Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

they both looked at her, well aware she was lying but neither called her on it. "i won't. it's not gonna happen." Steve stated simply before he sighed. "it's generally not a very good date if one of the people on it is sick." he pointed out. "but i suppose we can count this as a date. i'm still not having sex." Clint just huffed. "not until Brii can join in and have fun doing it. she's too miserable right now." well. that was good news at least. he did intend to have sex with them at least.

Loki smirked a little and nodded. "precisely." he purred before he smiled. "you go get work done. i'm going to take a nap. i'll probobly head to my Altar afterwords for some prayer." he admitted. "i'll be there if you need me." he promised. when Tony went to check on Loki though, the man wasn't in the Altar room, he was laying in a heap at the bottom of the stairs, face pale. he'd had another attack, and because Jarvis didn't have camera's in the stairwells, hadn't known anything was wrong.
“Yes it will. I’ll start saying bad things in asgardian, if you start with the french again.”She pouted a little before frowning as she snuggled down into the cool blanket, “Oh. Well, that makes sense. But this has been fun.”She said before grinning, looking at clint. “Poor clint.”she teased, indeed to miserable to be to disappointed about not having sex, though she looked amused at steve’s admittance that he wanted to have sex with them. Yawning she shifted to lay back down, the heat under her skin making her tired despite the blanket. “You’ll plan a date yes?”She muttered resting her head on clint’s chest, snuggling close, shifting, before reaching behind her and grabbing steve’s arm, dragging him over to snuggle against her, just wanting to be between her boys.

“Hey loki-”Tony called as he stepped into the alter room, pausing when he saw the other wasn’t in there. “Hey, J, where is he?” “...I do not know sir. He was on his way down last time I saw him.”Jarvis said, sounding worried now that he had looked for the man and couldn’t find him. “Staircases then...”Tony said sounding worried, knowing the stairwells were the only place jarvis wasn’t aware of, and within moments found loki, hands resting on his arms as he picked him gently up, looking anxious, not sure if it was okay to move him or not. “Loki?”He said looking anxious.
Steve rolled his eyes. "what good would that do? i don't speak Asgardian." he pointed out, looking amused. "actually, i was pretty shocked to realize that Clint spoke french." "i don't." "....then how?" "dunno. Brii did something so i could understand you." he admitted with a chuckle. "...that's cheating." he complained to Brii as Clint laughed. "i'll set up a very nice date." he agreed with a smile as he settled down to snuggle with the two.

Loki groaned as he was moved, his eyes fluttering open. "hurts." Loki muttered. "it hurts... they killed. they killed so many..." he moaned, slumping in Tony's arms, hurting to much to struggle the way he wanted to. "i fell." he muttered. "i don't like your elevator. so many dead." he muttered, stumbling over his words and unable to focus. "Pater is dead." shit, they'd killed Laufey. Farbuti was still alive at least, the King of the Jotun was still alive, they had a chance. they did.
“Well, it’d still sound sexy, and you could always have thor or loki translate. Which would be amusing in itself.”Brii snickered, “I don’t know french either. It’s a spell that makes me understand. And it’s not cheating, just leveling the playing field when you want to do sexy talk in different lagnuages.”Brii smiled as she settled down to nap.

“I know, Loki, I know.”Tony said quietly, slipping his arms around loki, helping him up, “I got you.”Tony muttered soothingly, looking worried for him as he picked him up, heading for the penthouse. “Jay?Get Brii and Thor, if he’s here. If not, call him and ask him to come back.”Tony said, looking worried not sure what he could do for loki, and hoping the two asgardians would have a way to help. “Loki?”Brii said as she walked into the room her features tight with worry, flame licking across her arms, a distracted worried flame, worried enough that she wasn’t even aware she wasn’t in control, much like how thor was when he was upset, you could always tell when the thunderer was upset, as the static electricity made it hard to be close to him.
Steve snorted. "there is no way in hell." he stated simply. "try again." he ordered as he smiled. "that is pretty neat. 'Do you understand this?" Steve asked, his head cocked as Clint nodded. "yeah but it doesn't sound the same as french..." "i was speaking German." Steve admitted. " learned it in the war. easier to tell what the enemy was doing that way." he admitted. "i know Italian too. my grandmother was Italian." well, a pickpocket thief and multilingual too. who'd of guessed it?

Loki whimpered as he was picked up but didn't cry out. he didn't seam to be in any physical pain, just emotional. he was asleep, or mostly so by the time Tony got him settled into bed. "Brii." Loki breathed, eyes fluttering open, reaching for her. needing comfort. needing one of his only freinds. "Loki?" Thor asked softly as he moved into the room, taking Loki's hand even as frost covered Thor's hand. Brii was protected by her flames, but Thor had no such protection, not that the Thunderling seamed to care. "...Pater is dead." Loki whispered, making Thor go stiff.
Hmmm, yes.”Brii said looking amused before laughing. “Yes, I could see that being easy to tell who was the enemy or not.”She snickered a little before grinning, kissing his cheek. “So talented. A pickpocket and skilled at languages....hmmm, makes you wonder what else he can do with his tongue.”Brii muttered waggling her eyebrows a little, laughing at the resulting blush.

“Hey, Loki.You’re looking a little sick sweetheart.”She muttered as she climbed into the bed with him, shuddering a little as she felt the frost, even if she was protected by flame, she could still feel the cold, though given how hot she was running on midgard, being frozen by loki felt fairly good. Looking up at thor she smiled in relief to see him, hopefully they could figure out what was wrong. They could fix this....but at loki’s words she paled, tensing. Realizing there was no fixing this. Swallowing hard as she shifted to let thor have some room, cuddling against loki’s side, gently wrapping her arms around him, resting her head against his. “I’m sorry sweetheart, so sorry....what can we do?”She muttered needing to know what he wanted, needing to help him even if she knew there was no helping, not really
Steve looked surprised. "how did you know i was a pickpocket!?" "You're a WHAT!?" Clint demanded before he narrowed his eyes. "you're the reason why my wallet keeps going missing!" Steve just laughed and Clint sulked. "it's not funny!" he complained as Steve went bright red at the flirty comment. ", not much actually. i've never had a lot of practice you know."

Loki shook his head. "the Earth is crying." he whispered softly as he snuggled into the woman, closing his eyes. "it hurts." he muttered as Thor swallowed thickly as he crawled into bed with Loki, glancing apologetically at Tony. "he would give you frostbite. i'm stunned you where able to carry him up here." he admitted. "will you get him some chocolate Tony?" Thor asked hopefully. "it will make him feel a bit better. hot chocolate would be best." he admitted as Loki snuggled into Brii. she was so warm, so nice, and he was so cold, deep into his core. it was a horrible feeling, being cold, and not once he was used to. "don't leave me." Loki whispered as he let exhaustion take him to sleep once more.
“Hm, after I realized you were playing us, it wasn’t hard to figure out you were the reason Clint’s stuff was going missing, since you were always around when it happened.”Brii said looking amused before smirking at clint’s sulking, before raising a eyebrow at steve’s words. “Hm, well we’ll have to see you get some practice in....after we go on a date of course.”She snickered a little.

“I know, it’s going to hurt badly, love, but it will get better.”she muttered looking up at tony, wincing a little at the anxious worried look on the man’s face. “Oh...yes...that would be bad.”Tony swallowed hard, hating he couldn’t help before perking up. “I can do that. Hot chocolate and stuff.I’ll be back.”Tony said as he left the room, already mumbling to himself about what he was going to get, returning in a few minutes with the coffee machine(That he’d tinkered with to make a hot chocolate machine) and it up to be warm whenever loki got up before leaving them to the quiet, making sure to tell the other’s to leave them alone. “We’re not going anywhere. I promise.”Brii muttered before looking across loki, looking at her fiancee, and wondered if she could use the time to convince him to break up with her, since she knew he wouldn’t run away, but decided she didn’t have the emotional fortitude to deal with it, when loki looked so broken curled up between them. Shifting, letting a arm trail over loki, letting flame lick over all three of them, while it was warm, it was in her control and wouldn’t burn them. Hopefully it would help loki fell better when he woke.
Loki just shook his head and snuggled more into Brii. "fascinating." Thor muttered as he examined the newly constructed hot chocolate machine. Loki was pale, but sleeping peacefully, and the more fire that washed over him, the more his color improved. "i'm very worried." Thor whispered after a moment. "Loki is so connected to Jotunhiemr. if Jotunhiemr falls, i fear Loki won't be far behind. we have got to end this war, and soon." Thor admitted, looking extremely worried. "the Aeser scuffle is almost done with. but then, the Aeser scuffle was mostly just a lot of shouting. there wasn't a whole lot of actual fighting..." he sighed and closed his eyes. "i wish his Goddess could protect him more..." Thor admitted with a sigh.
Brii nodded a little looking down at the man resting against her, before looking up at thor, “I know. I was always aware of his bond, I just hadn’t realized just how much his bond required of him, if the land should fall.”She bit her lip swallowing hard. “I’ll be leaving in the morning.I’ll go give them a hand, if you stay here.”She said because while she couldn’t stay long, if she broke up her visits, went in short spurts, she could totally freak out the fighters simply by setting fire to everything. But it worried her ot leave loki to, before sighing staring down. Really not wanting to go, but also needing to help jotunhiem. Feeling totally lost before looking at thor, biting her lip.”Maybe there is a reason his goddess has left him here instead of helping more....”Brii said wondering if the goddess had a reason for wanting loki on earth and was leaving him here without help because of it.
Thor frowned a little as he watched Loki sleep. "i don't think he'll want you to leave." he admitted softly. "i'll have to. i need to tell Father that Laufey is dead." Thor admitted with a sigh. "Laufey was like Loki. connected to the earth. that's probobly why Loki hurts so deeply right now. he lost a father, and the earth lost a connection. it's like being stabbed twice instead of just once." he muttered before he looked at Brii. "you think so? perhaps because of the distance, he's not being affected to badly? he's certainly not going insane like the ones in Jotunheimr are." he admitted with a shake of his head. "perhaps his sanity will be saved. it hurts, but he doesn't seam to be loosing any of his mental faculties."
Brii sighed softly gently eunning her fingwrs through loki's hair, because she wanted to protest,but she knew it was logical to send thor instead of herself."oh...yes that would be a double wound since the earth would feel laufey's death to."brii said before nodding."I agree.being on midgard is protecting loki's sanity."brii said sighing quietly before looking up at him."you'll take care when you go back?he would not survive your death thor."she said looking worried about him to. Nearly as much as she was loki.
Thor grimaced a little and nodded before he glanced at her, hesitating. " have found love here... haven't you?" he asked, sounding... not pained, but resigned. he could see it in her every movement. she was in love with the Captain and with the Archer. he had clung stubbornly because he wouldn't put himself over his people. but he could not, would not trap her into a marriage when she loved someone else. "i will speak to father about annulling our Marriage contract." he promised her. "and i'm not going to fight." he admitted. "i know he needs me. i won't leave him, not when he's like this." Thor assured her. "i'll be back as soon as i have told my Father what has happened."
Brii looked startled at his question"no...I've found lust...but they make me happy thor. Just as happy as your jane makes tou.besides.she makes a better wife then I do.she likes the girly things. You don't need another warrior in your life,you need someone to take care of,and that'll never be me."she said quietly looking sad and resigned,because while she had wanted it to end,to free them both,it scared her badly o be free,to be able to do what she wanted."good.I'd hate to have to break in a new best friend."she teased as worried about him as she is about loki.
Thor smiled and shook his head. "you shouldn't lie. especially not to yourself. you are i love with them." he admitted softly. "...Jane is mortal. she will get old and die." he whispered, closing his eyes. "she would not wish to spend an eternity with me." ah, so that was why Thor had refused to leave Brii to marry Jane. he was afraid she would reject him, or worse, accept him, only to fin she couldn't handle immortality. it happened sometimes. "i will be fine." he promised her with a smile as he tried to squirm free. "he's stopped freezing things. Tony, come here, he will take much more comfort from your touch." he admitted as he gently helped Tony position himself. which was a bit hard because Loki had immidiatly clamped onto Tony.
“...I’m not.”Brii said looking annoyed with thor, because much like him, she was worried about her boys being mortal.”Besides, they’re mortal to, you know.”She pointed out, for the moment refusing to think about having to watch them grow old and die, it was going to be to hard, to heart breaking to consider them not wanting immortality. “Okay.”Tony said quietly as he got up off the couch he’d been laying on, crossing the room to settle in the bed with them, smiling as loki clamped onto him, closing his eyes as he settled in to just help loki, because being there was the only thing he could do.
Thor sighed. "we just can't help ourselves, can we?" he asked softly before he smiled. "Captain is not mortal." Thor stated simply. "have you not noticed? his cell growth is almost the same as ours. he will not age. he'll die of old age, no doubt, long after you and i have passed into the Eversleep." he admitted simply. he left once he was sure Loki and Tony and Brii where comfortable, and he was back before Loki woke up. he did go and speak to Jane though, and soon she was in the Tower as well, much to Bruce's delight. they where chattering smart stuff at each other when Tony went into the Kitchen to get Loki some hot soup at the Jotun's sluggish request. he had woken up starving for something hot and filling.
“No, we can’t.”Brii sighed quietly, before looking up at him, though her smile was sad as hse considered that.”That’s not helpful Thor.”She muttered watching him go. When he stepped into the kitchen tony paused not really awake enough to resgister at first he had more company, shuffling to get the soup before looking at them.”hey jane.”He said perking up a little, looking pleased. Hopefully her presence here meant that Brii and Thor had worked things out. That would be nice. “Hey Tony”Jane smiled.”...Is it safe to let him cook?”Jane said after a moment watching tony pour a can of chicken soup into a pan to start warming it.
Thor smiled a little at her. "of course it is. at least now Steve won't be alone in the world. he'll have you." he admitted, kissing her forehead.

"no. it's not." Bruce admitted, getting up to stop Tony, making the billionaire sit down before he made something inedible. soon there was a hot pot of soup ready for Loki, who was struggling to sip at some hot chocolate at the moment with Brii's help. he was feeling much better by the time Tony got back with the hot soup and he was able to eat it by himself, for the most part. Thor had stopped by to talk to Brii and tell her that Odin had actually laughed at him when Thor told him that he wanted to break off the marriage contract. apparently Odin had torn it up years ago, when he realized his Son didn't actually love Brii. Thor actually called Odin a 'manipulative old bastard' and gave her a Golden Apple. if she decided it was something she wanted, she could give the golden apple to Clint and offer him an Asgardian's lifetime. he had one for Jane, but he couldn't bring himself to ask her yet.
Brii’s eyes went wide at Thor’s words, sputtering for a moment. “What?”She stared at him as she held the apple in her hands, looking confused at odin’s manipulation and kindness, looking down at the apple she was holding she stumbled to her feet. Putting the apple in her room before going in search of her boys, wanting to see them before she got to melachony or worried, because like thor, she was having problems with the idea of not onyl telling the captain he had a asgardian’s life span, but that clint could have it to. It scared her, really.

Tony snickered a little as he helped loki eat, shaking his head a little as he looked at loki. “Well, that was amusing. Really. Odin knew before either of them had the balls to tell him.”he snickered amused that odin had figured out that neither brii or thor had wanted to get married, and had given them what they needed to have a life they would want for themselves....if only they weren’t so afraid of trying for it.
Thor nodded. "yeah... i guess he was just waiting for us to realize it ourselves..." he grumbled as he watched her race off before heading back to his precious Jane, his own apple hidden away. "hey Brii." Steve stated, smiling at her as Clint panted on the floor. they where both in the Gym, and Steve was giving Clint the workout of a lifetime apparently.

"Odin is a great man. it amuses me that they are so shocked." Loki admitted with a chuckle. Loki had great admiration for the King of the Aeser. "you know... i could get you something similar." Loki admitted softly. "the Waters of the Holy Spring will give you the ability to live on Jotunhiemr." he admitted. "you would feel no cold. you would never age..." he smiled at Tony. "just something for you to think about." he admitted. it was a version of 'i'd like to spend my lifetime with you if you'd be willing'. and it showed just how much Loki really did like Tony. Even if they didn't work out as Lovers, Loki knew they would probobly always be very close freinds.
Brii paused as she walked into the gym, tilting her head at the sight of her sweaty men, raising a eyebrow. “Should I be worried I’m being left out of the sexy sweaty time?”she grinned stepping closer looking down at clint, shaking her head. “You two are getting sweaty together without even going on a date.”She teased grinning.

“Well, they’ve been sort of trying not to think about it for years, actually. So is it really that surprising?”Tony pointed out before looking startled at the other’s offer, a soft insecure look chasing across his face as he realized what loki was offering him. “You’’d want to spend the long with me?I mean, I’m fairly annoying....”He said before pausing, biting his lip.” the spring still there?I mean...would it still work?”He said curious about how the war would affect the holy water, but the regret in his face showing that he was regretting ever bringing it up.
Steve smirked a little. "we figured Loki wouldn't let you go anytime soon." he admitted. "and considering how bad he looked, we figured you would be better to stick with him to make sure he was alright." Steve admitted, Clint snorting. "what are you talking about? we're men. this IS a date." "yep. apparently it's 'sexy' how i kick his ass... i don't really get it myself but i'll tale Clint's word for it." Steve admitted with a chuckle.

Loki chuckled a little. "not particularly. still amusing though." he admitted. "i like your personality, you're hardly annoying to me." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "and the Spring is still there. for now. but that doesn't matter. i always carry the spring water with me." he admitted with a smile. "it's in my trunk." he admitted. "sometimes a Jotun just needs the spring water to heal damages." he admitted. "so i always carry a galleon or so when i leave Jotunhiemr. even if Jotunhiemr falls, the water won't lose it's potency, so you don't have to worry about needing to make a decision right now. take a few years to think about it." he promised.
“No he didn’t, but he’s got ahold of Tony and Thor’s back.”she said not about to tell them why she’d come to find them, still feeling a little freaked out about having a apple for clint and that steve will age as slowly as she will. “Ahhh.And it is sexy. I mean, you’re all sweaty and look ready for another kind of workout.”Brii hummed a little as her eyes drifted over the sweaty captain, smirking as she looked at him.

“Ah. Well, you are one of the few then.”Tony snickered a little before tilting his head, thinking that over. “Okay. I will...I will think that over. I will.”He promised blushing ever so slightly at the idea of loki wanting to spend that much time with him. And while he wanted to say yes now, he wouldn’t be stupid and not think about it, needing time to consider the ramifications and niceties of living that long. “...You wont be angry if I think it over?”He said studying the man laying next to him, wanting to make sure loki understood that he wasn’t refusing, simply needing to think.
they nodded. "did Thor bring any news?" Clint asked, looking a bit worried. he did indeed. the Aeser War was done. Odin had finally had enough and just threw the dissenters into prison for a few years to teach them their place.on the other hand, the Jotun war had only gotten bloodier with the death of Laufey. "really?" Steve asked, looking down at himself. "i don't feel anything but gross at the moment." he admitted with a chuckle.

Loki smiled a little. "i'm just one of those special kinds of people with special kinds of humor." he teased with a smile. "of course i won't be angry. i won't even be angry if you decide not to take the water." he promised the other. "it is a decision that only you can make." Loki admitted with a smile. "and if you choose not to take it, then i will simply value our friendship, or more, even after you slip into the Eversleep." he promised with a smile. "now... is there anymore soup?" he asked hopefully. "i'm still hungry."
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