Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

Steve was getting quite furious with Tony Stark, and he'd finally had enough once he realized WHY Tony was avoiding him. "Get up." Steve ordered, his voice cold, but firm. "put the screwdriver down, and kneel in front of the opposing Desk." he demanded, staring at Tony. "take off your shirt, cross your wrists, and shut up." he ordered, dropping something on the desk. pink silk rope, a blindfold, a gag, and a cock ring. he unrolled the bullwhip that was in his hand and just stared at Tony, waiting, lifting a blonde eyebrow at Tony as if waiting for the other to argue or disagree.
Tony’s head jerked up startled at the order, hands tightening on the screw driver. Staring at the man in front of him, he took a shuddering breath, even if he was avoiding steve....well, maybe because he was indeed avoiding him, he was shuddering in instant arousal at the orders. Swallowing hard as he eased off the stool he was sitting on, setting down his screwdriver and following directions, stripping down to just his jeans as he crossed his wrists, sneaking a glance up at the other man.
Steve had to admit, he was glad Tony had done as he said. he wasn't sure what he would have done if Tony had told him no. "Good." Steve praised as soon as tony was in place, running his fingers through the others hair. "i'm going to make you hurt Tony. and when you're feeling nice and calm, then we're going to talk." Steve stated. "now. i am going to make a cute pattern on your back." Steve admitted, Gripping Tony's hair tight. "you can have a choice. you can wear the Gag, and not be allowed to cum. or you can forgo the gag, and be allowed to cum. either way, if you say a word without my permission, you will regret it, because i'll stop, and make you sit there for five minutes for every word." he warned, smirking as he wrapped the pink silk around Tony's wrists. "Johnny was right, you do look good in pink." he admitted with a smirk as he attached the other end to a strut in the table so that Tony's back was in a nice curved position. "now lets see. how should i make your back pretty?" he mused, his head tilted.
Tony swallowed hard, tilting his head into the other’s hand a little, closing his eyes as he shuddered, even as he tensed at the idea of talking, already starting to pull away, a whimper escaping as steve gripped his hair. “Without.”he said quietly before going quiet again, shivering as the man tied his wrists, he squirmed a little, looking amused to find himself bound like this, to his own work table. It wasn’t the first time, but it was the first time with steve, and it interested him to see what was going to come up next. Biting his lip to keep from answering the question he arched his back a little, waiting to see what steve’d do.
Steve stroked Tony's hair when he felt the other tense. "hush now." he ordered. "it won't be a bad talk." he promised. "just a new rule i would like implemented." he admitted before smirking. "Such a Good boy." he murmured, tipping Tony's hair back, kissing him. "Tell me your safe word." he ordered as he stepped back and stated warming up the whip, cracking it against empty air for a little bit. "it's kind of cute, seeing you like this. all helpless." he admitted as he picked up the blindfold and wrapped it around Tony's eyes. "now remember, not a word or you'll sit there for a good while." he teased, smirking as he kissed Tony again before snapping the whip. a long strike. there was a long pause and then another crack. twelve strikes across his back, each time a good long pause in-between to give Tony time to adjust to the new pain before he added another. in the end, there was a twelve pointed star across Tony's back.
Tony relaxed under the other’s hair, even if he didn’t look to sure that it wasn’t going to be a bad talk. He’d been avoiding bad talks. Everything was a bad talk. “....”He stared, looking quiet, and thoughtful as he considered his safeword, before relaxing quietly. “Spangled.”Tony said, his voice soft and quiet, as if even with permission to talk he wasn’t sure he should be, jumping at the crack, turning to look up at steve as he fitted the blindfold on, looking like he was sulking at the idea of being ‘cute’. By the end tony was slumped in his bonds, head resting against his work bench, strung out enough that he was floating nicely in subspace, totally pliant and content to just be with the other man, shuddering as he came as the last strike fell.
Steve smiled a little. "Spangled? i feel mildly insulted." he teased with a chuckle as he gave the other one last kiss before he started to crack the whip across Tony's back. "Good Boy Tony." Steve purred as he undid the Blindfold and untied Tony's hands, stroking the marks on his back. "so pretty." he purred as he gently picked Tony up and carried him out of the room, ignoring the fact that Clint looked a bit freaked out by the marks on Tony's back. he gently laid Tony in bed, on his belly an rubbed in the ointment that would make the marks heal better, provided by Loki, who ensured that it would sting a little while being applied, but would make sure that no marks scarred. "Now. we talk." Steve decided once he was holding Tony so the other couldn't get away. "i want this to be permanent." Steve stated suddenly. "i don't want you to see other people. i know that's greedy of me, but if i belong to you, then i want it to be for a long time. i want you to be mine too. i don't mind if you still sleep with other people, well. i do, but it won't upset me too overly much." he admitted. "i don't want to wake up alone in bed anymore because your scared i'm going to leave because i'm not." he complained, frowning. "i want you to trust me Tony. Trust me that i won't leave you and trust me that i'm not going to abandon you. your the most important person in my life."
Tony moaned quielty as he was picked up, his head lulling a little against clint’s shoulder,”...freaked out clint, cap...”He muttered sounding distantly amused, shuddering a little under the other’s hands as he applied the ointment, squirming a little, trying to get away. Looking annoyed at finding himself trapped, starting to panic, coming back from subspace harshly fast as he realized steve had been serious about the talking before freezing, going still in the other’s arms. “....Let go steve. Please.”he begged quietly, and it was obvious he really wasn’t hearing what the other was trying to tell him, because he couldn’t trust. People left tony, it was what everyone did. He was actually not just waiting for steve to leave, but his team. Loki. Johnny....”please, don’t do this. Please. Don’t make me believe. Stop.”He muttered ,babbling quietly even as he twisted to cling to the man holding him.
Steve snorted. "he'll have to deal with it. he still doesn't understand about BDSM." he admitted. "i've been doing a lot of research on it myself. Johnny's been helping me a lot...." there was a pause. "is it true that you can use a cucumber to practice blowjobs? or was he just fucking with me?" he asked, frowning. "i won't let go." he stated, but he didn't tighten his arms either. he didn't want to trap Tony, but he didn't want him to escape either. "i want you to believe." he stated simply. "i want you to know it. i want you to be mine, like i am yours." he admitted, tilting his neck so that Tony could see he was still wearing his Collars even as he pressed something into Tony's hand. a simple chain made up of what looked like silver, but was strong enough that Tony wouldn't be able to break it. on the chain was a pendant and two rings. the rings to Steve's 'collars'. "i am yours." he whispered in Tony's ear. "now be mine."
“I feel the need to go show off how amazing my back probably looks...”Tony muttered before pausing, eyes widening a little before starting to laugh. “You can. But if you do, I want to watch.”he muttered, scowling as he was held, biting his lip. Staring at the good captain he turned, looking up at the other, his eyes finding the collars even as his hand closed around the chain. Before frowning looking down to see what he was holding, blushing ever so slightly. Shuddering as the other’s lips brushed against his ear he nodded jerkily, wanting so badly to believe. “Okay. I-okay.”He said stuttering ever so slightly, as he slid the chain over his head, shuddering as the rings clanked lightly against the arc reactor, tensing at the sound, as if expecting a bad reaction to the reminder of just how much tech he had in his system. Going quiet as he settled against the blond’s chest, breathing slowly, trying to calm the clawing his throat apart.
Steve smirked. "you're back does look amazing." he agreed as he stroked one of the marks. "well. i'd much rather practice on you." he admitted. "it's still a little gross, but i've done lots of gross things." he admitted before smiling as he watched Tony accept the necklace. the pendant was something he had thought Tony would like. a red and gold circle. Steve smiled as he heard the clink and kissed Tony's temple. "i had hoped that you being in subspace would have eased that conversation." he admitted. "i don't know much about it, but i do know that it's pretty bad getting jerked out like that... is there anything i can do to help you?" he asked, stroking the back of Tony's neck gently. he tugged on the curls and paused as he saw the metal implant. he leaned down and gently kissed it, trying to show Tony that he didn't care how much of an android the other was.
“....I’m not sure if I appreciate my cock being labeled as ‘gross.’”Tony whined even as he raised the ring to look at it, smirking slightly at the color scheme. “I’m surprised it’s not a pretty spangled circle, instead of something so well, me.”He teased a little, shuddering a little, taking a shaky breath before nodding. “It is...I’d say I’d do it to you, but I can’t be that mean on purpose....and it’s not your fault. My issues are to insane to deal with in any headframe.”He muttered because it was insane, he hated that he was so completely incpable of being normal in any such way, but he was trying. So hard for steve. Whining quietly as his hair was tugged a little he shuddered as steve’s lips brushed over the metal at his temple, relaxing slowly, letting steve start to ease the panicky feelings that was a combination of being jerked back from subspace and his own issues with abandonment, nearly drowning him. “Just lay here with me. Kiss me.”He demanded turning his head to look at the blond. As much as he’d recovered, he’d been avoiding actual sex, because well, it was bad enough to have this much with steve, and to have him walk away after sex would have killed him. But...he decided to put a little trust in his lover, and maybe...he could do this. And it wasn't like he didn't want to jump his blond super soldier.
he shrugged. "all cocks are gross. they go up things they should never go up, and they usually have piss or semen leaking out of them." he pointed out. "Gross." he stated. "Tony, i know how you are. you wouldn't wear it if it was spangly." he teased with a chuckle. "and besides, this way you can wear it anywhere you want to and no one will question it." he muttered as he nuzzled Tony's neck. "oh Tony." he sighed, rolling his eyes. "Your issues aren't any worse then mine." he admitted. "you've been hurt bad, you have every right to be the way you are. besides, why in the world would i want a normal man?" he asked with a smile. "they are quite boring you know." he admitted with a smile as he kissed the other obediently. "oh. did you want to see your back?" he asked with a smirk. "it's pretty today." he admitted with a chuckle.
“....I guess I shouldn’t be sticking my cock anywhere then, I guess?”Tony smirked flirtingly at the other man, before smiling.”very true. I like them these colors.”he said blushing a little as he realized that steve indeed wanted him to wear them all the time.”You do realize, you’re stuck wearing your collar now right?I leave mine on as long as you do.”Tony muttered smiling quietly shivering as he was nuzzled, before smirking. “It would indeed be to quiet for you, Captain, if I was normal.”Tony said snickering a little before tangling his fingers in the other’s hair to keep him close.”Don’t I always look pretty?”He said but was already squirming to get out of the other’s hold, to go look at his back.
he smirked. "well. i wouldn't mind it if you fucked me." he admitted with a chuckle. "i've been doing a lot of research after all. i might even be able to fuck you back without any mistakes... i think." he admitted with a smile. "i like those colors too." he admitted with a chuckle as he kissed the other again. "i like the collars. though i might take the leather one off from time to time, it's a bit constricting." he admitted. "i love how it's tight like that but it gets in the way during battle." he admitted. "but the metal one can stay on all the time." he admitted with a smile. "it's just less..." here he paused. "i can't feel it as much." he finally managed. "so it's harder to feel safe when i'm wearing that one." he admitted. "it's nice to have, but it's less like being owned." he admitted. "i like them both in tandem the best." he admitted with a smile. "much too quiet. plus anyone else would brag about fucking Captain America, or worse, would try to change me or stop me from defending people." he admitted with a smile. "and no, actually you're not always pretty, usually you're more of a handsome sort." he admitted.
“...Huh. Just how much research has johnny been helping with?Should I be jealous of you two watching porn or something?”Tony teased a little before nodding. “Which is why I bought two you know. I figured the leather one wouldn’t be as good in a fight.”He pointed out sliding his fingers under the leather, drawing him closer before laughing. “I brag about sucking on your cock all the time. I think I’ve scarred Coulson by telling him I blew his good ole Cap.”He teased before rolling his eyes. “I can’t really complain about you saving over. You’ve put up with my fat ass becoming literally one with my suit.”Tony pointed out still sulking he’d gained almost twenty pounds, though he looked as fit as ever, having that much metal wedded to his bones bulked him up. Smirking as he turned to look at his back in the mirror he slanted a look towards steve.”A star, huh?And I thought you said I wasn’t one for spangly things.”he teased crawling back over him, kissing him hard.
he chuckled a little. "he sets up the pages on the websites and then Jarvis scrolls through them for me." he admitted with a chuckle. "i won't let him actually teach me because it's creepy. but he's been teaching me how to use some of the flogs and canes and stuff." he admitted. "i know." he admitted with a smile. "but i kind of like the leather one best." he admitted as he stroked it with his thumb. "i did keep a copy of the key for this one, just in case, but the metal one you're the only one with the Key." he admitted with a smile. "you did not." he scoffed, looking amused. "Coulson would never have let you talk to him about sex." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, you're not Fat in the least." he admitted. "in fact, you look healthier than i've ever seen you... i really do wish that you'd eat more and sleep some but i can bully you into doing that later." he admitted with a grin as he watched the other. "yes, a star. there's not many designs i can make with a whipe you know, and i'm not sure i like the idea of using knives on you." he admitted with a shake of his head. "so you get stars." he admitted with a smile. "now. get over here. i want to practice blowjobs." he ordered.
“Oh good. Not quite as jealous now.”Tony smirked before laughing. “It would be a little creepy, even for my screwy sex life.”Tony snickered before smiling, his thumb stroking over leather and skin, before blushing ever so slightly. “Good. Cause that’s not coming off. Ever.”Tony said, before a slight insecurity shook him, tilting his head. “unless you want it off.”Tony added after a moment before laughing. “I did to. It’s not my fault Clint hangs out with Coulson alot, and birdbrain was curious. I mean, he really doesn’t get the BDSM, totally keep having conversations about it.....getting to tell Coulson I blew you was just a bonus of having that conversation again.”Tony smirked before flushing a little, because he knew it was true. He slept more, and ate more even if it wasn’t as much as the others wanted, it was more then he had before. Because his mind was processing things faster, he required more sleep because otherwise he sorta...shorted out for hours if he didn’t take breaks. “Hey, hey, hey, you and loki both bully me into doing plenty. And don’t think I didn’t see you bullying Barnes into helping. I mean, playing the uncle card just to take me out to lunch and fresh air?That was low.”Tony teased a little. “Hm, this is more then I could do. Very impressive.”He said before tilting his head thinking that over. “Maybe....I don’t know. Never tried knives before.”he said sounding thoughtful before grinning, “I’ll always up for blow job practice.”He said stroking a hand over his cock looking amused as he sank back onto the bed next to the other.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "yeah. pretty creepy. Jarvis is looking into Johnny's family tree actually." he admitted. "Johnny and his sister where adopted apparently." he admitted. "he's curious about his birth family." he admitted with a smile. "it would be pretty creepy if he turned out to be my grandson wouldn't it?" he asked with a laugh. "the only time it needs to come off is during battle. i doubt i'll ever take it off otherwise." he admitted with a smile. "the metal one is never coming off. ever. i'll be buried in this." he teased with a smile as he tugged on it gently. "...seriously?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i'm going to beat Clint up, i think he's trying to flirt with you." he admitted, shaking his head. "well you weren't talking to me... i had to use dirty tricks." he admitted with a smirk. "i could teach you to use the whip if you like. you'll need a few years of practice before you can do stuff like this, but it should only take a month or two before you can use it on me safely." he admitted with a smile. "well... we'll try knives later." he agreed as he licked his lips and studied the cock before he simply dove in and ran his tongue along the length and then pulled back to consider the taste, his head cocked. "...it's... not what i expected." he admitted, he must have decided it wasn't so bad because he bent his head and ran his tongue along the length again before slowly sliding it into his mouth before he pulled back after gagging. "yeah... practice needed." he muttered. "better settle in Tony, we'll be at this for a while." Steve teased.
“I knew that actually. He’s been OCD about it on and off for years. Sometimes looking, sometimes not...and don’t say that!I’ll feel weird for screwing the grandfather and grandson...that’s just to many issues.”Tony whined making a face despite being teasing. Relaxing a little at steve’s words, offering a shy smile. “Yes, seriously. And I think he’s doing it part because he’s curious, and because well, he’s clint and he’s a ass. But I’d love to watch you have the sex conversation with him.”He snickered before wincing. “Dirty tricks from the good captain. I think I’m corrupting you.”He teased before nodding. “later.”He agreed groaning as the other dove for his cock, shuddering as he slid his fingers through his hair, “No, I doubt it was.Careful.”He muttered fingers tightening a little in steve’s hair, resisting the urge to fuck his mouth, pulling his hair because he couldn’t not. Struggling for control. “Definitely needed.Good thing I don’t mind.”Tony teased smiling as steve returned to his practice, feeling his control starting to shred, it was so very hot seeing steve doing this.
he nodded. "i can't blame him really. if i was adopted i'd want to know why too." he admitted. "and Jarvis is ten times better than any secrete spy private investigator." he admitted with a smile. "Tony... didn't you used to sleep with Twins? how is this any weirder?" he asked, looking amused. "he is an ass." he agreed with a chuckle. "i think he just wants to understand us... none of us had very many freinds before the Avengers." he admitted with a small smile. "i'll make sure to stick around next time then." he admitted with a laugh. "oh but what a pleasant corruption it is." he purred playfully before he focused on the others cock. "you better not mind." he teased with a snicker. "i'm putting my mouth on a filthy place." he admitted with a chuckle as he licked, lapped and sucked. he wasn't able to overcome his gag reflex, but he was able to swallow when Tony came. he missed a few strands, but he swallowed most of it.
“Hm, so he is. He is jarvis. He totally runs the world.”Tony snickered before making a face.”Yes, and it just is. I mean, if you’re like his grandfather or something, that’s just weird!Especially since you’re younger then he is!”Tony whined a little.”No, I guess we didn’t. I probably should make fun, and be serious sometime when talking to him.”Tony snorted amused gently stroking the man’s hair, shivering as he squirmed. “It has been very pleasant.”He muttered being so good and holding still as to not choke the other as he came, groaning as he slumped back onto the pillows in utter contentment, “You have no idea how hot this is...seeing you swallowing my come.”He purred a little dragging the other up for a kiss even as he blindly fished for the lube out of his drawer, kissing him hard, so looking forward to watching steve as he slid his fingers into him, fucked him. This was going to be amazing.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "this is true. pretty creepy then." he agreed with a snicker. "still,we'll know once Jarvis finishes." he admitted. "now why on earth would you give up prime teasing material?" he asked with a grin. "we're going to mock the life out of him." he admitted with a chuckle. "that was a lot less awful than i thought it would be." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head as he wiped his mouth and smiled at Tony before he kissed him eagerly and watched as he pulled out the Lube. "i gotta tell you, that stuff is way better than anything we had in the thirties." he admitted breathlessly before he stripped off his pants eagerly. "whose topping?" he asked, willing to go with whatever Tony wanted.
"Well,I want him to like me.mocking him seems to lead to the opposite really."tony snivkered though because he knew he was so going to show off his back later."hmm... you're going to have to practise more if it was only a little less bad then you thought."he teased running his hand through the other's hair as he kissed him,puttering a little. Most of the time he managed to not think about steve having sex with bucky,but thrn hr said these random stuff and it just hit him again. Growling possessively as he jerked his own clothes off he looked at the other."me."he growled,totally wanting to shoe the other who he belonged to noe,tangling his fingers in his hair and pushing him down, pushing him around until he got him exactly where he wanted him,before hesitating for a moment,glancing at steve's face to make sure he was okay,half laying on the bed and half in tony's lap, as he slid a finger into him,groaning as he rolled his hips,pressing his cock against a hardened thigh."gods,steve.so hot inside...can't wait to feel you around my cock.."
he snickered. "mocking him would be good for him." he stated. "it's how men bond apparently. at least that's what he claims." he admitted with a chuckle as he nodded. "i'm going to have to practice a lot." he agreed with a chuckle as he kissed the other back. he gasped as he heard the growl and felt the hand tight in his hair, making him whimper slightly, not in pain but in arousal. "yes." he moaned, eyes flittering closed, whining when Tony paused, shimmying into a more comfortable position so he could spread his legs, gasping as he felt the finger inside of him, thrusting back, silently begging for more. it didn't take him long before he was a mess of 'yes' and 'Tony' and 'more'. made a person wonder how no one had ever caught Steve having sex during the war because he was a world of noise with those fingers inside of him, begging, moaning, whining, crying out and even shrieking when Tony brushed against his prostate. he wriggled and wiggled and jerked as he gasped and muttered, lost to pleasure and completely undone.
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