and with an adult Male. that's bound to make you think silly things." he pointed out. "and yes he can. he makes you do all the things you need to do. like eat. and sleep." Loki teased with a smile and a shake of his head. "wow. you are younger!" he agreed. looking rather amazed before he sobered. "do you need some Asperin?" he offered before he went bright, bright red. "oh... you, uh... remember that huh?" he asked, wondering if Tony remembered all of it or not. "you should finish that.' he ordered, indicating the tray of food. "and yes, all of it. you probobly need the food. all you would eat yesterday was Chocolate Ice-Cream." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and you need to change clothes and take a shower if you can manage. you where in that all day yesterday." he admitted, fussing over Tony.
“Hmmm, I might have to look into it then.”Tony said already starting to flip through it before laughing. “...it’s a good thing I wasn’t nearly as perverted at 11 as I am now.”He snickered as he considered ‘big’tony and ‘little’ tony shaking his head in amusement before sobering, nodding quietly. “I’ve been told I think alot of silly things sometimes.”He muttered shying away from the memories of that before twitching. “Does not. Bribing me with amazing sex is not the same as simply obeying him.”Tony protested, simply because tony stark was incapable of just agreeing with things before laughing at steve’s words.”Well, that was the point wasn’t it?”He said before nodding, “Aspirin would be amazing.”He said smiling before flushing. “uhh, some. And you are never, ever allowed telling me just how utterly adorable I was at 11, or how stupid I was, I mean, really, I have no desire to remember any of the utter cute innocence, or asking if high school was better then middle school.”He made a face, showing that he did remember some, just not all. “I’m working on it Cap, see?”He said already eating, making a face at the order to eat it all, but didn’t protest it as the food was actually making him feel better really. Finishing the food he raised a eyebrow at the fussing, it was vaguely amusing to see cap like this, “If you get in with me, I’m sure I can stand up for a shower.”He said bitinb his lip, his curiosity getting the btter of him.”...so just how bad was it yesterday?”
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "i don't think Steve got the connotations." he admitted before he gave Tony a stern look. "you, are a genius. we HAVE to think silly thoughts, those are sometimes where our best ideas come from. by the way, i now have a broom that can fly." he admitted. "i'm thinking of mass producing it and calling it the 'Nimbus 2000 training broom' just to piss people off." he admitted with a grin as he watched Steve. "oh. well... you really where adorable." Steve admitted with a smile. "i told you some stories about yourself and you where totally lusting over the Iron Man suit." here he looked baffled. "i didn't even know preteens could lust." he admitted. "good. you keep working on that." he ordered with a smile and a shake of his head. "i am not having sex with you." he warned with a grin. "your too tired for that." he admitted. "but if you like, i could give you a good wash." he promised. because he loved, absolutely loved to wash Tony's hair. "actually, i rather enjoyed it." Steve admitted. "you where really cute." he admitted as he studied Tony. "i learned a few things i wish i hadn't, but it was worth it to see you so adorable like that." he admitted.
“....I’m not even going to ask why you made a flying broom, only that I want to try it out. I mean, I can totally use that. It’d be a romantic thing wouldn’t it?To take steve on it.”Tony smirked thinking it over before making a face before laughing. “It’s tech, and my last name is Stark. I’m fairly certain I was capable of lusting after tech at like, age 2.”he snickered at the idea before pouting.”You should totally have sex with me. It’s been a long time steve!I’m fine. Tired, but fun. Really, I feel better then I have in like, 20 years considering how young I am now.”Tony pouted before smiling.”But if you insist, I guess you can wash my hair.”he said because he really did love having his hair washed. Tensing, wondering exactly what he’d told the other, but nto sure how to ask without maybe revealing more then steve already knew. Frowning a little before smiling, “I am not adorable. Sexy, sexy always.”he said as he finished eating, scooting to the edge of the bed, getting ready to get up.
Loki grinned. "i read the Harry Potter books and thought it would be fun." he admitted with a chuckle. "it would be pretty romantic. Bucky would slaughter me if i tried it though." he admitted with a grin. "good point." Steve agreed, chuckling at Tony with a shake of his head. "i'm not having sex with you. Loki and Bruce would murder me." he pointed out as he shook his head. "we can have sex in a few days." he promised with a smile. "besides, i don't think i have the strength yet to help you shower and have sex in the same day." he admitted before he smiled softly at Tony. "it's okay. i won't talk about it if you don't want me to." he promised, taking the others hand and giving it a squeeze before he smirked and held up the sketch of a sleeping eleven year old Tony. "Adorable."
"Bucky would.I might have to suggest it to steve though."tony said snickering,finding loki's obsession with harry potter amusing."fine. If I'm not worth risking death,I see how it is."he snickered amused because he really wasn't up for swx,but he was so,so horny.he forgot how horny he'd been at 20."when I die from withdrawal because this is the longest I've gone without sex since like, 16. You have to put it on my tombstone I died of no sex."he pouted teasing him but it was obvious he just wanted held and cuddled, even if he was begging for sex."well... when you put it like that.we better not."he teased because he might be willing to put himself on the line,but he wouldn't risk steve"s health on the line. Making a face at the picture he sighed."yes please.lets not...and okay,I guess if you insist I'm adorable,I'll let you think that."he snickered a little as he held out a hand standing slowly."lets go.I want clean."
"Steve would probobly hate it. isn't he terrified of heights?" Loki asked, looking amused. "your not worth risking death." Steve stated sternly. "i would much rather have you alive for a very, very long time Tony Stark." he growled before he smiled. "Tony. you can't die from sex withdrawal. Jarvis told me so." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'll give you a blowjob later, hows that?" he offered, Loki twisting to stare at Steve. "you do Blowjobs?! no fair! Bucky won't!" "tie him down and give him one anyway." Steve suggested. "i was a bit hesitant too about putting a person's mouth there until Tony gave me one... holy hell was that amazing." he admitted, eyes going a little unfocused before he shook his head. he did feel a teensy weensy itty bitty little bit about manipulating Tony, but he could ignore it. it was for Tony's own good anyway and he didn't do it very often. "well you where adorable then, now your cute and sexy." Steve promised with a smile. "though you are adorable when you sulk." he admitted with a chuckle as he helped Tony get up and helped him into the shower, proving a bathing stool for him. the same one Steve had used for a while. he took his time washing Tony, smiling a little. "you really do look amazing like this." he admitted. "you need to gain some weight though, have you always been so thin? i might break you." he teased with a grin as he kissed the other.
“...Oh yea.He is.Okay, maybe not suggesting it.”Tony wrinkled his nose before laughing quietly as he looked at the other. “I plan on living for a long time, Steven Rogers.”He rolled his eyes a little at the use of his full name before frowning.”You totally can!”He whined a little before perking up.”Oh, that would be nice.”Tony said before laughing at Loki’s surprise. “He nearly freaked out when I suggested it. Just surprise Bucky, he’ll like it.”He said eyeing Steve, smirking. “Sure you don’t want to have sex?”He purred a little before rolling his eyes. “I am not adorable sulking. I do not sulk.”he growled pouting a little as he was settled on the bathing stool, annoyed he had to use it but enjoying being washed off, tilting his head back to look at steve, before making a face. “Thinner actually. I have 50 pounds of my suit remember?I was smaller when I really was 20.”He made a face, blushing as he was teased, poking his super soldier. “You will not.”
Loki chuckled. "you could make him freak out by riding it yourself though." he pointed out with a smile. "it could be Iron Man's new accessory." he teased with an impish grin. "you better plan on living a long time." Steve huffed with a smile before he rolled his eyes. "no you can't Tony, honestly." he complained with a smile before he shrugged. "it's dirty there..." he pointed out. "i still don't understand why people would want to put their mouths there, but it feels so amazing." he stated, his voice husky. "we are not having sex, you'll have to settle for an orgasm." he stated with a chuckle. "you sulk often. your sulking now." he admitted with a grin as he washed Tony up. "damn... you really need to eat more." he complained as he moved around so he was facing Tony, face to face. "well. i might." he teased, his mouth curling playfully. "but then, you'd like that huh? if i broke you, full of pleasure and pain, and then put you back together." he purred as he settled on his knees in front of Tony and started that well deserved Blowjob.
"It'd be the best accessory I could ask for.it'd be awesome."tony snickered rolling his eyes as steve's words."don't worry.I do. Can't have you finding some other idiot to fuck you.that's my job."tony anickered a little."I like wtching you come undone under my mouth. That's why I like giving blow jobs."tony smirked before pouting a little,"fine. A blowjob until I can fuck you again.I gues I can deal with that."he smiled a little teasing the other. Sighing a littl he made a face."I eat fine. I've always been small."he sid.yea cause no one had ever fed him really, he'd hd to fend for himself once he was old enough to get food on his own.moaning softly as he let his head fall back against the wall,cloing hi eyes as steve spoke."y-yes id love tht.you'd be amzing...you ARE amazing,you know?so good."yony muttered as his hips rocked a little burying his hands in blond hair, his words slowly devolving into utter filth as he squirme, tugging urgently."s-steve cloze.."he gronwd warning the other as he came slumping bonelessly into the wall.
Cap rolled his eyes. "as if i'd ever want someone else touching me." he scoffed, shaking his head before he flushed. "i like that too." he admitted with a smile. "Blowjobs are almost as good as actual sex." he admitted with a smirk. "almost." he admitted before he smiled at Tony. "i'll give you another one before bed too." he promised. "and you don't eat fine. i'll make sure you have at least three meals a day from now on." he decided. "and you won't argue with me when i tell you to eat, or else." he warned sternly before he smiled at the other. "i know." he admitted with a grin before he showed Tony just how much he had practiced. he was able to swallow every inch of Tony, though he did choke a bit when the other started to thrust. it didn't take long for him to get used to that though. he grinned when Tony came and he swallowed every drop, it was harder than he'd thought, but he managed. "there. feel better?" Steve asked with a grin. "still going to die of withdrawal?"
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