Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

Tony smirked as he teisted and spread his fingers,eager to get inside the other,laughing as he listened to the other,leaning down to press a kiss to the other's stomach,"I'm amazed no onr ever heard you before,sweetheart."he muttered before sliding his fingers out,laying steve down on the bed gently,looking at him,making sure he was okay before pushing into him, groaning as he sank balls deep into the other,leaning on shaky arms as he leaned down to kiss him gently, nuzzling steve a little,"you are amazing you know."he muttered as he rolled his hips, groaning at the feel, shuddering and shaky at the feel.
Steve whimpered and whined and arched as he felt the other twisting those fingers. "f..fuck, Tony, please!" he whispered, panting hard as he flushed. "...gags." he explained sheepishly. "this is the first time i've ever... you know... openly... feels amazing Tony." he moaned gasping and moaning again as he felt the other press inside of him, mewling eagerly as he rocked his hips into Tony. "yes. yes. please. don't stop. more. oh my GOD." he moaned, clenching tighter around the other as he panted. "oh god please fuck me fuck me Tony Fuck me fuck me."
Tony flushed a little at the other’s words, but looked pleased with it. Groaning quietly as he looked down at the other, whimpering as the other’s body tightened around him, eyes widening a little. “You beg so nicely. I’m going to have to get you to beg more.”She muttered growling as he thrust into the other harder, chewing on his lip to keep from coming, having every intent of making steve come undone, sliding a hand down, sliding steve’s cock between his hands, stroking him slowly, before going faster, needing steve to lose control before he did, feeling his orgasm building.
he gasped, he moaned, he arched and wriggled and groaned and tried to fuck himself on Tony's cock. it was no wonder Bucky had such issues with fucking Steve in cramped quarters. Steve was vocal and wild and he moved like a hell cat. there was no way what was happening could be mistaken for anything else but sex. not to mention Steve had been sex free for quite a while. he was practically starving or a good fucking. he cried out as he felt the hand wrap around his cock and he arched and came, splattering himself with his seed as he wrapped his legs tighter around Tony, urging him on. "inside! cum inside! oh please Tony!"
Tony dropped his head to the other’s shoulder as he fucked him, laughter choking him, amused and happy to having driven steve to this, amused that he was thrashing around. It made him want to drag him out in public, and fuck him in a closet or something, just to listen to him lose his cool behind a gag of his tie. Shuddering as he considered that, before focusing on the fucking going on right now. “you beg so prettily.”He moaned teeth biting down on the other’s shoulder, shuddering as he clung to the other, groaning as he came. Whimpering as he slumped down onto the man, panting.
Steve moaned eagerly as he squirmed under Tony as he felt the hot wetness leaking into him and he sighed, feeling quite satisfied. "mmm that was great." he muttered as he touched the tooth marks in his skin. "you broke skin." he admitted with a grin. "you'll have to bite me more often, i really liked that." he admitted as he wrapped his arms around Tony and stroked the marks, leaning forward to nuzzle the pale neck. "that was awesome." he muttered. "fuck Tony i can't remember the last time i came that hard." he admitted with a smile. "we're doing that again. soon. in like an hour." he admitted with a chuckle.
Tony laughed quietly at the others words,shifting so he was half on thr bed half on steve, tucking his face in against his shoulder."hm,I think I'm going to bite that onr spot until your super skin gets with the program and scars.then I'll find another spot."he smiled,mostly teasing but half serious with the idea."well I am fairly awesome you know.practice makes perfect."he teased taking clint's words to heart that Steve dididn't care he'd been a man-ehore. To relaxed to really worry. Snivkering he nodded."I'll do that whenever and wherever you want, cap. With breaks for food and lab time of course."he said sounding happy and relaxed, despite how nervous he was about being in what he could admiy to himself was a relationship, he was still relaxed.
he smiled at the laugh, pleased that Tony had calmed down. "hmmmm i don't think that will work, but i'll be more than happy to let you try." he promised with a chuckle and a smile. "you know, even the scars from before healed when i was injected with the serum." he admitted with a yawn. "hmmm Practice does make perfect." he agreed. "thank god Johnny and you had a lot of practice, i'd hate to think what might have happened if you'd been a virgin." he admitted, sounding amused. "not to brag but i'm a bit too big for a beginner." he admitted with a laugh. "i'll want time to paint too." he agreed with a smile. "but i can do that while your in the lab." he admitted. "by the way, Sue Storm came in a few days ago shrieking about Johnny leaving 'filth' all over the place. somehow he got a couple of copies of my drawings and he scattered them all over their headquarters. i've never laughed so hard in my life. how can a guy like johnny have such a prude as a sister?"
"We'll call it bedroom science.cause you know how I am about science.gotta try everything.and I can't believe you healed everything.really?"tony said looking thoughtful and interested in that,even if he was way to relaxed yo want to persur that science thing for the moment."...I left virginity behind at a young age.no worries about that.you're perfectly sized for me."tony grinned shying away from thoughts of when he'd lost his virginity focusing on the man he was laying on"he adked me for a few.I kept the originals but he liked them."tony said sounding vaguely nervous that the man would be upset he'd shared the pictures from that awesome amazing night before snickering."not quite sure really.shes still convinced she has to get johnny out of our relationship cause I'm abusive...id love to shoe her what you did to my back just to see what she'd say."tony snickered at the idea.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "you and your science." he teased with a smile as he kissed the other. "yeah, really." he admitted. "even the badly healed broken bones and stuff." he admitted. "not to mention my asthma and anxiety attacks." he admitted before he smiled at Tony, stroking the others hair. "you're the perfect size for me too Tony." he admitted as he tugged the other down for a kiss. "well of course he liked them, my art is amazing and you where in them." he admitted with a smirk. "i just don't understand how he got copies." he admitted, looking a little baffled. "he tried to explain about printings and downloading and stuff, but i didn't understand a bit of it." he admitted. "you know, i think i'd like that." he admitted with a smirk. "she's here right now. i'll mark up you're front and we can go up and freak out her and Clint." he agreed. "...i wish i could smoke." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm craving..." he admitted, shaking his head. of course, he was always going to crave the sweet release, but sometimes cigarettes took the edge off. and Sex certainly helped the urge.
"Hey don't say it like that.you knew getting into this I did everything like it was a science project."tony pointed out snickering."that is really cool and so weird all at once."tony muttered absently pressing his head into thr other's hand before smiling."very true.that's just the perfect picture isn't it?"she smuled before pressing a kiss to thr skin under his mouth."its a computer thing. Remind me and I'll shoe you later.I think you'll enjoy it actually."tony said his mind already turning over all the digital art stuff he could show steve before grinning."I like you like this,rogers. Its like a little evil angel,its hot."he teased shifting to get up pressing a kiss to the other's mouth."I know steve,I know.but it gets easier with time...and since you can't smoke till the serum recovers,how about I lay bavk,let you mark up my chest and we'll go freak out the others.hoes that sound?"he said hoping to channel the craving into sex and fun.
he chuckled a little. "not everything can be science Tony." he teased with a chuckle. "yeah, hurt like a hellofa bitch though." he admitted, smiling as he stroked Tony like the other was a needy cat. "very good picture." he agreed, sighing as he was kissed. "okay.... are you going to get me a new phone? mine went black again and i can't make it do anything." he grumbled. "i don't understand what charging is..." he grumbled. "i was always a little bit evil." he admitted with a chuckle before he sighed. "i know... but it hurts inside..." he admitted as he nuzzled Tony. "i don't even remember when i started..." he admitted. "just. one day i was walking down the streets of Brooklyn and there was some people who looked so peaceful and happy." he shook his head. "i got to try it for free, it was so good..." he shuddered. "and then i woke up and you where yelling at me and i realized just how out of control i really was and that scared the hell out of me." he admitted as he smirked at the other. "i'll get the Flogger." he agreed as he slipped out of the bed and came back with the thing that he'd been practicing with the most. "i wonder if i shouldn't tie you up?" he teased, smirking. "maybe i should? it would be fun, don't you think?"
“It can to!”Tony protested, “I’m sure it did. You went from being like 98 pounds to being 220. Definitely hard on the body.”He teased not even aware he was acting like a needy cat, before smiling. “It’s down in the lab. I was working on it before you so rudely interrupted.”Tony teased smiling a little, “Charging is just giving it energy to work, you just let it run out of power....sorta like how your body quits working if you don’t give it enough food.”he said trying to explain before smiling, groaning as he was nuzzled. “I know it does sweetheart. I’ve been clean for nearly twenty years, and it still aches some.”He muttered, not about to admit it was mostly because it was watching Steve be like this, that was making him want to turn back, even if he knew better than to want it, it still ached sometimes. “Well, good. Cause you scared the hell out of me to.”he muttered shuddering as the other slipped away from him, swallowing hard before nodding, stretching his hands out.”It would, yes. Do you want me on the bed or kneeling?”He asked, looking a little nervous. Despite trusting steve, and knowing he was amazing with the flogger, it still made him nervous to let steve at his front for the first time, just the idea of a misplaced snap landing on his cock freaked him out a bit.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "yeah, very hard on the body, but it only lasted a little while." he admitted before he snorted. "you where ignoring me and i didn't like it." he admitted with a grin. "it worked didn't it?" he asked with a smirk. "you did what i said and now we're all better." he blinked. "so it just needs food..." he muttered, his head tilted. "is that why Natasha keeps putting that length of string into it and plugging it into the socket? it eats electricity?" he asked curiously. "like a Lamp?" he asked before he smiled as he leaned into Tony, ignoring how good he felt after Tony called him sweetheart. "on the bed." he admitted. "i'm going to tie you to it so you can't jerk." he admitted. "my aim is good, but it's still a new tool and i haven't used it on a person before." he admitted as he got up and came back with the pink rope and what looked like a athletic cup. clearly he had the same concerns as tony because he tucked Tony's cock into the cup to protect it and strapped it into place, which meant it also worked a bit like a chastity belt and cock restraint. "there." he chirped, smirking as he tugged the last of the ropes into place. "so helpless. so adorable." he purred as he stroked his eyes across the other. "Safe word?" he demanded. "oh. and don't bother being quiet. i want to hear you beg." he admitted as he dragged the flogger across Tony's body, letting him feel it before he snapped the whip down across Tony's chest carefully. "Harder, softer, or just right?"
“Well, I was having problems okay?You were probably right to make me talk, but I don’t have to be happy about it.”Tony sulked but the image was ruined because he looked happy and okay with how it turned out. “Yea, exactly!Except it’s a lamp that stores energy so you can take it with you, you just have to recharge it...but we’ll get your new phone later. I don’t want to talk about phones.”Tony said panting ever so slightly as he settled back onto the bed, before relaxing.”Good.”He said smiling a little glad steve had figured out what was worrying him, and he wouldn’t have to explain. Whimpering quietly as the cup was settled on him, he smirked.”You did say you wanted me in a chasity belt...”he muttered looking amused, turning his head to look up at the other, flushed and embarrassed, because it was so rare to hear anyone praise him, really it was just johnny and steve, and even then, it still through the self-hating billionaire for a loop, no matter how many times he heard them praise him. “Stars.”He smirked at the demand for a safeword, and steve would notice a pattern, that Steve himself had become tony’s safety, his safe place, reflected in the fact that all his safewords, were tied to the blond somehow. Shuddering as the other snapped the whip down against his chest, he whimpered, “harder, please. Steve, please more.”He said eyes happy and pleased, despite sounding like he was falling into subspace, he wasn’t far under, just enjoying watching steve.
he chuckled. "i know you where having issues." he admitted. "that's why i did it the way i did." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i don't really get it, but if you say so." he agreed with a shake of his head. "oh yes. and this way i can mark up your hips and inner thighs without striping your cock. don't think you'd like that all that much." he admitted. he spent the next hour striping Tony and watching him cum, repeatedly. "that was pretty damn hot Tony." Steve admitted with a chuckle as he untied the other. "how are you feeling?" he asked, carefully rubbing ointment into the stripes. "come on, i'll make you some dinner." he promised with a grin. feeling very warm inside now that he'd realized what Tony's safe-words meant. "i wonder if Sue Storm is going to attack me?" he mused, examining Tony's marked up body. "Clint probobly will." he admitted. "he's very protective of you, you know."
“It was.Really really hot...”Tony muttered sleepily, well not sleepily, but dazed out as he laid back against the bed, shuddering a little under steve’s fingers as the other man’s fingers rubbed the ointment in, blinking slowly. “Dinner sounds amazing.”Tony muttered as his stomach growled. Because of the tech now embedded in his body, not only the arc reactor but the implant, his body consumed more calories, nearly as much as steve needed was what he needed these days. “...what are you smiling so pleased about?”Tony muttered studying the other, trying to sort out the warm looks he was getting, but socially inept and to spaced out to put things together. Laughing a little. “Sue might. Though she might thinks I got what I deserved, since I’ve been ‘abusing’ Johnny.”He snickered a little before moving to get up slowly, making sure he really was okay, he was going to be sore, but no worse then he usually was after a hard game.”Clint’s protective of you.. He’s protective because of that.”Tony rolled his eyes a little, still not quite believing he matter to his team, even if he was doing better then he had ever done before. He knew they cared, he just had problems thinking he mattered enough to be protective of.
Steve smiled a little as he felt Tony shudder. "Dinner does sound amazing, what would you like?" he asked, his head tilted before he smiled at Tony. "i'm just pleased." he admitted with a smile. "i never thought you'd ever like me back, you know?" he asked with a smile. "after all the crap i've gone through, i'm finally happy, and i didn't need drugs to do it." he admitted as he leaned down and kissed the other. "oh Tony, don't you know anything? you're Clint's best freind." he admitted with a smile. "he adores you." he admitted. "you'll see." he admitted as he steadied Tony and helped him walk down the hall. "Steve!" Clint demanded, the first to see, sounding horrified. "what did you DO!? oh my GOD! Tony sit down! i'll get Bruce! don't move! GOD Steve what the hell is wrong with you!?" Clint demanded, swinging a fist at Steve who ducked out o the way effortlessly. "see Tony? i told you. stop it Clint, i didn't do anything to Tony that he didn't want. he'll probobly be doing the same to me in a few hours." Steve promised. "that doesn't make it better!" Clint complained, fussing over tony until he realized that as bad as the marks looked, they where superficial. no blood, no scabs, and the bruises where few. "...wow. it looks a lot better than it really is." Clint admitted, looking quite upset and worried. "are you SURE this is okay?" he asked Tony, looking quite worried about Tony.
“Hmm...spaghetti.”Tony smiled looking amused, before his smile widened slightly, “Well, having you like me to is a new experience.”He pointed out before smiling.”Good. No more drugs.”he muttered still spaced out enough to say whatever came to his mind, kissing the other back slowly before making a face.”Really?That somehow seems sad. I mean, doesn’t he have people he has more in common with?”Tony muttered frowning slightly, leaning into Steve as they walked, frowning tiredly at clint, listening to him fuss for a moment before snickering, stumbling slightly as steve ducked away from him. “He is overly protective. Like a mama bird. It’s sorta adorable actually.”Tony said smiling a little, smirking as he settled onto the couch, letting Clint fuss over him, before nodding. “My back looks amazing. I have a star.”he smirked.”I’m starred and striped now. I should go out as Cap next.”Tony said just a little drunk on his afterglow, before growing serious, looking up at clint. “It’s okay, he's talented using a whip. He's not hurting me badly...well, more then I want anyways.. Totally, wholly consensual. He’d look as marked as I do, except, even sick, the serum heals him quickly. I’d have to hurt him badly to leave marks.I’m fine. I promise.”Tony said resting a hand on his arm, squeezing a little. “Now, are you done freaking out?”He asked gently.
Steve smiled a little. "the only time i didn't like you was that first meeting." he pointed out. "after that i just thought you didn't like me." he admitted with a smile. "no more drugs." he agreed. "oh Tony, don't you know anything? Best freinds aren't people you have things in common with, Best freinds are people you love despite all the differences." he admitted with a smile. "very protective." Steve agreed with a chuckle as he watched Clint glare at him. "...yeah. amazing." Clint muttered dryly at him. "i'm not sure you could fit into my suit Tony." Steve admitted with a chuckle as he started making the Spaghetti. "i just don't understand how mutilating yourself is sexy." Clint grumbled, but it was clear he was backing down already. "so you let Tony do that to you?" "yeah." Steve agreed. "Loki got us some new medicine too, so Tony's marks will be gone in a few days instead of a few weeks." he admitted. "good morning everyone!" Sue declaired as she bounced into the room, glancing at Tony with a small sneer before she took a Doubletake and gasped as she stared at him, wide eyed and horrified. "Sue! get out of the way, i'm hungry!" Johnny ordered before he smirked at Tony. "nice look Tony." he chirped. "glad Steve finally pulled you out of the lab." "Johnny! what the hell! Look at him! this is not right! oh my god." she groaned. "that's It! i'm hiring you all a psychiatrist! you all clearly need one!" she stated, stamping her tiny little foot as Steve blinked at her before turning to Johnny. "is she always like that?" "yes." "...i am so sorry." Steve stated, ignoring Sue who glared furiously and opened her mouth to say something very scathing just as Jarvis piped up that he had the information on Johnny's parents. the poor machine sounded frazzled and Steve paused. "...oh dear..."
“...Well, considering you all are my first friends I didn’t have to pay to spend time with me, this social friendships confuse me.”Tony pointed out. Because while he had loved pepper, and had rhodey, the fact had been that they were both paid in the beginning to put up with him, so it had left its own scars on his heart, despite having learned how to function with them to. “...”Tony frowned a little at that, “You’re right. I’m to short and fat to fit in it. Never mind, you can keep your sexy self in it.”Tony said sulking a little, because he’d always had self image issues, sleeping with the peak of human perfection wasn’t making it any better. The fact that he looked healthier, better then he had in years, just sorta fell to the side for him. “It’s....”Tony frowned trying to figure out how to explain. “It lets me not think, Clint.”he shrugged a little before smiling slightly. “Yea. Though I can’t do the shapes. Cap is singularly skilled like that.”he snickered before smiling as Sue walked into the room before tilting his head, smirking wider as she stared. “Hey Johnny. And Steve didn’t do anything. I voluntary left my lab...under orders of course, but I did leave.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little, eyeing johnny.”Are you the one who told him why I was hiding out?”He growled looking vaguely annoyed with the idea before startling, looking at Sue. “What?we’re fine. This is normal, for some adults. I mean, just because your sex life sucks and you only have sex in missionary, in bed, doesn’t mean I have-”Tony stopped frowning, “Jarvis?What is it?”He asked looking worried about the AI.
Steve smiled at the other. "James Rhodes isn't freinds with you because you give him money Tony, neither is Happy... i'm not sure what his real name is." Steve admitted sheepishly. "Tony. in case you hadn't noticed, you're taller than i am." Steve pointed out with a smirk. "and i'm fatter than you are." Steve admitted with a chuckle as he kissed the other. "we'll have to make you a suit of your own." he promised with a smile. "besides, you look damn sexy with all that new muscle." he admitted, patting Tony's ass. "so it's like when i'm shooting?" Clint asked curiously. "sort of like meditation?" "the pain is... freeing." Steve explained. "it's really hard to explain, but the more pain you feel, the more you sink into your own mind, where nothing matters. for people like me and Tony, we don't feel certain kinds of pain as pain. some pains are more numbing, while others feel more like a kind of pleasure." "...i think... yes, that makes a lot more sense." Clint agreed before looking amused at Sue and Johnny. "i'm sure." Johnny scoffed before he shook his head. "no i didn't. i just figured you two had a fight or something." Johnny admitted, giving Tony a look, as if wondering if he shouldn't have gone and gotten Tony out of the lab sooner. "...it is... quite troubling." Jarvis informed Tony. "i am unsure of how to tell this." Johnny closed his eyes. "Ms. Vander was a scientist working with Victor Von Doom who was inseminated with Serum from Steve Rogers." Jarvis explained. "Ms. Storm died shortly after due to complications during labor. Victor Von Doom decided that his attempts to breed the Serum failed, and abandoned the twin children in an orphanage, where they where later adopted by the Storm family." Johnny was staring at Steve, mouth open in shock and Steve was staring right back. "...i got sex tips from my own son... i'm going to hell...."
“it’s Happy actually. His mother was weird.”Tony snickered before frowning a little, looking up, and belatedly realizing that steve was right. He’d grown some with being fused with his suit, just a few inches, but he was. Flushing at the ass tap he swallowed hard. “are you telling me I wasn’t damned sexy before?”He pouted a little before nodding at Clint. “Sort of. I spend so much of my own time in my own thoughts, or talking to people, it’s nice to just be free and floating.”Tony smiled looking amused at Clint’s words rolling his eyes a little at Johnny, frowning. Wondering if steve had figured it all on his own then or if Bucky or Loki had. “Don’t give me that look. I was working, not avoiding things.”Which meant he had been avoiding things, but that he didn’t want to talk about it.

“Well, damn. J, don’t you have better things to do then come up with traumatizing things?”Tony whined as jarvis started to speak before his eyes widened as he considered what he was hearing, before collapsing back onto the couch, burying his face in a pillow and screaming. Simply to freaked out to be calm before straightening, standing.”Well. I uh-yea. This is to weird. I’m going to the lab.”Tony said even as he stood, stumbling a step and running into steve. While he wasn’t really hurt, he was sore and stiff enough from having both his back and front marked up to not be totally okay walking on his own.
Steve blinked a little. "...Tony, you thought Phil's first name was Agent for how long?" he asked, looking amused. "forgive me if i don't take your word on that." he muttered with a chuckle. "no Tony. you where Adorable before." both Steve and Johnny chorused. "i guess that makes sense... kind of." Clint muttered, his head tilted. "you where avoiding me." Steve stated with a smile. "but that's okay, i knew that was going to happen, and it will probobly happen again." he admitted as he started chopping up onions, green peppers, mushrooms, garlic, celery, mushrooms and black olives into tiny little pieces so no one could bitch about what he put into the Spaghetti.

"I am sorry Sir, Johnny asked me to look into his family. i did so." Jarvis admitted and Sue just sat there, shocked. "well... at least now i know why we look so identical." Steve muttered before he caught Tony. "no, you're in no shape or frame of mind to deal with explosives." Steve stated firmly, startling Sue. Steve was surprisingly gentle considering he was beating Tony. "sit down okay? we will deal with this like rational adults..." there was a pause. "...alright i will deal with this like a rational adult and you and Johnny will freak out as calmly as possible." Sue and Johnny both snorted at that a little as Steve started bustling about twice as busy, cooking to blow off the stress. "well. it's not like we haven't experienced weirder things." Johnny pointed out suddenly. "i mean, i burst into flames anytime i want and you can go invisible and just a few weeks ago we met a three headed talking dog... this really isn't that bad..."
“His first name is agent!I don’t care what his birth certificate says. It’s agent.”Tony huffed before frowning at steve and johnny, sulking. “I am not!”He said....he did indeed look like a adorable sulking child.

“...Jarvis, the next time we give you a task like this, remind us of this and tell me to forget it.”Tony whined as he pressed his face against steve’s chest, growling a little. “I can to. I started at five, I’m fairly certain I’m old enough and awesome enough to deal with explosives right now.”Tony grumbled even if he let steve settle him on the couch. “I am a rational adult. I don’t apperciate being called unrational. I’m perfectly, awesomely rational.”Tony sulked even as he slumped onto the couch, burying his face into the pillows, “.....I’ve had sex with both father and son. This is weird, even by my standards of getting eaten by a t-rex, experimented on by doom, and my normal sex life. Stop being calm johnny. This is horrible.”Tony said sounding annoyed before growing serious, and you knew whatever his manic mind spit out next, it was going to be horrible. “Does this mean I’ve committed incest?I mean, you bother were in the room with me, even if you didn’t touch each other, I was totally all over you two...”Tony muttered as he rolled on his side to look at Johnny.
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