Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

Steve blinked at her, more than a little shocked. "that's not helping! you're not helping!" he complained before stiffening as he felt her press up against him like that, swallowing thickly. "....i think i know everything i need to know..." he admitted as he stood up and fled as soon as he heard tony's voice, Bruce snickering a little. "that was highly amusing." thank you for letting me do that." Bruce chuckled a little. "in any case, he knows about Homosexuality now. and he heard the word threesome and he knows about STD's and pregnancy prevention and everything important. he'll Google the rest." he admitted with a chuckle. "we missed all the fun then." Loki complained with a sigh. "come on Tony, i'm starving. i want this, Pizza you where talking about." he ordered, bored already.
Brii pouted a little as he pulled away looking at tony and loki. “Yes, that was fairly amusing....and now we can really work on seducing him without freaking him out...well... Worse then he already is.”Brii snickered kissing Clint lightly before rolling her eyes at loki. “Come on, we’ll all go eat.”She slipped a arm through Loki’s, wanting to spend some time with her friend, just to get his opinion on seducing the good captain, and wanting to know about this pizza. “It should be here by now.”Tony said just as jarvis informed them that the pizza was here, heading upstairs to eat. When tony sat the pizza box on the coffee table, brii frowned looking unsure. “This”
Clint chuckled a little and nodded. "i agree. it'll be great. we just have to try and convince him that we're serious too." he admitted. "he's still Steve though, so he's still going to freak out a bit." he admitted with a grin. "he's so CUTE though." he admitted as Loki grinned and allowed Brii to guide him away. well aware that she was going to try and trick him into revealing something. "...apparently." Loki muttered before picking up a slice and taking a tiny nibble. there was a pause and then he shoved the piece into his mouth, grabbed a box, hoisted it over his head and took off with it down the hall. "...i'd say it's pretty good." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "good thing Jarvis always orders us each a pizza... though, i think Loki just took off with Steve's..."
“We will.I wont let him think we’re just teasing.”Brii smiled a little before snickering. “But it’s so cute.”she agreed before looking at the pizza. “You were avoiding telling me something earlier...”She said before opening one of the boxes, picking up a slice of pizza before grabbing the box herself and taking off down the hall. Tony watched the two leave with their own boxes of pizza, shaking his head as he heard clint’s bedroom door close, “...No, Brii just took off with Cap’s Canadian bacon pizza. Loki has mine.”Tony sulked looking annoyed with being denied more then a single piece of pizza.”....I wonder if its that addicting to them...”he mused amused that they’d both ran off with it. “Jarvis, will you tell Steve his pizza just got stolen.” “Of course sir.”
"Was i?" Loki asked with a grin. "i don't recall that." he lied before he took off with his Pizza. well, Tony's pizza. "i don't think it's addicting. they've just never had anything like it. they don't have 'junk food' in the other realms." Clint stated simply. "Brii nearly killed me when i gave her chips. mostly it's meat, vegetables, and fruit. for Loki it's always raw, and for Brii it's almost always cooked over a fire. there's not a whole lot of new flavors." he admitted as he shared his Pizza with Tony. they liked the same kind so it wasn't that hard to share. Steve didn't even bother heading to the kitchen, he just knocked on Clint's door. "Brii! i need that! that's MY pizza you know!" he complained. "Brii!? come on at least let me have a slice!" he complained, sulking as he realized she wasn't going to let him in. "Jarvis? will you order me and Tony more Pizza?" Steve asked as he headed back tot he Kitchen. he was too late though, Jarvis had already done that, the Pizza was on it's way. which was certainly a good thing considering Steve and Loki and Brii could each easily eat a pizza and a half by themselves.

later that night, Loki was smiling as he led the way to the old abandoned precinct. the old fashioned police station was dusty and dirty, but there was no mold or rot. up too high to get flooded. "it's through here." Loki explained, motioning Tony into the back, where the old paperwork was stored. "in there." Loki admitted. there was footprints where Loki had come before, and the filing cabinet had clearly been messed with. Loki removed the file. the very thick file, looking amused. between the ages of thirteen and seventeen, Steve had been arrested a total of fifty six times. six times for breaking and entering and attempting to burgle. ten times for pickpocketing, ten times from running a Con game or for cheating people out of their money, five times for shoplifting and five times for robbing various gas stations at gun and knife point. Steve had been a street rat!
“Ah. Well, that actually makes sense.”Tony said shaking his head a little, “I’ll just have to remember to order double of things now if it’s new to them.”he snickered a little listening to steve trying to get brii to open the door. “No!It’s mine. I’m eating it.”Brii said stubbornly from where she was sitting against the door to keep him from opening it.

Tony looked around looking amused as he followed him before staring at the file he was looking at.”...that’s almost as big as my file...”he stared before starting to read, and laughing, grinning as he read. “Oh fucking hell, that’s priceless.”he said grinning before slanting a look towards loki. “So. Is he aware clint and brii are trying to seduce him and conning them simply because he can, or is he really that oblivious despite being a street rat?”

Brii groaned as she slumped into the living room, collapsing onto the couch next to steve, pouting a little. “My stomach hurts....”She whined poking the slightly bulging area of her stomach, she was stuffed. And feeling whiney now that she wasn’t feeling good. While she enjoyed food, she didn’t need to eat alot to survive, so she rarely indulged as much as say, thor, so eating a whole pizza by herself was making her feel sick.
Clint nodded. "you'll have to... i think we should let them try Chinese food next time. we can order a Large of everything on the menu and have a feast." he admitted with a grin. "maybe two of everything." he mused with a shake of his head as Steve sighed.

Loki smirked a little. "you see why i'm amused every time someone tells me that Steve is such a boyscout." he teased with a grin. "i'm not sure." he admitted. "it's hard to tell with him, even for me. he has an amazing ability to lie." he admitted. "which is probobly why he was never actually charged with anything." he admitted, indicating the folder. "each time he was caught he acted like a confused child who was just so hungry he'd do anything for food. which wasn't entirely a lie." he admitted with a smile. "he's very good at what he does."

"well of course it does." he stated with a smile at her. "you ate too much." he admitted, letting her lean against him as he played the Pink DS. which was not stolen this time. "hold on, i know how to help." he admitted with a smile as he got up, returning with a cup of hot tea. "here. it's peppermint tea. it will help the indigestion." he suggested. "my mother used to give it to me all the time after i ate too much." usually after robbing some poor innocent food shop.
“Oh, oh god. I’m not going to be able to look at him the same way. He’s such...he’s the captain!This should not be in his wholesome image.”Tony said laughing, to amused to not to before frowning. “....That’s a disturbing thought. That’s he’s good enough to trick even you.”he snorted amused before grinning. “Oh man, brii and clint are going to die. This is going to be great.”

“But it was sooo good!”She whined looking up at him, resting her head against his shoulder, frowning a little as he left, looking at the cup of tea in confusion.”really?”She said before taking it, sipping it a little making a face. Even if it wasn’t what she normally drank, it wasn’t bad. “It’s,...different. Not bad, just not something we have in asgard.”She muttered smiling at him as she sipped it, “Thanks.”
Loki chuckled a little. "he grew up in the slums during the great depression and then went on to survive the front lines in World War Two. what did you expect?" he asked, looking amused. "and yes, he can fool me. but it's not so hard once you know your own tells." he admitted with a smile. "the question is, do we tell them, or do we just let them find out on their own? Steve still steals you know. i've seen him do it." he admitted with a smirk. "candy bars mostly." Loki admitted. "he picks pockets too. Clint still hasn't noticed that his watch keeps going missing, right off his wrist. he's playing with them and they don't even know it." Loki admitted with a chuckle.

he chuckled a little. "Pizza is really good." he agreed. "but there's this thing called 'restraint' and 'self control'." he teased with a smile. "it tastes a bit strange, but peppermint really is good for sore stomachs." he admitted. "i might have some peppermint sticks laying around too if the tea helps." he admitted. "your welcome." he stated with a smile as Clint flopped down next to Steve with a sigh. "tired... full." he groaned, blinking at the DS. "didn't you give that back?" "she said i could keep it for a few more days. she just didn't want Tony taking it apart." he admitted with a chuckle.
“....I don’t know, but it disturbs me that I hadn’t considered that. It’s weird!He’s good!”tony complained before staring at him before his smirk grew. “No, let’s not tell them. If they haven’t noticed him picking their pockets, its their own fault.”he snickered looking amused. “Now that I know the game, let’s just sit back and watch. Cause this is going to be amusing.”Tony snickered.

“...I’m friends with Loki and Thor, I do not know the meaning of these words.”Brii smirked a little blushing a little at the teasing, sipping the tea. “It is. I don’t feel as bad.”She said finishing off the tea before setting it on the coffee table before slouching back down next to steve, resting her head on his shoulder, for once, not feeling the need to be up, to be moving. Simply enjoying being with the two men. “...Tony would take it apart. He’d say he was improving it...”She muttered tiredly, long legs spread out in front of her, with that loose limbed contentment that usually came after good sex, but now, was simply because she was enjoying being with them
Loki chuckled a little. "he is good. but that's mostly because he wants to be." he admitted with a grin. "he likes being good and sweet and kind, so he is. but he had to do such things to survive, and they are skills that have probobly saved his life before." he admitted with a grin. "it amuses me that they are both playing with each other." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's like some convulsed mating ritual, between a bird, a cat and a fox. they each want to impress but they aren't speaking the same language."

he grinned a little. "good point." he agreed with a chuckle as he relaxed, enjoying the attention now that neither of them was actively flirting. he understood what they where doing of course, but he didn't have a whole lot of romantic experience. "he would. he's so bad for that." he admitted with a chuckle as Clint nodded, watching Steve play. he was working on Donkey Kong at the moment. "i have got to get me one of these." Steve admitted. "i'll pick you up one." Clint promised. "i'll assume you don't want one that's pink." Steve just shrugged.
“Ah. That makes sense.”Tony snickered a little before heading out of the building, so ready to be at home just so he could see what was going on at the tower. “And you’re probably right. I sometimes forget he’s older then he looks.”tony smiled before snickering as he considered that. “It is. A very confused, amusing mating ritual, that none of them are understanding. But they’ll figure it out.”

Brii smiled at the thought before looking at steve.”You’d want pink?”She said sleepily before shifting, laying down on the couch, resting her head in steve’s lap. Not to flirt, simply because she was relaxing and letting the other’s talking starting to sooth her to sleep.
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "yeah, it's easy to forget that he's old enough to be your great great grandfather." he admitted, looking amused. "...or is that great grandfather?" he muttered before shrugging. "i'm sure they will." Loki agreed. "in the meantime, we get to be entertained and take bets on how long it will take them to finally break Steve."

Steve shrugged. "so long as it works what does the color matter?" he asked, looking slightly confused. he hesitated when she laid down before he smiled and stroked her hair before returning to his game, Clint smiling a little. "you don't mind?" "no, why would i? she looks exaughsted, and she doesn't feel well." he admitted. "...oh, er... right." Clint wondered how it was possible that any person could be so oblivious.
“Uh...actually just grandfather. Him and my dad were the same age, so yea.”tony snickered a little before smirking. “Hm, I’m sure they’ll break him soon. I get the feeling brii’s not a overly patient person when she’s interested in having sex with them.”Tony said smiling as they got to the tower.

“...dunno. Seems like you’d like a blue one over pink...”Brii muttered turning her head a little into his hand, sleepily nuzzling his hand. “...What did you do?Should we be warning about safe sex and to take breaks to not get exhausted?”Tony said as him and loki walked out of the elevator, raising a eyerbwo at the sight of brii sleeping in steve’s lap and clint cuddled close enough to watch him play the game. Oh, poor clint and brii...steve was so playing them.
"ah, right. we don't really keep track of things like that on Jotunheimr." he admitted. "we live too long. we can have up to twelve generations all still living at the same time. and when you don't usually have children until your about a thousand years old, that's saying something." he admitted with a chuckle. "and no. Brii's not that patient." he admitted with a chuckle. "not at all."

Steve shrugged. "i'll just let Clint pick me out one." he admitted, smiling as she nuzzled his hand. this really was very nice. much nicer than when they where pressing themselves all over him and making him feel the need to go masturbate. "...shut up Tony." Steve demanded, flushing bright red as Loki leaned over. "he's not faking it." he muttered to Tony, sounding very, very amused. "he's really that shy about sex. how amusing. but he also knows exactly what their doing... even more amusing."
"Hm.he'd choose a good one."she muttered sleepily to tired to be flirty and overheming.not realizing they were just overwhelming steve for flirting. Looking up at tony he looked annoyed at him."go away tony." Tony grinne looking at loki nodding"its disturbing knowing what I know and hes still this embarrassed."tony snickered before looking at steve then down at brii."she should probably be put to bed..."
Loki snickered a little. "i know, right? it's kind of cute how someone so involved with the police can blush so much." Loki stated with a smirk as Steve slowly turned and looked at them, his head cocked to the side before a smirk lifted his lips. Clint wasn't paying attention, but Tony and Loki where. it was a look Tony had seen before, on cocky street kids. Steve winked at them, slipped Clint's wallet out of his pocket and then gently stood up. "your right, she needs to go to bed. come on Brii." Steve muttered as he carefully picked her up and carried her out, Clint going to follow. "shit! i dropped my wallet again. god dammit!" " many times do you think Steve's taken Clint's wallet now?" Loki whispered as Clint started digging through the couch to try and find his wallet.

in the morning, they where all witness to something very, very amusing. Clint, as promised, had gotten Steve his own DS. a Red white and Blue one. he was trying to defeat Bowser while doing his normal day to day routine. so far he'd run into three walls, two doors, tripped over four rugs and just fell randomly twice after loosing his footing. it was rather hilarious to watch.
“It really is.”Tony snickered a little looking down at steve, snickering as he was smirked at. So amusing the man was so cocky. It was vaguely odd. Looking startled for a moment before he schooled his features into not showing what he aws thinking. “...Don’t’re comfortable...”She muttered even as she shifted, resting her head on steve’s shoulder. Tony swallowed his laughter until they got to his bedroom, smirking. “Probably over half the times Clint’s ‘lost’ it these last few months. This is great.”he snickered.

“Steve?Steve, you’re going to break something.”Brii said worriedly as she caught him as he went to fall a third time, bracing herself so he didn’t knock them both down, looking worried about him hurting himself, but on the verge of laughing at him for trying to play and do his stuff at the same tiem
Loki chuckled. "he knows we know. of course he's going to show off a little." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "it's amusing how he's flirting with them and they don't even realize it... still, someone with a record like his to be so shy when they flirt with him. that's pretty sad." Loki admitted with a shake of his head.

Steve grunted as he was caught and blinked at her. "i'll be fine, i've almost beat him!" he complained, narrowing his eyes at the screen, Natasha, Clint and Bruce all struggling not to laugh at Steve. "just play and then do your chores!" Loki stated. "or better yet..." he took the DS out of Steve's hand and snapped it closed. "there." "HEY! give that back! Loki!!!!"
Tony grinned.”I’m going to look forward to steve showing off then.”he snickered before laughing a little. “It’s adorable how embarassed he is. Hopefully they’ll figure it out soon. They’ll all be happier for it.”

Brii frowned,”Well, sit down then, then do your chores after.”She scolded lightly, frowning at him before looking up at loki as he took the game, flame curling around her hands without even being aware that she’d summoned it, responding to steve’s upset over the game being taken. “Loki, give it back.”She growled already moving towards him.
Loki lifted his eyebrow at Brii, ignoring her fire. "why should i? clearly he's become a slave to this thing if he can't even put it down to train. he's becoming a danger to himself, walking around with his nose buried in this thing." Steve had paused, his head cocked before he sighed. "damn... your right, i hadn't noticed..." he admitted, shaking his head as he took the DS back from Loki, slipping it into his pocket. "well. who wants breakfast then?" he asked, Loki rolling his eyes because he knew Steve was going to get back to playing the DS as soon as he could. "annoying." he grumbled, smirking as Clint staggered into the kitchen, Steve reaching out to steady him and removing the man's watch. again. Clint mumbled something and slumped into the table and when Steve passed him to get soem milk out of the fridge he stole the man's wallet, Loki was practically eating his fist to keep from laughing.
“...Well, he is, but he’s a adult. He can play if he wants to.”Brii said frowning at the man, looking annoyed before looking at steve. “I do. Can we have pancakes?”Brii said looking up at steve before smiling a little. “He is.”Tony agreed, and even half awake the man was aware that clint had just got robbed again. Smirking a little as she settled into clint’s lap, just wanting to cuddle, and not trying to tempt steve for once. Having a headache, she just wanted to rest, and reaching out she picked steve’s pocket just as smoothly as he picked clint’s, settling back against clint’s chest to play the DS as steve cooked.
Loki stared at her. silently warning her not to let her infatuation get in the way of her common sense. "pancakes, you got it." he agreed with a smile as he headed to the kitchen, smiling as she stole the DS. you couldn't pickpocket a pickpocket after all. "you feeling alright?" Loki asked, gently examining her and checking for a fever. "you're acting strangely lethargic." "she's probobly still suffering from gorging herself last night." Clint mused, stroking her hair. "do you want some more tea?" Steve asked her, looking concerned.
Brii looked back at him, looking annoyed at the look, but knowing he was right. Turning her head a little into the coolness of Loki’s hand, nodding a little. “Fine. Just tired.”She yawned not realizing that it was a common problem for the children of asgard coming to midgard. Because the magic worked different on earth, for someone who rarely came to earth, it could have adverse effects on tehm until they grew used to it. Because Brii relied on her magic so much, more so then loki did, her total emotional makeup was built on fire even, so to have it changed simply because of where she was, it was leaving her lethargic, until she got used to earth.
Loki sighed a little. "you're not fine, you're running a fever." he accused. "the fires burn much hotter here." he muttered. "is it having an effect on your magic?" he wondered, Steve moving over. "is she going to be alright?" "i'm not sure. most likely she just caught an earth germ that's making her feel a little sick." Loki admitted. "being that her magic comes from the elements, the fires here might be burning hotter than she's used to as well." he admitted. "she needs rest mostly." "i'll take her to the bedroom." Clint promised, gently picking her up, Steve nodding. "i'll join you after a while." he promised. "i want to get everyone fed first and then i'll make her some hot soup. Soup makes everyone feel better."
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