Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

Loki chuckled a little. "sounds like a noble cause. this helps make people get better from injuries and sickness?" he asked curiously. "there is no such things as ghosts." Loki scoffed with a roll of his eyes. "Hela would allow no soul to suffer so." "...Hela?" "the ruler of Nifelheimr. the world of the dead." Loki explained. "my daughter by adoption." Loki explained before smirking at Tony. "it would only require an alteration of about thirty two genomes for you to be able to conceive. not a difficult task at all for a Goddess." Loki teased with a smirk. "seams. you know, where the cloth overlaps?" he asked, indicating his own pants. Loki took a look at most of the empty rooms, but finally fixated on one that was higher up and only had one huge window facing outwards to the city and the empty sky. a wiggle of his fingers and Loki made the entire wall a window, after asking permission first of course. he created a huge blackout curtain that he could draw across the window and make it as dark as pitch in the room if he so pleased.

he set up a small table that Loki could kneel in front of and it would reach his hips, and set a kneeling pillow in front of it, explaining as he went along. "She has three faces." he explained. "Birth, Life, and Death. when working with Birth you will want direct sunlight. when working with Death, you want it as dark as possible. Life should be candlelight." he explained with a smile as he pulled a heavy black cloth out of thin air, no doubt from his room. in a triangle he placed three different daggers. "For Life, Death, and Birth." he explained. "depending on which Aspect of her i want to call, will depend on which i cut with." he explained as he set out a set of tiny stone bowls. one which was filled with water, one filled with granules that looked almost like dirty salt, and one which was holding a green flame. "it is fueled by my magic." Loki explained. "so long as this bowl holds flame, i am alive." he admitted. "it shows Trust in the Mother that she will guide and protect me." he admitted. "Fire for Birth, because Fire can never die. Earth for Life, ever shifting, always changing, always existing. and water for Death, for we all must cross the River in the end." he admitted with a smile.

then he took out another tiny bowl and settled it in the middle of the three knives and adjusted it just so very carefully, looking very critical. as if it was the most important. "this is the sacrificial bowl. in Life, you can not gain anything, without giving up something else. sometimes it is material wealth, money or an expensive trinket you don't really need. sometimes it is personal, a favorite thing given by a loved one, or a memento from a happy childhood. sometimes it is self, blood, flesh or even hair." he admitted. "usually blood, for it is blood that is the most sacred." he admitted with a smile, well aware that the invisible voice was recording this for Bruce. who was just as curious about it as Tony was. and then, finally Loki pulled out a statue which he carefully settled at the top of the Altar. "The Lady Mother, Bringer of Birth, Giver of Life, and Guide of Death." Loki murmured respectfully to the statue before settling her in place. she was so swathed in robes it was hard to tell if she was truly human, but there was no denying she was female, despite that she had no face. it was simply a blank spot surrounded by long hair. in one arm she held a baby, swaddled in cloth. at her feet a child clung to her leg. it was impossible to tell how old it was. behind her stood a large thirteen pronged buck that had too long of a tail and had bird like feet instead of hooves. on her shoulder, opposite the one that held the babe was a Raven, or maybe a Crow while a cat with two tails and too long a body crept around as if moving to pounce playfully on a hem. in her hand was a long magnificent staff. it was beautiful, and creepy.
“It does. It’s actually a x-ray machine, I’m working on a better way to see bones and breaks.”He explained looking thought before pouting a little.”Damn. I always thought ghosts would be cool.”He said before staring at the other.”....I don’t want to know that. I don’t want kids.”he sulked a little.

Tony smiled watching the other, looking bemused at the changes to his tower. “You should get a job as a interior decorator with tricks like that.You’d make a killing to do that for the irch and famous.”Tony said looking amused before going quiet, listening to loki explain as he watched. “I feel like I should be taking notes and writing to all the pagan cults still in existence to tell them I have a almost god explaining a goddess to me.”he mused, and even not being a believer, he was interested. Going quiet, biting his lip a little before swallowing hard.”...why the animals?Do they exist in Jotunhiem?”He asked quietly, studying the statue, his voice soft and respectful, wanting to know, but not wanting to disturb the traquil spell over the room.
Loki smiled a little. "that's very interesting." he admitted. "we have something similar, though we cannot actually see the broken bones themselves, we see a holographic image of what the break looks like." he admitted. "i wish to see more of your medical technology." he admitted before smirking at Tony. "of course you want children. everyone wants children." he stated. "you are simply overwhelmed by mortal fear to realize it." he admitted.

"i do not know what that is." Loki admitted before chuckling. "i beleive the one named Jarvis is making a... reclording? of this." Loki admitted. "what is a Pagan Cult?" he asked curiously. "yes, the animals do exist." he admitted. "they are her favored animals." he explained. "the Salg is Proud, Verile, protective, and strong. because of this, he symbolizes Power and Life." Loki explained, stroking the Stags head. "the Crow is a messenger of death, it is the only creature that exists in all of the nine realms. it is wise, intelligent, and symbolizes Death, for it guides the Dead to Nifelheimr and passes messages from the dead to the living." Loki grinned. "and the Skitt, very playful, always mischievous, it is perpetually a Kit, always innocent and so represents Birth." he admitted with a smile, looking at Tony. "you can touch it, of you like." he offered, smiling. "just make sure you do not touch the bones at her back." he warned. "invoking her Death aspect could have grave results if you are not mourning or praying for a safe passage through death." he warned. and indeed, behind her, there was a skeleton. very creepy. but, it made sense. the baby in her arms and the toddler at her feet represented birth and Life, of course Death would be presented as well. "it is a very high crime to kill these creatures, anyone caught hurting them is heavily punished. then again, anyone caught hurting an animal at all, unless it is for food, is horrific. Give no Pain used to be one of the creeds of the Jotun." he admitted. "but that's not true anymore."
“That’s similar to what this is going to be. I’ll show you around down in the lab after we find a room.”He said smiling a little, amused to be able to show off to someone.

“...It’s people who still worship the gods and goddesses. They get in groups and practice and such...I guess sort of what your people would do in a temple for your goddess.”he said looking thoughtful before smiling as he studied the animals. “Really?Does the crow mean the same thing in all the realms?I know it represents death here.”he said sounding thoughtful before smiling at the sit of the kit, nodding. “Okay...”he said biting his lip a little hesitating for a moment before gently stroking the kit’s head, smiling slightly. “...I wish we had rules like that here. People hunt animals for is...barbaric and cruel, but...”He shrugged because while he really didn’t like animals for the most part, he didn’t think they should be hunted anymore. Shifting he brushed his shoulder against loki’s to give some silent comfort. “IT will be again someday. You wont allow it to be anything else.”he muttered, wishing he could help get loki's home back for him, even if it meant he would leave
he blinked a little. "ah, i see." he tilted his head a little. "your planet has many religions, does it not?" he asked curiously. "we only have the one, though we do have more than one Goddess, and more than one God, the Lady Mother is the most revered." he admitted with a smile. "i beleive so, yes." he admitted, stroking the Crow. "the Lady Mother created them for the original ruler of Nifelheimr." he admitted. "as far as i know, they have since spread to every single realms, and even some beyond our current knowladge." he admitted with a smile. "your people are very young." Loki admitted, smiling at Tony. "many of the beings that inhabit the other nine realms have been in existence for hundreds of thousands of years before Earth was even in existence." Loki admitted. "you are much like toddlers, seeing what you can and cannot do. your species just hasn't grown up yet. you'll get there, and you are helping them get there." Loki admitted with a smile. "yes. even if it takes me the rest of my life, i will see Jotunheimr pure again." Loki decided as he knelt in front of the Alter and closed his eyes. "please be silent now. you can ask questions when i am done. i wish to grieve." Loki admitted softly. "it will take a few hours, you will probobly grow bored." he admitted, blinking at Tony. "you can leave anytime you wish, the lights won't bother the ceremony." he promised as he settled into a kneeling position and drew the curtains, plunging the room into blackness save for the fire still flickering in it's bowl. Loki was silent for a long moment and then chanted in a language Tony wouldn't know. he picked up one of the daggers, slit his middle finger and let the blood drip into the sacrificial bowl. it was full by the time Loki let the blood flow stop and he licked his finger clean. the cup was tiny, so it wasn't really much blood, maybe a tablespoon, but it glowed creepily in the green light of the fire. then Loki fell still, hands on the table, head bowed, palms up, and didn't move for a good, long time. if Tony stayed, at the hour and a half mark a light blue mist slipped out of the statue and slid around Loki like it was a snake, making the man smile and when the curtains pulled back, letting light stream in again, there was a small blue thing in Loki's hand. it looked like a nut. "it's a seed." Loki explained to Tony. "the seed of the Life tree. it is the Lady Mothers reassurances that my world will survive." he admitted, smiling as he clutched the blue seed to his chest. "there is hope for my people yet."
“It does.And sometimes it’s horrible we do, as they all tend to fight with each other.”Tony muttered looking thoughtful at that before smiling. “That’s really cool.”He said sounding amused at the idea of the crow being sent to every realm before pausing, thinking that over. “Yes...even without knowing we were younger then the others...I can tell we are still growing.”Tony said sounding pleased that he was helping his realm mature before nodding a little.”Okay.”he muttered at the order for silence, shifting to get comfortable watching content to watch, and let his mind turn over his inventions, the distraction of the beautiful man and ceremony in front of him enough to let his mind roam over what he could do to the machines. Looking up startled at the seed be tilting his head a little, offering a small smile. “Good. I am happy for you, Loki.”She said standing slowly, stretching, wincing. Sore from sitting still to long.
he smiled and nodded. "all peoples fight." he admitted. "they find reasons to fight simply to fight. even the Aeser, even the Vanir, the oldest beings in known history do so." he smiled. "as i told you, it is not a human thing, it is a sentience thing." he admitted. "but your people are growing fast. there is so much potential on this planet." he admitted with a smile before he settled in to grieve for the loss of his people and his planet. "you are sore?" Loki asked as he stood, not looking stiff in the least, let alone sore. but then, Loki was probobly used to this. "i must plant this." he admitted, stroking the seed as he pulled open the heavy curtains and carefully cleaned the blade and the bowl he had used. both of which where free of blood before he cleaned them. "even though they don't look dirty, there is residual energy clinging to them. if you don't clean them after use, the leftover energy will corrupt the next Invocation." he admitted. "and then bad things tend to happen." he admitted with a chuckle. "when i was young and lazy i did not clean afterwords, and i ended up as a Skitt for three months." he huffed. "the entire palace thought it was hilarious." he grumbled. "the Lady Mother did too." he grumbled, sulking. "but i certainly learned my lesson, and that's when i learned that life can't always be serious." he admitted with a smile as he led Tony back out of the room, hesitating before deciding to leave the door open. no one would bother the Shrine, the one named Jarvis would warn them if they tried to, and no one could be forbidden from entering the place of the Lady Mother.
“I’m 36 loki. My body doesn’t like sitting on the floor for hours on end, no matter how interested I am in what I’m watching.”He snickered a little before sighing quietly, tilting his head as he watched him clean. “Sort of like I tried to use one thing from one project to create the next. If it’s not completely pure, I’ll fuck up the newest thing.”He hummed thoughtfully, of course he’d change magic into a engineer problem. Snickering at loki’s story he smirked a little. “I’m sure you made a very good skitt.”He teased, because he’d learned the same lesson a harder way, under howard stark’s hand. Howard made sure he understood young just how badly it would hurt if he messed up one project by using stuff from another. “No, life can’t always be serious.”he said smiling as they headed out, reassuring the man jarvis would tell tehm if anyone messed with it, pausing. “Do you want to go see my version of a shrine?I mean, it’s not to a god or anything, but it’s the place I spend the most time...”
Loki chuckled a little. "i apologize, but you didn't have to stay so still." he pointed out. "i suppose i should have been a little more clear on the noise issue..." he muttered. "in any case, if you watch next time, so long as you don't speak, sing, hum, make annoying noises or tap your foot excessively it will be fine. you walking around will not bother me." he promised with a smile. "yes, exactly." he stated with a smile. "sometimes leftover residue can make a big difference. especially if you try to take Death energy into a Birth invocation." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i did make a good Skitt." he admitted with a smirk. "particularly as i had all the mindsets and instincts." he admitted. "i knew i was Loki of course, but my Jotun memories where more like a dream than reality." he admitted. "it was very fun." he blinked at tony, looking excited. "this is where you make your amazing technology? you will really let me see!?" he asked hopefully, looking incredibly excited. "one does not have to pray to a god to find peace Tony." Loki assured him with a smile. "don't tell Steve, but your planet does not have a sentient deity at the moment. i can feel one, trying to form, but it cannot. why? i do not know. but sometime in the next trillion years she might be able to break free." he admitted with a smile. "we all go to Hela in the end." he admitted with a chuckle.
“It’s okay. I was mostly dozing and thinking about work.”Tony shrugged a little before smiling, “Though that is good to know. I work better walking around.”he mused before wincing, “Oh...yes. A birth and death would be a bad thing to mix.”He said before looking amused at the thought of loki as a skitt, tilting his head a little. “That’s pretty cool actually. Sometimes I wish I could do that, just have this be a dream, when things get to much...but then I remember why I like being me.”He said before laughing at the look at the other’s face, before nodding. “I will. Come on.”He said before heading for the lab, letting loki into the lab/workshop/car garage, all of tony’s obsessions in one place for him to tinker with. “Do I look that stupid?I’m not about to get in a religion discussion with anyone, much less the man out of time.”he snickered before frowning, looking thoughtful at that. “I wonder why.”He muttered, because any puzzle fascinated him, even a goddesses one.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "yes, i do my best thinking while moving as well." he agreed with a grin. "though that doesn't always include walking." he teased with a smirk. "well, if you like, i could turn you into an animal, a squirrel maybe, or perhaps, something that flies." he mused. "something playful and intelligent. a raven maybe, or a Jay." he mused with a smile. "you could spend the day as an animal." he mused. "it really is very fun." he admitted with a chuckle. "you are a very good person to be. rich, sexy, fun, great sense of humor. and of course we can't forget the best part, your a superhero!" Loki teased with a smile. "even the Gods wish to claim they shared your bed." he teased. "one of Thor's Brutes finds you extremely attractive." he admitted with a chuckle. "well... perhaps you look a little... flighty." he teased with a grin before he gasped in delight and flitted from one project to the next, examining, but not touching. "it is because the people on this planet are not ready for a true Deity." Loki admitted. "that and the earth is dying from the pollution, but your already fixing that i hear." he admitted. "plus, the way your race is right now, they would feel threatened by the very earth and move to the moon and blow up the earth just to say they're better than a deity." he pointed out. "so what is this thing then?" he asked, indicating a car. "i see them all over, they smell terrible. they are used to transport people yes? as well as run over banished gods?" ah, so Thor had told Loki about Jane Foster running him over... twice.
“Hm, I do some of my best thinking in bed.”Tony smirked snickering a little before pausing, looking at the other. Not sure if he was being serious or not, “...I already fly every day you know. If you must, maybe a horse or something. A horse is fairly cool.”Tony mused not sure if he was being serious, but enjoying the conversation before snickering. “Of course. Though the other’s are better super heros. I just happen to be a guy in a suit.”He said wrinkling his nose a little before raising a eyebrow. “Really?Who?I’ve heard stories, I’m interested now.”he said smirking looking amused as he watched the other go from project to project, resting a hip against his workbench to watch him. “I’m trying. It’s not as easy as it looks.I’m hoping to use the arc reactor to make better energy and everything.”he said pointing out the case of the newest form of the small arc reactor he’d gotten, his newest project before pausing, looking at the car before his grin widened. “Yes. And yes. If only thor wouldn’t get in the way.”he said snickering a little before walking over, “This is one of the ways I’m hoping to clean up a bit. Tell me if it smells just as bad.”he said reaching in, smirking as he heard the hum of the arc reactor that was in the engine start, having figured out how to turn it on and off, so it would act like a normal engine, without the gas to power it
Loki chuckled a little. "yeah, me too. remind me to tell you about the time i had an idea for cross genetic transmogrification in the middle of sex and left my partner there tied up and horny as hell, unable to escape or cum, for three hours before i remembered he was there." he admitted. "he certainly was pissed." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "i walked with a limp for a few days once i released him." he admitted with a laugh. "a horse?" Loki asked, looking surprised. "perhaps." he mused with a smile. "maybe a Stag instead, it would suit your personally better. the process is tricky, and more i can attune you to a specific creature the easier the process will be for you. after all, if you suddenly find yourself, mentally, extremely vengeful, angry, and itching to fight everything that crosses your path. or worse, find yourself completely terrified of anything that moves." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "no, not a good thing." he pointed out. "it can have severe mental complications." he admitted before he snorted. "as if i know their names. they are beneath me." Loki stated with a scoff. clearly Thor's Aeser freinds didn't play well with Loki. "this is very impressive. you are the only one working on such high energy projects are you not?" he asked curiously as he examined the Arc reactors. "are you not worried that someone could use this energy against you?" he asked curiously. "they can make weapons can they not?" he asked before he smiled a little as he watched the other turn on the car. " stink!" he stated, looking amazed. "i mean, it still smells like metal and leather, but there's no smog."
“...I’ve done that once to. I mean, not in transmogrification, but with a project. My girlfriend nearly pushed me off the balcony.”he snickered at the remembrance of pepper nearly shoving him out a window after that before frowning a little, shrugging.”I like the idea of being able to run that fast. But whatever. I don’t want to mess up myself, just be a animal for awhile.”he said looking amused before rolling his eyes as he realized loki didn’t get along with the aesers. Not that he was really surprised loki didn’t get along with people. Watching the other he nodded a little. “I am. And why do you think it’s only in my personal car, and the tower right now?I just....I want to give it to the others, to clean up the world, but I haven’t figured out how to make it work without also giving it enough power to be a weapon.”he huffed a sigh before grinning. “Exactly. No gas to burn so it doesn’t smell bad...but still, its a weapon until I figure it out.”he sighed sounding annoyed, running his fingers through his hair.
he snorted. "long way down." was his comment. "well, like i said, a Stag would be perfect.... we just have to make sure a human doesn't try to hunt you." he admitted with a chuckle. "might have to take you to Asgard for that." he admitted. "but i am very good at what i do. i wont mess you up." he promised with a smile. "i did not realize this was only yours." he admitted, his head cocked. "perhaps a battery?" he asked, looking at Tony. "create an 'in port' in your devices that the... arc reactors? have to fit into. like a regular battery. useless on it's own until you connect it properly." but then, batteries could be used in pretty awful things too. "you will think of something i am sure. for now, perhaps you could modify it only for the most trustworthy of places as well as high profile things. make an, uh, 'amusing playground?' run completely off of your clean energy. raise the profile and people will stop thinking about it as a weapon, and more as the future." he smiled at Tony. "i'm sure you'll find a failsafe to keep them from being turned into weapons."
"Hm...maybe. a port might work.."she frowned thinking slightly distracted by the ideas before grinning."humans as a ehole don't think that long into the future."he snickered running his fingers through his hair tilting his head."but its my personal car for now. So while I'm still wotking on the kinks,we can use it if you want to go for a ride,see the city."he said his leer teasing as he considered what other kind of rides they could do.
Loki chuckled a little. "your species is young yet. toddlers don't look much further into the future than what they want for their next meal after all." he teased with a smile. "...uh..." at the mention of actually getting inside of the thing, Loki balked, looking rather timid. " it safe?" he asked, kicking at a tire nervously. "i don't think it's safe... perhaps not..." well that was amusing. man could shape-shift, turn people into animals, was connected to the very earth, and was afraid of a little joyride. "So, what is this?" he asked, indicating a revamped version of the repulsors that Tony was working on. deciding to change the subject before Tony braught up the idea of driving again.
“Well, I’m not sure I like being a toddler, but considering how much older you are, it’s okay I guess.”Tony snickered a little before tilting his head, watching the man. Wondering if it was just a fear of mechanical things. “It is.”Tony said simply smiling a little, trying not to laugh that he’d been so brave about everything so far, but getting in a car was to much. Smirking as he let himself be distracted her grinned moving over to the gloves and repulsors, slipping it on. “Thor told you about my suit yes?”He asked, “These are the new palm weapons. More power, easier to control.”
Loki chuckled a little. "i am a great deal older." he agreed. "but i'd say we're about the same mentally." he admitted with a chuckle. "yes. that is why you are the man of Iron, though he says your suit is not made of iron. i can't imagine you being able to move in it if it was." he admitted with a chuckle. "can i see it? the suit i mean?" he asked curiously as he examined the gloves on Tony's hand. "this is remarkable, so lightweight, yet so strong..." he muttered. "i might have some material you could use to expand on this." he admitted. "it's a special sort of silk that we Jotun create using the various ingredients we have and mix them using magic. it's as soft as silk and just as fluid, but as strong as Steal. we call it Mithril." he admitted grinning. "yes, just like J.R.R Tolkein." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'll get you some. perhaps for all the Avengers, particularly the good Captain Rogers, the red white and blue is just terrible." he admitted with a shake of his head. "how do you make them blast? are there triggers inside of the glove?" he asked curiously.
“Hm, iron would be to heavy. And it would freeze when I got higher in the atmosphere.”Tony said smiling a little before nodding. “You can.”Tony said looking amused as he nodded. “Strong enough I can punch through a wall without feeling it.”he said amused before looking excited at the idea. “Really?Do you have to have magic to keep it from falling apart on you when you wear it?”he asked before smirking. “....Just when did you read Tolkien?”He smirked a little before nodding. “I wouldn’t try to get Spangles out of his flag, but we might be able to make sure it’s not as easy to batter him around with silk like that.”he said sounding excited at the idea of being able to protect his team better before nodding a little. “Yes, but it takes the suit’s connection to Jarvis, my AI, to really make it work. While I can manually override it just in case I lose that connection, it’s better if I have the AI.”He said before sliding off the prototypes, before stepping away. “Step back. I’ll put the suit on.”he said making a motion, turning the nanonites in his system trigger, smirking as within moments the suit settled on him like a second skin.
loki nodded. "i'm very impressed. as far as i know, you're people can't go into space without those massive orbiting ship things, yes? though, why they are called ships when they don't look anything like a ship..." he muttered. "once it's made, Mithril will last for a lifetime... a Jotun's lifetime." he corrected with a smile. "they do not simple 'fall apart'. especially since they are not sewn really." he admitted. "i'll show you later." he promised with a chuckle before he snorted. "please. i knew Tolkein." he admitted. "he was one of the few humans who had an Aeser lover." he admitted. "where do you think he got his ideas?" he asked with a smirk. "he saw our fabric and he used the name and idea in his books." he admitted. "Legolas is an actual person, and so is Gandalf." he admitted. "so the Voice without a body runs all the minute little auto-corrections. very clever, much more effective than trying to write an entire program for it. plus Jarvis, his name is? can auto-correct and learn from any minor mistakes that might be made." he mused. he stepped back, looking amazed. "oh wow!" he breathed, sounding as if he was about to cum just by watching the other. "you really are a genius."
“No, unless you’re me. And I didn’t get far as my suit started failing as soon as I got through the wormhole.”He said shuddering a little at the memory before grinning. “Because you still travel on them. It’s a ship somewhere.”he muttered before looking pleased. “Good. That would be great truly.”he said already putting the thoughts of steve’s costume in the back of his mind to tear over before laughing. “That’s both amusing and disturbing. Even knowing you’re old, it really is weird to know you knew one of my favorite authors when I was a kid.”he said before perking up, looking pleased. “Is legolas as awesome and pretty as the books make him out to be?”He asked curious before smiling. “Yes. And jarvis knows everything I know, so if something happens, like I’m knocked out in the suit or something, he has enough knowhow to make sure I get back on the ground and don’t get myself killed....exactly. He corrects for any human error I make.”He shrugged before smirking behind the mask, watching the other, amused he sounded so turned on. “Is it the suit or my genius that nearly has you cumming in your pants?”He said on a spur of the moment, purring the words before wanting to impress him more. “Thor tell you how I ended up iron man?As impressive as this is, just think, I made the first arc reactor in a cave, with spare parts.”
Loki grimaced. "i had forgotten about that." he admitted. "you must have nightmares." Loki mused suddenly. "i have them you know... about the Abyss, and the Chitauri... as much as the Chitauri hurt me, it is the Abyss i dream of the most." he admitted with a violent shudder. "how is it disturbing?" he asked with a smile. "one would think you'd be more focused on the horns, or the funny colored skin, or the fact that i could turn you into a worm." but he wouldn't because that would be harming someone, and Loki had taken vows against such things. "Legolas is even more so." he admitted. "all Elves are simply... breathtaking." he admitted, sounding wistful and glossy eyed. "i'll introduce you to him sometime. he's a potioneer as well as a warrior." he admitted with a smile. "he's actually the leading expert on Potions and chemistry." he admitted. "you'd like him." he admitted before licking his lips. "it's a little of both i think." he admitted before looking up at Tony with eyes blown wide. clearly a Jotun's idea of sexy was much more than just appearances... or maybe it was just Loki. "i really want to suck your cock right now." he admitted breathlessly.
“I dream of falling through a abyss, of missing the wormhole and free falling forever.”he muttered glad that the suit hid the shudder before laughing. “Its...I’ve had a lot of lovers, or friends. It’s just...weird to consider a potential bedmate is that much older then me...shut up. I’m a genius okay?I’m allowed focusing on weird things.
He sulked before tilting his head. “The horns are awesome, like handholds for sex...and the skin is it cool?I mean, I don’t want frostbite simply for touching you...and I’ve had to many people threaten me for that to be a true threat.”He shrugged looking amused before his eyes widened as he considered that. “I..I would love to meet him. Thank you.”he said not about to admit that legolas was his favorite, because he knew the other would tease him before smirking. “I am sure I would. I like most people who have different sorts of talents.”He said before tilting his head, “Interesting....I’ve never had a person react like this....Should I start qouting magical theory to see if I can get you to come simply like this?”He smirked, having every intent of teasing him to the breaking point, just because he could. “Not now. Maybe later.”he smirked.
Loki smiled a saf soft little smile. "me too." he whispered. "flaoting in nothing for all of eternity... a worse fate even than being drained to the last drop. do you know what happens then? you simply stop existing. no rebirth, no Lady Mother, no Hela. just nothing." he admitted as he shook his head. "you are a genius." he agreed. "and i've been known to focus on some pretty odd things." he admitted. "it's cool, but not cold. sort of like someone whose been standing under an air conditioner vent too long as Clint explained it. i can control my body temperature to be more like yours, but it takes some energy so i don't do it often." he admitted, watching Tony intently. "you don't know enough Magical theory for it to work." he teased. "Jotun minds are not like human minds anyway." he admitted with a lick of his lips. "appearances are important, and so is power. which is what most Jotun look for in a mate. but i am not the same. intelligence, creativity, THOSE are what is truly important." he breathed, licking his lips. "and you have both in great abundance." he admitted, his eyes flashing mischievously. "no? you don't want me to suck your cock? well. alright then. strange that, i thought you where more sexually advanced then your peers. oh well. i'm going to go take a bath." he chirped, flashing Tony a wink as he drifted out of the room. of course, Jotun did not bathe in water. there was no water, and no fire to melt ice to make water. they did something else entirely, something that Tony would no doubt, find very delectable.
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