Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

“Really?”Tony perked up looking interested in that. “That would be awesome. After I eat.”He said looking bemused with the idea of being able to sleep and do it without giving in to his alcoholic addiction, or risk being addicted to sleeping pills. Smirking at Steve he laughed quietly as Steve corrected him. “You are hopeless, loki. You shouldn’t have brought the muscles into it. Anyone can see Thor’s bigger all the way around.”Tony smirked waggling his eyebrows a little before sputtering. “Well, if you demand a fucking...”He trailed off snickering. “It is not always my idea!”
Loki smiled. "indeed. it's fairly simple to do." Loki admitted. "i can even tie it to an object. all you'd need to do is rub the item and you'll nod right off." Loki admitted. "i do the same thing myself all the time." he admitted before he snorted at the by-play between soldier and inventor. "Thor is a hulking brute." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "he'd squish me if he tried to fornicate with me." he pointed out. "....sometimes, i really hate you Tony." Steve complained even as he started making the steak while Loki entertained himself with googling various things. "it is always your idea." Steve stated with a snort. "always. occasionally Clint might have an idea, but that's usually because you hinted at it." he stated, smirking at Tony as he offered Loki a still bloody slab of cooked meat that Loki tore into with fingers and fangs, moaning in delight at the flavor of the cow. "" Steve muttered, watching Loki eat as he cooked Tony's steak a little longer. " you want another one Loki?" "oh that would be lovely, thank you." Loki stated, licking his long digits.
“That would be great. Really. Thanks Loki.”Tony said tilting his head a little before smirking, “ say things like that, and it just makes me curious.”Tony whined a little because he might flirt and tease them, but for the most part he had no interest in seducing thor, much less steve. “I know. The feeling’s mutual sometimes, soldier boy.”Tony said rolling his eyes as he settled back in his chair before pouting. “No, not always. Never. Especially not when your punching bag got filled with jello instead of sand. That was definitely clint.”Tony said smirking at the memory of the super soldier getting covered in jello because he’d broken the bag. Looking a little amused as loki tore into his steak he smiled as steve gave him his steak.”I take it they don’t have forks in jotunhiem?”He asked looking amused and really trying not to watch loki lick his fingers.
Loki nodded his head. "it is no problem." he promised with a smile. "bring me an item, a statue would be best, and i will charm it for you." he assured the other. "how curious?" Loki asked with a sly grin as Steve rolled his eyes. "yes, all Clint, and that's why he wasn't even in the building, for three days, when it happened." he pointed out. "he was in Calcutta at the time, recall it?" Steve asked, smirking at Tony. "forks?" Loki asked curiously as Thor staggered in and slumped into his seat with a groan. "good morning Thor." Loki stated, his voice suddenly very sugary, very chirpy, and very happy. Thor just growled at Loki and slumped onto the table. "Oh Thor! you're just so CUTE when you wake up, all sleepy and hopeless." Loki stated in the same overly sweet, far too happy tone, making Thor Growl again. "Steve has a massive super man crush on you and wishes to bugger your arse." Thor jerked straight up in his seat and stared at Loki in horror, making the Jotun laugh uproariously as Steve sputtered in the same horror.
“I will.”Tony said smiling before grinning. “Very.”he smirked before pouting. “He set it up before he left. It wasn’t my fault you didn’t break it till after he was gone.”tony sulked not about to admit it had been both of them before smirking.”Hm, eating utensils. Instead of using your hands.”Tony said before looking up at Thor, wincing a little at the sound of loki’s voice. That was just disturbing. Staring for a long moment before looking at thor and steve, starting to laugh hard. “Oh gods. There’s two of him. This is bad. We need to separate Stark and loki right this minute.”Natasha said as she breezed into the room, looking for food for both her and clint.
he huffed. "i know it was your idea." he stated sternly. "eating utensils?" "Jotun don't have such things Tony and your only confusing him." Thor grunted. "Asgaurdian's only have serving spoons, no utensil." he admitted. "but Jane showed me how to use a fork and spoon properly." he admitted with a chuckle before glaring at Loki. "i hate you some days." "only some, other days you love me. especially when we prank that stuck up brother of yours." Thor smirked. "yeah, that's great." Thor agreed with a chuckle. "but if we are separated, however will i seduce the only creature in this tower that is intelligent as i?" Loki asked, ever so innocent as he complimented Tony, and insulted every single other person in the tower at the same time. "i'm making steak if you want some." Steve offered Natasha as he flipped three more steaks onto the stove, charring the outsides before handing a second one to Loki, who liked it hot and bloody apparently.
“What sort of prank?”Tony asked looking interested. Before laughing at the look on natasha’s face at loki’s insult. “He’s not that intelligent. He’s a moron most days.”Natasha rolled her eyes. “Hey!” “You are. And yes please.Thanks steve.”She smiled looking amused as he cooked, wincing a little at the steak loki was eating. “You know, I think I can hear the cow still mooing that steak’s so raw.”She shuddered. “Wait, you can take down anyone you want, but the sight of Loki eating a steak nearly raw is to much?” “Yes.”Natasha twitched a little.
Loki chuckled. "we turned him blue and glued horns to his head." Loki admitted with a smirk, Thor laughing brightly. "he was so terrified Loki had turned him into a Jotun!" Thor admitted with a snicker. "especially when we Shrunk every last thing in his room, including his doors!" Thor admitted, roaring with laughter. Loki was snickering as he shook his head and tore into his steak once more, Thor still snickering. "many Jotun actually don't even cook their meat at all." Thor admitted. "cooked meat is a rather delicacy, since there's so little wood in Jotunheim. Fire is only for the very rich, and only for special occasions." Thor admitted. "the only reason why Loki is used to cooked meat is because he is the First Prince and because he often dines with me in Asgaurd, where we do not ingest raw meat." Thor admitted as Loki grinned, baring his bloody teeth before digging into his meaty meal once more. "Loki, that was gross." Thor complained with a sigh.
“That’ s awesome and so mean at once. I have a feeling we’re going to get along.”Tony grinned his mind already turning over the ideas. “Oh no,no just no stark. You and clint are bad enough. We don’t need you dragging the gods into it.”Natasha complained even though she looked amused. “Ohhh...yes. I could see why wood wouldn’t be common.”Tony frowned thinking about that before wrinkling his nose at loki’s smile. “please refrain from being disgusting. I think I’m going to take back that idea to kiss you.”Tony said getting up stretching, not even really realizing he’d said it out loud before smirking.”Night all. I’m going to get some sleep.”
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "Loki is considered the God of Lies and trickery." Thor admitted with a chuckle. "thus, pranks. but he's pulled some very nasty things too." "i keep telling you, Atlantis was an ACCIDENT." "and the black plague?" "...that one wasn't..." Loki admitted sheepishly. "but in my defense, they where only supposed to have a bad case of the shits." ", created the black plague?" "they tried to burn me at the stake! it was only a little bit of revenge that got a little out of control! i never expected the disease to mutate!" Loki complained before smirking at Tony. "you desire to kiss me?" he asked slyly with a grin before he reached out and took Tony's hand, pressing to fingers into his palm. "your somulus state will trigger in a half an hour." he warned with a smile. "don't forget to bring me an item to permanently charm." he reminded before letting Tony go. "Somulus?" Steve asked curiously. "Sleep stage." Loki explained. "Tony has insomnia, i am assisting." Loki admitted, Steve looking at the other suspiciously. "that's nice of you." "i also turned his hair blue." "Thought so."

hours later, when Tony woke up, the Tower was a beehive of nerves and worry. "Loki had an episode of some sort." Bruce explained, dressed in his doctors whites. which meant he'd been examining Loki. "physically he's fine. i thought he was having a heart attack but..." he shook his head. "he scared the hell out of Clint when it happened." he admitted, eyes tight with worry. "he's awake again if anyone wants to see him." Thor was the first one up and in Loki's bedroom, only to run back out with blood running down his face and dirt clinging to him. "he threw a plant at me." Thor explained. "i would imagine he does not want me to fuss over him at the moment. he's so fussy." he ducked as another plant was hurled at his head, right through the wall, though it didn't leave a mark. "..." Thor stayed silent this time, he wasn't stupid after all.
“...What did you do to atlantis?”Tony asked staring at him before laughing, hard.”The black plague as a case of the shits...that’s awesome. Really.”Tony said giggling a little before making a face.”Uh-huh, but I want to sleep now.”He said before smiling.”Thank.”He muttered as he left.

Tony when he emerged was glaring in annoyance having woken to find his hair blue before frowning a little.”What happened?”He asked trying to figure out could have caused this, but still looking worn around the edges before looking towards the bedroom. “Well, don’t fuss then.”Tony said before looking thoughtful.Hm.He could fuss and get away with it. Grinning at his genius he disappeared into his room before returning with one of the iron man figurines he had before stepping into the bedroom, bracing to get something thrown at him.”I brought you something.”He said even as he tried to figure out what had happened
Loki snorted. "well until it started infecting the flees that's all it WAS! then the Flees infected the humans, and rats with this whole new thing that started to kill... it took me forever to get a solution out!" Loki complained. "i was punished horribly for it! i was grounded for five years!" he complained before he smiled at Tony. "no problem."

Thor shook his head. "something big must have happened in Jotunheim." Thor whispered. "i don't like this one bit..." he admitted unhappily before huffing. "i can't help but to fuss." he complained, shaking his head. Loki had turned to glare at the door before he sighed as he realized it was Tony. "you look good with Blue hair." he muttered, sounding oh so tired, and there where lines of pain in Loki's face. "if your here to worry about me, go away." he grumbled. "... but before you do, help me with my glass of water would you?" he asked hopefully. "i'm thirsty and i don't have the strength at the moment to lift the full glass." Loki admitted with a sigh. "you don't have to look so concerned. it will hurt a lot if my world dies, but it won't kill me." Loki assured him. "and it wont twist me either. i'm literally the planets safegaurd... i wouldn't be hurting this much at all if not for those fucking Chitauri."
Tony nodded a little as he heard that, looking worried before smirking.”Well, I wont fuss then.”he muttered to thor before smirking. “I look good with anything, but blue hair isn’t one of them.”He sulked, “You need to change it back, otherwise Cap’s going to think I want to wear his spandex suit next, and that just doesn’t work.”he pouted a little, studying him before smirking.”I never worry, especially not about you. I came to give you this statue for whenever you can charm it.”he said setting it aside before walking over, helping the other sip his drink. “Good. Cause I was actually worried about having a insane jotun in my house.”He said before wincing. “I am sorry. I mean, if the warhead caused you more damage then they did....I just couldn’t leave it here to destroy the city.”he wrinkled his nose a little looking annoyed with the idea of both loki being hurt and the city going boom.
Loki smirked a little. "i could add white stars if you don't like it?" he offered playfully. "you'd look pretty damn good in red and gold spandex." he admitted with a grin. "i'll do that next time, get a perfect view of that skinny ass of yours." Loki muttered. "you are worried, you can't hide it from me." Loki admitted with a smile. "but at least your not trying to tuck me in as if i am a toddling." he grumbled. "a statue of yourself? Thor was right, you're Ego knows no bounds. here, let me make it better." and in an instant it was a statue of Loki. "there, that looks much better." he mused with a grin. "no, i was already insane." he admitted with a weak chuckle. "and no. the bomb didn't do anything to me." he admitted. "i was in a very heavily sheltered area of the ship. when the ship was hit, the shockwave's shattered the magical containment glass that was keeping me contained. the metal parts of my prison are probobly still floating int he abyss." he admitted. "it was the only reason why i'm still alive actually. the explosion. the bomb. i remember you, you know. i saw a glimpse of you as you let go of the bomb. the Abyss tried to suck you in and i think you must have passed out because then you where just... falling. i had just enough magic to get to Heimdall." he admitted. "in a sense, you saved my life." he admitted with a smile. "you did the right thing Tony and never doubt that."
"Noooo. Don't do that. That'll make it worse if yu have to, make it gold and red...and i would wouldn't I?"He snickere a little before shrugging."So I am worried.But I'm not going to fuss. I hate being fussed over."he said before grinning. "Yes well it was in my room. WAs trying to make the repulsors actually work."Because only tony stark would try to give a toy a real repulsor before sputtering. "Noooo.Change it back.i like red and gold and myself."He whined playfully before smiling slightly. " long i helped i guess...."He said looking fretful despite loki's words before shuddering tensing at the mention of falling. "My suit quit on far from my world it shut down and i fell."He shuddered a little before biting his lip showing more anxiety then anyone had seen about that. because despite knowing he did he right thing in destroying the chitauri, of having everyone tell him that it still tore him apart to be responsible for that much genocide.
he chuckled a little and reached over, tapping Tony on the wrist, giving him a red and gold hairdo while changing his underwear to Cap Am tighty whiteys, just cus he was a dick and could get away with it. "'re making a children's toy that actually has working weapons?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "that's a spectacularly bad idea." he admitted with a chuckle. "no, i think i wont. i like Green, Gold, and myself." he admitted with a grin as he examined the statue. "besides if i change it back you'll just make it explode anyway." he admitted with a smile. "and you did do a good thing. do you know why the Chitauri wanted war with your world?" he asked, looking at Tony. "they wished to eat your dead. rape the survivors, and then strip earth of any natural recourse it had. including it's molten core." he admitted. "they would have eaten your dead Tony. and used whoever was left as breedstock. they where not good creatures. they killed over thirteen races before they set their sights on Earth." he admitted. "you did the right thing."
Tony smirked rubbing a hand over his hair, “Thanks.”He said knowing the other changed it, but not realizing his underwear was changed before grinning. “Yes. And it’s mine. I wasn’t going to give it to anyone, just mine to get it working.”he sulked a little before frowning at the statue before shrugging. “If you have to leave it, I guess its okay.”he huffed out a sigh before staring down, his shoulders hunched a little. “No....I...that does make me feel better about blowing them up.”He muttered offering loki a unsure smile, because despite everything, he really had been giving himself a hard time over it. Huffing out a sigh he smiled slightly.”So. What happened?”He asked wanting to talk about something else, and wondering exactly what had ended up with the man in bed/
he smiled. "you're very welcome." he chirped playfully. "well, you would have failed." Loki stated simply. "that much power into such a tiny space? it simply can't be done." but he knew it could be, and he also knew Tony would do it just to prove him wrong. "it should." Loki admitted with a vicious grin. "we rejoiced their deaths in Jotunheim." he admitted. "we threw a feast in your honor, and Thor was invited as a very special guest... i guess that's what started the whole mess." he grumbled before he closed his eyes. "battle." he explained. "it was a battle. fifty four people died and the toppled the only Tree on Jotunheimr. the Life tree. Her gift to us. now there will never again be Tefla fruit." he whispered, sounding heart broken. "the very earth mourns and instead of grieving, the filthy monsters just continue to fight over the dying corpse of one of our greatest treasures." Loki made a strangled sound and set his hands over his face and wept. too upset about what was happening in his home to care that he was crying in front of someone. "i'm sorry." Loki finally muttered once he'd calmed down. "that was rude of me. but i cannot help myself. the Life Tree was a gift from The Lady Mother herself. it is said that the Lady Mother created Jotun from it's seeds, and the tree raised us on it's fruits." he admitted, closing his eyes. "i knew they where mad, but to kill the only tree we had... to kill such a beautiful thing... to deny the Mother so deeply..." he shuddered. "i just... cannot imagine.." he shook his head.
“I have not. I’m going to do it.”Tony scowled at the man before sighing softly, before frowning slightly.” long as you are sure. I do not feel as weird avbout it now.”he said something tight in his chest relaxing at the news of the chitauri before frowning, eyes widening as he shifted closer, hesitating for a moment before wrapping a arm around his shoulders.”I...I know it is not the same, and that there is no tree like that here...but would it help to mourn the tree hold the ritual, to mourn, to acknowledge the loss here on earth even if no one else does?”He asked looking anxious to help him somehow
he nodded. "i am very sure." he assured the other. "very sure." he promised before he sighed. "i'm much too weak right now to Grieve." Loki admitted simply. "i will mourn when i can stand up and take a piss on my own." he promised, smiling at Tony. "i will be alright, you needn't be so concerned. as i said, i would die." he promised as he settled into the cushions. "i'll be fine by dinner."

and he was. he was able to stand up and beat on Thor by lunchtime actually. after a good nap he was practically right as rain, which bothered Bruce because he wanted Loki to stay in bed, but couldn't make the Jotun listen to him. Thor assured Bruce that Loki was that way with all people. once Loki wanted to do something, good idea or bad, he did it. even if he had to ignore a thousand people who where telling him not to. a lot like Tony Stark that way actually. "Tony?" Loki asked once he saw the other. "Do you have an unused room i might have during my stay here? i would use my room but it is considered rude to pray to the Mother where you sleep if you have other options." he admitted, making Steve's eye twitch. he was still a God fearing man, and he knew that Loki was from another world, where the Goddess actually affected their world, but it still bothered him a little. he wasn't about to actually say anything of course... "Loki, are you to build a shrine here?" Thor asked curiously, Loki nodding. "yes. so long as even one person has Faith in Her, our world still has a chance." Loki admitted, voice tight. "i may not be able to fight, not that i could have even if i wanted to but i can still keep the faith alive." Thor smiled sadly at that. "Loki can't fight?" "Loki has taken his Vows." Thor explained softly. "not many people do that. it means that Loki can only hurt, or kill in defense of himself or the innocent. the people fighting War right now in his world are not innocents, so Loki cannot choose a side no matter how much he wants to." Loki sighed and shook his head. "so. this Goddess. she actually... exists?" Bruce finally asked. he was an Atheist himself. Loki just smiled at Bruce. "she does. yes, we see her often, sometimes every day." he admitted before his expression dimmed. "or, we used to... you can come and watch if you like?" he offered. "she will surely show herself to me, with so few expressing their Faith, she will be certain to reward each one." he admitted. "although i am uncertain if she can reach to this planet." he admitted with a small frown. "i suppose we will simply have to test her Reach." he decided. "but even if she can't reach here, i can reach there." he admitted with a smile. "she will get my Faith if nothing else."
“Hm?”Tony hummed not glancing up at the sound of his name, absently redrawing blue prints in front of him, not really paying attention. “Uh.What?”Tony looked up after a moment, replaying what he was hearing, for a moment not knowing what they were talking about, having not really been listening before nodding. “You can have a whole floor if you want. There’s a few empty.We can go find which one you like best.”he said before glancing at steve, raising a eyebrow a little, wondering if it was going to be a problem before looking at loki again. Looking thoughtful. “...That sucks. I totally hate vows that keep me from fighting.”Tony wrinkled his nose, having tried to go awhile without being iron man before, and nearly lost his mind. Definitely needed that part of his life before looking as interested as bruce was. As a scientist, the man like bruce, was a atheist, having had a believe of god beaten out of him at a early age at his father’s harsh cruelty. “I would like. But....if we don’t believe...will it mess you up?”He asked not wanting to ruin loki’s shrine simply by his non-belief.
Loki chuckled a little at Tony. "researching?" he asked curiously before looking baffled. "goodness no, the Shrine isn't that big." he assured Tony. "the Vows are important for my place in Jotunheimr." Loki admitted with a smile. "while my Brother was her Holy Priest, i am her Host." he explained. "that is why i can feel the Earth." he admitted. "why it hurts for my people to fight, and why i will be King, despite being... me." he admitted, making a face at his tiny stature. "i did bring all the things from your private rooms." Thor agreed. "they are in the chest at the foot of the bed." Thor admitted, Loki nodding. "all of my Holy Things will be in there then." he agreed. "and no, Tony. you will not mess up my practice by being a nonbeliever. She welcomes all." he assured the other with a smile. "even those who think she is a pagan lie as most humans do." his eyes flickered to Steve who flushed brightly. "sorry." he muttered, Loki chuckling in response. "don't be. there is no need for you to apologize for your own faith." he assured Steve. "by the way. Tony is wearing underwear with you on them, did you know?" he asked, Steve spluttering in horror as Loki snickered.
“No, designing. Pepper asked me to redesign some of the medical equipment that we’re putting out next month, looking for problems.”Tony said before looking up, shrugging. “Well, we’ll still look around, there’s rooms to choose from.”he said looking amused before tilting his head. “Oh....well I can see that. Kinda like if earth had a host, they could tell what we did to it and all...that’s fairly cool.”tony said thinking that over before grinning. “Oh good. Cause I should be welcomed by a goddess.” “I didn’t think even YOUR ego would go to thinking about seducing goddesses.” “Hey, even goddesses need love.”Tony said smirking a little before yelping staring at Loki, “What?WHAT!?”He sputtered before leaning back in his seat, and uncaring the other’s were that, pulled his jeans out enough to look at his underwear before turning to glare at the jotun.”Change them back!I refuse to wear something that Spangles would wear. This is UNACCEPTABLE."Tony whined though despite his protests and whining, was indeed trying not to laugh at steve's horror.
Loki cocked his head a little and nodded. "sounds fascinating." he admitted, peering at the tablet. "are they having problems or are they simply not functioning to the degree you wish them to?" he asked curiously. "yes, exactly. the Goddess has tasked me with being the Voice of the Earth." he explained. "as well as protector of the People." he admitted with a smile. "she has no physical form, he would find it very hard to seduce her." Loki admitted with a laugh. "though She has been known to impregnate those who are desperate for children." he admitted with a grin. "so be careful how you address her or you might find yourself swelling with babe." he teased. "is it alright for you to address your, er goddess, so callously?" "of course, She is a creature who delights in fun." he admitted. "she would find my threatening you with Babes quite hilarious." "so she's a trickster?" "that is one aspect of her, yes." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "but i am only trying to assist you in team building." Loki stated innocently. "by the way, i do so like the shape of your..." "Don't you DARE!" Steve spluttered. "...seams." Loki stated, blinking innocently at Steve who groaned and smacked his head on the table a few times. "oh, very well." Loki said with a put upon sigh as he changed Tony's underwear back to normal. "So, where shall i place my alter?" he asked with a far too innocent smile.
“No problems, but I wanted to see if there was any tweaks I can make to make them better before we roll them out to the general public.”Tony said before looking amused tilting his head.”I am sure I can find a way.” “You’d find a way to have sex with a ghost if they were hot, tony.”Natasha rolled her eyes smirking at tony paling at the threat of babies. “...I-I can’t have a baby!I’m male!”He sputtered staring at the other before smiling. “This, this is not team building. And the shape of what?”Tony perked up staring at Steve, wondering what he’d thought loki was going to say before relaxing, looking amused. “Let’s go look.We’ll find a good room.”Tony said waving loki towards the door, shutting down the tablet he was working on, heading for the door and expecting loki to follow.
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