Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

Brii frowned a little turning her head to look at Loki, nodding a little. “It might. I always felt odd when I went to mulsehiem, since its home of the fire elves...maybe its the same...”Brii muttered blinking slowly, trying to focus more. She’d get used to the hotter fires soon enough, as her body grew accustomed, but for a few days until she got used to it, she was going to be miserable. “...don’t wanna go to bed...Loki feels nice....he’s cool...”She whined a little even as she rested her head on clint’s shoulder, not fighting as he carried her to bed.
Loki nodded. "well, either way you'll feel better in a few days." he promised her with a smile. "it's magical saturation, i guess i didn't realize the saturation would change according to the area your in. you never had any problems in Jotunhiemr." mostly because she couldn't stand to be there for more than a day because of the horrid cold. "we have some air conditioned blankets you can use." Steve promised with a worried smile. Clint chuckled as he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead as he settled her into bed with one of the newer of Tony's designs... well, Tony hadn't made it, but his people had. it was the exact same as a heated blanket, only with a cool setting instead of a hot one. it was the hottest seller that year for women with hot flashes and people without air conditioner. it wasn't cold, just cool, and would hopefully make Brii a little more comfortable. it was adorable how Steve doted on her though, making her hot soup and gently wiping the sweat off her face and entertaining her with one on one DS battles and reading her 'earth books' that he thought she might like.
Brii nodded a little, looking at him. “Yes, but I can’t stand to be in Jotunhiem longer then a day you to. It’s to cold for asgardians.”She pointed out before looking up at steve, “ do you air condition a blanket?It does not have air...”She frowned in utter confusion even as she moaned in pleasure as it wrapped around her, snuggling into it even as she watched him play and read, resting her head on his stomach as she watched him play, alternating between snuggling him and clint, despite being overly hot, contact made her feel better, so she put up with the overheating touching.

Tony snickered a little looking at loi, smirking. “You know, it’s fairly amusing that he can’t admit to liking them, but they’re both doting on her like lovesick puppies.”He muttered smiling, having made jarvis set the bedroom temprature down some, so the air was a little better for brii as she rested, trusting the guys to just deal with being a little chilly.
Loki smiled a little. "this is true." he agreed with a chuckle. "i'm curious about the blanket as well." "it works the same way as a fridge or a heated blanket does." Steve admitted. "that's the extent of what i understood when Tony tried to explain it to me." he admitted with a smile, both Clint and Steve smirking as she moaned. "that good huh?" Clint teased, smiling as she alternated snuggle partners.

Loki chuckled a little. "Steve is playing with them. he could admit it at any time. he's still a little wary about liking Clint, but he's never let other people's opinions stop him." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched Tony, his head tilted. "wanna go have sex?" he asked playfully.
“...Oh. Loki, you would need a heated blanket. You’re always so cold.”Brii said raising her head to look at her friend before smiling as she nodded, snuggling down into the bed, sighing softly. “I might give up sex, just to have this blanket. It’s amazing.”Brii muttered as she snuggled against steve, cuddly and quiet when she wasn’t feeling good, but also innocently flirty. “You’re the.perfect snuggling person.”She muttered into the super soldier’s shirt, relaxing.

“He should. At least they’d all know then....and he could stop talking in french...even if I don’t know what he says, it gets worse when he’s with them.”he snickered a little before looking at him, raising a eyebrow. “I would love to have sex.”He grinned picking him up, wrapping loki’s legs around his waist as he headed for his bedroom,
Loki chuckled a little. "why do i need a blanket when earth weather isn't even chilly to me? if anything i'm going to need that blanket." he teased with a smile. "even Aeser winters tend to get me overheated." he admitted with a smile. though, that was only true when he didn't have his magic constantly working to moderate his body temperature. "don't give up sex! what will i do then!?" Clint complained, sulking as Steve went red even as he laughed. he smiled as she flirted with him, this kind of flirting he could handle just fine. "why thank you. i think you're pretty snuggly too."

"oh, Brii knows what he's saying. and Clint does too, she used the translation spell on him." he admitted before gasping as he was picked up and laughed as he bent his head and kissed the other deeply. "i'm beginning to think being small isn't such a bad thing." he admitted with a smirk. "now. how shall i play it. shall i be your kidnapped victim, or just a newly bought sex slave?" he asked with a smirk.
Brii raised her head to look at clint, waggling her eyebrows, “I’m sure you would think of something to do with your mouth.”Brii snickered, wondering if they could get steve cursing in french simply from being a innocent flirt. Before grinning at the blond she looked up at him, “I’m curvy. And bendy. Of course I’m snuggly. I’m soft to cuddle, unlike clint, who’s all muscle and hard stuff.”Brii said seriously, her head resting on steve’s chest so he couldn’t see the wicked amusement in her eyes, while she was teasing him, she wasn’t being as blanantly over the top as usual.

“Hm, no, being small isn’t bad if it means I get to manhandle you.”Tony snickered as he palmed the other’s ass, kicking his door shut behind him and leaning the other back against the door. “Hm, I’m thinking helpless kidnap victim.”he muttered pinning the other against the door, tugging at his clothes.
Clint smirked and glanced at Steve who flushed bright red, but didn't flee and suddenly Clint understood. they had just been too heavy on Steve! he was extremely shy, they needed to tone down their flirting and they'd have him... maybe. "yeah... i bet i could get him to do a lot with that mouth" Steve muttered in french as he smack-a-whacked some Bowser ass. "oh, so you don't like snuggling me?" Steve asked, looking amused. "i'm pretty muscle bound myself you know." he stated, flirting back. Clint wanted to start crowing in delight. "besides, i like muscles myself." Steve admitted with a smirk. "on my men at least." ah! he'd admitted it!

Loki snickered a little as he kissed the other again, smirking a little. "oh. i like that one." he purred as he was pinned, a whimper falling from his lips as he spread his legs. "please. Sir." Loki gasped. "please don't hurt me. i'll do anything." he whispered. "i have no money, i'm no use to you, please let me go." he whispered, pretending to tremble. because sometimes, Tony just needed to take what he wanted. and Loki loved to let the other do it.
Brii smiled, pleased that he wasn’t running away, and realized the same thing as clint. They’d just have to be calmer. Smiling slightly at his words she looked over at clint, smirking. “What?No. I like snuggling you, clint’s problem is he can’t hold still. Makes cuddling difficult..”Brii frowned, out of it enough to not be sure how to respond to him suddenly flirting back, tossed off kilter before smiling. “Hm, I like my men muscley to.”She smiled pleased, that steve had indeed admitted it.

Tony shuddered as he felt the other whimper, sighing as he pressed against him, leaning up to kiss him, hard and demanding, wrapping a hand in his hair. “Anything?”he growled before dropping the other,careful to not hurt him, wrapping a hand in his hair as he undid his jeans, simply raising a eyebrow at him.”You’re wrong. You are plenty of use to me.”he growled.
Steve smiled a little. "really? the big bad assassin can't sit still?" he asked, looking highly amused as Clint scoffed. "your just inhuman." he complained, sulking at Steve. "she's so damn sexy how can i not fidget when she's all snuggly like this?" he asked, making Steve go red again. "yes well... anyway." he coughed, shaking his head. "muscles are definitely better." he admitted with a smile as he looked down at her. "you should really try to get some rest Brii." Steve admitted, hesitating before kissing the top of her head. "well, i might go to hell for it, but what do i care? i want them. i'll have them." Steve decided as he slipped out of the bed. "i'm going to go make lunch. try to sleep, okay?" he asked with a smile before he headed out.

Loki gasped as he felt the hand in his hair. "yes. anything. please, just let me go." he pleaded, staggering a little as he was dropped, his eyes wide and innocent. "please. Sir. please don't do this." he breathed, though Tony could see the spark of lust in Loki's eyes. jsut enough to assure Tony that Loki was enjoying himself. of course, they did have the safe word system so everything was all good. "please sir. please." Loki wanted Tony to force him over that delicious prick, something they both enjoyed. "please, let me go. i won't tell a soul, i swear!"
“No, at least not when it’s not life or death.”She smirked a little before laughing, looking at clint. “all sexy huh?”She smiled at him before looking up at steve, before sulking, “I am resting. Laying down and all.”she said even though she shifted as he got up out of the bed, smiling as she settled into cuddling clint.”Okay...lunch sounds good...”She muttered quietly as she started to fall asleep. “...he wants us...”She muttered sounding happy falling asleep easily.

Tony laughed as the other staggered, shuddering at the innocent look he was getting. “No, begging wont help. You are not that adorable, Loki.”He teased smirking, looking amused as he tangled a hand in his hair, “No, you aren’t going anywhere. I want you on my cock, now.”he growled even as he forced the other’s mouth down over him, sighing quietly as he rocked his hips a little.
Clint sulked and Steve chuckled a little, shaking his head. "yes. all sexy." Clint complained, pouting. "you're just too cute." he complained. "it's not fair, how am i supposed to resist you?" he asked, smirking a little. "well, you should sleep." Steve corrected with a smile. "anything particular you want? soup? hamburgers? Chile?" "give her some Chile. she'll love it." Clint decided once he realized she was too sleep to answer. "everyone loves your chile." Steve chuckled a little and headed off to make his chile. it was his mothers, or rather, his great, great, great grandmothers Recipe. "he does want us." he agreed with a smirk.

Loki whimpered, his eyes widening even more. "please. please don't... pl... uuhmph..." Loki was cut off as he found a mouthful of cock blocking his tongue. he pretended to struggle for a moment before he submitted and started to suck, his tongue pressing against the cock, making his tight little mouth even tighter, letting Tony use his mouth as he pleased as he sucked and swallowed, trying to make his lover cum before he was really ready.
When steve returned with bowls of chille, brii stirred, frowning a little as she blinked up at the blond. “...what is that?”She said sitting up slowly, wrapping the cool blanket around her as she did, raising her head higher to look into the bowl, curious and cute, just a like a kitten. The fact that she could shapeshift into a cat sometimes, came out when she was tired or stressed.

Tony growled leaning over a little, resting a hand against the door, bracing himself as he fucked the other’s mouth, closing his eyes before turning slightly, wrapping a hand in the other’s hair tighter, flinging him towards the bed. “Get on the bed.”he growled, panting hard, strugglign to not to come, looking annoyed that the other had undone him so easily.
Steve grinned a little. "it's Chile." he explained. "it's sort of a soup, tomato based with meat in it. it's hard to explain." Steve's Chile was special. he used ground beef as the base, and then used chunks of beef in there so it was extra meaty. he had chile beans in there as well for extra filling, and it was filled with so many spices, it tasted like heaven. garlic and oregano and cumin and all kinds of perfect things. he did do something a little weird though, he put spaghetti noodles in his chile. adding just another aspect of awesomeness to his food that most people didn't have.

Loki moaned as he was face fucked, sucking harder before yelping as he was torn off and tossed towards the bed, shooting Tony a 'frightened' look which was completely ruined by the amusement dancing in his eyes. he scrambled onto the bed, timid and trembling, resigned to his 'fate'. "please... please don't do this..." he pleaded, voice a whimper even as he gave his ass a little wriggle.
“ that not a country?”Brii said even though she did take the bowl from her, biting her lip a little as she studied the soup in her hands, looking nervous about it before nodding. “It is good?”She said before picking up a spoon, taking a small small bite, her eyes widening as she tasted it.”It is good!”she said eagerly, proving that like steve, thor and loki, she could put food away. After all, she used magic, it required alot of food.

Tony smirked as he watched loki get on the bed, shaking his head a little as he looked at his cock teasing lover. “I think you want this, you naughty whore. You liked what I did didn’t you?”He growled as he walked over, hands jerking at loki’s clothes pulling them off as he kept the other pinned and didn’t allow him to pull off his own clothes. “You are such a cocktease.”He growled leaning down to kiss him hard as he lowered his body down to lay on top of him.
he smiled a little. "i made it, of course it's good." Steve stated with a smile. "and yes, Chile is a country, but it's also a food." he admitted as he shoved a spoonful of it into his mouth. he loved Chile. he actually added a lot of heat to his own bowl. adding cyan and more than a bit of Chile powder along with some Jalapeno spice and a few red pepper flakes and of course, the hot sauce. his was hot enough to make a Dragon cry. he was happy to get Brii seconds when she asked for them, and thirds. it wasn't like they where going to run out of Chile anytime soon.

Loki whimpered and shook his head. "i don't. your wrong." he complained, licking his lips. "please... please don't do this. i didn't like it! i don't like it!" and yet he was hard as a rock, showing just how much Loki loved 'being taken against his will'. he whined as he was pinned down, and struggled against the other. "stop. let me go!" he ordered, smirking, well aware that he was going to start 'annoying' Tony soon enough. "i'm not a cock tease, get off!" Loki whimpered as he felt Tony's entire body pressing against him, panting as he shuddered. god he was horny.
“Ah, well, that’s true. You’ve made me some good food.”Brii agreed smiling a little before nodding, glad that she’d gotten the country right, watching him in amusement as she realized just how hot his stuff was, leaning back with a contented sigh, stuffed, her stomach rounding out a little bit, eyeing the man next to her, a playful smirk tugging her lips. “You know, hot stuff, if you wanted to be a dragon so much, I can just make you really breath fire.”She teased.

Tony growled palming the other’s cock, smirking to find him hard. “Yes, I can see how much you hate it.”he growled before shoving down harder as his temper snapped, not really angry, but annoyed at the talking, before getting up he leaned across the bed to the nightstand, pulling out the gag and quickly gagging the other before pausing, breaking character for a moment to simply look down at him. “Tap the headboard if you want to tap out, okay?”He muttered before pinning the other, coating his fingers in lube, sliding his fingers into the other.
Steve smirked a little and nodded. "i do make the best food. i used to win cooking contests." he admitted with a smirk. "hey, i am not a dragon, they are entirely too gross looking." he complained with a smile. "besides, i like spicy food." he admitted with a chuckle. "i promise not to kiss you until the capsaicin dies." he promised, looking extremely amused and Clint froze and stared at Steve. " finally figured it out?" "please. don't be stupid i always knew it. your the ones that are oblivious." Steve stated with a roll of his eyes. "now that your not pushing so heavy on me... and, well. Jarvis helped a lot. him and Google... remind me to cut Bruce off of his 'tony time'." Steve ordered, still sulking about the 'sex ed' lesson he'd gotten.

Loki whimpered as he was groped. "no. stop it. don't touch me there!" Loki whimpered, acting just like a cute little rape victim. "i don't like it, i don't! anyone would get hard with someone touching them there. you, mmmph..." he groaned as he was gagged and he rolled his eyes at Tony. the only sign that he had understood Tony as he struggled against Tony playfully, moaning as he felt the fingers slipping deep inside of him, hips jerking, back and forward, as if fighting Tony. because that was half the fun.
“Really?You would do well in asgard. They fight over food all the time.”Brii said tilting her head, thinking about it before laughing. “You are a dragon. Eating all that firey stuff, you’re going to breath fire soon.”She teased before looking startled at steve’s words, blushing ever so slightly. “...You did? kept talking in french.”Brii blurted staring at him, squirming a little. “we wouldn’t have pushed so hard if you if hadn’t kept saying such enticing things!”She sputtered before raising a eyebrow. “His tony time?”

“Oh, I think you want me to touch you there, you little whore.’Tony purred looking amused as he pilled the others, leaning down to kiss him as he pulled his fingers out of him, looking down at the man under him. “You are such a pretty little thing.”He said looking amused as he pushed loki’s legs wide, grinning. “Spread so wide, just for me.”He growled, shifting, thrusting into the other, groaning as he shuddered.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "no. the contests are about who can make the best food. though there are contests about who can eat the most too." he admitted. "and i'm no Dragon." he stated, puffing at her playfully. "please Brii. as if i didn't know you could understand me after the third time you had to stop what you where doing and go fuck Clint... i was pretty mortified you heard everything i was talking about though." he admitted, flushing hard as Clint started to giggle. he couldn't help it. "i wondered why your language had gotten so... vanilla all of a sudden." he admitted. "and yeah, his Tony Time, clearly Tony's been a very bad influence on him."

Loki whimpered through his gag and shook his head even as his hips thrust back, wanting more. "mmmphm!" he moaned, trying to protest through the gag as he tried to close his legs, pushing at Tony's shoulder, mischief dancing in his eyes. he moaned, arching as he felt the cock spread him wide and he thrust his hips back again, pushing Tony in deeper even as he pretended to struggle even more. which had the added delight of stimulating them both, a lot.
“....I would like to see Thor entering these contests. It would be amusing to watch a prince of asgard eating for competition.”Brii said looking thoughtful and amused before pouting, sulking a little as she snuggled down into the bed, shifting under the air conditioned blanket, “....I didn’t always stop to go fuck Clint. He’s perfectly fuckable on his own without you asking him to suck your cock.”She sulked snickering a little, before pouting. “Noooo, you have to go back to being bad. You were awesome being dirty. It wasn’t fair behaving suddenly.”She said before laughing, “Isnt tony a bad influence on everyone?”She pointed out.

Tony moaned as the other thrust against him, looking amused as he took his time, raising a eyebrow as loki pushed at his shoulder. “You are such a whore, even as you push me away, you want this.”He said punctuating that as he thrust into him harder, shuddering as he leaned down to kiss neck, biting gently, amused as he moaned, hands gripping the other’s hips tightly as he fucked him, shuddering as he came.
Steve snorted. "Thor would win." Clint stated simply. "no one can eat like Thor can. at least, no human." he admitted, shaking his head. "you do always stop to go fuck Clint... it was pretty funny actually." Steve admitted with a snicker even as he flushed brightly at the following comment. "yes well... in my defense i didn't know you could understand me then..." he admitted sheepishly. "and i'm not going to be bad!" he complained, even if he was bad. he was bad every day, couldn't seam to stop himself from swiping things. he suspected it was repressed sexual urges. "...true." Steve muttered as Clint snickered. "so. now that you've admitted you want us. can i fuck you first or did you want to fuck me?" Clint asked with a smirk, enjoying the way Steve went bright red. "i'd prefer at least a dinner date first." he complained, scowling at Clint. "this doesn't count?" Steve just sighed.

Loki whimpered as he was called a whore. he loved that. he moaned as he was thrust into even more, panting hard through his nose as he writhed, cumming hard underneath Tony with a guttural, broken groan of intense pleasure. he grunted, clamping down his ass as he felt the other cumming and his rectal muscles moved, as if milking Tony for every drop. he was grinning as he examined Tony and pulled his own Gag off. "fuck, that was awesome." he moaned. "we're doing that again... with ropes next time." he purred with a grin.
“Well, that’s true. Though he says tony is close to outdrinking him.”Brii mused shaking her head at the thought of her fiancee, wincing a little at the thought laying tangled up in bed with the other two. She so needed to just get out of it, but she had no idea how when thor was being stubborn. Maybe she should enlist the boys help? “Well, it was still awesome....and why not?Bad is good. It was so hot to hear you talking about us.”Brii smirked looking at steve before laughing at just how red steve got, “...what is a dinner date?Why would you date a dinner? Do you not eat dinner every day?”Brii said frowning a little at the two, looking curious.

Tony growled as he shivered as he slumped down onto the other and snuggling against him, resting a leg over the other’s hips as he laid to the side, rubbing a hand over his face, “Hm, we are?Who said you were in charge?”he teased, yawning.
Clint chuckled a little. "Tony can out-drink anyone." he pointed out with a shake of his head. "Brii, what is it?" Steve asked, noticing her wince. "it was awesome." Clint agreed with a smirk as Steve rolled his eyes. "i am never talking like that, ever again." he muttered, shaking his head. "you can forget it. not happening." he grumbled before smiling a little. "a Dinner date is when you go out to have dinner at a nice restaurant to get to know someone better." Steve explained. "it's just a date, but you eat dinner and talk during it."

Loki smirked. "i did. i'm of course in charge, being that i am a prince." he teased with a smile. "i only let you think you are in charge because i get better sex that way." he teased with a chuckle. "now stop talking and sleep." he ordered playfully.
Brii flushed a little at the other’s question, shrugging noncommittally, avoiding looking at them.”Just thinking.”She muttered avoiding the question, not wanting to talk about it, at least not when they were having such a good talk, she just didn’t want to upset either of them. “Noooo, can’t forget it. You have to.”She whined looking up at him before frowning, looking at clint, “Then I agree with clint. Is this not a date?You are indeed feeding me to.”She pointed out as she finished her chile.

“Well, damn. If you’re going to put it that way, I think I can stand to let you be in charge.”Tony snickered a little yawning as he rested his head on the other’s shoulder.” Not tired...should really get some work done probably...”
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