Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

Loki smirked a little. "what if i want to be freinds with her?" he asked curiously with a grin. "it's not like you wouldn't do the same thing if you had blackmail material." he pointed out with a snicker as Steve smiled at Pepper. "two hours?..." Loki asked, counting on his fingers for a moment. "Hours don't translate well into Jotun Time." mostly because they didn't have a set 'Time' they had 'moonrise' and 'moonset' and that was about all they cared about really. "of course i'm worth it. i'm the only person in the Nine Realms who is pretty as he is." Loki stated smugly. "and as smart. and as horny." "slutty you mean." "i don't know that word..." Loki admitted, looking confused. "it's an insult." "then i am highly insulted." Loki agreed easily making Steve snort. "i'm going to lay down for an hour." Loki decided. "i don't want to get tired at this thing and i'm not feeling completely better yet." he kissed Tony's temple, not wanting to give him a kiss kiss in front of his Ex. "wake me up at least ten minutes before we leave so i can get ready properly." he ordered as he headed for a bedroom.
“I-uh....okay...”Tony said staring between them, trying to decide how he got into these things. “don’t worry. I’ll come get you when its time to go.”Tony said before snickering, shaking his head at steve’s insult, “You’re not supposed to be insulting, Rogers. What happened to the virtuous wholesome pickpocket?”He teased snickering a little watching loki go.

When it was time to go tony smiled as he walked into the bedroom, gently shaking loki awake.”Loki?Time to get ready.”he said before walking into his closet to get his own dress clothes, settling on a good pair of jeans, a form fitting dark blue dress shirt and good shoes. Looking both dressy but casual, comfortable.
Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "don't worry so much Tony. i won't corrupt her." he promised with a giggle as he headed off. "Tony, the only person who thinks i was ever 'virtuous' was you." Steve admitted with a smirk. "even Clint knew i was a street punk as a kid. hell even Pepper knew." he pointed out. "by the way, do you want your wallet back? i had to...borrow it." Steve teased with a smirk.

Loki groaned as he was shaken awake and sat up, rubbing his eyes before he yawned and stood up, his appearance altering as he did so. his human form settling into place as leather pants slid into place and a silk green button up shirt settled over his shoulders which was covered by a leather jacket. he looked as if he was as rich as Tony when he dressed like that. "so who all is going?" Loki asked curiously.
“’m more worried about her corrupting you.” “Don’t worry so Tony.That happened a long time ago.”Pepper snickered shaking her head.”I did, but it’s so amusing to watch Tony be shocked at something.” “.....Why do you have my wallet?And yes, I want it back.”Tony said holding out a hand, rolling his eyes a little.

Tony swallowed hard, looking the other over, considering just staying home instead of going out.”Brii and Steve, maybe clint, they were trying to convince him to go out with his wings.”Tony said because he knew the man was worried about people being grabby when out. “Natasha and pepper, they’ve decided we all-meaning me- need a babysitter while going out in public. Apparently I can’t be trusted to not scar the college kids minds.”He snickered as he headed out of the room.
Loki snickered a little. "don't worry, i won't let her corrupt me." he promised with a smile. "it really is funny. and i needed the money card inside." Steve admitted. "i had to buy something on the internet. Jarvis said it wasn't a scam." Steve promised. "and no you can't know what it is." he admitted as he plopped the wallet back into Tony's hand. "also, i've figured out how to text... i think."

Loki chuckled a little as he watched the other. "i know i'm sexy Tony, i promise you can fuck me later." he promised, pulling the other into a kiss. "but i really do want to see a human place of learning. Thor claims that they have entire buildings just for books!" he admitted. "i love books." he admitted, going a little glossy eyed at the idea of so many pages of learning he could have access to. "well. i suppose Natasha wants to keep an eye on me too. she's a bit of a mother Roc. she really is." he admitted with a huff. "
“...Hey!Wait. That’s not fair. I should get to know what my money’s being spent on.”Tony sulked, making a face as he tucked his wallet back in his pocket. Protesting the not knowing, everyone in the world knew that he didn’t mind spending his money, or letting the others use it, on them. Hell, they usually got annoyed with just how much money he gave them. “really?Good.”Tony snickered amused at the idea of captain texting.

“Good. Maybe at the place of learning.”Tony smirked kissing him before laughing, wrapping his arms around the other, pressing against him.”hm, maybe I’l fuck you in that entire building of books.Would you like that?”He purred a little before laughing. “Yes, she is. Though I wouldn’t say that to her face.”He snickered as they headed out towards the car, amused to see all three of their resident threesome climbing into one of the sports cars. Well, at least clint was going to get to see Brii go a little insane over a new place, if she was anything like how loki was reacting. Smiling as they all piled into the cars, taking three, as none of the sports cars were big enough for all of them.
Steve smirked a little and shook his head. "you don't get to know." he stated simply. "in fact, you don't want to know." he admitted with a snicker.

Loki smiled a little before he paused, a light blush coating his cheeks. "...we can do that?" he asked, looking utterly aroused. "have sex near books i mean? in Jotun books are very rare. we can't make paper you see, and the skins of animals are saved for bedding, so we don't have parchment either." he admitted, licking his lips. "they are very heavily guarded." he admitted as he wriggled, super excited to see so many books. on Asgard, books where a lot more common, though still not as plentiful as on Midgard. "of course you don't want to say that to her face. she'll hit you." he pointed out with a grin as he hopped into the same car as Tony, Clint muttering under his breath. nervous but going anyway. "that is a very impressive place for learning." Loki admitted, staring wide eyed at one of the buildings. not realizing that all of the buildings around them was for learning. "yes, Humans are far superior in the art of sharing their knowladge." he admitted with a nod.
“Hm, well we’re not supposed to, but I can totally do that.”Tony grinned looking at his lover, smirking. “Ah. I see. Well, we have plenty of books for you here.”He promised looking amused that the other was so excited.”She would.”He agreed as they got to the college. “It is. It’s one of the biggest in the country. Come on.”Tony said nodding towards the building across from them.”I have to go visit with the students before we go exploring.”he glanced at the others.”Are you guys coming to watch, or going to explore and we'll find you after?"
Loki blinked a little. "if your not supposed to, you should do it." Loki pointed out, looking amused. "i know. your Book Room is particularly impressive." he admitted. "i was hoping to borrow some maybe?" he asked hopefully. "i assure you, i will be most careful with them." he promised before he looked amazed by the biggest collage in the country. "i'm going with you." he was hoping people would be paying too much attention to Tony to realize he had real life working wings. "i'm going with you as well. i desire to see what the students are learning." Loki agreed with a smile. that and he didn't like the idea of being anywhere without Tony.
“Good. We’ll have to sneak away from pepper.”Tony said snickering as the women waved them off, pepper and natasha disappearing towards the cafeteria, deciding that they could be responsible enough to do this by themselves.”Of course. We’ll get you some. And there’s a library at the house to, if you want to look at books there to.”He said smiling a little as tehy headed inside, wincing at the sudden silence as the other’s realized he was there. Looking at the students for a long moment, before starting to talk, and within moments in front of the engineering class, the man was doing waht he did best, talk. “He is fairly impressive like this.”Brii muttered having not realized just how patient tony could be about explaining things when people asked him about stuff, and within minutes the whole class was hanging on his every word.
Loki grinned a little. "i can make her go away?" he offered with a giggle. "i'll scare her with a caterpillar." he promised, snickering as he followed Tony. "i would like a library. is it true you have books here that are only for fun? they serve no educational purposes?" he asked, looking amazed and curious. "Steve talked about this book called 'The Hobbit'. he thought i was crazy when i asked him which science it covered, or if it was a definitive guide to... whatever a Hobbit is." he admitted before blinking at the sudden silence, wondering if he needed to hide. nope, they where all just awestruck. "he is impressive always. you are just not wise enough to see it." Loki admitted with a snicker. "he's an amazing teacher. i bet he would love to do this more often. he just doesn't realize it yet. now hush, i'm trying to listen." he ordered as Tony continued his explanation.
“Nah, wouldn’t work. Pepper likes nature.”he said sulking a little making a face. “Yes it is. Paper’s not a rarity here, we write simply to entertain ourselves......”Tony stared at him, before realizing it wasn’t his fault he had no idea what the hobbit was. “I’ll have to get the book for you.”He smiled a little. “...I’m always wise.”Brii muttered rolling her eyes a little, snickering. “You tell him that.”she muttered amused because it really did look like tony was enjoying teaching. And by the time the lecture was over, tony looked as happy as she’d ever seen him, loud and animated as he dismissed the class before making his way over to them. “Come on. Library time.”
Loki smiled a little. "amazing. it really is." he admitted, nodding a little. "i would like to read it." he agreed. "i will." he agreed with Brii. smiling. "you looked like you had a lot of fun. i learned so much! you should do this more often." Loki admitted, beaming at Tony before eagerly wiggling in place. "yes! the place of Books!" he agreed, taking Tony's hand. "come on Tony! i want to see it!" he ordered looking at his lover with those big green eyes. "and maybe, if you're very good, i'll let you sit at one of the tables and pretend to be reading while i suck your cock."
“Uh, no. That would involve dealing with people, nope, not happening.”Tony made a face at that, snickering as loki wiggled, shaking his head. “Lets go then. And I’m always good.”he pointed out as he walked across the road way with the others. Snickering at the utter look of awe on both loki and brii’s face as tehy looked at the state’s largest library. It was fairly amazing and sad that they were this amazed by it.
Loki smiled. "you loved doing that, admit it." Loki ordered with a chuckle. "they where so amazed by your intelligence. and they where so excited to learn from you. i think a couple of them fell in love with you." he admitted with a grin before he gasped in amazement at all the books, his eyes wide. "oh my gosh." Loki whispered. "May the Holy River flow never ending. this is amazing! look at all the books!" he breathed, stroking a spline. "are they all educational?" he asked. "most of them." Clint admitted, having followed along. "there's a section up top for fun books, but most of them are for the things the students learn here." he admitted. "i'm going to take Brii and Steve up top. try not to get arrested." he ordered tony with a smirk as he ushered Steve and Brii upstairs so they could explore, Loki looking at Tony with awestruck eyes. "it's amazing. so much knowladge in one place. simply remarkable..." he whispered, swallowing thickly. "i'm so turned on right now."
“I did not. Though it was kind of awesome to see them fall in love with me.”He grinned before snickering at loki’s reaction,wrapping a arm around his shoulders, nodding.”Mostly.”He muttered pressing a kiss to loki’s hair before making a face at clint. “Same to you.I don’t need you three getting arrested either.”He pointed out watching them go, before pressing closer to loki.”Good. Now go find a quiet corner for us, with all the books you want.”he teased.

“I...I don’t know what to think. There’s so many books!Not even asgard has this many.”Brii said looking around her with wide eyes.
Loki chuckled a little as he snuggled into Tony, humming happily as he watched the three lovers head off as he smirked at Tony. "yes." he growled in agreement, finding a dusty corner in a darker area and sank to his knees, nuzzling Tony as he struggled to contain himself. he couldn't make a noise, humans looked down on public sex. he worked Tony free of his pants and slowly pulled his cock out and started to lick every inch of it.

Clint smiled a little. "you should see the New York Public Library systems." he admitted. "i'll take you tomorrow. you can actually check out books and take them home. you have to give them back of course, but so long as you don't go past the overdue date, it's completely free." he admitted with a smile. "and Tony has a ton of books too that he'll let you play with." he promised with a chuckle.
Tony groaned as he shifted, closing his eyes as he reached out above loki, leaning over him, bracing himself against the bookshelves as he rocked his hips a little.”You like this don’t you, being able to suck my cock, surrounded by all these books. You’re just a little word slut...”Tony muttered teasing him a little.

Brii’s eyes widened turning to look at him.”What?Really?You can take books home?”She said looking amazed because even if books had been more on asgard then jotunhiem, you still weren’t allowed taking them out of the royal library, and that was a amazing thought that the humans would let you. Smirking at clint she smiled, hugging him tightly, to over wehelmed with the suddene emotions of knowing this world had more for her then asgard ever did, that she couldn’t speak. Tugging steve over, wrapping her arms around him, snuggling close.
Loki moaned as he heard Tony speak, his eyes flicking up to Tony's face as he sucked all the harder, panting through his nose as he slowly took Tony deeper and deeper into his mouth, running his tongue along the flesh as he took him right to the root, swallowing around the length with a pleased little smirk. quite proud of himself for taking on such a large object,

he smiled. "yes you can. not from this library, this library is for student's only." he admitted. "the public libraries are for everyone though." he admitted with a smile. "we often have many, many hundred copies of the same book, so letting another person borrow it, it's that big of a deal." he admitted with a smile. "you can take some down and look over them if you like?" he offered, indicating the rows of books. "Loki and Tony are probobly going to be a while." he admitted with a chuckle.
Tony groaned shuddering as he looked down at the man at his feet, shifting a little, trying to decide what he wanted, before giving in, closing his eyes as he cupped the other’s jaw, fingers bruisingly tight as he thrust into his mouth, though careful not to choke him, groaning as he came with a sigh.

Brii’s eyes were wide with wonder, before pulling away, twisting to look around her as she considered the books. “probably.”she snickered a little before starting to look over the books, and soon enough she was moving from shelf to shelf, pulling down every book simply to look through it, the shocked amazed wonder in her features so amusing.
Loki moaned eagerly as he suckled on the others cock, choking slightly as he was thrust into, moaning eagerly as he swallowed down the thick cum, pulling away once Tony was done and smirked at him, licking his lips. "how was that?" he asked with a smirk, palming his own hard cock.

Steve and Clint smiled as they followed her, Steve pulling down a book and settled at a table to entertain himself while Clint hovered over Brii, making sure no one messed with her. distracted as Loki was, he probobly would feel the sudden pulse of transportation magic out in the middle of the 'park' in front of the large library they where in. a person suddenly appearing, leaning against a tree and looking close to dead. like he had gotten mugged right there and the muggers had simply left him there to die. being that it was rather dark out, and there where fireflies all over, it wasn't unlikely that he might have been attacked for money. he did look very rich, wearing fancy clothing and the like. Brii would recognize him immidiatly if she saw him, no matter that he looked completely human. Helblindi, Loki's brother. the good one. if he was there on earth, then that meant Jotun had fallen, and Falblindi had claimed the throne. Jotunheimr had fallen, and the Currupted Jotun would probobly be coming to earth next to force humans to kneel and hand over Loki and Helblindi.
Tony shuddered as he looked down at the other, blinking slowly. “That was awesome.I’m bending you over the table in my library at home.”He muttered shuddering as he watched the other palm himself, drawing the other up, kissing him hard, slipping a leg between loki’;s thighs, pressing against him.

Brii smiled amused that clint was following her, “You can stop hovering you know.”She teased before pausing, tilting her head as she felt the sudden wash of magic, “Stay.”She ordered even as she teleported herself to the front of the library ready to defend loki and the other’s as she summoned fire to her hands, lookin garound for the attacker, sure it was someone coming after loki before pausing, staring at the man in front of her, before rushing over, though she kept the fire close.”helblindi?”She asked anxiety twisting her features.
Loki smirked a little. "why wait? we could do it here and now." he teased, flicking his fingers. "i put up a barrier so people can't hear or see us." he admitted with a smirk, moaning as he felt Tony's leg against his cock, thrusting into it, moaning quite happily.

Clint shook his head. "can't." he complained. "dunno why.." they where in public the first time and he was unsure of her fighting abilities, he knew Steve could kickass, but Clint didn't know if she was able to defend herself as well. "what?!" Clint demanded, outraged that she was running off. Helblindi looked up at her, looking so relieved to see her. "Brii. Thank the ever flowing River." Helblindi muttered, coughing as he tried, and failed to sit up better. "i was trying to get to Thor." he admitted with another cough. "but i was thinking about making sure Loki was safe, i must have gotten the locations crossed." he muttered. "Falblindi has taken the Throne... Jotunhiemr has fallen..."
“ I could do that.”Tony smirked groaning as the other thrust against him, hands wrapping around the other’s hips, shoving him around, pushing him up against the bookcase as he undid his pants, tugging them down, rubbing his newly hard cock against the other’s ass, groaning.

“Ah, okay.”Brii shrugged a little bemused at the following, reacting to the presence of magic simply by needing to protect her boys, which meant going by herself, to anxious and worried about what was happening to consider taking them with her.”Heliblindi.”She smiled strained, keeping the fire simply to light up the area a little, crouching down to look him over, channeling just enough magic to heal him some, it wasn’t her best talent, but she was still keeping him from dying. “Thor’s back at the house. Loki’s inside. Hold on, I’ll get the others.Trust me, Hel. They will help.”She said looking pale and shaken at the idea of jotunhiem falling, even as she reached for her cell phone, dialing clint, knowing he was going to be pissed, but needing him to much to ignore the fight she’d be facing later.
this is Helblindi by the way. and this is what he looks like as a Jotun.))

Loki moaned eagerly as he was pressed against all those wonderful books, shuddering a little. "f... fuck." he moaned, rubbing back as he struggled with the clasp on his pants before groaning as Clint yelled down at them to 'knock it off, Brii needed help.' "fuck! she so owes me." Loki growled as he shook his head. "come on Tony. we better go see what's wrong, Clint sounded a bit worried."

Helblindi smiled back. "i'm in a bit of a shape, i know." he muttered. "i'll be fine. i just need to rest." he muttered, closing his eyes as he felt the pain easing a little. "thanks." he muttered. "shit..." he muttered. "where are we then? i figured i'd best look human if i was going to be with humans... so." he shrugged and rested while she made the call. he wasn't sure what that thing in her hand was, but he was too hurt, and too tired to care. "Helblindi!!!" Loki shrieked, horrified as he realized who was laying in the grass. "you look like shit..." Loki stated as he carefully stroked his brothers hair out of his face. "are you okay?" "it hurts a bit. i was trying to get to Thor." he admitted. "i'll carry him." Steve offered. "has someone gotten the girls? Nat and Pep are probobly still inside, we can't leave without them."
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