Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

“Almost.But not.”Tony snickered before perking up a little. “Oh, is this a reward if I go to bed like normal people now?Cause I can totally get behind that.”tony snickered at the idea before rolling his eyes.”I really can’t protest food. It sounds good.”Tony snickered a little because he so knew they’d be arguing over it later, but he was just willing to not do so now. Shuddering, wincing as steve choked.”Sorry.”he muttered but not able to stop, sighing softly as he came, smiling as he looked at the other, gently stroking his hair. “I do. And no, no dying now.”he muttered gently tugging on the blond strands, before pushing the other’s shoulder a little. “Up.Stand.”he ordered.
Steve smirked a little. "well, no. but i bet it's a good motivator." he teased with a chuckle. "we'll get you into healthy habits even if i have to suck you off six times a day." he admitted with a chuckle. "and you will protest food. you just don't want to argue right now." he teased as he kissed the other. he didn't even bother reacting to Tony's muttered apology. he was enjoying himself too much. he'd never thought having something so filthy, pressing so deep into him, would feel so good. he chuckled as he obeyed, standing up and cocking his head at Tony, studying the man who was so damn hot it hurt. hurt his cock anyway. seriously, how could he stand being that horny all the time!? he didn't know. but masturbation had certainly helped, even if Bruce yelled at him for it.
“Hm, I could totally go for getting blow jobs six times a day, but they better not be replacing sex. Cause I totally expect to be fucking you into the mattress as soon as we can.”Tony snickered making a face but not disagreeing that he would protest food. Really, steve was going to be in trouble once tony recovered really. Cause as horny as he was at 39, he’d totally been out of control and horny at 20. Thankfully, he was old enough to have control, but young enough to keep up with a super soldier’s stamina. Smirking as steve stood he grinned, his suspicion of the height of the stool he was sitting on, proven right as making him stand up put him just at the right height. “Brace your hands on the wall.”He ordered quietly, slipping easily into the role, wanting to boss the other around. “So, I hear you’ve been yelled at for jacking off....to horny to not do anything?”He smirked pressing a kiss to steve’s hip before turning his head and taking steve in his mouth, taking his time, enjoying the first sexual thing he’d gotten to do to the man since he got hurt.
he snorted. "you only get blowjobs six times a day until you can have sex again." he ordered with a grin. "and i fully expect we'll take turns on that matter. i wanna stripe you so bad it hurts." he admitted. "Yes Sir." Steve whispered, voice husky as he did as ordered. he didn't much like calling Tony Master, it felt dirty in a bad way, but Sir, oh that made him feel filthy in a good way. "....maybe..." he admitted sheepishly as he shuddered. "i can't help it. i'm so damn horny all the time. it's hard to repress it. the Serum.... oooh gooood yeeess.s..." he moaned, his voice hitching from the pleasure as he trembled from the effort of not thrusting. "Tony! Tony! Feels good! Can't... nnng." and he was cumming, far too soon much too his annoyance. "...i really wanted that to last longer." he admitted, flushing hard. "i haven't cum that early since... well, never..."
“Hmm, I can live with that.”Tony snickered before shuddering at the idea, swallowing hard as his body responded to the idea of steve striping his back. “Oh?We haven’t taken turns yet. You so sure you can top?”Tony smirked because despite everything, he’d managed to weasel his way of actually bottoming so far. He had issues, and even trusting steve as much as he did, it was taking alot to work around to bottoming. But he would, he just...he was just trying hard to relax and let steve top, because he knew steve wanted to. Tony moaned quietly around the cock in his mouth, snickering as steve tried to explain his horniness, groaning as he swallowed around the other, swallowing as he leaned back, smirking as he licked the other clean, resting his forehead against his hip, closing his eyes. “Well, you haven’t had me blowing you in nearly two months. Are you really surprised that it’s ending early?”He teased standing carefully, making sure he was okay to be up. “Besides, is this any more embarrassing then me talking you through a orgasm without touching you?Remember the first time?”He smirked teasing the other, stealing a kiss before sighing softly, “I’m tired...”he grumbled yawning, rubbing a hand over his face, utterly annoyed with himself for not being able to do more, even if he wanted to.
he chuckled. "it's okay Tony. i was thinking of going a little more slow. i've never topped before you know? i was hoping to just start with a few fingers and work from there as we both get more comfortable." he admitted, well aware of why Tony didn't want to bottom. or at least he had his suspicions, rape being the top one. he had no doubt that Howard had let his... business associates fuck little Tony just for a contract. sick bastard. "and if you decide you really don't like it, that's fine." he promised with a smile. "i don't have to put my dick in you, to be perfectly happy." he promised. he shuddered as he came and he pouted at Tony. "...that is entirly besides the point... has it really been two months?" he asked softly, a little stunned. "Damn... i hadn't realized...." he admitted, chewing on his lip. "...did you really!" he asked, looking stunned. "i don't remember that!" he admitted, racking his memories. "oh! there it is!.... holy hell..." he went bright red and a little glossy eyed. "....damn Tony... i didn't know you could do that. you'll do it again, right?" he asked with a grin before he smiled as he carefully assisted Tony to another seat and toweled him dry. "Loki did say you would be very sleepy until the Elixir finished it's work. he said you would be in pain tonight." Steve admitted, looking worried as he examined the empty hole in Tony's chest. "look. it's already working..." the metal casing was stilling out a scant centimeter. slowly working it's way out and healing as it went.
“Hm, true. And I think I can deal with that. Showing you what to do is going to be amazing.”he muttered blushing a little as he considered what he was going to do with the other, shying away from the memories of the teen years he’d spent with business associates. “Yes, it has. And you’ve been hurt, time passes different that way.”He said nuzzling the other a little before laughing.”I did.”he smirked a little before nodding.”Any time you want.”He smirked sighing softly as he let the other dry him off, closing his eyes. “I know, but I don’t have to like it. This is the worst I’ve felt since I first got this thing.”he muttered rapping his fingers against the metal casing, flushing slightly as he looked down, biting his lip. Because his whole chest ached if he thought about it to much. “It is....lets lay down. I don’t want to be up and as it works its way out more.”he muttered running his fingers through his hair, shaking his head a little as he let the other help him out to the bed, settling down onto it.
he grinned, pleased that Tony would at least try for him. and if Tony didn't like it, well, that was fine. Steve didn't have to put his cock in Tony's ass to be perfectly content. "yeah i guess... i still don't remember much. i remember what happened of course, and i remember falling but i don't remember much after that." he admitted. "i think i remember Loki coming in and making the pain go away a few times, but i'm not sure if that was real or a dream." he admitted before flushing red at Tony's reassurance for 'anytime'. "i know Tony, but it will be alright. i'll be with you every step of the way. you won't be alone." he promised, kissing the other ever so gently and tenderly as he helped Tony to his feet and into the bedroom, fussing over him all over again. luckily, Bruce had left a good source of painkillers behind and Steve carefully helped Tony ingest the powerful drugs which would keep Tony pain free, and rather high, for the rest of the night. luckily, they weren't addicting the way most where, Bruce had been very careful about that, considering both Tony and Steve's previous drug problems.
Tony smiled reassured that the other was okay with not topping if tony wasn't comfortable.his chest tightening with feelings as he considered that. Smiling he nodded."he did. Loki made sure you were as comfortable as possible with hurting you or himself."tony said smirking as steve blushed leaning against him a little as he walked,"...never had that before...I mean..before you.not used to having people help."tony muttered as he took the drugs and spent the night half asleep and floating,which was a good thing because even drugged his chest hurt as the arc reactor worked its way out and by morning the man was a shuddering crying mesz because despite the drugs,it hurt so so badly.
Steve smiled at Tony, his head tilted a little as he watched the other. he wasn't about to do anything Tony didn't want, because he knew if he did, the other man would, and could leave him. not to mention it made him ache, very bad inside. no, he wasn't about to do something to upset him. "...well you will have all the help you ned now." Steve promised, kissing Tony's knuckles.

as night fell, and then morning dawned, Steve took great care to help Tony as best as he could, gently wiping away tears, blood and sweat. he soothed Tony as much as he could, offering hand and blowjobs anytime Tony needed, and helping him drink and eat. Loki was there often, checking on the progress and was there to gently tug the last of the casing out. now there was only the shrapnel, not that it would hurt any less.
Tony pressed her face into the other’s hands, whimpering as he trembled, caught between pleasure and pain, slightly amused that his lover was pushing his bounds, letting the lines blur between what was actually pleasurable and how painful this was. It was hours before the shrapnel fell into his hands, eyes wide and pained as he looked up at steve, shoving the pieces into his hands, panting, his chest aching, and despite that, so horny he was desperate to kiss his lover. “Get rid of that. If I knew it was going to hurt this bad, I might have considered just unplugging the car battery the first time away.”he panted, caustic and sarcastic, in enough pain to be bitchy, and really just needing help steadying himself.
Steve did everything he could to try to help Tony. but it was a bad kind of pain, so Steve couldn't get Tony into a head space where pain wouldn't matter. he did his best though and liked to think he had helped a little bit at least. "i think Bruce wants to take a scan of your chest first. make sure every little peice is out." Steve admitted as he gently stroked Tony's face. "but most of it is over now, and you won't have that kind of pain again." well, not from taking the Elixir anyway. he was a bit sad to see even the scars where gone, but he had a painting he'd made of the 'original' Tony for memories sake. "...oh my god. i just popped a stiffy." Steve admitted, flushing hard as he realized he really liked this younger Tony. the older Tony had been sexy, the 'baby' Tony adorable. this Tony was a fucking Adonis. "...Bruce did say we could have Sex once the big pieces came out..."
“Fucking hell, you know what he can do with his fucking scan until I-”Tony took a stuttering breath, turning his face into the other’s hand, sighing quietly as his whole chest ached, and while the whole feeling made his chest hurt, the man was relaxing slowly, the pain fading into a horrible ache, “Which is good. Amazing. Pain like this isn’t fun. I’ll take your kinky sex pain any day.”He teased a little shuddering panting quietly as he laid back on the bed, all messy tangles of hair, sweat and looking utterly careless in how beautiful he looked. “Okay, okay. We’re going to go see bruce now, then I’m fucking you over the lab table, cause I totally can’t stand the thought of waiting a minute longer then I have to.”he growled, seeing steve’s face and realizing what the other was thinking, for once, feeling utterly amazingly sexy. “So, you like me like this?”He said flushing a little, wanting to hear.
Steve smiled a little and shook his head, deciding to ignore Tony's bitching. he'd bitch too if he was in the others state. "i'm glad you like my kinky pain sex." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "Johnny's been explaining a lot of things to me too. and i've looked up a lot of stuff on the internet too. i wanna try waxplay on you." he admitted with a smirk. "and there's these edible body paints, you need to order some. i can make you into a work of art and then lick you clean." he admitted with a nod. "oh! and Bondage, artistic bondage also looks really neat, but i haven't figured out the knots yet." he admitted, mostly to distract Tony from the aches. "i like you in all ways." Steve admitted with a smile. "when you where a kid you where so open and innocent, the older you has a lot of scars, and i loved tracing them with my fingers. plus you where older than me so that was pretty awesomely kinky... but i'm still a twenty year guy Tony, and i'm predisposition to think someone as fucking sexy as you, my own age, is the bees knees." Steve admitted, stuttering and rambling because he didn't want Tony to think he hadn't liked him as an older person.
“It’s amazing sex, really.”Tony snickered a little before raising his head from the pillow he’d been laying on to stare at the other, “...I have candles already. I have a whole room just for awesome kinky sex toys.”Tony said because it wasn’t a often used room, simply because his own bedroom had most of what he could need for a scene, but sometimes he hit a headframe he wanted more, and some of the stuff in that room wasn’t something he’d keep in his bedroom. Staring as he considered the other, taking a shaky breath. “I think...I think I need you to be in charge, and have you do some of that stuff.”he said swallowing hard before flushing a little, flinching a little as he realized just how open and innocent he’d probably been, before wrinkling his nose a little. “I still have scars you know. And I’ll get more. I mean, using a welding torch is hard on the hands.”he muttered because while the elixir had taken care of the most traumatic scars the arc reactor, there was still slight raised scars from the original shrapnel that had nearly torn his heart apart, his hands were still a scarred mess...while he’d gotten rid of the arc reactor, he still had the scars Steve seemed to be fascinated with. Flushing brighter at the praise he smiled quietly, almost shyly, so unlike his normal brash self, that it would take only a moment for steve to remember this was a man who rarely thought well of himself, so hearing his captain, praise him, pleased him. “You’re rambling, my captain.”He muttered leaning up for a kiss to simply shut the other up, sitting up slowly, a breath hissing between his teeth in pain at the motion.”come on. Let’s go see bruce. I want to have sex, as soon as I get scanned. which means we have to go find bruce."
Steve grinned a little before he brightened at the mention of a sex room. "that's right! you showed me that once! i forgot!" he admitted with a chuckle. "we'll go there once we know it's okay for you to have sex." he promised, kissing the other. "i can be in charge." he promised, licking his lips before he smiled at Tony. "don't wince. i liked how open you where." he admitted. "it helped me understand parts of you i didn't before." he admitted with a smile. "and it's not like it's going to happen again." he hoped. "do you?" Steve asked, startled. "Loki said they would probably disappear" he admitted, examining Tony's body more closely, smiling as he realized the scars really where still there. "...sorry, i just didn't want you to think i didn't like part of you. i like all of you, no matter your age, body, or metal bits." he admitted with a smile. "...okay." he agreed with a grin as he headed down to Bruce's Lab.

Bruce didn't even bother taking his time, he just scanned Tony's chest and examined the images. "Congratulations. all the big pieces are out and there's only about a dozen little pieces left, all of them are far enough away from your heart for you to be okay. go have sex." Bruce ordered, making Steve flush and laugh
Tony shuddered at that taking a deep breath."good.you're so good at being a good sir."he muttered nuzzling his cheek against the others shoulder before making a face."I feel like I should demand what tou understand more,but I don't think I want to know."he muttered smiling slightly looking vaguely disturbed with the idea of just how open he'd probably been around the good captain."I do. Its not horrible.I mean,I've always had scars."he said wincing a little as he remembered where he'd learned to never take things from others,because hex learned that it would hurt. Laughing quietly he smiled."I know you do.its just adorable watching you ramble and reassure me."because it was true.he didn't understanf ehy steve wamted him,but he didn't doubt no matter what age he was,steve wanted him.

"Good. Cause this whole process,sucked."tony snixkered glancing at his captain then bruce."hes okay to do it to right?"he asked and after the reassurance he smirked at steve."I don't know where I want you first. Right here,the elevator or the couch.I don't think I can make it back to the bedroom."he growled,simply to watch steve blush more
Steve smiled a little as he stroked Tony's hair. "i am, aren't i?" he asked with a smirk as he tugged on the follicles. "nope, you don't get to know. it's a surprise." he stated with a smirk. "he was basically yelling me your 'tells' and what your preferences are." he admitted. "stuff i would have learned on my own with time." he admitted. "he's known you a long, long time." Steve admitted, sounding rather amazed really. "i like your scars" Steve admitted, tracing one on his side with a finger. "it's like a map of who you are, and how you became that person." he admitted before he flushed and glanced away at the praise. he was just as bad as Tony sometimes.

Bruce chuckled a little. "well you won't have to go through it again unless you get shot again." Bruce promised. "and yes, Steve is fine. he'll be tired after no doubt but he's fine enough for it." Bruce promised shaking his head as they left, highly amused. "oh Tony." Steve stated, in his Captain Voice. "whoever said you got to choose where we'll fuck?" he demanded, a smirk on his lips. "into the Elevator. on your knees. you'll suck me until we get to that playroom of yours." he ordered, already tugging himself out of his pants. he knew that he could make the elevator go much slower now. it could take a whole three minutes to reach the right floor. he pushed the right buttons as Jarvis had instructed a few days ago, and then eyed Tony. "well? get sucking Pet. you DO want to cum at some point tonight, don't you?"
"You are,sir."he muttered his voice going breathy at the hair pulling before making a face at the other but not bothering to proteat steve not telling him."okay then."he said though he wasn't overly happy with knowing his 11 told him things, he knew it'd be okay if ateve hadn't gone running away by now."id hope he'd known me my whole life."he teased rolling his eyes a little before flushing as steve touched his scars."its a good thing,cause I'll probably add to them."he muttered tilting his head in amusement at steve's embarrassment.it was adorable.

"Definitely never getting shot again"tony said grinned smiling pleased to know he wasn't going to screw up steve with wanting sex.pausing mid step,eyes widening, blown with lust as he looked up at his captain."oh.sorry sir...we shall do wherever you want sir."he muttered smiling quietly shuddering harder hearing the captain's voice. Groaning as he sank up to his knees he looked vaguely amused as he watched steve undo his pants,licking his lips eagerly as he looked at his lover."oh I do sir.yes. after I please you,sir."he said eagerly as he set about using his mouth, bobbing his head over the other's dick,using all that talent he'd honed over the years.
Steve grinned a little, thrilled at the Sir. it felt just as good to hear it as it was to say it. "i thought you guys met in collage?" no, Johnny had met Tony when Johnny was in collage. being that Tony graduated collage when he was like, fifteen or something ridiculous like that. "hmmm. not too many i hope." Steve muttered. "i hate seeing you hurt." he admitted as he traced a line of scars across Tony's knuckles with a tip of his finger.

"Yes. you are Sorry." Steve agreed, looking amused but sounding stern. "Be a good boy, and i might be nice enough to let you." he purred with a smirk as he let Tony do as he pleased with that Sinful mouth of his. god it felt like heaven being buried in Tony's mouth. he made no move to control Tony's motions, none whatsoever. he only stopped Tony when the elevator stopped. "go into the playroom, strip down and pick an object to be tied to." Steve demanded. "i need to get something before i fuck you." he admitted as he headed into the kitchen. "And close your eyes Pet! if i catch you peeking at what i bring in, you won't get to Cum until tomorrow!"
“We did.But you have to remember, I attended college at 15.”He pointed out snickering a little shuddering as he sighed.”I’ll try not to add to many.”he said rolling his eyes at the other’s words.

“Thank you, sir.”he muttered taking his time to please his captain, eyes rolled up to watch steve’s face as he did. Whimpering quietly at the loss when steve stopped him, he swallowed quietly, before nodding, and standing up.”Yes, Captain.”he purred as he headed into the room, pausing as he considered what he wanted to be tied to as he stripped down, before moving over to the st. Andrew’s cross, settling against it, shutting his eyes closed to wait for whatever steve was going to do. He probably should be nervous about what the other was getting, but he trusted steve to not do something he wouldn’t like, so he was going to be okay.
Steve blinked a little. "oh, right..." he had forgotten. not that it mattered, Johnny was a good man, very good. and just as young as he himself was. it wasn't like Johnny had fucked a kid Tony. oh well, he'd worry on it later.

"such a good boy." Steve praised, smiling at Tony's compliance. honestly, he wasn't sure what he'd do if Tony struggled or said 'no'. it had never come up before, but Steve would probably panic. "so what's this one called?" Steve asked from Tony's side. "keep those pretty eyes closed." he warned, gently tying something around Tony's eyes. a blindfold. "can i tie you up so your facing this thing?" he asked, examining the chains. "i can i think. let's see. don't want you cumming too soon." he admitted, slipping something onto Tony's cock, making it tight. cock ring. Steve loved those fucking things. "i'm wondering what to do first? i think i'll stripe up your back. imagine, the ache of the welts made even worse by the heat of molten wax. turns you on, doesn't it Tony. look how hard your getting, just for me."
“It’s a st. Andrew’s cross, Captain.”He said quietly, even if he kept his eyes closed, he still turned his head towards the other’s voice, sighing quietly as he listened, before nodding. “You can.The cuffs are at the top, and the ankle cuffs at the bottom if you want to use them.”He said quietly whimpering as the cock ring settled around him, whining quietly as he looked at the other through the blindfold, whimpering, wanting to see his captain, but not feeling uncomfortable enough to tap out. Shifting, trying to get friction on his cock as he listened to the other talking, “oh, captain...my captain...that sounds amazing...oh...”He muttered whimpering as he squirmed, hips rocking a little as he rutted against the empty air, wanting touched, despite the blow and hand jobs, the man was still desperately horny.
"...they named a Sex toy after a saint?" he asked, sounding scandalized before he huffed and started to fiddle with the chains. "people these days." he grumbled as he carefully chained Tony into place. "i thought you'd like that." he admitted, checking to make sure Tony's cock wouldn't get crushed before chaining Tony's hips down as well, no thrusting for Tony. "there. that's better. can't have you trying to move, now can we?" Steve asked, sounding amused. "now i want you to let out all the noises you want today. but no talking or you won't get to cum." he warned as he moved over to the wall and picked out his favorite. the bullwhip. "Safe word?" he demanded, waiting for Tony to answer before he let the whip fly. only a few strokes, half a dozen or so. Steve didn't want Tony too marked up or the pain might get to be too much. "let's see." Seve mused, wet fingers pressing against Tony's ass now, stroking and rubbing, but not pushing in. teasing him.
“Hm, they do when the sex toy looks like what the saint died on.”Tony snickered at how scandalized the man sounded, whimpering quietly as he was chained down, shuddering a little as the other made sure he was okay, whimpering. “NO, captain, we can’t.”he muttered though all he wanted to do was move and press against the other. Nodding at the orders he swallowed hard as he rested his forehead against the cross beam, shuddering. “Stars.”Tony whimpered at the demand for a safe word, shuddering as he felt the blows rain down on his back, shuddering and crying silently under the blindfold as he whimpered and moaned, totally at a loss now that he was allowing himself to let go of the utter roller coaster of emotions for the last two months. Because while he’d let Johnny take care of him, it was a totally different kind of emotional release to have his lover back well enough to help him. Whimpering as he felt fingers pressing against him, his rocking ever so slightly, as far as the chain would allow, making a desperate little sobbing keening as he was teased.
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