Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

“hm, that’s the idea-”Tony paused groaning a little, scowling as he pulled away. “Dammit.”he said scowling at clint’s words as he did up his own pants looking worried.

“Good. Cause I’d hate to have to explain how I couldn’t save you.”she muttered nodding a little. “At a school. Loki’s mate was teaching for the day.”She said before looking up as the other’s arrived, shifting to let loki close. “I’ll get the girls. You three drove the mustang. There’s room for all of you in there. Me, pepper and natasha can get the other cars if you guys want to start heading back to the house.”He said already texting the girls to get them back here, looking anxious about loki, knowing helblindi's presence couldnt be anything good
Helblindi smiled a little. "i'm a Jotun. i'm made of stronger stuff than that." he promised. "...Loki has a mate?!" he demanded, stunned. Loki was aloof, at best to most people. humans, Jotun, Aeser, it didn't matter, Loki tended to hate them all equally. "well that's good to hear." Helblindi admitted with a smile. " is he?" he asked, blinking as he was received the answer in Loki himself. "Hello little brother." "shut up." Loki ordered. "you're hurt, that means no moving and no talking." Loki ordered. "Tony? i'm going to go with Bini." he admitted, taking the others hand and kissing his knuckles. "don't take long, alright?" "come on then." Steve agreed, carefully pulling the Jotun into his arms and headed for the car, Helblindi grimacing at being moved, but made no sound of pain as he was carefully settled into the vehicle. " this thing safe?" "yes. very safe." Loki assured Helblindi. "now just rest, stop being curious for a while." he was Loki's last living family. Loki was going to fuss over him something terrible.
“He does. It’s fairly adorable really.”Brii snickered at helblindi’s response, looking up at loki as he arrived. “I’m fairly certain he’s okay to move.”Brii added looking up at the others. “I wont. Go.”Tony said smiling at loki, leaning down to kiss his cheek as he watched the other’s leave, before going to go get the girls. “Stop fussing, Loki.Let him rest.”Brii teased as she settled in the backseat with the others, glad that steve and clint knew the way home, at least they could get helblindi home to rest soon.
Bini smiled a little as he realized Loki was settling into Midgard just fine. that was great, because they'd probobly never make it back to Jotunhiemr. "i like your mate." Bini admitted to Loki who huffed a little. "you haven't even met him yet." Loki complained, even if he did smile, glad that Helblindi approved of his human mate. "Brii has mates too. the guy with the wings? he's hers. and this guy too." he admitted, indicating Steve, Helblindi looking surprised. "humans allow that? very nice." he agreed with a smile before he frowned. "do humans usually have wings?" "mishap with a Golden Apple." Steve explained with a smile. "Clint loves his wings, though he's having a bit of issues with his instincts so if he hisses at you or threatens you with disembowelment, i'm sorry." Bini had to laugh at that, before he coughed, groaning. "laughing hurts..." he groaned as he relaxed into the car, gritting his teeth as he was picked back up and carried back inside, sighing as he was settled gently onto a bed where Bruce, who had gone ahead was working on gathering the medical supplies he needed to take care of Helblindi's injuries.
“If you like him now, wait until he starts talking.”Brii snickered amused at the idea of what tony was going to be like around loki’s family. It was going to be something. “Not usually, but since when have I ever followed rules?”Brii pointed out absently sliding a hand over clint’s wing, touching because she was nervous with helblindi hurt, before snickering. “Just don’t flirt. He’s very protective.”Brii reassured.

When tony walked in he paused, his hair sticking up every which way, it was obvious he’d been playing with it as he let pepper drive, the man to nervous about loki’s brother to drive himself. “How is he?”He said as he walked into the room, tilting his head a little.
Bini chuckled. "if he gets along with Loki, i imagine he's a lippy little bitch." Bini admitted with a smile. "i'm glad your happy." he admitted. "Thor took Jane to the Asgard you know. she's having a blast proving their smart people wrong." he admitted with a snicker as he watched Clint wrap his wing around her. "oh, i don't flirt." Bini stated simply. "i'm a warrior after all, i'm much too blunt." he admitted with a chuckle as he let Bruce bandage and stitch him up. he'd been stabbed a time or two, and he was covered in what looked like Frostbite, but he wasn't in any real damage, just in pain.

"he's fine." Loki promised with a smile where he'd been curled up in a chair, waiting for Tony. "he's hurt but he's not in any danger. he'll be healed completely in a few days except for the deeper cuts." he admitted. "Bruce had to put... uh, Stitches?" he asked, looking a bit confused. "he used a needle and thread and made the cuts close. it was fascinating." he admitted. "Gross, but fascinating." he admitted with a chuckle as he held his arms out to Tony, needing comfort. they had lost. he could never go home again, or at least not until Falblindi died. then Loki could go and claim the throne despite any sons Falblindi might have.
“He is.A in your face, annoying, generous pain in the ass.”Brii agreed snickering a little.”It’s good to know your brother knows you so well, loki.”She teased before giggling. “I’m sure she is. They stuffy idiots needed proven wrong anyways.”She smiled relaxing, quietly taking comfort in clint’s touch, upset to see her friend hurt like this even though like loki, she looked fascinated with stitches.

“Good.”Tony smiled relaxing a little, shuddering a little.”Yea, stitches. They’re not so bad.”he said, and for a man who hated medical stuff, that was a amazing admittance. Wrapping his arms around loki he picked the other up and settled him in his lap, pressing a kiss to his hair.”I’m sorry loki.”he muttered.
Loki smirked a little. "my lover is everything i want him to be." he assured Bini who chuckled and nodded. "i am glad you are happy little brother." he admitted as he closed his eyes to rest, Clint smiling as he snuggled Brii. "he'll be alright Love. he's a Jotun, they're tough as rocks." he paused. "well, most Jotun are, Loki's a bit of a wimp." trying to make her giggle, or at least smile.

Loki smiled a little as he snuggled into Tony, closing his eyes to keep from weeping all over his lover. he couldn't beleive everything had been destroyed in just a single earth month. yet, there was still a little ray of light. he had the Tree of Life seed, it was already sprouting. he had his Mate, Tony, which made him smile even when he was mired in horror and pain. he had his brother, hurt, but still alive. he hadn't lost everything, he could still have a happy, healthy life here. and there was still hope, he could still feel the Mother, she was still alive, weak, but still going strong, clinging to the last hopes. Thor would never allow Falblindi to take the throne without a fight.
“Well, he is a little wimpy.”Brii giggled a little pressing her face into the other’s shoulder, shuddering a little as she surpressed her tears.

Tony smiled slightly pressing a kiss to loki’s hair,gently stroking the soft strands, sighing quietly. “I got you loki.It’ll be okay....and I am sure thor will be here soon enough...”He muttered knowing that the thunder god wouldn’t let everything fall apart without fighting for it.”you have a life here, it’ll be okay.”he muttered quietly.
he smiled as he wrapped her into his arms, cradling her as he wrapped her up tight in his wings, cocooning her in warm comfort. "i'll go make some hot chocolate for everyone. i think we need it." Steve admitted, stepping out to check on Loki and Tony, and then Nat and Pepper.

Loki smiled a little as he snuggled into Tony, closing his eyes. "i love you Tony." he mumbled softly. "your right, Thor will be here soon. i think he's showing Jane around Asgard." he admitted. "i do have a life here. i like it here." he admitted. honestly though, anyone would feel upset if they could never go home ever again. even Tony, if he found himself unable to ever set foot in New York again would be highly upset.
Brii shifted, pressing her face into clint’s shoulder, sighing quietly as she looked up at steve, “he likes taking care of people.”She giggled a little snuggling into clint even as she listened to natasha and pepper settling in to watching over them all, the two women being overly protective.

Tony swallowed hard, shuddering a little, “Loki?You remember that water?Like the apples?”He said because while he wasn’t able to say I love you, he could do this, he was in love, no matter what he said or didn’t. “I know. But it’s okay to be upset about not going back...but you have a home here to.”he muttered wincing at the thundercrack that echoed through the house.”Fairly certain thor and jane are here...”
Clint smiled. "he really does." he agreed. "you know he's going to go check on the others." he admitted with a smile. "he's such a mother hen." he admitted with a smile as he watched Pepper and Natasha settle into the room, tightening his wings, keeping them from seeing, and thus bothering Brii.

Loki blinked a little. "the Life Water, yes i remember it." he admitted, blinking at Tony. "...thanks Tony." he murmured with a smile as he gave the other a kiss. "i do have a home here." he agreed, looking up as Thor returned, bringing Jane with him, smiling as the man and woman came in, Thor tensing as he saw Loki sitting in Tony's lap. "Falblindi has taken the Throne." Loki explained to Thor who paled. "Helblindi...?" "he's here." Loki promised the man. "he's hurt, but he's safe and not in any danger." Thor nodded, calming. he wasn't sure how Loki would have recovered if he had lost every member of his family. "i will gather the Warriors." Thor promised. "Jotunhiemr has not fallen yet."
“I know It’s adorable.”She smiled softly as she snuggled against him, giggling quietly as the man settled his wings around her more.”He’s not the only one being a mother hen.”She muttered pressing a kiss to his shoulder.

“Well...I want some.”Tony muttered flushing a little as he said it, because loki had left the decision in his hands, and well, he didn’t want loki to worry about ever losing anyone, especially him. So he could show his love like this. Kissing him back he smiled, glancing up at thor, wrapping his arms around loki tighter, protective even if he didn’t have to protect him from thor. “He’s recovering.”Tony reassured swallowing hard, tilting his head. “Talk to Brii. She’ll want to go with you.”He said to the thunder god, knowing steve and clint would probably talk her out of it, but knowing brii would never forgive them if she wasn’t even asked.
he smiled a little. "i have an excuse. i'm a bird." he teased as he nuzzled the top of her head before looking up as Thor came in. "I am going back to Asgard to gather the armies." he admitted. "we will try to reclaim the Jotun throne." he admitted, Clint growling deep in his throat as he opened his wings. "you should wait a few weeks, then the rest of the Avengers can go with you." "i don't know that we have that long, Freind Clint."

Loki twitched, surprised as he blinked at Tony. "are you sure?" he asked softly. "it won't change anything, you know that right? i will love you no matter what, human or Jotun, mortal or immortal. it is truly your decision." he promised, wanting to make sure Tony was making the decision that was right for him. Thor nodded as he was told to take Brii with him.
“Hm, you are a bird.”She muttered before pushing away from clint, nodding a little. “We can’t wait.”She said swallowing hard, tilting her head towards Clint before looking at Thor. “The longer we wait, the longer he has time to settle into being king. We better go.”she said already getting ready to go, barely aware as she changed her clothes from earth clothes to asgardian battle armor.

“I-yes.I am.”Tony blushed a little cupping the other’s hand in his, absently stroking his thumb over his knuckles. “I wont leave you alone, loki. And without it, I’m still mortal. I wont do that to either of us.I can’t stand the thought of you being alone, of not having me.”Tony sighed quietly.
he grimaced a little and then. "fine. but Steve and i are going with you. Loki is ours to protect too." he admitted, fluttering his wings. "whether we go with you, or you stay here. either way, you're not going anywhere without us." he ordered, his eyes narrowed a little, well aware she was going to argue with him. Thor just covered his mouth with hi hand so neither of them would see him laughing at them.

Loki looked so stunned at Tony, mouth open a little as he stared at the other with wide eyes. it almost looked more like Tony had asked loki to marry him. "...God Tony..." Loki choked, swallowing hard. "and people think you're incapable of expressing your feelings." he scoffed, kissing the other hard before urging Tony to his feet. "come on. we'll go get it right now." he agreed. "i have to warn you. once you drink the water, there will be side effects. the most notable being that you will be able to Feel the Lady Mother." he admitted with a smile before he hesitated. "also there is a small chance that you might turn blue and grow horns..."
“What?No.You’re not going to jotunhiem.You wont survive.I will.”Brii said getting ready to set her heels down at it, before shaking her head.”No. I wont take you with me, and I have to go. I mean, I can catch water on fire, a distinct talent for fighting in jotunhiem.”She twitched before slanting a glare towards thor, knowing he was laughing.

“’re staring at me...”he muttered before twitching, flushing as he kissed him back. “I am incapable of it you know.As anyone.”he mtutered before letting himself be pulled to his feet, pausing as the considered that.”does that mean I could go to jotunhiem?”Tony said his mind already turning over the idea of going, of using the suit. Definitely not something loki’s brother would have faced before before shrugging. “If that happens, I’ll be the world’s best look smurf. Don’t look so worried.”he teased a little refusing to be worried about it
Clint's eyes narrowed at her. "then you won't go." he growled, ignoring the fact that he was still mostly human. he'd never survive more than a minute or two on the surface of the planet before being frozen solid. "you can't go if i can't be there with you..." Clint stated, taking her hand. "being mates, means never leaving another mate behind. being mates means we stay together and watch each others backs, and i can't watch your back when your in Jotunhiem. besides, who would protect Loki? none of us know how to fight a Jotun."

Loki smiled a little. "you'll just have to trust me when i tell you that it was very romantic, what you just said." he admitted with a smile relaxing as he realized Tony was alright with what might happen. "no, unfortunately once you drink the water, you would be affected by the rot that is spreading." Loki admitted with a sigh. "you might not be affected, but with Falblindi on the throne, any Jotun still in Jotunhiemr will soon be affected, and they will rot in darkness." he admitted with a sigh as he shook his head. "until the one who is properly connected to the land, takes the throne, Jotunhiemr will be mired in misery, rage, and darkness." he admitted. "it could take years to heal what has been destroyed in weeks." he admitted. "but i will see Jotunhiemr alight once more. even if it takes me the rest of existence."
Brii glared at him, “You wouldn’t survive going. I wont let you go.”She said her hand fisting in his, looking frustrated before swallowing hard. “You’ll have steve here. Let me go there, and take care of jotunhiem. The sooner he’s off the throne, the sooner things will be corrected.”Brii said though it was obvious she was starting to weaken and give in.

“...well. Okay then.”Tony said looking bemused before frowning, “Damn. I was hoping I could use a thruster on your brother’s face. That would be epic.”He snickered a little before sighing, wrapping a arm around the other’s shoulders, pressing a kiss to his head.”I’ll help you.”He muttered,”, do you think Brii will actually convince the boys to let her go?”
Clint stared at her. "and i won't survive if you leave me here." he whispered. "you'll die there if i don't go with you." he whispered, swallowing thickly. "please, leave the fighting in Jotunhiemr to Thor's warriors and help us here. you think Loki will calm down if he thinks you're up there risking life and limb for him? you think i'll be able to calm down if you leave me here, alone and with no way to tell if your safe or dying? please don't ask me to do that. it's cruelty beyond what you are capable of."

Loki nodded. "yeah me too." he admitted with a sigh. "i might be able to set foot on the planet, my connection to the earth may protect me. on the other hand, my connection to the earth could just exasperate the Rot." he admitted. "thank you Tony." he murmured, smiling at Tony. "you are already helping me. just by holding me when i need it." he admitted as he settled in front of his trunk, looking up at Tony. "Clint would tie her down before he let her go up there alone." he admitted with a smile before he reached down and pulled out a crystal container. well, it looked like crystal, but from the way mist was seeping off of it, it almost looked more like ice. and it was ice, inside the bowl made from ice was water so blue, it was almost opaque. "This is the Life water." he explained. "the Well that fed the Life Tree, and gave it the strength to give birth to the Jotun." Loki explained as he settled onto his knees and uttered a soft prayer to his Goddess before he stood and held the bowl to Tony's lips. "Take one swallow, let the Life flow through you, and be one with the Mother." he whispered, tipping it just enough so that Tony could get a swallow. it was like swallowing water off a glacier. the water was sweet and soothing despite it being so cold it would have given a person frostbite had it been normal water.
Brii swallowed hard before slumping nodding a little."I'll ...I'll stay."she slumped leaning into him,fingers sliding through the feathers closest to her hands, taking comfort in holding him.even if she thought she should go,she couldn't leave him.

"Well,I'll try and do more of that.and whatever else you need."tony muttered before his eyes widened at the sight of the water,swallowing eyes widening even more as he tasted the water.and while he got it down he shivered."cold.."he muttered and it was,though not as cold if it'd been simple regular water.
he nearly sagged in relief, holding her tight. "thank you." he whispered, shuddering as he felt her carding her fingers through his feathers, crooning at her as he nuzzled the top of her head. "i love you." he whispered. "you are my mate... mine forever. just as i am always yours." he murmurer. "shared only with Steve."

Loki smiled a little as he watched Tony. "i know you will. and later, when you recover, perhaps you could give me some nice sex?" he offered with a smile as he watched Tony swallow the water. "i am unsure if you will have any aches or pains." he admitted. "but i wouldn't think so." he admitted as he took Tony's hand and kissed his knuckles. "how do you feel?" he asked, curious as he watched Tony. nothing seamed to be happening physically but he could feel Tony's genetic makeup changing, allowing him to feel... something, strange. something, that was like a little bubble that was nothing but happiness and joy, delight and affection. motherly love, as if someone was welcoming home after a very long time away. "Do you feel her? The Mother? she is welcoming you." Loki admitted with a smile.
Brii sighed softly, shifting, wrapping her arms around him tightly, closing her eyes.”Love you to.And you are mine, and steve’s....we should go find our mother hen.”She muttered sounding slightly worried, to nervous about the fall of jotunhiem to be easy with the boys out of her sight.

“Ohhhh I’m sure I can handle some nice...or not so’m thinking very,very naughty.”He smirked looking at the other frowning, “It’s just cold.”he muttered shivering a little.”Chilled, like I’ve touched my hands to ice, but not...exactly horrible either.”He said before startling, eyes widening,”Is-is that what that is?I’ve not felt anything like that since my mother died.”He said his eyes wide and surprised.
Clint smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "yeah. i don't want anyone to be alone, not when so much has happened." he mutterted, anxiously heading for the kitchen and when Steve wasn't there, to Helblindi's room, where Steve was. soothing Clint's concern. he was glad to see Helblindi was sitting up with the help of pillows and was sipping at Hot cocoa while Pepper explained to him what Chocolate was.

Loki chuckled a little. "dirty sex is nice too." he agreed with a chuckle as he wrapped an arm around Tony. "you'll get used to the chill. it shouldn't take long." he promised. "a Jotun likes to be cold. being hot is highly unpleasant." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "She is Mother to us all." he explained softly. "she might not have created you, or birthed you, but you are one of hers, and she will protect and sooth you." he promised, kissing Tony gently. "come now. let's go have kinky sex." he suggested, chuckling as the warm feelings in Tony flashed to amusement and adoration before fading until there was only the sensation that there was someone Tony loved very much within calling distance. "anytime you need reassurance or comfort, She will come." Loki explained with a smile. "if she favors you, she even sends warnings, or simply pops in from time to time to spend time with you. she's very good about privacy though." he promised Tony.
“Me either.Sorry about trying to go alone.”She muttered nuzzling him anxiously before relaxing, when they found steve, swallowing hard. “Blini?How are you feeling?”She said stepping into the room, her hand wrapped tightly around clint’s.”It’s just a drink. And sometimes a food, and it’s just-Hey you two.”Pepper paused in her explanation, looking up at the two anxious people, tilting her head a little looking worried for them to.

“It’s not bad.”Tony agreed as his body settled into enjoying the cool, this was going to be so cool in the suit.he’d never have to worry about the heat again. Flushing slightly as he ducked his head, rubbing a hand over his chest, as if reassuring himself he was still real, and that this was indeed happening, kissing loki back.”...I can get behind kinky sex.”He snickered before laughing quietly at the feeling, it was a weird sensation but cool to. “...So she’s sorta like a goddess version of know, its a good thing I’m already used to him.”he snickered a little as he nudged the other towards their bedroom, barely kicking the door shut before pressing him into it.
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