Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

Bucky swallowed hard, smiling quietly. “You guys are fairly loyal.”He snickered, slanting a look towards johnny.”You better get going. I have every intention of sexing up the godling over that couch your sitting on.’Bucky smirked hands stroking over loki’s side, swallowing hard as he leaned his head into the other’s hands.

Tony flinched a little at steve’s words, ducking his head a little to look at him, needing to see what the captain’s face looked like when he said that. “It’s not your fault either.”He said pain on his face, hating he’d upset steve now, hating he’d mentioned it because steve looked so upset. Not realizing the man was upset on his behalf, “...I’m a genius. I’m supposed to be smart enough to know howard stark was a bastard who did nothing right.”Tony said falling apart as captain america of all people, the person howard had promised him would never think good things about him, said it wasn’t hsi fault. Tensing a little as the chair was moved he swallowed hard as steve took his hands, slumping into him, hands clinging to steve’s shirt as he gave in, silent tears soaking steve’s shirt knowing steve was wrong, that he wasn’t the good person in this room, but for once, willing to let steve delusion him into thinking he was a good guy. Tony knew the truth, no matter what anyone said...but he figured, if Cap was willing to tell the lie, it was only right to believe it....if only for a little while. Snuffling closer he pressed his face against the other’s neck, shifting, climbing up into his lap, slumping bonelessly into his arms, clinging to the good captain as long as he was allowed to.even if he had told him to try to end things, he didn’t want the man to go anywhere. “...You smell good cap.....and you still haven’t told me how creepy you think the room is. Don’t worry, I know its creepy. I started this....I was 13....my dad...was so obsessed, I thought...thsi was something we could bond over....it just made him hate me worse.I didn’t understand until now why....it was a reminder of what he wanted and never got....though I’m glad he didn’t, I mean sex with you would just be awkward if he’d managed that....”he shuddered a little twitching slightly, deflecting now that steve had shattered his mask enough, the sharp edges sharp enough to cut, but he was struggling to be himself, even if he knew steve would see through it. He needed...he needed to not think. Needed to not do this right now when his head was so full of memories and pain, and the absolute terror of what howard had done to his real mother.
Loki smiled a little as Johnny made a face at them and left. "you are not in any state of mind to be fucking anyone Bucky." Loki muttered. "i won't take advantage of you like that." he admitted, running his fingers through Bucky's hair and kissing his forehead. "come on. let's get you into bed." he decided.

Steve smiled a little. "i know it's not my fault." he assured Tony. "but you're the one that's upset Tony." Steve protested, "besides, do you think an IQ has anything to do with emotions?" he demanded. "he was your father. of course you loved himm, all children love their fathers, even knowing what he did part of you still loves him." he stated. "and that's okay, that's normal Tony." he admitted as he moved slowly, carefully, not wanting to freak out Tony, wrapping his arms tightly around the other. "i know i smell good." he muttered with a smile. "and the room is only a little creepy." he admitted. "it's no worse than what C...." he swallowed hard and then. "What Coulson had. he had a shrine." he admitted, powering through the guilt. "i understand why people clung to my imagine, you more so than anyone else." he admitted, gently stroking Tony's hair. "i actually think it's kind of cute." he admitted, settling the Captain America doll into Tony's arms. as worn as it was, he imagined Tony had clung to it often as a child. "no. he never managed. i was always too big, too strong for him." he admitted. "...don't tell Bucky though, okay? he doesn't know..." he admitted as he nuzzled the other. "you are worthy of Love Tony Stark. and nearly everyone in the Tower does love you." he promised him. "Natasha wants to adopt you into her duckling squad. Clint wants to be you're best brother friend... i'm not sure how that works... Loki's already practically adopted you into his family. i'm sure you understand how much Johnny loves you." he smirked. "Bruce adores you, and i.. well, it's not just you're pants i want to get into. i want to be a part of your life too." he admitted, kissing Tony's forehead. "you have a new life Tony, and a new Family and we all love you very much."
Bu ky grinned at the other."I know.but it made him go away."bucky snickered a little before lstting the other drag him to bed."you're such a mother hen...sometimes wonder how you managed to almost take over the world."he teased a little.

"I know,but I wanted to know I didn't blame you."tony sighed quietly before shrugging."no,not really...I just...wanted to hate him but I wanted his approval to much for that.."tony sighed as he slumped into the other, for once not arguing over how normal he was,he wanted to know it wasn't weird for him to be this torn up over a man like howard stark. And unlike normal when he avoided being touched,he just slumped into him,content to be held."...coulson did have a fairly good shrine going on."tony snickered around the guilt that choked him,barely aware of tucking the captain america doll in the crook of his arm,snuggling both doll and man."good. Id hate to consider howard damaging us both that way...and of course I won't tell barnes'.I imagine hes upset enough as it is knowing abouy the one time,not the others."tony muttered before laughing."id make a good duckling...and Im not sure how it works but it does....and I guess...I do have family.the family I want I mean."he muttered thinking over the idea smiling quietly flushing,tensing a little, not aure what steve wanted from him,nd not ready to confront those thoughts before smiling"even if we're not doing this cap,you'll be part of my life."he smiled quietly pleased with the idea of his family before chewing on his lip,looking nervous as he leaned back to look at tbe other,wanting to ask but not sure how to.,
Loki smiled a little. "this is true." he agreed with a chuckle as he shook his head. "i was sick. full of anger and rage. of course i managed to almost take of the world when i had powers that humans had no understanding of." he teased with a smile as he snuggled into Bucky once he had them both comfortable on the bed. "now hush and sleep. Steve and Johnny will keep Tony calm."

Steve smiled a little. "i never thought you did." he admitted simply. "i know you would never blame me for something like that." he promised as he kissed Tony's head. "he really did." he admitted. "i did ask him, you know. if he was attracted to me." he snickered. "he went so pale so fast i thought he was going to pass out. he babbled his apologies, assured me he was straight and would never, ever want to have sexual relations with me and then hid from me for three days. i was just relieved he didn't want to have sex with me." he admitted with a chuckle. "as... nice, as he was, he just wasn't my type. too controlled." Steve admitted with a playful smile because he knew tony would get a kick out of the story. "You are not damaged Tony, just hurt." he promised. "and like all hurts, with the right care, they can fade away until there's not even a scar left." he promised, kissing Tony's forehead. "i'm glad Tony... i... you... i need you." he admitted softly. "no matter the nature of our relationship, i need you." he admitted before looking at him. "what is it? what do you need?" he asked gently. "ask me Tony, and if i cannot give it to you, i will get someone who can." he promised.
Bucky smiled a little. “Hm, I know the feeling.”He muttered shuddering as he considered his years as the winter soldier, and the near constant hum of...other...behind his normal thoughts. Smiling as he snuggled the other, yawning.”Kay.”he muttered starting to fall asleep.

“Good.”Tony relaxed a little, pleased that steve hadn’t thought of that before his mouth fell open a little, laughing quietly. “Oh man, I would have loved to see that. And he was way,way to controlled, though have the time I wanted to just mess him up because of it...I just don’t think Agent had sex, is all.Asexual he was.”Tony said knowledgeably snickering quietly as he snuggled into the other, not protesting the hurt idea, even if he knew he felt damaged, broken in some way that left him scrambling on how to deal with others. Eyes widening as he considered that steve needed him, in any way, his chest tight at the idea, before swallowing hard, ducking his head, absently running his fingers over the collar of steve’s shirt, a nervous twitch, fidgeting. “I...uh...I know you said it was to weird for me to fuck Johnny in front of you, which I agree, way, way to weird. Even for my sex life.”He muttered, rambling a little. “But I want to not have to think for awhile....and I want to test just how good at it you’ll be...but I don’t trust myself right now, and you...you’ve never done it before....so I thought...maybe johnny can show you? I mean, if you’re doing it right, I wont be in any headframe to teach so...”He stopped flushing.”besides, johnny knows me best. He’ll be able to tell you stuff.”
Loki smiled as he nodded. "yeah, the Hydra Soldiers used the same technology i was using. i've no idea where they got it." he admitted with a shake of his head. "filthy, disgusting bastards anyway." he murmured, stroking Bucky's hair and arms until he went to sleep.

Steve smiled a little as he nodded. "i'm pretty sure he had a crush on Agent Hill." he admitted with a small chuckle. "but yeah, it's weird to think of him in a relationship." he admitted with a chuckle before he leaned into the touch so that Tony's fingers brushed the leather collar as well. "...i kind of assumed you would need it." Steve admitted as he stroked Tony's hair. "Johnny's waiting for us in your bedroom if he's not still pestering Bucky and Loki." he admitted as he picked Tony up and carried the other into his own bedroom, carefully closing and locking the door to make sure no one else would go in there. already thinking of the new painting he wanted to paint just for Tony. "hey Johnny." Steve stated as he set Tony on the ground, steadying him before he glanced at Johnny who nodded. "Take off your shirt, pick out what you want from the chest, and then kneel in front of the bed." Johnny ordered, Steve committing that to memory. "why make him choose the toys?" "so i can tell what kind of pain or submission Tony needs." Johnny explained. "it's a way of figuring out what he needs and what mood he's in when i'm not certain." Johnny admitted. "plus it helps him sink into subspace and it's a bit humiliating, which he likes." he admitted with a smile as he watched Tony as Steve picked up the little Doll and set it up out of the way so it wouldn't get in the way or get ruined.
“...that’s disturbing and amusing all at once.”Tony shuddered a little at the idea of coulson and hill before smiling as steve shifted so his fingers touched the collar, absently stroking it before flushing as he realized that steve had anticipated what he’d need. “You are so good for me, already taking care of me.”He muttered amused as he shuddered at the sound of the lock sliding home as his feet touched the floor. Swallowing hard he tilted his head towards johnny.”hey.”He said even as he unbuttoned his shirt, moving towards the chest before he’d been given directions. Falling easily into routine, his mind starting to shut off simply in anticipation. Searching for what he wanted he smiled a little as he returned with the gag, handcuffs, collar and the cat of nine tails with light metal pieces at the end. While it would hurt, badly, it wasn’t enough weight to truly break bone or hurt badly as long as they were careful, but when he was in a certain mood, so beyond his negative rating for normal that he couldn’t find zero, true pain tempered with pleasure was more interesting to him.

Moving to kneel at the front of the bed he was trembling slightly, waiting to see before pausing, looking thoughtful as he considered steve before dipping his head, sinking further into subspace, submissive even if his mind was still running a mile a minute. “This is gonna be fun. Really. Awesome. I should go to a business meeting just to show this off.”Tony babbled a little, because well, he was tony stark, and completely incapable of not talking.
Steve snickered a little and smiled as Tony settled a little. "it's my duty, as Yours, to take care of you." he admitted with a smile. "even if it means entering a sexual situation with Johnny Storm." he promised, kissing tony gently before carrying him up to the room. "...metal?" Steve asked, looking worried. "won't that be dangerous?" "no. i have the right kind of practice and training to use it properly. you, however won't be handling a tool like this for a while." Johnny admitted, Steve nodding. "that's fine, i don't hae the faintest clue how to use a flail anyway. i can use whips though, i'm good with them i think." he admitted. "there where contests in the War and i'd win on occasion." that seamed to impress Johnny and he turned to Tony. "get the Dearskin bullwhip and the pink vibrating butt plug." he ordered, watching Tony do as ordered and nearly laughing as he watched Steve twitch. "why pink?" "i like the way it looks against his skin." Johnny admitted and Steve paused and examined the pink object in Tony's hand. "...yeah." he agreed, looking amused as Steve turned to look at the Manic Tony and took care of shutting up that mouth on his own, wrapping the leather gag firmly in place before tightening it. "that's better." Steve decided as he picked up the collar and slipped it around Tony's neck, tightening it enough that it wouldn't restrict breathing, but would be felt with every movement. "very good." Johnny praised with a grin as he handed the handcuffs over, Steve cuffing Tony's hands in front of him, and then hauling his hands up so he couldn't slouch and had to stay in a kneeling position. "we'll start with the whip. i want to see what kind of skill you have." "it's been a while, give me a second to get it warmed up and get the feel for it again." Steve ordered as he picked up the whip and cracked it against empty air a few dozen times, well aware that the noise was probobly setting Tony on edge. and god was that a pleasant thought. "shall i make a pattern?" Steve asked suddenly and Johnny paused. "you can do that?" "name it." "...three down, three across. alternating." Steve whistled. that was a hard one. he could do it though, he was very good with a whip. "if Tony cant Talk, how does he tap out?" Steve asked suddenly and Johnny smirked, pleased with steve's observation. "you see that pen in his hand? if he clicks it, you stop. if he drops it, you drop everything and untie him." Steve pondered that and then nodded. "One Across." Steve declared and with a crack, a welt was raised across Tony's shoulder blades in an almost perfect horizontal line. "one down." Steve stated and with another crack, a line of fire eint straight down his spine. "Two across." Steve was making a checkered pattern on Tony's skin. like tic Tac toe, only bigger. very hard to do indeed. especially as the welts where raised, but not bleeding, and more importantly, not bruising. "...damn..." Johnny whispered, so impressed he was half tempted to see what that would feel like on his own skin. "how are you doing Tony?" Johnny asked. he would be able to tell by the grunt or moan if Tony had enough, or needed more.
“Hm, so glad you understand the rules of engagement.”he snickered a little before laughing, kissing him back.”Johnny’s not that bad. It’ll be amusing.”Tony said snickering. “He’s good with it. IT took years to get to the metal flogger.”Tony supplied, groaning a little as he watched teh two of them, before his eyebrows raised at steve, amazed he could use a whip. “....That’s really, really hot. You have no idea how hot.”Tony babbled a little as he got the things asked for before returning, smirking a little as steve looked at him, still babbling about his awesome sexy talents as the gag was put in, raising a eyebrow as he watched steve, shivering quietly as the collar settled around his neck, slumping slightly, submissive under the touches, shifting on his knees a little as he was dragged up, shifting to get comfortable in the kneeling position as shivered listening to the others talking. Mouthing the gag, wanting to talk, wanting to tell steve how good he was with that damned thing, even as the sound of the whip cracking set him on edge, made a flush decorate his skin, hard and aching, Still to worked up, and overthinking everything to be as submissive as he normally was by this time, still trying to be dominate even from his knees as he tried twisting to look at them. At Steve’s question he raised his hand a little to show the pen, smiling behind the gag. A choked off scream sounding as the whip slashed into his skin, swaying in the bonds as he let his head hang, simply letting the pleasured pain wash over him, starting a little as he heard the crack each time, moaning and whimpering as steve hit him. Rolling his head to the side he gave Johnny that look through the fringe of his bangs that said ‘you have to be kidding me. I’m amazing’. Whimpering needily from behind the gag he arched his back a little offering his skin for better strikes even as he considered what he’d rather be gagged with, looking thoughtful even through the pleasured pain haze
Steve chuckled a little. "i understand some of them." he admitted. "i'll learn as i go." he admitted with a smile. "he's terrible Tony."he complained. "anyone who likes puns as much as he does, is terrible." he admitted with a grin and a shake of his head. "you're babbling Tony." Steve stated simply as he silenced the other with a chuckle and a shake of his head before he stated to decorate Tony's skin. "You like that, huh? Dirty little cunt." Steve said as he dragged a fingernail down the line that was along Tony's spine. "i marked your skin all pretty, maybe i should paint my cum all over you're back now." he mused. "i bet it would sting and burn, and you'd like that too wouldn't you? me cumming all over your back, marking you as mine, making you walk around with it soaking into your skin, stinking of sex and spunk as you attend meetings and hang out with the team. everyone would know then what a little pervert you are." he teased, gripping Tony's hair tightly and forcing his head back. "do you want me to hit you again? or would you rather i removed the Gag and fucked you're throat until you can't breath?" he demanded, Johnny watching, pleased that Steve avoided both Whore, and Slut like they where the plague. "You like it though, don't you? knowing that you're a pervert, and knowing that it gets my blood just boiling to know i can do anything to you." he purred before dropping Tony's head and letting Johnny step forward with the Cat o Nine tails, letting the cold metal stroke Tony's chest and nipples. "i'm not going to hit you're back." Johnny decided. "i want you to be able to look in the mirror later and see what skill Steve really has."
Tony raised his head a little as he moaned as steve touched his back, a choked whimper escaping as his rocked a little, trying to get friction on his hard aching cock, but there was nothing, nothing there to rub against, whimpering in need as steve kept talking, shuddering at the idea of walking into a meeting just like that, his eyes closing as he pictured it. While he had usually laid off when it was pepper he was going to meetings for, he had no restraints now, nothing to stop him from free falling into doing whatever he wanted. Tears prickling his eyes as his head was pulled back, blinking hard as he watched steve, his eyes widening at the idea of sucking the other’s cock, nodding jerkily, looking desperate, willing to do anything, and knowing it was going to be steve’s first blow job, and doing it like that, made him nearly insane with desperation to do it. Yelping as his head was let go, his head dropping a little, moaning as johnny stroked the metal over his skin, trembling a little, half in nerves, but mostly in desperate desire. The sounds that escaped at johnny’s words said tony was trying to talk despite being gagged, and the man was definitely clear headed despite his fear he’d lose control and simply let anything go, clear headed enough to still be talking, even if he was the only one to hear the rapid desperate thoughts.
Steve smiled a little. "he's so hot like this." he admitted to Johnny who nodded. "he really is. now, watch closely. i'll show you how to use this one but you won't be practicing on flesh." "agreed." Steve stated with a nod. he was eager to learn and he watched as Johnny moved, fluid and smooth, more dragging the metal pieces across his skin than he was snapping them, each strike leaving long red bruising welts as Steve slipped Tony's pants down and picked up the Lube, amazed by it. they hadn't had anything like this before he'd been frozen. they used spit, ladies lotion or Vaseline if they had it. "this stuff is amazing." he muttered, Johnny laughing at Steve's honest amazement over something so simple, Steve flushing as he shrugged before gently easing Tony open and slipping the butt plug in place. "...how do i make this work?" he muttered poking at it for a moment. "hah! there we go!" the object inside the plug begane to vibrate, and Steve had been lucky enough to situate it perfectly onto Tony's prostate even as Steve carefully wrapped some pink silk around Tony's cock, making it impossible for him to cum. that done, Johnny resumed painting red lines all down Tony's chest and thighs.
Tony whimpered looking up at the other two, eyes wide and tearful as he watched johnny, groaning as he swayed with each hit, tilting his head back as he closed his eyes. Laughing breathlessly at steve’s words he smiled around the gag, amused at steve’s utter delight at the lube, moaning as he rocked, tilting his head back to look at steve’s face as he worked the butt plug him, whimpering as it vibrated, jerking helplessly in the bounds as the blows landed, that if he had been able to come he would, whimpering as he looked up at steve and johnny in quiet desperation, wondering what they’d do next, and willing to beg to come, to do anything, wanting to press against both of them, desperate for contact, and all his problems and emotions forgotten, only thinking about what he needed from them
Steve hesitated as he realized Tony was crying. "Johnny?" "it's alright, Tony usually cries during the harder games. it's because he can't usually bring himself to cry on his own. it's a release." Steve didn't look convinced so he checked the pen in Tony's hand, still there, still un-clicked. alright then. "god look at him." Steve breathed as Johnny examined the marks and Tony's face. "he's floating, come and look, see how he's gone slack?" Johnny explained. "he's in Subspace." "...is that what it looks like? how long will he look like that?" "as long as i want him to." "....keep him like that." Steve ordered, racing out of the room and returning with a Sketchpad, making Johnny laugh as he continued to tease and torment Tony, letting him cum only once Steve said he had it. he was going to have to ask Johnny to pose later, this would be a great present for Tony. he was harder than all hell but he was pleased that Tony seamed to be quite content and he abandoned his drawing to help Johnny with the after care, stroking the burning, healing Lotion on all of Tony's marks and Steve took the moment to take some pictures of Tony like this, all marked up. he did as he had promised earlier though, and came all across Tony's back and took a picture of that too, much to Johnny's amusement. "i can have those pictures when you're done with them right?" "sure. i'm giving the drawings to Tony." he admitted with a smile. "you wanna stay?" he asked as he settled onto the bed, flushing as he looked away from Johnny who was adding his own cum to Tony's back. Steve didn't know why but it just seamed so wrong to be attracted to Johnny. even more so now that he suspected they where related in some manner.
Tony stirred slightly at the sound of the other’s talking, tensing as he heard the door shut, his head pulling up to look worried for a moment before relaxing back when steve ran back in, content to be played with. Slumping into their hands as they took care of him, nuzzling his cheek against steve’s chest, he was always amazingly cuddly after a especially hard game. Groaning as he felt the others coming over his back, not really hearing them talking, to much floating to really come up long enough to talk.”...gonna go to a meeting like this...painted in cum...”Tony muttered into the pillow even as he shuffled closer to steve, cuddling up to the other, to far down still to really care that he was getting them both gross. “Stay. Sleep.”Tony voiced, the tone saying he was nearly asleep himself, before he dropped off, totally beyond caring who was in the bed with him or not. Even though he had a vague feeling he should apologize for asking steve to do this when he knew they were probably related. Simply cuddling as he slept.
Steve smiled as he watched Tony, stroking his pencil and charcoal across the page happily, Tony was really a master of inspiration, he really was. "you do that tony." Steve murmured with a smile as he watched Tony sleep before returning to his drawing after making Johnny pose for well up to an hour.

in the morning, Steve was sleeping with Charcoal staining his fingers and his face in thick smudges and Johnny was laying on the bed, on his belly, sleeping as still as he always did. Steve shifted first, eyes snapping open at the first hint of Tony moving and he sat up, blinking blearily as if confused to his location. he looked down at Tony and then smiled. "hey. how are you feeling?" he asked, his head tilted as he yawned. he'd been up all night, drawing because he just couldn't not. "i'm gonna take a piss and then get breakfast." he decided as he gave Tony a kiss before he slid out of bed. "any food requests?" Steve asked as he handed Tony the sketchbook. inside where all pictured of Tony in various states, the biggest picture though was of Tony, blissed out, arching into the strokes of the whip being held by Johnny who looked like he was in mid strike. it made both of them look just... perfect. there was one of Tony laying on his belly, Steve and Johnny both standing over him, cum staining his stroked back. one where Tony was cumming, arched in his bonds and looking like sin itself. it was easy to see that Steve had stayed up most of the night working on those.
Tony stirred as he shifted, snuggling into the super soldier next to him, a hand absently resting on johnny’s back, as if to reassure himself that they were both there, offering a small smile at steve’s confused look as he shifted to get comfortable, taking a moment to figure out how he was feeling. “Sore. Peaceful...less anxious about....everything.I’m sure it’ll come back...but for now I’m okay.”Tony muttered knowing steve was worried about him, hell, he was worried about him, given the fact of what he’d found out the night before, but for the moment, he was to sleepily content to worry. “Waffles?”He yawned smiling as he kissed the other, taking the sketchbook, and even before he was half way through he was blushing and squirming a little, which just made his whole back ache. Pausing to stare down at johnny he dropped a kiss on the man’s hair before stumbling to the bathroom after steve went to get food, grinning at the sight of the welts and slightly bruised skin, eyes widening as he twisted to look at his back. Shuffling back to the bedroom he collapsed next to johnny, poking him.”You need lessons in using a whip if my back is what talented people can do.”He teased a little, refusing to look to closely at the tight ache in his chest as he realized that no matter who else was in the picture with him, steve’s drawings had all focused on him.Yep, definitely not thinking about that, since he was so sure he wouldn’t get to keep the good captain once the man realized he could do so much better. But for the moment, he was going to enjoy himself.
Steve smiled as he kissed the other. "i am glad." he muttered as he smiled at Tony. "i'll help you if you need it again, i promise." he murmured before he looked for his pants and his shirt, having crawled into bed in his boxers. "Waffles it is." he agreed as he gently stroked Tony's back, examining the marks with eyes that darkened with lust. "hmmm, morning." Johnny muttered, well aware Tony was waking him up with a kiss because he'd pitch a fit if he woke up to Tony leaving the bed. too used to Tony trying to hide it when he was really hurt. "...i looked up video." he admitted suddenly. "on my Tablet. Steve's a fucking master at the whip." he admitted. "he can hit anything, even marbles. marbles tony!" Johnny complained. "i can't be that good. it's impossible." he grumbled before he blinked. "damn. so that's what he was doing... i guess you inspire him." Johnny admitted with a smile as he examined the drawings. "god he's talented. he can draw, he's a master of the whip, he can cook, he's like your perfect housewife." he teased, smiling at Tony. "are you okay?" he asked, studying the marks on Tony's body. "you have no idea how sexy you look right now." he murmured with a smile. "Steve's very good at learning things. you talked with him? about the things you like and dislike? i noticed he was pulling your hair. you love that."
“I’ll look forward to it.”Tony said smiling quietly as steve got dressed, watching him go. Shuddering as steve’s fingers stroked his back, swallowing hard as he saw steve’s eyes darkening a little before looking down at johnny. “I’m okay. I promise.”He muttered even if he knew johnny wouldn’t believe him and would look him over himself. Looking startled at the idea of johnny looking for a video, before realizing what the other way saying, his eyes widening as he considered what that meant for the patterns that could be decorating his skin.Shuddering as he considered that before smiling. “I think its part of the serum. I mean, he was always really good at drawing, like wickedly good, but if you look you can tell the before and after, he got better. I think it improved his memory, made him better at things.And...he really is the perfect housewife. A nice mix of dominate and submissive, cause god...he has his moments of lettign me boss him around.And that damned collar...god, its hot seeing him wearing it.”Tony muttered trying not to react to that idea before slanting a look, not wanting to look to closely at his feelings concerning the good captain and his perfect little housewife, because he couldn’t believe he got to keep him, so it was just hurting to consider it. “I’m fine. Some of them are going to bruise, and I might have to take the day off and go to meetings, cause I think working in the shop would be murder on my back.I’m okay.”He muttered with a lazy look, because he knew from experience even if it didn’t hurt badly, after hours of bending over working his body would hate him for doing it. Flushing a little at johnny’s praise, because he really didn’t, he was aware he was good looking, but he never quite believed that he was that amazing, no matter what he said. “I know, I’m amazing.”He muttered before smirking, “I did....that’s what I woke up to yesterday, thanks. You pounced on him and forgot how to show him how to use the tablet, so I got to have the kinky sex talk half asleep...probably said more then I really meant to, but....he deserved to know to if he was going to get involved.”Tony shrugged a little smiling slightly, ignoring johnny for a moment as he considered the utter adorableness of steve during that talk, it was amazing, and it pleased him to know steve cared enough to at least give this a shot, even if he was sure it was going to end sometime.
Johnny smirked a little at Tony and peeled the covers back to look for himself. "you're okay." he agreed after a moment before he grinned and handed Tony the Tablet, a fuzzy, grainy image of Steve there. it was obviously an old War Film. he worked the whip like a master, snapping the lights off of candles without hurting said candle. using the whip to slice said candles in half, hitting small rubber balls after they where launched into the air, and he finished by popping Marbles off of balls. the balls never even twitched as the marbles went flying. "he is amazingly good at drawing, and it only takes him half as long as it would most people to draw the things he does. it's really impressive." he admitted. "and he made me pose for over an hour, and then wouldn't let me see it when he was finished." Johnny complained with a pout. "your man is mean Tony." he complained with a smile as he glanced at the Sketchbook before he smiled at Tony. "he really does adore that collar." he admitted. "i think it makes him feel as if he belongs here." Johnny knew that was a lie, Steve liked it because he felt as if he belonged to Tony. "he's a Switch." Johnny admitted suddenly. "you can tell the way he flows from one roll into the other effortlessly. compared to me, whose mostly dom." he admitted with a smile. "he's a good match for you, being that you're a pretty heavy Switch too." he admitted. "i'm going to give him some more lessons, i want to see how fast he can learn a new skill." he admitted with a grin. "you just want to go to meetings covered in marks because it turns you on." he teased with a smile before he blinked, looking baffled. "...he can't use a Tablet?" he asked, looking rather stunned before he smiled. "you'll have to teach him personally then. just think, you can train him." he mused with a grin. "everything you love the most just the way you like it." unlike Johnny who had taught Tony. well, Tony had already been into BDSM but he'd had some pretty foul Dom's before Johnny actually stumbled upon Tony. they'd been freinds for a year when he came across tony in a Hard BDSM getting the tar beat out of him. Johnny had put an immediate end to that and showed Tony what BDSM was supposed to be like. "are you going to take him to a club? i think he'd like that."
"Oh my god,that's awesome...I sorta wanna share this with clint just so that brat knows hes not the best at everything.I mean clint's got amazing aim,ut I doubt it xomds close to that."tony grinned enjoying the thought of that skill decorating his back for the foreseeable future.it was a nice thought."which is good considering that he seems to enjoy drawing. These kinds of things are better done live,even if you have good photographs of it."tony smiled sweetly as he considered just how much time steve had taken to draw him the night before,before flipping through the book again."maybe its in here.probably a gift to me."tony smiled as he looked,before laughing though there was a bittersweet edge to it, that said he wasn't sure Steve was his."yea,he is that. Sassy bastard to once you get him going...and good. I always intended tobmake him welcome,even if I hadn't thought this would be how it was."tony snickered not realizing steve liked the collar because it meant belonging to tony,he assumed it was just a wy for steve to feel like he belonged here and in this time."he is a good match...not that you aren't,you know that,but it'll be easier for us to go with the punches then you,cause I know you don't like subbing nearly as much as I do."tony teased a little pleased that him and the captain where indedd such a good match before smiling a little."do I get to sit in on these lessons?"he smiled because he knew that while johnny would twach him anything,he'd also tailor the lessons around tony,nd shoe steve just what he liked best.he really couldn't wait."tht to,but it hurts sitting at my work bench after this. Might as well go terrorize my board of directors AND have a amazingly soft chair."he snickered."and no you can't.you completely baffled him handing him the tablet.it was endearingly cute really."he snickered because usually people who couldn't use tech annoying,but steve was fairly adorable about it. Flushing as he considered that he nodded slowly."it'll be fun teaching him. A pleasure really."tony snickered at the joke.slanting a look at the other,his thoughts on how jphnny had probably saved his life from the foul doms,and had recognized that he was punishing himself,hinking they were all he deserved. Johnny had taught tony to like himself most days,and to know how to enjoy his life again.he owed the other so much,not that he thought johnny saw it that way,but their relationship was well grounded,and even if they never had swx again,it was okay. They'd be okay together, cause tony...well tony could see trying to make things work with steve....if only he thought the good captain wanted to.not realizing steve was already working to get him there. Steve knew just how spooked pepper's death had left him,nd they would work on it,ogether."I might...though if I did,id havd to beat thr others off him with a stick.'tonygrumbled and despite telling steve he'd be okay with him sleeping with others,he wasn't enjoying the thought of sharing."...you think hes going to bring our food in here,or make us go out and get it?"?
he chuckled a little. "i wouldn't mind seeing whose better, him or Clint." Johnny admitted with a smirk. "it would be the contest of the Ages! we'll have to run a betting ring and set up Pay Per View and everything!" Johnny decided with a grin. "he does like to Draw. and he's kind of cute while he's doing it too." he admitted with a snicker. "oh, here. this one is the one i posed for." it was the one of tony totally blissed out with Johnny standing over him with the whip just kissing Tony's skin. "damn he is good... can i have a copy of this?" he asked Tony. "he is a sassy bastard. we talked a bit when you fell asleep, he's really a very sarcastic bastard." he admitted with a chuckle. "i approve, in case you where worried about it." he admitted with a smile because he knew Tony was worried. "i think he's really starting to like it here." he admitted. "and i know we're a good match Tony. but i can't give you everything you want or need." he couldn't love Tony the way the other deserved. "sure. you can sit in on the lessons, he'd probobly feel less awkward that way." he admitted.

"you should take Loki with you, he loves watching you terrorize you're board." he admitted with a grin. "and you could use a break from the computer screens, if you're not careful you're going to get Scoliosis and bad eyes." he teased with a grin. "you'll teach him how to use tech i'm sure." he mused with a smile and a shake of his head. "and he complains about MY puns." he muttered, amused before he laughed. "not if you go tot he right club and he wears his collar." he pointed out. "i'll take you tot he club i go to. there's lots of rules." he admitted with a smile. "we could show off Steve's skills with the whip." he admitted. "i'm sure he'll bring it to us." he admitted, turning to the door, pleased to see Steve was in fact coming in with a massive pile of waffles, eggs and bacon as well as two full pots of Coffee. "hmmmm he's a godsend Tony." Johnny stated with a grin. "hey, Steve. can you show me how to work a whip?" "sure." "and pop marbles with it?" "i'm not sure normal people can do that." Steve admitted, looking a bit confused. "how did you know i could do that?" "old movies of you." he admitted. "you can watch them online."
"...I'm so seeing if he'll do it. Icould totally make a lot of money on 'avengers gone wild'.it'd be epic."tony anickered at the idea."hes always cute. More so when he's focusing on things....and oh...that is good. I should frame it."tony muttered realizing he wanted one of steve to, even if it was odd considering it was Steve who was drawing it."yea ill have jarvis make a copy of it."tony smiled at the other."its nice knowing hes more real...I mean...dads...stories always were cleaned up.you would never know he was such a sarcastic bitch just from listening."tony shuddered a little at the mention of his dad,but he was okay. Relaxing fully when he realized johnny approved.while he would have stayed with steve anyways,e rested easier knowing johnny thought they were good together."good.I'm glad he is...and I can't give you everything wither so its a good trade off.."he muttered before grinning."we'll so that. Lessons'll be fun."

"You know I think I'll do that.loki's amuaing to watch...and don't say that.its already bad enough I feel old sleeping with a 21 year old I don't need you reminding me."he complained."you know I don't go clubbing a lot.I'm to recognizable and if I'm going to bdsm,id rather not listen to people talking about me...honestly I have no idea how you stand it."tony smiled before nodding"but we'll go to your club.you're right he'd probably like it..."tony sighed becauae he was willing to do things he normally disnt just to make steve happy.he was in so,so much trouble."..he is a godsend. He feeds me in bed,unlike loki who makes me get up."he snickered smiling up at steve sweetly as he took the coffee sipping it slowly losing himself in the food,he couldn't help it. Steve made amazing food.snickering quietly at the sound of them talking about the whip he looked up after a moment,smiling slightly."not to mention I have a lot of them. I mean,you can watch them online but I have some of the old reels."tony smiled relaxing,glancinf up at steve."what are you up to today?I'm heading to a meeting if you wanted to come."he offered, not quite ready to leave the captain's company.
Johnny snickered a little. "bad title. it would be more like the Superhero Contest. we don't want nudity, it'll freak out Clint." Johnny admitted with a laugh. "oh! i have a Frame in my bag." Johnny admitted, lunging for his overnight bags. he always kept a picture of Sue Storm and their adopted parents. he carefully tucked the picture into a book so it wouldn't get rumpled and then handed the frame over to Tony. "there you go." he chirped with a smile. "a lot of people raise Steve onto a pedestal no human could stand on." Johnny admitted with a shake of his head. "they'll be angry when they realize Steve is just as human as they are." he admitted before he smiled at Tony. "we gave each other everything we could though, and that's what counts. freinds forever." he promised with a smile as he hooked his pinky in Tony's. an old ritual they had done when younger and sillier. it was a comfort to do so though, and Johnny didn't mind feeling a bit silly for it.

"Loki is amusing to watch." he agreed with a smile. "he's viscous too when he wants to be." he admitted before he snickered. "you're so old. but Loki did offer to fix that. you know he did." and the best part was that it wasn't immortality. it was a lot like the philosophers stone. all Tony had to do was drink the liquid once a week and he would revert to a younger age and stay that way until he stopped taking it. Tony was being stubborn about it though and Loki hadn't offered again. "Steve likes to show off." Johnny admitted with a smirk. "he's an exhibitionist if i've ever seen one. i doubt he'll react well if someone else actually touches him, but i bet he'd love all those eyes on him while you fuck him." he teased with a smirk before looking up at Steve who looked a little amazed that people actually watched movies of him. "i was going to paint." Steve admitted. "but i can go with you to the meeting if you want me to... eat food Tony." Steve chastised. "and no, Coffee is not a food." he stated before Tony could protest. "are you anticipating problems? should i wear my Captain America suit?"
“Hm, but it’d be worth the other name just to have to explain it to Cap.”Tony snickered amused at the idea before smiling as he watched Johnny lunge for his bag, amazed a little that he was switching out that picture for this one. It was amazing really. “Thanks.J, you heard the man, picture please.”Tony said smiling as the printer in his bedroom-cause he was a geek and made sure he could do work anywhere, with a small desk over by the window- and went to get it just long enough to get the picture before putting it in the frame and handing it back.”There.”He said before smiling, “I know. I knew that even before I met the man, but I worry about it.”Tony muttered because he knew that steve said he didn’t care what the press wrote, but he knew it would still upset him, especially if they realized what was going on between iron man and cap, things would get ugly, fast. Rolling his eyes as johnny’s move though, he wrapped his pinkie around the other’s, rolling his eyes.”We’re to old for this.”he complained though he didn’t look upset, he was just giving him a hard time, in truth he loved the simply ritual.

“I know he did. I’m just thinking it through.”Tony twitched a little because he was fairly worried about what it would mean for him and the world as a whole, since he knew other people wouldn’t accept it easier, but looking up at steve, he was starting to not care, his will to age normally waning away in the face of wanting to be able to keep up with Steve. “He is. It’s amazing and awesome, cause we all know how I am, I’m a attention-whore.”Tony said snickering a little, because while he didn’t like others calling him it, the man had long ago accepted that he was a whore, so it didn’t bother him nearly as much to call himself a whore. Shuddering at the idea of fucking steve with a auidence he swallowed hard, “I told him it was okay if other’s touched him. I mean, who wouldn’t want to?”He muttered because he was such a delusional idiot, his self confidence sucked to the point that he couldn’t believe steve would stay once he got a look at the other’s available to feed his sex needs. “Of course I want.”Tony smirked as he opened his mouth to protest, before glaring at the other’s words, annoyed he’d anticipated the protest before huffing a little and starting to eat a little. “Uh, unless you consider me dying of boredom a problem, then no. I just...”Tony smirked blushing ever so slightly.”I like the idea of going to a meeting, covered in marks, with the person who gave them to me, with the board being none the wiser.”
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