Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

Tony tensed as steve fell in front of him, instinct taking over without thinking it over, and buried his fingers in the blond’s hair as steve gripped his hips. “...”Tony choked a little, easing back a step so steve wouldn’t see just how quickly his body had reacted to the idea, his heart breaking a little as he realized why steve was this desperate. Knowing it was the drugs, and yea, okay he could handle this. Johnny would probably kill him later for being this reckless, but he could take care of the captain. “Are you sure?”He said even as his hands tightened in his hair, jerking his head back to meet his eyes, anger and pain in that look, hating that this was the only way he was going to get with steve, but he was desperate enough to have something with steve, that he'd accept this.
Steve's breath hitched a little as he felt the hand in his hair. "yes. i'm sure. please Tony, it has to be you." he pleaded. "only you..." he whimpered, pressing his forehead into the others hip, so relieved that Tony wasn't pushing him away. "you're the only one that Can. please. Tony it hurts so bad." he pleaded, his breath hitching. "please.. hurt me... fuck me. i don't care." he whispered as he stared up at Tony with wide, frightened, wet eyes. "i want it. i want you, please." he whispered, clinging tighter to Tony as if terrified the other would leave him there. or worse, tell him no.
Tony swallowed taking a shaky breath, shuddering as steve rested his forehead against his hip. Even kneeling, the other man was tall. Tensing at the pleas his breath stuttered a little, because despite the offer, he wouldn’t fuck him like this. Not when Steve was only desperate to forget, and didn’t want him like that. He just knew that tony could hurt him bad enough to make him forget. Poor delusional tony. If only he could see. “okay.”he swallowed, thinking it over, because he couldn’t do this in his own bedroom, not when he knew it would just be once so...”Come on, captain.”He smiled as he gently urged the other to his feet, heading for his side of the penthouse, pausing at his bedroom door, torn between going in to his own private space, or the guest room...pain flickering over his face before he swallowed and opened his bedroom door. He knew he’d regret this, but... “In front of the bed cap.”He smirked, “Strip.”he ordered even as he went to the chest, digging for what he wanted, and returning to steve’s side holding the handcuffs and blindfold, tilting his head. “If you don’t want to do something, you’re going to tap out okay?Choose a word, that ends everything.And tell me now.”he ordered as he waited for the other to strip.
Steve swallowed thickly as he stared up at Tony, eyes wide, pleading, begging before he sagged as tony agreed, panting as he rested his head against Tony's waist again, trembling he was so relieved. "thank you. Thank you. God Tony thank you." he whispered as he stumbled to his feet and followed Tony, going wherever he was urged to go, swallowing thickly as he was finally given an order, his breath hitching as he stepped into position and started to strip. stopping only if Tony told him to stop, otherwise going to the nude without even a hessitation over than to fold his clothes, too much of a military man to leave them puddled onto the floor. "....no blindfold." he whispered. "i don't like being unable to see. it makes me think of the orphanage." he admitted as soon as he was told to 'tap out'. "Pastel." Steve decided. it was easy to remember and he wouldn't blurt it out during sex. he was naked in another few seconds and waited, still, not fidgeting the way he probobly would have been if he wasn't insane at the moment.
“Don’t.Don’t thank me.”He muttered swallowing thickly, not wanting to think about this. If he thought it through, and knew steve was only doing this because of the drugs, he was going to freak out. If he could just havea few hours, he was going to pretend as long as he could. Snickering when he saw the man folding his clothes.”You are such a military guy.”he snorted amused as he tossed the blind fold away, before nodding.”Pastel. Got it.”He muttered as he caught the captain’s wrists, handcuffing him before clipping them onto the clip above his head, snickering a little as he head to haul it up some to strain the super soldier’s frame, giving him just enough room to stay on his feet, but not enough to actually have any slack in it.”A day like today makes me wish you wouldn’t heal this is in a few hours....”Tony muttered mostly to himself, forgetting along with the super healing, he’d have super healing as he returned to the chest, digging for what he wanted before scooping up the deer skinned cat of nine tails(much like the flogger it’d be hard to actually hurt him(, grinning as he turned, with a snap of his wrist watching red lines decorate his back like lightening going to ground, jagged and wide, and tony shuddered feeling a little weak kneed, because he was so goign to have issues not seriously screwing the other.
Steve nodded. "okay." he whispered as he followed Tony's orders, blinking at him as Tony snickered before looking down at his socks before shrugging, folding them as well and placing them on top of the pile before adding his underwear to it. "Yeah. Pastel." he agreed, watching the Blindfold get flicked away before moaning as he felt the cuffs wrap around his wrists. he could break them, i he wanted to, but it felt good to just let go and let Tony do what he wanted and he knew he wouldn't break the cuffs except by accident, and even that was unlikely. "...Serum's sick." Steve reminded Tony. "won't heal right... want to feel it in the morning." he admitted, watching Tony handle the Tails, his head tilted before heat blossomed across his back, making him shriek. not in pain, but in surprise and he stood there, looking almost stunned fora moment before the warmth spread and Steve felt something deep inside of him going lax. "...Again. please." Steve whispered, sounding so astonished. so amazed, so relaxed. as if the pain had done something to him that had fixed him and made his world right. he didn't shriek again, he was prepared now, and while he jerked, gasped, moaned, whimpered and yes, cried as the strikes continued, he was as hard as a rock and leaning into the hits. he was nearly limp by the time Tony finished, his pupils so wide it was hard to tell he wasn't stoned. he was hard, but he didn't seam to notice, floating on the endorphins and too blissed out to care what was happening now. simply pleased to do whatever Tony told him to do.
“...Oh.Right.”Tony swallowed hard, wincing as he realized what that meant, and it would keep him from damaging the other more then he wanted to. Looking thoughtful and interested at the thought of seeing steve wearing these marks longer then a few hours, and damned if that didn’t make his cock throb, before swallowing. Tilting his head as he watched steve, studying him as he let the strikes fall, careful to stop when he started drawing blood, looking over the man as he slid a hand over his back, “Hmm...you’d let me do whatever I wanted wouldn’t you...”He muttered as he wrapped a arm around steve’s waist, bracing his shoulder against the other’s chest, before reaching up and undoing the link, smiling as the other slumped into him, careful to keep him from falling before lowering him to the bed.”Go to sleep, Steve.”he ordered sitting on the edge of the bed, gently stroking his hair before getting up to get the lotion for his back, gently taking care of him, smiling tiredly as he considered just how many times he’d had johnny do this for him, it seemed oddly right to be doing this for steve now. “Sleep.”He ordered as he watched the other, debating on what to do. Wondering if the other would be upset if he just went to sleep next to him. Huffing slightly as he watched the super soldier go to sleep he got up, deciding he wasn’t goign to chance steve being angry with him, and settled on the couch near the window with a blanket and pillow. Not wanting to crowd the super soldier, but just as surely not wanting to leave him alone.
Steve nodded. "yeah." he muttered, he hated having to Tell tony that, but he knew i he didn't Tony would be rougher than Steve could actually handle. on the plus side, he'd get to hold onto the pain for much longer. "anything Tony." Steve breathed. "anything you want." he murmured. "i liked that so good Tony... i liked that so Good. it was super swell." he admitted even as he slumped into the others arms. "you are great Tony." he muttered. "super great. greatest person ever." he admitted, unable to stop talking as he let the other settle him into bed. he was asleep in seconds after the aftercare.

in the morning, the bed was empty, but a second blanket had been settled over Tony and there was a piping hot cup of Coffee next to Tony's head, indicating that Steve hadn't been gone for too long. there was movement and suddenly it was clear Steve hadn't left at all. he was sitting in a chair, facing tony and was running his pencil along the artists pad in his hands, more relaxed than he'd been the other night when he'd fallen asleep drawing. it was in the eyes, there wasn't any tightness, which had always been there. Steve reached up and placed the pencil behind his ear before reaching up and pulling another pencil out from his other ear and continued to move the pencil, this time in a manner that suggested he was doing some shading or filling. he was clearly too focused to notice that Tony was awake.
Tony smiled pleased steve had thought to tell him to be more careful then he normally would have beem. Shuddering at the breathy tone to steve’s voice he adjusted his jeans swallowing hard before snickering as he helped steve to help.”You’re so high right now, steve, its sort of adorable.”he teased even as steve drifted off to sleep, and tried to not let his heart break at the sight of the other trusting him this much.

Tony frowned as he saw that the bed was empty, trying not to be stupidly disappointed the other wasn’t there, frowning a little more as he focused on the coffee in front of him, sitting up slowly to take it and to not get to uncovered by his blanket, shuffling around a little before startling, nearly spilling his coffee when he realized that the super soldier hadn’t gone that far. Studying the man for a long moment he smiled, glad to see him relaxed, sitting up slowly. Running his fingers through his hair sipping his coffee slowly. “Watcha working on?”He said sleepily running his fingers through his hair, studying the other. Before his curiousity got the better of him.”Isn’t it killing your back to be sitting up like that?”He said smirking a little as he shuffled to get comfortable, trying to convince himself to leave, but....well he was never good at self denial. And he knew the cravings were going to be bad for awhile...maybe he could have the best of best worlds?Not deny himself, and give steve what he wanted, no strings attatched? Not realizing steve wanted him, to keep ahold of him, but it would take time and work for the captain to convince him of that. But for now, he was going to take what he could get.
Steve shook his head. "not High, i swear. haven't had any i promise." he mumbled, suddenly terrified by the thought that Tony thought he was on Crack again.

Steve jerked violently when Tony spoke, nearly leaping out of the chair before he blinked stupidly at Tony before the red blush that Steve was quite famous for inside of the tower spread across his face, up to his ears and down his neck. "n...nothing." he stuttered, shaking his head. "no. it's not hurting my back." he promised before he paused, realizing that Tony was talking about the lashings, not the muscles, before shrugging. neither hurt anyway. they ached a little, but it was a pleasant ache. "the Serum healed me enough that it's not really a bothersome thing." he promised tony as he shoved his pencil behind his ear again and hesitated as he looked at Tony. "i'm... not sure what..." he bit his lip. "i mean, i know... it's customary to leave but... i was.. i kinda hoped..." he was so adorable, he really was. "...i don't want to be a one night stand..." he finally admitted softly. "plus i don't want Bucky to find out." he admitted. "he might hit you for it because. you know... he doesn't know about this kind of thing... and thank you, for that. i never... i didn't... it was so Good Tony... i never knew pain could be like that. i just thought if it hurt enough then i wouldn't ache for the drug so bad but it felt..." he shook his head. "it was like being high, only better..."
“I know cap, never mind.”He muttered stroking his hair.

Tony bit his lip to keep from laughing at steve as he sipped his coffee, “Good. I stopped before I really hurt you, so I had hoped it’d heal enough to not be bothersome.”He smiled slightly though he did look curious to know what he was drawing. Not feeling awake enough to feel like arguing about knowing, sipping his coffee as he considered the man. “I’m actually glad you didn’t. Considering I was afraid I’d really hurt you.”He muttered tilting his head studying the other, “...You’re welcome.”He said biting his lip a little before smiling. “It’s...for me, its the one way to stop my brain from thinking. Normally, even during sex, I just keep thinking of a million things...pain shuts me down.”He shrugged a little, proving that he knew exactly what steve was talking about before biting his lip, looking bemused at the other. “well, it doesn’t have to be. I mean, I’d be more then happy to help you through the cravings.”Tony said, misunderstanding steve, not realizing he meant a relationship, not simply the beating. Tony could understand helping with the cravings, in fact steve would probably do better convincing him to go with the friends with benefits, and sneak date him into actually realizing they were dating, instead of just asking him out.

“So...do you think they slept together?”Bucky smirked as he looked at loki as he settled at the breakfast table, looking curious and kept stealing looks towards the bedrooms, as if he could get steve and tony to emerge from the bedroom through sheer force of wishing it.
Steve blinked at him a little bit and then shook his head. "you're really good at it." he admitted. "it feels kinda nice to still be in pain you know?" he asked, his head tilted. "like i'm still human." he admitted with a sigh. "some-days... i wonder if i even am human anymore." he admitted as he returned to shading whatever it was that he had been drawing. "...Tony i don't think you could ever actually hurt someone." he admitted with a smile. "you're too nice. consentual pain is one thing, but overstepping? i doubt you'd be able." he admitted before he paused. "yeah. it's like you're mind floats off to a distance. you know it's still there, but it doesn't matter because you feel so good you don't have to worry or care about anything." he agreed. "...how come you didn't... you know... fuck me?" he asked, flushing a little, looking more confused then hurt. "i know you wanted to. so how come you didn't?" he asked softly. "i really wanted you to, you know..." he admitted as he bit his lip. "...maybe... next time... we could?" he asked softly, hopeful bit more than a bit timid for actually asking. "i'm sorry... i know you're with Johnny but...." he fidgeted and fell silent. "i shouldn't have asked, i'm sorry that was really rude of me..."

Johnny looked up from where he'd been reading the paper. "no. Steve wasn't thinking properly last night and Tony wouldn't have fucked him. too much like Rape." Johnny admitted. "Tony's a bit of a whore, so am i, but even we won't fuck someone if they can't make decisions." he admitted. "i hope Steve's not too upset." Johnny admitted with a small grin. "he really wants to get into Tony's pants." "and you don't mind?" "nope. not in the least." Johnny admitted. "i'd be happy if Tony started dating Steve, they'd both stop sulking and i wouldn't feel so bad for them. me and Tony, we fuck a lot, but it's just sex. Tony needs someone to love." Johnny admitted as he accepted his plate of food even as Loki handed one to Bucky.
“Hm, I know. It’s nice to just feel the ache for days, knowing someone took care of you.Cause thats part of it...you have to trust the other to take care of you...”he flushed a little before making a face. “You trust me more then I trust myself.”He huffed a little as his gaze darted around the room, trying so hard to not simply stare at the man, “No, you really don’t have to care about anything.”he smiled before startling, turning to stare at the man, his mouth working, trying to decide what to say, at a loss totally of what to think of steve wanting him like that...or maybe it was just wanting to forget?Chewing on his lip he swallowed hard as he stared at the floor, “...You weren’t thinking right. Totally lost in a craving. To much like rape for that to be fun, no matter how much I was enjoying hurting you.”He muttered squirming a little, staring down at his coffee cup before nearly spitting out what he was drinking at steve’s next words, choking a little. “You....You want to?I mean...beyond just hurting you?”Tony said wondering just how bad the cravings were, and making a mental note to see the man more just to make sure he was okay before huffing. “You can ask, and it’s not that rude. Johnny’s...well, Johnny’s just...we have sex. It’s nothing beyond sex with my best friend...kinda like you and bucky.”Tony said feeling proud of himself for not sounding jealous, and mentally scrambling to figure out why steve looked so hopeful he’d want to have sex with him. Wasn’t it supposed to be the other way around?Tony not sure about his welcome?He was so confused...and it was so early in the morning...

“I didn’t mean it like I thought you would.”Bucky made a face worried the other man had thought he’d really be concerned with steve’s health with tony, he was worried if steve accidently mistook him for howard in the moment, but he never doubted tony would take the step back if steve wasn’t all together. “I was just wondering if he’d let himself be persuaded considering how much he wants it.”Bucky snickered studying johnny, looking amused that johnny was being so supportive of steve’s seduction of tony cause he had no doubt that no matter who was in charge, or if tony wanted steve, he knew it would be steve convincing the billionaire to take that last step.
Steve smiled and nodded. "i don't think it will last for days on me. but it should stay for most of the day." he admitted with a nod. "it'll be nice, i haven't had a lingering pain for a long time." he admitted with a smile. "i've always trusted you Tony." he admitted. "i mean, god man you risked your life to save us. all of us, how could i not trust that?" he asked with a smile. "besides... you sat up with me for three days and saw me at my very worst... and you still didn't judge me... you're the only person i could trust for something like that." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "...oh." he muttered, looking almost surprised. "i didn't think of it that way..." he admitted before he smiled. "thank you for that then..." he admitted. "i suppose you would have had a hell of a conscious in the morning if you had..." he admitted. "i'm glad you liked it. i liked it too." he admitted with a smile. "...well. yeah. i mean... yeah." he admitted. "i miss being close to people." he admitted. "i miss touching people... and... i like touching you." he admitted, flushing hard. "i really do..." he admitted before he smiled. "me and Bucky don't have sex anymore." he admitted. "we don't love each other in the right way, it's too much like fucking my brother and that's.... kinda gross." he admitted. "but... as long as Johnny doesn't mind... i. i really would like to." he admitted. "i miss having sex. and you're the best at it and i trust you the most and... well i like you the most. i can't imagine asking Bruce for this... even if he could have sex and Nat's a girl so..." he shrugged. "i want you to fuck me." he admitted softly.

Johnny smiled a little. "i know. but part of you was worried so i figured i better soothe it before you jittered your way into madness." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head as he turned his attention back to the paper. "i'm not sure Steve had the mind to beg for sex." Loki admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "how is the team?" Loki asked Johnny who shook his head. "still assholes. Tony's doing a lot better on that front than i am. Sue still thinks of me as her precious baby brother, Reed still thinks of me as the annoying playboy brother in law and i'm not even going to get started on Ben." he grumbled. "maybe after all things are settled, i can join the Avengers." he mused. "i get along with you guys a lot better." "technically, me and Bucky aren't actually Avengers." Loki admitted with a grin. "but i get you're point." he admitted with a smile.
“Well, at least you’re enjoying it for now. Cause I gotta tell you, if you’re going to let me hurt you, I’m going to enjoy finding the limits of how much I can hurt you.”Tony said the dark look in his eyes half lust, half curiosity, he really did want to take steve apart to just put him back together again. “Uh, well even at your worst, you haven’t hit my top five worst things I’ve ever done, so it’s okay.”Tony shrugged it off, so not wanting to think about steve being drugged out before wrinkling his nose a little as he made a face. “You’re welcome. And probably.”Tony sighed a little before studying the other man, tilting his head a little. “Yea, fucking your brother would be gross. And you can ask him if you’re really that worried. He’s here. Hiding from his own team.”Tony rolled his eyes a little though he knew it was more then that, and he was so going to work on helping johnny now that his own team was working. Tilting his head as he studied the other for a long moment before his features shuttered closed, hiding whatever he was thinking about listing the other’s on the idea for sex before smiling.”Good. We’ll do something about that. Later. After I eat. And make sure johnny’s okay.Food is good. Come on ca-”Tony swallowed remembering Steve didn’t like the name, slipping easily into his normal mask to not show what he was thinking about, poor delusional idiot that he was, he was hearing things again.”Come on, soldier boy, time to eat. Loki’s cooking probably.”Tony smiled as he ducked out of the room, pausing as he entered the kitchen, studying the three men in vaguely amusement, and some worry, having a feeling he knew what they were talking about.

“Hm, well I was already pretty insane you know, don’t need any jittering to get there.”Bucky said looking amused before snickering.’That’s a disturbing mental image...”Bucky muttered worried about his friend, if he’d been that far gone, what had stark done to calm him down?Interested and amused. “You should just move in here. It’s not like we don’t have the room.”Bucky said before smirking. “Technically no, but do you think the other’s will protest us inviting johnny over for a permanent sleep over.” “...We’re having a sleepover and I wasn’t invited?I feel badly now. Steve, they’re inviting my friends over without telling me.”Tony whined looking over his shoulder at the blond, blushing ever so slightly as he walked in and settled at the table to wait for loki to get him food as he sipped his coffee.
Steve smiled a little. "i'd like that." Steve admitted. "know how much hurt i can take and then straddle that line." he whispered, licking his lips. "yeah, i like that idea." he whispered, looking quite aroused again. "well..." he muttered, looking a bit sheepish. "i guess that's true." he admitted as he smiled at Tony. "you're worst is kind of cute though, so i guess that's alright..." he admitted with a smile. "pretty gross yeah." he agreed, shaking his head a little. "...i'd rather not." he grumbled. "Johnny really freaks me out." he admitted. "you know, when i was crashing, i was quite convinced he was an alien... it's creepy how much he looks like me." he admitted with a shake of his head. "how i made the leap from creepy to Alien is beyond me..." he admitted with a small chuckle before he grimaced a little. "Johnny still can't get his team to see him huh?" well, at least Cap wasn't that dense. "well. as long as he doesn't annoy me." he grumbled. "i don't mind if he hangs out with the Avengers." and that was as good as permission for Johnny to join, considering it was coming from Cap. "...you can call me Cap if you want." he promised. "but Capsicle makes me remember being on ice... being Cold." he admitted with a shudder. "...Loki's not going to poison me right?" he asked, looking worried as he followed the other out of the room, Sketchbook tucked closed and safe as he shook his head. "i am hungry..." he agreed. "starving even." he admitted. "it's been a while since i actually felt hungry." he admitted. "usually i feel like eating just because i want something in my mouth but... this is actually hunger." he admitted with a smile.

Johnny smirked a little. "well, don't you know? insane people are always the most fun." he admitted as he shook his head. "don't worry Mister Barnes." Johnny stated. "Tony is an expert at what he does. if they did what i think they did, then Tony stopped long before Cap was ready for him to." he admitted. "and it's nothing that won't be gone in a few hours anyway." he admitted before smirking as he looked up at Tony. "oh. Bucky was just saying i could move in permanently. but i think your Captain would have issue with that." "nah. you can stay. just don't bug me." that had Johnny gaping at Steve, startled for a long moment. "what. you're fine with me all of a sudden?" "no. you still creep me out." Steve admitted. "but it's not like you can help it." plus, ow that he had a share of Tony, he didn't mind 'sharing'. he had to worm his way closer to Tony first before he asked for monogamy. besides... the thought of watching Tony fuck other people was... exciting. god he was a pervert, but that was okay because so where most of the people in the Tower. "thanks Loki." Steve muttered as he was handed a pile of food, Loki watching critically until he was sure Steve was going to eat it all before getting Tony some food and handed it over to the billionaire.
Tony stared at the other man, pupils blown wide swallowing hard.”we-we have to leave this room now. If we want to eat. Yea.Food.”Tony said swallowing hard as he stared at the blond before laughing. “I know. And it creeps him out to, if that makes you feel better. And I heard about the alien, it was fairly amusing truly.”Tony snickered a little before shaking his head.”No...I think part of his problem is they’re family, and not just teammates.”he shrugged a little perking up at the idea that johnny could stay, hearing the words for what they were before snickering. “No, he wont, he spent to much time helping me get you better, to kill you now”tony promised looking amused, before looking up at the other, biting his lip. “....Don’t say stuff like that. It makes me want to give you other things to put in your mouth.”Tony whined a little, ducking his head slightly, blushing slightly.

“Hm, well that explains why I get along with loki doesn’t it?”Bucky smirked at the godling but relaxing at johnny’s words.”Good.”he muttered looking curious but trusting johnny to know what he was talking. “He’s not my captain.He’s everyone’s captain.”tony sputtered a little blushing a little, but looking pleased that steve was actually telling johnny it was okay to stay, snickering as he looked at steve get fed. “Look, you should feel special. You’re getting fed before me. Loki never does that!I always get fed first.”Tony whined a little even as he started to eat. “No, I got fed first. I’m the favorite now.”Bucky snickered looking between the two, but relaxed seeing that the two seemed to be okay, if flirty.
Steve smirked a little. "maybe i don't wanna leave?" he mused, his head tilted. "but yeah. food." he agreed with a smile as he shook his head. "it really is creepy Tony." he muttered with a sigh. "i wish there was a reason for it, you know? maybe he's a relative? i was in the orphanage... there might be family out there that i never knew about." he muttered. "maybe he's like, a cousin or something?... well. he'd be a fairly removed cousin, being that i was born... like, forever ago..." he muttered, smiling a little. "but yeah, he could be family." he muttered. "maybe a great, great, great nephew or something." and that seamed to sooth him quite a bit. "did he really?" he asked, looking surprised. "but he hates me." Loki 'hated' everyone simply on principle, the only people he actually liked was Tony and Johnny. if you where nice to them, then Loki was nice to you. they'd already seen what happened to people who upset Tony. "well... i've never... you know.. i did say so. it's... dirty." he muttered, flushing a little. "that's because you're nice to Tony." Johnny admitted with a smirk. "he made everyone's lives here hell when they upset Tony." he admitted with a snicker. "it was awesome." "it was horrible. i found fifteen mice in my room." Steve complained as he scowled. "and all of my underwear kept disappearing... i'm not going to mention what he did to my suit." Steve grumbled, Loki snickering a little. "Steve's sick, he gets food first. and i'm trying to get into Bucky's pants, so he gets food first too." he teased with a chuckle. "now shut up and eat you whine baby."
“Maybe. I mean you are old, Cap.”Tony teased a little looking vaguely amused with the idea of johnny being related to steve before smirking. “Yes, he does. I think. But he knows I like you. So he was helpful.”Tony blushed a little shrugging as he swallowed at the idea of steve never doing that, cause there were few thinsg he liked the idea of doing, and being steve’s first blow job was goign to be fun. “Hmmm...maybe he’s trying to tell you you should go without underwear.”Tony smirked, his eyes dark and amused before turning to look at johnny, “Hey. You want to go shopping with me after this?”He said before looking at steve, looking questioning and amused, needing johnny’s advice on what he wanted, but there was a part of him that so, so wanted to collar the good captain so he knew who he belonged to.....he might not get to keep Steve, but damned if he wasn’t going to be posessesive for as long as he had him.
Steve snorted. "only if you're thinking in a linear manner." he admitted with a smile. "technically, i'm younger than you and Johnny are. you're what, forty something?" he asked with a smirk. "i joined the military when i was nineteen and was frozen at twenty. i'm right around twenty two i think." he admitted. "physically speaking. isn't it a good thing i'm into older men?" he asked playfully before he shrugged. "i still don't like him... he tried to take over the earth." he grumbled. "he damn near succeeded..." he shook his head. "but you trust him, and he obeys you, sort of. so i guess i'll have to live with it." he admitted, a silent promise to stop badmouthing Loki. "i hope not. the thought of Loki wanting me half naked makes me cringe in unpleasant ways." he admitted before he started to inhale all of his food. "yeah sure. there was those new leather line i wanted to look into." Johnny admitted with a smirk. "and i need some more shoes." "pick me up some charcoal would you Tony?" Steve asked hopefully. "i looked in the room but the only Charcoal you had in the art room was crappy stuff." he admitted, deciding not to feel jealous of Tony hanging out with Johnny. "i'm gonna hang out in the art room for a while, that Skyline is just beautiful." Steve admitted with a smile.
“...39. I am not forty yet.”Tony huffed making a face at the other. “I feel weird now. You’re nearly half my age.”Tony whined a little making a face at him, before smiling.”That’s all I can ask for.”he said glad he wasn’t going to have to worry about steve talking about loki anymore.”hmmm, but the idea of just being able to pull your pants down....makes me squirm in all the best ways.”Tony muttered in steve’s ear, wincing as bucky groaned. “Stop!He’s not the only one with super hearing. I don’t want to think about that.”Bucky grumbled but looked amused despite his complaints. “You’ll just have to live with it.sex talk is a thing that happens around me. Deal.”Tony snickered before smiling, “You and your shoes.”Tony rolled his eyes before looking at steve, sighing quietly. “Any certain charcoal stuff, or anything I find?”He said sounding vaguely upset, not because he was going to have to stop and get it, but because he hadn’t managed to get the good stuff when he’d gone shopping for it online. “It is fairly beautiful. If you want a different view though, you could always come up to the penthouse you know. Different views from the very top of the tower.”Tony smiled as he finished eating, biting his lip looking nervous before leaning in to kiss his cheek before scampering back, as if expecting him to knock him away. Which he was. Despite their talking, and teasing, he really, really was waiting for steve to realize who he was flirting with and tell him to knock it off.
he snickered. "cradle robber." he teased with a smile and a shake of his head before he went bright red at Tony's words as both Johnny and Loki started to laugh. "shut up Bucky..." Steve grumbled as Loki leaned down. "you know. i'm not wearing any underwear." Loki breathed in Bucky's ear. "Gross!" Steve squalled, huffing. "i changed my mind Tony, Loki is evil." he complained, making the man laugh. "hey, i need my shoes." Johnny complained. "especially since if i flame, they burn." he admitted with a snicker and a shake of his head. Steve just frowned. "i don't know." he admitted. "the pencils i have are weird." he admitted, Johnny smiling. "that's because we got the expensive stuff." Johnny explained. "they have some stuff mixed into the charcoal to 'make them smoother'. Tony needs to get a generic type. they're cheaper because there's no additives." "oh." Steve blinked and then. "that makes sense, i couldn't afford expensive things when i was an art student... maybe i'll play around with the new pencils and try them... they have to be better for some reason right?" he muttered, his head tilted. "...would that be okay?" Steve asked, looking worried. "i might get paint on your floor." he warned, chewing on his lip before he flushed and smiled at the kiss to his cheek. "be safe okay?" he ordered Tony, watching the other leave before he headed to the Art room to finish what he had been working on. Tony, asleep on the couch. looking oh so adorable and relaxed and even twenty years younger. only once he had finished drawing tony did he start working on a canvas painting of the Manhattan Skyline.
“I am not. You’re 92.So, so not the cradle robber here.”Tony huffed making a face at the other. “....I think we should leave them to fend for themselves.”Bucky smirked tilting his head back to look at loki, flushing a little as he studied the man, laughing at steve’s complaint. “Hm, no. It’s Barnes’ who’s evil. I mean, they’re just going to feed off each other’s evilness.”Tony snickered a little rolling his eyes.”True, I’m going to make you shoes. Awesome, amazing shoes.”Tony said already turning over the ideas as he considered that before smiling at steve, wincing a little, before glancing at johnny, glad he knew what was wrong. “Oh...I’ll pick up some of the cheaper sets, then you can play with them all you want.”He smiled a little. “see, there’s a good thing about living with tony. You get all the awesome art stuff you always wanted, steve.”Bucky smiled looking amused. “It’s fine. It wouldn’t be the worst thing ever spilled on the floor.” “What is?” “Uh...honey and motor oil.”Tony said blushing before standing. “I will.See you in a few hours.”He said leaving with johnny before they could question on how the hell they’d gotten honey and motor oil on his floor. "....You two are so adorable you make my teeth ache. I might have to go to a dentist for sugar overdose."Bucky muttered, teasing his friend in amusement as he watched the billionaire and human torch leave

When he got home tony smiled quietly as he walked in, pausing as he looked at steve, “You look pleased with yourself. A good day painting?”He said as he set the bags he was carrying to the side before digging out the two things he’d bought for steve crossing the room and collapsing onto the floor next to him, crossing his legs as he looked at him. “I got stuff for you.”he said handing over the charcoal pencils and some different size sticks and stuff, before holding up the box in his hands. “This is...well...I don’t know what you want...but uh...I saw it...and I wanted to get it...cause I like the idea of having a claim on you....I mean...you don’t have to...or even wear it around...but...I’m posessive of things okay?And my people matter to me so others knowing they belong to me...”He rambled a bit swallowing hard, “I know, I know, we’re not really dating or doing anything like that, just fucking-or at least we will..\I don’t share well with others.So if you want to fuck other people, okay, whatever. It wouldn't be the first time I had to share, but this is me, not sharing well, and they should know who they're sharing with”Tony rambled, and even if steve tried to tell him he wanted manogamy, all it’d do was probably freak out the man who’s last relationship,true relationship, had been with pepper. The man was extremely gun shy, and still skittering and skidding as he tried to find his feet.
Steve snickered a little. "biologically only twenty." he shot back with a smile. "and... yeah, Bucky is pretty Evil." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head and a smirk at Bucky. "kinda hoping he does to Loki what he did to me in that tent when we where 'camping'." Bucjy had tied Steve completely helpless, fucked him three times and hadn't let Steve cum for any one of them. "...Tony you have no sense of fashion, you're not making me shoes." Johnny complained, simply because that way he'd get five pairs instead of one. "thanks Tony, that would be great." Steve stated with a beaming smile. "i know! the Art Room is amazing. i don't know what that idiot was thinking when he decided that he didn't want to work for Tony." Steve stated, shaking his head. "his loss, my gain." still going with the cover story. mostly for his own amusement more than anything else. "...honey and motor oil. right." Steve muttered, looking amused as he watched Tony leave before beaming brightly at Bucky. "i got him to agree to sex! that's a step in the right direction! soon he'll be mine and only mine." he stated, a possessive glint in his eyes as Loki snickered and headed off to give Steve and Bucky some privacy.

when Tony got home, Steve was covered in paints, but he'd at least spread out a sheet so he didn't get paint in Tony's carpet. "hey Tony! yeah, great day! it's not finished yet. Bucky distracted me." he admitted with a huff as he started to clean his brushes letting Tony see the painting he had been working on, though unlike the bright sky, Steve had washed the city in the gold of dawn, making everything look bright, shiny and hopeful. "these look great!" Steve admitted as he picked up the pencil's. "yeah this is the quality i'm used to." he admitted with a grin. "thanks a ton Tony!" he paused as he saw how flushed Tony was and blinked at him, his head tilted before he flushed as he realized that Tony wanted to possess him. wanted to own him. and god did that turn him on so damn much. "Tony. calm down before you hyperventilate." Steve ordered with a smile. "i'm a loyal little shit, you know? dating or not, i'm probobly only ever going to have sex with you... though, honestly, the idea of watching you fuck other people is... hot." he admitted. "except Johnny. i'm not going to watch you fuck him, you can of course i just don't wanna watch." he promised Tony as he gently took the box out of Tony's hand. "i told you this morning. it has to be you. i can't trust anyone else." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "if you want to claim me, well... i have to admit, the thought is very appealing." he admitted as he opened the box and blinked. "....what are they?"
“And thank god for that. I’m totally looking forward to putting that super stamina to work.”Tony muttered before eyeing bucky, looking curious. Bucky’s smirk was borderline evil, looking over at loki.”Oh, don’t doubt it. I’m going to enjoy torturing him.”Bucky smirked a little. “What?I totally have fashion sense. I’m amazing.”Tony sulked before smiling at Steve. “Well, he was a idiot. Much better to have you in that room. Better to look at to.”Tony smiled a little pleased steve didn’t know he’d bought everything, not realizing the man knew. “You’re such a possessive little punk.”Bucky teased shaking his head in amusement. “So, how long do you think it’ll take him to realize you’re actually dating instead of whatever he thinks is going on?”

“Barnes is enough to distract anyone. You should have sent him off to spend time with loki.”he snickered a little looking at the painting, smiling. “Did you have a plan for that when it’s done?Cause if not, can I put it in my bedroom?”he asked before smiling.”You’re welcome.”he smiled pleased that he’d gotten the right pencils, blushing harder as he was ordered to stop, shuddering as his head dipped a little. Even if he wanted to dominate steve badly, he was to much of a switch to not respond to captain america ordering him to do something. “I know you are....What?”Tony sputtered staring at the man for a long moment before laughing, making a face.”Screwing Johnny with you in the room would just be really weird.”Tony smiled a little before smiling slightly, “Good. I like claiming you. Thinking about you going in public wearing these...”He shuddered a little before laughing quietly. “Collars. To control, to claim...pretty much just my need to show the world I have control, and you’re mine...I mean, this one doesn’t look like anything but what it is”Tony flushed brighter as he showed the small plate tag near the ring on the leather one, ‘If found, return to Tony stark’, “but this one, well, it’s subtle enough that if you didn’t want anyone to know you were wearing it for me, it just looks like a necklace.”Tony rambled a little, though like the leather one, the lock read ‘return to tony stark’. Both tight enough to the skin to slide easily under the uniform, and not get in his way in battle Biting his lip a little, holding up the keys to both collars.”These are yours to. I’d like you to wear them all the time, but if you want to take them off, you can. I mean, I don’t want you doing anything you don’t want to do.”Tony muttered, showing that even now, it was different from what he had with johnny, because he’d never felt the fierce need to show the world that johnny was his, even in such a small way.
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