Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

Loki chuckled a little. "i have been raised from a very young age to be the leader of my people." Loki admitted. "even if i am not King, someday, it will be me they turn to for guidance. i am touched by the Mother, i touch the very earth and i touch every last Jotun in existence." he admitted. "for example. i can tell you that there is still three hundred thousand Jotun on the planet. and one hundred thousand have fled to the other realms. and that five babies have been born in the last hour." he admitted with a smile. "of course, i can't feel their emotions or their health levels, so i have been taught from a very young age to be hyper aware of people's expressions and body language." he admitted with a grin. "and it is a political match that Odin, in his idiocy, thought would be a good idea." Loki admitted. "they have been promised to each other for a long time now, but Thor is being stupid about it. we can talk about it later, i desire to be fucked." loki admitted, grinning as he pulled the other into a kiss.

Clint grinned as he had clothes flung at him, catching them and yanking them on. "you won't find me arguing." he admitted as he kissed back, humming happily. "that was the best ever by the way. i didn't know people could DO that." he admitted before pausing as he realized that Steve was in the kitchen already, making breakfast without a shirt on and muttering to himself. apparently still in a pretty sour mood. Clint couldn't understand Steve, because Steve was not speaking English, but French. which Steve knew Clint couldn't understand. Steve knew no one in the tower but Pepper understood french. it never occurred to him to test the newcomers. "just fucking unfair. it really is. they go off and have the sex of their lives and i sit here and get pissed because i like them, but they don't know that because I'm a god fucking coward. but it's wrong to like two people isn't it? a man no less... so why do i have this horrible urge to watch them go at it? god i'm a sick pervert. but it would be great if i could just get Clint on his knees and shut his fucking mouth for a while... preferably over my cock...." yeah, Steve had it bad. confused, frightened and unbearably horny.
"That's really cool. Even if it would drive me totally insane to know all that.."tony looked thoughtful as he considered just how connected loki was to jotunhiem,and wondering if he felt their deaths just as strongly.but there was no polite way to ask even if he was unbearably curious.grinning at the others words."I'll forgo any conversation to have sex. Sex is more fun."he grinned kissing him back

"I'm not exactly normal people you know."she pointed out snickering a little as she paused in thr doorway,a small lick of flame dancing over her skin at the sight of that much bare skin,shivering a little before pausing listening,while she didn't understand french exactly, she was spelled to know all languages so she knew what he said. Shuddering she glanced at clint to see what he was thinking, looking confused when she realized he didn't understand. Smeiking she knew she should clue clint in,but for the moment she was going to enjoy this.smirking as she looked at clint,small flames dancing in her eyes,s if her iris was made up of the flame,before kissing him hard,purposefully making a small noise,a desperate needy noise just to see what steve would do finding them making out.drawing away she panted,shuddering."you need help with breakfast?"she asked walking closer,looking like thr cat who'd eaten the carnary.
Loki just chuckled. "i have had a very long time to get used to it." he admitted. "it started quite small and as i adjusted my awareness grew." Loki explained. not about to admit that yes, he could fee every death, like a bee sting.

he chuckled a little. "good point." he agreed with a shake of his head. "hmmm." he had to hum as he examined Steve, licking his lips eagerly. "what's..." he grunted as she pulled him into a kiss and Steve stared, watching them intently before looking away, swallowing hard. "i'm going to hell. there's no doubt about it. i am a sick pervert and i'm going to hell but god damn that was hot..." Steve muttered in french, Clint blinking. "i really wish you'd stop muttering in languages we don't know." "Yeah i bet you do. i bet you'd love it if i stopped talking and just dropped to my knees and sucked your cock into my mouth and gave you the blowjob of a lifetime. bet you'd love it if i just stopped talking long enough to order you to strip naked so i can have my way with your filthy body. god why do you have to look at me like that? like you want to devour me whole. i can't think when you do that dammit!" Steve complained, tossing the spatula to the floor and stalking off, Clint blinking. "...uhm... was it something i said?" he asked, looking baffled as Steve slammed the door shut behind him.
Brii leaned against clint for a moment, keeping her eyes on Clint’s face for a moment as to not give away the game, not wanting steve to figure out she understood him just yet. Shuddering harder as he kept talking, she rested her head on clint’s shoulder, pressing tighter against him, hips shifting against him, not really aware of doing it, simply responding to the mental image she was getting the longer steve talked. Yelping a little as the spatula hit the floor she swallowed, turning to watch steve go before her smirk widened a little. “No... That was definitely something HE said.”She swallowed hard. “He was using french to let off some steam...seems day dreaming out loud is good for our super soldier....”She muttered, tilting her head. “Do we tell him I can understand him, get tony to talk to him soon, and get him to jump us, or tell him?”She said before resting her fingers against his temple, muttering asgardian, smirking slightly. “Now, you can understand him to.”She muttered.
Clint blinked a little. "you understood him?" he asked, looking amused. "day dreaming huh? what did he say? it certainly seamed to get to you." he teased as he picked up the spatula and moved the eggs off the heat so they wouldn't burn. "can you cook? i can't." he admitted. "i think we should wait a little while. let Tony talk to him, let him settle down on his own before we approach him. we won't stop flirting with him of course, wouldn't do to have him think that we've lost interest in him." he mused with a smirk before blinking as Loki strode into the room, looked around and suddenly food was making itself right before their eyes. "...yeah, that's cool." Clint admitted with a blink. "actually, my magic is quite warm." Loki corrected, Clint snorting. "no it's a saying, it means that i find what your doing impressive or amazing." Clint explained. "ah, i see." Loki mused. "are you aware that Steve Rogers appears to be having a small psychotic break?" Loki asked. "he was muttering a great deal of rather... interesting language as if he didn't think anyone would be able to understand him." "as far as he knows, no one can here. he's speaking a secondary earth language called French." "ah. so he didn't realize i knew what he was saying... interesting."
“I did. I’m asgardian. We’re all gifted from the all-father with a gift for tongues-”She waggled her eyebrows a little. “languages, we can understand anything, and if wanted to, like I did for you, I can make others understand to.”She smirked before shuddering. “Oh, he was trying to decide on the best way to make you shut up, making you suck his cock, or him sucking yours.”She muttered before nodding. “Of course, now that we can hear him, we can tailor our flirting around that.”She smirked a little before looking at loki, shrugging. “Easier then me trying to cook. I can, but it’s not as easy.”She shrugged before wincing. “No, he doesn’t. And was he keeping on the same lines of his debauchery plans, or has he changed what he’s daydreaming about?”
he grinned, thinking it very amusing that she was still flirting with him. most people didn't bother after they'd gotten into his pants. "this is going to be great." he admitted with a smile. "i won't be able to speak it though, will i?" he asked curiously before he smirked. "oh that's great!" he gasped, looking delighted. "i'd love him to shut me up!" he admitted with a snicker. "physical manipulation is one of the simplist forms of magic there is. surely you can do at least some of this?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow at her. "we'll work on it." he assured her. "and he was alternating between hating you two for sex and wondering if it would be better for him to fuck you and Clint to fuck him, or for Clint to fuck you and for him to fuck Clint. very naughty." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "now, eat your breakfast." Loki ordered as the food plated itself, Loki taking two of the plates hovering in mid air and heading back to Tony while Clint took the other two for himself and Brii.
“It is.And no, but you’ll understand what he’s saying.”Brii smiled a little before giggling. “Hm, we’ll have to see what else he comes up with, and just enjoy flirting with him.”She smiled a little before twitching, looking at loki. “I can. You know I can. But the problem is, my power’s to wedded to fire, if I try to manipulate things like this well...”She raised a hand, a ‘hand’ of power closing over the pot handle, and for a moment the pot glowed red hot, “it tends to warm things up.”She snickered a little before tilting her head, looking thoughtful.”He really does have a good imagination.”She smirked as she looked at the plate she was holding, raising a eyebrow a little. “We should give steve some shouldn’t we?I mean, he was cooking for himself.”she smirked a little as she made up a plate for steve, smiling to herself as she headed for the door.”Steve?Food’s done.”
he chuckled a little and nodded. "this is going to be awesome." he admitted with a snicker. "completely awesome." he stated, licking his lips. "yes you can. hum... i had forgotten about that little problem." he admitted. "for a person whose magic is so saturated in their element..." he frowned, considering that. "i will have to explore that a little more." he admitted. "i've never had a problem with magical saturation when i was teaching. Jotun do not pull magic in from other things the way Aeser tend to." he admitted, wandering off, already muttering under his breath as he tried to find a way to fix that problem. "we should give Steve some." he agreed, blinking as a few french fileld curses came from the bedroom followed by a God Dammit can't a guy masturbate in fucking peace around here?!. he glanced at her, choking on his laughter as Steve answered in English this time. "hold on! let me get dressed, i was about to head into the shower." Steve called. there was the sound of drawers opening and the sound of rustling clothes and finally the door opened. "you didn't cook did you!?" he demanded of Clint who snorted and shook his head.
“It is. Totally.”Brii agreed before looking at loki. “Thor has the same problem, he gets stat-icky if he tries to maniuplate something since he uses lightening so much.”She pointed out, snickering as she watched him go. Blinking for a moment at the curses she raised a eyebrow, shifting. Muttering a quiet word, the sleep shirt tightening slightly, straining a little across her breasts, cocking a hip, leaning against Clint a little as she held a plate, trying not to laugh at steve’s thwarted masturbation. “No, he didn’t. We just let Loki finished what you started. Figured you were hungry.”She smiled at him, holding out the plate.

Tony glanced up from the glove he was working on, raising a eyebrow at loki.”You look like your thinking to hard.” He said studying the jotun.
Loki snorted. "as if Thor would ever use his magic for anything other than turning people crispy." he teased with a roll of his eyes. Clint had to snicker a little as he watched her, nudging her and glancing down at his pants, a silent request to tighten his pants as well. Steve was too busy staring at the woman's breasts to notice Clint's tight pants though. "...i'm feeling rather ill at the moment actually." Steve admitted, swallowing thickly. "i'm probobly going to lay down and take a nap i think." he admitted, swallowing thickly again, and he did look a little sickly as he realized the tight pants that clint was wearing. 'oh my god they're trying to kill me. i haven't been able to masturbate in a fucking week and they show up looking like that. fuck. if i could just tie them down and make them fuck each other...." he muttered as he backed into the room. "thanks for the gesture, but i really think i'm going to skip breakfast this morning... or maybe i could eat them. they'd make a great breakfast." he muttered as he closed the door so he could... take a nap.

"hmm?" Loki asked, blinking at Tony. "oh. yes, magical problem." Loki admitted, sounding distracted before he realized he had wandered into Tony's lab. "...this is not where i meant to be..." he admitted, blinking a little as he looked around. "...i really have to start paying attention when i wander around." he admitted with a huff.
Brii smirked a little silently tightening his pants, even as she watched Steve stare at her breasts. “Okay, well hopefully you’ll feel better soon.”Brii said looking geninunely concerned about him as she watched him shut the door, the smirk that curled her lips after he shut the door, practically evil. Shiting she waved a hand, using magic to send the plate back to the kitchen before pouncing on Clint, rolling her hips into his as she pressed him back agains the door, a quiet like whimper in the words. Definitely was giving steve something worth jacking off to.

“What kind of magical problem?”he asked smiling slightly snickering a little. “It’s okay. I mean, unless you don’t want to spend time with me.”he said looking amused as he tried to figure out what the other wanted
Steve nodded. "i'm sure i will." he agreed as he swallowed again and Clint smirked at Brii, humming as he kissed her back and shuddered as he thrust against her even as Steve inside started to moan and mutter in french, telling someone to 'take it you whore, wearing clothes like that, you where just begging for it.' "oh my god. bedroom, now." he ordered Brii softly so Steve wouldn't hear him and tossed her up onto his shoulder and headed off.

"Magical saturation." Loki admitted with a smile. "and no, it's not that, i meant to go to my room so i could get a book i need." he admitted with a chuckle. "i guess i just like it better down here." he admitted, leaning over to examine the glove. "remind me to ask you for some scrap samples of your metal." he ordered. "i wish to tinker with it." he admitted with a smile as he examined a tiny little screw. though he wasn't touching anything. wary he might disrupt any energy Tony might be putting into the machines.
Brii moaned as he thrust againdt her,her back hitting against the door as she clung to him,whimpering as she heard steve. "Yes.bedroom."she agreed yelping as she was tossed up on his shoulder,hands going do to grope clint's ass as he walked. Oh yea,teasing steve was going to be fun.

"Sorry,can't help with that."tony said though he did look interested before laughing."well I like it better down here to.people are less likely to bother me with stupid shit if I'm holding a blow torch."he grinned before nodding."there's scraps sitting over on that workbench if you want them...there's a few different metals to.feel free to use what you want."he smiled a littl looking amused that the other was being so careful.amused because it usually took people awhile to learn to not touch the sruff he was working on.
he laughed as she yelped and groaned as she played with his ass. this was going to be an exquisite torture! teasing Steve into loosing control again and again. Clint couldn't wait to have the good captain, on top of him, under him, in between them, he didn't care. he just hoped it happened soon.

he chuckled. "i know." he admitted. "it's not a common problem for Jotun." he admitted. "but Aeser seam to have to saturate their magic to use it. i'll have to find out why before i can fix it." he admitted. "thank you." he stated, smiling as he picked up the scraps Tony had set aside for him, examining them. he winced a little as the metal between this thumb and forefinger suddenly melted. "no. not good for magic. not at all." he muttered. "too flimsy. too common." he muttered. "not a high enough atomic number... and yes i do mean as in the periodic of elements that people in chemistry employ." he admitted with a smile. "Magical practice finds the use of protons, electrons, and neutrons just as important as chemists do." he admitted. "for example. Magic resonates best with Noble elements such as Gold, Silver, Palladium and such. the higher the atomic number, the better the element resonates with magic. of course, that doesn't mean much once you start getting into precious stones." he admitted. "that's another thing entirely. and only transition metals seam to work well. things like Tin, lead, and aluminum do not work well with Metal at all, and sometimes they even repel it." he admitted. "it's all very complicated, but if anyone could understand the complexities it's you." he admitted with a chuckle. "you have a brilliant mind."
“huh. I wonder why. You would think magic would work the same no matter who does it.”Tony said frowning a little as he considered that. Wincing as the metal melted he swallowed a little, sighing a little as he turned off the blowtorch he was using, simply watching loki work for a few minutes. “...So, did you give us the periodic table, or did we give it to you?”He teased wondering if the other worlds had discovered the table before the humans. Suddenly feeling so much younger as a species. “Palladium is what is in the arc reactor...well, at least the old one. I used it, and it damn near killed me.”Tony said looking thoughtful at that before raising a eyebrow. “What about titanium or gold?”He said tilting his head a little, already thinking about what he could use it for on his suit. Even without magic himself, he was curious to see what would happen.
Loki smiled. "if that is so, then why can't humans use magic?" he asked. "the way Jotun create magic is internally. we have a magical core, which is why my magic looks so different from Brii and Thor's. Thor and Brii are Aeser, who pull magic into themselves from the outside elements. which is where the magical saturation issue comes from. they pull in, not Magic, but a particular element." he admitted. "and actually. your periodic table of elements is your own invention. we used a different method before adopting yours, since it was faster and more efficient." he admitted. "the masters still use the old version, since it's got a bit more in depth knowladge all written down." he admitted. "Dmitri Mendeleev was a very amazing man to have put all those elements into such a complex, yet simplistic method of order." he admitted. "ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold are the best for manipulating magic within. Copper rhenium, and mercury are also often very good for magical uses. each metal has it's own 'best' magical compatibility. for example, Gold works best with fire based magic, silver best for water and et cetera." he admitted with a smile.
“...Ah. I never considered that. Humans would be horrible with magic, probably a good thing we don’t have it.”Tony snickered tilting his head. “Well...what if they used a different element?I mean, thor mostly uses lightening, and Brii fire, but I assume they can work with the other elements. What if they change, try doing something else, it might lessen the saturation.”He said sounding thoughtful before grinning. “Good to know humans are good for something.”he snickered pleased it was a human invention before nodding. “He was. He made my life amazingly awesome now that I can just memorize the table instead of a longer list of elements.”He mused before tilting his head. “Does how you create the metals, in forging them, make a difference for the magic? I mean, like straight out of the earth gold, instead of forged gold? Does it change properties?”Tony said looking like a over eager student, loki so had the perfect person. Tony with his unquenchable thirst for knowledge, even if magic was beyond him, he wanted to know.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "well, i don't know if they can. i mean, Brii probobly could use Wind magic or lightning. they are close to fire on the Elemental scale. i'll have to see if she won't consent to some tests." he admitted with a wicked grin. "humans are good for many things. for example, most of my fellow Jotun would balk at the thought of... well. lets just say humans are much more interesting in the sex department." he admitted with a smirk. "yes. the state of the metal matters. un-forged metals work less as well, because of the inconsistencies and the fact that raw materials often have other elements in them. for example, raw gold might contain copper, tin, and even dirt that has to be smelted out." he admitted. "sometimes the size and shape effects the magic as well. for example, a ring can hold more magic than a sphere because inside a sphere the magic bounces around, but in a ring, it all flows. like a four way stop verses a highway... i guess. i think i used the analogy properly. however, metal is better for 'aiming' magic, while various crystalline stones are best for storing the magic. magic likes to sit in stones, it likes to move through metal. which is why the Titanium melted. the magic pooled inside of it because it couldn't flow through, like a balloon."
“I’m sure if you can convince her to come up for air, she’d be happy to consent....though, she will be consenting to alot of other things right now...”Tony snickered, glancing at the other. “I probably should go talk to cap, before they break him.”He snorted in amusement before raising a eyebrow. “I’m better then most humans at interesting sex you know.”he smirked before humming in thought as he considered that.”Oh, that makes sense. Raw metal holds to much other things...”he mused before pausing listening and nodding. “I see. A highway just goes and goes, it makes sense. And you did use it right.”he said looking amused at the idea that loki had used such a human metaphor before nodding. “Trap it to much, and it’ll melt it.”He hummed thoughtfully, before smirking his thoughts derailed at the thoughts of sex. “So how long do you think it’ll take brii to seduce Cap?”

Brii smirked from where she was laying on the floor, laying between clint’s legs, ass snugged up against his crotch as she let him help her learn how to play video games, humming thoughtfully. Though their positions were made to entice a vision of sex and want from steve whenever he wandered in, she wasn’t looking for sex right now, just teasing, more intent on playing the game, “You know, we really shouldn’t sit like this. We’re going to break him...”She muttered glancing over her shoulder at the other, before returning to figuring out how to drive the mario kart.
Loki snickered a little. "it really is amusing how much Steve is in denial." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "but i am glad that Brii is having fun." he admitted with a grin. "oh she won't break him. and if she does i'm sure she can fix him. a blow job or two should fix him right up." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "you are good at sex." he agreed with a chuckle. "oh good. Jarvis's Google app has been great." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "i've learned a great deal about human accomplishments." he admitted. "it shouldn't take long. did you know that the good captain has a criminal record?" he asked, looking amused.

Clint smiled a little as she snuggled with him. he wasn't too interested in sex at the moment either, having worn his cock out for a while. "we won't break him. we'll be fine." he promised with a chuckle. "you suck at this by the way." he teased her with a chuckle, looking up as Steve walked in, though he didn't notice them. his gaze was fixed on a very peculiar item. a pink, yes pink, Nintendo DS. Natasha's in fact. he was muttering as he tapped wildly on the buttons, telling whatever bad guy he was facing to 'die damn you, die, don't throw apples at me just die!'. Clint looked down at Brii. "...well, i might be wrong about the breaking thing." he admitted as Steve tossed his arms up. "YES! i WIN!" he paused and blinked at Brii and Clint, staring at them for a moment before deciding to be brave. "are you playing Mario Cart?"
“It is. He needs a good talking to.”She said smiling slightly, before nodding. “I think it’ll be good for her. And thor. They both need to relax and find people for themselves.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “Jarvis is pre-”Tony paused, stopping in the middle of his sentence, his eyebrows heading for his hairline. “Steve, the capsicle, as in Captain fucking america, has a record? For what?”Tony sputtered.

“Hmm, we’re always fine.”She snickered, waggling her eyebrows. Once she’d realized he didn’t mind her flirting, she was definitely enjoying it. “Well, I’ve never played it before. I think I’m doing well for never trying before.”She pointed before pausing the game to look at steve as he walked in, eyes widening at the small pink thing in his hand. “...You might be.”She muttered before grinning, “We are. Clint tells me we can race. Would you like to join?”She said, smirking as she pressed her ass more firmly against clint’s groin, knowing the man would know she was just teasing steve, not him. Definitely ideas about what to join in on.
he chuckled and nodded. "they do. though Thor has found his life long love." Loki admitted. "he won't marry ehr though because he forgets that he can make her an immortal like himself. he thinks his people needs him to marry Brii, but that is what they want. they would do much better with Jane as his queen." Loki admitted. "yes. Steve Rogers." Loki admitted. "and i think i shall let that be a surprise. you will find out soon enough i think." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "i only looked into it because i noticed some things." he admitted with a grin.

Clint smirked a little. "we are indeed." he agreed before snickering a little. "no, you just suck." he teased. "but you suck very well." he teased, wiggling his eyebrows at her. "Steve when did you get Natasha's DS?" he asked, Steve blinking at him. "huh? oh. recently. she let me borrow it." he admitted. "...i would like to join you, yes." he agreed as he sat down a distance away and plucked up a controller. "i've been practicing." he admitted happily. "prepare to lose!"
“Well, I’m sure either you or brii will be able to remind him of that fact. Seeing as Brii’s about to start a interesting three-way relationship, I think she’s going to be ‘dumping’ thor soon enough, though is it called breaking up with him, if they’re not really dating?”He snickered a little before frowning. “No!Loki, come on. Tell me. Don’t make me go look it up. I want to know.”He whined.

“Hm, I do that very well. Now if we could only give the good captain a demostration of that.”She muttered smirking a little. Grinning wider, happily as steve joined them she smiled, “I shall not lose!I do not suck at this game. I shall win!”Brii grinned happily, grinning as she settled in to play, but indeed, clint was right, she totally sucked at mario kart, but having a chance to flirt and relax with steve and clint, was to good of a time to really worry about sucking at a game.
Loki chuckled. "she will be breaking the betrothal contract." he corrected. "i'm afraid i can't tell you, and you won't find out either. none of what i know was found on your eeternet." he admitted with a snicker. "you will never know what i know! not even if you try to sex me out of it." he admitted with a chuckle.

he snickered a little. "you'll get your chance." he promised her with a grin. "i call first dibs though." he admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head. "wow. you BOTH suck!" Clint admitted with a laugh as Steve glared at the TV after falling off the edge of the racetrack... again. "but i practiced! you keep pushing me off you filthy cheater!" he complained, sighing as he glanced at his watch. "i have to go." he muttered, shaking his head. "i promised Pepper i would help her." he admitted, handing the controller to Brii. "i'll see you guys later." he chirped, bouncing out of the room and Clint smirked. "that went well..." he paused. "i think he's up to something."
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