Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

“He did. The Aeser’s have finished their fighting. Sadly, the Jotun are simply slipping more into fighting.”Brii looked sad at that ,before smirking a littl.”Hmmm, you get sweaty doing sex to, and feel gross after that to.”She pointed out, before her eyes flicked down to clint, then up at Steve.”Need help cleaning up?”

“Ah, well, to be friends with Brii you’d have to be.”He snickered a little before relaxing, looking pleased with that. “Well....Good.”He said smirking a little before laughing, nodding.”There is. You want to get up for a bit, or I can bring them in here?”He said moving to get up out of the bed.
Steve winced a little and Clint shook his head at the news. "that really sucks..." Steve admitted. "poor Loki..." he muttered before smirking at Brii. "i think he needs help up, more than he needs a shower." he admitted, looking highly amused. "come on Clint. the lady wants to wash our backs. better get up." Clint groaned but struggled to his feet.

Loki chuckled. "a very good point. Thor too for that matter." he admitted with a smile. "i think my legs won't hold out that long. better bring the soup here." Loki admitted with a sigh. "and maybe we can have some sex once i fill my belly?" he asked with a smile. he was no doubt burying his grief until he could get to his Alter Room and grieve for his people, and his pater properly.
“Yea, it does. But tony’s taking care of him, so he’s doing okay. For now.”Brii said still looking worried. Before smirking at clint as he groaned. “Hm, but I like him flat on his back.”she smirked before grinning as she wrapped a arm around clint’s waist, helping him towards the locker room.”Come on then.”She smiled a little as she paused long enough to turn on the water, before smirking at steve. “So, showers together, or not?”she looked curious, wondering what steve would decide on. Content either way.

“Okay. I’ll be right back.And Hm, I think I can go for sex.”Tony grinned amused as he left the room, while he was still worried, he’d let loki deal however he wanted. Simply returning with the soup he settled into the bed with loki smirking a little. “Jarvis tells me the good captain is going to have sex in the shower. Want to put a bet on if it actually happens or not?”
Steve nodded. "that's good. i'm glad." he admitted before smirking. "you know... now that you mention it, it is a good look for him." he agreed with a snicker. "ugh. i hurt, all over." Clint whined. "your supposed to go easy on your boyfriend Steve!" "you told me not to." "yeah well.... your not getting sex!" "that's fine. i'll just have sex with Brii." Steve decided, smirking as he got a furious glare for his comment. "yeah. lets have a joint shower. save water, protect the environment." Steve decided with a chuckle as he started to strip. hey, he'd had six siblings in a one bedroom house and then went into the army. he'd never been shy about his own body.

Loki grinned a little. "great! i wanna try that bondage you humans are so fond of." he teased with a grin. "oh. it's going to happen." Loki admitted as he took a spoonful of his soup. "Brii's been trying to get into his pants since she met him. and Clint too. neither of them are patient people." he admitted with a grin as he sucked down his soup. "thank you. i feel a lot better now." he admitted as he set the bowl down and snuggled into Tony. "i feel the best when your close though. somehow, you make the physical pain so much less." the emotional too, but he knew Tony didn't like to talk about Emotions too much.
“I know, we’ll have to make sure he’s in that position more often.”Brii snickered before laughing, “Hm, if you’re hurting so much, you’ll just have ot watch then.”She teased before looking at Steve, laughing quietly. “Hm, I agree. Let’s do our duty and protect the earth.”she giggled as she stripped down, to old, to asgardian to be embarassed either about her body, stepping into the water as she turned it on, smirking as she looked at steve, for the moment concentrating on the new lover, hoping clint would forgive her for focusing so hard on the tall blond. “Come here.”She demanded pulling steve closer, smirking as she pushed him under the spray.

“Hm, I could go for some bondage. It’s fun.”Tony said groaning at that mental image before smiling. “No, they really aren’t that patient. I’m amazed they waited this long.”He smiled settling closer, pressing a kiss to his hair, closing his eyes. “WEll, good. I’ll just have to make sure I’m as close as possible. Sex would be close, wouldn’t it?”he smirked a hand stroking the other’s back.
Steve chuckled a little as Clint whined. "what is this, pick on Clint day!" "no. it's pick on a birdbrain day." Steve teased with a chuckle watching Clint gape at them. he was still a bit shy about his own body, being human and not raised during a great depression he'd never had a whole lot of experience with nudity. finally he stripped down as Steve stepped over to her, obediently. he was already half hard, and entirely too willing. hey, he was a horny, healthy man faced with two very sexy naked people, who wouldn't be willing?

Loki grinned a little and nodded. "Steve's just as impatient as they are too. so it's even more amusing." Loki admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "and yes. Sex would be close." he purred, snuggling into Tony and kissing his neck even as he started unbuttoning his own shirt before working on Tony's. he wanted sex and he wanted it now.
“Hm, we should be nicer you know, maybe make up for teasing him.”She snickered looking amused even as she dropped to her knees, bullying steve to block the spray of the shower as she knelt at his feet, smirking up at him. “You, are a a male worthy of singing songs after. Bards should write stories about this weapon...”She muttered even as she slid her mouth down over his ‘weapon’, rolling her eyes up to look at him.

“Hm, true. It’ll be amusing.”Tony said before smirking, shivering as he kissed his neck, hands gently stroking his back before rolling him onto the bed, settling between his legs, gently tugging at his clothes, “How do you want this? You want to fuck me, or me fuck you?”He asked, willing to give loki anything to let the man be at peace.
Steve snorted a little. "why be nice to him, it makes the sex more interesting." Steve teased with a chuckle before he went red. "what?" he asked, staring at her before gasping, arching as he felt the mouth wrapping around his length. "oh... my...god." he muttered, tossing his head back and his knees nearly buckled, making Clint laugh. "i think you broke him a little." Clint admitted, looking amused. "i don't think he's ever had someone's mouth there before."

Loki chuckled a little as he sighed into the stroking. "mmm i want you to fuck me." Loki purred. "long and slow. make me feel every movement." he purred, helping Tony strip them both. "and touch me a lot. it feels so good when you touch me Tony." he muttered softly as he wiggled under the other.
"Hmm nevermind."brii hummed a little amused at his confusion,to much of a asgardian to realize they didn't have bards or such.humming around thd length in her mouth she rolled her eyes to look at clint,raising her mouth up off him for a moment to look at steve."is that true?have you never had anyone do this?"she purred even as she lowered her mouth back to him,going to town to make sure steve would love this,not wanting him to regret inviting thdm to bed.

"I can do that.all night long."he purred a little pinning rhe other under him,dumping some lube in his hand even as he took his time prepping him,hands mouth snd skin never letting him go,touching him simply to reassur loki he was there,that he wasn't going anywhere.smirking as he kissed the other he shuddered sliding into him
they both blinked at her a little before Steve decided it didn't matter. "oh my god. no. never, don't stop!" he ordered, hips thrusting slightly as he scrabbled for a hand hold, groaning as Clint laughed and settled himself behind Steve to keep the man from collapsing. the Super Soldier moaning eagerly and loudly as Brii continued. it didn't take him long at all to abandon all control and let his hips do what they wanted. which was thrust. not long after that he'd tossed his head back and ROARED as he came.

Loki purred as he was pinned, squirming a little under the other. he moaned, and sighed, gasped and whined as Tony did his 'civic duty'. he was lost in the haze of pleasure and moaned eagerly as he suddenly felt himself full. there wasn't even the slightest sting of pain as there sometimes was during their usual games. he liked that little spark of pain with his pleasure, but this, this was glorious. "uuuhm Tony that's amazing." Loki slurred, almost sounding drunk he was so lost in the world of exquisite delight.
Brii laughed around him, amused at his reaction, closing her eyes as she worked on him. Moaning to as she swallowed down the cum, shivering as she heard the roar of pleasure, slumping back onto her heels, looking up at Steve and clint, blushing ever so softly licking her lips. “Hmm...that was awesome.”she said, her voice husky and purring.

Tony smirked as he resting his head against the other’s shoulder, rocking his hips ever so slowly, nibbling at his collarbone. “I know, I’m amazing...and you sound drunk”He purred shifting, teasing the other, groaning as he clung to the other as he came, clinging to the man in his arms.
teve sagged in Clint's hold, blinking stupidly for a moment. "...very awesome." he breathed. "...i wanna try that." he breathed, turning and sinking to his knees before Clint could even react and studied Clint's cock. "'s bigger than i thought." he admitted, hesitating before he leaned forward and gave it a timid lick. "ohmygod." Clint gasped, stunned as he realized what Steve was doing. "...tastes better than i thought it would." Steve admitted before he slowly worked up the nerve to take the other into his mouth. Clint was reduced to a babbling mass by that time of course.

Loki moaned eagerly as he felt the other pulsing inside of him and he shuddered as he followed Tony into an orgasm, panting softly as he smiled. "that was amazing." he breathed, smiling at Tony. "thank you. i'd offer to return the favor, but i know your still squeamish about bottoming." he admitted with a smile. "i'll have to give you a full body massage sometime. it's almost th same feeling." he admitted with a grin. "a little less intense pleasure, but still very very nice." he purred, sluggish and still sounding rather drunk. "mmm your the best, you know? i've never had a bed partner so good as you are." he admitted with a smile. "most people want me to top. which is fine. sometimes, but i much prefer to be under someone." he admitted with an impish grin at Tony. "thank you... i feel a lot better now." he admitted. "my legs are still jelly, but it's for an entirely different reason." he admitted with a chuckle.
Brii laughed quietly at steve’s words, “Hm, you never go wrong telling him his equipment is big.”She giggled a little at steve’s words as she stood, shifting to stand at steve’s back, leaning against his back as she used her hands to brace clint to keep from falling, strong enough that simply holding him like that would keep him from falling as steve played with him. Reaching down she ran her fingers through steve’s hair, looking up at clint.”He is so adorablely curious...”She purred though she looked slightly worried, wondering what steve would do when clint came.

Tony nodded panting as he slumped on top of him, sliding to the side. “It was.And no thanks needed...I enjoyed it to.”he muttered laughing quietly, nuzzling his face agaisnt the other’s shoulder.”Maybe I will sometime....but a massage sounds amazing.”he muttered before laughing. “Well, that’s good, considering I dislike bottoming most of the time.”he snickered a little before smiling, pressing a kiss to his lips.”Good. I think I'm a little jelly legged myself, really."
Steve chuckled a little and nodded as he touched and tasted and examined Clint, who had his head tossed back, mouth open, eyes closed, and very much enjoying what was happening to his cock. he couldn't even respond to Brii he was so lost in pleasure. there was nothing more tormenting and teasing than a virgin examining you for the first time. "fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuck." he moaned, carefully jerking himself out of Steve's mouth, the blond looking quite stunned as Clint started cumming all over his face. "...hey!... i wanted to taste that!" Steve complained, glaring at Clint who stayed rock hard just at the thought.

Loki chuckled a little and nodded, smiling as Tony laid on top of him. "hmmm stay there. i like the feeling of you laying on top of me." he admitted with a smile. "good." he purred. "we compliment each other perfectly." he mumbled with a smile. "hmmm. it's a pretty intense orgasm when you draw it out like that. i almost passed out. that was great." he admitted with a smile. "we'll do that again. later. when we wake up i wanna try this thing called 'paddling'. i'm told it is quite nice."
Brii groaned, squirming a little at steve’s demand, laughing quietly at that. “You’ll get a chance I’m sure.”She muttered carefully letting clint lean against the wall before sliding to her knees, leaning forward to lick steve’s cheek, groaning at the taste of come and sweat. “You have something on your face.”She muttered squirming, panting quietly. Trying not to be demanding, but feeling like she was being burned up, and even under water as the shower beat down on them, flame licked across her skin, to wound up to be in control.

Tony sighing softly, before nodding, closing his eyes. “I can do that.”he said smiling as he pressed a kiss to the other’s neck, closing his eyes before laughing. “It is. Took me having sex a few years to figure out how to delay it that long.”he said looking amused before raising his head, looking down at him, “...Paddling is interesting. Am I paddling your ass, or you mine?”He said looking amused before settling back down on him, having every intention of napping.
Steve huffed a little, pouting at her before he blushed brightly as he was licked, biting his lip as he studied her before leaning forward and kissed her, his mouth moving against hers as Clint chuckled. "hold up there Soldier boy." Clint ordered, looking amused. "you're kissing the wrong place." ",...huh?" Steve asked, looking baffled before going even more red as he glanced down at her crotch, licking his lips and obediently lowering his head and kissing her there instead, tasting her much as he had Clint, stroking and exploring with his tongue in that cute, horrible, hesitant way of his.

Loki grinned a little as he was kissed. "hummm you're very good at it." he purred. "i don't know. we could always do both." he admitted with a grin. "depends on if you like it or not. i'm not entirely sure what it is." he admitted as he closed his eyes, entirely too happy to settle into a nap.
Brii moaned as she kissed him back, looking up at Clint in dazed pleasure as he spoke, frowning a little before flushing as she watched steve figure out what clint wanted to do. Oh...”gods...oh...”She muttered whimpering quietly as she leand back, hands tangled in his hair, resting against clint’s chest, hips bucking helplessly as he tasted her, starting to fall apart as she felt him touching her, whimpering as she came, pulling her hands out of his hair and gripping clint’s arms, not wanting to pull any of steve’s hair out, hands tight and bruising on clint’s arms as the world shattered around her.

“...I don’t mind it, it’s a interesting feeling really.”Tony muttered smiling softly, pressing a kiss to the other’s shoulder, as he started falling asleep. “it’ll be fun.”he muttered as he fell asleep
Steve grinned a little as he listened to the cute sounds she was making as he touched her there, Clint grinning as he watched. this was hot. very hot. he cradled her as she came undone and Steve licked her clean and then sat back looking very smug. "that was pretty awesome." Steve admitted, looking quite pleased. "but if i'm going to... loose my cherries, i demand a bed." he stated as he reached for the soap. "and i demand to be clean before we do that." he admitted with a sniff as he lathered up the wash rag before he started to scrub at Clint. "oi, oi! what the hell!?" "you stink, shut up and get clean." Clint just snorted and let Steve enjoy the shower.
Brii shuddered,slumping into clint,looking at steve in bemusement,"once you decided to..yourr being all adorable and eager about this.its cute."she muttered smiling,pleased he wasn't running away before giggling as clint was ordered to clean up."getting beat up takes a lot out of shouldn't beat on him so much cap."she teased smiling as she cleaned up, getting dressed.nervous and wuiet as they headed for steve's bedroom, blushing and quiet,nervous now that her head had had enough time to clear." guys sure?"she said her insecurities enough that she was actually,truly nervous about this.
Steve grinned a little. "of course i'm adorable." he teased with a chuckle. "hey, he's the one that wanted it." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, he should be used to getting beat on... oh sorry, beating off. my bad." "HEY!" Clint complained, pouting at Steve who laughed as he scrubbed himself down and rinsed off. looking quite happy. "hey. i'm the one whose supposed to be nervous." Steve teased her with an affectionate smile. "i want this... i want you. and i want Clint too i guess." Clint sulked. "pick on Clint day sucks." he grumbled as he pulled the bedding off the bed so that they wouldn't have to wash it after their sex. "come on! i wanna get laid." Steve pouted at her. "please?"
“Hm, he does probably beat off fairly often.”Brii teased snickering a little. Flushing as she looked up at steve, biting her lip as she looked away, to nervous, because this was hard for her. So rarely had she had a relationship she actually wanted. Though her and thor made better friends, they had had sex at one point, simply to see if they could work. And since then, she really hadn’t had a relationship, because she figured if she coudln’t even make it work with a friend, then she had no business trying relationships. But this.... This was something completely new, because unlike her short romance with thor, this time her heart was really involved. Looking up at steve she offered a slight smile, looking nervous still, but also amused. “...Yes. Let’s.”she smiled at him looking at clint in amusement.
Steve smiled at her. "oh, he does. Tony walked into him masturbating like, eighty times." "he did not! it was only Twice!!!" he paused as he realized that wasn't helping his case. "shut up Steve!" he ordered, sulking a little as Steve laughed and followed Brii into the bedroom. "he's so adorable." "i've had a taste of sex and now desire to be a whore like Tony." Steve declared. "however, i only want to be a whore for two people." Clint looked amused. "that's not how it works." "..." "however, you can be a nymphomaniac." "i am not a maniac!" " Nymphomaniac. addicted to sex." "...that might be correct." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "alright. i'll be your nymphomaniac." he decided, making Clint snicker as he glanced at Brii. Steve was babbling, he was just as anxious as Brii was, he just didn't want them to know it.
“Only twice?Which means it was a lot more then that, when tony didn’t catch him.”Brii giggled a little before looking at steve, tilting her head a little. “I’m fairly certain that’s not how it works...though it looks like tony’s only whoring for loki now, so maybe it is?”She snickered before smirking as the two babbled, looking up at steve before stepping closer, wrapping a arm around his waist, tugging him down for a kiss. “You’re babbling, cap.”She muttered gently running her fingers through his hair, gently tugging at his shirt, pulling it off as she slid her hands over smooth skin and taunt muscle, enjoying the feeling against her hands. For the moment ignoring clint, to anxious about how she felt about them both, to be able to concentrate on clint when she knew he’d understand just how out of sorts she was. While he didn’t know the reason, clint had to know she was nervous and upset, the only thing that had changed, was thor had made her realize she was in love. Which was twisting her up inside.
Clint sulked a little at them. "i don't masturbate that often!" he complained. "well... i'm pretty sure Loki still lets Tony go out and fuck women, so i'm still not sure that's how it works." he admitted. "...i'm not babbling..." he muttered, flushing hard as she ran her hands through his hair, relaxing a little as he let her take off his shirt and ran his hands around her smooth arms, biting his lip. "i don't know what i'm doing..." he admitted softly, so very worried he'd do it wrong and they wouldn't want him because he couldn't perform in bed properly. it was stupid, and he knew it was... but he couldn't stop the thought. "you're really gorgeous you know that?" he asked with a small smile as he kissed the hollow just above the start of her cleavage.
“You are to.”Brii muttered a little, leaning into him a little, gently stroking his hair, relaxing, taking just as much comfort in the touch as he did. “I know. It’s okay. You’ll learn.”she smiled at him, “There’s nothing quite like teaching a virgin about sex.”she muttered fingers running over his sides, dancing close to his waistband, teasing, almost tugging his pants lower, but wanting to enjoy teasing him. Shivering at the kiss she tilted her head to the side, blushing. “really?”She muttered looking at him, startled at the praise. Because it was so heartfelt, she’d had countless people tell her she was beautiful, but he was so earnest about it.
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