Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

“...They argued...over who could hold my hand?I guess I should be glad to not be suffering from broken fingers with them arguing.”Tony said sounding amused and disturbed all at once, snickering before yelping as his hand was batted away. “I don’t want to pick at it.....”He stopped realizing it was a lie.”Much.But I’ve never heard of this kind of tech, it was just me being weird and insane after....”He shuddered trailing off, sulking at not being able to see the tech right that minute before flushing as he was nuzzled, smiling quietly, before his eyes widened as he saw both.”Well.As long as you feel better.”Tony smiled because he wanted one now to, simply because he felt connected with the other man, and it seemed wrong to have steve wearing his without him having something of steve’s. Not that he was going to express the desire now he knew steve was going to leave him as soon as he was on his feet. Cause really, he was cap, he wouldn’t leave a man when he was still recovering, But after....well, tony was never good at expecting to keep good things. Sighing quietly as he was laid back down, he turned his head into the other’s hand, relaxing under his hand.”...hmmm updating. And it’s okay, the fact you remembered that much of everything they said was impressive. It’s all tech.”he muttered sleepily, “you’ll have to come down with me when I investigate it myself....might be able to explain things...”He muttered tiredly, yawning,”Promise?”the billionaire said, sounding younger as he was as he drifted off.

Though the sleep didn’t last nearly as long as anyone liked, it was more sleep then he normally got. Gently easing his legs over the edge of the bed, smirking slightly that they’d gotten him oen of the bigger beds so steve could lay down with him. Looking down at the man indulgently, he brushed his fingers over the super soldier’s hair, worried about how tired he looked before moving away, shuffling to his feet to go find the others. Before pausing, remembering their rules, and figuring this counted as something he better wake Cap up for before leaving. though he still felt shaky and the world was tilting dangerously as he got used to the tech, the engineer was to worried about the tech to just go back to sleep, at least not until he checked things out in his lap, with jarvis' help as he figured out what he was hooked up to now."Cap?"He muttered gently shaking the captain's shoulder
he chuckled a little. "yes, well. Bucky said they couldn't hold your hand until they decided so that they wouldn't jar you." he admitted. "i made Jarvis record it. it was pretty awesome." he admitted with a smile. "you do too. you pick at everything." he teased with a smile. "i'll let you have a mirror later." he promised. "Loki's pretty upset that he didn't think to track down the stolen Tech though." he admitted as he stroked the others hair. "i feel better now that your awake." he admitted with a smile. "yes well... i could give you the entire conversation if you want." he offered. "my memory has been exponentially advanced due to the Serum, i could probobly repeat every word they said verbatim." he admitted with a smile. "some of the words would be a little screwed because i'm not sure how to actually pronounce them, but that's besides the point." he admitted with a smile. "i'd like to go with you." he agreed. "i promise." he assured Tony.

he slept like the dead once he'd managed to calm himself down enough to sleep. he leaned into the touch a little even asleep as he was he always seamed aware of Tony. Steve jerked as he was shaken awake and he grasped at empty air, blindly groping for Tony before he jerked to full awareness. "Tony!... Jesus... don't DO that." Steve breathed, relieved as he realized the other was right there. "thought you got out of bed without waking me up." he admitted sheepishly as he moved over to the other. "how are you feeling this morning?" he asked, examining the other. "come on. we'll go down to you're lab, i'm surprised you slept this long." he admitted with a smile before he scowled. "...Johnny promised to wake me up in time to make you breakfast before you woke up..." he grumbled, sulking a little. "i was going to make you that French Toast you like so much." it was a recipe from the great depression that still managed to taste great despite the lake of actual ingredients.
“...They’re so weird. Really. I’ll have to watch it later.”Tony snickered a little before making a face at the super soldier.”I do not. But I’ll like a mirror later.”He agreed before huffing, shrugging, blushing ever so slightly that he matter enough that steve felt better with him simply being awake.. “Well, considering I told him it was junk, I really hadn’t thought it was important. I mean, I didn’t think it’d actually work. Not everything I come up with is a gold mine, doesn’t always work as well as well, the suit or the arc reactor.”Tony huffed a little before smiling quietly. “Good.”he muttered even as he drifted to sleep, glad to know the man would go with him.

Tony winced as he watched Steve reach for him, biting his lip. “Sorry. Got up to go to the bathroom,”Yea, okay so tony was a liar, everyone knew he was going to go to the lab, and had felt badly about it.”But figured I better wake you up to save you from freaking out....”He muttered flushing a little, embarassed that he nearly had done what steve thought he would, the only reason he hadn’t, was he had cared enough to not want the other to worry. Which for tony, who had a hard time understanding other’s emotions sometimes-aka all the time- it was a huge step. “I’m feeling weird. And a little sick....off balance to.”He said msiling before laughing,”He might have tried to. But you were sleeping like the dead, cap.Probably didn’t want hit for trying to wake you up.”he teased as he stood, waiting for the other to get up, and for once giving into the need for help,squirming closer to the other and wrapping a arm around his waist, leaning into the man as they walked before pausing.”...Okay. First stop. Kitchen.Then lab.I probably should check in with the others anyways.”He said sounding slightly amazed actually, that he didn’t have his whole team waiting in the lab with him.
he smiled a little. "Tony. you're you. everything you make is amazing, even the stuff you think is Junk." he admitted as he kissed the other gently.

"...liar." Steve muttered with an affectionate smile as he stretched. "that's alright." he promised the other. "you still woke me up." he admitted as he cracked his back with a groan before he slipped an arm around Tony. honestly he was stunned Tony had admitted to feeling poorly. he was sure the other would have tried to brush it off. maybe it was Tony's computer brain? "...true." Steve admitted. "i was up a lot last night because i had this horrible fear you where just gonna stop breathing." he admitted. "i have no idea where the thought came from but it freaked me out bad enough i couldn't sleep." he admitted as he helped the other walk. "we'll have to call some of them up from the various labs. we figured you might try to sneak out, so we have 'spies' in each of the labs you might try to get to." he admitted with a grin as Jarvis intoned that they where all headed up to the Kitchen and that Sue Storm, Ben Grimm and Reed Richards where with Johnny. trying, and failing, to comfort him. but at least they where trying. it was the first show of team affection they'd ever show Johnny, and Sue was practically holding Johnny's hand when they came up. he did at least seam to appreciate that. Bruce didn't show though, according to Loki he'd taken one look at the 'orange rock man' and declared 'i can fix that' and was currently hiding from his own feelings in working on how to make Ben less of a thing and more of a tamer hulk. clearly Bruce was worried about his Science Buddy if he was hiding in work.
“You don’t have to sound so affectionate about it you know. Most people are annoyed when I lie to them.”he huffed a little even as he rolled his eyes, relaxing a little. “Do I get rewarded for that?I mean, I did give you a blow job.”Tony said giving a shaky smile, insecure and out of sorts. He was actually surprised he’d said anything about feeling bad, but he wasn’t sure if it was because he could see just how worried steve was, or if this new talking thing was a result of the new system of world order, his mind reprocessing things....mostly, it was a combination, his mind processing steve was upset faster, wanting to reassure the man because of the feelings he had for him, before he could think to lie about it. “...If I ever stop breathing because of my own tech, you have my personal permission to bring me back and kill me again.”Tony huffed and even as he leaned on the super soldier a little, he was trying hard to not act as sick as he was feeling. “...I would not. You should have more faith in me. I can look after myself, even if I don’t pay attention to it alot.”Tony huffed making a face before smiling slightly the fantastic four had pulled together to take care of johnny. Good. “....Johnny.Come here. Steve has to cook.”Tony demanded as he slumped into the window bench seat, tugging the human flame close to him and down next to him, making shooing gestures towards steve even as he cuddled johnny. “Make food.I have to go check Bruce after this, so I need food, and coffee.”Tony demanded, sounding like a sick child. “...If he’s sounding this normal, I think he’s going to be okay.”Natasha said sharing a relieved smile with clint as she walked into the room, smiling quietly as she settled at the table, looking over the billionaire worriedly still,because it was such a rarity to see him this cuddly and open in public, wondering if he was feeling that badly, or if this was a new trait of the tech. Only time would tell.
Steve chuckled a little. "Tony, you're you." he admitted with a smile. "of course your going to lie to me. it's part of who you are." he admitted. "it's not like you'll lie to me about actually important things." he admitted. "it's like watching a little kid tell me he didn't eat the cookies when he has chocolate smeared all over his face." he teased with a grin. "sure, i'll give you a reward." he promised with a smirk. "maybe i'll give a blowjob a try. even if it's dirty, if i can make you feel as good as what i felt i am SO doing it." Steve admitted. "besides, you didn't do this to yourself Tony, i'd never punish you for it." he promised. "...if you had done it to yourself i'd probobly be pretty upset." he admitted. after all, it was untested, extremely dangerous, and it had nearly killed him. Steve would have been furious if Tony had done this to himself on purpose. "besides, i'd never Kill you. i'd fit you with a Chastity belt instead. much more effective." he teased with an affectionate smile before he rolled his eyes. "Tony. you can't cook, you don't know your own social security number. i even know mine... both of them actually. i was appointed a new number once i woke up." he admitted. "honestly, i'm not entirely sure you dress yourself in the mornings." Steve teased with a grin. "coming." Johnny chirped with a smile as he pulled the other into a tight hug. "god Tony you scared me." he whispered. "i could hear you screaming...." he admitted, shuddering against the other, simply holding him as Steve started on the massive piles of French toast, cut from loaves of bread that Loki had gotten from the local bakery. Steve always cut them thick and added 'secrete ingredients'. his French Toast was a much favored in the Tower. even if it took five loaves of bread to feed everyone. "Hey!" Bruce stated as he walked in, looking tired, but he was there. "glad to see you awake Tony." he admitted, taking the man's hand and just holding it, reassuring himself that his best freind was still alive.
“....I don’t eat cookies. I’ve been told I get fat if I eat them.”Tony whined huffing a little but looking amused despite the whining before flushing slightly as he considered steve giving him a blow job, blood rushing south fast enough to make him feel worse then he already did. “Hmmm..I like the idea of you on your knees.”He muttered before frowning a little, tilting his head as he considered that before nodding. “I already have one piece of horrible tech attatched to my body, wouldn’t get another.”Tony muttered proving that no matter how awesome he thought the arc reactor was, he still hated it being in his chest. Tilting his head up before shuddered a little. “No chastity belt, cap.that’s just mean to even suggest it.”tony pouted a little before frowning. “...I know yours. It’s like 2...I mean, you’re old enough to be around for it starting out. So yea...2.”Tony teased looking up at the man before frowning. “I can dress myself!Stop being mean.”Tony whined a little even as he snuggled into johnny, swallowing hard. “Scared myself to, you know. Wasn’t pleasant.”He muttered shuddering himself, content to just be held before turning his head as bruce took his hand, “Glad to see you up here. Was afraid I’d have to drag you out of the lab to come play in my lab with me.”Tony muttered even as he held the other’s hand, startling a little as bucky squeezed into the seat next to him, the billionaire feeling a little crowded, but not willing to tell any of them to move away since it was such a rarity for him to actually have people who cared if he weas alive or not. Frowning slightly he tilted his head.”Where’s loki?”He muttered looking upset with the god not appearing.
Steve smirked. "oh good. i can make some triple Trouble cookies then and not have to worry about you eating them." he teased with a smirk, well aware that the cookies would drive Tony into a sugar coma because he'd eat all three dozen in one go. "i like the thought of me on my knees too." Steve admitted with a smile. "it's not horrible." he complained, pouting at Tony. "i like the Arc Reactor." he admitted. "it does so many good and amazing things." he admitted. "the best part is that you'll never stub your toe in the dark!" he admitted with a beaming smile, hoping that would make Tony laugh. "oh yes. a chastity belt. for an entire day." he admitted with a grin. "and i'd make you watch me masturbate." he teased before he lifted an eyebrow. "actually, i did have one of the first cards. they weren't issued until... uh, 1936 i think. it was a huge mess actually. with so many people getting all their cards all at the same time." he admitted with a chuckle. "i was frozen two years later." he admitted. "and the first three digits refer to the area in which it was issued." he admitted. "i like being mean. it means you'll punish me later." he admitted.

Johnny smiled a little. "waking up to see Hammer of all people, i bet you where scared." he muttered. "that man is an idiot. broke out of prison just to kidnap one of the highest profile people in existence. i mean really." he scoffed as he watched Steve cook. "i told Jarvis to tell me when you got up." Bruce admitted with a smile. "i think i can fix Mr. Grimm." he admitted, indicating the orange rock man. "i mean, i can't reverse it, but i should be able to give him some sort of control over it. you know, turn it on and off at least." he admitted. "it was a good way to... hide." Bruce admitted, his eyes flicking around at all of the people. crowds made Bruce nervous, even if it was all people he knew and liked and even trusted. "of course i'll come play int eh lab with you." he promised with a smile. "Loki is in bed." Bruce admitted. "i got tired of him pacing and drugged him... i might have gotten a little overzealous with the drugs, but i'm sure he'll be fine." "...maybe someone had better go check on him?" Johnny asked, sounding amused as Bruce shrugged and ambled off to go check on Loki as Steve snickered and Johnny hid his laugh in Tony's hair. "actually, i'm pretty sure Bruce drugged Loki because he was overly sensitive and Loki wouldn't stop pestering him to stop staring at computer screens to eat and sleep." he admitted to Tony. "Bruce can be pretty touchy when he wants to be."
"Exactly.don't have to worry about the cookies."tony said even as his stomach growled with the idea. Staring at steve for a long moment as the man pouted he took a deep breath,wincing a little at the weight in his chest. While he knew Steve was right,it was horrible to feel it there.and he was still waiting for the man to freak out over his newest piece,cause he was. Considering tony liked tech,e figured he had to be having a easier time of it then steve,but if he was pretending,tony was to Desperate for comfort for the moment to send him away. Eyes widening though at his joke he sputtered at laugh."yes I guess that is a good thing.""I'm going to punizh you for sure. Definitely getting you fitted for a chastity belt."tony grumbled.

"Yea,and hammer holding some of my own tech like he knew what he was doing was freaky. Hes lucky he didn't kill me outright.seems even my 'junk"is so good a idiot can use it."tony snickered what he was really feeling hidden behind laughter and his good mood.really,all he wanted was to maybe lay down in thr lab,and get some work done"it could have been worse.he coulf have tried to kidnap cap. Tht would have been a national tragedy. Me,the prople coulf care less about."tony muttered a possessive groal to the words at the idea of hammer taking steve.looking up at bruce he smiled"that would be so cool.you'll have to come down and shos me the research while I work.it'll be fun."tony said looking for something normal,and nothing was more normal then bruce and tony doing science."oh...well he needs the reat."tony said looking relieved a little loki wasn't staying away by choice before snickering."hes going to kill you when he wakes up."tony snickered as he watched bucky follow bruce out to check on loki."he can be.but he shouldn't have stayed up.there wasn't anything to do until I was awke and see how it worked...I mean,I never planned on using it..so its totally weird.."he muttered relaxing as everyone filtered out to ldave him with johnny and steve,having been bullied by natasha to leave,he assassin zeeing that their presence was making tony itchy and nervous.
he smirked a little. "alright then. i'll make some tonight." he decided. "or maybe i'll make them while i'm making your french toast. yes that would be better. cookies and french toast. breakfast of the kings." he admitted with a chuckle. "good. i like getting punished." he admitted with a smirk. "i'll have to go out and buy a chastity belt, just to tease you with." he teased with a grin.

"i'd imagine so." he admitted with a smile. "besides, honestly? i don't think Hammer was the one doing the stuff. i think it was all Doom. which, while still horrifying, is at least less traumatizing." Johnny admitted. "besides, they couldn't have used Steve, from what i understand the Serum would have blocked any attempts at manipulating his physical structure, even if it is weak." he admitted. "besides, the people Love you." he admitted with a smile. "or did you not realize that you're trending in the billions?" he asked with a smile. "apparently you're a national Hero for you're life sacrificing skills. by the way, when you're feeling better, remind me to smack you for flying into that dino's mouth. Christ Tony." "it's not Tony's fault Johnny. he was a civilian before he became Iron Man and no one gave him any training at all." Steve admitted. "we're working on it, but he's still mentally a civilian. besides, his plans usually work, same as that one did. it's not his fault he was drugged and kidnapped after he exploded the Dinosaurs head." "valid point." Johnny agreed with a smile. "sure. i could use you're opinion on it anyway. i'm torn between an injection and a machine." he admitted. "both have their pros and cons but i can't decide which would be less traumatic." Ben looked a little wary at that. "he can try." Bruce promised with a chuckle as he left. "i know you didn't plan on using it. i managed to train you out of the destructive habit of testing dangerous tech on yourself." Johnny admitted with a chuckle as Steve started frying the French Toast. yes, frying. like a doughnut, or a Funnel Cake he was frying the French Toast. he was also mixing thick caramel with coconut and mixing up some rich white and milk chocolate for his triple trouble Cookies. Tony needed the sugar. his cookies where the best things on earth. the bottoms where made from a Butter Cookie known as a Spritz. it was hard and crunchy and tasted like heaven. on top of that was a layer of caramel mixed with Coconut. then there was chocolate Ganache on top of that, melt in your mouth. the whole thing was dipped in Chocolate to form a hard outer shell and was decorated with white chocolate. sometimes he switched the Chocolate Ganache for a creamy peanut butter fudge. it was the best thing ever made, ever.
"Hm.thanka."tony grinned even if he sid he wasn't going to eat them,they both knew he'd stuff himself until he was sick"it is thr breakfast of kings.you should get on your knees and praise me just to complete the qhole king image."tony muttered shooting him a look for being a tease at the idea of him in a chastity belt.

"I've seen doom's bots,not that encouraging."tony said but looked relieved that they couldn't use it on steve. At least he wouldn't have to wory about him,even if he'd have to about the rest of his team.but that was a worry for another time,after he figured out what it'd done to him."...am I really?"he snickered at the idea of trending that much before making a face."its not my fault it was trying to eat me."tony huffed making a face not about to bring up the chitauri,otherwise he really would be hit for being reckless and flying into animals."hmmm only cause I got tired of ou freaking out.."tony muttered resting his head on jognny's shoulder,actually falling asleep while he waited for food. He was definitely not okay,not that he'd admit it more then just saying he didn't feel good.
he smirked. "you'd like that too much." he teased with a smile. "i'll have to get one of those cute loincloths just to make the image perfect."

"yeah well. it was pretty funny when one of those Doombots set Sue on fire." he admitted with a chuckle. she hadn't been hurt, but she'd been missing her eyebrows for several weeks. "you are. it's pretty amazing. you're out trending the rest of us, including the Avengers as a whole, by about 3 million." Johnny admitted with a smile. "it was your fault. your the one who made your suit shiny and bright." he complained. "and you flit about like prey too. it's like you're begging to be eaten." "did he ever tell you about his brief foray into the life of Jonah?" "who?" "you know, from the Bible." "the one that was swallowed by a whale?... Tony! you didn't!" he complained, looking horrified before he sighed. "oh, never mind." he grumbled. "at least your not dead. and you love to freak me out." he complained as he watched Tony sleep, Steve smiling a little. "he's hurt pretty bad." Steve admitted. "this... tech, whatever it is. it's really screwed him up." Steve was worried, that much was obvious. "yes, but he'll recover. he always does." Johnny promised with a smile as he stroked Tony's hair while Steve finished cooking, sending the food out to the others in the living room while Johnny gently lifted Tony and headed down to the lab where Steve would join them. Loki joined them shortly into Tony's nap, grumpy but awake and eager to eat any cookie he could find.
“Hm, it had been.I still have that picture.”he muttered before grinning widely, pointing at his lover.”ha!I’m for once more popular then you. I feel like I should do something.”Tony snickered before frowning. “I am not. It’s not my fault I look amazing in shiny stuff.”he pouted before wincing at steve’s words, holding up his hands.”Hey, hey, Rogers, if he hadn’t found out in two years I got swallowed by the chitauri’s equivalent of a whale, you don’t get to tell him.”He whined even as he fell asleep.

“Hey, you dont get to eat my cookie.Go away. Capppp.Tell him.”Tony whined as he woke, grumpy himself as he twisted to look up at the blond he was pretty much laying on, frowning a little.”...You brought me down to the lab.”He said sounding supicious as he blindly reached for a cookie, wondering why he wasn’t waking up in bed, on ordered bed rest with two-no, correction three guards with loki- standing guard to keep him there.
he smirked. "i want copies. she tore up all of mine." he admitted as Steve chuckled. "you where always more popular than me, thank god." Steve admitted as he watched the other. "well. you did promise to punish me. we could make a party of it." he teased. "i'll get one of those cute costumes Jarvis told me you where looking at." he promised before he snorted at Tony's complaints. Johnny chuckling a little as he shook his head.

"it's my cookie. yours is over there." Loki complained as he chewed on his own pile of cookies. "we did. Steve seams to think you won't settle down until you do the science thing on yourself." Johnny admitted. "honestly, i'd feel better about it too." he admitted. "Bruce and Reed are on their way down to lend a hand where they can, but all of us know you're the smartest in the group and will know the best about how to manage what they did to you." Johnny admitted as he handed Tony a cookie.
“I’ll get you one.”Tony promised before rolling his eyes at steve’s words, perking up a little. “I would like that.You’d look good in outfits.”Tony muttered smiling.

“I don’t care. They’re all mine. Cap made them for me.”Tony whined grouchy and sleepy before rubbing a hand over his face, careful to not press against the implant, not sure what it would do before he nodded, shuffling towards a computer screen. “You’re right. I am the smartest.”Tony muttered even as he settled in to work. While he was tired, sore and ready to sleep, now that he had a cookie and was working, he was wide awake enough to work. Hours later Tony huffed out a sigh as he played with the code, shuddering a little, having gotten a basic system set up so that wasn’t anything more complicated then the human brain, after all, a computer and the brain were frighteningly similar sometimes. Glancing at the dozing steve he bit his lip, looking thoughtful. Wondering if he could do this without waking up his captain, swallowing hard as he threw a piece of paper at the man, looking amused. “Cap.Will you go get food?it’s dinnertime, and you could use some sleep. We’ll go to sleep after.”He promised, hoping steve wouldn’t figure out he was sending him away so he could have johnny help him with something potentially dangerous, but it needed done.
Steve chuckled a little. "you said you didn't eat cookies." he teased with a smile. "besides, you have three dozen all to yourself Tony, Loki can have some of the leftovers." he stated simply, watching with fascination as Tony worked. it always amazed him to see such brilliance. he was tired though, up all night fretting and he started to doze as Tony and the others worked. he jerked as something smacked him in the head and he blinked sluggishly. "huh?..." he asked frowning a little before he nodded. "yeah i'll go get more french toast." he agreed as he yawned, staggering to his feet and leaving. Johnny chuckling weakly. "you're lucky he's mostly asleep or he never would have left." he admitted. "he's going to be furious when he finds out Tony." he warned, already knowing Tony was going to do something dangerous, and also knowing it had to be done. Reed had mentioned something like this, Johnny hadn't understood a word though. "do you want me to get Reed? Loki maybe? Bruce?" he didn't want to be the one to do this, he wouldn't be able to help if something went wrong, and this was Tony, something always went wrong.
“You’re so cute, sleeping beauty.”Tony teased looking amused, tilting his head, amused because for once, steve had been so out of it he hadn’t made the connection tony was going to be dangerous. “I know, and I’ll deal with him being pissed later. After I figure this out.”He muttered even as he walked towards the newly fixed iron man suit, pausing before shaking his head.”No.They wont let me try this soon, and I need to know if it’s going to work like it was supposed to or not.”Tony said slanting a look at Johnny.”If you want to go, go ahead.”He said even if he knew johnny wouldn’t do it, “J?Can we?” “Sir, this is not-” “Just do it.”Tony said even as the iron man suit started to form around him, looking like himself for a long moment before closing his eyes, then willing it away. Shuddering at the liquidity feeling that sank into his bones, even weirder to feel the suit melting away from his body, like magic, but it was simple tech as he stared down at his hands, seeing the slight reddish touch of metal under his skin, felt the metal fusing with bones, hidden until he needed it. “Okay, that worked better then I thought.”He swallowed before looking at johnny. “Okay, hit me, like you meant it. I have to see how much it’s going to hurt coming back out to”He said refusing to concentrate on how invasive, how utterly violated he felt to have the suit inside him,even if it was his own creation, hammer and doom were the ones who had done this to him. He’d break down later. For now he needed to know the ramifications of getting the suit back, and how quickly it would assemble, though considering it had taken a few moments to disassemble, he was hoping the assembling would be just as quick, his body aching some from adsorbing it, he knew this was going to hurt.
Steve huffed a little. "not." he complained as he left, Johnny snorting a little before he frowned at Tony. "i'm not leaving. i need to be here in case something goes wrong. i might not be able to help, but i can at least scream for assistance." he admitted as he moved closer to Tony. "...shit..." he whispered, eyes wide as he watched the Iron Man suit form around him. "shit." he hissed, watching as the suit sank into Tony, his eyes wide. "god Tony... that looked painful... hit you!?" he demanded, mortified. "i'm not going to hit you! i'll break my hand!" he protested even as he pulled back his arm and hit Tony, hard where it would hurt them both the least, on the arm.
“Hm, and you do scream so nicely.”Tony said with a perverted little smirk, looking amused before swallowing hard as she suit settled. “Yea, yea I’m okay. It’s okay.”tony said with a slight slur that she he really was hurting but it was okay. He could do this. “yea, I need to know if I have control.besides, its under my skin, not on me.”Tony grumbled before pulling away at the same time johnny swung, making the choice before he’d consciously chosen it, just as johnny’s hand touched him, making two moves at once. The gauntlets settling over his arms, and pulling away so johnny wouldn’t break his hand. Staring at the metal that incased his hand tony swallowed.”That’s...really..really cool...”He muttered realizing he had control, he could get his suit if he wanted, and it would protect him even if he didn’t try. Stumbling a little at the toll on his body, even if he hadn’t brought the whole suit, it was still enough to drain him, catching johnny’s arm as he nearly crashed to his knees.”Stay still.You’re making me sick.”He grumbled, not realizing it wasn’t johnny moving, but his own dizziness that was making the world tilt.
Johnny huffed a little. "it's not okay." he grumbled but didn't try to stop Tony. "yeah well... i just know this is going to hurt one of us, and considering my luck it's going to be me." he admitted with a sheepish smile before he swung, blinking a little at Tony as he moved. "...yeah, that's kind of cool." he admitted as he studied Tony. "it seams like you're brains processing power has sped up as well." he admitted. "you couldn't have dodged that before." Johnny wasn't superhuman in his speed, but he was still pretty damn fast, and Tony had his reaction delay to contend with as well. didn't seam to be much of a problem now. "i'm not moving, you are." Johnny muttered as tony swayed. he helped the other back into bed and carefully let the scans tell him if Tony had damaged himself. apparently not, he'd just tried to do too much too soon and his body was still weak. well, that's mostly what he understood from what Jarvis was chattering at him anyway. "just take a break now Tony." Johnny ordered. "sleep. you overtaxed yourself."
“Okay, really cool.And yea, I’m fairly certain I’m doing things before thinking about it now. Like I answered Cap’s questions earlier before I even considered not answering...and avoiding that would have been impossible.”Tony smiled a little. “That was awesome.”He muttered before frowning, looking up at the other man as he leaned into him a little. “He will be fine, with rest. His body is still adjusting. I suggest getting him to eat. He did send the captain after food.”Jarvis said sounding disapproving over tony’s choice to push things. “I’m okay. Totally okay. Steve’s making dinner. Gotta go see the others...”Tony muttered swallowing as he swayed, wincing, feeling sick.”Maybe lay on the couch...laying down sounds grand.”he muttered wrapping a arm around johnny’s waist even as he tried to walk. even if he said he knew he needed to rest, he wanted to do it himself, even if he felt heavy and sore.
he nodded. "you'll adjust quickly. you always do." he admitted. "it was pretty cool." he agreed with a small smile. "food would be good for him, he'll probobly have to increase his calorie intake to keep up with his new brain power. and your not okay. just lay still for a bit." Johnny ordered. "i'll tie you down if i have to." he warned, shaking his head as he gently helped Tony upstairs and into the living room, gently helping Tony settle on the couch as Steve rolled his eyes. "he did something stupid didn't he?" he demanded as he handed a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches to Johnny and another to Tony. "there's some more french toast on the way too." Steve promised Tony. "plus cookies."
"Hmm..that makes sense. Gods, steve and loki are just going to enjoy having a excuse to feed me more."he snickered "kinky johnny. It'd be fun if I was feeling better."tony said tiredly but not fighting being cared around. Snuggling down into couch,looking up at steve sleepily."not stupid, I needed to knoe if I could bond with the suit."tony muttered before perking up at the idea of cookies,even as he nibbled on the grilled cheese, whining a little.shivering as he tugged johnny down with him, pulling the blanket off the back of the couch to snuggle into. Having a bad reaction,not just because of his sped up systems,but having that much metal fused to his bones dropped his core body temperature enough to make him cold until he got used to it."sttteeevvvee....he went away..."tony frowned tiredly, as he watched steve disappear back into the kitchen.
Johnny snickered a little and nodded. "they are, yes." he didn't mention that he himself was hoping to get Tony to eat a little more too. the man was just too thin. "it was stupid!" Steve growled, sulking. "and you tricked me!" he complained as he left to get the cookies, returning with them and handing them to Tony as Johnny heated his own skin to warmer temperatures. he had learned that trick only recently. he loved using it to tease random people who thought he was sick. "don't whine." Steve ordered, looking a little amused as he handed Tony the cookies before he moved out of the room to get more blankets. fussing over tony as Johnny got Tony to eat at least two sandwitches before letting him loose on the cookies.
“Damn.”Tony huffed making a face at them before frowning at steve, flinching ever so slightly. “You were sleeping!I figured keeping johnny around was better.”he said even as he let the others fuss over him, “...okay.”He said going quiet as he was ordered to not whine, content to just be fussed over.

A few weeks later Tony frowned as he ran his fingers through his hair, looking down on what he was working on, blinking stupidly as he sighed. Slanting a glare at the blond walking into the room, he surpressed a growl. “I said I had some work to get done, wasn’t coming up for dinner.”He grumbled at steve, twisting the screwdriver he was holding and tightening the bolt, knowing he was driving steve up the walls,but since he’d gotten back on his feet he’d barely spent any time with the other man, intent on putting off the inevitable breakup as long as he could. Figuring if he didn’t see steve, he didn’t have to hear the breakup speech and whatever good thing steve had to say.
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