Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

Steve smirked. "no. no your not. now, onward march peon!" he demanded, clearly he'd gotten some of his vocabulary from Loki, who was often in the room bullying Tony to eat and sleep and shower. "i like to snuggle." Steve agreed with a smile. "i'm a master snuggler." he admitted as he snuggled in with Tony and Natasha. "i am so sorry. you must have been teased horrifically while in school with a name like that. Bucky... your mother must have been a hippie." Loki started to laugh now at Steve's snark as the super soldier leaned his head on Tony's shoulder even as he held hands with Natasha. feeling safe and warm. he was the first to notice that tony was having a nightmare and gently shook the other. "Tony. Tony wake up." he ordered softly, looking worried. "Tony, your having bad dreams. wake up now."
“Noooo, you’re not allowed talking like that. You sound like loki.”He pouted but he looked amused. “You are a master snuggler. It’s your superpower.”Natasha teased. “You should be sorry. It’s your fault I got stuck with it. You had this thing about not calling me by James, which is my real name. But Bucky got stuck after you figured out my middle name was Buchanan.”Bucky snickered a little. Tony whined a little as Steve stook his shoulder, whimpering at the sound of his voice. “No...steve...come back...”He muttered before bolting upright panting as he looked around him, his eyes wide and wild as he looked around. “Tony?”Bucky said softly looking away from the TV. “I-I’m okay.”Tony stuttered before taking a shaky breath, rubbing a hand over his chest, trying to get rid of the tight feeling in his chest, avoiding looking at any of them, not wanting to talk, not wanting to confront the guilt that ripped him apart, because he knew none of them would blame him, which just made it worse. Looking trapped because he wanted to leave, but he couldn’t leave steve on his own, not when steve asked him to stay.
Steve snorted. "of course i sound like Loki, i was trying to." he pointed out playfully before he stared at Natasha, rather surprised. "i have superpowers?" he asked, looking rather astonished. "well. i'm sure you deserved it." he snarked at Bucky with a smile, feeling safe and content. he didn't know these people, but yet. he did. they where familiar. they where safe, he was okay. he was the first to notice that Tony was having a nightmare and he gently shook the other awake. "Tony?..." Steve hesitated a little and then. "i'm tired. will you take me back to the room?" he asked, knowing Tony needed to leave. this way, Tony had a reason an excuse to leave, not for the others, but for himself. "...Tony? are you okay?" Steve asked once they where in private. "...do you need to go with Johnny?" he asked, looking worried about Tony. so he remembered that. that Tony used to have sex with Johnny. "go get Johnny." Steve ordered, kissing Tony's forehead. "it's okay." he promised with a smile.
Natasha laughed softly. “Besides being a good leader, a awesome soldier?No, but you snuggle like it should be a superpower.”she teased a little. “I did nothing to deserve that.”Bucky snickered a little.

“Hm?”Tony tensed a little turning to look at him before nodding quickly.”Sounds good. Let’s go then.”he said getting steve back into the wheelchair and pushing him back down to the room before the others could question him more. “I’m fine.”He snapped as he shut the door before sighing quietly. “Sorry.”he muttered looking away before tensing, tilting his head as he looked at the other.”What?No.I’m fine.”he muttered studying the other for a long moment, before nodding, realizing steve wouldn't want him to neglect his own mental health,even if it meant he had to leave for a little while. knowing if he did ignore it, it would just get worse, and blow up in his face and...“Okay...if you need anything...Ask jarvis. I’ll just be upstairs.”he said looking worried before stealing a kiss and heading upstairs. Slightly amused that they all ignored him as he grabbed johnny and pulled him towards his bedroom, looking vaguely annoyed. “Steve ordered me up here.”He said looking torn between going back downstairs and giving into the need to be punished, wanting nothing more then to hurt for getting steve hurt.
Steve smiled a little as he settled into the wheelchair. not about to admit he was actually tired. exaughsted even. he didn't even respond to Tony's snappish response, neither a flinch nor a scoff, he just lifted an eyebrow at the other. "no your not Tony. you need to get back to Zero and i can't do it for you right now. i need you to go to Johnny." Steve ordered gently, stroking the others hair. "i won't get better if i have to worry about you too you know." he admitted with a smile. "i'll have Jarvis fetch someone if i need anything, but honestly, i'm probobly going to sleep. i feel exaughsted." he admitted with a sigh as he settled into bed.

Johnny smiled as he was pulled away, a bit sad that he had to do this when he knew Steve wanted exclusive rights. but Tony was more important than personal feelings, he knew Steve wouldn't get upset. "i know." he admitted as he smiled at Tony. "you've been so good at being just for Steve, he knows how hard you've been trying." he admitted. "honestly, he's rather impressed." Johnny admitted with a smile. "i am too you know. you've been doing such a good job with him you know..." he admitted, kissing Tony's forehead. "now. i will bring you back to Zero, but i want to know if you want me to have sex with you after, or if you would rather i didn't." he admitted, knowing tony would understand the real question. did Tony want to have sex without Steve and if he did, would he be okay with that? Johnny knew Steve wouldn't mind either way, but he was more concerned with how Tony would feel.
“...you’re remembering more. Good. Though it would be amusing to have to teach you everything all over again.”he muttered sounding amused as he leaned his head into the other’s hand, nodding. “Rest then.You look tired.”he agreed watching him settle into bed before leaving.

“You know what I’m honestly impressed about? I haven’t been drinking.Haven’t drank since he got hurt.”he said guilt and pain tightening his features as he thought about that, relaxing a little as he realized Steve was aware just how hard he’d been trying, glad that the other man accepted that this didn’t come easy for him, and that he actually had to try and work on things that came naturally to others. Biting his lip at Johnny’s question he stared down at the floor seriously considering it. Because even with steve’s permission, it made him feel even guiltier to be doing this without steve being around for it. He knew logically that steve was okay with this but he was so far away from normal, so drowning in guilt already, he couldn’t think clear enough to be okay. “...No.Just...not this time.”he took a shaky breath tilting his head towards Johnny. “Though I would like you to stay and sleep with me for a few hours after...I know Cap’s okay with it but I’d prefer not going back downstairs right after.”He said knowing he was going to let things get out of hand enough to not want to upset steve by going down right after. While he’d stop it when he needed to, because anything else would break johnny’s trust, he knew just how much work it was going to take to get balanced and clear his head, so he was actually physically worried about not stopping it either....trusting johnny to know when it had to stop because tony was in no frame of mind to say anything.”I’m not...Johnny. I don’t know if I can...”he trailed off, at a loss to explain but trusting johnny to help.
Steve smiled sheepishly. "you might have to. i can't quite remember anything other than that my Safe-word is Pastel and you always change yours." he admitted with a small chuckle. "rest well yourself Tony."

Johnny smiled a little. "i noticed, yes." he admitted. "you've been sober for him for some time. both Steve and i think the world of you for giving up something that you where once so dependent on." he admitted as he ran his fingers through Tony's hair as he let the other think. "that's fine." Johnny promised with a smile. "Tony, that was one of the rules, remember? that we wouldn't sleep alone after. that we wouldn't leave the other alone and that we wouldn't be gone in the morning. that still holds true." he promised. "now. go get what you want from the chest." he ordered. "it's alright Tony. i understand. i'll be keeping a close eye on you tonight." he admitted. "you're too far from Zero to be trusted with your own safety." he admitted.
“Well, considering I got him hurt cause I was drunk off my ass, I figured I better not fuck it up again and drink while he’s still hurt.”Tony muttered sighing softly as he leaned into johnny’s hand, shrugging a little. “I know it is, I’m just...”He shrugged having no words to describe just how far from fine he was. Smirking a little as he went to the chest to find the toys he wanted, tilting his head a little as he considered it before gathering up the paddle, metal tipped whip, gag and almost everything else. Piling it high at Johnny’s feet, offering a sheepish shrug as he held his hands out to let the other handcuff him. “You choose. I don’t care tonight.”He said quietly, was over the line of submissive tonight, simply letting johnny do what he wanted.

By the time they finished Tony was a aching sore mess having tread that line of going to far, but even if he wasn’t to be trusted with his own health it seemed his time with steve had done him well, making him take that step back from truly harming himself. Even if he didn’t trust himself with his own care, it seemed that the billionaire knew that hurting him would have fucked up steve, upset him even more then it had johnny the first few times they’d done this, and even without the man in the room, that headset was to deeply ingrained now, making tony step back from truly hurting himself. “....you are amazing you know...”Tony muttered shifting,shuffling closer to johnny as the man climbed into bed with him, sighing quietly as he felt the other cleaning up his bloodied back. He knew it looked like a mess, but it wasn’t horrible, or to bad. Simply the billionaire’s guilt letting him bleed....even if he wasn’t really aware that he’d confessed to how he’d been feeling for the last few weeks, the guilt and pain that had eaten him alive, spewed the bitterness and fear....by the end he’d been floating to deep in subspace to be aware of it. Which was something that would need addressed, eventually, but for now tony was okay.
Johnny smiled, realiing just why Tony was being so good about being sober. "it was that day, Tony. i can't blame you for getting drunk, and Steve would never blame you for what happened, neither do i." he promised. "when he remembers, you should tell him why you where drunk, he'll understand. you know he will." he pointed out before he snorted as he watched Tony dump out all of the toys before he picked out his own personal favorites out of the pile. he was very careful to bring Tony right to that shining edge of too much, he'd had far too much practice to go over though and he smiled as Tony pulled away on his own. "your amazing too Tony." he promised as he gently cleaned the few cuts he'd inflicted on the other. gently wiping away the blood with a smile. "you know, i think we finally managed to convince Sue that we're not abusing ourselves." he admitted with a smile. "she's been researching BDSM.... fuck Tony she takes notes!" he admitted with a snort and a snicker. "it's hilarious. i honestly don't think she ever got out of the Straight A student mentality." he admitted as he finished cleaning up the other. "i'm using Loki's instant healing stuff on some of these." he warned. "we don't want Steve to worry so much." he admitted as he gently worked the cream into the worst of the injuries, leaving tony with aches, but no real pains.
“....”Tony shrugged staring at the floor, because he blamed himself for it. It didn’t matter that they didn’t. For a man who had spent so much of his adult life flitting between parties and responsibility he did shoulder alot of guilt.”I’ll tell him...”he muttered smiling slightly. Shuddering as he felt Johnny cleaning up his back he raised his head a little to look at him “....is she really?Taking notes?”He snickered tiredly “I want to see those. We might have scarred her and Reed. Can you imagine her going home with some of that?”He snickered before nodding “Kay. Good idea. No reason to upset him.”He said yawning smiling as he let the other clean him up, falling asleep under his gentle hands.

“Steve?”Tony smiled as he walked into the room with a plate of food, walking a little stiffly and sore, but he was moving okay under his own power, and looked more peaceful then he had in nearly a month. Quiet because he wasn’t sure if the other was awake yet.
Johnny smiled as he wiped the last of the cream into place. "good. you should." he agreed. "yes she is actually. it's pretty horrific. Reed just rolls his eyes when he sees her at it. he looked into it when i first met you." he admitted with a chuckle. "before we where superheros." he admitted. "and Ben doesn't give a shit so log as i don't flirt with him." he admitted with a smile. "Sue's probobly not going to get into it, and i know Reed won't so we're safe from them on that front at the very least." he admitted with a smile as he watched Tony sleep, making sure he was fine in the morning before he let him go to fuss over Steve.

Steve shifted on the bed as he heard his voice called and he peeked out from under a cocoon of blankets, blinking sluggishly at Tony, mumbling something that sounded like 'good morning' before he held an arm out, silently inviting Tony in. "duh yu feel better?" he asked in a sleep slurred voice, too tired to get up, but too worried about Tony to go back to sleep. he wanted to check Tony over before he went back to sleep. he trusted Johnny to take good care of Tony, but Steve was a fusser. he needed to KNOW Tony was okay.
“...that’s awesome. Really. I think we might have broke her.”Tony snickered at the idea, “Hm, Reed always was the smarter of those two.”He muttered finding the fact that despite not liking him for the most part, his team had still researched things to know that johnny was okay. IT amused him”Very good. No worrying about their sex life then.”he smiled at that, relaxing.

Tony smiled slightly looking at him.”You look adorable.”He teased quietly as he set the plates of food aside, covering them to keep them warm, quite willing to go back to sleep instead of eating, crawling in bed with steve, more then willing to just curl up with him. “I do. Thank you for making me go see him.”He muttered shifting, laying down with him, nuzzling his face into the other’s shoulder, “I’m fine. Just sore, not bleeding or to bruised.”He promised while he was bruised and stiff, loki’s cream had healed the bleeding parts overnight, and he was well on his way being back to being physically okay. Well...he was physically okay now, just achy and sore and glad johnny had realized steve would fuss, and healed him before sending him back down to him.
Steve smiled a little. "'m aways adorble." he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around the other. "good." he murmured, sniffing Tony's hair. "hmm, i like the way you smell." he admitted as he cradled the other. "you needed it." he admitted. "and i can't trust myself to give you what you need when i can't remember what it is you need." he admitted sheepishly. "good." he muttered. "lemme see." he ordered, pulling the others shirt up and examining it for a long moment before he nodded, satisfied. "okay. go back to sleep." he ordered as he snuggled into Tony, holding him like the other was a giant teddy bear.

he was awake two hours later in a much more coherent mood and he looked like he was focusing quite intently as he chewed on the food tony had brought in. "morning!" he chirped, smiling at Tony before he went back to his internal review. "every time i sleep, i remember more." he admitted. "...i made a star on your back with a bullwhip." he admitted. "i didn't even know i could use a Bullwhip." he admitted, his head cocked to the side as he pondered that. "a lot of stuff is still missing though." he admitted, sounding a bit frustrated.
“you are.”Tony agreed smiled quietly as she snuggled into the other, closing his eyes, utterly relaxing as the other held him. So glad that steve was okay with him going to johnny, even if tony suspected steve didn’t want to share at all. Laughing quietly at the other’s words, “Thanks I guess?”he snickered a little at the idea of smelling good, sighing softly as he settled in, “I know.You’ll remember sometime.”He muttered nuzzling him a little before shuddering slightly at the other, helping the other get his shirt up, smiling a little as steve snuggled into him, passing back out himself within a few minutes.

Tony shifted, looking up at the man as he started waking up, smiling sleepily. “Morning. You’re more awake.”He snickered a little, because he found incoherent steve adorable. Looking thoughtful as he watched the other think as he nibbled on some bacon and eggs, the billionaire feeling hungry now that he was awake.”That’s good. Really.”Tony said sounding utterly pleased at the idea of steve remembering more before flushing hard. “You did. And you’ll remember. It’s there, just not in place yet.”Tony sighed sfotly before shifting up more so he could press a kiss to the other’s cheek.”Steve, I saw that injury. You shouldn’t remember anything much less as you have. Don’t be annoyed that it’s taking so long to come back.It’ll come.”Tony said looking at the other man worriedly, hoping like hell that the day of the accident was forgotten completely, that they’d never have to acknowledge that it was tony’s fault. That he’d never have to face steve leaving, despite his promises to stay. He could be forgiven from breaking this promise, simply because well, tony wouldn’t have put up with his own shit this long, he was amazed steve was. Even if he was back to his emotional normal, back to zero, the man was still as neurotic as ever, and his fear that steve would leave when he remembered tony was drunk that day, was bone deep. Not only that but he didn't want steve to remember such a traumatic day, of falling. he hoped the memory was buried or gone, but he suspected it wouldn't, because that would be to easy.
Steve smiled a little. "yeah, more awake." he agreed, sounding a bit distracted, probobly because he was searching through the new memories before he turned to blink at Tony. "...i remember it." he admitted softly. "...Tony. i think someone tried to kill me." he admitted softly. "i remember the fight, and i remember running to save the little girl, and then there was a robot, it hit the bottom pf the bridge so hard it made the whole thing roll and then it grabbed my Ankle..." he admitted softly, his eyes foggy. "all i could think of as i fell was how upset you where going to be with me dead..." he admitted. "all i could think of was that i hoped Johnny and the others would keep you from doing something stupid." he admitted as he swallowed thickly. "and then i hit the water and the only thing i knew was pain." he admitted, shuddering as he leaned into Tony, seeking the others warmth. "they meant for me to die." he whispered as he buried his face into Tony's shoulder.
Tony tensed waiting for the anger over him being drunk at the other’s words, for a moment so at a loss for what he was hearing that he was speechless. “Well...it was doombots. I’m sure they were trying to kill you.”Tony said after a moment shifting to wrap the other in a hug holding him close, pressing a kiss to his head, holding onto him, even if he said the words, he had a feeling there was more to this. Making a vague gesture to get Jarvis on looking over the video footage he sighed quietly, as he stroked the other’s back, pressing a kiss to his hair. “I didn’t do anything stupid. I’d had my stupid dose before the fight....I just had to concentrate on taking care of you after....”He muttered at a loss how to comfort him, growling quietly. “They might have meant you to die, but I’m not going to let them. You’re mine. You’re not going anywhere.”he growled quietly holding onto him tightly, desperately.
Steve shook his head. "they weren't Doombots." he whispered. "they just looked like Doombots." he admitted. "it was wrong. the entire thing was wrong. i just didn't know it at the time." he admitted. "they where made from Dombot parts, but they were not Doombots. they didn't move right. too smooth in places, too jerky in others." he admitted. "it wasn't Doom." he admitted as he blinked at Tony. "you where drunk." he muttered. "i was scared when i saw you like that." he admitted. "you where sober for so long." he hesitated. "was it something i did?" he asked, looking worried. "did i upset you?" he asked before he smiled. "i love you too Tony." he murmured as he laid his head on the others shoulder. pleased that Tony was so possessive.
"Fuck...jarvis?" "Already on it sir.I'll see what I can find."the AI said knowing tony didn't want to leave steve,so he'd take care of everything for tony.meanwhile tony was kicking himself for not noticing what was wrong earlier,though understanably he'd had bigger things to worry abiut with steve dying on him nearly."we'll find out who it is then."he muttered sounding worried before huffing out a laugh at steve's tone,hearing the pleasure in it."you don't have to sound so pleased with me being possessive.I never shared well with others you know."he muttered avoiding the question for a moment before shaking his head looking a little sick. He'd hoped to avoid thia."no...it wasn't you. I promise."he took a dep breath."you remember we were planning a party when pepper died right?"he winced away from the memory of giddy excitrment for those days before killian,then the utter devastation after."...pepper was 2 months pregnant when she died...we were going to annouce that and our engagement when...when killian happened."he said sounding like he was being choked."that day...would have been my son's birthday...I...I coulsnt share that.I'm sorry...I just...wanted to mourn by myself because we hadny even told loki and johnny,so I was the only one who knew and..."he trailed off feeling horrible for both what happened and not including steve now.hoping the other understood why he'd been reluctant to open up after a lifetime with howard stark telling him that crying and sadness was for weaker men,not starks.even now iy was taking a lot out of him to admit to what he'd not told him.
Steve smiled a little as he snuggled into the other, closing his eyes as he luxuriated in Tony's company. "i know you will." he agreed with a smile as he leaned against the other. "...i like how your possessive of me. it makes me feel safe, and wanted." he admitted with a smile. "i don't want you to share me." he admitted with a chuckle. "though, it would be pretty hot to let someone watch." he admitted with a snicker. "...just not Johnny, he freaks me out." he admitted before he blinked at Tony. "...oh, oh Tony." he gasped, stunned. "oh god, Tony i'm so sorry." he whispered, pulling the other into a tight hug. "i'm, so sorry. i can't blame you for getting drunk at all." he admitted, running his fingers through the others hair. "i'm so sorry." because what else could be said? "you haven't grieved either have you? it's so bad for you to hold in your emotions like that." he muttered as he stroked Tony's hair. no wonder he had so many issues as he had.
"Good.because I don't want to share.and never doubt you're wanted.ever."tony muttered into his hair as he pressed a kiss into blond strands before smirking."I'll keep that in mind."he said the possessive side of him making him wnat to invite bucky simply so the old lover could see tony completely was steve's these days,and steve was his.wincing at steve's words he sighed quietly shifting to get comfortablr in the hug as he pressed his head into the others hand."stop.you weren't to blame, so you owe me no apology for it."he muttered before sighing, regeting telling him now that steve was upset."I'm grieving...jarvis might have gave me a 'steps of grieving' book ot something to look at...I was celebrating holdiays birthdays...anniversaries my own way for a year...thought if I got through the first year it'd be okay...it just blew up in my face when I damn near had to grieve you to.."he muttered shuddering.because more thrn pepper and his almost son, steve's death would have killed him. He was emotionally damaged from pepper's death,but he had a scary thought that despite how much he'd loved her,steve meant more to him. Grieving steve would have killed him."..so now you know why I was drunk...I'm sorry.I should have just told you what was wrong but..."he muttered hating to admit he still wasn't used to having more then johnny and pepper caring what he did,so sharing things still came hard to him.
Steve smiled and nodded. "i never do." he admitted with a smile. "but it's nice to see it." he admitted with a smile as he snuggled into him. "no. i know that. it wasn't any more my fault than it was yours but i feel so bad that you where suffering with this all alone like that." he admitted, shaking his head. "books are stupid." he grumbled. "they suck. we never should have left you alone." he muttered as he shook his head. "no, i can understand why you kept it a secrete." he admitted softly. "that's a hell of a thing to have to deal with." he admitted as he took Tony's hand and held it tightly. "i know there's nothing that i can say that will make it better. but i can promise to be with you for as long as you'll have me." he promised. "i won't ever leave you." he promised, kissing Tony gently.
"Actually its more my fault then yours.I know I know,its not my fault I didn't reverse engineer extermis fast enough,but I did it drunk, in a night. Its...sober it took me just to long."he sighed quietly knowing it was more complicated then just him messing up. Killian had changed enough of the original formula along with pepper's slightly less able body because of her pregnancy, it wasn't any surprise,at least to anyone but tony,had he hadn't found the right combination to save her,because instead of reverse engineering for one strand of extermis,it had been two,mother and son's, without harming them....it really was nothing but a simple impossible puzzle that tony blamed himself for not finding,even now he had no idea what the perfect strand of extermis looked like.after pepper died,he'd stopped caring."...um...you guys didn't like me when she died.I wasn't really surprised I was left on my own."he pointed out,because he'd never,ever blamed his team for not coming back after pepper died. He'd simply learned to deal without...which explained some of why he was still having problems accepting they were here to stay. Grinning he snuggled into the other tighter,resting his head on his chest."you better get used to sleeping with a old man,cap.cause I'm enjoying having a greek god in bed with me."he teased cracking a smile,a slight brokeness to that, because he needed away from the deep feelings.but the soft look in his eyes said that he accepted the promise of never being left behind.
he shook his head. "you say it, but i know you don't beleive it." he admitted as he wrapped himself more tightly around the other. "your not a geneticist and you where working with two very different genetic profiles. not even Bruce, who deals with genetics and DNA everyday, could do that." he pointed out. "and yes, i have been studying." he admitted with a smile. "Pepper wouldn't blame you, and she wouldn't want you to blame yourself." he pointed out. "and liking you or not, that's besides the point. we should have been here for you." he admitted as he sighed. "nothing can be done about it now, all i can do is promise that no matter what, i will never leave you." he promised. "we weren't much of a team back then, but we're better now, and i'll beat up anyone who hurts you like that again." he promised as he smiled at Tony before he faltered and looked down, looking upset. "Tony?... would you... still love me even if i'm a bit of a freak that won't ever age?" he asked after a silence. clearly this was something that had been upsetting Steve for a while now. "i'm a bit like Loki like that i guess..." he admitted softly. a bit upset that he would one day have to watch everyone he loved die, probobly of old age.
Tony smiled relaxing a little, slightly amused that steve was holding onto him tightly enough that tony was pretty sure his body was going to protest over it. Granted, loki had healed him mostly, but he knew steve was still sore and moving around was bound to make him ache, but to upset at the talk, to tell him to let go. “Yea...I guess you’re right. She wouldn’t want me to...”He muttered giving in easier then he normally would, because well, steve had a way of getting through to him, even through his own guilt and pain, steve could cut it away and get into his head. Steve really was really good for him. “No, but we are better now. We really are.”he smiled before relaxing, closing his eyes a little, “...Remind me to give you your collars back. Hospital cut them off of you, I had to get them remade.They’re upstairs in my room. I’ll get them later.”Tony muttered relaxing before frowning, as he raised his head to look at him. “...of course. Stop being a idiot.”Tony said, coming as close to saying ‘I love you’ as the billionaire was capable of. He really was horrible with the words, but it came out in quiet, unspoken ways, his utter need to make sure his family and steve was okay, his social awkwardness making it awkward, but it was equally obvious he cared. “Which...uh...”He bit his lip. “Loki offered me a way to be young again.I’ve been...uh...thinking about it. Wanted to talk it over with you, before....I mean. You’d be stuck with me.”he muttered because while that was part of it, the biggest thing that had kept him from saying yes right away, was his worry about what the world would do, what would happen if people saw him going from 39, to being 23 again. But...well, the longer he was with steve, the more interesting being young seemed to the man.
Steve smiled as he gently relaxed his arms as he realized Tony wasn't going to try and run away, instead the billionaire was accepting Steve's words. good. "we're a lot better... though i REALLY wish Loki would stop seducing Bucky." he grumbled with a scowl. "i don't know why it bothers me so much. but it does!" he admitted. "i'm pretty sure Loki is up to something evil. it's the way he looks at me." ah, so Steve still was suspicious of Loki. well, when he remembered that Loki had almost drained himself to permanent damage just to save Steve's life he'd probobly cut the godling some slack. "collars?" Steve asked, looking surprised before he reached up to touch his throat. "oh! i hadn't remembered about those." he admitted, fidgeting. suddenly feeling naked without them. "i know i'm being stupid." he agreed. "i just... i had to..." he shook his head and then looked startled at Tony's admittance. "really?" he asked, looking amazed before he smiled and Kissed Tony, rather affectionately. romantically. lovingly. "i would be delighted to share the rest of eternity with you Tony." he murmured. and damn if that didn't sound like agreement to get married. "come on, lets go upstairs, i don't like being without my collars."
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