Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

“...I shall have to reserve my opinion on the vegetable until we have it.”Brii decided tilting her head a little, frowning. “....Oh.That’s why you have corsets. Corsets make everything look better.”Brii said looking very confused at the idea of dieting, because it wasn’t a aeser problem, they tended to use to much magic and muscle to stay fat. Tony winced swallowing hard. “I got your suit fixed, cap.”Tony said looking upset he’d pissed off the good captain before sighing softly. “You want me to help with dinner?”Tony yelled, smiling slightly because he knew no matter how much steve wanted help, he wouldn't be stupid enough to let him into the kitchen, beyond letting him make coffee.
"well... so long as you try it." Clint decided with a chuckle. "we don't use corsets anymore. they caused a lot of health problems for humans. and sometimes corsets can't do much when you're too big." he admitted. "obesity is a big problem in Midgaurd." Clint admitted before grimacing at Steve's obvious bad mood. "...thank you Tony." Steve stated, deciding that while Tony hadn't been all that helpful, at least he'd been productive in some manner. "stay out of the kitchen Tony!" Steve ordered firmly, making Bruce chuckle. "i helped with the laundry at least..." he mused. "though, i can understand why he's sort of pissed. he does all the dusting, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, cooking, washing and everything else... we really should help out more. he's a Captain, not a maid." "why don't you simply tell one of your servants to do the cleaning?" "we don't have servants on Midgaurd Loki." Bruce admitted, sounding amused. "and Tony doesn't like strangers in his living area. neither does most of us actually. too many enemies." he admitted. "and there are a lot of thieves who would love to get their hands on our things simply because we're pretty famous here." he admitted. "unfortunately most of us are... not good at housekeeping." he admitted rather sheepishly.
“Oh. I guess Aesers don’t have to worry about those things.”Brii said looking thoughtful at the idea before watching steve. “You’re welcome.”Tony said smiling slightly, before grinning. “If you’re sure!”Tony snickered a little before tilting his head. “But he’d look so good in a maid outfit...”he muttered low enough to make sure steve didn’t hear. Brii’s eyes widened as she considered that but stopped herself from laughing, biting her lip. “...Magic would fix those things....I can use magic to clean...”The woman offered hesitantly, nibbling on her lip. Because it took her alot of work to do, and she didn’t want to stay here without helping if they needed it, it felt awkward to do.
Clint huffed. "lucky." he grumbled playfully, flashing her a wink as Steve rolled his eyes before he stared at Tony with wide eyes that soon glazed over as he pictured the event. Steve in a maids outfit. oh god. he was lost in daydreams for a good full minute. "using your magic to clean is pointless Brii. it exhausts you more than doing it normally would." Loki pointed out. "ask him when he's in a better mood if there's something you can help with." Bruce suggested. "he's usually all too happy to dole out chores to people. and it will get you some brownie points." he admitted with a smile. "i'll assist as well. though you will have to show me how to use the earth equipment." because unlike most princes. Loki was always careful to clean his own area at the very least, because he hated making work for others. "i call dibs on Tony's room." Loki chirped with a smirk. "i can wash all his underwear." he paused. "well, if he owns any."
Tony grinned as he looked at Brii and Clint, who seemed to be sharing a daydream. “Nice thought isn’t it?”He snickered, amused. “True, but it’d be good practice to do small things like that.”Brii said before nodding. “I’ll ask him.”She said looking pleased with the idea before pausing.”...brownie points?” “Hm, it’s a term for gaining good favor. Much like what you’d get at court.”Tony explained watching the woman, thinking it through how she’d see the world before smiling, raising a eyebrow. “I own a boxer briefs to go under the suit.”Tony said defensively. While he usually went without, metal that close to his goodies, just wasn’t good. Brii smiled as she got up, heading for the kitchen, offering steve a small smile. “Need any help?I know it’s almost done, but I can do something.”
"oh yeah." Clint breathed. "very nice thought." he breathed as he headed off to help with Dinner. "this is true." Loki agreed. "i'll help you with your magic if you like." he offered her. "there are some power building exercises i can give you to increase your magical stamina." he admitted. "so, Brownie points are good." Loki mused, glancing at Tony with a smirk. "and how do i get brownie points from Tony?" he asked curiously, his head tilted. "you don't wear clothing under your suit?!" Loki asked, his eyes glittering with delight. "well now, that's good to know." he admitted with a smirk and a lick of his lips. Steve looked up as Brii walked in and he offered her a grateful smile. "would you mind setting the table?" he asked hopefully. "i'd ask Clint to do it, but he's entirely distracted." he admitted. "he's cut himself three times already." he admitted with a shake of his head. "idiot." he grumbled, though he sounded amused. "huh?" Clint asked, blinking at Steve rather dully before smiling as he watched Steve's ass, which was very nice in the tight bluejeans they had convinced Steve to buy. no one but Steve had been shocked to find out he loved them... though, he was still confused and kept buying 'girl' jeans, the stretchy fabric perfectly tight against his ass and legs. which was why Clint was so distracted.
“That would be great. Because I have control of flame, I think my stamina suffers simply because flame is so wild and I channel energy into doing that all the time, that it’s hard for me to try doing something else.”Brii said snickering a little. “Blow jobs.”Tony said simply before shrugging. “I wear briefs and a undershirt. It gets hot if I try wearing to many clothes.”Tony said looking amused.

“I can do that.”Brii said smiling a little as she crossed the kitchen and after he showed her where the plates were, started to set the table, though like clint, once she realized what he was watching, paused to watch steve’s ass everyone once in awhile. “...Do all mortals wear such clinging jeans?They must be in amazing shape it they like their asses on display this much.”Brii said as she finished, having stopped to watch steve’s ass.
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "that is highly likely. unlike me, where my element comes from inside of myself, you have to take in flames from outside of your magical presence which costs a lot more energy." he admitted before he smirked at Tony. "i'm good at blowjobs." he admitted with a lick of his lips. "yeah... you do get hot with too many clothes on. don't you think your a little too hot right now?" he asked with a smirk.

Steve offered her a smile. "thanks Brii." he chirped as he turned back to where he was pan frying the potatoes that Clint was cutting up. "what?!" Steve demanded, whipping around and staring at her with wide eyes before flushing brightly as he realized she was staring at his ass. "no! i just. they're really comfortable! i don't..." he paused and looked down at his reflection in the mirror like fridge. "my ass isn't on display is it!?" Steve demanded, looking horrified. "Clint! watch the potatoes i have to go change..." he muttered, Clint chuckling as he took Steve's wrist, stopping the captain. "Steve! calm down, you're fine." he promised the man. "a lot of men wear tight jeans. you have the body for it, and no one cares." he promised, Steve hesitating. "your just saying that because you like to stare at me." he grumbled, flushing harder, shocking Clint. he hadn't realized that Steve had noticed.
Tony smirked down at the other man, before tossing himself onto the couch next to him, looking amused. “I do, but I think the other’s would be disturbed if I undresesd here...though it is my house...”He smirked thinking about it.

“WElcome.”Brii smiled before pausing, looking at steve before smiling, having only commented just to see him blush. He really is adorable like this. “Yes, yes it is. But it’s such a nice ass to be on display.”Brii said before looking at Clint, watching the other stop steve, smirking a little as she set the last plate down, walking over, wrapping her arms around steve’s waist to hug him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.”You are a good looking man. You should not be ashamed of showing it off. If we stare at your ass, well, it’s just a compliment.”Brii grinned before slipping away.”I’ll go get the others. Dinner’s done.”She said walking out, looking pleased with herself.
Loki smirked. "well. they could always leave. or we could go back to the bedroom." he purred, his eyes glittering. "okay! ewe!" Bruce protested. "stop it both of you." he complained, scowling. "i'm sorry. i forgot you cannot have intercourse." Loki admitted. "i will strive not to do such things in front of you." Loki promised, Bruce huffing.

Steve flushed even harder as he pathetically tried to tug free from Clint. which was amusing because they all knew that if Steve really wanted free, Clint would never have been able to hold him. he went tense as she wrapped her arms around him and he swallowed hard. "i...i..." he sputtered, looking utterly stunned and shell shocked as he looked from her to Clint with wide, stunned eyes before he fled, Clint chuckling a little as he stated setting everything on the table as they others came in. "...where's the Captain?" Bruce asked, lifting an eyebrow. "oh. he had to go catch his breath. he's pretty tired." Loki lifted en eyebrow and glanced at Brii, looking amused.
Tony grinned.”We could. If we wanted to get yelled at for skipping dinner.”he smirked amused before wincing, flashing bruce a look. “Sorry.”he said smiling slightly though, tilting his head towards his friend as he got up to go for dinner.

Brii studied the two, knowing that if steve wanted to pull free he would. Looking startled as he looked at them, glancing at Clint before shrugging. Brii glanced at Loki, offering a innocent shrug, “He’s allowed getting tired without my help, loki. Don’t give me that look.”She whined a little looking to amused though, making a plate of food. “but I should probably go see if he wants some, since he did make it. And he is the captain.”She hummed a little making up a plate, before heading for steve’s room, knocking lightly on the door, curious for the sake of curiosity.
Loki pondered that. "we could claim i did not feel well and you where trying to make me feel better." he mused with a grin.

Clint grinned a little and shook his head a little. "he'll be alright." he promised. "just a little overwhelmed." he admitted with a chuckle as dished himself up as everyone sat down. "hurry back." he teased her with a grin. "Yes? Come in. i mean go away! i mean. oh dammit!" Steve complained, clearly flustered and uncertain how he was feeling. he had been feeling weird enough with how he felt about Clint, another man. it was fifty times worse when those same feelings affected him with Brii too. now he felt like a slag and a freak all at once. he just wasn't sure what to do about all of this, and who could he talk about such things? he was pretty sure he couldn't talk to anyone. not about this. how was he supposed to live his life knowing he was... he was... a pervert?!
Brii paused in the middle of opening the door. “I wanted to know if you where hungry....”Brii said looking worried as she opened the door, a soft uncertain look on her face as she stepped into the room. Confused because he was reacting so oddly. Despite everything, and her skills at court politics, it was rare enough that she had sex or actually tried to have sex, that this was confusing her. She didn’t want to upset him, but she also wanted him. By her own rules she wasn’t misbehaving or being weird about her attraction, but maybe she was?She’d have to ask thor to explain the rules to have sex in the human world. Despite being beautiful, feeling awkward and shy with steve’s reaction, because it really was a rarity for her to try the seduction thing and actually mean anything by it.
Steve looked up at her and the grimaced. "forgot about Dinner." he admitted sheepishly. "i'm fine. just having one of those mid life crisis that everyone talks about. i'm ninety years old i deserve to have one." Steve admitted, forcing up a cheerful outlook and expression. he didn't want her to feel bad when it was his fault he was a freak after all. "thanks for bringing me dinner." he stated as he gently took the plate from her, studying the food with a sigh. "tell Bruce he has to wash the dishes would you? im done for the day. i refuse to do anymore cleaning up." he grumbled. "it's not as if they don't know how to do their own laundry at least! i know they do! they could at least do their own laundry." he grumbled as he sat down on his bed and enjoyed the food he had made, too lost in thought to realize he was ignoring Brii. "Brii?" Clint asked as he looked up at her. "you need to understand. when Steve was a child, growing up i mean, people did not like the same gender. and if they did, they kept it a very well hidden secrete. and there was no such thing as a three way relationship. it's not that Steve doesn't like you, it's just that he doesn't realize it's okay to like you." he assured her with a smile. "he'll settle down." he promised her. "and then we'll sent Natasha in to talk to him. or Tony."
“It’s okay. I just wanted to make sure you got some, since Thor definitely could eat everything by himself.”Brii smiled looking amused, biting her lip. Hesitating for a moment before resting a hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. “Take it from someone even older then you are, everyone has a breakdown. Just be glad you’re not like me and loki, I burned something down last time, and Loki froze Thor solid for hours.”She muttered before nodding, “Don’t worry about it. We’ll take care of the chores. Just rest.”She said dipping her head, pressing a hesitant kiss before stepping back, heading back. Pausing as she considered what clint was telling her, “Oh...I guess that makes sense.”She bit her lip, relaxing a little, because the woman had grown up in such a different sort of society, where all relationships, in any form, were okay. “Tony would be a good choice.”She snickered a little, “Or loki.”She muttered before frowning slightly, looking up at clint, sighing quietly. “Also, steve says we’re in charge of dinner’s dishes, and our laundry now.”
Steve smiled a little. "yeah Thor can eat." he agreed with a small chuckle as he looked up at her, blinking a little. "well i'm not having a breakdown! i just... alright i'm having a breakdown." he admitted with a sigh. "but it's just a small one." he assured her with a smile before he snorted. "did he really? that must have been a hell of a case of frostbite..." he muttered, looking amused. "thanks Brii." he muttered, looking quite relieved before flushing brightly as he was kissed.

Clint smiled a little and nodded. "yeah. he comes from a very different culture from most humans you'll come in contact with, he's having a few problems settling in, but he's getting used to things." he admitted with a smile. "i think we'll stick to Tony. i don't know if Steve will trust the word of a person who hasn't grown up here." he admitted with a smile. "we might get Bruce to talk to him too. Cap needs a crash course on pregnancy prevention and STD's anyway." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'll ask Bruce to talk to Steve.... i don't know how to do my laundry..." he complained. "i mean... i tried once, and Nat just about beat my head in." he admitted. "i can do the dishes though, i know how to do that... we really do have to start helping Steve or he's going to snap and beat on us..."
“”A small one is okay. You’ll be okay.”She smiled at him, before smirking slightly. “He did. It was horrible, and I had to spend the day melting ice then healing it. Definitely a bad case of frostbite on some sensitive parts.”she snickered.”You’re welcome.”She muttered amused as he flushed as she walked out.

“Oh...well, that’s even worse. I mean, my culture is so different....maybe this isn’t a good idea...”Brii muttered biting her lip looking worried before laughing, nodding a little.”A good idea. Bruce and tony are good choices to speak to him.”She muttered before raising a eyebrow. “...well, you can be in charge of dishes. I’ll help bruce do laundry...and hopefully we can find something for tony to do, since he’s not allowed cooking.”She snickered a little before growing serious. “We’ll help steve, we wont let him go insane.”She smiled slightly.
Steve snickered a little. "that's really funny." he admitted to her with a grin. already feeling better.

he shook his head. "it will be fine. i know he likes me." he admitted. "and i know he likes you too or he would have put an end to our flirting straight up." he pointed out. "he shut down Tony Hard when Tony tried to flirt." he admitted. "and he ignores any other attempts so he's open to our advances, he's just not sure it's okay to be open to them." he admitted. "alright, i'll do dishes, you and Bruce can do laundry, Tony can handle...uhm..." he pondered that and then. "he can build a robot to do the vacuuming and sweeping!" he decided. "we really have to start helping. Steve's been doing too much. he's so rarely in a bad mood." he admitted. "and i'm not too worried about him going insane, i'm more worried about him moving out! we'd all starve!" he admitted with a chuckle.
“Oh.Well...that makes sense.”She blushed ever so slightly that steve liked them, before eyeing the man in front of her. “You’re being awfully open to the idea of a three-way....that’s what you’re offering right?”she said, wanting to make sure she was understanding right, looking awkward, after all, she was a blunt woman, and this was awkward for her when she didn’t know human rules. “Oh. Well, we wont let that happen. We’ll help.”She nudged him a little, go do dishes, I’m going to go get settled in my room.”She said smiling a little, trying to figure out how to live in this world was going to be interesting.

"You do realize, Brii's going to break the good captain, right?"Tony muttered smirking as he headed for his bedroom with Loki, running his fingers through tossled brown hair, already planning on how he could help around the tower more.
he chuckled a little. "well. i like you. and i like Steve. a lot. like, a lot alot." he admitted. "i'm an open sort of person and i like both genders so why not?" he asked with a smile. "we humans aren't nearly as uptight as the Cap is right now." he admitted. "if Cap is open to it once we convince him that it's okay, then i'm okay with it." he admitted with a smile. "do you want some help?" he offered, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Loki chuckled. "no. if she notices that your Captain really doesn't want her attentions she will turn them elsewhere." he admitted as he watched the other. "i think he could use some help though. i have done a little bit of magic, dust won't settle in the tower anymore, so he won't have to dust." he promised. "i don't know what else i can do though." he admitted. "any suggestions?"
“Oh. Well. Good. Cause you both interest me.”She said looking bemused, because she couldn’t say she liked them alot, but they did interest her. “Well, we’ll get him open somehow.”she smirked, a flirty little smirk on her face before raising a eyebrow already heading for her bedroom, glancing over her shoulder at him.”If you think you’re able to help me settle better, come along then.”

“I think he’s interested, but he’s...confused. Really. I should probably talk to him...”Tony said biting his lip having like clint, noticed the man and brii hadn’t gotten shut down as hard as tony himself had, so it interested him. “He could. And I’m going to get the other’s to help, and I’ll figure out how to help more...”he looked thoughtful, “We’ll ask him. It’ll be easier to ask him what he wants us to help with, instead of just fucking around and messing it up worse. That would just make things worse.”
he grinned a little and nodded. "i think your pretty fascinating yourself." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh yeah. i'd like to open him up." he admitted with a leer and a chuckle before he grinned brightly as he rushed after her and nodded. "oh i'm sure i could give you a hand." he agreed with a smirk as he ran his eyes down the back of her body with a lick of his lips.

Loki nodded. "Thor says his culture is much more repressed than most humans." Loki admitted. "he might not realize it's alright to like two people at once." he admitted. "he is most certainly interested." Loki admitted. "his heart rate speeds up, his pupils dilate, his chemical composition alters and he attempts to preen without being noticed. he is very much 'in the like' with Brii and Clint." he admitted with a chuckle. "it is very cute how he reacts to Brii's flirting. like a child with his first crush..." he paused. "...he has had the attention of a female before, hasn't he?" he asked, looking startled. "you are right. we will have him make a list, and we will assign tasks." Loki decided. "that will help i'm sure."
Brii laughed at that mental image, smirking as she looked over her shoulder, that flirty little smile back. “Hm, a hand....a cock...a hip...I might need lots of assistance from you.”She smirked as she shut the door behind them. A little giddy, because it had been so long, she was looking interested in being with him tonight, and setting out to seduce steve later.

“True. It’s disturbing how repressed, really.”Tony shuddered at the idea before wincing. “Damn...I hadn’t considered that.”he winced having not really considered what being out of time meant for steve’s relationship thoughts before laughing. “That’s amusing and interesting that you noticed that.”He teased a little, “It is very cute....and we’re not telling him that. We’ll get beaten for calling him cute.”he snickered a little before nodding, “It will, I am sure.”he paused tugging the other into his room, “So. Ready for that evening spent in bed?”He said waggling his eyebrows a little, already reaching for the other’s clothes.
he smirked at her. "oh, i'll be sure to give you anything you need." he assured her with a lick of his lips.

Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "it is a little odd to watch him. he's very awkward about some things." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "he needs life lessons i think." he admitted, looking amused. "i always notice these things." Loki admitted. "it is important for me as a leader to be able to tell what my people are thinking and feeling." he admitted with a smile. "besides, Brii has a chance to truly connect to him." he admitted. "i pay much more attention to him and Clint simply for that reason." he admitted. "oh i will most assuredly inform him that he is cute." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "i am entirely ready for en evening spent in bed. the question is.. can you keep up with me?" Loki asked with a smirk as he flicked his fingers, rendering Tony naked in a millisecond.

(sorry it took so long. got a phone call from a freind.)
“Hm, you had it right, when you called him the man out of time. He’s very odd sometimes.”Tony muttered looking thoughtful. “That makes sense. You’d make a good leader. I think.”he said thoughtfully before smiling slightly, tilting his head.”And you want her to have that. Instead of whatever this thing is she had with thor.”He hummed a little reading more into the other’s words before grinning. “I can always keep up with you.”He growled shivering a little as he found himself naked.”Hm, handy.”he smirked.

In the morning Brii smiled sleepily, contentedly, utterly satisfied as she stretched, rolling out of bed and tossing clothes to the man watching her. “Come on. I’m hungry.”She stretched before pulling some clothes on, pausing to lean down and kiss him before heading for the kitchen, wondering what they could scrounge up to eat, her stomach growling loudly.
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