Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

"wont." Clint grumbled, simply to be contradictory before he smiled. "that would be great, yeah. all kinds of fun." he agreed as he carefully tucked his wings tight to his back so they wouldn't get in the way. "maybe somewhere with a lake. i think he has a property in Wisconsin that has it's own lake. or maybe it was in Tennessee?" he muttered, shaking his head. "it was some sort of state." Steve had to chuckle at that and he shook his head as he led Clint into the massive shower so they could hopefully help him wash his wings. apparently he didn't like the idea of soap on his feathers though, which wasn't surprising, birds didn't wash the same way humans did.

Loki chuckled a little. "i suppose he's struggling with his instincts too." he mused. "has he threatened anyone yet?" Loki asked with a smile as he nodded. "if he had a meltdown, Steve probobly fixed it." he admitted with a sigh. "Brii would have been too upset to be much help." he admitted. "i don't think there is anything that can save Jotunhiemr now." he admitted softly. "i think your the only reason why i'm still sane." he admitted softly. "i don't know how i'd be if it wasn't for you." he admitted, offering the other a small smile. "Tony... i love you."
“It would be amazing fun. I’ve not been to earth since before america was a country, so it would be nice to see it again.”She said smiling before grinning, “Where ever it is, it has a lake. We’ll ask him after he talks to loki.”She said looking worried before stepping into the massive shower, swallowing hard. “Hold on. I might be able to help with this. I can keep the soap and water off.”She said raising her hands, smiling slightly as the water touched the wings, and steamed. Fire keeping the feathers dry without actually harming them.

“Of course. And I got threatened for flirting. Everyone’s been warned off of flirting with Capsicle and Brii.”he smiled a little before wincing. “Probably. She was already worrying about what he’d do with the apple and handle things, hopefully it was okay though.”She smiled a little before sighing. “Well, if there is, we’ll do it.”he muttered, hugging him tightly, “Well, I know you make me more sane, then I usually am.”He muttered before tensing, pressing his forehead against the other’s shoulder, every line in his body speaking of panic. While the man had known it, even felt love back for the other, he was utterly incapable of actually saying it.
they looked quite startled by that. it was so easy to forget that America hadn't always been populated by, well, Americans. it was so easy to forget that there hadn't been an America until the late seventeen hundreds really. in fact, before Columbus landed on Plymouth Rock, all of America was the home turf of the Natives. the English just came in and took the land over. "yes. it has a lake. i would like a lake." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "i'm not worried about my wings getting wet. they're mostly waterproof. water won't hurt them, but the soap..." the soap would strip off the protective oils on the feathers. "oh! that's perfect! i can soap up, and then i can run the water over the wings." he chirped, delighted as he kissed her and finished getting clean before he turned his attentions on her and ran shampoo through her hair, grooming her. grooming was important to Hawk mates, as was nest building, but they had an established nest already, so there was little need to worry about that at least.

Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "he'll calm down." Loki promised with a smile. "and she will be fine. she has Steve." Loki promised with a smile. "hey.. shh, it's alright." Loki whispered softly, stroking Tony's cheek. "i know you can't say it." he admitted with a smile. "you don't have to. every action you have, shows me how much you love me." he admitted. "i know it in every fiber of my being. i don't need silly things like words, to know how much you love me." he promised Tony. "but i don't know how well i can show that same love, so i thought i better tell you." he admitted with a smile. "i do love you. all of you. even the parts you think are bad."
“We’ll see if there’s a soap that’s a little less worse for them then what we have now...more natural things...but for now, I can do this.”Brii smiled grinning as she was kissed, smiling as she settled in to let him groom her, smiling quietly as she let him. “Are you going to be doing this to Steve to, or am I special?”She teased a little, wondering if the hawk recognized her as the weaker of the three, despite being asgardian, phyiscally she was the weaker one, which usually led others-mostly thor and loki- to fuss over her something fierce. She just knew she wasn’t going to get out of it...if anything, clint and steve were going to fuss over her even more then those two.

Tony swallowed hard, leaning his head into loki’s touch closing his eyes, as he struggled to relax. “...Well. Okay.”he muttered, because it was so hard for him know that he couldn’t tell loki, even if he felt it. “I’ve been told I’m emotionally stupid, so even if you were amazing at showing it, I probably wouldn’t see it.”Tony muttered making a face but not protesting that loki could love all of him, even the parts that he hated.
Clint smiled a little. "i shouldn't need soap for my wings." he admitted. "birds in the wild don't use soap after all." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Steve's not in the Shower." he stated simply. and indeed he wasn't. he was in front of the sink, shaving. and not just his face. he was shaving his chest, and his armpits. he didn't like to be hairy, which was extremely feminine of him, especially in the 40's, but no one had ever really thought about it since Steve never shaved in front of anyone. Steve was pretty obsessive about his personal grooming though, so was it any surprise? "just be glad i'm not trying to feed you." he teased as he started scrubbing her back with his hands, smoothing the soap over her again and again simply for an excuse to touch her all he wanted.

Loki smiled a little. "you have led a hard life Tony." Loki admitted. "and commitment comes hard to those who have been betrayed." he admitted. "and you're not emotionally stupid, you just weren't taught how to express your emotions properly." he pointed out with a smile. "besides, i doubt you'd like the Jotun way of expressing affection very much." he admitted with a chuckle. "we tend to decapitate dangerous beasts and present their heads to the subject of out affections." he admitted with a grin as he kissed Tony. "come sleep with me? i ache all over." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "will you do that thing? when you rub your hands across my back?" stroking. Loki loved it when tony stroked him.
“They do, but you’re not a bird. I dunno, it seems weird to not wash them,even if I know its not good.”brii said shrugging a little, sighing quietly. Before laughing a little at his logic. “No he isn’t.”She looked amused amused that steve was shaving everything, not used to guys shaving everything, but it was amusing and interesting to. “Hm, I’m sure you’ll try to feed me sometime. I’ll just be happy if you don’t bring me dead things like birds and such, like a cat would.”She teased a little.

Tony shuddered a little resting his head against the other’s, smiling slightly.”I’m committed to you.I’ll do anything you need.”Tony muttered the closest he could come to actually say it before laughing quietly. “...Well, I was, but I doubt you’d apperciate me throwing a bottle at you like my old man did to express his love.”Tony snickered, making fun of his father, because it was the only way he could cope with the trauma of his childhood. Before pausing, shuddering a little.”Just like a cat, a really, really creepy cat....I think I can pass.”Tony snickered before nodding, nudging the other to lay down.”Yea. Lay down.”He ordered settling down next to him, stroking his back in long soothing strokes.

“tony?Do you have a house we could use?Go on vacation, I mean.”Brii said as they walked into the room later, smiling quietly as she watched the two watching movies. “Yea. There’s a few. Any preferences?”Tony said tilting his head back to look at clint, brii, and steve, even though he was looking at them all, it was clint’s wings that fascinated him the most, enough of a engineer to be utterly fascinated with their design.
he shook his head. "the feathers will stay mostly clean through grooming and preening." he admitted, flexing his wings a little. "i'm not sure how i know that, but i do." he admitted with a sheepish smile. "it's kind of hot watching him shave." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched Steve even as he groped her ass as he pretended to bathe her. "well. i could if you wanted me to." he teased with a grin before he stepped away so she could rinse as he stated washing his wings with the water, flicking and spreading his wings, looking very much like a bird in the birdbath. it was kind of cute really until he shook himself dry and got water over nearly every single surface in the bathroom, including a dry Steve.

Loki smiled as he closed his eyes, feeling the love. "your old man was an asshole." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "i don't think that man even loved himself, let alone other people who held more worth than he did." he admitted with a shake of his head. "yes. a cat. a sexy, sexy cat." he teased with a smile before sighing as he relaxed into Tony's affection and touches. he was half asleep when Brii and Clint came in. "one with a lake in case i fall." Clint admitted. "a water landing would be much preferred than slamming into dirt or a tree." he admitted with a smirk at Tony, extending a wing. "you can touch it if you want to." he promised. "they're not so sensitive after my flight... or maybe i'm just more used to them, i dunno." he admitted. "Bruce is drooling over the scans we got." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "it's pretty hilarious. apparently Clint's entire body has changed to enhance his flight capabilities. including his lungs for high atmosphere flights." he admitted, looking amused. "so. are we all going on vacation then?" "yes." Loki mumbled. "Frost Giant demands Vacation..."
“Well, we’ll go with that then. You’ll figure it out.”She said kissing him softly, before looking over at steve, whimpering in pleasure as she was groped, nodding. “It is. Just makes me want to run my hands over him.”She muttered, not in the least worried about seeming slutty or anything, because in asgard, sex was just a fact of life, and they all had high libidos. “Hm, maybe later.”Brii said smiling as she washed off, smirking a little as she watched him wash, it was adorable to see him like that, laughing as he shook dry. “Look what you did, Hawk, you got steve all wet.”She teased smiling slightly as she got out of the shower and started drying off.

“He was.Ask steve sometimes, apparently he was always a asshole, even when steve knew him.”Tony snickered a little, because that had been a good day, to hear captain america curse a blue streak over howard’s treatment of his only son. Tony tilted his head thinking that over before smiling. “Ah, I know the perfect house.”Tony grinned pleased with the idea that he was going to be able to take care of his friend before grinning, gently touching the feathers, exploring, sliding a hand along the joints, as if he was mentally engineering how to make a set, and he was. IT would be a interesting project, just something to think over. “Oh does he?”Tony smirked a little at the sleepy loki, looking at the other’s. “Go get ready. I’ll call Pepper and get the jet ready to go.”Tony said even as he raised his phone so he could text pepper.
Clint smirked at the whimper, chuckling a little. "makes me wanna lick him all over." he agreed with a chuckle. "good. he looks hot when he's all wet." Clint admitted, snickering when Steve flushed.

"really?" Loki asked, curious. "that's right, Steve would have known your father back in World War 2... i'm not sure what that is other than a massive near planet wide fight." he admitted with a shake of his head. "good!" Clint chirped, pleased that Tony had a place where they could all go on vacation. the wings under ton's hand shivered and twitched and flexed under his fingers, reacting to the touch even if Clint didn't seam to be bothered by them in the least. in fact he was watching Steve's ass the entire time. "Loki? do you want me to pack up your Altar?" "no. thank you but i don't think you could properly contain the magical fire." Loki admitted. "i will leave the Alter here and take a small Praying bowl with me." Loki admitted. "Altars shouldn't be moved too much." he admitted with a shrug as he yawned and flicked a finger, all of the things he had unpacked, repacking itself into the trunk at the foot of the bed. "i'm packed." Loki stated, closing his ruby eyes and appeared to have every intention of napping until it was time to leave.
Tony grinned looking bemused at the wing’s reaction even if clint wasn’t bothered by it. Shaking his head as he realized what clint was watching instead.”You’re going to be as bad as me.”he teased. “So lazy.”tony teased pressing a kiss to the other’s hair watching the other’s leave.

When they got to the house, Tony smirked as he got out of the car. “Welcome to Widow’s Peak.”he said smiling as he looked at the mansion, while it was more rugged then his usual style, more in tune with the mountain side it sat on, rather then a city mansion. “Come on then. You’ll like this.”Tony said waving them in, glad that the open floor plan would allow clint to spread his wings as much as he wanted, but it was really the balcony that interested him. Overhanging the mountainside, the balcony view overlooked the lake nearly 200 feet down. “It’s beautiful Tony.”Brii said looking around her, smiling softly.
"that's a pretty morbid name." Loki teased with a grin as he looked around. it was calm, peaceful, little pollution and there was wildness everywhere. "oh i like it here." Loki admitted softly as he touched a tree, stroking the bark with a look of utter fascination on his face. "so many different kinds of plants." he muttered, running his hand through the grass. he'd never seen such greenery before. the land of Jotun was too cold for that kind of life. which was why fruit and vegetables where so rare. and even the ones that did grow, where blue, white, or other light colored, growing in hotspots where they could feed on things other than sunlight and freshwater. "this is amazing!" Steve stated, looking around, stunned by what he was seeing. a house carved directly into the mountain overhanging a brilliant lake that had Clint's wings twitching. but he didn't dare leap from the Balcony, he didn't know if his wings where strong enough yet. he'd try a small tree first, or a table and work from there. "Tony? you're the best." Clint admitted, beaming at his freind. "i'm gonna go jump in the lake!" "wait for me!" Loki ordered. he'd taken baths before of course, with Thor, but he'd never gone swimming before. he wanted to try it.
“Hm, it is. But the woman who orginally built it named it, and there’s a really morbid and long tale about how the name came about, but I don’t know it by heart.”tony snickered a little pleased that the other’s were so happy. “Yea. Better then the city. This is amazing.”Brii said slipping of her shoes, and while asgard did have plants, it wasn’t like this, so bright so green, sinking her toes into the grass she took a deep breath, feeling the nature wash over her. While it wasnt’t her natural choice for magic, so much plant life and nature, gave her another amazing source of magic. “It is fairly amazing. And no jumping off the balcony yet.”Tony warned amused as he looked at clint, before laughing. “I know.” “Why to go feeding his ego there, Clint.”Bruce teased rolling his eyes. “I’m coming to.”Brii said grinning as she changed her clothes into a swimsuit and following them down.
Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "ten bucks says the woman killed her own husband for cheating on her, and then jumped off the cliff." Clint quipped "sounds like a bad romantic tragedy." Loki agreed before he smiled at Brii. "this is amazing. i've never seen anything like this before." he admitted as he looked around. "hey, this? this deserves a bit of Ego feeding." Clint admitted as he laughed and followed the others into the water, where he discovered that he was an astonishingly good swimmer. some birds of prey where, especially the ones that hunted fish as well as rodents and snakes. which Clint somehow couldn't seam to resist watching. almost like a cat, he'd swivel around to look at it, and he'd go completely still and watch it until it vanished from sight. it was rather hilarious to watch. at one point, he noticed the fish, and started chasing them. resulting in his very first flight. twenty feet, skimming the waters surface before he crash landed in the middle of the lake. only once he was certain Clint was okay, did Steve start to laugh. Clint was practically in instinct heaven. and by the time the others where getting tired, he proudly displayed twelve gorgeous fish for Dinner. he couldn't fly far, or for very long yet, but it was enough to give him an advantage over his prey, which he scooped into his hands and tossed into th nearest hard surface head first, knocking them out, or outright killing them in an instant. "the mighty hunter." Steve muttered, grinning as he examined the fish. "does anyone know how to clean and cook these things?"
“Probably something like that. It seems appropriately morbid.”Tony snickered a little. “ME either. And I’ve been to earth before...and have spent alot of time exploring the branches of Yggdrasil.”Brii said before smirking a little at clint’s words. “Yes, I guess it does.” Tony grinned as he settled on the deck to watch them, knowing the other’s would why he wasn’t getting in, but even their curiosity wasn’t enough to make the man get in the water. Brii grinned as she swam, enjoying the water and watching clint worried. And like steve, once she made sure clint was okay, she started to laugh. “That was awesome.”she grinned before smiling as clint got the fish. Gathering them she nodded, “I do. Bring them inside. We’ll clean them in the kitchen.”She said carrying some, heading inside, shooting tony a worried look, concerned about him sitting out, as they walked in the house.
Clint preened his wings as the others finished swimming, letting them dry in the nice warm sun as he made sure each and every single feather was flat and smooth even as he tugged out loose feathers. "very awesome." Loki agreed, grinning brightly, happier than he'd been in years. "Tony? are you alright?" Loki asked, hovering behind the others so he could talk to Tony in semi-privacy. "you wouldn't get in the water... are you hurt?" he asked, looking concerned. at the promise that Tony wasn't hurt Loki calmed a great deal and he nodded. "are you afraid of the water?" he asked, his head tilted. "i'm a bit afraid of it too." he admitted with a smile. he had tried to go deeper, but being a Jotun, he was neither buoyant, nor a good swimmer. he'd gotten shoulder deep and promptly freaked out and then refused to go deeper than th waist afterwords. but he had a massive pile of brightly colored rocks and shells in his pockets that he was going to add to his altar. this had truly been a life changing moment for him. Clint bounded in from behind them, preening done and was eager to get his fair share of the food he'd caught.
“Fine.And no.”Tony said turning his head to look at the other, absently rubbing a hand over his chest, wincing at the sharp edges of the arc reactor, sighing quietly, studying the lake before nodding. “I..had a bad experience a few years back with water. Haven’t been able to swim since.”He said brushing off the water torture and the arc reactor as a simple accident, instead of the trauma it had been. “You okay?”He said studying the jotun, looking worried for him to.

“Hey!No running around.”Brii ordered as clint darted into the room, wrinkling her nose a little as she gutted the fish, feeling gross and slimy as she worked.
Loki blinked a little and watched Tony's hand, studying the Arc reactor. he'd seen it before of course, but suddenly it occurred to him that it wasn't something that most people had. "did you almost drown?" he asked curiously. "that's horrible. i can't blame you for not wanting to get into the water." he admitted. "i can give you some of my bathing oils if you like? my stuff is clearly superior to your icky human soap." he stated with a playful grin before he hesitated. " helps. being here." he admitted. "all this life and the quiet and all the nature." he admitted with a smile. "it makes the hurt less." he admitted, rubbing his chest. "i feel more Connected to things here." he admitted. "and the Pollution doesn't burn here." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "thank you for bringing me here. we can come visit again right?"

"but i like to run." Clint admitted with a grin as he settled into place and started to help. Steve had to run for the bathroom when he realized Clint was popping the hearts and livers into his mouth as he cleaned out the guts. problem was. Clint had to run there too when he realized what he was doing.
“Yea. Something like that.”Tony muttered smiling slightly at the other, shuddering a little as he considered his torture before nodding, tilting his head a little.”That would be nice. Not having to stay in the water as long, with better soap.”He said smiling at the other before looking around, “Good. I’m glad being out of the city helps...and of course. I have a lab here, only reason to really stay in the city is the others perfer city life, and the lab at the tower is the biggest. But I can live here for awhile without getting homesick.”he said not about to admit him and nature, so didn’t get along.

“I don’t care.I’m holding a knife, no running around sharp objects.”She ordered looking a little sick herself before finishing, finishing getting things ready before cleaning up and knocking on the bathroom door.”Boys?”she asked sounding worried
Loki smiled a little at Tony. "i'll make you some." he promised. "we can even make it smell like anything you want." he admitted with a nod, kissing the other. "it does help." he admitted with a smile. "i think if we could just spend a week here every year or two, that would be great." he admitted. "plus, it's good for you to get out of the city once and a while." he admitted with a grin. "and just think, you can brainstorm here without being bothered by city things." he admitted with a grin.

"....fine." Clint grumbled as he settled into place, taking off not that long after. Loki looked very amused though. "it's perfectly normal for him to eat stuff like that. what's the problem?" of course, Loki was used to eating things like that himself. well, not fish. they didn't have fish on Jotunhiemr, but a heart was a heart. he settled in to assist while he chattered to Bruce about the new wings and whether they could be replicated somehow.

"'mmmph ppppmhp." was Clint's contribution, Steve chuckling a little. "we're alright. Clint's brushing his teeth." he explained as he opened the door. "i managed to keep from getting sick, but that was really gross." "mmmppph fmmmm fumpph!" Clint complained, waving his hands, mouth full of foam with a toothbrush sticking out. "that's my toothbrush you know." Steve complained, sulking a little. "now i have to get a new one."
“Hm, alcohol smelling bath scents would be great.”Tony snickered, mostly joking, kissing him back before swallowing hard, forcing away the memories of afghanastan, before smiling. “Good. I hate to make it any harder then it already is.”He muttered before laughing. “Hm, true. Pepper can’t bother me as easily here...that is a good idea.”

“Not for humans it isn’t.He might be normal eating those for a hawk, but it’s still weird.”Tony said making a face, looking at loki, looking a little sick himself at the idea before throwing himself into the talk about replicating them whole heartedly, determined to not think about hearts.

“Ah. Good.And it was, even for me, who’s used to watching loki eat weird shit.”Brii said snickering a little as she watched clint, shaking her head at the sight, before giggling, wrapping a arm around steve’s waist to hug him. “I’ll make you one. A better one. Maybe a flame one or something, so if he uses it again, it’ll burn the germs away...though considering he’s had his tongue down your throat...I’m not sure why you don’t want him using your toothbrush.”She teased.
Loki rolled his eyes. "i am not getting you alcohol scented bathing oils. people will start thinking your a drunk." he pointed out. "who is this Pepper woman anyway?" Loki asked curiously. "i've heard about her, but i haven't met her yet." Loki admitted. "is she your Ex Wife or something?" he asked curiously. "i suppose for western populations it's a little odd." he agreed. "cultures all over the earth eat raw meat, often as delicacies." Bruce agreed. "i've eaten a lot of interesting things like that." he admitted before ginning as h chattered with Tony, sketching out designs on his pad and paper he always carried with him.

"...i'm pretty sure a flame toothbrush would hurt." he admitted with a shake of his head and a chuckle. "and it's not his germs i'm worried about, it's the fact that he had a raw heart in his teeth that he's now brushing out with MY Toothbrush." Clint just made a face at Steve and kept brushing his teeth before he finally rinsed and spit. "we'll buy you a whole pack of toothbrushes." he promised with a chuckle and a shake of his head before he picked up the mouthwash and started swishing it about as well before he was satisfied and allowed himself back to the kitchen.
“They would, but they already think that. And I am.So its okay.”Tony pointed out snickering before wincing, he so didn’t want to consider his brief-and tragic marriage- that few knew about,even the team. “She’s something.”he said dodging the question of pepper. “She’s also the CEO for my company, and is a general pain in my ass, but she does a good job.”Tony said smiling a little before shuddering, looking at Bruce. “Stop. Just stop. I know you’re doing this on purpose.I eat alot of weird shit, but that’s to much.”Tony whined looking grossed out at the idea of eating things raw, but looking overly excited as they worked on the wings.

“...probably.”Brii said looking thoughtful before wincing, shuddering a little. “ could have just said he ate something gross, you didn’t have to describe it when I knew what it was.”Brii whined looking grossed out again, before smiling slightly. “come on, dinner’s done.”she smiled as they headed back to the kitchen. “-We’ll have to have clint around if we test the wings. I mean, yes, I tested the suit without help, but having someone else around to fly and catch me if I fall would be great. I could tell pep I'm donig the responsible thing and being careful for once."he snickered a little.
Loki blinked a little. "if you where a drunk, i'd have seen you drunk by now. i haven't, so your not." Loki stated with a smile. "what's a CEO?" he asked, looking confused before dropping the subject, sensing that Tony didn't like to talk about it. "she hurts your ass?" he asked, looking stunned. "why would you let her hurt your ass?" he demanded, wondering if Tony had been in an abusive relationship or something. Loki watched as they designed the wings, and inputted his own knowladge from time to time and Bruce grinned as he showed Tony the scans he'd gotten of Clint flying and flapping, showing how aerodynamic the wings really where.

Steve smirked a little. "it's more amusing this way." he admitted with a snicker as he followed her and Clint out to the kitchen. "i won't be taking true flights for a while yet." Clint warned. "my Wing muscles aren't nearly strong enough. gliding short distances isn't hard, but to actually fly takes a lot more effort than i'm ready for yet." he admitted as Loki pondered and then glanced at Natasha, wondering if she could answer the questions he had, since asking Tony seamed to upset him.
“well,I’m better then I used to be.A recovering drunk then.”Tony said before smiling. “She’s in charge of my company, the boss. I enjoy tinkering to much to worry about paperwork.”Tony smiled before staring at the other in confusion before grinning. “I guess you guys don’t have that term. ‘Pain in the ass’ simply is a expression on earth for being...annoying. Demanding.”Tony said shrugging a little because while it hadn’t been abusive per se, their marriage hadn’t been pleasant either, for the 4 months that it lasted anyways.

“”No, no it isn’t.”Brii grumbled as she stole a kiss smiling as they settled in to eat. “That’s okay. It’s going to take me a little while to work on the wings, and test them in the lab. I wont be trying them out for awhile. I have to many other projects going on, including working on a new bow for you, birdbrain.”Tony said smiling a little not seeing loki’s curiousity, to eager to enjoy the lab time in creating wings, totally caught up in his engineering mood. Natasha tilted her head a little slightly towards Loki, wondering what he wanted to ask, finishing her food.”I think I’m going to go for a run.”Natasha said pushing away from the table, stretching slowly.
Loki smiled a little and shook his head. "well. i guess you have to keep her around then because i don't know what paperwork is." he admitted with a snicker. "oh... so she is bossy?" Loki asked, his head tilted curiously. "well. we'll just avoid her then. i don't like people who are bossier than me." he admitted with a snicker. "but no, we don't have that saying." he admitted with a smile as he snuggled Tony.

Steve just smirked at her as he helped cook the fish now that they had been cleaned properly and he didn't have to witness gross things. "why do i need a new bow?" "because you're twice as strong as you used be, as well as taller. you need a completely new calibration." was Steve's almost automatic response. "plus Tony's wanted to make you a new Bow for quite a while." he admitted with a snicker. "i'm going to go walk around for a little bit." Loki decided. "i like to touch the trees." he admitted with a smile. "i'll take a panic button." he promised Tony, kissing the man's forehead as Bruce handed him a small disk that he could press if he needed help. it would send GPS coordinates straight to Tony's phone.
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