Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

Tony moaned quietly finally setting his coffee down as he fisted his hands in the other’s hair, growling quietly as he started nearing his orgasm, swallowing hard. “...loki...”he growled a warning, shuddering, growling in anger when he pulled away.

“I did. He woke me up. It wasn’t pleasant.And fandal is cute.”Brii agreed smirking as clint bristled, wondering if she could goad him into jealous sex before making a face. “asgardians can’t catch anything like that. So it really doesn’t matter if he’s having sex.”She said before sputtering looking startled, giggling at clint’s words. “What...I did you know?”She sputtered looking at steve, tilting her head a little, blushing as she swallowed, before smiling.”he’s....there's a reason they let him carry a big hammer...”She said looking away, not sure how to word it, especially laying in a tangle of limbs of two men she loved, talking about her ex-fiancee’s size was just awkward.
Loki snickered at the Growled words and looked up at Tony ever so innocently. "yes? what?" he knew Tony hated being cut off from an orgasm, he also knew Tony loved it. "oh. i'm sorry. my jaw got sore." that was a dirty lie and they both knew it, Loki just laughed and bent his head and started sucking once more. this time even slower, letting the orgasm build and build and build and this time, he let it crest and swallowed every job. "OH MY GOD!" Bruce shrieked, clapping his hand over his eyes and dissolving into furious curses as he trued to flee the room, running into the doorjamb twice before managing his escape, Loki laughing wildly.

Clint growled a little and Steve blinked a little. "oh. well. i'm still not touching him." he stated with a shrug. "the man is entirely too high maintenance." he admitted with a snicker. "well. you and Thor are extremely loyal and you where both holding the Marriage contract. it only makes sense that you had sex with each other." he admitted. "if only to see if you where physically compatible. doesn't bother me any." "..." Clint paused and lifted the blankets, examining her. "if he's as big as i think he is, how are you still so tight?" Clint asked, sounding amazed, making Steve laugh. "good god, so he's not just overcompensating!?" Steve demanded, wide eyed. "i'm a bit scared of him now." Clint started to laugh.
“You are a cocktease.”Tony growled looking amused though, smiling slightly at the other, “Yea, you are a liar.”he said smirking a little as he rested his head back against the wall, content to just do this, moaning as he came, pausing as he heard bruce, looking over at his friend in a hazed out afterglow. “Careful bruce!You’re going to injure yourself!”Tony said laughing as he groaned, slumping back into his chair in amusement.

“...Who told you we were supposed to get married?”She said eyeing the two of them, since she’d asked loki to not tell them, she had to assume thor had, though it would have been nice to know he had. Huffing out a sigh she smiled a little, “we were....just not the world ending, demanding way people in love can be.”She shrugged a little before flushing as clint lifted the blankets, blushing more as she looked up at him, “I uh- it’s been a few centuries since we tried. I was like....1000 which is like teenage years for you guys.”She pointed out before flushing more, giggling a little. “No, not overcompensating. He has to balance himself out somehow.”She giggled just to watch them freak out, rolling her eyes a little. “If you’re that curious ask him. Asgardians don’t have human hangups about nudity. He’d show you.”She said giggling, just to see what they’d say.
Loki snickered a little. "i am a cocktease, and a liar." he agreed as he went back to his 'duty' laughing brightly as Bruce staggered out. "i think he turned a little green." Loki admitted, looking amused. "do humans typically change color like that?" he asked, his head tilted a little. "hmm, that was fun." he stated. "you cum so pretty." he teased with a chuckle and a kiss to the others lips. "come on. i'm bored." he ordered. "show me something Midgardians do for fun."

"wait... you mean you really where supposed to get married?" Clint asked, shocked as Steve nodded. "overheard Loki talking to Tony about it." Steve admitted with a shrug. "Loki seamed to think Odin had played a very grand prank on you and Thor." he admitted with a chuckle. "...good heavens! you haven't been laid in thousands of years!? you poor, poor woman! we'll have to fix that!" Clint declared, making Steve laugh. "me first. i want to experience the gay side of life." Steve ordered, making Clint roar with laughter before they both spluttered in horror at the idea of asking Thor to do such a thing, both of them refusing. they didn't want to be shamed like that after all. "so.... what do i do?" Steve asked, looking nervous again and Clint smirked and explained, in full detail, how to have man on man sex, leaving the super soldier quite red in the face.
Tony raised a eyebrow, looking worried for a moment as he raised his head. “Jarvis, make sure the Hulk’s not in the tower please.And tell bruce we’re done if he wants food.”He said simply before shaking his head. “No, they don’t.”he said doing up his jeans and getting up, “What kind of fun do you want?We could go into the city I guess.”he said looking amused.

“Yea.”Brii said simply blushing ever so softly, amazed that they weren’t actualy freaking out before flushing a little. “Probably. Considering he figured out we didn’t love each other, before we had. He’d already taken care of us...just let us believe we were getting married as long as we wanted to.”She shrugged a little before flushing, laughing quietly. “No...didn’t like anyone enough. Though there was a few one night stands over those years with Thor, it wasn’ wasn’t what either of us wanted.”She shrugged a little laughing as clint decided to fix that, giggling at their horrified look, smirking a little. Looking at steve as she settled against his side, absently stroking her fingers over his skin, leaning in to press a kiss to his shoulder.”Hm, so how do you want to do this?”She muttered looking at clint, willing to do whatever they wanted to
Bruce hadn't changed, though Tony was going to need a few doors replaced because Bruce had torn them off and rendered them into splinters. he was in his own room now, still cursing, but not destroying things. "yes. i would like to go into the City." Loki decided. "i wish to see how humans live." he admitted,. mostly, he just wanted to be distracted from his grief. he had prayed for hours and tried to soothe his soul. but it had been his pater. his father. one could not simply move on from that, no matter how they might have wanted to.

Clint chuckled a little and nodded. "it's kind of hilarious that Odin of all people played a prank. both Loki and Thor seam to admire him a lot." he admitted as Steve chuckled. "mmm. i had sex with Natasha a few hundred times." Clint admitted. "there wasn't any emotional connection, we just couldn't stand not having sex so we pounced on each other." he admitted. "...i've never had sex. until now." Steve admitted with a smirk. "but i had a hell of a crush on a few people. Bucky and Peggy come to mind." he admitted. "i think we need to calm him down first. he's as stiff as a board. not very good for male on male romances." "sorry. i'm a bit nervous." "don't worry, we'll take care of you." Bruce promised with a grin as he started stroking Steve's back. soon they had the super soldier as limp as a rag doll on the bed, eyes fogged with lazy pleasure as Clint did the preparations intermixed with attentions to his very lovely lady. "hummm this is great. feels so good. can't think." Steve moaned as Clint slipped in a third finger and manipulated Steve's prostate for the first time, making Steve shriek and babble. "ohmy, ohmyohmyohmy, what was THAT!?" "prostate" "...that thing Doctors check for cancer?" "yup." "oh my god."
Tony snickered a little as jarvis told him bruce was okay, shaking his head slightly. Having a idea he was going to need to get bruce a present before nodding. “Let’s go then. We’ll wander the city.”He said getting up before pausing.”Hold on, I have to go change.”He said walking back to his bedroom to change into clothes he’d normally never be caught dead in out in the city, the dark oiled stained jeans and a white t-shirt, looking unlike himself enough that it’d take a few looks to know that it was actually him. He just wanted to not be recognized, while he knew it was impossible, he could just make it harder for people to do so. “ready?”He asked walking back into the kitchen.

“Hm, it is.”She snickered a little before relaxing, “And it’s amazing. Virgins are so fun.”Brii smiled stealing a kiss from steve looking amused before nodding. “Hm, not being stiff wont work...”She smiled gentle hands rubbing at his shoulders, smiling as steve relaxed under their hands, shivering a little as clint payed attention to her to. “good. Not thinking is what we want.”She purred a little shifting slightly, giggling as steve started to babble. “Hm, that was a good reaction.”She purred softly before glancing at clint, raising a eyebrow.”I want my mouth on his cock as you bound him.”She said absently stroking steve’s hair, looking just as eager as the other tow.
Loki chuckled a little. "i do think you will need to get Bruce something nice." he admitted with a smile. "i think he's quite annoyed with you at present." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "i would like that." he admitted with a smile. when Tony came back out, Loki was no longer blue skinned, red eyed, or horned. as a matter of fact, he looked completely and entirely human. at least he still looked like himself, and he was dressed... well, he was dressed. he was wearing boots that laced up to the knee, you knew he got the idea from Steam punk. he was wearing leather pants that clung very tightly to his body, and a silk shirt that also clung. it had long sleeves, yet exposed his stomach. he was like a walking wet dream.

Steve smiled a little, blushing at the comment that virgins where fun. "i was talking about his spine." Clint complained, smirking. "of course his cock is going to be hard." he admitted with a chuckle. "guh." was Steve's ever so eloquent reply as he wriggled under the prostate ministrations, Clint smirking a little. "alright. roll over Steve, onto your back. that's a good boy." Clint praised, making Steve snort as he was urged into a kneeling position. he was hard as a rock and leaking far too much and he blinked. "you suck. it'll distract him." Clint ordered as he gripped himself and rubbed his head against Steve's ass, making the super soldier moan eagerly and spread his legs. not because he wanted to, it just happened.

(Loki's boots and Shirt and Pants)
(I want that outfit!XDD)

Tony smirked, “We’ll get something while we’re out.”he said smiling a little, tilting his head as he walked back into the room, staring at the other for a long moment. “...You look good. I think it will be the first time ever the person with me will get more attention then me. You’re a walking wet dream.”He smirked smiling as he pressed a kiss to the other’s lips, wrapping a arm around him as they headed for the elevator.

“Hm, that’s true.And its such a nice cock.”Brii muttered laughing a little before smirking, giggling at steve’s snort. “He is a good boy isn’t he?I’ll just have to reward him then.”She smiled, smirking as she lowered her mouth to his cock, closing her eyes as she lost herself in totally distracting steve.
Loki smirked a little as he watched Tony. "of course i look good." he admitted as he flicked a wisp of hair out of his face, which wove itself into his hairstyle obediently as he bent his head and kissed the other with a smile, shoving his hand in Tony's back pocket the way he had seen other humans do. it was very nice. he liked it. he had such a nice grip on Tony's ass this way.

Clint snickered a little as he watched them for a moment, Steve completely lost in pleasure he didn't even notice the pain of being entered for the first time. Clint thrust three times, and Steve lost it. he arched, roared his pleasure, and came harder than he'd ever cum in his life. "...well now." Clint mused, snickering as he kept ricking his hips, milking out Steve's orgasm. "should we stop?" "don't you DARE!" Clint gasped, writhing in their collective grips. "don't stop. keep going. oh my god!"
“Well, you are going out with me, you have to look amazing.”He snickered a little turning his head slightly to look at his hair, smirking. “That’s fairly cool. Did you teach Brii to do that, or did she teach you?And does thor do his own hair?”Tony snickered a little as he kissed him, jumping slightly as he felt the hand in his pocket, shifting, wrapping a arm around his shoulders, letting the other fit into the side of his body, quiet as they walked, simply watching loki take in the city. “So, what kind of present do you get a friend who walks on you getting a blow job?”

Brii whimpered quietly in pleasure as the man came, closing her eyes as she swallowed before rolling her eyes to look up at the two, shuddering as she watched them, reaching up, bracing her hands on steve’s hips, glad she was stronger then humans, able to keep them both up easily, smirking as she drew her mouth off steve’s cock with a slurp. “Hm, he’s got a amazing refractory time. He’s going to be ready again in a few.”She said smirking as she watched them for a moment, shifting, pressing a kiss to steve’s stomach before gently, slowly sliding her mouth back down over him, enjoying the feel of him hardening in her mouth, taking her time, enjoying it.
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "i taught Brii." he admitted. "most Jotun can do such a simple thing." he admitted. "we take great pride in our appearances, and can be a grave insult to wear the wrong kind of clothing or hair style to certain events. the only ones excluded from such 'politics' is children, the sick, and the elderly." he admitted. "though, the elderly are usually better at it than us younglings are." he admitted with a chuckle. "i would, for example, be flayed for wearing this to a religious ceremony." he admitted. "but it would be acceptable for a house party." he admitted. "get him some chemicals." he suggested. "he is a chemist, and a biologist, right? get him some rare chemicals."

Steve moaned eagerly as he wriggled, Clint chuckling as he helped hold Steve in place. "refractory?" Clint asked, looking hesitant at the big word. "well, he is a Supersoldier." Clint admitted, looking highly amused as Steve cried out at having his cock enveloped again, swelling in her mouth. "when he's done getting hard, lay down and i'll adjust him so he can fuck you." Clint promised her with a smirk. "that might really blow his gasket." "c...con... uuhn... condom." Steve managed to sputter out. he didn't want to get Brii pregnant after all. if he even could. he wasn't sure.
“Nifty talent.”Tony smiled tilting his head, shuddering a little at the idea. “I’d be totally screwed then. I always wear the same stuff, no matter what the event is.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. “I like that. I’ll order some. And we’ll stop at the science supply store while we’re out.”he said before pausing, looking at loki. “Also what do you want to see while we’re out?We can do anything.”Tony said, knowing that even if something wasn’t open, money thrown at it would get it open.

“Hm, the time it takes him to get hard again. Extremely short for supersoldiers here.”She pointed out smirking as steve cried out, rolling her eyes to look at clint. “Hmmm...”She hummed around steve’s cock, drawing away as she wiggled around to get under steve even as she grabbed a condom, hesitantly, she still wasn’t sure how they worked, on before looking at steve, smirking. “we might kill him, Clint.”She said looking only slightly worried about it, and a little more turned on that they were making steve lose it like this
loki smiled a little and nodded. "it's quite delightful, yes." he agreed. "and if you ever come to Jotunhiemr, i would be sure to make sure you are dressed appropriately." Loki promised. refusing to acknowledge that there might not be a Jotun world by the time Tony could visit. "i don't know. i've never been to Midgard before." Loki admitted as he examined the street and the city and the length of backed up cars. a typical new york weekday. "i have heard of a thing called 'clubbing'. i hear you're very good at it, can we do that?" Loki asked curiously. "i've heard it's very fun." it was a bit early for that though.

Clint blinked a little at her and then shrugged. he was a middle school drop out, he didn't care about big words. "fuck. oh my god." Steve moaned eagerly as Clint angled his hips just right. "yes. yes. god. don't stop. yes!" he wailed, making Clint snicker. "if i die, i'll die happy!" Steve gasped, making Clint laugh as he rolled the Condom more firmly into place and let Steve's hips do all the work. teve didn't care, he fucked hard and fast, thrusting into her, and then thrusting backwards, impaling himself onto Clint's cock. Clint took a moment to simply enjoy letting Steve do all the work before he too picked up the pace. leaving Steve to babble about how much he loved the and how he was going to die a happy man.
“Hm, I think I would enjoy letting you boss me around for a bit.”Tony smirked a little at him, refusing to believe that he wouldn’t someday get to go to jotunhiem with loki, tilting his head slightly. “I am amazing at clubbing. Well, it’s still a little early to do that, but we can do that.”He glanced at his watch thinking about it before smiling brightly. “We’ll take a ferry out to Eles Isle, you’ll like it.”he said already walking towards the river side, blushing ever so slightly because he wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but it was something to do until clubbing started.

“Yes, definitely going to kill him.”Brii giggled a little moaning as steve pressed into her, moving to wrap her legs around steve, before whining a little when clint’s body was in the way, shifting a little to rest her heels against clint’s sides, hands clinging to steve, moaning as she came, nails biting into steve’s arms, bloody nail marks left behind.
Loki smiled a little. "of course you like it when i boss you around. you're my bitch." he teased with a snicker. "you might top in bed, but i wear the pants in this relationship." he teased with a snicker. "Eles Island?" he asked curiously. "what's there?" he asked, his head tilted. Tony had been right though, Loki absolutely loved it. they didn't have things like that. the Lady Mother did not like such frivolities in her honor and none of the minor gods they had would take such a position of honor over their Goddess. he adored over the mechanics and muttered over the materials, amazed by such a magnificent feet of engineering.

Steve moaned as he rocked his hips, fast and hard, lost in pleasure. he couldn't have stopped himself if he'd wanted to. he shouted as he came, and came hard and Clint howled as he came just as hard, spilling deep inside of Steve as Steve filled his condom. the Super soldier slumping, much too tired now to keep himself up. at least he'd rolled to the side so he didn't crush Brii. "'m dead." he slurred. "'s great..." he muttered even as the bloody nail marks vanished, leaving only a few streaks of blood behind.
"You know,its a good thing I'm used to being bossed around.pepper bosses mme all the time."tony snickered a little shaking his head slightly before nodding."the statue of'll be cool."tony smiled a little as they got over to the island,simply enjoying watching loki enjoy everything."enjoying yourself?"

Brii muttered in contentment as steve slumped nearly on top of her,shifting to get comfortable, giggling quietly, yawning,"...don't wanna move...dead..."she muttered completely worn out and not wanting to move.
Loki grinned as he nodded. "a very good thing." he teased with a chuckle as he gave tony a small kiss. ignoring the reactions around them. some thought it was cute, others thought it was disgusting. but no one bothered them. "i am, yes." Loki admitted as he plugged another quarter into the binoculars and examined the view. he was almost more impressed by those than he was the boat that he had taken to get there. "thank you for bringing me here. it was great." Loki admitted as his stomach growled. "i'm starving though. can we try more human food?" he asked hopefully. "i have heard of this thing called a 'double Bacon triple cheeseburger' i desire one." he admitted, firmly ignoring the fact that there was a picture of one right in front of them, on a billboard advertising a new burger joint.
“Good.”Tony smiled as he looked down at the other man, leaning down to kiss him lightly, ignoring the other people’s reaction with ease of long practice. It was weird really, for once to not be the center of attention and having someone comment and berate him because of who he was, simply disliking what he was doing. Weird feeling. “You’re welcome. And food does sound good.”He said as his own stomach growled, laughing quietly. “Hm, I’m sure I can get you one of those. Let’s get back to the city.”he smiled bustling them back onto the ferry and over to the burger joint, settling at a table in a quiet corner and getting them their burgers.

Later Brii swallowed hard as she sat on the edge of the balcony, legs hanging over the edge, having escaped her boy’s attention simply to have some alone time, before leaning back,offering steve a hesitant smile as he stopped behind her. “You can join me if you want.”she said shrugging a little before going back to staring at the apple in her hands.
Loki smiled a little as he enjoyed spending time with Tony. "sweet. i do beleive i used that correctly?" he asked, his head tilted. "the Clint says it often. he tried to explain it to me, but he's not very verbose." he admitted with a chuckle. "the Steve explained that it was a way to express delight." Loki admitted. "but the human language is very confusing." he admitted with a smile as he settled into the table and examined the glossed menu. "how do they make the paper shiny?" he asked, looking stunned as he examined the Menu, not bothering to look at the options, Tony had already ordered for him.

Steve smiled as he stepped out to her. "are you alright?" he asked, watching her before blinking at the Golden apple. "is that an apple?" he asked, examining it. "why is it Gold?" he asked, baffled before he shook his head. "never mind. that's not what i wanted. you've been acting a bit off the last couple of days. are you upset about breaking things off with Thor?"
"Yes that was the right use of it."she smiled slightly looking at the other,closing his eyes as they crossed the river,just enjoying being with him before nodding. "Yea.hes not very wordy.and english is horrible,eait till you start doing other languages."he smirked a little sighing quietly as they settled at the table, tilting his head a little."its a layer of plastic over the paper."he smiled.

"Fine...."she muttered absently stroking her thumb over the apple before startling a little, looking up at him before nodding."it is."she said quietly,for the moment just letting steve's presence sooth her before laughing a little shaking her head."no, I'm definitely not upset about breaking up with thor.its for thr best..."she sighed stroking the apple, biting her lip because she so wanted to talk, but not sure what to say.
"Tu veux dire comme le français? ¿qué hay de español? efallai y Gymraeg yn fwy at eich cyflymder?" Loki asked, smirking as he switched between three different languages. "Vypadáš tak roztomilý takhle." Loki stated in a rather teasing tone as he smirked a little. "all human languages have syntax's and phrases that are beyond me. just because i can speak them perfectly, does not mean i always understand what someone else is saying." he admitted. "plastic?" he asked, looking confused. "what is that?"

he smiled at her a little. "no your not." he chastised. "well, if it's not Thor, is it me and Clint?" he asked, looking worried. "...oh. right." he glanced at her. "you're upset for the same reason that Thor is. your lovers are mortal..." he set his hand on her knee. "i don't know how to help with that." he admitted with a grimace as he rested his head on her shoulder.
Tony smirked a little shaking his head.”You know, it amuses me that you know as many languages as me.”He teased before thinking about that, “Ah. That makes sense. Slang is different for everyone.”He said thoughtfully before nodding. “Yea. It’s a fake clear protective thing. Like these-”He took apart the menu enough to show him the layer of plastic. “Just a clear thing that has a lot of different uses.”

Brii sighed a little, shrugging. “It’s...”She trailed off, because she didn’t want to upset him, but it was them. At least, some. “No. Not really. You’re not at least. The super serum according to Thor, gives you a life span as long as ours.”She swallowed hard, resting her head against his, closing her eyes, wincing.”sorry...I’d been trying to think of a better way to tell’s just....Do you know the legend of Indunn?”
Loki blinked a little at Tony before he smirked. "languages are an important part of spellcasting." he admitted. "sometimes, you can't properly work a transmogrification or a curse or a Blessing in one language because it's not adept enough." he admitted. "so i use other languages. earth languages, for example, work very, very well with curses. Latin and French especially." he admitted. "Irish is very good for laying blessings too." he admitted before he blinked as he watched Tony take apart the menu, examining the clear laminate. "impressive." he admitted, examining it intently, ignoring the disgruntled server as she laid out Soda, milkshakes, and burgers with fries.

"i... what?" he asked, looking stunned. "i'm not going to die?" he asked, shocked. "i mean. for like. a long time?" he asked, more than a little astonished. to say the least. "...oh..." he chewed on his lip for a moment and then. "well that's... that's okay." he decided. "it's not like i'll be alone. i'll have you, and Thor and Loki too." he muttered. "...Indunn? no." he admitted. "i mean, it sounds familiar... didn't Loki have her kidnapped? or something?" he had. though, not for the reasons humans thought.
“...I never thought of that. I can see different words making for better spells at certain times.”Tony said his face going thoughtful as he considered that before laughing. “well, of course. Here on earth we’re very good at the revenge thing. Of course curses work better in our languages.”She said before raising a eyebrow at the server, even disguised, he was still tony stark and wasn’t overly impressed with disgruntled servers. “Thank you.”He said simply starting to eat, though he was watching loki more, curious to see if he would like it.

“Yea....not for a long time. Thor said your lifespan’ll be close to us...which considering your’re still a child.”She teased a little before nodding. “You will.”She said staring down at the apple, stroking her thumb over it absently, before nodding. “He did. But not for what humans think.but that’s his story....”she sighed holding the apple up a little. “You asked why it was golden. Indunn’s apples are the Aeser’s version of the greek ambrosia...can give a mortal the lifespan of a Aeser.”
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