Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

“Ah...That makes sense. Not wasting effort when it’s not that uncomfortable.”he looking amused before frowning, pouting. “Well, I’m sure I can make up something interesting and magical sounding, or tell you scientific theory.”he said looking amused before making a face. “Hm, I do have those in spades. My ex tells me I was to smart for my own good.”He snickered a little before shrugging. “I do. But I’m enjoying teasing you and taking my time seducing you then just having sex....and compared to them, I really, really am advanced. More then most people.”he said watching him go, looking thoughtful, because of his breakup with pepper had left him hesitant, even if he wasn’t really aware of it. Frowning as he followed him(after stripping off the armour of course), he raised a eyebrow. “Hey, wait up. You don’t know how to use the shower. Let me show you.”He said looking pleased and amused having every intention of seeing him naked.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "precisely." he agreed before cocking his head to the side. "i would know you where making it up. you don't even know the proper terminology, that Harry Potter crap ruined you humans for life. we'll never convert you back to the proper way of things now." he admitted. "what's an Ex?" he asked curiously. "well, you're pleasantly advanced. but there are other extremely intelligent people on earth as well. like me." he admitted with a grin. "i suppose the others are all dead by now though." he muttered with a sigh. "oh well, i'm sure another intelligent human will crop up eventually." he teased. "Shower? oh, i see, you painstakingly beleive i am going to let that filthy polluted water touch me." Loki mused. "i certainly think not. no. we Jotun do not bathe in water. as a matter of fact there is no water. too cold." he pointed out. "no we do something different." he admitted as he strode into his room and shucked off his shirt, revealing his grey skin and darker markings before opening a chest that was at the foot of his bed and pulled out a small bristle brush that looked very very soft, a large bowl, a large can of what looked like Olive oil mixed with lavender colored water and flakes of some sort of wet herb. a cloth followed. Loki winked at Tony and proceeded to brush himself off with the soft bristle brush which was dipped in what looked like baby powder and brushed all over his body. then stripped off his pants and repaired the process, showing just how flexible he really was as he did his own back entirely. his arms could do impossible things, he'd be killer at that kids game, Twister.

then he brushed off al of the powder with a second, clean brush and reached out and poured the oil mixture into a bowl and started to mix it with his fingers before he coated his hands in it, winked at Tony, and began to spread it across his entire body. "is it normal for people to watch others bathe here?" he wondered, letting the oil slide all over his body. it smelled wonderful, like flowers and a bit like fruit and it made Loki's skin shine and glitter and it almost looked as if he was enjoying his 'bath' on purpose. particularly when he 'washed' his genitals and his tight little ass.
“Harry potter was awesome. I read it then promptly wanted my own flying motorcylce.”He snickered a little smiling a little before smiling. “A Ex. My old girlfriend, lover.”He explinaed before sulking. “There is no other as advanced as me...well, okay, no human.”He snorted amused before tilting his head.”You said bathe. How else would you get clean?”He frowned looking bemused as he settling himself against the dresser watching as he shivered a little watching the other clean up. “...No, it’s not. But this is to good of a show to pass up on.”Tony said his eyes sliding over the other’s body, smirking a little. “Just how flexible are you?”
Loki chuckled a little. "bathing does not always need water. how would you bathe in a desert for example?" he asked curiously. "ah, i forgot, you humans define such things." he mused. "Jotun do not." he admitted. "when two people don't want to be together anymore, they just aren't. usually without hard feelings." he admitted with a smile. "well, i'm glad you enjoy the show then." Loki purred with a chuckle as he shook his head and finished spreading himself with oil before reaching out and grabbing a handful of... sand? and proceeded to rub that all over himself as well before he took the towel and wiped it all off. "i can lick the tip of my own dick." Loki admitted with a smirk. "other than that, i'm not really sure." he admitted. "i've never tested it." he admitted as he started working the oil into his hair, running his fingers easily through the slick black locks until they where actually dripping with the oil. then with one last run of his fingers all the oil was pulled out of his hair with magic and banished, leaving the hair silky soft and smelling of the fruity aand flowery oil. "so. how do you take a bath then Tony?" he asked with a smirk, standing there completely in the nude with all signs of mess, completely gone. not a speck of sand remained as he carefully poured the last of the oil back into it's bottle and started putting everything away save for a tiny bottle of oil which he left out. "you know the best part about the bathing oils?" he asked with a smirk. "it works wonderfully as a lubricant."
“I don’t know. When I was in the desert, I didn’t get a chance to bathe.”He twitched a little before looking bemused. “Interesting. My ex likes me, somedays I guess.”He snickered before nodding. “I am most definitely enjoying the show....and is that sand?”He said staring at the sand, before swallowing at the idea as he tilted his head, enjoying the thought of loki being that flexible before raising a eyebrow. “Can you give yourself a blow job?”He asked sounding curious before swallowing hard as he watched those fingers slide through loki’s hair. “ water.”Tony said simply watching him, his eyes dark with lust. “Ohhh...yes. That would be a good thing for bathing oils.”he agreed moving away from the dresser to get closer before wincing as jarvis’ voice broke in.

“Sir?There is someone here to speak with Lord Laufeyson.”Jarvis said. “Who?Make her talk to Thor. We’re busy.”Tony said sounding defensive and annoyed at having the moment broken. “She says her name is Brii, and that she has no wish to speak to the thunderer right now. And that she would await to speak to Lord Laufeyson at his earliest convenience.” “...that sounds like the overly flowery words of a court lady.”Tony frowned, remembering talking to some of the aesers, they tended to be a wordy lot. And Brii was. Despite being a warrior, she moved easily through court life, enough that she’d been chosen to wed Thor, because she understood politics when he did not....though neither had any real desire to marry each other. The thunderer and the lady of light and shadow understood they were better friends then ever lovers...even if they played the parts, to the point that most people believed they were already married, even if they never had sex, they could act like they did.
he smiled a little. "i don't actually know either, i assume they use sand and perfume." he admitted with a chuckle. "and yes, this is sand, it exfoliates the skin and rubs away the dead skin cells and such. it's why my skin is so soft." he admitted with a grin. "no i can't unfortunately. i can lick the tip but i can't get my lips around it." he paused. "well, if i had help i might be able to." he admitted with a chuckle. "well yes, i understand in water, but what do you scrub with? Thor tells tales of soaps that smell like coconut Shea butter. i do not wish to call him a liar, but when he says that you have soap for skin separate from soap for hair, and then a third soap t make the hair soft... he says that often they then put stuff back in the hair to befoul it once more." he scoffed. "he is a liar, i am sure of it." Loki decided before smirking as Tony got closer. "....." he paused as Jarvis spoke. the bodiless voice sort of freaked him out from time to time. "...was he... watching us?" Loki asked, looking rather skittish.

"Brii?" he asked, perking up. she was the only freind of Thors who Loki actually liked. "she's a warrior." Loki admitted with a sigh. ":and she'll pester us to death until i go talking to her." he grumbled. "she's a court lady too so she's VERY used to gettign her way." he grumbled ash moved to the trunk once more and started pulling on his clothes. "i'm very sorry Tony." he admitted, looking the other over. "perhaps i will sneak into your room tonight?" he offered with a smirk as he settled the bottle of oil into Tony's hand. "try it, you'll like it." he assured the other with a chuckle, giving Tony a short, but breathtaking kiss before he breezed out of the room with a rather put upon sigh. "everyone's cock blocking me today." Loki complained as he approached Brii. "what? i was about to get laid! and don't give me that sugary court crap either!" Loki demanded, sounding annoyed. "if Thor pissed you off again, i am NOT playing monkey in the middle!"
“Hmmm, that’s actually a fair point....I wonder if I could get soap with sand in it...”He said sounding interested before laughing. “DAmn. But I might help you figure out how to do it.”he snickered at the idea before smirking. “Oh. Yes. Well, shea butter feels amazing. And I only use one shampoo, though girls tend to use more. More hair, they make it complicated.”Tony said making a face a little before smirking.”Not a liar.”he teased a little before shaking his head.”No. There’s no cameras in the private rooms, just speakers and input monitors so he can tell if you’re in trouble or not. And he always knows where I am, the bracelets tell him.”he said raising a bracelet with the suit bracelet on before looking interested.

“Yes, Lord Laufeyson. She was most impatient but said she would await your pleasure.” “Well, can’t we just wait?I mean, she wont die from waiting till we have sex.”He whined a little looking at the other, sulking that he was getting dressed.”I think I would like that....of course, unless you’re going to spend the night with your court lady?”He said sounding interested in their relationship before nodding as he took the bottle. “I will.”he said holding it before kissing him back. Panting as he watched the other go. Swallowing hard as he followed the other into the living room, looking interested in the woman.

“Everyone should cock-block you, snowman, you’re to annoying when you are basking in a afterglow.”Brii said simply looking up from where she was lounging on the couch, looking totally comfortable laying there, picking dirt out from under her nails. And while she was aeser, she looked like she belonged in jotunhiem, carved from ice and shadows, pale white hair that reflected light like shattered glass, pale winter white skin, but it was her eyes that were truly amazing. Shades of blues, with gold trailing across the irises, like lightening crossing the sky. “...What sugary court crap, prince?I would never dare do that to you.”she said her voice a low purr before sighing quietly. “Your brother, and fathers decided I was more use to you here, then in jotunhiem. It seems that I disturb the warriors by wishing to fight with them instead of Asgard.”She wrinkled that dainty nose, looking decidely unwarriorlike. And while she was pureblooded aeser, she had found more friends among the jotun, and mourned them just as fiercely as thor and loki, then she did the aesers who for the most part were not happy with her for her engagement, or that she was the one standing in the way of anyone manipulating thor.
he chuckled a little. "just use a handful of sand." he suggested. "you can get Sand almost anywhere." he admitted. "wash yourself with the soap and then exfoliate with the sand. the sand will strip away anything left by the soap too." he admitted with a grimace. "so Thor wasn't just trying to mess with me?" he demanded with a sigh. "i hate it when he's right." he grumbled before looking relieved to know that the invisible voice could not actually see him. "no we can't wait. she'll make me miserable..." he grumbled. "and she's not my court lady." he stated with a scoff. "She's Thor's." he admitted with a smirk. "maybe i should start cock blocking you. oh wait, you don't get laid, my bad." Loki stated as he lowered himself elegantly into a chair. usually it would have been called a sprawl, but there was no way a sprawl could look that graceful. " would and you do." he grumbled as he watched her before he sighed. "they don't want you involved because your not a Jotun. having you there could start a War between Jotun and Asgard before either civil wars are even finished." he admitted with a sigh. "but yes, the silly bastards aren't used to females." he admitted with a chuckle. "your breasts are quite distracting because they don't fully understand the purpose of them. and the fact that you bleed every month freaks them out." Loki admitted as he watched her. "Thors going to be annoyed that you don't want to talk to him... again." he warned. "he's here you know." he admitted with a smirk. "i should make the invisible man call him." he mused. just to get a reaction out of her. he loved pissing her off just as much as she liked doing the same to him. he sighed as he watched her. "you saw it, didn't you?" he asked softly. "that's why you wanted to see me... you where worried. because you knew i felt it when they tore it down root by root." he studied her. "there's hope still, for my people." he assured her with a smile. "there is a Seed." he promised her. "i won't let Jotunhiem fall."
"Well.we could just tell him hes wrong."tony snickered looking amused before leaving the two alone,curious but figuring they needed privacy."...I could get laid you know."brii twitched a little not about to admit she was in love with her best friend. Being married to thor was one thing,actually liking him was completely another."they let me help for a bit. At least long enough to freak out your traitor of a brother that they were catching ice on fire."she snickered because even if it was water, brii had a unique talent of being ablr to catch anything on fire,even water."but its okay,Id rather visit earth where its warm with you instead of be there."she muttered raising a eyebrow."I'm not avoiding him,I just didn't return to asgard to see-hes here?"brii stopped staring at him before giving a careless shrug.slipping easily behind the mask of bored court lsdy"if you want."she said before sighing shifting,resting a hand on his arm."I did. And while there is hope,I will help you protect know that."she offered a small smile."along with thor,and that devilishly handsome man you came in with.."she saud looking around, pouting slightly as she realized tony had slipped away
Loki snorted. "you could." he agreed. Loki was one of the only people who knew that Thor and Brii where not actually all that eager to get married. they would do it, for their people, if they had to, but they where much better off as freinds. "i forgot you could do that." Loki admitted with a grin. "remind me to get you to teach me that trick." he ordered. "it is warm here. they bathe in water here." he stated, looking baffled. "with chemicals in the water, and in their soap... and they have more than one soap!" he stated, looking rather mortified. oh! you didn't know? yes he's here." he admitted with a smile. "i thought Odin would have told you at least. that man is getting senile i think." he admitted with a shake of his head. "...what did they do with the... pieces?" he asked softly. because the Life tree was not made of wood, but a type of living crystal. he settled his hand on her arm and rested his head against her upper arm, closing his eyes. "i know." he whispered before he smiled. "that was Tony. i'm in the midst of Seducing him." he admitted with a chuckle. "he watched me bathe." he admitted with a laugh. "it was very fun." he admitted with a smile as he stood up. "i suppose you're here for as long as i am then?" he asked, studying her. "by the way. remind me to invite Legolas down here. Tony's fascinated by him, apparently J.R.R. Tolkein included him in that book of his."

(This is the Jotun Life Tree)
“Hm, so did the others. Your kin was not pleased to watch me light ice on fire.”She snickered amused because even the people she had been helping at looked at her weirdly. “I would if I could, you know that. But I’ve never been able to teach it to anyone. Yes, catching things on fire, but never taught the water thing.”She said before her eyes widened a little. “Thor wasn’t lying?”She sputtered before wincing a little. “No, I didn’t. I And Odin does not talk to me, since I told him I was going to jotunhiem, despite being future queen. I am a warrior first, I would help as long as they allowed me....he did not take kindly to me not willing to stay at home and sewing, or whatever women do.”She wrinkled her nose before smiling as he rested against her, “They gathered the pieces they could, and your fathers and brother are keeping them safe. I do not know what they are going to do with it, but they kept them safe.”She muttered before snickering. “I am sure that was very fun. And yes. I am. As long as thor does not have a problem.”She said before tilting her head before snickering. “Really?He’s going to like that.”She smirked shaking her head, before rubbing a hand over her face, trying to relax.
he smirked a little. "no doubt they found it disturbing. you know we don't have fire all that often, if ever." he admitted. "even i have only ever experienced fire while in Asgard." he admitted. "only Flames we have is magical and it's usually blue or green, not red and painful like yours is." he admitted with a smile. "no, Thor wasn't lying, the humans really do it. and they do foul up their hair afterwords!" he admitted. "but they have wonderful food here. there's this thing called cow. it tastes divine!" he admitted with a grin. "the humans are quite disturbed when you eat it nearly raw though." he admitted with a laugh, because he knew most Aeser found it disturbing to eat raw meat too. "yes well, Odin was never very intelligent." he admitted with a shake of his head. "considering you where a warrior before he decided all on his own that you would make a good wife to the lughead, he should have understood that you where never going to be a 'proper' baby making woman." Loki admitted with a chuckle before he relaxed as he realized that the shards of the Life Tree where safe. "Thor won't be a problem." Loki assured her. "he'll be glad your here." he promised her. Thor did not love her, but he did enjoy her company. "yes i thought so. and Legolas will enjoy it here. two of the people in this place are very intelligent." he admitted with a grin. "as in, my level of intelligence."
“I know. It was quite interesting to watch the ice dance red.”She smirked looking amused before shaking her head. “No!Surely not.You lie.”She frowned at him before perking up.”Cow?I would like to taste this cow. You should go get me some.”She said before making a face at him, “That is because it IS disturbing, you moron.”She said frowning at him, before smirking. “Hm, but he thought the idea of bearing thor’s child would tame me or something. I do not know, but I would rather be here.”she made a face before nodding.”Good. We did not part on good terms. It will be good to see him.”She smiled, because they had argued. They rarely did so, but when they did, the rooms shook with raised voices. The fact that she’d been arguing in favor of him breaking their engagement so he could have his human-which they both knew would be a disaster on asgard’s throne, it had been a screaming match. “...It’s not that hard, when you have the intelligence of thor’s hammer.”She said smirking at him.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i'm not. ask any of the humans here. they'll tell you." he admitted. "oh and don't mind the disembodied voice... i don't think he can interact on the physical plain..." he admitted, sounding cautious as his eyes flicked about, he didn't mind talking to Jarvis, but the A.I freaked him out a little. "i'm like, ten times more intelligent than you are. you don't get to call me a moron you slut." well if that wasn't the pot calling the kettle. "Odin isn't the most intelligent. thank the Mother that he inherited his Mother's intelligence or Asgard would be doomed." he admitted with a snort. "i would rather have you here." he admitted with a smile. " had a fight with Thor?" he asked, looking stunned. "i did not know that. what about?" he asked curiously. "considering Mjolnir is still twice as smart as both you and Thor combined, that's not much of an insult." oh burn! he missed this, verbal sparring was hard when no one wanted to play with him anymore. she was one of the few people who could keep up with his verbal acidity. "come, we'll find Tony and get you a room. we can always bind and gag Thor if we have to."
“...Are you hearing things? Didn’t I tell you you aren’t supposed to listen to the voices in your head, loki?’Brii said looking around. “I assure you, I am quite real lady Brii.” “What is that?!”Brii jerked up, fire instantly forming in the palms of her hands, looking for the intruder before swallowing calming as she realized no one was there. “You don’t get to call me a slut, when you’re having more sex then I am.”She huffed before nodding. “I did.”She said for once not willing to go into what had caused it, at least not until she talked to thor before shrugging. “His happiness. The fool is hardheaded enough I think you’ve been giving him lessons.”She said neatly sidestepping what it had been about before looking at him. “It is a insult when you came out here to talk to me, instead of having sex with your mortal. Surely, that was a stupid act.”She rolled her eyes before nodding, getting up. “....I do not want to know what you and Thor get up to when alone. I know, I have to look politely away when we’re married, but I have no interest in knowing details.”She said acidity, smirking pleased with herself as she followed after him. While she looked as much as a court lady and sweet tempered, there was acid and fire under that calm surface.

“Loki?..Lady Brii?”Tony paused looking up from where he was using a welding torch, nearly falling off his seat as brii rushed closer, seemingly entranced by the sight of the captive fire. “Hey!Be careful.”He ordered staring at the woman as he moved the torch further away from her face, wincing as she followed it, turning it off with a flick of his thumb.
Loki snorted. "no i am not hearing things. Tony claims the creature is a computer but i am unsure whether to beleive him." he admitted before grimacing as Jarvis spoke. the more he interacted with the... man, the less weirded out he was, but he still found it extremely off-putting to have the voice just suddenly appear like that. "that is the disembodied voice i was talking about." he explained with a smirk. "and your just jealous because i'm prettier than you." he stated, tossing his hair. "...ah, the Lady Jane." he scoffed, shaking his head. "you know. i would tell him, but i don't think he'll listen to me." Loki admitted, well aware that Odin would put Thor's happiness over politics if the King wanted to. and Odin always valued Love, sappy old bastard. "...." he gaped at her, looking utterly horrified. "oh Ewe!" he complained. "just wrong! you're not my best freind anymore!" he complained, shuddering. "all that muscle. all that dumb..." he shuddered again. she'd clearly won that round.

"ah, what was that? Lady Brii's element is fire, she has the most control over the fickle element that has ever been recorded in written history." he admitted. "i didn't know humans had such control over the element." he admitted. "do you not fear it escaping your control?" he asked, examining the torch. he had some control over Fire, but he was always wary of the element, always gave it the respect it deserved. like handling a wild animal. you soothed it, and even bribed it, you never commanded it. Brii handled fire like it was an eager dog that just wanted to do anything it could to please her. Loki wouldn't admit it, ever, but he was insanly impressed with her ability to control and manipulate such a willful element.
“You should always believe your mortal. Surely he would not lead you wrong.”Oh, to have such faith in a man who’d enjoy jerking them around simply because he’d enjoy getting them to believe ridiculous things. “No, that’s not it.”She sulked a little rolling her eyes before nodding. “I know. But you know as well as I do, she is mortal, and no matter how much he loves her, he will not condemn our people to his brother’s rule for love, or to allow her to watch him stay young while she ages....I keep telling him he’s being foolish, and there are ways around mortality, but the fool is not listening to me.”Brii said sounding amused before snickering, looking greatly pleased at having won.”Hmmm, all that muscle...if only we didn’t prefer different things in our bed partners.”She snickered a little, because it wasn’t so much that they liked different things, it was just they had learned long ago they just didn’t click.

“It’s a propane torch for melting metal.”Tony said looking bemused as the woman straightened at the disappearance of the fire, calm again. “That was no fire I have ever seen before. Hotter. Brighter then usual.”brii said sounding fascinated. “We do when it’s a gas we’re burning and not something wild. I worry more about dropping molten metal on myself, then I do about losing the torch. It burns gas, see?”He said flipping it back on and as soon as the whistle of the gas came, fire burned. “As soon as I cut off the gas, it stops burning.”Tony said nearly dropping the torch though as Brii touched the flame with her fingers, to fascinated to do nothing with it, and within moments, the flame was curling around her forearms, rubbing against her like the eager pet loki told her it was sometimes.
Loki stared at her. "when he makes me think of myself, i think i'll doubt every word he says." he admitted with a smile. "he's truly a devious creature. it's simply delightful. remind me to make him show you what he does with his suit." he ordered. "it was so erotic." he muttered with a shiver. "hah! he's such an idiot! it's as if he's forgotten completely that humans sprang from Aeser loins!" he scoffed. "a single Golden Apple would render her as immortal as he." he pointed out. "and she is intelligent enough that she would be a boon to Asgard. the woman truly is a genius, and her human technology could greatly advance Asgard in many ways." he admitted. "he'll see reason eventually even if i have to speak to Odin about it myself." he admitted with a sniff. "you just have no sense of taste." he stated with a grin. if he wasn't so, well, gay, he might have thought her a good partner actually.

why such a tiny flame? surely it can only melt tiny amounts of metal. why do you not use a forge?" of course, Tony did have a forge, and used it too, but forges where not good for welding. not that Loki really understood that concept. "it was an astonishing fire." he agreed with a tilt of his head. "certainly it is not natural... i suppose it would be much, much more temperamental being controlled so strictly like that." he mused, watching as Tony turned the fire on, unconcerned when she touched the flame. no fire would ever hurt Brii. "showoff." he complained as he held his hand out to a flame, offering it his magic and after a long hesitation it leaped over to him and danced around his fingers, feeding on his magic rather than the chemical gas and Loki smiled, letting it dance as it pleased around him before he handed it back to Brii. he knew better than to try and keep it, it would only burn him in the end, much too temperamental. that was why he preferred wild, or bonfire. it raged yes, but because it burned out most of it's fury, it was much more open to being controlled and manipulated. it seamed to be backwards, but that was the way Fire felt to Loki.
“Well matched you are then, if he is truly that devious.”She snickered before raising a eyebrow.”I have heard much of his suit. I think I would like to see this.”She said rolling her eyes as he shivered before shrugging. “You know Thor. Arguing with me simply because he can.”She said because she knew it was more then that, the man was truly worried about if the aeser would accept her as his queen if he chose jane...or if jane would want this life. “I have a wonderful sense of taste.”She said rolling her eyes. “....though since I am here, have you met any other mortals as delectable as your own?Surely, far away from the aesers, I can have sex.”She mused because while she had had sex recently, it hadn’t been with anyone who would take word back to asgard, as long as the illusion of her and thor’s pending nuptials were in place, she wouldn’t risk making him look like a fool for her sex out of their ‘relationship.’ Really, both of them just needed to move on, but the relationship between them had kept them both from seeking out a stronger relationship, a stronger tie that actually frightened them both enough to settle for illusion instead of truth.

“That’s why I want it. Doing small work on my suit. See?”He said nodding towards what he was working on, the new gloves for his suit, “And I do have a forge, to make the big parts, but the delicate work I need smaller flame.” “It is. Even now, I can feel it reaching out. It wants to be free.”Brii muttered smirking as loki complained, smiling slightly as loki took the fire. “...this is really, really hot.” “Of course it is, it is fire.”Brii said simply, misunderstanding the genius on purpose.
he grinned at her. "he's deliciously sarcastic." he admitted with a chuckle. "and his suit is just a work of art. he makes it do things that i didn't know metal could even physically do!" he admitted. and considering transmogrifying metal was one of the lessons he specialized in teaching, that was saying something. "you have no sense of taste." he scoffed. "there are actually a few people here who look nice enough." he admitted with a Grin. "Steve Rogers is quite a muffin. and so is Clint Barton." he admitted. "Bruce Banner is a little scrawny, but he has this whole 'i turn into a massive rage monster' going for him." he admitted with a chuckle. "i think Steve Rogers is Gay though." he admitted. 'but i'm not sure. he acts a little strangely." he admitted. "either way, i think you could get laid." he admitted with a grin, already considering the best person to match her up with. if she found someone to be with, then neither of them would have an excuse to keep up with their farce of a relationship.

"" Loki admitted as he studied the thing Tony had been working on. "we do not have such things." he admitted. "we prefer magical protection, though i do know how to make weapons and pots." he admitted. "as well as jewelry. i am very good at jewelry." he admitted with a grin. "may i use your forge at some point?" he asked hopefully before he chuckled as he watched the fire rubbing against Brii like horny hamsters. "your fire is burning your clothes." Loki warned Brii, sounding amused. "you might want to do something about that." he admitted with a chuckle, bringing up his own fire. unlike most Jotun, Loki's magical core could hold fire, and support it as well as the usual water and ice. so he could create Fire from his own magic. even if it didn't look much like normal fire. it was blue, and flowed along him as if it was more liquid than flame. "here. give me your hand." Loki ordered, smiling at Tony as he carefully slid the ball od flames into Tony's hand. it tickled, and it was warm, but the flames did not burn. for a short moment, before the fire ran out of magic, Tony had controlled Fire.
[Loki's Fire
“What?You found a human who can do metal work that well?”Brii sputtered a little at the idea of a human who worked metal to that degree. “...It seems I will have quite a pick of Thor’s team. Thank god none of them know we’re engaged, otherwise I wouldn’t be having sex.”She muttered rubbing a hand over her face, because while she enjoyed humans sometimes, she was glad that she had this team to seduce, at least consider it. Because well, she could be herself instead of pretending to be human. Stuttering a little, “Acts strangely?”She smirked glancing over at him, looking bemused.

“well, I don’t have the option of magical protection. I have the suit.And of course, I only use the forge when I’m making a whole knew suit.”he said shrugging a little before smiling. “You are very good with jewelry. Some of the things you made for me, are the most beautiful in asgard.”Brii smiled looking down at herself, smirking as it burned a little along her sides.”So?Wouldn’t letting them burn make it easier to seduce someone?” “What?”Tony sputtered looking up at her even as Brii let the fire die. Tony looked nervous but fascinated at the fire in loki’s hand before nodding slowly, reaching out and letting the flame settle into his hand, eyes wide. It felt odd and awesome all at once. “How much control do you have like this?I mean, could you use it like a torch?”He said watching it.
he nodded. "technically Thor found him, but the big oaf does not properly appreciate genius." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and yes you do have a nice pick." he admitted with a grin. "personally, i would set your sights on Barton. he could use some loving after the Chitauri blew up his brain." he admitted. "and Tony might know." he admitted sheepishly. "but i'll tell him not to tell anyone." he promised, already planning the best way to make Clint and Brii fall in love. or maybe Steve and Brii would be a good pair if Steve turned out to not be gay. Banner would make a loving counterpart to her brutal habits... which one would be best? "yes, he acts very strangely. like he is frightened of his own world. something about being transported through time, he talks strangely and wears his hair oddly and is extremely passive aggressive." he admitted.

"i am the best." Loki agreed with a smirk. "especially when i weave spells into the magic. i'm the first person in over three centuries to be able to work magic and metal together." he admitted. "it's my specialty." he admitted. "well, that and internal fire, but that's a birthright more than anything." he admitted. "that is true, but i think the only person you would attract is Tony, and i've already laid claim to him, you can try your hand at him after i've had my turn." he warned her sternly. "Barton might not mind but you'd scare rogers and banner away walking about naked. they're amazingly timid." he admitted, looking a little baffled before he smiled at Tony. "it is Fire from my Core." he explained. "some of the superstitious say it is a holy fire." he admitted with a scoffing sound. "i'm not sure." Loki admitted as he pulled more whispy blue flames to his fingers, focusing on making them hotter and hotter until his finders where covered in fire that, instead of floating upwards, dripped off his hand like molten rocks to splash against the cement floor, making it glow cherry red. "nope, no torch, but this molten stuff could have it's uses." Loki admitted as he watched the fire dropping from his fingers, setting fore to the cement. "sorry." he stated as soon as he realized he was ruining Tony's floor, banishing the fire before he did anymore damage. "i wouldn't have to constantly reheat my silver with flames like that." Loki admitted, sounding quite pleased. "i didn't know my fire could do that."
“True, but Thor has no talent for metals, so he has no apperciation for it.”She pointed out before smirking. “I think I will wait till I meet them.It shall be interesting.”She said looking thoughtful,”Oh. The man out of time. Yes, thor did say something about him. After we meet your boy, I would like to visit with them.”She mused.

Tony smiled a little at that, “That’s fairly cool. Could you do it to something that’s not yours. suit?”He said smirking a little at the idea. “Hmmm...I do not want your sloppy seconds, snowman. I will see the others.” “....I think I was just insulted.” “No. Just turned away, because I will not share with Loki.”Brii made a face before smiling, that wicked little smile that said there was more then one reason her, loki, and thor got along together, and that she took great pleasure in her jokes, even if they were masked for the rest of court. “Timid. I can be timid.”She said looking thoughtful, looking amused at Tony’s snicker. “What?” “Lady Brii, I do not think you know the word timid. For I have spoken with thor, you are a warrior of Asgard, and a lady of court. I think to survive, you are not timid.”Tony smirked watching him. “Oh.That’s cool actually. It looks like smoke, but isnt.”Tony muttered before looking at the flames, wincing a little as he moved his feet away from the burning floor. “It could. You could keep metal melted for longer.”Tony mused before smiling. “It’s okay. If that is the worst damage done to my floor today, then it’ll be a good day.”He snickered raising a eyebrow. “Did you two need something, or did you just come down to visit?”
he chuckled a little. "yes it will be." he agreed. "and Thor has no appreciation for most things." he pointed out.

"hmmm. i'm not sure." Loki admitted. "your... alloy? is not a metal i am used to working with. i could certainly try, though i've never bothered inserting magic into something that's already made." he admitted. "i'll have you know that nothing i do is sloppy." Loki stated with a scoff. "besides, you used to share with me all the time... oh, no wait. you where just a horrible little thief who liked to take what i had." he stated with a grin. "i shall never forgive you for taking my candy." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you can't be timid." he agreed with Tony. "i wouldn't know. fire is rare for my people." he admitted. "this is the closest thing to true fire my people will ever see." he admitted with a smile. "and while i've seen fire, i've never really paid much attention to it." he admitted. "it is rare that i get to go into Asgard after all, and i was more focused on other things." he admitted. "yes exactly, and if i can control the temperature to specific degrees i can work with metal manipulation to a much finer degree." he admitted. "for example, you do not want to stretch metal at the same temperature you strike it." he admitted with a grin as he watched Tony before he paused. "oh...uhm..." he paused and then. "oh, right! Brii has been banished because she's annoying until the Battles start dying down. i was hoping you might allow her to stay here?"
“Yes it’s a alloy. And I’m making a new suit, soon. We could try it while it’s been forged.”He said tilting his head a little. “That’s because you didn’t guard your candy well enough.”Brii looked amused before sulking. “I can to!” “No, you can’t. It’s not the nature of fire, Lady Brii, and I think you take after your element.”Tony said smiling at the woman, finding her warmth and acid tongue as attractive as a fire on a cold night. But strangely, while he could apperciate it, it wasn’t his normal, I have to have you under me, kind of reaction, more a simple appreciation of beauty. “No, that would be a bad thing. I tried striking it at melting it at once when I was younger. It wasn’t pretty.”Tony said before looking at him, shrugging. “I don’t care. Choose a room.”He said before raising a eyebrow, to much knowledge and amusement shining in those eyes.”Or should we tell thor your bunking with him?” “...I will choose my own room. And I am not annoying!"
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