Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

“Hm, I wouldn’t count on that happening. Loki likes him, and he rarely likes anyone.”Tony said before sighing quietly.”He’s not up to anything,but you’ll just have to trust me on that....and wait to see.”He smiled a little, “Besides, he nearly killed himself keeping you from dying. Doesn’t that deserve a little trust?”Tony asked looking up at him before smiling.”Yes.”He said smiling quietly, looking amused at steve’s sudden discomfort without his collars. It was adorable actually. “Really. He’s been asking me for awhile it’s just....I was overthinking it really.”he shrugged before startling a little at the kiss. It was different from most of their kisses, just a gentle press of lips, affection and love, even if tony couldn’t admit he was in a relationship, or even that he loved the other. But it was obvious he did. “Really.”He said blushing, hearing the almost married part, shying away from the thought, not ready to think about that just yet before grinning. “I’m glad you feel better with them.”He said loving the idea of having the world know that steve rogers was his.”And we’ll talk to loki. Might as well get young myself while you’re still recovering, just in case it takes awhile to adjust.”He said looking worried about that as he helped steve into his wheelchair, smiling as he pushed him upstairs. Heading for his bedroom, smiling as he retrieved the collars, gently settling them on steve’s neck, smiling quietly,”There.”He muttered.
he huffed a little. "i'm sure he is." he grumbled before he paused and looked up at Tony, shocked. "did he really?" he asked softly. he had, it had taken Loki three days in bed to recover from the effort of keeping Steve alive, doing nothing but eat massive amounts of food and sleep twelve hours at a time. "well. i guess i can give him a chance then." he agreed with a sigh as he tugged on his shirt collar. "i dunno Tony... it's hard enough to keep up with you as it is." he teased with a smirk as he kissed the other. "i do feel better with them." he admitted as he snuggled into Tony. "no, you have to wait until i'm all better. that way if you get sick or anything, i can take care of you myself." he admitted with a smile as he carefully settled into the wheelchair and headed up to the bedroom with Tony, feeling so much better now that the collars where back in place. "there where keys." he muttered, frowning. "i gave them to you, will they still fit these locks?" he asked, looking up at Tony, hoping that tony either had the right keys on the necklace, or that the old keys would still work.
“He did. It was horrible. Made him stop and take breaks some once I realized he nearly killed himself. I-I couldn’t lose you both..”Tony said blushing ever so slightly, because he knew losing loki because he was saving steve would have killed him. Before smiling. “That’s all I ask.”he sadi stealing a kiss before laughing, rolling his eyes. “You’re 22. I’m 39. I would hope you can keep up with me right now.”he snickered a little, blushing more though, because even as old as he felt sometimes, and how he felt how he was failing in keeping up with the super soldier, he loved trying, loved being with him. Frowning slightly before huffing.”Fine.I guess I can wait.”He sighed quietly.”But we’ll still talk to loki, see what he says.”he smiled a little, looking pleased to have his boyfriend in their bedroom, and collared again. He felt the world was once again back to how it was supposed to be. “They will.Here, the one key for you.”He said tugging off steve’s necklace to him where he’d strung the keys, handing over the one for the leather, but dropping the metal one back down his shirt, smiling as he felt the key and ring settle against the arc reactor. “You look amazing like this.”he muttered stroking his fingers over the leather collar, because he just couldn't not touch steve, even if he knew it could go no where right now.
he smiled as he nodded. "he might get a few bonus points for that." he admitted with a smile as he leaned against Tony. "your like an ADHD kid who drinks nothing but Coffee Tony, i don't think anyone can keep up with you." he admitted with a small grin. "but don't worry, i like it when you wear me out." he promised with a chuckle as he kissed the other. "okay. that sounds fine." he agreed as he nodded. "i just don't want you to be on your own if you feel bad during the change or whatever." he admitted. "i mean, i know Loki and Johnny would take care of you, but they wouldn't do it right." he complained rather possessively. "thank you... why do i need a key?...oh, wait. i remember why." he admitted, frowning a little. "huh. i didn't take it off before i went to fight the robots." he mused before shrugging it off as he tucked the Key onto his keyring, smiling at Tony, leaning into the touch with a sigh. "i really wish i could have sex with you." he admitted. "i don't like not being able to touch you." he admitted, shaking his head. Steve was a very physical person, he showed his love the most, when tangled int he sheets with someone else.
“I am not. I drink other things besides coffee..”He made a face before snickering a little. “I’ll endeavor to wear you out more.”he smirked at him, stealing a kiss before rolling his eyes. “You sound like me. I didn’t let any of them take care of you. Even for a little bit.”He muttered sounding just as possessive, because it was insane that he hadn’t even taken care of himself in the need to take care of steve. Before frowning, thinking that over. “I don’t know. The metal one yes you always leave that one on, but I never considered you didn’t take off the leather one....well...it was doombots. Probably wasn’t worried about it.”he frowned thinking it over as he touched the other, smiling quietly. “I wish we could to.”He said before smirking, “Come on. We’re laying down in our bed, where we’ve had sex before, and we’ll pretend we just finished.”He muttered messing up the sheets and blankets climbing in with steve, cuddling in next to him before asking jarvis to ask loki to come up.
Steve grinned. "i'd like that." he admitted with a nod. "and i know, Bruce complained about it constantly when he finally managed to get you to rest." he admitted with a smile. "next time, if there is a next time, i want you to make sure to take care of yourself too, okay?" he asked hopefully as he kissed Tony once more. certain that if he asked, Tony would listen. "huh, your probobly right. from what i can remember, Doom isn't that impressive of a villain. just goes to prove that the Fantastic Four are idiots who shouldn't be allowed to be superheros... well, Johnny can join the Avengers." he decided. "he's at least useful." he admitted as he laughed at Tony's decision. he made no effort to stop the other as he crawled into bed next to Tony, smiling a little as he cuddled into the other with a sigh. he loved just laying there, next to Tony. but he still wished he could actually have sex.
"I know.he complained after to."tony snickered a little before making a face but didn't protest that he hadn't been taking care of himself. Sighing quietly he nodded."fine.if there's a next time,I'll take better care of myself.but listen to me rogers, if you scare me that badly again,and you die,I'm going to drag you back from Valhalla to kill you myself."the threatened though he sounded amused as he snuggled down into him content to just be with him though he really,really wanted sex.

Finally rhe day came when steve was feeling better,and well enough to allow tony to shift back in age.though loki had reassured him that it was perfectly fine,and he might have a few days to readjust as he was taking thr arc reactor out having decided that it was for the best and it was the best time to do it,with his body adjusting to so many changes anyways. And despite the reassurance he was still a little.nervous."you sure your okay?I'm not going to be any good for you for a bit.."tony muttered bending down,pressing a kiss to steve's hair as they cuddled in their bed, while they were better, they hadn't had sex yet,but staying in their bed had helped with that.though they were still being burned up by.their own desire as they tried to behave and not have sex until they both were healthy and perfect, even if they were being driven insane with lust.
Steve smiled. "i doubt it will ever be that bad again." he admitted as he gently kissed Tony. "though, i would pay to see you facing the guards and the gods." he admitted with a grin.

it was days before Steve could walk about on his own for any length of time, but the more his body recovered, the more his memories returned. there where still things he couldn't remember, like all his memories of Howard Stark. all he knew was that Howard stark had been Tony's dad and had been a bitching horrible person. he wasn't looking forward to when those memories came back. a lot of his childhood was still missing too, though he did mostly remember who Bucky was. "i'm fine Tony. a few more days of rest and i'll be at a hundred percent." he promised with a smile as he snuggled with Tony. "i can even get down the flight of stairs now." he admitted with a smile. "besides, you've been too good to me." he admitted. "taking care of me all this time. it's about time i was able to do something for you." he admitted with a smile. "are you sure your ready for this yourself?" he asked. "you seam nervous."
"I know you're fine...and the memoties you are missing are probably better lost...not to mention you still don't remember having sex with Barnes, and that's something better off forgotten."tony snickered because while he joked about it,the man really was sorta glad he didn't remember that. Before making a face a little sighing."not much...I mean I'm okay just nervous...its been nearly 5 years since I got the arc reactor,its going to be odd not having it...and I still don't know who tried killing you which annoys me.."he huffed a little smiling though."but its okay.cause I'm kinda looking forward to you fussing over me.you're fairly cute.think you'd make a good nurse."he teased running his fingers through steve's hair and stealing a kiss as loki walked in
he nodded a little. "probobly. in any case i might not remember it, but i know i like your sex better." he admitted with a chuckle and a smile. "plus, you where my first blowjob. and i've been practicing!" he admitted with a grin at Tony. "sausage works the best." he admitted with a grin before he gently set his hand on Tony's chest, just to the left of the arc reactor, he never put his hand right on it, though he did like to stroke the space where metal met flesh with a look of fascination. "Arc reactor or not, you will always be my Tony." he promised with a smile. "besides, we have tons of enemies. it could have been an untold number of people. they probobly used Doom technology to cover their own traces." he pointed out. "we'll find out eventually." he promised before looking up as Loki came in, holding a rather old style jug that looked more Greek than it did Norse. inside was a shimmering golden liquid that looked more like pure melted gold than it did anything else. "it will only take a sip." Loki explained, holding the jug with reverence, very carefully, as if the wrong move would make the vase shatter. "are you ready?"
“Good. I’m amazing at sex. Should always be best.”He muttered before laughing, eyes widening as he considered Steve practicing, “That’s unfair. You didn’t let me watch you practice.”he pouted a little sighing quietly as the other stroked his chest, shuddering at the feel, while he hated it most of the time, steve’s look of utter fascination was interesting to the man, and almost, made him waht to keep it, but not enough to not keep it not when his chest ached with each breath sometimes. “I know I know, it just annoys me.”he muttered before looking up at Loki, smirking slightly.”That looks greek.”he snickered even as he sat up to look into it, before nodding. “As ready as I’m ever going to be.”he said sounding nervous as he sat up, hands gently cupping the sides of the jug, and taking a sip. Frowning as he sat back.”Am I supposed to feel different?It sorta tastes like honey.”Tony said as he swallowed, licking his lips before his eyes went wide as the magic did it’s work and within minutes there wasn’t a 39 year old Tony Stark sitting in bed next to Steve. Hell, there wasn’t even a 22 year old Tony Stark. The boy that turned huge puppy dog brown eyes on Steve, was none other then a 11 year old tony stark, though he could easily pass for younger, he’d always been on the small side.
Steve smiled a little as he watched Tony. "you wouldn't have been able to restrain yourself if you'd watched." he pointed out before he smiled at the other. "yeah. i know." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head as Loki rolled his eyes. "please. we gave birth to the Greeks." Loki scoffed before he smiled at Tony as the man took a sip. "it takes a moment." Loki admitted. "it usually tastes like good memories. you must have a good memory of honey in there somewhere." oh yes. Steve covered in honey and begging for release no doubt. though Tony's mother often soothed him after a bad dream with a spoonful of honey and a lullaby. "....uhm. that's not supposed to happen." Loki admitted, looking rather horrified. "he did only take a sip right!?" he demanded, looking into the vase. "yes, he only took a sip. this is unusual..." "...is he stuck like this!?" Steve demanded as he examined Tony. "well, i suppose it doesn't matter. we just have to wait a few years for him to grow up. that's not so bad." he admitted as he smiled at Tony. "How are you feeling?"
“Hm, oh yea.”Tony grinned as he slanted a look at steve, remembering him covered in honey, and his mother soothing nightmares away. “Only a sip.”Tony agreed as he looked at the jug, frowning as he considered the men before him, “Good.”He said before his eyes widened, looking up at steve, “Captain!You’re here. I wished for it, and you’re here. Did dad come home with you to?”he said sounding anxiously excited as he tried to get up to go investigate, but the 11 year old failed to take into account that he was wearing the 39 year old’s clothes, and proceeded to face plant into his boyfriend’s lap. Groaning as he rolled over, pushing up off the bed looking confused as he realized he wasn’t at home, pushing dark curly hair out of his face. “Where am I?”He asked, the billionaire looking around him, slender hands fiddling with the shirt sleeve in a nervous gesture, wanting his papa now. This was a tony stark that still loved his father, hadn't had a chance to grow as bitter and cynical as the 39 year old. The fact that he seemed to not know what was going on, was just a side affect that they could hope would pass as he aged. hopefully as the magic settled he'd remember the life he'd already lived.
Steve flushed as he suddenly recalled that memory and Loki rolled his eyes. "honestly." he sighed, shaking his head. "must you think of sex at a time like this?" "of course we do. we're horny." Steve admitted with a snort and a snicker before his eyes widened as he stared at the Eleven year old. "oh. uhm. Hello to you too Tony." he stated, flushing as he watched the other tumble. god it was adorable. Steve would never admit this, ever, but he was shockingly maternal. watching Tony like this made every 'mothering' instinct inside of him well up inside of him. "easy now." he cautioned, gently straightening Tony. "You're Father isn't here just yet. lots of, uh, paperwork. he asked me to, uh, entertain you." he lied. "uh... do you like Ice-Cream?" he asked hopefully, hoping to nip any temper tantrums short. "there's a big freezer upstairs with any kind of Ice-Cream you could ever want."
“Uh, hello, I’m me. I think about sex alot. And sex with iron man suits. And everything.”Tony snickered rolling his eyes a little. “I’m okay. I’m always okay. Dad tells me I have the best balance in the world!I can do anything.”Tony said as he got himself straight, sitting up with Steve’s help before frowning, before deflating. “Oh. He’s always working...but he’ll be home soon right?I mean, you’re here. So he’s not looking for you. So he’s going to come home and we’ll work on the car.”The 11 year old sounded utterly pleased with the idea before smiling happily. "But even if he doesn't, it's okay. We'll play or something. I'm sure you can help me with the wrench, I mean, you're strong and-"he said, as prone to rambling at 11 as he was as a adult before his eyes went wide, “I can have ice cream?”He said with that slight awe that said this was a kid who didn’t get alot of ice cream left to his own devices of finding what was available for him to eat, and he couldn’t reach the freezer, and he’d been yelled at the last time he’d climbed on the table to reach the freezer, so yea...he didn’t have a lot of ice cream. “Can we have chocolate?”He said already trying to get up before frowning. “My clothes don’t fit.”he said sounding supremely put out on that front.
Steve went a little glassy eyed at the idea of Suit Sex. "well. not everything. you can't bench press a purple elephant for example." he stated with a smile. "and you can't swim through pink pudding and it's very hard to wash a cat." he admitted with a grin before he sobered at the idea of Howard always working. he hadn't liked Howard, in fact the HATED Howard. he wasn't fully sure why yet, but he wasn't about to upset tiny Tony. "your making a car?" he asked with a smile. "must be pretty exciting." he agreed. "i'll be sure to help you." he agreed. "sure you can have ice-cream. if your really good, i'll even let you have four scoops all for yourself." he promised with a smile. "no they don't. uh, one of the cleaners braught bed bugs into your house, it's being fumigated, unfortunately it means that you don't have any of your clothes." he stated. "you're wearing a set of Loki's clothes since he's the smallest person in the Tower." he admitted. "now then. how about you tell me how old you are while we head up for some ice-cream?" he offered.
“Uh-huh. Dad said it’s a old car. We needed a new motor. Said I was great at working small tools since I have small hands and can get under the car easier then him.”Tony said excitedly, even if he wasn’t aware of just how much child abuse he was revealing. Because it wasn’t that big of a step from letting him rebuild a car and use power tools, to letting tony use the high powered engineering stuff, and was it any real surprise he had issues with being handed things? “Wow. I’ve never had that much before.”Tony said his huge brown eyes wide and delighted with the idea of eating ice cream with captain america before biting his lip. “Oh. That makes sense.”He said even as he squirmed to the edge of the bed and worked on rolling his pants up so he could walk, and tucking the sleeves up, looking like a kid playing dress up. “I’m 11. I just started high school.”He chirped happily as they headed for the kitchen, sounding so excited about high school as he started telling steve more, showing that he was excited about high school because he thought, finally, he would fit in. But no, high school and even college had been even a bigger disappointment to the billionaire. “You live here!?This is awesome!When I grow up, I want a place like this.”Tony said chattering a mile a minute as steve got the ice cream, settling on the bar stool as he talked to his hero, showing just how much of a captain fan he’d been in his utter and total fixation on telling steve everything that was going on with him at age 11.
Steve smiled at him, fighting back rage. if only he could slaughter Howard, slowly, one joint at a time. he'd start with the fingers, and then do the toes. and then take his arms off at the Elbow. carefully. making sure he wouldn't bleed to death. make it hurt as much as possible, and anytime Howard passed out, he'd stop, and wait for the man to wake up before continuing. "really? well we'll just have to keep it a secrete then." he agreed with a smile as he took Tony's tiny little hand, chuckling at how adorable the guy was as he helped roll the pants up. "...uh... high school?" he asked, looking startled. "i thought people started that at sixteen?" he asked, shocked before he bit back the urge to warn Tony that he probobly wasn't going to fit in. a child in a teenagers world. yeah, it was never going to end well. "well, yes i do live here." he admitted with a smile as he scooped himself and Tony up some ice-cream. he smiled as he listened to the young boy chatter on and on and wondered why he was so tiny. that was obvious actually, there wasn't anyone there to take care of him. so he didn't get enough food. well, that would explain his eating habits. in return for all the information, Steve told Tony a few of his own stories, how he'd rescued Bucky, and how he and Iron Man had saved the world from aliens. "hey Tony. you want to see something really cool?" he asked with a smile. "it belongs to my lover though, so you must promise not to touch anything, but you can see it if you like." he offered. well aware that eleven year old Tony would love to see Tony's lab.
“I’m good with secrets.”Tony grinned as he held the other’s hand, before smiling happily. “uh-huh. Mama says I’m to smart to stay in middle school, so dad asked them to move me onto high school. They’re all smarter then, I’ll have friends.”Tony said sounding so sure about that, happily eating his ice cream. Eyes wide as he listened to the stories, before nodding excitedly. “I wont break anything. I’m good at not breaking stuff.”Tony said looking interested, and he was such a liar. Tony Stark broke things for the simple joy of putting it back together again. But it had to be interesting for Steve to get to see tony before the psychosis that was deeply ingrained in the 39 year old, just starting to form in the 11 year old tony. At least Steve might have a better chance of understanding him, because even if he was brilliant and smart, the man wasn’t yet the emotionally closed off, cut off man he’d grow into. Steve was bound to stumble into things that the older tony would have never considered sharing. “You have a girlfriend?Can I meet her?”he asked even as he scrambled off his stool his nearly finished ice cream forgotten in the desire to see something really cool, already sensing it would be something he’d like.
he smiled a little. "i didn't know you had a mama." he teased with a smile. "what's she like?" he asked, wondering where she was? if she was still alive, why wasn't she taking care of Tony!? "well, you are a genius, i'm sure you'll have some very loyal and loving freinds one day." he promised Tony, knowing it would be true... it would just take a while. "now that's not true." he teased with a smile. "i'm fairly sure you love to break things." he admitted with a chuckle as he took Tony's hand. "oh, well... no. not a girlfriend." he admitted, embarrassed. "i have a boyfriend." he explained. "and he's actually, er. out of town at the moment." he admitted as he punched in the code to go down to the lab and smiled as he stepped into the Lab. "this is where he works. he makes amazing things." he admitted, smiling at Little Tony. "my lover is one of the smartest people in the world. he went to collage when he was thirteen." he admitted. "someday, you'll be just as brilliant as he is." he admitted with a smile as Dum-E rolled over, whistling and whirring. "this is Dum-E." he stated, patting the robot. "he's one quirky robot. you can touch this one, but don't take him apart. my lovers quite attached to him, even if he'll deny it."
“She shops alot. Comes home and is gone again.”Tony said sadly frowning a little as he considered his mother before perking up. “I would like that.”he said sounding excited at the idea of having friends before huffing, making a face. “I do not!I fix things. Lots of things.It’s not my fault that fixing them requires braeking them first.”he huffed before looking up at the other as Steve held his hand, considering that for a moment. “Oh. Lucky guy. You’re very cute.”Tony said, even at 11, he was a flirt! “Oh. That’s disappointing. Seeing the man who owns this lab would be amazing!”Tony nearly squeaked in excitement as he walked into the lab, looking around excitedly, tilting his head back to look at Steve,”I’m gonna come back when he’s home, and we’ll meet, kay?Cause two smart people like us need to meet. This lab is awesome.”he said looking around smiling as the robot bumped into his arm, smiling a little as he petted his head.”Oh, I’d never take him apart. He’s perfect like this.”tony said wide eyed as he watched the bot whistle and whirl at him, looking pleased as he explored, but indeed didn’t touch anything. It was obvious young tony had spent alot of time in a lab, the scars that decorated older tony’s hands faded and gone, where on this young tony they were mostly pink and new, gained before he’d learned not to accept everything handed to him, or how to keep from hurting himself.
he grimaced. so even the woman had been negligent. poor Tony. "yes, well. my Lover wouldn't like you trying to fix his things." he warned with a smile. "he can get very grumpy, so we mustn't tell him you where in here okay?" he asked with a grin, knowing Tony would love it all the more because it was a secrete. "yes. i miss him already." he admitted with a smile. "but that's okay, i have you to keep me company right?" he asked with a smile as he watched Tony examine things. "i think he'd love to meet you. not a lot of people can keep up with him you see, and he tends to get frustrated." he admitted, laughing as Tony admitted that he liked Dum-E too. "here. you wanna see my Lover's superhero costume?" he asked with a grin as he led Tony over to the Iron Man Suits. "pretty cool huh?" he asked, examining the machines. "there's nothing more amazing than Tony when he's working on these. they're his pride and joy." he admitted with a smile. "his name is Tony too." he admitted with a lopsided grin. "and this is my costume. Tony's been fixing it. wanna touch it?" he asked, carefully taking the suit down and letting Tony examine it with his little fingers. "if you like, i have a Bike down here, we could work on it together if you want." he offered with a smile. "i need to change the oil, replace the brakes, rotate the tires and replace some of the motor parts."
Tony's eyes widened at that."I won't fix his things,I promise."he smiled a little before nodding eagerly."I won't tell.I won't."he promised loving the idea of having a secret with captain america."yep.I'll stay until he gets back.we'll have fun and you'll forget how long he's been gone."tony said eager to help distract steve before smiling at the robot nudging him."me to. I try making friends but they frustrate me a lot. I'm hoping high school will be better since they're older,so they're bound to be smarter."tony said thoughtfully before smiling."I'm sure he likes telling you things cap,even if you don't understand. And I'll help you understand what he can't explain well."tony decided before eyes went wide at the idea of sharing a name with steve's boyfriend. He was so adorable at 11."I do!"he said scampering over to the case looking over the suits with wide eyes,amazed at the genius of what he was seeing and starting his usual tech babble as he inspected both his iron man suit and the captain costume before pausing realizing steve was still talking to him,pausing,biting his lip a little."I don't want to mess up your bike...are you sure its okay?"he said sounding eager at the idea but also hesitate,after a lifetime of being acolded for touching howard's captain stuff,it wasn't really a surprise he was though, hands running over with loving care as he inspected steve's costume,the genius making sure it really was okay to wear.
Steve smiled a little. "good. though if you want, you could write some ideas down." he admitted, handing Tony a notebook and pencil. "and when you come down next time, with his permission, you can tell them to him." he assured Tony before he smiled. "i'd like that a lot." he admitted. "it's nice to have you here." he admitted before he grimaced. "Tony... i really hate to tell you this. but teenagers aren't smart. have you ever heard of puberty? the hormones rushing through their body tends to kill brain cells rendering them as immature as two year olds most of the time." he admitted. "i'll introduce you to someone real smart. two people even. they are Loki and Bruce, and they live here too." he admitted with a smile before he beamed at Tony. "it's okay if i don't understand it all. i love listening to him, and watching him work. he's really very beautiful when he gets that look of concentration, or that passion in his voice." he admitted with a smile. "i love him most of all when he's talking about building something he's really into." he admitted with a smile. "and he has been helping me a lot adjusting to this new modern age, it's not his fault his mind goes three times as fast as mine does." he admitted with a chuckle smiling as he watched Little Tony babble away. "oh, you won't ruin my bike." he assured the little boy. "and if you do, Tony can fix it." he promised. "or buy me a new one, i'm not fussed either way." he admitted as he carefully hung the suit back up and then moved over to the bike. "here, see? it's my newest one. i like to buy old junkers and then make them pretty again." he admitted with a smile. "if we get all the new parts in, you can even help me paint it if you like."
"I'll do that."he said though his voice sounded slightly subdued as he tucked the notrbook under his arm and the pencil behind his ear. To used to howard saying share ideas,and then hating it when tony did."yes I have. I'm not stupid you know."tony said looking confused at the other mentioning it before his shoulders slouched."oh...well. maybe it'll be different. I'll have friends."he decided before grinning happily."that will be fun.I'd like meeting your friends."he smiled pleased with the idea before smiling."you sound like your very in love cap. I'm glad."tony smiled pleased with the idea of his hero being so happy."okay.but I'll try really hard not to mess it up.dad says I have to be careful with your stuff."he said with a off handed way that said he heard the scold a lot before scampering over to the car."can we paint it red and gold?"he said as they started to work,shoeing sven as a child,tony had liked iron man colors.
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