Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

Steve chuckled at Tony and shook his head. "it's Phil." he corrected with a smile. "and if i remember correctly Happy's first name his Harrison." he admitted with a shrug. "you so are."

there was a pause and then Jarvis, sounding rather petulant. "You would not listen to me even if i did remind you Sir." the AI stated, making Johnny chuckle. "no." Steve stated sternly. "you will lay there like a good boy while i feed you." he ordered, stroking Tony's hair. "you're completely unrational." Johnny stated, Sur shooting Johnny a scowl. "you're not helping Johnny." "hey, he's my freind, i know what i'm doing. shut up and sit there like the good little stick up your ass princess you are. i don't tell you how to comfort your freinds, now do i?" Johnny demanded, glaring at his sister. "Johnny, be nice to your sister, Sue? keep your nose out of Johnny's affairs." Steve ordered, both th Storm siblings looking highly amused. Steve had always been a bit fatherly, and he was constantly breaking them up. and breaking up Clint and Loki. "that's not how incest works Tony." Johnny assured him with a smile. "i don't mind that you screwed my... younger than me father." "and i don't mind that you screwed my older than me son." Steve promised. "we never touched each other, so it doesn't count."
“Sorry J.”Tony muttered from where he had his face buried against the pillow, frowning at Steve. “Oh, you’re going to feed me?”He muttered smiling amused as he leaned into steve’s hand, feeling needy and upset, and not quite sure how to feel really. “...Wow. He already sounds fatherly. It’s kinda hot....wait. Does that make me the stepmother in this relationship?Cause that’s totally not cool.”Tony grumbled before snickering a little. “..that’s a very confusing thought. Steve being younger then you.”he said, flushing a little as he remembered he needed to talk to loki about the whole getting younger himself thing. Feeling very out of sorts and odd at the moment, shifting to snuggle into steve he sighed quietly. “Food’s nearly done isn’t it?”he muttered nuzzling his face against his shoulder.
Steve smiled and stroked Tony's hair. "of course i'll feed you." he promised. "no Tony, you're not the Stepmother. we have to be married before that term can apply. throw in the fact that your a male, then it's still not accurate." Steve admitted, sounding amused now. "it's not that confusing when you take into account the fact that someone apparently stole my sperm and used it to make a woman pregnant..." there was a pause. "does that mean i'm not a virgin in concerns to women anymore?" "....that's not how that works." Johnny admitted, sounding highly amused. "yes Tony, oods nearly done." Steve promised, kissing the other gently as he nudged the other. "go sit down, i have to drain the pasta." he admitted as he picked up the Pot and headed over to drain it before he started mixing the noodles into the sauce for easy serving and eating. he scooped a heaping serving into a bowl and grabbed a fork and then sat next to Tony on the couch and did just as promised and fed him a nibble at a time.
"Shut up steve.I know your laughing at me."tony said because to much had been hitting him lately,yo many secrets coming to the surface,along with own new tech for him to be acting calm and in control,to freaked out,even if this secret wasn't about him,this was still big."definitely not how it works."tony snickered looking amused at steve's words,trying to relax. Snuggling into steve he smiled,pressing a kiss to his cheek."thanks.this is amazing."he muttered snuggling him as he let steve feed him, calming slowly as he was fed, while he was grouchy anyways when he was lacking sleep.it got worse the longer he went without food these days.

And so was, that three weeks past in a whirlwind of happiness and sex, with tony accepting easier that not only he had the suit embedded in his bones and he was more computer then human somedays, or that Bucky was his uncle, or that his best friend was also his lover’s son. He just figured his threshold for weirdness had finally been crossed enough that none of this really didn’t seem weird to him. Which, didn’t explain at all why he was hiding down in his lab with a bottle of whiskey and working on the suit. Because while he could ‘store’ it in his body, it was possible to bring out and work and fiddle with it. And he had told steve not to expect him to come up for dinner, since he was working on the suit, but mostly, he’d lied, not willing to admit that he was hiding down here so he could drink. August 1st. It was a hard day for him, a personal hell that he had no desire to share with anyone, and that no one but him knew about, which was exactly how he wanted it. Frowning a little as he worked, he didn't hear steve coming into the lab, since the music blaring was so loud it could even hide a super soldier's heavy footsteps.
Steve chuckled a little. "i have to laugh or i'm going to freak out." he admitted with a shake of his had. "if you say so. seams kind of weird for me to have sired two kids without loosing my lady virginity though." he admitted, making both Sue and Johnny crack up. "he makes it sound as if he's a hermaphrodite." "a what?" "oh...uuh..." Sue hesitated but Johnny didn't and Steve stared at him in stunned amazement. "really!? people are actually born like that?!" he demanded, amazed as Johnny nodded, smiling as he watched Steve feed Tony. "see Sue? how can you think that Steve's abusing Tony, or that Tony's abusing me when things like that happen?" she just huffed.

Steve was a little annoyed to find that he was being ignored again, but he wasn't sure why this time. last time he had been able to guess, this time... he had no idea and Jarvis wasn't giving him a hand. he would have just let Tony stay in the lab, being that it had only been a day. he figured it was just a 'Tony Bad Day' which had happened a few times. unfortunately, Doom was causing issues, again. seriously, Steve was gonna pop that man's head off. he really was. he was trying to sink the Brooklyn bridge for some ungodly reason and now the Avengers had to help because the Fantastic Four had somehow all managed to get the chicken pox. those poor, poor people. even the rock man had it. "Tony! we have to..." Steve paused and stared at Tony, looking almost hurt. "...are you DRUNK!?" he demanded, horrified. "Tony what the HELL!? never mind. we have to go fight badguys. you go ahead and finish getting piss faced." he ordered. "don't leave the tower. i'll be back in a few hours and we WILL have a long and productive talk about this Tony!"
Tony startled as he heard steve, nearly falling off the stool he was sitting on, the wrench he was using dropping noisily to the floor. “Not drunk. Just drinking.”Tony said, the words sounding just a tad slurred around the ends, which meant tony was way, way past smashed, to be even showing signs. He was so good at not even acting drunk, or showing that he was drunk, that to be showing this much, it said he was a long, long step past hammered. “What?i’m a adult. I can drink and decide when I’m okay to go into a fight! I can..”Tony stumbled to his feet before wincing as he fell, groaning as the suit folded around him, the pain of it appearing making his head pound even as steve yelled at him. “No I can’t..”Tony said looking anxious and worried as he stood, letting the suit melt away again, his eyes dark and anxious, looking at steve, resting a hand against the table to stop from falling.
“Cap!We gotta go!”Natasha said wincing as she stepped into the room, making a face at the overpowering scent of alcohol, it was amazing steve hadn’t past out simply from the smell.
Steve sighed as he shook his head. "you're plastered." he growled, more than annoyed with his lover. he and Johnny and Tony had come to a very happy accord. he and Tony where dating, but when Tony needed something that Steve didn't know how to give, couldn't give, or wasn't there to give he went to Johnny. Steve had been learning fast though, very fast, and there was little he wasn't willing to try. this was the first time Steve had encountered something he just truly didn't know how to handle. a drunk Tony was a very new experience to the American Soldier. "stay!" Steve ordered. "you'll just be in the way as drunk as you are right now." he admitted, looking more worried about Tony than upset now. he knew how addictions worked. you where fine until an emotional upheaval and then you wanted. he assumed it was the same for Alcoholism. which meant Tony was seriously worried or upset about something. he paused to kiss the other. "stay here where your safe." he ordered. "i'll be back soon." he promised before turning and running out the door with Natasha to the Brooklyn Bridge where people where screaming as they tried to flee the doombots. "...this sucks. i'm making Johnny pay for this." Steve grumbled as he started beating up the bad guys.
Tony winced at the order, groaning a little. “It’s kinda hot when you order me around.”Tony muttered mostly to himself, nearly pulling back when the other kissed him, not because he was angry, but because he remembered steve’s rule about never kissing him drunk. “I’ll be here.Go.”he said watching the other’s go, already turning back to the video screen so he could watch a live feed of the fight. Which is how he saw Steve going to catch a civilian, watched Steve stumble on the loose rumble, watched his lover take a 200 foot header into the hudson river, already suiting up and heading for the door even as he registered the bloody red water. By the time he got there-still a little drunk but sobering from adrenalin- Natasha and thor had gotten Steve out of the water, thor holding the cape against steve’s head and natasha bracing a shattered arm, tying off a freely bleeding break. Feeling sick as he knelt at steve’s side he looked at the wounds that should have killed him....might still kill him. “We can’t wait....Med’s going to be to late...I’ll take him back to the tower.”He said jerking off his helmet, needing the air, feeling choked and lost as he leaned down to kiss steve lightly, “Sweetheart, I’m going to move you now.”He muttered as he stood with steve in his arms, holding steve gently, holding his head and hating the mushy feel under the material, not wanting to see just how much steve’s head looked like hamburger. Focusing on getting steve help, instead of the emotional mess hitting him like a train. He wouldn't survive losing steve, not even not knowing how he'd be after the brain damage, he just had to make sure he lived. And as he turned steve over to the medical people, he already knew it was going to take drastic mesasures for the man to not slip through his fingers, and feeling utterly helpless.
Steve snorted. "so you tell me all the time." he admitted to Tony, smiling when Tony almost pulled back. he knew it was Tony, he could handle a little alcohol. and he wanted Tony to understand he wasn't pissed. a little angry, but they could work through it. he never imagined the world of pain and terror he'd be in, in a matter of an hour. he had gone to save a little girl, and he'd managed, she'd have a few broken bones but he'd managed to keep her from dying. and then the ground shook, the rubble shifted, something exploded in his face and he was falling. it felt so... nice. just falling. he closed his eyes, whispered four words into the air, and hit the water. a normal person would have been dead on impact. he should have been dead on impact, it was only Loki's furiously struggling magic that kept him from dying. kept his blood flowing, his lungs working, his heart pumping. Loki was nearly draining himself trying to save Steve. on the TV, Steve's fall was being shown, his lips whispering 'I Love You Tony over and over before he hit the water. it was so disturbing that the news where showing that over and over again. so very wrong, especially as Steve was seconds away from dying.

the entire Avengers where waiting in the hospital waiting room, the TV had finally stopped replaying that moment where Steve hit the water when they where told that Steve was fighting for his life. experts where talking about how most people would already have been dead, how they where probobly going to lose one of their national icons. it was well into the next day when a doctor finally came out. it had been over twenty eight hours since they heard word. "Avengers?" the doctor asked, looking pale, tired, wary, but pleased. "i have good news, and some bad news." the Doctor admitted. "the good news is that your Captain has made it. he's alive, stable, and he appears to be staying that way." the doctor didn't mention that Steve flat-lined four times on the operating table. "the bad news is that his brain has suffered extensive damage. we're not sure how this will affect him. he might be blind, he might forget how to talk, he might not remember anything... he might even be brain-dead. we just don't know. he's settled into a Coma right now but we anticipate he'll only be that way or a week or less." the Doctor admitted. "i'm sorry." he admitted. "you can visit him one at a time." he admitted. "we are going to keep him for one more day to be sure of his stability, and then he will be released into Dr. Banners care."
Tony was hiding in the corner, away from the tv, still suited up because he couldn’t do anything, because his body thought he was under attack, to stressed and scared to make his new system understand that it wasn’t a physical attack, but a emotional one. Trembling a little as he looked up, swallowing hard. “...He’s the C-captain.He’ll b-be okay”Tony stuttered a little, even still mostly suited up-missing his helmet so the other’s could see just how strained and shattered the billionaire was. Looking at the other’s he sighed quietly. “Go on. See him.”he ordered quietly, settling down into his seat more, and despite their protests, the man didn’t move until Cap was allowed to go home. And even then, he for the next week, he only ventured as far as the seat by the bed, despite having permission to climb into the bed with his captain, the man was stubbornly remaining where he was, shattered and emotionally gutted as he waited to see if his beautiful, amazing captain would wake from a accident that should have never happened, and he was distnatly aware that the others were keeping him on a suicide watch, but he couldn’t bring himself to care, not when Steve looked like death warmed over.
Steve slept, body mashed and bruised. the Serum working everything it could on the more dangerous things, like the crack in his skull and the brain damage. so his face still looked like he'd gone toe to toe with the Hulk and his head was still swollen, his arm still broken and his torso covered on bruises. he woke up on occasion, delirious and frightened. he only stayed awake for seconds before he drifted back off, but it was a good sign at least. "then he was awake, and blinking at the ceiling. "thhhhuuun, eeeee." he slurred, looking breifly panicked as he struggled to make his mouth work the way he was sure it was supposed to. his mouth was too swollen to allow speech, he had nearly bitten through his tongue, which meant he had a mouth full of stitches, which meant no talking, and no solids for a while. he couldn't even use a straw because the sucking motion would aggravate the stitches. he would have to be hand fed the softest foods available. Steve whimpered as he suddenly felt the pain permeating his entire body. he was so scared, he didn't know where he was, he didn't know why he hurt, he was scared. he whimpered again and closed his eyes, maybe he was in a bad dream?
At the sound of what he assumed was his name, Tony bounded to his feet, leaning over to look at the other, eyes anxious and scared as he gently rested his hands on the man’s shoulders, gently to not hurt him, but to also make him hold still. “Hey, hey you’re at home. I promise. You’re safe.”Tony promised meeting those blue eyes, already pressing the call button to get bruce down here, holding it together, barely. “Hey, no falling asleep on me. Can you stay away sweetheart?Just for a few minutes?”Tony said sounding so scared, needing to know that steve would be okay, that he was starting to wake. Wincing as he felt the metal engulfing his forearms, taking a few long breaths to calm, because while he had grown used to being half computer, he was to panicked and scared for steve to be totally calm, and his body was responding to danger, even if it wasn’t a physical danger, sighing quietly as the metal melted away again. He really, really needed to get control.“Steve, you’re at the tower.”Tony said and even as he sat down on the edge of the bed, face hovering over steve’s, fingers playing with the collars he was holding, the doctors having cut them off the captain to help him, but it was still a comfort to have steve’s collars on him, to remind himself that steve was his, that steve wanted to be his, and it meant he wasn’t going anywhere. Almost a talisman for the billionaire for that steve couldn’t go away as long as he held them.
Steve made a sound of panic when Tony suddenly stepped into view and he stared at him, panicked as Tony spoke. he whimpered as he was told he was safe, he didn't feel safe at all. no, not in the least. he hurt so much, so very much and he didn't know where he was or who that person was and why they where apparently half metal. Tower!? what the hell was he doing in a tower? was he a hostage? "Tony. back up a bit." a new voice ordered, a softly smiling man now. "Steve? i'm going to ask you some questions. i will hold your hand, and you will squeeze once for yes, twice for no, and three if you don't know or don't understand, okay?" there was a long hesitation and then the hand squeezed once. "Do you know where you are?" the hand squeezed twice. "Do you know who i am?" the hand squeezed twice and Bruce nodded. "that's alright, we expected some memory issues after the accident you had." he assured the man who looked frightened. "do you know who that is?" Bruce asked and Steve squeezed twice. "...do you know who you are?" yet again Steve squeezed twice and Bruce grimaced. "alright... that's okay, my name is Bruce. Bruce Banner, i'm your doctor and a good freind of yours. this is Tony. Tony Stark. he's you're boyfriend. you're lover." Bruce explained, nearly laughing in Steve's gobsmacked face. "you are Steve Rogers." Bruce explained with a smile as Steve opened his mouth to talk. "no, don't talk. you have a mouth full of stitches." Bruce warned. "do you want to know what happened?" Steve squeezed twice and Bruce gently explained that Steve was a superhero and had been saving a little girl when he fell off of a very high bridge. he ran through the list of Steve's injuries when Steve looked like he wanted to speak again and Steve was weeping by the end of it. confused, hurting, frightened and upset he couldn't hold it in anymore. thankfully Bruce had been working nonstop to make a painkiller that Steve could use and soon the pain was much less.
Tony’s eyes widened as he realized that Steve was panicking, stepping back a step. Looking really close to panic himself even as he watched the two play the guessing game. “I-I uh...need to go somewhere. Not here. Yea. Not here. I’ll be back.”Tony stuttered looking anxious and out of sorts as he realized steve not only didn’t know him, but didn’t know who steve was. Looking lost and confused himself, though he didn’t make it very fair, just hiding outside the door until steve drifted off again, before stepping back into the room. “Does he remember anything?”He asked glancing at bruce, a soft wounded look on his face as he looked down at the man he loved, sounding like he was bleeding to death on the inside, and he was. Because he had no idea how to handle this. He was socially inept without steve having no idea how who he was. This was going to be worse now that he had to start all over again. Glad that it seemed that steve was in less pain as he settled into the chair to watch him, careful to keep out of sight, not wanting to upset steve even more when he woke up. trying not to utterly panic.
Bruce glanced up at Tony, looking worried. "it's going to be alright Tony." he promised. "go get some coffee." he suggested. "...a few things." Bruce admitted. "he can still read but Math's escaped him at the moment." Bruce admitted. "he remembers Hydra, or the emotions behind it anyway." he admitted as he carefully re-bandaged Steve's head. "he's pretty scared though, we should keep the others out for now. get him used to you and me before we introduce other people." Bruce decided as he stood up and gently took Tony's hand. "it's going to be alright. this is a lot better than what we anticipated." he admitted. "honestly, i was worried he wouldn't have any higher brain function." he admitted. "and there's a chance that some of his memories might come back." he admitted. "in fact the chance is pretty high of many of his memories returning. he might not get them all, but a good many of them should return." he admitted. "he'll remember you eventually Tony." he promised. "can you take care of him with him like this Tony? he's going to need a lot of care." he admitted. Steve's back was broken, which meant he would be getting sponge bathes. couldn't feet himself with both arms broken so someone would have to feed him. not to mention he'd probobly have long moments of heavy confusion, he'd be delirious often, and he was pretty much completely helpless. Steve was in a world of hurt for a good while, even if the Serum had been working perfectly he would have been bedridden for weeks after such a fall.
Tony swallowed hard watching steve as he considered what Bruce was saying. “Yea, we better keep the others out.”he decided, startling a little as the other took his hand, looking up at him. “Me to.I didn’t think he’d be,....this together really.”Tony muttered though he looked lost, like he had no idea how he was supposed to do this. “I suck at the whole people think you know. I shouldn’t be the one taking care of him.”He said even though he knew he wasn’t going to be able to do anything else. Even if he didn’t trust himself, he’d never trust anyone else to take care of him either. Sighing quietly as he nodded. “I can take care of him. I mean, it’s sponge baths.”Tony gave a tired little snicker, sounding so worn down and broken that it was nothing like the billionaire they’d met when they first moved in. “I can do this.”He muttered, mostly to himself.
he nodded a little and then smiled at Tony. "he's going to need a lot of word and rehabilitation, but i honestly think he'll be fine if you help him." he admitted. "besides, your his lover. you love him, who better to take care of him than the person he loves most?" he asked, smiling a little. "besides, you'd freak out if anyone else tried to take care of him." Bruce teased with a smile. "you can do it." he promised. "i'll be here to help you." he promised.

when Steve woke again he was starving, and swallowed down three bowls of soup eagerly. cold soup because the hot soup make his tongue hurt. then he proceeded to stare at Tony, searching the man's face intently, as if memorizing it. Bruce took the opportunity to set up a Tablet with a keyboard so that Steve could type out anything he wanted to say and showed him how to push the buttons and press enter to make the Tablet talk. which fascinated Steve for hours. doped up on painkillers, he was easily amused and giggled every time he made the tablet say 'ass'. 'You are my lover?' Steve finally tapped out after a long, entertaining period of swear words and silliness. 'Your name is Tony, right? and mines Steve? are you a superhero too?' well at least his memory was also intact, even if he couldn't remember anything, his ability to retain new information seamed to be holding well.
“Well, its a good thing I’m a engineer isn’t it?Used to fixing things.”Tony muttered because it was a running joke between him and johnny. He could fix anything mechanical, but he utterly failed with humans. But for steve, he would try. “...Maybe.”he agreed with the idea of freaking out if anyone else tried.

Tony smiled slightly as he helped Steve eat, avoiding looking at the man directly in the face, even if it was obvious when steve wasn’t looking at him, that he was stealing glances. He was nervous and worried about messing up, but mostly he was ashamed of himself for getting Steve so badly hurt. And almost didn’t want the man to remember, because if he did, it would mean steve would leave, despite promises to stay, he couldn’t see even steve forgiving this. Snickering quietly as bruce set up the tablet, he smirked. “It might be easier teaching him this time around.”he looked amused as he watched steve work the tablet, so amused at the man’s easy amusement and giggles. It was adorable, even if he’d never say it out loud. Startling a little at the serious question, nodding a little. “I-I am.”he stuttered a little, looking nervous at actually getting to the emotional questions instead of swear words and silliness. “And yes, I’m tony and you’re steve.”tony said before wincing, “No, not really.I just pretend most days that I am a hero.”Tony shrugged a little, looking away from the man, because no matter how many times the others told him this wasn’t his fault, or that steve apologized for what was said on the helipad, his self esteem had taken enough of a beating to believe that he was simply believed he wasn’t a hero, no matter what he did.
Steve wasn't too disturbed by the looks. he was utterly fascinated by Tony. his Lover. now that he wasn't so frightened, he could admit, he did feel fuzzy warm things when he looked at Tony. "i would imagine so." Bruce agreed with a smile. "he'll be a lot more open to it i'm sure." he admitted as he left to get some more of the painkillers made up. 'Your really pretty. i have good taste. Steve tapped out, looking quite smug before he glanced at the other. '[i[how do you make the metal come out? is that your superpower?[/i]' Clearly Steve didn't beleive Tony when he said that he wasn't a superhero. what do i look like? do i have superpowers?
Tony flushed a little at steve’s praise, “Well, you taste good yourself, but I wont try to convince you in bad taste in liking me. It’s not fair arguing with a hurt person.”he snickered a little looking amused at Steve’s words even if he was blushing before pushing the curls out of his face, he really did need a haircut, it was getting curly and long, but he wasn’t about to leave steve alone long enough to cut his hair. “This computer part makes the metal come and go when I’m anxious or under attack...which is alot considering you’re hurt and I can’t do anything....sorry. I know its kind of freaky, but the more upset I am, the less control I have...it’s a new addition, I got it just before you got hurt.”Tony smiled slightly before smiling. “You are the original superpowered person. Your healing, you fight, you can pick up about anything;....all in all, you’re a stronger then most people....hold on, let me find a picture....Jarvis?”Tony asked, grinning as Jarvis projected a picture of them together, rolling his eyes a little at his AI’s sentimental side.
Steve went bright red at being told he tasted good. You had shorter hair before. i like it like this Steve tapped, proving that he was indeed starting to remember some things already. So it's like an inside out turtle. can i see it? Steve tapped, looking hopeful and curious. whats a computer? i'm sorry your upset, but i'm sure i'll be better soon. Doctor Bruce said so. Steve assured Tony before he smiled at the picture, looking at Tony more than he was himself. i like that. i Draw, i think. did i draw you? i'm sure i did. i always draw the people i love. Steve admitted before he groaned in pain as he yawned. i'm going to go to sleep now. too tired. hurts too much. will you stay with me? i'm scared. Steve tapped out before flexing his fingers at Tony, the way he always did when he wanted to hold hands. he looked so sweet and pleading like that, it was like he couldn't decide if he was a small child or an adult.
Tony grinned as the other blushed, smirking a little. “I did. It gets curly when it’s long.”Tony snickered a little, looking really pleased that the other was remembering small things, before sputtering a laugh.”Yes...I guess it’s like a turtle.”He said swallowing hard as he concentrated, smiling quietly as the suit formed around him, “It’s like what your using to talk. Only this computer’s stuck in me.”he explained waving a hand towards the tablet, sighing quietly as he let the suit melt away again, settling back in his chair. “You do and did. Alot. Anywhere I was really, became subjected to being drawn.”he smiled as steve tapped out more words, nodding quietly as he slipped his hand into steve’s, settling in his chair more,”Get some sleep.I’ll be here.”He promised, squirming around to get comfortable before dozing off in the chair.
Steve smiled. 'i like it. it looks soft and silky. it would be fun to brush it.' Steve admitted before he examined the tablet he was using before examining Tony, clearly pondering how Tony was anything at all like the glowing square things in his hands. it's very pretty. does it cover everything?' Steve asked, his eyes flicking down to Tony's crotch. he'd never admitted it before, but he was seriously listing over the idea of Tony giving him a pounding while wearing the suit. 'i must love you a lot then. i feel fuzzy warm things when i look at you so it must be love. your also really pretty, makes it nice to draw you. you have perfect cheeks.' Steve admitted with a smile as he wrapped his fingers around Tony's, looking so relieved as he slipped back into sleep.
“I’ll just have to leave it long then.”Tony smiled a little before laughing. “don’t try and understand. Just know that there’s a computer in me.”He snickered to worn out and tired to try and explain all over again the computer implant before flushing at the other’s words, squirming as he realized what steve was referring to. “I-it doesn’t have to.”He stuttered a little before flushing slightly. “Love you to, soldier boy.Just sleep.”He ordered flushed and pleased at steve’s praise as he slept.

“How you feeling, sweetheart?”Tony muttered when he saw that steve was awake next, looking calm and tired. Despite having managed to sleep a little, he hadn’t really slept since steve had gotten hurt, really a few days before that really, since he’d been working on the suit and planning things so he hadn’t been asleep.and he was edging into that manic state that he got when he was feeling utterly helpless, unable to help steve, and having no idea how to help him. Despite being with him knowing he was doing what steve needed, the billionaire was feeling utterly helpless still, and the guilt eating him alive just didn’t help either. The strain was starting to show around the edges, gutting a man who had been barely hanging on since the accident. Having refusing to leave steve’s side, only escaping long enough to shower and clean up, actually wearing steve’s collar as a bracelet since that was all it was big enough for since the hospital had cut it to pieces, along with his own necklace. Needing the reassurance, and feeling utterly lost and at ends. He was doing a good job taking care of steve, even if he couldn’t see it, such a good job, hat he wasn’t taking care of himself.
Steve smiled a little at him and nodded, grimacing at the pain that caused. That's awesome. when it doesn't hurt to move, we're going to do that. Steve decided before he slipped off to sleep.

he groaned as he woke up and struggled to tap out the words. 'hurts. Tony' a few whimpers left Steve's throat as he struggled not to tense, not to move. everything ached. so much. thankfully, Bruce was already there, gently working a needle into Steve's arm. they had to be very careful with the painkillers. it wouldn't do for Steve to break his dependance on Cocaine only to start an addiction to painkillers. "Tony, you look like shit." Bruce muttered. "you need to go take a shower, eat a good lunch and take a nap. you can't take care of Steve if you're dropping from exhaustion." he stated. "you go do that and i'll stay here with him." he ordered. "now, Tony." Bruce ordered, Steve trying to copy the stern look, but he was pretty high off the painkillers already so the look failed and he started to giggle and tease Tony about getting in trouble with 'papa Bruce'. Bruce just sighed.
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