Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

Loki nodded. "indeed." he agreed. "even more interesting, is that the language preferred by each 'type' of magic, differs between sorcerers." he admitted. "for example, i prefer Irish for blessings, as well as Jotunord." he admitted. "for curses, French works the best for me, as well as the language of the Dark elves Dokkalfarord." he admitted. "Aeser don't tend to use too many other languages, they prefer their own for any ceremonial magic." he admitted before focusing on his meal. "i can't decide if this is better or if Pizza is." he admitted, inhaling his burger, delighted by the flavors sweeping across his tongue. he ate another, and two more helpings of fries before he was satisfied. "that was an amazing meal. i will have to take many of these ideas home with me." he admitted, looking eager. "we will have to start an open trade with Midgard. we have many things you might like to have for yourselves." he admitted with a nod. "most of your people won't be able to visit Jotunhiemr, it's much too cold but i know many of you would love to have some of the meat we can provide. out Musketen is so sweet, you would think you where eating lobster or crab." he admitted with a smile.

Steve nodded, accepting that. how could he not? it was fact, and he knew Thor well enough to know the man would know this for a fact. "just a baby huh?" he asked, grimacing a little. "but i'm fully mature for my people, so i'm not too worried about it." he admitted as he closed his eyes and shook his head. " that apple could make Clint as immortal as you are. but you don't know how he'll take it..." he muttered, studying her. "i see..." he hesitated and then took the Apple out of her hands and headed for the doorway. "how about i find out for you?" he offered, not really giving her a choice. he knew Clint was worrying about being a mortal too. it was time to make them both stop fretting about it.
“...That’s awesome. But what about thor and brii?They don’t use words when they’re usign lightening or fire. Is it just casual magic for them like that then?”He said looking interested in the idea before grinning. “I prefer burgers, though there’s nothing like a new york pizza.”He snickered a little before nodding. “You will. And I’m always eager to trade things with others. I know Thor’s taken pop tarts back to asgard with him.”He snickered at the knowledge of the thunder god’s obsession before smirking. “New food is always amazing. I got sick once from eating shark, but it was well worth eating it.”Tony said smiling. “Now, are you feeling up to clubbing?”

Brii smirked a little. “Hm, sorta. And I know just how mature you are.”She teased, her smirk turning into a leer as she watched him before nodding. “Yea...I’ve been trying to think of how to say it.,,,like Thor is with jane.”She said her shoulders slouching, tired, as she considered clint saying no before yelping scrambling to her feet.”Steve!Don’t!”She growled following after him looking anxious.
Loki smiled. "there are two Kinds of Magic. Ritual Magic and Common Magic. Common Magic is what Brii, Thor, and i do most commonly. as children, first starting we often needed words and incantations and sometimes movements to help us focus our magic. once we can feel our own magic and control it, we no longer need to focus it using additional methods. some, like Thor, can only access their magic when pushing it through a specific enchanted item, such as Mjolnir. sometimes his magic will act out on it's own if he is angry or frightened enough. Ritual Magic, is much more difficult because your using other elements as well. such as residual magic, the elements, or even a deity. meaning much more focus is needed, not to mention the magic, elements, or deity you are trying to use will need instructions as well. thus the need to use words." Loki admitted. "you saw me performing a Ritual, when i prayed to my Goddess and she gave me the Seed." he admitted with a smile. "

Steve flashed her a smirk. "very mature you pedophile." he teased, giving her a small kiss before he grimaced. "well that would explain why Thor's been so grouchy." he muttered, looking amused. "Clint!" "what!" Clint demanded, stepping out of the shower as Steve held out the Apple. "eat it. it will make you immortal." "...what, really?" Clint asked, looking stunned as he took the apple. "will it make me harder to get hurt too?" "i don't know." "will it change my appearance?" "i don't know." "....will i get the shits?" "probobly." "....hmmm..." Clint studied the apple then shrugged. "just a bite?" "i don't know." " don't know much do you?" "nope." Clint shrugged and took a bite, chewed slowly and seamed to ponder the taste. "it's..." he made a face. "it's like i bit into Syrup. yuck!" he admitted, making a face. "that's WAY too sweet. is that all i need or do i need more?" Clint asked Brii, looking very hopeful that he didn't have to eat anymore.
“Ah. So because you guys started young, you don’t need to focus to use it. I saw Thor summon a storm without even trying when he was pissed once....and Brii summons fire without even trying.”he looked thoughtful, sighing softly as he considered what he was hearing. It was a interesting study, and he was actually fairly interested in learning about magic, even if he couldn’t do magic himself. “So tell me, do ritual magics differ between each person, or just between aeser and jotun? I mean, I’m sure magic for brii is different from you, because she’s using fire to do it,and-”he broke off tilting his head. “You can stop me from asking anytime. I don’t want to be annoying.”

“Hey, when you’re nearly 6 thousand years old, age sorta loses meaning.”She said blushing a little at his teasing before nodding. “exactly. He’s stalling asking Jane.”She shrugged a little trailing after steve, watching the two quietly, looking at clint in stunned wonder before wincing. “...All of it.”She said rubbing a hand over her face.”It’ll make you as hard to hurt as me or thor, you wont change appearance...well, you might gain better eyesight though...I mean I can see a few miles away, and I dont think that’s normal for humans....and no shits. You might feel sick as your body adjusts,but you shouldn’t actually get sick.”Brii said biting her lip.”but it’s been so long since a non-aeser ate one, I’m not sure.”
he nodded. "yes. Thor has a massive amount of magic, but he is actually incapable of controlling it the same way Brii does." he admitted. "you'll notice that Brii's magic is quite uncontrollable as well. that is because their magic is different than mine." he admitted. "you remember how i mentioned Magic Saturation? that is literally how their magic works. they have a minute amount of internal magic, and that magis pulls in magic from the surrounding areas. more specifically, magic from a specific element. making it much harder, and even impossible to control. Brii's Magic comes directly from Fire. Earth's fire's burns hotter than it does on Asgard. which is why she had a fever. her body had to adjust. because she gets her magic from 'outside' it has it's own Will and own intelligence. Fire will never hurt her, but it might very well ignore her if it wants to. she's exceptionally good at controlling Fire however, it's very rare that she comes across a flame that doesn't adore her." he admitted. "my magic on the other hand, is completely internal. i have a Magical 'core', it is inside of me, always and is not influenced by the 'outside' at all. it's a bit like a cup. every time i use magic, the cup looses a bit of water. but there's always a faucet dripping into it, so it will refill. most Jotun only have a small cup. just enough to protect them from the frigged chill and pray. my cup is so big, that i tend to actually leak. which is why Thor and Brii like touching me so much. i literally feed them magic when they touch me." he admitted smiling at the other. "and don't apologize. Magic is my passion. i adore talking about it." he admitted with a chuckle.

he chuckled a little. "good point." he agreed with a smile. "ugh." Clint groaned, but obediently started to eat every last bite. with every bite, it got a little less awful though, and soon there was nothing left but a core. "better vision is always a plus." he admitted with a grin as he finished drying his hair, running his tongue over his mouth. "i think my entire mouth has gone numb." he admitted. "it's a funny numb sort of feeling." he admitted. "...doesn't Steve get one?" "Super Serum." "ah. my teeth sort of ache. i think that apple gave me a cavity." Steve had to laugh and shook his head. "do you think Loki has an Apple for Tony?" Steve paused to consider that and then. "no, i think the Golden Apples are just Aeser things." he admitted.
“Is their control really that bad, like they should be able to do better, or is it simply the nature of their elements?Fire and lightening aren’t usually calm things, and those two aren’t calm people. Did they choose the element, or did the element choose them?”He said before nodding. “I what if they were cut off from their elements, like in space or something, would they be defenseless?”Tony said looking slightly worried about that before smiling. “She adjusted well. Faster then I’d think would be normal really for something so different.”he said thoughtfully before laughing. “I sorta wanna take her down to the lab and just watch her play with fire now, simply to see what kind of fires I can set. I mean, we have a different types of fire all over here....”Tony said looking amused before tilting his head looking at loki, “Ah. I can understand that.,...even though their magic is different, if they were in trouble and near you, could they draw enough to force it to be flame or lightening, if needed?”He said and while it wasn’t a common occurance for the avengers to be called out, he wanted to be aware of all the quirks just in case. “Well, that makes you better then my friends. I try to talk about engineering with them, and get yelled at for the techno babble.”

“It is. You’ll probably gain other benefits. I mean...I don’t know how much different aesers are from humans, and it’s been a really long time since anyone ate a apple, so yes, for now, I’m just going to say its your eyesight that’s going to improve.”She smiled before shaking her head. “No.Serum’s given him a lifespan to match ours.”She said laughing quietly in pure relief clint was doing okay with this, and hadn’t thought it was weird she hadn’t been the one to give it to him before shaking her head. “They don’t, but they do have things to get around mortality. If tony wants it, I’m sure Loki’ll offer. Simply because loki gets tony, and he very rarely understands people.”
Loki smiled a little. "there are places where Aeser find their magical capabilities very limited. Jotunhiemr for example, has no fire. not natural fire anyway. however, there is a lot of Magic in everything. even Space is filled with magical energy. she would get sick after a week of no fire, and then stabilize as her body adjusted to the lack of flames." he admitted. "they would not be Defenseless right away, but once their natural magical Limit is depleted, they would be helpless until their body's adjusted." Loki admitted. "and then they'd have to get used to the new magic, which could take a very long time." he admitted. "that's why you don't see Aeser traveling a lot. the adjustment can be very traumatic, and sometimes very painful for them." he admitted. "particularly when traveling to worlds outside of the Yggdrasil." he admitted. "as for Brii, i actually assisted her magic in stabilizing." he admitted. "my magic worked as a stabilizer for hers, easing the process and making it faster, though this was only because her magic is so used to mine." he admitted. "and i suppose they could use my magic in such a way, though it would be rather painful for them." he admitted. "it's not something that's really been tested you see, so i cannot be sure, but i think they could use my magic in such a fashion." he admitted. "and i do like listening to you when you start babbling." Loki admitted with a grin. "i don't understand all of it, but you're always so passionate, so i know you love it." he admitted with a smile as he finished the last of his milkshake.

Clint grinned a little and nodded. "it'll be a fun learning experience. if i grow a tail, i'm never going to forgive you." he teased, chuckling a little. he was going to grow to regret those words, he really was. "well, a good eyesight is certainly not going to be something i'll complain about." he promised with a smile. "if Tony turns blue, i'm going to laugh my ass off." he admitted with a snicker as he started getting dressed. "yeah Loki doesn't seam like much of a people person." you wouldn't be either if your entire world hated you because you where a runt, or only wanted to be your friend because you where the First Prince.
“Ah. But Brii said she could catch water on fire. “he muttered in thought, tilting his head before nodding. “So if she had to fight, she could, but long term she’d be bad until she got accilmated. Good to know.”Tony sighed tilting his head a little. “I want to protect my team, so even if I don’t understand it all, this is good to know.”Tony said already turning it over in his head how to help brii and thor adjust better before nodding. “So as a last ditch effort, if something went wrong. Not something we’d want to rely on, them trying to do that.”He said smiling a little before smiling. “Well, good. Cause I babble at everyone, even the ones who don’t like it.”He snickered as he finished his food, stretching as he tossed a few bills to pay on the table.

“Hm, probably not. Tails aren’t common in asgard.”She said thoughtful before grinning. “I know. I’ve seen you in a fight, good eyesight is good for the team.”he said before grinning,”hm, he’d give a new definition to blue balls.”She giggled before nodding. “he was...he’s smaller then most jotun. He was not well liked, or only liked because he’s a prince. There is a reason he gets along with thor, who is a prince of his own people, and me who doesn’t care if he’s a prince or not....or any of you really. You don’t care who or what he is, simply that he makes tony happy.”
Loki nodded. "she can. her magic converts Water into energy, which fuels the fire. once it starts, it then supports itself until she stops it, or the water runs out." he admitted. "it's actually very cool." he admitted with a smile. "it takes a great deal of energy to get it started though, and without oxygen it wouldn't work at all." he admitted. "and it is admiral to protect your team." he admitted with a smile. "they are yor family, are they not?" he asked curiously. "i find it strange that i feel more at home here, than i ever did in my own world." he admitted with a shake of his head and he smirked at Tony. "i had noticed. the others kept giving me these oddly sympathetic looks when they saw you babbling at me. i suppose it makes sense now. though listening to your babbling, i learned quite a bit." he admitted as he stood up and followed Tony out into the street. "i had a great deal of fun." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "what shall we do now?"

Clint chuckled a little and shook his head. "i was joking." he admitted with a smile. "i'm not too concerned about growing a tail." he promised with a chuckle as he sat down on the bed and listened, curious about Loki. "oh. so he grew up fairly lonely and knowing something akin to betrayal fairly early then. explains a bit." Clint admitted, Steve nodding. "he does make Tony happy." Steve agreed with a smile as he examined the mostly naked Clint, licking his lips. "how are you feeling?" he asked as Clint yawned. "tired..." he admitted, shaking his head. "sort of sluggish. my limbs feel a bit heavy." he admitted with another yawn. "i'm going to lay down and take a nap." Clint decided, smiling at Steve. "go have sex with Brii." Steve had to laugh at the order. he wasn't THAT bad!
“That is really cool. I’m going to make her light water on fire. Cause that’s a totally cool talent, and awesome. It’d be a great party trick.”he snickered a little before tilting his head, staring at the table for a long moment before nodding. “yes...The only family that really matters to me. My parents weren’t the greatest..and I was a only child. Which I’m mostly thankful for, but my family is those I’ve gathered and protected, not the ones related to me.”he said shuddering because he knew he had some cousins and those cousin’s children, but he had no desire to reach out. Snickering at the other’s words. “yea, they pity you, and warning, it gets worse the more tired I am.”Tony smiled as he stepped outside. “I’m glad. And we could go clubbing if you want, or head back to the tower for a movie and gossip, cause I totally want to know if thor or brii are going to break first.”

“Good”brii said looking relieved he wasn’t actually worrying about it before nodding. “Yes. Because he learned that no one would like him for him, except us, because for us, well, I grew up with thor, his mother is my mother’s best friend, so the whole prince thing didn’t really awe me for long, and well....when your friends with thor, you get loki. And loki’s a joy to talk to all by himself. So much magic talent...”Brii grinned because while thor was good at the thunder and rumble magic, it was loki she talked to about magical theory when she had a idea. Smiling a little as she looked at clint, looking worried. “Get some sleep.”She ordered helping him to bed before smirking at Steve. “You really are that bad. Heightened libido and all, super soldier.”She teased leaning up to kiss him, but looking more relaxed then seductive, just glad clint wasn’t freaking out.
Loki chuckled a little. "yes, a party gift that could completely decimate an entire planet if she wanted. after all, there is water in everything." he admitted, smirking. "it wouldn't just stop at the Lake, it would burn through all the ground water, all the oceans and all the people too. she has to be very, very careful when she sets water on fire." he admitted. "i know how you feel." he admitted with a sigh. "my brother Tahlblindi just killed my youngest sibling and my Pater and he seeks to kill my elder brother and my Patra. hating my family doesn't even come close." he admitted, shaking his head. "aren't you tired all the time?" Loki asked, looking amused. "and i don't think Steve is going to give Brii a chance. he's going to tell Clint right away. he's just not patient enough." he admitted with a smile. "...what's a movie?" he asked, looking curious. "i do like to gossip."

Clint made a face. "no wonder he and Tony get along so well." he admitted. "Tony was the same growing up. sort of. no one liked him because he was smarter than him, or they wanted to use him." he admitted, shaking his head. "still, at least Loki had good freinds to grow up with. and Tony has good freinds now. they have good lives to look forward to." he admitted with a smile. "Loki seams like a genius." he admitted. "i think Tony's probobly the only one who can keep up with him." he admitted with a chuckle as he snuggled into bed, not about to admit that his whole body ached a bit. he would sleep it off. "i am not! how dare you say that while swinging your sexy hips like that!" he complained, pouting a little.
“Yea, mostly. I don’t sleep long, and even when I do it’s usually not that well.”Tony shrugged a little before laughing, “You know, for a guy as old as him, he really isn’t that patient. It’s kinda amusing.”Tony snickered a little, before smiling. “It’s a recorded play. Something we can watch over and over without having to go out, or having the actors there. And gossip is fun, and no matter what they say, the avengers are all gossipy.”Tony snickered as they headed back towards the tower.

“Exactly.”Brii smiled glad that loki had tony, before smiling. “Very good friends. And they will.”She said though she was slightly worried about tony and if he’d actually choose a longer life. Hoping he would. Before nodding. “Probably.Even knowing what he’s talking about , he leaves me in the dust sometimes.”She smiled before watching clint snuggle into th ebed worried before smiling at steve. “Oh, sexy hips huh?”She teased looking at the pouting man before tugging him towards the bed, having every intention of just resting.
Loki smiled a little. "have you not been using the Charm i gave you?" he asked, his head tilted. "it will help you sleep without dreams, remember?" he had a feeling Tony had forgotten. human's weren't used to magic, and Tony's brain was very much hardwired to technology. "well, look at Thor." Loki stated with a smirk. "he's well over sic thousand years old, and he's still very much impatient." he admitted with a smirk. "i'm still impatient." he admitted with a chuckle. "Aeser and Jotun are very bad for gossip as well." he admitted with a chuckle. "it must be a thing that spans all cultures and species." he admitted with a smile. "now. how many, movies, do you have?" he asked curiously. "i wish to see them." to say he was stunned by the selection was an understatement. Loki only had three kinds of 'play' under his belt. Romance, Tragedy, and Comedy. or mixes of the three. to see an entire wall devoted simply to action movies, made Loki practically froth at the mouth in excitement. he spent the rest of the night watching movies with Tony.

Steve smiled a little and settled into the bed as ordered. "i feel a bit bad about leaving Natasha and Pepper behind though." he admitted, yawning. "maybe Loki will give them his immortal stuff too?" he wondered as he smirked at her. "yes. Sexy hips." he teased. though, he didn't want to have sex without Clint. it didn't seam right somehow. in the morning though, Steve was about to have a panic attack. there was lines running up and sown Clint's shoulders neck and parts of his back. like a bad infection. he was sweating, and panting, and had a horribly high fever. he's also grown four inches and they had to cut his clothes off so they'd stop crushing him. anytime they tried to touch his back, he moaned in agony, though thankfully, he was too asleep to actually feel the pain. and too delerious to panic about what was happening.
Tony winced at that, making a face.”...yea.Totally forgot about that. But if it makes you feel better, I totally forgot that I was supposed to be taking sleep medication to, so it’s not really the magic I was forgetting about. I just forget things.”Tony shrugged because he forgot about taking care of himself, ask him something about tech, he’d know it at the drop of a hat. Grinning he smirked, “Lots.”He said absolutely amused as loki basically frothed at the mouth and demanded a movie marathon, and even if he fell asleep half way through, it was still a good night.

“We’ll figure out something.”Brii yawned snuggling into him yawning,settling in to sleep. Tired and content to just snuggle them both. “Whaa...”Brii yawned startled awake at steve’s panic looking confused before scrambling to her feet when she realized what was happening, panic obvious as she unconsciously drew fire to her hands, the flame trying to comfort it’s distressed mistress as she scrambled out of the room, “Loki!Thor!Get in here. Please!”She said running through the tower not even bothering to be annoyed that she was walking in on tony and loki making out, to panicked to care. “Loki!Something’s wrong with clint. I don’t know what’s happening.”She said so anxious that it was amazing she wasn’t actually completely burning anything down.
Loki chuckled a little. "shall i have Jarvis set a reminder for you?" he offered with a smirk. "your worse than Thor is." he teased with a chuckle as he shook his head.

Steve watched her as he finished cutting Clint out of his clothes. Thor wandered into the room, looking confused before he grimaced as he saw the state that the man was in. "oh dear. he ate the Apple then?" Thor asked, looking concerned. "Jane also ate the apple. she is sore and has a small fever, but nothing like this." he admitted, running his hand over Clint's back, not touching, just trying to get a sense of what was happening. in the other room, Loki pulled away from Tony and blinked at Brii before giving tony an apologetic kiss and followed her. "calm down now Brii." he ordered. "panicking won't help anyone." he ordered as he followed her into where Clint was laying. running his hands along Clint's body. " odd..." Loki muttered, sounding amazed. "his entire body structure is changing." Loki admitted. "even his DNA. Jane ate the Apple too didn't she? how is she doing?" "she grew two inches and that was it. she's sore, and has a slight fever, but is fine." Thor admitted. "this is very unusual." Loki admitted as he ran his hand down Clint's back, the man moaning as a gentle frost coated his back. "mmmm Brii... feels nice." he slurred before going back into a slightly easier sleep. "...did he always have these?" Loki asked, pointing to a pair of lines of what looked like tiny needles, or quills where starting to form, poking out of his skin in a neat line down his back on either side of his spine. above them, just off to the side of his shoulder blades was two tiny bulges. "...what is that?" "...he is growing something?" Thor mused, examining them carefully. "he's going to be pissed of he turns into a porcupine..." Steve muttered, trying to joke to lighten the mood. "no. his bones are changing too." Loki admitted. "in fact, his entire body structure is changing... whatever is happening, it's affecting even his internal organs." Loki admitted. "it's not killing him though. he'll survive this easily, and i think he'll be even healthier when it's done." Loki admitted. "i'll monitor him." he promised Brii and Steve.
“He did. And felt sick and tired right after. I thought it was normal, not this.”She said looking anxious before sighing as Tony wrapped his arms around her, following the others into the room. Looking bemused at the sight of clint. “...what is it changing into?”Brii said sounding anxious. “I’ll get ice packs. It’ll be good for him.”Tony said as she walked out of the room, looking interested in making sure that the other was taken care of, coming back in, settling them on clint’s back before frowning, shaking his head. “No he didn’t.” “..But he’d be such a cute porcupine.”Brii stuttered a little gigling slightly before swallowing hard. “He’ll be okay.”She muttered stepping closer to steve, snuggling into him, looking anxious with it as they settled in to wait to see what was going to happen. Scared of what was going on.
"this is normal." Loki stated simply. "do you not recall what happened when Teskon Cifley ate a Golden Apple? he sprouted Ram horns and goat legs. it's very rare, but it does happen." Loki admitted.

it was three days before the transformation was complete. Clint had turned lean and long. his muscles twice as strong, even though they where smaller than they usually where. his bones where twice as strong, despite being hollow, and his lungs and other internal organs had shifted. he had two new bones in his back, and an entirely new set of muscles. his eyes had gone Hawk, literally. they where golden, and shaped properly to allow him, literally, the vision of a hawk. he could see in normal color, or in ultraviolet. and he had such an impressive peripheral vision now that he could shoot someone in the eye without even looking at them. the biggest change however, where the twin, dark brown wings spread across his back. they where each nearly thirty feet long, giving him close to a seventy foot wingspan. the wings could be tucked in very close to his back, enabling him to hide them underneath a jacket if he had to. he was still sleeping when Loki declared that the transformation was complete, but it was a natural sleep now. the Fever broken and gone, the pain nothing more than a bad dream. Clint had never looked more handsome in his life, and Steve discovered something he'd never known before. he had a wing fetish. he wanted nothing more than to touch them. he didn't dare though, because who knew how Clint would react to that? "...hmmm i feel like shit." Clint groaned as he woke up. "and i'm hungry. did i get Salmonella again?"
Brii winced, before nodding.”I remember now...It’s been a long time since anyone ate a apple you know.”she pointed out.

“Don’t look at him like that. Otherwise you’re going to give in, and I’ll do it and then we’ll be in a pickle when he wakes up wont we?”brii muttered from where she was sitting on the edge of the bed, absently stroking clint’s hair as she looked up at steve in quiet amusement, and a drowning worry of what clint was going to think. “No, you ate the apple remember?”She muttered tense and anxious, so so worried about what was going to happen.
Steve smiled sheepishly. "i can't help it." he muttered, shaking his head. "i hope he doesn't freak out... he's simply gorgeous." Steve admitted, staring at Clint with wide, awestruck eyes. "a true Hawk... they're monogamous you know. i wonder if his behavior will alter too?" it would, a little bit. he'd be constantly trying to build a proper nest and changing things around and he'd be just a little bit OCD about the placement of his room and he'd do a lot more grooming, both himself and his lovers. but nothing too dramatic. "hell. i feel terrible. thank god i don't have to do that again." he muttered as he staggered to his feet and swayed. "woooah.... everything looks weird. wow. holy crap." he muttered, blinking wildly as he tried to take a few steps. but he was much taller, and his vision was funny so he collapsed to the side, or would have if Steve hadn't caught him. "sorry, bit Dizzy." Clint muttered, eyes flicking around as he found something new to focus on. "this is awesome." he breathed. "i can count wood grains." Steve chuckled, worried, but pleased that Clint seamed to be taking everything in stride. "my back feels weird..." it would. the wings started on a bone structure at the back of his shoulders, and spread down to nearly his tail bone down his back, connecting his wings to his flesh for even more surface area for better flight. "...." and Clint had just noticed one, and he stared at it as he moved it up and down a little, blinking at it. "....." and then the freakout started. he screamed, and screamed, pointed at his wing, and screamed again, making Steve wince. Clint was screaming right in his ear after all.
“I know, I can’t either, but we have to be strong, otherwise he’s going to wake up to us petting him.”She smiled even as her eyes stroked over the wings, touching without touching. “Probably. Might act more like a hawk then he already does.”She muttered before wincing. “No you don’t have to do that again.”She said before smiling, looking at him. “I told you your sight would get better.”She said before leaning down to kiss his forehead, snickering a little. “I’m glad you’re liking it.”she said worried but seeing him accepting made her feel a little better before wincing, swallowing as he freaked out. Her whole body slouched and tight as clint freaked out, careful not to touch him, figuring he wouldn’t want her to, before sighing resting a hand, gently touching his cheek.”Rest Clint.”She ordered quietly, putting just a quiet push of magic into it, enough to help him calm down instead of actually sleeping, sort of like a sedative. Feeling anxious and scared, and hurt. Even if she’d known he’d freak out, this still ripped her apart to see him reacting like this.
Steve smirked. "i think he'd like that actually." he admitted with a chuckle. "he does love to be Pet." he admitted with a smirk before he paused. "aren't hawks really OCD?" he asked her. "oh good. because that really sucked." Clint muttered when he was promised that he didn't have to do it again. "i am liking it. this is cool!" Clint admitted with a grin before he realized he had wings. he gasped as he was told to rest and he leaned into her touch, his entire body relaxing as he closed his eyes. "wings... wings..." he muttered, shuddering, his wings fluttering as he did so. "you won't want me now." he whimpered, swallowing thickly before gasping, arching as he felt fingers stroking his feathers. very, very sensitive feathers. "i think they're amazing." Steve admitted, stroking them again, making Clint relax even more as he crooned, long and low before a soft 'chatter' left his throat. not unlike a hawk when they groomed each other. "i think he likes having his wings touched. they're so soft." Steve admitted, nuzzling her wings, making Clint shudder and gasp and go nearly limp in their arms, humming happily. "so good..." Clint mumbled. "more..." he murmured, quite happy with all the attention. "this is awesome." Steve breathed, snuggling into the ever so sleek wings, making Clint relax even more and croon all over again, chattering excitedly like a hyper bird as his hips thrust rather lazily. talk about egregious zone.
“Maybe, he does. It’s fairly amusing how much he likes being petted.”She snickered a little before wincing. “Oh....shit. Yes. Alot actually.”She muttered thinking about hawks but shrugging, it’d be okay. Startling a little as clint relaxed, looking at steve for a long moment then looking at clint, hesitating before reaching out to gently touch the feathers, swallowing hard. “I think so to...and they are so soft.They don’t look like they would be...but they are...”She muttered smiling quietly as clint slumped into them, enjoying gently stroking the feel of the feathers under her hands, swallowing hard. It is fairly awesome.”She muttered shifting, smirking a little as she got comfortable, smirking slightly as the wings settled over them like a canopy, enjoying the simple touches, before starting a little as she felt clint thrust, turning her head to look at clint, a smirk curling her lips. “I wonder if we could get him off simply doing this?”She said, her fingers getting a little firmer on the wings, giggling a little as she listened to clint chatter. It was so, so adorable.”He’s so adorable like this...”
"from what i remember, they're extremely territorial as well..." Steve admitted, just a little bit nervous. "...he's going to start attacking people when they try to come in here, isn't he?" he asked, looking a bit amused as well as a touch worried which vanished as Clint moaned and crooned and leaned into the touches. "yes. awesome. very awesome." Steve agreed, getting quite excited. "they're so big too." he admitted. "i bet he'll be able to fly perfectly." Steve admitted before smirking at her. "we so could. i wanna try. he's astonishingly submissive like this. it's pretty awesome." he admitted as he stroked the feathers in-between the wings, making Clint croon and chatter and thrust even more, arching and wriggling and there it was. he as cumming, spilling his seed all in his pants until he was gasping and whimpering from pleasure as Steve started 'grooming' those soft, soft feathers, arranging them carefully. "see? Wings aren't so bad, are they Clint?" he asked, smiling a little. "hmmmm." was Clint's only response as he started to run his fingers through Brii's hair, grooming her as well, nuzzling her neck as Steve carefully pulled the others pants down and tore open a condom pack with his teeth. "i'm so gonna fuck him right now." Steve moaned, slipping the condom onto Clint's cock. "and he's gonna fuck you, because if i don't get something right now, i'm gonna snap." he admitted.
“...Hopefully just for the room, though we’ll have to be careful until we know for sure, cause if he views the whole tower as his ‘nest’ things will get interesting.”She said looking slightly worried before looking amused and pleased at clint’s reaction. “This is sooo awesome. Hm, I’m sure there’s a joke about wing sizes and cock sizes to make here...”She teased a little looking down at clint, smirking. “He is. It’s adorable to see him submissive...makes me want to take care of him.”She muttered as she followed steve’s lead, combing her fingers through the feathers, moaning quietly as she felt the other coming, it was amazing to watch him like that. Gently settling the feathers back right, grooming him before smiling. “Hm, I don’t think he’s quite awake yet.”She grinned a little moaning as she was groomed, shivering as he nuzzled her, gently alternating between playing with clint’s hair and feathers. “You sure about that?It’s your first time on top...”She said looking slightly worried, not because she thought he’d hurt clint, but because she was worried about the wings being in the way and with steve being new to this. “Now we can’t have that.”She teased a little shifting, drawing clint close, kissing him slowly, rolling her hips into his, even as her hands found his wings again, oh man, her and steve were so screwed, they'd both gotten a new kink.
Steve nodded. "if we're really lucky, the whole Tower will be his 'Nest' but everyone in it will be regarded as 'non threat entities'. just a floor will be too small for him." Steve admitted. "a wild, normal Hawk's home range is six to... uh, sixteen miles. being that he's so much bigger, he might very well have a sixty mile home range." Steve admitted. "if we're very lucky, he won't see other humans as a challenge to his territory." he muttered. "there is a joke there, but we'll leave it to Tony to make the jokes." he decided with a grin. "it is adorable. he's so sweet and snuggly." he admitted with a grin. "and i doubt it. i think he's sort of just reacting." he admitted, slipping his wet fingers into the others tight little ass, making Clint gasp and shriek, spreading his wings and lifting his hips into the touch, presenting himself to his 'mate'. "it's okay. i did research. i know what i'm doing. i even practiced in myself... sort of." he admitted with a grin. "i know what i'm doing for the most part." he admitted as he watched Clint croon eagerly for more. "man. i never realized he'd like this so much." he admitted, grinning a little. "he's such a slut." he teased with a chuckle as Clit crooned, nuzzled her neck, latched onto it with his teath, and burrowed his cock deep inside of her. cementing his bond with her. he purred, and chattered and crooned as he rolled his hips gently, taking his time because he knew she couldn't get anywhere. his teath where sharp, but he wasn't biting hard, more holding her in place than anything else. he moaned as Steve slowly, carefully slid into his new winged lover and moaned eagerly. "f..fuck. he's so tight." Steve moaned. "oh my god he's tight..."
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