Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

“I know it does.I’m sorry.”Tony muttered gently stroking his fingers over steve’s knuckles, looking up at bruce. Frowning a little.”I’m okay.”He muttered rubbing a hand over his face, frowning at the two of them. “You are ridiculous, Rogers. Stop laughing.”He said even though he looked amused as he got up, looking anxious about leaving, but knowing better then to disobey bruce, if he did, he had a feeling he’d be getting a manners lesson from the hulk. Standing he bent to press a gentle kiss to steve’s forehead. “If you need anything, ask bruce okay?I’ll be back soon.”He promised before walking out, leaving while he could still do so, if he thought about it to long he’d just stay around. Snickering tiredly as he walked into the living room, he eyed the people there, “...I thought you had chicken pox, Storm.” “He did. It’s been nearly a month, if you haven’t noticed, Tony.”Bucky said from where he was laying with loki, looking worried about his nephew, having been a day away from dragging the man away from steve’s bedside. Glad that bruce had been able to convince him to leave for a bit. Maybe between him, loki, and johnny they’d be able to bully tony into relaxing, getting some sleep, and telling them what was eating the man alive, besides the obvious.
Bruce shook his head. "your not." he growled before he smiled as Steve just giggled again and smiled brightly at Tony. 'you have to smell good so i can sniff your hair Tony. i like your hair.' Steve stated through the Tablet and Bruce lifted an eyebrow. "he has a very strange obsession with your hair Tony." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "and your suit. you might want to talk about that when he's feeling better." he admitted with a smile. "at least you know he's still lusting after you." he teased with a smile as Steve sulked at not getting a kiss on the lips, he knew logically it would hurt, but he wanted a kiss anyway.

"still do actually, but i'm not contagious anymore." Johnny admitted, scratching at his arms which where still covered in scabs and red swelling. he looked like shit, but at least he was there. with Loki's feet in his lap, who also had his head on Bucky's. "you want food and then a shower." Loki decided as he sat up and headed into the kitchen to make food. "Come sit down Tony." Johnny ordered. "you look worse than i do." he admitted.
“I’ll let you sniff my hair all you want. Later. I have to go shower.”Tony said before slanting a look at Bruce, smirking a little. “I don’t know if I’m offended this is the first time I’ve heard he had a suit kink, or disappointed I didn’t try it before.”he snickered as he left, to amused and happy to know steve still wanted him, to be really upset. Well, at least for now. Despite steve’s promises to not go anywhere, he was sure if steve remembered, he’d lose everything, but it was okay. He’d take what he could get.

“Don’t scratch.You’ll make it worse.”Tony ordered looking at the three, smirking a little as he looked at loki.”I do, do I?”He said amused that everyone seemed to have the same idea of what he wanted, before shuffling over to the couch and sitting down, yelping a little bucky made him lay down. “So, how are you feeling?”Bucky said quietly, gently stroking tony’s hair, quietly, hoping to coax him into taking a nap until the food was done. “Fine. I’m okay. Tired. Sore.”He muttered because even when he did sleep and eat, it wasn’t nearly enough when he was running on a metabolism nearly as fast as steve and bucky’s.
Steve smiled a little as he nodded. humming his agreement. "i'd settle for being delighted and understanding that Steve's still coming to terms with some of the things he likes." Bruce pointed out. "his suit kink probobly took a back burner to the other things he's interested in. or he wanted to try and make sure you'd be okay with it." Bruce admitted with a shrug.

Johnny huffed. "you sound like Susan." he grumbled but obediently stopped scratching. "you do." Loki stated simply. "for i am Omnipotent." he stated even as he started cooking whatever it was that Tony wanted without even asking, as if to prove he was all knowing. "Your not fine." Johnny protested as he yanked Tony's feet onto his lap and started to massage them. "you're tired, you're upset, and your trying to do too much all at once." he admitted as he offered Tony a small scowl. "you need to take better care of yourself. now close you're eyes and lay your head on your uncles gorgeous thighs and sleep for a little bit."
“I do not. I do not sound like Sue. I find sounding like my future step daughter who thinks my sex life is to kinky, weird.”Tony whined, because he was so so whiney when he was tired. “...You are not a god, loki. The norse didn’t believe in omnipotent gods!”Tony grumbled looking amused though that loki was making him ravioli before looking at johnny, groaning as the man rubbed his feet. “...I am taking care of myself. And steve. I can take care of steve.” “We know you can’t, Tony. But we need you to take a nap to.”Bucky muttered gently stroking tony’s hair as he settled the man’s head in his lap. “You don’t have gorgeous thighs. I don’t know what Johnny’s talking about...”Tony muttered sleepily, already starting to drift off.
Johnny snickered a little as Tony whined and Loki bit back a smile. "They might not have believed, but i most certainly am!" Loki stated with a sniff before he smiled. "well. Steve might have better thighs than Bucky, but Bucky's thighs are pretty darn impressive." Loki admitted with a grin watching as Tony drifted off before wrapping a silencing spell around the sleeping genius so he wouldn't be disturbed around anything. Thor and Hulk could go at it right in front of him and Tony wouldn't hear a thing. "let him sleep for a few hours." Loki ordered as he finished prepping the Ravioli. they had to chill for a while anyway. they would be ready by the time Tony woke up. if Tony woke up. short of a life or death emergency, Loki would murder anyone who tried to bother Tony. as a bonus, once Steve was a little more sober, he told Bruce to let Tony sleep himself out.

when he did wake, Loki was cooking the ravioli noodles and sauce, which would hopefully fool Tony into thinking rather little time had passed. which would hopefully save them from a pissed off genius for a little while. Loki had been able to heal Steve's tongue all the way. it was tender still, but he'd be able to talk at least. and kiss. he was looking forward to kissing.
“Are not. Otherwise you’d have had better time taking over the world.”Tony huffed before sputtering, groaning a little. “They’re not that impressive. Steve’s are better. So glad we agree on that.”Tony grumbled. Bucky rolled his eyes a little as he looked down at tony as he slept, “I feel like I should protest you staring at steve’s thighs, but they are some impressive tree trunks. I mean, seriously. He was a runt then it was bam, big legs.”Bucky snickered gently petting tony before nodding, “We will.”he muttered glad that tony, no matter how angry he’d be later, would get some sleep.

Tony yawned as rolled to his side, pressing his face into Bucky’s thigh.”Stebbee...what are we doing in the living room...”He muttered sleepily. Not all the way awake yet. “You sound like a sick child. Get up, you’re going to shower, and by the time you get out, the food will be done, and you can go eat with steve.”Bucky snickered, prodding the billionaire into getting up, amused that the words had actually worked, amused that tony was sleepy enough to not question anything yet. And by the time tony walked out of the shower he was more awake, “Thanks loki. Food smells amazing.”Tony smiled a little, not realizing nearly 12 hours had past since he’d been ordered to get some sleep, feeling so much better then he had. “You guys need anything before I head downstairs?”Tony asked, already starting to eat standing, starving now that he was up and moving, it was a good thing loki was used to cooking for thor and super soldiers, otherwise he’d have never made enough food for a starving tony.
Loki smirked. "who says i wanted to take over the world? i didn't you know, i just wanted to break all of Thor's toys." Loki admitted with a smirk. "i let you win." he admitted before he smirked at Bucky. "you have a prettier face." Loki promised once Tony was too asleep to protest. "

"it's cute how he just does as he's told when he's half asleep." Johnny admitted with a chuckle. "he's going to be entirely pissed when he realizes how much time has passed." he admitted as Loki snickered. "Steve will distract him." he promised. "your welcome." he chirped as he handed Tony two massive heaping plates of food. "i was able to heal Steve's tongue, so he can have solids again. he's done nothing but chatter since you fell asleep. Bruce managed to find a better pain killer, but he's pretty high." he warned. "your in for some interesting conversations." he admitted with a chuckle. and indeed, Steve was talking to Bruce about purple canaries that sang Over the Rainbow. "Tony! Tony look!" Steve shoved his tongue out. "O-ki ixed my thounge!" Steve stated, talking around his tongue. "so now i can talk! and eat food! and Kiss!!! come kiss me Tony! i want a kiss!"
“It really is. If only we could keep him this compliant when he’s awake.”Bucky snickered before wincing. “He’s still going to be pissed. Even if he needed the rest....hm, steve is going to be a huge distraction to him.”Bucky snickered at the idea. “Really?Awesome.”Tony perked up at that, glad that steve had gotten something healed, even if it was a small part in the grand scheme of things, at least he’d got to talk now instead of using the tablet. “I’m always in for some interesting conversations. But at least this time I’m not the one initiating them.”he snickered, as he left the room, still not realizing how much time had past, at least not until he was in the room, tilting his head. “Just how long was I asleep for?He’s talking fine.”he said looking startled to having steve shove his tongue at him, looking at a loss for a moment before laughing quietly. “You are so weird, you know that?”He teased as steve tried to talk around his tongue before leaning down to kiss him lightly. “There. A kiss. Now eat. You need it.”Tony said not about to start making out with him, not when his body was already hardening at the thought of kissing steve, and that just made him feel ashamed and embarrassed as he settled into his chair to eat, shifting to hide his erection, feeling shame for responding like that, even with steve so hurt, he still wanted him. always. Avoiding steve's eyes as he focused on his food, not wanting the other to realize just how turned on he was, he smiled a little as he ate. "So, how are you feeling now?"He asked curious.
Loki chuckled. "he'd be so much less fun then though." he pointed out, Johnny nodding. "very much so. i'd be annoyed if he was always so compliant." he admitted with a chuckle. Loki nodded. "i'll be working on his arms next." Loki admitted. "i can't do anything for his head injury unfortunately. but i can heal the breaks in his bones at least." he admitted. "i have to be careful how much magic i use on him though or i'll overload his system." he admitted, shaking his head. "or i'll burn myself out." he admitted with a shake of his head. "neither are good things." he admitted before he smirked at Tony's quip about interesting conversations.

Steve beamed at Tony, as if being called weird was a good thing. maybe it was in Steve's convoluted little brain. "i love you too." he chirped happily as he kissed the other with a happy hum. "i like kisses." Steve chirped happily as he allowed Bruce to feed him, sulking because it wasn't Tony, but he knew Tony needed to eat too. "i make you horny." Steve stated, having noticed Tony's 'discomfort'. "good. we can have sex soon right? i'm pretty sure i like Sex." Bruce just groaned. "stop talking about sex already! good lord your worse than a teenager!" "...how old am i?" "physically or linearly?" "...huh?" "you're about twenty one." "oh. i thought i was younger than that." he admitted, frowning a little before shrugging it off and inhaling whatever Bruce put in his mouth.
“Very true.he’d be boring if he was always obedient.”Bucky snickered a little. “Well, the head injury will heal on its own. The serum’s catching up.”Tony said even if he wasn’t so sure it was going to be really okay, he could only hope the head injury would heal right. “He’s doing okay though. Just take your time.”Tony muttered looking slightly worried about loki before shrugging, trusting loki to know what he’s doing.

Tony smiled a little, amused at steve’s response to being called weird, before his chest went tight as he registered what he said. Steve loved him?What? No,no, no this couldn’t be right. He got the people who loved him killed. Like steve nearly proved. Steve couldn’t love him. No. Hiding the panic as he ate he flushed harder at Steve’s observation, shame coating his panic and guilt. “It’s going to be awhile. You’re still pretty hurt, cap.”Tony said sounding like he was being strangled, snickering quietly at the idea of explaining steve’s real age to him. “How old did you think you were?”Tony asked as he finished eating, setting his plate on the nightstand, wondering if he should be worried of taking advantage of him like this, since he really did want kisses, but if he was alot younger, it’d be weird to. Right?Tony was feeling so confused, panicked and ashamed, and trying to sort them out was making his head hurt.
Loki chuckled a little at Bucky and nodded before he smiled at Tony. "with me healing what i can of the physical wounds, the Serum should be able to focus all of it's attention on the brain." he agreed. "even if he never reclaims all of his memories, he's still our Steve." he promised Tony. "and from what i understand, he's already remembering some things." he admitted. he knew better than to overexert himself. he was too old, and too skilled to make those kinds of painful mistakes.

Steve grinned a little as he wolfed down another piece of Ravioli. his appetite was coming back three fold, which was very good. the extra calories would help him to heal faster. "i know." Steve muttered with a sigh. "but i'm horny, like, all the time." he complained. "i want to have sex." "no sex." Bruce stated sternly. "and Blowjobs count as sex." Steve just sulked. "i dunno." Steve admitted with a shrug. "two?" "...Two year olds can't have sex." "they can if they are created as adults." "....Steve that doesn't make any sense." "sure it does! that's how it works on the TV!" "...i knew leaving that on for him was going to be a bad idea." Bruce muttered with a roll of his eyes. "most of the stuff on TV isn't real Steve." "oh... so i'm not a mighty teenage robot?" "no." "damn. that would have been awesome." Bruce just groaned. "Tony your taking over." Bruce demanded. "i need a good hard shot of vodka, a couple of painkillers and a nap." "he's mad at me because i poked him with a prod." Steve admitted, making Bruce snort and jab Tony with the same prod he always used on Bruce, and the one that somehow, Steve had gotten his hands on. "i am taking this. you will never find it again." Bruce declared imperiously, making Steve snicker.
Tony grinned pleased to see the man eating as much as normal before laughing. “You always did have a high sex drive. Just think, patience is a virtue, and it’ll be awesome waiting for sex. It’ll be fabulous and awesome-wait, really?No blowjobs?”Tony sulked a little, despite his shame at finding steve still attractive while hurt, and his utter incapability to keep his body in control, he was still sulking. “...No more tv, super soldier. I get to be the only techy near robot on the team.”Tony teased finding this nearly innocent, amusing steve adorable grinning as bruce bailed. “I’m good. Go.”He said before snickering, “You should be glad it’s not me for once you know....and I always find it!”Tony grinned watching bruce go, before standing up, leaning over to kiss steve lightly as he settled on the edge of the bed.”I can think of better things to do then go poking bruce with things.”He said gently touching steve’s face as he leaned back, touching his hair, needing to touch him, but so afraid of hurting him.
Steve smiled a little as he shook his head. "patience is not a virtue. i'm not patient at all." he admitted with a grin. "but i can wait. i wouldn't want to make myself worse." he admitted with a shake of his head. "but i like the TV, the disembodied voice is great at finding good shows." Steve admitted with a smile. "i really like Dr. Who! the Daleks are amazing." he admitted with a nod and a smile as he examined the blank TV. "you are good. i'm glad you got some sleep." Bruce admitted, patting the man's shoulder. "yes, you look a lot better." Steve agreed with a nod and a smile. "can i have another kiss?" he asked hopefully. "and besides, i like poking Bruce, he sort of goes green." he admitted with a grin. "it's awesome, he's like a chameleon!" he admitted even as he leaned into Tony's hand, nuzzling the palm a little. "that feels nice." Steve admitted. "will you pet my hair? i remember you doing that." he admitted with a small sleepy smile.
"Yes it is.its in the bible or something.but I'm not patient either so we'll just have to be good okay?I don't want to hurt you."again. Tony sighed quietly thinking it, guilt killing him because he was so sure this was his fault,that steve had fallen,that no one had caught him. "Okay. Some tv is okay then...and jarvis is amazing. Youvr been watching doctor who?I love that show.well watch some later.after you get some rest."he grinned looking pleased at the idea of having something to watch with steve before smiling at bruce."me to.even if they let me sleep longer then I planned."he made a fave before snivkering. Really glad bruce had such good control or he'd worry about poking him."he does sorta got the chameleon thing going for him."he snivkered before nodding."of course.I'll always be willing to give more kisses."he promised kissing him again before returning to stroking his hair,carefully gently. Shifting to lean against the headboard and stroke his hair."I will.get some rest steve."he otdered gently.
Steve snorted. "it also says int he bible that witches shouldn't live, that we can't handle pigskin or eat pork, that you can sell your daughters and that you shouldn't sleep with men." he pointed out. "why are you listening to that crappy old thing?" Steve asked with a roll of his eyes. "Jarvis is really cool." he agreed with a smile. "there's a whole marathon of Dr. Who in the TV!" Steve admitted, wiggling a little. "it was good that you got to sleep so much. i spent most of it sleeping too." he admitted with another yawn. "i hate being so tired all the time." he grumbled before he smiled as he kissed the other and snuggled in. "you can lay down with me, if you want to." he mumbled. "i don't hurt so bad today, so long as you don't sit on my arms." he admitted with another yawn. he was asleep in seconds, resting up and letting his body heal as Loki bustled in and carefully knitted the bones of Steve's right arm back together. well, most of them. it was still broken, but it would hurt a lot less.

by the end of the week, Steve was able to get up for short periods of time on his own, he spent most of those short times in the bathroom getting baths or using the toilet. he absolutely loved it when Tony scrubbed his back and washed his hair, and he'd even gotten Tony into the bath once and returned the favor. with every day that passed he seamed to slide between young personality and the Captain they all knew, and he was soaking up the technological world in a way the old Steve hadn't. possibly because Steve didn't remember being afraid of some of the technology. Bruce had cleared Steve to be able to get out of bed for extended periods of time, which meant he could finally leave the bedroom an eat food with the others, or watch TV with the others, which would give Tony a bit of a break, even if Johnny, Bucky and Loki all made him sleep at least seven hours a night. Steve was quite wary of meeting the others though, and insisted that Tony had to stay with him the whole time in case the people he was meeting turned out to be mean. that wasn't what Steve said of course, but that was what it amounted to.
Tony snickered at the man's answer shaking his head a little."I don't.I just like giving you a hard time."tony smiled a little before laughing.knowing jarvis had simply played his dvd versions of doctor who instead of it being on tv. Shifting he looked nervous but nodded."id like that."he said smiling befire shifting down to get comfortable,going back asleep himself as steve did. He'd gone to long without and his body was informing him it wasn't happy.

Tony was enjoying the week as steve slipped back and forth between himself and younger him, and if you didn't know hr was spiraling and locking away how he was really feeling,you'd never know that the emotions were still there. While he really was enjoying helping steve and having him understand all the tech and wanting to learn more,it was like every day battered at his heart. Leaving him reeling and still trying to find his balance. Which he refused to step away long enough to find again, so scared something would happen whilr he was gone. But by the time steve was ready to venture out of the rooms he was happy and pleased, because it meant he was healing,even if it meant the end of their relationship,he wanted his captain back."you sure your up to going upstairs?they can wait another day if you want."tony fussed as he helped steve dress,nervous about taking him up to meet the others, actually more nervous then steve seemed to be.
Steve struggled to get dressed. he wasn't very good with his balance at the moment, and such a task as getting dressed was quite taxing for him yet. "i'm tired of being in this room all day." he admitted. "if it's too much, i'll come right back down. i promise." Steve assured Tony. he was more in his Captain personality today. "you'll take me up in the wheelchair right?" he asked. "i don't think i can stand up long enough to take the elevator." he admitted as he sat back onto his bed. "i want to meet the others. Bruce says that it might jog loose a few more memories." he admitted with a smile. "and besides, the sooner i get better, the sooner i can tie you down and have my wicked ways with you." he admitted with a grin as he pulled Tony down for a kiss. "you're fretting. i wish you'd take better care of yourself you know." he admitted, kissing Tony's cheek. "come on. i want to see if i can stay up for an hour before i'm too tired to stay awake."
Tony smiled slightly as he steadied Steve enough to keep from falling, looking worried before sighing. “I know. I am to. There’s only so many things to do in here, or how many times you can watch Doctor Who.”he snickered a little looking amused to hear the captain’s voice coming out without the memories to go with it. “Yea, of course. I’m not carrying you. Even with the suit, I don’t want to tote you around. You weigh alot.”He teased looking at him sit down before sighing. “I know he did. And I know you do.”He grumbled looking down, biting his lip a little as he looked down at the other, flushing hard at the other’s words.”So you think you’re tying me down?I don’t think so.”He teased kissing him back, blushing and stuttering, because no matter how much he tried to get his body to behave, he wanted steve desperately still. “I take care of myself. I’m fine.”He promised kissing the other before sighing, helping the other into the wheelchair.”Let’s go then.I’m sure the other’s will be glad to see you.”he smiled hiding nerves as he pushed him up towards the living room.
he smiled a little. "good. we're agreed then." he stated with a smile. "i like Doctor Who. you can never have enough Dr. Who." he admitted with a smirk. "i'm not that fat!" he complained with a grin, because he knew he outweighed Tony by at least a hundred pounds. "i'll only stay up there for an hour at most. i promise. and if i get tired or upset i'll leave right away." he assured Tony. "and of course i'm tying you down. you need to be dominated." he teased, his eyes glittering playfully. "you have the perfect ass to be fucked you know." he teased. because that was one thing they hadn't manged to do yet. Steve fuck Tony. "yes well. i'm still a little nervous about meeting them all." he admitted as he settled into the wheelchair, shaking his head. of course, the first person he saw was Johnny and he all but freaked out. of course he glared at them all when he was told that Johnny was his son, called them all liars and decided that Johnny was his twin brother and that they where all dicks. which had Johnny nearly pissing himself he was laughing so hard.
“You are to. But it’s good. Cause you look amazing that big. I mean, you’re like two of me. Tall and perfect.”Tony muttered sounding a little dreamy as he considered that before relaxing, brushing his fingers over Steve’s hair, smiling quietly. “Good.I’ll hold you to that.”he said before laughing, “oh, I don’t think so.I dominate you, Cap.”Tony said even as he had to reach down and adjust as he considered Steve owning his ass, that was a awesome amazing thought, and he couldn’t wait till Steve was actually up to following it through, no matter how much he enjoyed giving him a hard time about it all. Biting his lip to keep from laughing he swallowed hard, “Johnny. Come on, stop. Don’t make fun.”Tony scowled a little looking worried before pushing loki’s shoulder a little, “Loki? Can we get some popcorn. I thought we’d watch a movie or something.”He said trying to relax and watching his team meeting their captain again, but he was utterly out of his depth. He didn’t do emotional stuff well, and the fact that he was so off kilter anyways, left him struggling even more to not overreact and take steve back downstairs. Trying really hard, to simply let steve decide when enough was enough.
he grinned a little. "your taller than me you know." he pointed out. "and i think your pretty perfect yourself." he admitted, his eyes running down the length of Tony's body. "you're like the perfect man." he admitted with a grin. "my perfect man." he murmured, shaking his head. "besides, do you really think you could stop me if i decided i wanted to own your tight, perfect ass?" he asked with a smirk. "i love how i can make you horny anytime i want. i'm going to have fun with that later." he admitted with a grin. "i'm not making fun!" Johnny complained. "i'm just laughing at him is all." Johnny admitted with another bout of laughter as Steve huffed. "sure Tony, you pick a movie and i'll get all the popcorn ready." he agreed, Steve studying each person individually, and rather intently. "i remember you a little bit." he stated, pointing at Natasha. "you used to snuggle me. like a big teddy bear when i was sad or angry or upset." he cocked his head as he examined her again. "Johnny is my twin brother, right?" "Johnny? no he's your son." Clint stated, looking confused before biting his lip to keep from laughing at the look on Steve's face. "...."
“Well, I think everyone agrees with you I’m pretty perfect.”Tony said blushing a little as he looked over at steve, before shuddering looking at steve with a small smile, flushed and horny. “I’m sure you are. You like torturing me like that don’t you?”He teased a little before smiling as he figured out what movie to put in. Smiling quietly as picked out a movie he snickered a little listenng to steve and natasha. “I do. I still do sometimes snuggle you, when you want. But you usually choose Tony instead of me.”Natasha pouted a little looking amused though, before smiling sadly, shaking her head. “No. He really is your son.”
Steve grinned a little and shook his head. "of course i like torturing you. patience is a virtue you know." god he was a sassy, sarcastic bastard. "...i like snuggling..." Steve muttered as he scowled at Johnny, who was laughing again. "he's older than i am!" "it's a complicated story Steve." Bruce explained with a smile as he came in, followed by Bucky. "Hey i know you!" Steve declared, pointing at Bucky. "you're! you are... shit." he grumbled, frowning. "you're name is... i know this shut up!.... okay i can't remember it." he grumbled. "but i know your face!" he stated, crossing his arms and sulking as Johnny just started laughing even more before yelping as Loki pinched the back of Johnny's ear. "behave!" Loki scolded, making Johnny rub the offended ear and sulk as Loki passed out the popcorn. "what are we watching?" Bruce asked with a smile as Steve carefully settled himself onto the couch in-between Natasha and Tony.
“...I’m never going to hear the end of that am I?”He grumbled though tony looked amused at the idea of having a sassy bastard for a boyfriend. “I know. Snuggling you is fun.”Natasha smiled glaring at johnny. “It is. Don’t worry about it for now.”Natasha muttered not wanting to explain it when he was just starting to remember things. Bucky looked a little startled at the pointing, having not expected him to remember before grinning. “Bucky. We grew up together.”Bucky said smiling as he handed over the bowl of popcorn to Tony as he settled onto a couch with loki. “Star Trek.”Tony said as he settled on the couch with steve, looking vaguely annoyed when natasha snuggled steve, but not protesting as the three of them got settled on the couch, absently playing with steve’s hair as he watched the movie, hands gentle, as if he was afraid of hurting him. Though he’d been sleeping more then he was used to, he still wasn’t up to par, so it wasn’t really surprising he drifted off to sleep, though the sleep wasn’t restful, the slight twisting to his features, a quiet whimpers...nightmares had been hounding him as hard as they had after Afghanistan, but it wasn’t his own pain he was dreaming of, but steve’s. Because he could handle himself being hurt, watching steve be hurt, and knowing it was his fault, was torture to him.
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