Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "i would be willing to try, though we will want to work with smaller samples, and not the actual suit, Magic responds differently to different materials and some metals cannot conduct magic at all, or conduct it too well." he admitted, shaking his head. "then odd things start to happen." he admitted as he smiled. "she very much is like her element. strong, blazing temper, difficult to control." he smirked. "but pour a little water on her and she just puffs out." he teased with a snicker. "yes exactly. you can't pull or twist metal that isn't hot enough, but if you strike metal that's too hot it splatters." he admitted with a smile. "and of course it has to be an entirely different temperature to melt it completely, and every metal needs a different temperature." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's adoringly complex." he admitted before scoffing at Tony. "don't tell anyone about Thor and her being engaged will you? we're trying to convince Thor to break it off." Loki admitted. "it was a crappy political thing." Loki explained. "but Thor thinks it's best for his people and forgets that what's best for his people isn't always what's best for him. i'm working on him but he's so stupid it's slow going." he admitted before looking at her. "you are so annoying, like a bug." he admitted. "a busy little mosquito that lands on all the wrong people." he teased as he skipped out of arms reach, laughing. "come on, Tony is working, i'll ontroduce you to the other humans here." he offered. "let you see the selection." he teased with a laugh.
“Works for me. No use ruining a whole suit when we can just fuck around with smaller parts of it.”Tony grinned looking interested in the idea that not everything worked the same, looking fascinated. “I can tell that.”he said looking at the woman, watching her puff up, looking like a pissed off cat, all spikey fur and annoyance. “I do not. And I can burn water, you know.”She sulked at loki. “Yea. I found out the hard way...still have the scars from splattering it on my leg.”He made a face before nodding. “Complex is what I do.”he said before sighing watching them before shrugging. “Whatever. I haven’t told anyone, and I wont. Though I might try and help you convince him. He deserves happiness, and so does she.”Tony said studying the fire woman, smiling slightly. “I am not a bug!I’m going to smack you!”Brii sputtered, indeed blazing into a fury really. “Okay. You’re right, I’d rather see the others instead of watching you flirt with your mortal.”She said heading for the door. Tony rolled her eyes a little looking at loki. “Come get me for dinner when it’s ready. I should be at a good stopping point by then.”
Loki nodded. "precisely." he agreed with a smile. "and i can see what your thinking. Magic is an energy, just like your earth electricity. after all, the electric current runs through copper much more easily than it does through tin?" he asked, smiling a little. "and magnetic energy doesn't work on copper, but it does on lead. it is the same basic principle." he admitted before smirking as he watched Brii go all 'angry kitten' as Loki liked to call her when she got like this. "Angry Kitten!" Loki yelled with a laugh as he danced a little further out of her reach. "and yes, you can, but you'll still b all wet!" he teased with a grin. "scars? i might be able to help if you like." he admitted. "there's a very nice cream i use to take car of scars, and calluses." he admitted. "i'll make you some." he promised. "i'm faster than you are Angry Kitten!" Loki teased when Brii threatened to smack him. Loki was very fast. he could easily outstrip almost anyone, though Hogun, one of Thor's freinds, was just a touch faster on a good day. "sure." Loki agreed to Tony smiling as he led the way up to the common area where the rest of the team was having 'interactions'. or rather, Steve had asked for help understanding something and all of them had eagerly jumped on the chance to integrate Steve into the world a little bit more.
“Exactly. It will be good to expriment to see the differences between electric and magic.”Tony said looking interested before smirking at loki’s name calling. “I am not a cat!”Brii hissed. “Said the woman who sounds like a wet kitten.”Tony snickered. “Hm, yes. And that would be greatly apperciated.”Tony said smiling as he watched the two go, shaking his head at the two ancients acting like children.

“Thor!I demand you make him behave. He is a menace to me.”Brii demanded as she walked into the room following loki, her eyebrow twitching a little before grinning at the others, looking over the men. “You are right loki. They are very nice to look at, and look very capable of having good sex.”She said bluntly, as a rule, most asgardians were blunt, but court politics should have made her want to be less blunt, more polished, but she was also a warrior, and even more then thor, she said what was on her mind when she wasn’t surrounded by the court or anyone she trusted explicitly, and thor's friends, even without knowing them herself, she trusted him
Loki chuckled. "i already know the differences between magic and electrical resonances." he admitted. "i'll give you the math about it later." he offered. "mostly, Magic responds best to Noble Metals, while electricity favors Base Metals. though that's not exactly accurate, it's the easiest explanation i can offer without Brii hitting me for talking about boring things." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

"...this is a surprise to you?" Thor asked, looking baffled. "whatever are you doing here?" "she got kicked out because she was helping the Jotun instead of the Aeser and was freaking everyone out. basically being a pest." Loki admitted. "i say, what is that?" he asked, moving over to where Steve was struggling to make his Alarm Clock work. "i know! aren't they gorgeous!?" Loki asked with a grin as Clint, Steve and Bruce all went bright red and stared at her in rather shock. they where used to outspoken women... well, Bruce and Clint where, but that sort of bluntness was a major shock. Thor just snickered and shook his head. since they weren't in Asgard he didn't care if she slept with someone. he certainly wasn't going to touch her.
“No, but his mortal is making him worse. He’s being a utter annoyance.”Brii twitched a little smiling as she walked in before frowning at loki. “I am not a pest, snowman. Don’t mistake me for yourself when you say things like that.”She said before moving over to sit next to thor, studying the alarm clock steve was working on. “It’s a alarm clock.”Bruce said smiling as he reached out to show steve what to do even as he blushed, looking at the two aesers. “They are. I don’t know who to start with. Thor, opinions?”She smirked looking at her fiancee, being blunt for the simple joy of watching the humans stare at her even more. They’d figure out quickly that she was only doing it to get to them, usually even brii wasn’t this blunt. Granted she was normally blunt by court standards, but not this blunt.
Thor smirked a little and shook his head. "i am not an annoyance you bug!" Loki complained. "i knew bringing him here was a bad idea." Thor grumbled, sounding amused as he shook his head. "Alarm clock? whats it for? does it set off an alarm when someone tries to steal it?" Loki asked curiously. "it's set to the wrong time too... or is it a bomb?" he wondered, his head tilted. "well, the Good Doctor Bruce cannot have sex due to his condition. so you will have to choose between the Archer and the Man out of Time." Thor admitted, sounding even more amused as both Cap and Hawkeye flushed brilliantly. "uh... i think i should... be somewhere else." Steve decided, attempting to flee, very poorly actually. Steve was not very good with running away so he was well out of practice.
“You are to.”Brii said before grinning. “Hm, Tony has the most amazing fire torch. It was very cool. And him and tony have formed a bond over metal. It makes my head hurt listening to them.”Brii smirked a little before looking at bruce. “No, it doesn’t set off a alarm for stealing. It’s for when you want to know what time it is, or to get up at a certain time. He’s figuring out how to change it.”Bruce explained looking amused at loki’s idea it was a bomb. Brii’s eyes widened at that as she looked at bruce, “I am heartily sorry you cannot have sex. That is a saddening fate.”She said with all the seriousness in the world before humming slightly, watching steve and clint. “Hm, I shall have to wait and see which I like more.”She mused outloud, smirking slightly as she looked at steve trying to run. “You are doing a poor job of running, captain. It makes me wonder at your prowess as a warrior if you are so horrible at running.”She mused the dark amusement showing in her face.
Loki nodded. "a truly amazing Fire Torch, i did not know you humans could control Fire so easily. though i suppose it must rage all the fiercer for it when it leaps out of your control." wasn't that the truth. "besides, your just too dull witted to appreciate the arts." Loki stated with a sniff. "if you keep insulting me i won't make that Ruby necklace you asked me for." he stated with a small leer aimed her way. "you make necklaces?" "i make many things, jewelry is simply a hobby." Loki admitted with a smile. "my items are very much in demand. particularly in Asgard." he admitted. "and in Nidavellir as well, the land of the Dwarve's, where i get most of my tools and supplies. they have rich soil, filled with all kinds of rare minerals and precious stones." he admitted. "it makes my studies so much easier when the Dwarve's practically give me the things i need." he admitted with a grin. "ah, i see. so it is a tool to make you wake up. very clever." Loki mused as he examined the Alarm clock. "i'm not running!" Steve protested. "i am leaving an awkward situation. there's a difference!" he stated firmly, making Clint snicker. "please, Lady Brii, Steve is not used to women in this century yet. when he grew up a woman's place was in the home making babies and taking care of the house." he admitted. "he's not used to women being so open with their thoughts and their bodies yet." Steve was flushed but he didn't deny it.
“Yes, it does.”Bruce smiled slightly. “I am not!And you promised, loki!I need it, rubies are the best thing to compliment flame.”Brii sulked because while she could make her own jewelry, loki was so much better then her. Raising a eyebrow as she watched Steve she tilted her head. “As you say.”She said looking amused before glancing at Clint, her features softening as she looked at Steve. “I am sorry then, lord rogers, I did not mean to make you feel awkward.”Lies, all lies. But she did feel badly for upsetting him that much. “I shall endeavor to not make you feel awkward.”
Loki smirked a little at her. "well then be nice to me." he ordered playfully. he wasn't about to admit that he had already finished it. "and besides, why should i make anything for you? you keep calling me annoying, and a pest." he teased with a smirk. "oh very well, don't look at me like that." he complained as Steve snorted. "i doubt very much that you mean that." he admitted, rolling his eyes. "i'm just.. i'm still getting used to things, that's all..." he muttered as Clint smirked. "well if you didn't resist us at every turn..." "i am NOT letting you take me to titty bars!" Steve snapped, flushing hard again as Clint laughed. "oh. before i forget Brii..." Loki mused, offering her a small box, well aware he was going to annoy her again by giving it to her NOW. he knew she'd get the elemental importance at least. Gold and Ruby where elemental representations of Fire. the Diamonds where for Wind, the element that aided fire and made it burn all the brighter. he knew she'd love it. "you made that?!" Steve demanded, shocked as he stared at the necklace. "the chain too? it's so fine... that's amazing." Clint, ever the curious looked at it as well and whistled, very impressed. "wow Loki. does Tony know you can do that?"

Brii's Necklace
(ooohhh I like it!)

“Fine.I shall seek to be nicer, though you get annoyed with me if I refuse to verbally spar with you. How should I act to please you, snowman?”She teased a little knowing he really didn’t mean it before smirking at Steve. “I don’t, but I do try to not make people feel terribly bad. Well, unless you are Loki.”brii looked thoughtful before looking curious at Steve’s protest. “....what are these ‘titty bars’? I enjoy a good bar. Thor tells me that midgardian ale is not as good as asgardian, but I would like to try.”Brii said, simply asking after it since Steve was so uncomfortable about it before looking at Loki, frowning as she took the box. Flipping it open her eyes widening a little, “It is so beautiful Loki.”She muttered as she picked it up, letting fire, a small flicker of fire, cool to touch but pretty flickering over the necklace, making the chain and charm shine, before she put it on. “It is very beautiful. Thank you loki.” “And yes, I do. We’ve already discussed it.”Tony grinned as he leaned over the back of the couch to get a look,”Very charming. A proper gift for a lady.”He said snickering a littl.
Loki snickered a little. "this is true. not many have the wit and the sharp tongue to keep up with me." he admitted with a smirk. "so, Angry Kitten, you admit it!" he stated, superior and smug. "you are trying to influence the First Prince of Jotunhiem! i shall have you flogged with a frog for that!" "...why a frog?" "they're slimy and gross and she hates that." "ah." "a titty bar is where women strip for money. or in some cases, the women walk around without shirts on." Clint explained. "it's a perversion thing." he admitted with a chuckle. "but there are some okay bars, we'll take you sometime." he promised. "it's also Fireproof. and charmed to hold your flames comfortably." he admitted. "each diamond can hold a single flame, and the Ruby has been charmed to hold up to fifty." sometimes flames liked to cling to her, desperate to stay with her. now she had a place to keep them safe, and close to her, to use whenever she needed. "well, you came up early, Dinner hasn't even been started yet." Loki commented, sounding amused. "shall i make you a necklace?" he offered, smiling at Tony, that sly seductive smile. "or perhaps a cock ring?" "i'm out!" Steve declared, striding for the kitchen without further ado.
“I am not a kitten!Stop it!”Brii demanded before shuddering, before moving over to climb into thor’s lap, glaring at Loki from behind his shoulder.”Thor, tell him to stop.”She demanded from the prince, snuggling into his lap, not because she was attracted to him, but simply because she enjoyed touching and being touched. And well, frogs really, really freaked her out, even in a joke. It seemed loki won this round. “..That’s fairly...odd. It must be a human males walk around equally like that?”She said looking interested before grinning at the necklace. “Good. I burned myself badly on the necklaces on of the other ladies got me, simply because it melted when I called flame.”She shuddered at the memory. While flame didn’t burn her, she could be effected by the heat if she wasn’t ready for it and it melted something. Smiling softly as she sent flame into the necklace, looking pleased as the diamonds flickered with it. “Hm, I figured I might as well take a break.”He said not about to admit that they’d broken his concentration enough that he hadn’t been able to get any work done after they left. Raising a eyebrow he looked thoughtful at loki.”hmm...a cock ring would be interesting.”Tony said snickering as he watched steve leave
Loki smirked a little as Thor wrapped his arms around her. he was just as affectionate, he liked to touch and be touched, which was often awkward for the Avengers. "i have never been able to control Loki, what makes you think he'll listen to me now?" Thor demanded with a snort. "no, it's not considered truly inappropriate for a male to go without a shirt these days." Clint admitted. "though it was when Steve was a kid." he admitted. "i know." Loki admitted. "i'll charm your other jewelery too if i can figure out how to do it on already fixed metal." he admitted with a grin. "it will be a fun new study." he admitted before smirking at Tony. "yes, it would." Loki purred with a smirk. "especially since i could Charm it." he purred playfully. "think of all the fun things that i could make it do." he teased with a chuckle.
Brii smiled resting her head on his shoulder, sighing softly. “Because he is trying to seduce your friend. I thought that would hold some weight.”She smiled a little before frowning. “But it is not inappropriate for a woman to go without? I do not understand humans. If I could watch your group go without shirts, it would be well worth the sight, and not inappropriate. Just lovely.”Brii mused. “Get tony to work with you. Maybe between you two you can figure out the fixed metal issue.”She smiled. “...that’s amusing at it is a disturbing thought. I think I’d like to see what you could do.”Tony smirked a little looking amused. “Ewww...stop. Stop.”Brii demanded rolling her eyes at the open flirting, even if it really didn’t disturb her that much.
Thor shrugged. "Tony is as uncontrollable as Loki is. i could no more refuse him from going to bed with Loki than i could forbid Loki from trying, and probobly succeeding in seducing Tony." he admitted. "it's considered inappropriate." Clint admitted suddenly. "the general consensus is that Titty bars are filthy and seedy for the most part. strip clubs and titty joints often get a pretty bad rap." he admitted. "women who work there are considered sluts or whores." he admitted. "it's not the best thing, but they still exist." he admitted. "i'm sure i'll be working with Tony often, long into the night." Loki admitted with a smirk. "why should i stop? you don't actually care." "no but i think i might be sick." Clint pointed out with a scowl. "you guys are really gross." "...are we?" Loki asked, blinking and Thor chuckled. "humans are much more reserved about sexual activities. they prefer to do things in privacy or in odd little codes that i have not yet figured out." Thor admitted.
“...That is a disturbing thought. Loki having someone as uncontrollable as him.”Brii said though she looked more thoughtful and interested in the idea then disturbed. “...I do not understand humans.”Brii said frowning a little at the idea of the tity bars shaking her head. “I would greatly enjoy if you did so.”Tony smirked a little. “No, I don’t.”brii smirked a little before frowning. “....Am I breaking some odd rules by openingly wanting to have sex with the archer and captain?”Brii said turning to look at thor, wanting his advice on dealing with the humans. While she had been with humans before, she hadn’t stuck around. But this was thor’s team, she didn’t want to fuck it up simply because she was used to the aeser and jotun’s usual very relaxed and open views on sex.
"You, are as uncontrollable as Loki is." Thor informed her dryly. "it's alright Angry Kitten, Humans appear to be very complicated." Loki admitted with a snicker before looking up at Tony with a smirk. "yes, i would as well, perhaps you can show me how humans bathe sometime too." he mused before looking at Brii, his head tilted. "well. a little." Clint admitted with a smile. "but you're not from our culture, so your allowed to do things that most people... most humans, wouldn't be allowed to do." he admitted. "personally i think it's very flattering." Clint admitted with a smirk. "i'm a little annoyed that your trying to get sex from Steve when i've been trying to get him to realize homosexuality is a thing here..." "i knew he was gay!" "...uh, no. i think he's like me and tony, equal opportunity." Clint corrected. "in any case, none of us care about you openly wanting to have sex. we know it's just the way your culture is." he assured her with a smile. "you'll have to be a little less blunt with the Cap though, he's still pretty timi... ow!" he yelped as Steve whacked him upside the head.
“Don’t call me that.”Brii whined at the angry kitten name before smiling though. “Humans are very complicated. Its what makes them fun sometimes.”Tony snickered slightly before grinning at that, “Hm, I would love to show you how we bathe here.” “With soap and water and things in your hair right?” “You just had to share how odd you found our bathes didn’t you?”Tony said smirking a little at loki. Brii smiled at Clint, “Should I stop then?”She asked tilting her head, not wanting to upset clint over steve before laughing at loki’s reaction. “Good. Because you all are very good looking.”brii said looking pleased with the permission to flirt as much she wanted before nodding. “Well I shall be less blunt with the captain.”She said her eyes widening with laughter as steve hit him. “I thought you didn’t believe in casual violence, cap.”Tony teased looking amused at steve’s re-emergence from the kitchen.
Loki smirked a little. "i won't. try and make me." he ordered playfully. "humans do seam to be fun." Loki agreed with a grin as he studied Tony intently. "of course i had to share it! it's weird! the Aeser bathe in water of course, but never with such heavily scented soap and never more than one." Loki admitted, wrinkling his nose. "no, don't stop." Clint assured her with a grin. "he might be more open to a woman." he admitted with a grin. "it's not casual violence. he was insulting me." "but you are a little timid!" Clint protested, yelping as he was smacked again. "dammit!" "that one was because you tried to effeminate me." "wow. Cap knows fancy words." Clint muttered, diving out of the way when Steve struck out at him again. clearly, Steve was in a bad mood today. "i have dinner in the oven." Steve finally admitted. "hope you guys like chuck roast. with the way Loki loved the beef i thought it might be nice for him to have some more." "beef?" "it's what we call cow meat." "...why? why not just call it cow?" "dunno. guess people don't want to think about eating cute animals." Steve admitted with a chuckle as Clint sulked, annoyed at being hit. not that it actually hurt.
“I will make you.”Brii growled though she made no move to get off thor, to comfortable curled up in his lap to move yet. “It is very weird.”she agreed smirking a little at tony’s complaining about the baths. Brii opened her mouth to say something vulgar about being open to steve but, stopped as she watched Clint get smacked. “You know, I’m glad it’s not me getting hit for once. I thought it was only me he smacked around this much.”Tony snickered watching the two, wondering exactly why steve was in such a bad mood. “People are weird sometimes about naming things.”Tony snickered as he considered people not wanting to call their steak cows when it made them think of cute little calves.
Thor didn't seam to mind that she was on him at all. of course, they had been raised together and been best freinds for like, forever. "very weird." Thor agreed. "but, humans themselves are rather odd." Thor pointed out. "shut up tony." Steve ordered as Clint sulked and rubbed his head. highly unhappy that he was the only one being picked on. "anyway, dinner will be ready in an hour." Steve admitted. "what kind of vegetables do you guys want?" "asparagus!" Clint ordered, looking eager and Steve had to snort. it amused him to no end that Clint wouldn't eat carrots, but loved asparagus, artichokes, and Brussels-sprouts. "alright i'll make Asparagus." he agreed. "Cauliflower and Carrots for the rest of you guys?" he asked. of course, there was no need to explain that there would be some fried potatoes to go with it, and the 'chuck roast' was about the size of a child. even the entire Avengers, plus three gods, couldn't eat a twenty pound Chuck Roast in one sitting, right? of course he was making almost twenty pounds of potatoes with peppers and various seasonings too so that would help. "...remind me to make you people go on a diet." Steve ordered, sounding amused. he knew that he himself was on par with the gods for calorie intake so he couldn't say much. as much as the rest of the team worked out, they needed a lot of food too. "also, someone needs to go shopping and i am NOT doing it alone this time you lazy jerks." Steve complained. considering they spent well over a thousand dollars on groceries every week, that sentiment was expected. they could fill four or five shopping carts, which made shopping single handed very, very hard.
Brii smiled a little before looking up at steve. “....a..asparagus...that sounds like a weird potion ingredient...”She mused. Tony made a face, shaking his head. “If you must make vegetables, I guess those are okay.”Tony said looking amused. “A diet?Why would you diet?”Brii frowned looking confused at the idea of a diet before perking up, looking at Steve. “I would go shopping with you. It would be good to see the earth foods.”Brii said sounding interested in the idea of venturing into a grocery store.
Steve chuckled a little. "it's a vegetable." Steve explained "a gross vegetable." was Bruce's input. "it is not! Asparagus is delicious!" Clint protested, Steve simply rolling his eyes. "to lose weight usually." Bruce explained to Brii. "when someone wants to weigh less, they go on a diet and eat less and they burn up their fat reserves and it supposedly makes them skinnier." he admitted with a shrug. "it rarely works like that but people think it does." "good, at least i have one person whose willing to help out around here." ah, so that's why Steve was in a bad mood. he'd done every last chore in the Tower. alone. again. "...oops..." Clint muttered, flushing. "sorry Steve..." "if you where sorry, you'd help instead of apologizing." he grumbled, making even Bruce grimace as Steve headed back into the kitchen. "...i'll go help with Dinner." Clint decided, upset that Steve was Angry. he blinked into the kitchen and started peeling the potatoes.
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