Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

“nooooo that’s not fair.”Tony pouted leaning over, tugging the other closer, wrapping his arms around his waist before shifting, sliding down to his knees, smirking as he started undoing the other’s pants. “not even for a blow job?”He teased lips sliding over heated flesh. Definitely teasing.

“Hm, I’ll think of somehting else to do to him first then.”She snickered before turning her head to look at clint, smirking. “You wish.”She said that sexy drawl teasing ebfore snickering as steve’s words just made it worse, practicing...heh. Looking starlted as he got up, she watched steve before nodding. “It did go well...and you’re right. He’s up to something....”She frowned really, really curious now.
Loki smirked a little before moaning as Tony pulled him in close. "...of co...course not." Loki scoffed as he reached down and tangled his fingers in Tony's hair thrusting his hips forward, eagerly anticipating his imminent pleasure. "you'll figure it out if you watch him closely enough... i think." Loki admitted, panting eagerly. "god, Tony suck me!"

he snickered a little. "well, you could always have his first kiss." he mused with a smirk. of course, he was simply assuming that Cap had never had a real kiss before. but come on, it was Cap! "...i feel a bit unnerved all of a sudden." he admitted as he watched Steve come back in, pick up the DS and walk back out, looking rather hurried. he seamed to be late. "i wonder if Tony's talked to him yet?" he muttered. "maybe i better get Bruce to do it." he mused, chuckling a little. "Tony seams entirely too distracted by your smurf freind."
Tony vrowled a little around the cock in his mouth,slowing his mouth,aking his time sucking him,looking up raising a eyebrow."loki tell me."he growled refusing to be hurried and he wanted to know.he was a busy man,he didn't want to have to go looking for things himself.

"Hmmm that's true."brii brightened at that shuddering a little as she shifted,snuggling into clint watching stevs with wide eyes."I agree...this is...unnerving."she agreed before tilting her head."...smurf?"she said before nodding."yes it seems that loki is doing well distracting him.we should ask if bruce would be open to talking to him,I agree."she said before getting up,mario kart forgotten as she headed off to find bruce.
Loki moaned, tossing his head back as Tony growled. fuck that felt good! "N..No! i won't! you won't get it out of me. oh my GOD Tony!" he moaned, trying to get Tony to go deeper, faster, more! but he couldn't. "Fuck, Tony! Fuck! you fucking TEASE!" he whined, panting hard.

he chuckled a little and nodded. "very unnerving." he muttered, biting his lip a little. "yes, Loki. he's blue like a Smurf.... Jarvis? will you play an episode of the Smurfs for a moment please?" the TV turned to an old episode of the Smurfs. "well he's not going to be here you know, we have time." he teased even as he followed Brii to Bruce, who was doing something to a mouse. "morning." Bruce stated with a smile as he examined the fingers of the mouse. "hmm... not yet. maybe the next generation." he mused as he slipped the creature back into it's cage. "what can i do for you?" Bruce asked, his head tilted.
Tony growled, humming amused as the man tried to get him to move harder, raising a eyebrow as he dragged his teeth down over the other before drawing back. “You could end this, just tell me...”he smirked as he lowered his head again.

“...”Brii stared, before starting to laugh as the smurfs played, giggling as she enjoyed that, “I’m so calling him a smurf. He really is one.”She giggled enjoying that before nodding. “I know. But I’m sure Bruce’ll need time to think of what he wants to say.”she smiled looking amused, before looking at the mouse.”...what are you doing to it?”she asked curous before looking at the man. “ see, Tony’s distracted...and Steve needs someone to talk to...”Brii paused looking awkward, not sure how to ask.
"Fuck. fuck. Tony! i'm not going to tell you! you can't make me! God Dammit you're not nice!" Loki complained as he felt the teeth, tangling both hands in Tony's hair, whining deep in his throat. "fuck tony!" he whimpered as he writhed. "i can't tell you because you can't keep your mouth shut and you'll give him funny looks and ruin the surprise for Clint now FUCK me Damn you!" well at least Loki had a reason. and he wasn't wrong, Tony would never be able to keep from shooting Steve amused, baffled, or other such reactive looks.

he snickered a little and nodded. "he is." he agreed with a smirk. "true. well lets go talk to him then." he stated with a smile. "oh, i'm not actually 'doing' anything to it." Bruce admitted. "i'm attempting to genetically modify this mouse through selective breeding." he admitted. "..." Bruce gave her a strange look and Clint snickered. "we want you to give Steve 'the talk'. explain about gay sex, bi sexuality, and the more recent STD's and pregnancy protection that he might not be aware of." " he'll be more open to your seduction." Bruce sighed. "fine, but you owe me." he ordered. "i want your chocolate stash." "...ALL of it!?" "no. just the stuff i want out of it." ruce admitted. clint struggled for a moment before he sighed. "Fine..." he grumbled, heading off to get the large bucket of candy he always had hidden in various places in his room. Bruce selected about thirty pieces, making Clint sulk, but they had a deal at least.
Tony hummed before leaning back to look up at the other, tilting his head a little as he climbed to his feet. “I’m perfectly capable of being cool and not ruin surprises.”Tony snickered even if he knew loki was right, once he knew what steve had done, he’d be completely incapable of not ruining surprises. Smirking as he settled the other up on the workbench, he nudged the other’s legs apart, leaning down to kiss him slowly. “You want me to fuck you?”he smirked, looking around for some lube(yes, he did keep lube in his lab) and poured some into his hand, sliding his finger into the other.

”oh.They’re kinda cute.”Brii said leaning forward, ignoring the look she was getting from bruce before nodding. “Yes, that talk. I want him to stop talking in french, and start saying it in english, while we seduce him.”She said looking bemused as clint ran off and returned with chocolate. “...Come on. Let’s go see if steve’s back. Even if he hasn’t had his talk yet, I still want to visit with him.”She smiled leaning in to kiss Clint lightly, distracting him from his chocolate.
"fuck. no your not." Loki scoffed. "i've heard the stories." he stated with a smirk. "you can't even keep your own pranks hidden." he teased with a snort before sulking as he was lifted. "if i was proper sized, you'd never have been able to do that." he grumbled, wriggling against Tony. "yes damn you! fuck me or i'll do it myself!" he complained. "and i can do it!" it groaned as the finger finally slid in, but it was entirly not enough.

Bruce smiled. "yes they are." he admitted as he watched the two dozen mice in his lab. "can you see the differences?" he asked. "each cage is a different generation." he admitted. it was hard to tell until you compared the first rat to the second. he was breeding in thumbs. literal thumbs. as in, Opposable, ape like thumbs! "i'm increasing their mental capacities as well." he admitted. "Tulip there is the smartest rat in the world." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'll be sure to give him the talk soon." Bruce promised, sounding amused as Clint sulked at him. "alright." he agreed with Brii, giving her a kiss and heading out to find Steve. he was nowhere to be found. which was odd because Pepper was talking with Natasha about a self defense video that someone wanted her to sponsor. "Where's Steve?" Clint asked Pepper who gave them a baffled look. "why would i know?" "he was joining you for a meeting!" "this is the only thing i have scheduled for today." "...i didn't know Cap could lie..." "speaking of. did you guys steal my Gamboy DS? i can't find it anywhere."
“I can to!You know nothing!”Tony growled flushing a little before smirking. “If you were proper sized, you wouldn’t be fucking the small human. As it is, your adorably perfect sized.”Tony snickered before stretching the other, before pausing with his fingers in him.” can fuck yourself?”He said so distracted that for a moment he forgot to move before groaning as he captured the other’s hips in his hands, before pressing into him with a moan.

“They’re cute and...they’re changing. Their looks.”Brii said eyes widening before grinning. “That would be so cool.”She agreed looking vaguely worried with changing mice, but sure that bruce knew what he was doing. Pausing at the sight of the two woman she looked around for steve before frowning harder. “....He steals AND he lies AND he speaks naughty, dirty french?What is this? I have to go check with loki. He better not be pranking me by illusioning himself into being steve for the day.”Brii huffed in annoyance before heading down to the lab to find loki, for sure thinking it was the mischief making best friend making steve act weird, grinning as tony froze, yelping a little as she knocked on the glass .”Loki!What did you do to steve?”She demanded, so used to walking in on sex, that she wasn’t even bothered by the sight of her best friend getting fucked on the workbench.
Loki snorted. "you can't, and don't call me short you son of a bitch!" he complained. Loki had such a foul mouth when he was horny. though he was flushed a darker blue across the cheeks at the statement of being 'adorably perfect sized'. "of course i can fuck myself, why else do you think i can make clones?" he demanded with a lift of his eyebrow. "fuck! yes. god Tony! hard. do it good and hard!" he moaned, arching against the other.

"precisely." Bruce stated with a smile. "it's something very similar to what we did with dogs." Bruce admitted. "only a step further." he admitted. "... i don't think he stole anything." he pointed out. "i think maybe he's... uh, playing a prank? he is pretty playful sometimes." he admitted before flushing hard. "we can't go down there! Brii their having sex!..." he protested. "Fuck! Tony don't stop you asshole!" Loki whimpered before blinking at Brii. "i didn't touch your Spangles! go away!"
“....Oh gods, that is a mental image and something we’re going to test out later.”he growled holding the other against him, looking amused to see him blushing slightly.

“Ahhh...maybe.But I’m still making sure it’s not loki goofing off.”Brii yelled back amused at Clitn’s words, because she really didn’t care if they were having sex, it was just amusing to her.”Fine. Have fun loki!” “...You just called him spangles....”Tony snickered even as Brii left, looking very amused and less embarassed then tony would have liked.
Loki laughed a little and nodded. "agreed!" he gasped, arching again before hissing as they where interrupted. "Fuck off Brii!" Loki yelled back, making Clint laugh in a choked, horrified sort of way. "You, shut up and fuck me. we'll debate the nicknames for your horrible freinds later!" he ordered, yanking the other down for a kiss as Loki's ass did... something that really, really felt good.

"i just don't understand." Clint muttered. "it's STEVE! Steve doesn't Lie about things, and even when he does he's a bad liar..." he complained. "i'm so confused..." "that's not new." Steve commented. "what are you confused about?" he asked, blinking at them on the couch, holding Natasha's STOLEN pink DS. "...Clint, are you alright?" Steve asked, looking so concerned and innocent and just an all around boyscout good boy. there was No Way that Steve had lied... right?
Tony laughed as he thrust into the other harder, kissing him back. “And if I discuss it now?”He snickered as he panted, fucking him harder before moaning as he came, the pleasure of whatever loki did overwhelming even tony’s capabilities to tease.

“I don’t know. Maybe we’re a bad influence.”She muttered before nearly jumping at her skin when she saw steve, pausing, starting at the other. Trying to decide what to say. “He finds sex and how I can be so flexible confusing. It’s amusing.”Brii said not about to tell steve they figured out he was lying, if he was lying she figured he had a good reason....even if they were confused and concerned as to why. Surely it wouldn’t be anything was STEVE!Good amazing steve, so it wouldn’t be bad, right? “...also, Natasha’s looking for her DS.”
Loki moaned. "shut up! God do you EVER stop talking!?" he demanded, panting hard. he mewled as Tony resumed his duty and started to fuck him properly.

"no that can't be it. he would have been showing signs before this if that was it..." he paused and blinked at Steve who snorted at their response, going bright red. "Flexible. fuck, they're trying to kill me, i'm sure of it. i hope they don't realize i was lying so i could go masturbate... again. god they just ooze sexy. i'm SO going to hell..." well, that answered the question of why he lied. "...she knows i have it." Steve complained, looking confused. "she handed it to me and told me to go amuse myself! so i did.... i can't beat this stupid...." he glared at the screen, stuck his tongue out in concentration and resumed his playing, struggling to ignore them. Clint looked so relieved it was funny. they weren't bad influences! it was just a misunderstanding. Steve wasn't a filthy liar and he wasn't a thief!
"True..."she loomed thoughtful at that be staring at stevs,tilting her head. A polite confused smile on her face,as if she didnr understand him."what was that?"she said discreetly shifting, moving with that loose limbed walk that said she was really really flexible before dropping onto the couch next to him.tucking her legs up under her as she smiled."well maybe she forgot she gave it to you."she smiled a little shifting to lean against his shoulder,small pert breasts pressing against his arm. Definitely a tease,and clint would get ths joke since he knew she was totally doing it on purpose."what are you playing?"she asked trting to not laugh at the relief on clint's face
Steve offered her a smile. "nothing, just complaining about the game." he stated, a slight stutter that told them he was lying. he swallowed hard as he watched her walk, shifting a little on the couch. "probobly. i think i should probobly go give it back." he muttered as he scowled at the screen. before he went tense as he felt her brushing against him, making him stutter and sputter as he leaped to his feet. "i have to go give this back to Natasha!" he decided, fleeing, making Clint snicker. "that poor man." he muttered. "at least i know he's as innocent as i thought he was." neither of them would notice the playful little smirk on Steve's lips as he left.

"well, that was interesting." Loki mused as he walked in, without a shirt again. "you two really are oblivious, it's so amusing." Loki admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head and perused the fridge for some food, picking up a bowl of grapes. "i'm taking these." he stated simply. wondering how Tony would react if he slid a few of them inside his ass?
“Ah.I am sure you’ll figure out the game.”Brii smiled smiling as she watched him shift, looking at the game before laughing. “Maybe you should.”She said smiling quietly as he sputtered, grinning at clint as steve ran off. “He is fairly innocent. It’s adorable....I hope Bruce talks to him soon. Then the game will get really interesting.”She smiled standing, before pausing. Looking at loki. “What?I am not oblivious. What are you talking about?”Brii said watching him get the grapes, and so, so knowing better then to ask what he was going to be doing with those.

“If you’re going to give them hints, do I get to know the secret to?”tony asked grinning a little as walked into the room, still doing up his belt. Having recovered enough to want to see what other surfaces he could get loki to help him defile.
Steve smiled sheepishly at her. "the bad guys are just too powerful." he muttered, flushed and staring at her like she was crazy. "it is adorable." Clint admitted with a laugh, making Loki snicker. "oh. it's nothing." Loki stated calmly. "just an interesting tidbit i found out that's all." he admitted with a chuckle as he left, making Clint glance at her. "you think he knows something interesting about Steve?" he asked curiously.

"nope." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "but i will give you a bigger hint." he admitted. "if you look in the older files of the oldest Brooklyn precinct you'll probobly find something. there wasn't any eeternet back then you know. why on earth are you getting dressed? i was going to see how many grapes i could stuff inside of you." he admitted even as he slipped one into his mouth.
“....Loki!Get back here. Loki!What do you mean!”Brii yelled after him looking annoyed even as she followed after him, before pausing. Wondering if she really wanted to see what loki was up to with the grapes before biting her lip, wondering if she should go bug him, or just spend the time with clint while waiting for bruce to talk to steve. “I think so. He’s good at finding things out.”

“ in the police precinct?”Tony’s eyes widened as he considered his best friend, sputtering a little. “He got arrested?”he said looking curious. “Cause I was going to try and get some food before you let me starve....and why are you putting grapes in me?”
Loki just laughed and shook his head as Clint scowled. "...i have a bad feeling that somehow, we're being punked." he admitted. "someone, probobly Loki, or maybe Tony, is playing a joke on us, i'm just not sure what the joke is."

"yes. and yes. several times." Loki admitted, sounding amused. "and you won't starve." Loki assured the other. "Jarvis will order food for you if you ask him. and i'm putting grapes in you because they are cold, firm enough to fill you, but soft enough not to hurt when you need to expel them... and because i'm a perverted bastard who just wants to see how you'll react when i put my cock up in there as well and make all those Grapes squish around." he admitted with a smirk. "we don't have to if you don't want to."
“me to...I feel lost. I do not know what this is....we should go talk to steve. Surely he’s in on the joke. I mean, it’s him Loki said we were oblivious about.”She said looking bemused and trying to figure out something.

“J?Order a pizza would you?” “Of course sir.” “...”Tony stared at the other for a long moment, looking confused at the idea of grapes, his eyebrow twitching a little. “I thinl not. This is a little weird...”Well, considering the man rarely bottomed, and had had even fewer real relationships with men, was it any surprise he was finding this weird? Given time, he’d probably trust lki enough to do it. Just not now. “....Now. Are you going to help me look up these police records or not?”He said, his curiosity about the good captain overriding his lust for the moment.
Clint paused and then. "i don't think Steve is in on the joke." Clint admitted. "he can't keep a straight face at ALL...." he muttered. "so... we just have to find a way to get the information out of Tony. i don't know if loki will give up the information." he admitted with a shake of his head. "maybe Bruce knows?" he wondered as he headed for Bruce's lab, where a tomato red Steve was staring at Bruce in horror as the man explained about homosexuality. with pictures. which would explain the horror.

Loki chuckled a little. "what's Pizza?" he asked as he slipped another Grape into his mouth, his head tilted. "well, that's alright." Loki assured the other as he munched another grape. "oh very well." Loki mused with a chuckle. "i found the information in one of the abandoned places." he admitted. "near where Steve lived." he admitted as he munched some more Grapes. "you'll have to find an excuse for being there if someone catches you." he pointed out. "...we're going to have sex in there too. i love roleplaying. i can be the naughty brat and you can be the police officer."
“...Ah. Well, he still might know it....though Tony’s more liable to break first...but I don’t want to walk in on them having sex again....Yes. Let’s go see bruce.”She agreed before stopping in the door,way her eyebrows raising as she saw the talk going on. “Cap?”Brii said a small uncertain smile curling her lips as she walked closer, interested in how he was handling things, and trying really hard to not worry about the horror on his face.

“It’s bread with sauce and stuff all over it. It’s good.”Tony reassured before smirking. “...Let’s go.And Roleplaying sex is a perfect excuse to be there. So much like me that they wouldn’t even question why I went all the way to brooklyn.”he said sounding pleased with himself as he finished dressing,”We’ll go after we have pizza.”he said already curious and wondering just what he was going to find.
Clint chuckled a little as he followed her and paused as he watched Steve who turned to look at them. "help me!" he pleaded. "he won't stop talking!" Clint couldn't help it, he started to laugh, and laugh, and laugh until he was resting on his his knees because he was laughing so hard. "come on Cap. it's stuff you have to know!" Bruce complained. "i haven't even gotten to the three way relationships yet." "I CAN GOOGLE IT!!!" "you can't trust the internet! what's wrong with you!" Bruce complained. "YOUR SHOWING ME PICTURES OF NAKED PEOPLE!!!!" Steve protested.

Loki blinked a little. "well, it sounds... interesting." he admitted with a smile, clearly thinking he was going to not enjoy the Pizza very much. "very well." he agreed, sounding amused. "i can hear Steve screaming." he admitted. "i think Bruce decided that Steve needed the... how do you say it, the birds and the bees?" he asked with a grin. "you wouldn't beleive me if i told you anyway." he admitted with a chuckle.
Brii’s eyes widened listening to them before walking over, wrapping her arms around steve, covering his ears playfully.”I’ll just cover your ears then, though you might want to keep looking at the naked people. They’re pretty nice looking.”Brii hummed a little, as limp as a limpet against his back, pressing bodily into him, just enjoying the excuse of looking at the computer to snuggle him. “Come on, I’m sure there’s other stuff you can learn. Just don’t look to closely at the naked people.”she teased a little.

”It’s amazing. I promise you.”Tony said grinning before pausing, tilting his head. “Ohhh...oh. I think I need to go listen to this.”He said grinning as he dragged loki towards the other’s lab, poking his head into the room. “What’s going on in here?”
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