Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

he smiled. "it's alright. you're worried about Loki, i understand that." he promised the woman, kissing her forehead. "i'm sore, but feeling much better." Bini admitted with a smile as he blinked at Pepper. "i don't understand how something can be both a drink, and a food." he admitted, looking baffled. "how can one thing, be many things?"

Loki chuckled a little as he nuzzled Tony. "you're body will naturally moderate your internal temperature but if it gets too hot you'll start to feel ill." he warned with a smile. "but you're innate magic should protect you from temperatures that stay under about a hundred degrees." he admitted. "oh, and i made you some bathing oils." Loki promised with a smile. "i used a lot of different scents, so you can pick your favorite." he promised with a smile. "she's... it's hard to explain." Loki admitted. "she just is." he admitted with a smile as he moaned as he was pressed into the door. "fuck. Tony... yes. i want you inside me.."
“good.”Brii said blushing ever so slightly before smiling at helblindi.”Good.You be careful okay?No need to rest recovering.”She ordered. “because it’s a liquid now, but when it’s solid, it’s a food.”pepper frowned huffing a little because he wasn’t sure how to explain.

“Good.Very good.”he said kissing him slowly, trying not to think about being ill because of the heat, before grinning more.”Thanks loki.Really.”he said amused the man had taken such time to do that for him, when so many other things were going on.”Looking happy to know there’s someone out there that loved him, well, more then just loki, it was hard to explain the feeling that relaxed in his chest at having a goddess.”I want to be there to.”He growled roughly jerking at the other’s clothes, kissing him harder,rocking his hips into th eother’ all over the place to get it together enough to do anything but this for a moment.
Helblindi smiled. "Yes Mother." he scoffed. "i AM a warrior you know, i know how to not strain myself when i'm injured." unlike most warriors, Helblindi was actually very good about staying still and letting doctors fuss over him. he was a very good patient. ", this Chocolate can be melted?" "yes. Chocolate is one of the most versatile Foods on this planet. it can be a dust, a solid, it can be strained into it's individual components, it mixes very well with itself and other ingredients." Steve admitted with a grin. "when i was a kid, a Chocolate Bar only cost Five Cents." Steve admitted. "we still couldn't afford it, because Five cents also bought milk, bread, eggs, food." Steve admitted. "but i used to get a bar every year for my birthday, and sometimes Buck would share his candy." Steve admitted with a grin. "sometimes i forget i have money, and i'm always stunned to remember that i don't have to limit what i eat because the fridge is always full." he admitted as Helblindi nodded. "Food is normally plentiful in Jotunhiemr. a few thousand years ago though, before Loki was born, the planet started to... it wasn't dying, but it was like it was sick. the food started to get scarce. the animals had nothing to eat, so they died, and we had nothing to eat, so we started to starve. and then Loki was born and there was this massive burst of Life. that's how he got his name you know. Loki, it means 'Life Giver'." Helblindi admitted.

Loki smiled a little. "you're welcome." he muttered, nuzzling the other. "you'll find yourself probobly not liking water even more now. so we can blame your fear of drowning on your new Jotun instincts." he promised with a smile. "considering how i freaked out at the lake, no one will question it." he admitted with a grin before moaning as he was stripped, Tony rutting against him like a horny animal, for some reason, that really, really turned Loki on, panting as he tried to help strip himself down, mewling and moaning as he shuddered and shivered. "Yes. Tony. fuck me. please."
"I knoe.I'm just used to dealing sith thor,and you know how he is."brii snickered because thor would be out of bed the moment your back was turned if he was able to. Eyes widening as she looked up at steve she leaned into him,nuzzling her face against his shoulder."you make me want to buy you lots of food just so you can eat.."she teased wondering if it'd set clint off,instincts demanding he take care of his mate even if logically he knew steve hsd plenty of food."hm,I forgot that's what his name know if he gets pregnant,it could have a whole new meaning."she snickered.

"Oh great.just what I needed.another reason to not like water."he huffed though he looked amused rather then annoyed with the idea before groaning as his hips stilled againdt the other,growling as he pulled away only long enough to get their clothes off."I'm so going to fuck you so you feel it for the next week."he growled as he grabbed the other picking him up and pressing him back against the wall,aving every intention of fucking him right there before growling in annoyance as he realized he didn't have any lube right there,and the bed seemed to far away to move to get it.
Helblindi snorted. "Thor's a horrible bed patient, but he also had a overbearing healer as a mother who had him in bed for every sniffle. i had two warriors for fathers who insisted i understand the stiller i was the sooner i would be back on the battlefield." he admitted with a chuckle before blinking as Steve shrugged. "it was the Depression. everyone suffered." he admitted as Clint made a strange sound and strode out of the room, coming back with several candy bars, shoving them into Steve's hands, surprising the Super Soldier before Steve's eyes brightened and he tore one open, savoring every tiny bite. it was really very cute how much Steve was enjoying a simple Snickers Candy-bar. for someone who had found food a rarity, a Candy bar was an extreme treat that was to be savored. Steve surprised everyone when he actually 'Growled' at Helblindi when he reached for a candy bar. "...sorry..."

Loki smiled. "i don't like water here because it's too warm... and i can't swim." he admitted, shaking his head. "never had the need to. there's only boiling pools and the Life pool on Jotunhiemr." Loki admitted. "fuck, yes. please. Fuck me hard. i wanna feel it." he muttered, shuddering a little. he seamed to realize what the problem was because he muttered something and brushed his hand against Tony's, leaving Tony's fingers slick, wet, dripping with Lube. "please. please. please..."
“Very true. I’m glad she only coddled me when I was really hurt, instead of every sniffle.”Brii snickered a little before smiling at steve, “I know, but you still make me want to fuss over you.”she said smiling quietly, snickering at clints’ reaction, “I’m buying you more food. You look hot being that cute over it.”she teased the super soldier, smiling quietly that he was so happy with it before sputtering, eyes widening at the growl,”And here I thought it was clint we had to worry about growling at people.”She teased steve before walking out, returning in a few moments with a candy bar for helblindi, smirking amused as pepper unwrapped it for the man and handed it over.

“Ah...yes. That makes sense I guess.”Tony said smiling a little before laughing, shuddering as his fingers were coated.”Hmm, that is a handy trick.”He purred a little shifting the other, holding him up easily with one arm around his waist, thrusting his fingers into the other quickly, roughly stretching him, before pausing to make sure that the man was okay with it before pressing into him, groaning as he slid into him.
Steve flushed a little as everyone stared at him after the Growl. "i was a small kid and the bigger kids at school used to try to steal anything i managed to get my hands on... i'm a bit food possessive still... Bucky could tell you a story or two. i actually bit a few people in the Army when they tried to take my food. i was a puny little shit but i was a MEAN one." he admitted with a smirk as he took another careful bite of his candy bar. "thank you... what is that stuff you pulled off of it?" Helblindi asked, reaching out and taking the wrapper curiously. "it is inedible?" he asked curiously.

"very, ah. handy." Loki moaned as he wriggled against the other. he moaned eagerly as he felt the fingers inside of him, tossing his head back. "yes. Tony. Fuck me. fuck me hard. make me eel it. make me your bitch." he moaned, clenching hard around the organ in an effort into goading Tony on.
“...which is so adorable considering you’re the biggest kid on the block now, and you’re still a mean shit.”Brii teased kissing him gently, amused he was so happy with his candy bar.”You’re welcome. And it’s a wrapper, to keep dirt from getting on it.And it is, well, you could eat it, but it wouldn’t be very good for you.”Pepper said smiling slightly as he examined the wrapper.

Tony growled watching the other, pinning the other against the door so he couldn’t move, whining as he fucked the other harder, hands tight enough to bruise as he looked down at the jotun.”You’d think you wanted hurt,loki. To be owned.”he growled fucking the other harder, shuddering as he clung to him, closing a hand over loki’s cock, intent on making him lose control before him.
he smiled a little. "true. but only when you hurt innocents or try to take my food." he admitted with a smile as he kissed her back. "you can't have any." he informed her as he munched on some more of his Candy bar, making Clint laugh and Helblindi chuckle as he offered Pepper half of his Candybar. "would you like some Lady?" he offered. "i am most happy to share. not with Brii though, she has groos Aeser Germs." he teased the woman, Steve snickering at the Joke while Clint puffed up, annoyed that Helblindi was picking on his mate.

Loki mewled as he was fucked, as he was bruised, pinned down all helpless. "yes. please." Loki moaned. "hurt me. Claim me, own me. use me... please. anything Tony. Anything Sir!" Loki moaned, tossing his head back as he felt the hand wrapped around his Cock. "yes, yes, yes, Tony, Tony, Tony!"
“What?No. I want some.”Brii whined resting her head against his chest, pouting a little as he ate more. “I would.”Pepper smiled looking amused as she nibbled on the bite of chocolate. “Hey!I don’t have any germs. Loki’s the one you should be warning about germs. I mean he’s kissing Stark.”Brii snickered a little resting a hand gently on clint’s arm, rubbing the skin, hoping to sooth him, knowing he was annoyed..

Tony growled biting down on the other’s shoulder as he held onto the other, stroking him roughly, barely having a moment to brace himself against the door as he came, nearly collapsing to the floor ,sliding to the floor with a whimper.
Steve smiled as he shoved an unopened candy bar over to her, letting her have her pick of the ones Steve wasn't currently in possession of. "you have a lot of germs and..." he paused. "...i'm not sure who stark is, Loki's mate right?" Helblindi asked curiously. "well, either way, Loki can't catch human germs." he admitted with a smile. "so i'm not too concerned about him." he admitted with a shrug as Clint realized it was friendly teasing and settled down under her soothing hand.

Loki cried out, a strange happy, delighted sound mixed with pain as he came, and came hard, panting as he panted, leaning agaisnt the door so he wouldn't go to the floor the way Tony had. "uuuhm... good." he mumbled as he flopped onto the floor and snuggled into Tony, ignoring the fact that he had a bit of bruising on his hips and a bleeding bite mark on his shoulder. "that was awesome tony. really great." he muttered. "you're doing that again." he decided. "i like it when you bite me. fuck."
Brii smiled a little looking amused as he gave her a candy bar, nibblign on it as she watched the other’s.”I do not have germs!And yes, Tony Stark is loki’s mate. And a consummate man-whore.”Brii mused. “Former man-whore. He’s been better these last few years.”Pepper pointed out, cause with the creation of iron man, and her own relationship with tony, the man whore had indeed settled some.

Tony groaned shivering as he curled up around the other, to loose limbed and tired to really think about moving to the bed just yet. “It was better then great. I want a fucking statue in my honor that shows everyone that I am the best.”Oh yes, he was a little high off his orgasm, adorably so really. Shuddering as he turned hsi head, gently biting the other’s hip before sighing.”Hm, not yet, but we’ll fuck again soon.”He purred a little.
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