Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

“Hopefully that’s the case, cause anything else is going to be a mess.”Brii muttered before laughing. “Okay. We’ll leave the jokes to tony.”She giggled before nodding. “He is. Hopefully he wont always be like this, though it is nice, I’d hate to have changed him that much.”She muttered yelping as he screeched, moaning as feathers brushed against her sides as he spread them, looking amused that clint was presenting himself. “Okay. Just careful with the wings, I don’t know how breakable they’ll be.”Brii said looking slightly worried before smirking, “Hm, he is a slut. Him being this out of it just makes it worse.”She giggled moaning as he slid into her, wrapping her arms around him shuddering as she realized the teeth biting into her were just a little sharper, holding her in place so she couldn’t get away. And wasn’t that hot?Moaning as she looked over his shoulder at steve, she whimpered in pleasure, this was just way way amazing, and the world was all soft edged and awesome, considering she could only see steve and clint, and the brown/white expanse of clint’s wings.
"i highly doubt the Apple will have changed his personality. i think this is just a sudden influx of his instincts taking over." he hoped. "i know... honestly though i don't think we could break his wings if we hit them with Mjolnir." he admitted. "remember how tony took those scans? apparently the Bones are about three times harder than ours are to keep up with the strain of flight." he admitted. "but i won't grab them, as sensitive as they are, that would probobly hurt." he admitted as he thrust slowly, in and out of the other, watching Clint come practically undone. "fuck it's hot watching him pin you down like that." he gasped, watching her intently. wondering if he'd do that to him next. god but he hoped so. it didn't take long for Steve to shudder his way through an orgasm. how could he not with those wings constantly brushing against him and that entirely too tight ass clenching so perfectly around him. Clint seamed to not care one whit that Steve was done for the moment. he just kept right on rocking his hips into Brii's hips, holding her down and fucking her slowly. drawing out his pleasure, and hers, and showing her just who she belonged to. him. finally though, his hips sped up and he started to really get into it, growling against her neck as he came, fast and hard, releasing her neck once she had finished her own orgasm and he licked her neck. there wasn't even a scratch or a bruise. "god... that was fucking hot." Steve whispered, eyes wide as he watched Clint nuzzle her and run his fingers through her hair, grooming her again, nibbling on her neck and chin and nuzzling her, quite happy to simply snuggle with her now that she knew she was his. he'd claim Steve in a minute. "he's certainly more affectionate." Steve muttered, looking amused.
“Probably.”Brii muttered, sounding hopefully before sighing. “I know, and I know what the scans said, but they look so fragile, like I’ll break them.”She muttered shuddering as steve thrusting into steve made him rock into her a little more, it felt so amazing. “It’s hot from here to.”She muttered whining quietly as clint pinned her, careful to not to move to much not wanting to shred her neck on his teeth even as she moved with him. Groaning as she watched steve’s face as he came, whining in desperation as clint dragged it out, eyes widening as she came with clint, clinging to him, amused that she wasn’t even the least bit hurt from his teeth. “That was really, really hot...”She muttered smiling as clint groomed her, shifting to curl up against him, grooming him to. “Hm, well the instincts kinda robbed him of the assassin’s rules for not being affectionate. It’s adorable.”She smiled shivering a little as he nuzzled her, almost to sensitive to put up with it, but holding out from stopping him because she needed it, needed to know he was okay.
he nodded. "they do look fragile." he agreed, blinking a little. "there's really no way to tell how fragile they are..." he admitted. "not without hurting him anyway." he admitted before focusing on his sexing. he smiled as he watched her cum, his pupils blown wide with lust as he watched them finish having sex and he licked his lips as he watched them grooming each other. his cock twitching, eager for the next round. "very hot." he agreed, panting just a little. "god that was amazing." he muttered with a grin as he slid onto the bed, nearly wincing when all of Clint's attention was suddenly focused on him. "oh crap." Steve muttered, trying to back away. Clint didn't give him a chance. in an instant, Steve found himself on top of Brii, teeth pressing against the back of his neck, his wrists pinned to the bed. "...oh my god." Steve moaned, going limp. the last thing he wanted was to fight Clint. his submission was rewarded when a hand was pulled away to stretch and prepare him. "oh my god...." Steve moaned, lifting his hips the same way Clint had earlier. "fuck... now i know why you had that look on your face. this is hot. FUCK! bastard... he's teasing my prostate." he grumbled, struggling not to writhe. "there's another condom in my pocket if your up for round... FUCK Clint! god.. don't stop!" Steve moaned, shuddering as he thrust back into the fingers, panting eagerly.
Brii giggled a little as Steve reacted to all of clint’s attention being focused on him, smirking a little as she watched, groaning as the man was pressed back into her, shuddering a little. “Sexy isn’t it?to be so dominated...”She muttered watching, moaning quietly as the squirmed, giggling a little. “Well, you can move you know, he’s being careful.”She smirked amused as he resisted writhing, smirking as she nodded eagerly moving away long enough to grab a condom, sliding it onto him before drawing him down into her again, moaning as she felt him fill her, it was a fairly amazing feeling, especially with how over sensitive she was from her earlier orgasm.
Steve moaned eagerly. "god yes. it's amazing. god..." he moaned. "i don't dare move. he's not being as gentle with me as he was you.' he admitted, gasping as he felt Clint sliding into him. "god. fuck. yes! oh Jesus." he moaned, spreading his legs wider before wincing as he felt the teeth tighten against his neck. "okay, okay. i'm not moving." he breathed, feeling lust crash through him. he'd never, ever felt so... helpless before. not even when he was a runt. he moaned as he felt her wrapping around his cock, and cried out as he felt Clint start to move. just as slowly as he had done to Brii. "oooh my goood." Steve whimpered, trying to speed up the pace, wincing when the teeth tightened again. "f..fuck. god..." this time, Clint controlled every action, and anytime Steve so much as twitched, Clint's teeth tightened. proving his dominance. well, by the time Clint sped up, Steve knew his place in the Nest's Totem Pole that was for sure. "....that was mean." he groaned once Clint had finished fucking him and Brii both into the Mattress. "yes it was." Clint agreed, sounding highly amused. "but it was fun." he admitted, laying next to them, one wing spread across them like a blanket. "i have no idea why i did that, but i feel fantastic." Clint admitted with a smile and a self satisfied sigh. "i guess Wings aren't so bad if you guys like them so much." he mumbled, smiling a little. "i'm hungry." "if you start eating Rats, you're never kissing me again." Steve warned.
“Ahhh...maybe cause I’m a girl. More breakable.”She muttered amused at the idea that clint wasn’t being as careful with their super solider, though looking slightly worried though she was sure clint wasn’t going to really hurt him. Shuddering as she realized exactly how much control clint had over them at the moment, shuddering as she came, groaning as she settled back onto the bed, muttering in quiet contentment as she snuggled into clint, smiling slightly as the wing settled down over her like a warm living blanket. “Good.I’m glad you’re okay.”She muttered glad that the man was feeling better, having been really worried he’d be angry with her. “Or mice. Or birds....mostly normal things hawks eat.I wont kiss you then.”She warned looking amused, gently pushing clint. “Come on. Let’s see how you do on your feet, now that we know you’re good in bed.”She teased getting up off the bed and searching for clothes, handing over a pair of pants to clint, “We’ll have to look for shirts...and get tony to redesign your battle suit..."she bit her lip looking down, her whole body slouching, looking worried."I'm sorry clint...I hadn't...known this woudl happen..."
he snorted. "no. i think it's more he knows i'll try to dominate him in the future." he admitted. "i just finished fucking him, he's making a point here... and god do i love it." he admitted with a moan. "of course i'm okay." he admitted with a smirk. "i just totally dominated Captain America." "only because i let you." Steve lied with a chuckle. "well. does Chicken count?" Clint asked with a grin. "or turkey?" he smirked. "how about squirrel? i love me some roasted squirrel." " about some Armadillo and Coon too while your at it you hillbilly redneck." "hey! i resemble that remark. don't make me put you in your place again." "i'd like that too much." Steve teased right back. he slipped to his feet as well and Clint attempted to get to his as well, but his entire center of gravity had shifted, and it took him forever to figure out how to walk again without staggering to the left or the right. finally though he managed to figure out how to make his body work properly again. "i'll justy need slits in the back for my wings." he admitted. "i don't think that i could do a pull over, but i can wear button ups and zip jackets and stuff." Clint admitted as he let them help him to the kitchen. "hey! Clint's up!" Bruce called, looking quite relieved. "how are you feeling?" "off kilter." Clint admitted with a chuckle.
Brii smiled a little, relaxing. Glad because he was okay. Giggling a little. “He did get dominated. And it was totally hot.”She said snickering a little, leaning down to kiss him before pausing, staring down at the man twitching a little. “...I’m a little disturbed at the things you want to eat. I’m goign to go talk to tony, the high priced trust fund baby he is, I bet he’s never ate anything to weird.”She giggled, but she would be totally wrong in that case. Tony ate plenty of weird shit, simply to say he did or because he was weird with his food choices like all the time. “This is going to take some getting used to.”Brii smiled resting a hand on clint’s shoulder, helping him balance before stepping away, smiling as they headed into the kitchen. “Well you did just grow a large appendage. Not to mention growing a few inches taller. And how much are you acting like a hawk.And-hey, gotta ask, did all of you grow?I’m asking for scientific reasons, and not simply because I’m me and I have no boundaries for sex questions.. “Tony grinned, settling back into himself, figuring the best way to convince clint everything was okay, was acting like normal,. And him being insatiably curious about everything, even things most people wouldn’t ask after, was normal.
Clint chuckled a little. "it was hot." Steve agreed with a grin. "really hot. we're doing that again." he agreed. Clint snorting as he nodded. "what do you mean 'want?'. i grew up on fresh caught meat." "i used to go out and catch rats for dinner." Steve admitted with a shrug. "and Tony eats all kinds of weird stuff just to say he did it. he's eaten Chicken feet and head cheese and insects and all kinds of things. Bizarre Foods aint got nothin on Tony Stark." Clint agreed with a chuckle. "i wonder if i'll be able to fly?" Clint mused, looking excited as he worked on trying to figure out what muscles to use to move his wings. "i'm acting very much like a hawk and if you touch my mates i will rend your belly open and feast on your bloody innards." Clint hissed, all of his feathers puffing out before he caught himself. "...sorry." he muttered, looking a bit shocked. "i didn't mean that." he paused and looked down at his own crotch before looking at Steve who nodded. "all of him grew." he admitted with a chuckle. "and as you can see, his instincts are quite high at the moment. he spent the last... two hours? making sure we knew without a doubt that we belonged to him." "they are mine." Clint grumbled, narrowing his eyes at Steve. "you are mine." "i am." he agreed with a nod, Clint relaxing again as he settled down and sat himself in a chair. "walking is rather difficult... i think i lost some weight." "you probobly did. i'll have to run some proper tests to see what's changed, but Loki had a pretty clear idea." "where is Loki?" "napping. he had another episode." Bruce admitted. "this one was bad. he had a seizure. scared the shit out of Tony." scared the shit out of Bruce too.
Brii shuddered, “Gross....”she muttered before pausing, thinking about that.”Maybe I wont bring up weird foods to tony.”She muttered before nodding. “You should be able to. You’re bones are hollow now, more like a bird’s.No jumping off the tower though as your first try.We’ll go out in the country side or something...”She said before pausing, listening to clint hissing. “...It’s okay. You’re safe, Clint. We have no interest in touching them.”Tony said looking a little freaked at the threat, before swallowing snickering a little at the knowledge all of him grew. “We are yours.We don’t doubt that.”Brii reassured, brushing a hand over a wing, simply because she needed to touch clint to reassure him. “Hey, it wasn’t just me. He scared the shit out of all of us.”Tony grumbled still looking a little freaked. Well, at least everyone knew why he was focusing on teasing clint and the other two. It was easier then freaking out about loki.
Steve chuckled. "that would be a good idea." he agreed with a smile. "that's awesome." Clint admitted. "i can practice on the roof too. it's big enough to do some practicing. young birds hop up and down and flap in place to build up the muscles and stuff. i can do that." he admitted with a smile. he paused as he caught sight of Tony, seaming to recognize that the man was his only 'competition' of sorts. he shot the other another glare, warning him off of his mates before he calmed down and settled. if Tony tried to steal his mates, there would be a good fight and he wouldn't be the loser. part of him knew he was being ridiculous, but he couldn't help it. "how is Tony feeling now?" "grumpy." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "he kicked us all out. he's sore and tired but he's not hurt." Bruce promised, watching Steve and Clint relax at the promising news. "...Farbauti is dead." shit. that was bad, bad news. now it was only Helblindi V.S Fahlblindi. all of Loki's family was being killed, no wonder the man was grumpy. especially since it was starting to look like Fahlblindi was winning. if he won, the war would spread across the realms. starting at Midgard because they where harboring the True King. Loki was now King of the Jotun, and wasn't that horrible?
“You know, that’s a adorable thing to imagine, you jumping and flapping around.”She muttered giggling a little before relaxing. Tony raised his hands offering no offense, “I’m not going to take them.”he promised. “Which is the only reason he’s alone right now, is he’s not hurt.”Tony muttered grumpy because he’d been kicked out, but had gone when he realized loki wasn’t hurt. Brii flinched looking away, looking anxious as she considered just how much of loki’s family was gone. Swallowing hard, she tried to figure out how to do more, how to help loki because she knew this was going to be bad when he finally emerged from his retreat.
he snorted a little. "i am not adorable. how dare you." he growled, his eyes narrowed at the 'insult'. "...good. see that you don't." he growled before he paused as he realized Tony was already mated, and therefore not a threat to his own mates. well that made him feel a lot better. "Loki will settle down, he just doesn't want anyone to see him cry." Thor explained softly. "he's lost his people, he's lost his family, and he's probobly going to lose his planet. he's hurting, and he hates for people to see him in his weakness." Thor admitted studying Clint. "very impressive Wings my freind." "thank you. i rather like them." Clint admitted, conveniently forgetting he'd had a complete panic attack about them in the first place.
“You are.Very.And I dare, because well...”Brii smirked wrapping a arm around his waist so the other’s wouldn’t see her stroke her fingers along the feathers, not about to give tony another reason to make fun of clint, and oversensitivity would be something he’d get teased about. “I know, I just don’t like not being there for him.”Tony grumbled as he ate before sighing. “They are fairly impressive. Just how sensitive are they?I mean...I know you can fly, at least in theory, but is it going to fuck up with a fight?”He asked, looking serious, switching gears because he needed to not think about loki, which meant he was going to fuss something fierce over his team, because loki wouldn’t let him fuss over him.
he smiled a little at her. he couldn't help it, she was so adorable when she was being mouthy. he gave her a soft purr and nuzzled the top of her head as she stroked his feathers, making them twitch a little. they where still very sensitive, but it was easier for him to ignore it now that he wasn't so horny. "it's only because he doesn't want you to worry about him. you do the same thing you know." Steve pointed out to Tony as he started making more food. "they're surprisingly sensitive." Clint admitted. "i can feel every single feather. i mean, not the feather itself, but where they connect." he admitted. "feels kinda the same as my hair almost, only much more sensitive. i think that's so i can feel minute air changes and adjust." he admitted. "i don't know how they'll work in a fight..." he admitted, looking a bit concerned. "but then again, if i'm in the air, raining down the pain, not a whole lot of enemies are going to be able to grapple with me either." he admitted, moving his wings about, flexing them, as if mesmerized by his own movements. not unlike a baby when they first discover they have fingers. "they're a lot more dexterous then i thought they would be." he admitted. "i'm going up to the roof after lunch to practice." "i want to take scans as well." Bruce admitted. "we can't be sure how strong your wings are. we don't want to put undue strain on your new wings."
Brii frowned at him as he smiled, knowing he was just finding her adorable. Smiling quietly as she was nuzzled, leaning into him. Tony huffed a little making a face, lookign at steve. “you’re not supposed to be that observant, soldier boy. I mean, looks AND brains, it’s like a guy’s wet dream.”Tony snickered before wincing, moving away from clint, raising his hands. ‘Totally didn’t mean anything by it.”he said worried the man would take it the wrong way, because well, tony stark was incapble of not flirting most of the time, unless he was thinking about it. “that’s fairly interesting. I wonder if all birds are like that.”Tony said looking thoughtful before nodding. “That makes sense. You’d need sensitivity to adjust for things...well, that’s true.”Tony said, even as his mind turned over all the problems with a flying bird in battle. He couldn’t help it, he always found the problems and the benefits, though for the mmoment he was simply glad the man was okay. “Can you do the scans while he uses them?I mean, you might get a better reading if you’re seeing it as it happens.”Brii pointed out as she ate, tilting her head a little, snickering quietly as clint moved, amused that he was so fascinated, and happy he was happy with them.
he just smiled again at her as he nuzzled her some more. part of him was a bit embarrassed that he was touching her so affectionately in front of other people, but the Hawk in him didn't give a damn. he wanted to touch her so he would. he whipped his head around at Tony's half flirt but relaxed when he realized tony was just doing the Tony thing. he didn't even hiss. "i would think so." Clint admitted as he examined his wings curiously. "i mean, everything is almost exactly the same as a birds, right?" he wondered, head cocked. "i can. yes, and that's a good idea. i'll set up the equipment on the roof then." he promised with a nod as he watched in fascination as Clint moved his wings. "may i touch them." ".....i'm not sure." he admitted, stretching one out. "you can try." he agreed, tense as Bruce carefully examined the wing bones. but he wasn't stroking, he was carefully squeezing, feeling the bones. "no. not like a birds. not an earth bird anyway. the bones are much stronger and the joints are much more flexible." Bruce explained. "see how you can move them up and down as well as side to side? it's like you're wrist almost. this will give you an immense advantage in the air. even Tony won't be as agile once you get flight figured out." Bruce admitted, examining the bones and tendons. "the wings are much different than humans are as well. there's a lot more surface area for one thing, and there's an extra finger..." "being that he ate a Golden Apple, he probobly has an Asgardian Bird, instead of an earth bird." Thor admitted.
Tony relaxed a little as he wasn’t yelled at, before realizing that clint wouldn’t take issue with his careless flirting as long as the other knew it was just that, tony being tony. “Yea, they are like a bird’s. It’s just weird to consider.”Tony shrugged a little. Brii tensed a little as bruce reached out to touch, looking nervous, half expecting clint to freak out at being touched before relaxing, studying the wings. “Hey, I’m always agile....And now I kinda want to go for a flight when birdboy gets flying, just to freak out the good citizens of new york.”Tony snickered a little. “most likely. There’s a few versions of the hawk at home.”Brii said smiling quietly as she stretched. “Come on, fledgling. Let’s see if you can learn to fly.”She smiled gently kissing clint’s cheek as she finished her food.
"i'll probobly attack you." Clint grumbled. "then again, i might allow it, i'm not sure, the human and the Hawk keep... fighting, sort of." he admitted. "it's like they can't agree and are passive aggressively trying to dominate each other." he admitted with a huff. "versions." "they would not be hawks on our planet. as Hawk classifications tend to be a size thing." Thor admitted. "our birds are typically large enough to carry off medium sized animals. like a doberman, or a goat." Thor grinned at the shocked expression on the others faces. "one species is so large we could ride on their backs... they are too violent for that though." Bruce was already on the roof, getting hi stuff set up to record Clint and run X-Ray scans while the man worked. MRI scans as well to catch the muscle activity, as well as everything else he had available. he'd even drew a massive circle where he wanted Clint to do his practicing. he practiced for over two hours, flapping hard and taking short hovers, building his wing strength and getting used to the muscles.

inside, Jarvis contacted tony, telling the man that Loki was sorry for yelling at him and that Loki was in a much better mood now and Loki was wondering if Tony wouldn't mind terribly bringing him a glass of juice? being from a world trapped in ice, Loki constantly forgot that water was available to him here. not that he really needed water.
“Well, it makes sense. Until you get used to the instincts, you probably will be torn between them.”Brii muttered before grinning. “There’s no real word here for our birds, except monsters. They’re huge.”She grinned looking at the wings. “Which explain how his wing span is so big.”She said thoughtfully as they headed outside, smiling as she settled down to watch, grinning pleased as she watched clint practice, standing after awhile, “Enough.You’re going to be sore clint.”she said walking closer, worried about him.

Tony smiled as he loked up from the project he was working on, before getting up and heading for the kitchen to get a glass of juice before heading for loki’s room, knocking on the door before walking inside. Looking worried as he handed over the glass.”You okay?”She muttered.
he nodded. it made sense. his instincts where just trying to settle into place, that was all. "actually, his wings are that large because he's a big man. he needs those wings to lift off the ground." Bruce corrected. "compare a birds body to their wing size, and you have the same thing. Clint's wings are in per-portion to his body size." he admitted with a chuckle. Clint sulked at her when she told him to stop. "i'm not going to get sore. my body was made for this." he admitted, eyes glittering. "did you see how i could hover!? it's amazing, feeling the wind brush against my feathers like that. it's like they already know what to do. my Bird already knows how to fly. i just have to build up the strength. i could glide now, if i wanted to, i think. but i better not try yet. it's a long way down." he admitted with a shake of his head. "this is so awesome." he admitted. "flying is awesome." he cast a wistful glance upwards. "i've always wanted to fly..."

Loki smiled a little as he watched Tony walk in. "i feel like hell." he admitted, coughing a little as he took a sip of the juice. "thank you." he muttered, leaning his head against Tony a little, eager for contact now that he'd finished his sobbing fit. "i'm sorry. i yelled at you, i didn't mean it." he admitted, nuzzling Tony a little. "i don't know what to do... my parents are dead... i'm not ready to be King..." if there was even a world to be King of by the time this all was finished.
Brii sighed at the man sulking at her, shaking her head a little. “Yes you will. While you wont feel it right away, you’re back will tighten up when you stop. Just like using a bow, or fighting. Small steps first,even if you are made if it, it’ll take time.”She said before grinning, nodding. “I did. You are amazing.”She said reaching out to gently brush her fingers through his hair, before nodding. “You probably could, but the tower’s a long first time try. We’ll find somewhere better for your first time.”She smiled wrapping a arm around him, leaning into him, hugging him tightly. “You will fly. Soon.”She promised.

“Well, I’m sure you do. I feel like hell, and it wasn’t even my life torn apart.”he said sitting down, raising a hand to stroke loki’s hair as the man leaned into him, smiling sadly. “I know you didn’t. Which is why I left, instead of yelling’s okay though. I just went and watched brii and steve fuss over clint. It was fairly amusing.”he snickered before sighing, wrapping his arms around the other.”I know. I’m sorry...and I don’t think anyone is ever ready to be king, Loki, but you will do admirably.”
he huffed a little. "i will not." he grumbled, though that was the Hawk in him speaking. the human in him already felt the muscles starting to ache and knew he was going to need a hot shower and a back massage later. he'd overdone himself. but it was the good kind. he hadn't pulled anything, and it was the sort of ache after a good hard workout that he enjoyed the most. he would keep practicing. and soon he would take to the skies. "well wherever it is, it would be best not to try it in the city." Steve warned. "too many people and too many obstacles." Clint nodded. "we might have to go on vacation." he agreed. "it'll be fun. we can take Loki to the sea. he'd love it."

Loki smiled as he rested against tony. "he's awake?" Loki asked with a smile. "how do his wings look?" he asked curiously. "he didn't panic did he? Brii was so worried about how he'd react." he admitted, shaking his head. "how can i be a good king, when i can't even be on my own planet? how can i be a good king when i can't even stop my people from mass murdering each other?" he demanded, his voice trembling. "i'm failing my people and there's nothing i can do about it. even the Lady Mother's voice grows dim. soon she, and everything i love will be dead. what will i do then?" stay on earth no doubt, but sometimes he hated this filthy planet with it's filthy people. the Avengers where great and Loki loved all of them. but all the noises and lights and pollution made him ache.
"Will to."brii corrected before smiling at steve."we'll ask tony.I'm sure he has a private house somewhere where he can practice."she smiled looking glad at the idea of getting out of the city.while she didn't mind it as much as loki, thr woman still came from a mostly peaceful world,and the constant noise of NYC wad getting to her.

"Yea.and they're amazing. Wider then I originally thought,and awesome. I sorta want a set of my own,even though I have the suit."tony snickered a little before sighing."he didn't seem uoset.if he was,they handled it before venturing out of the room..."tony said looking vaguely worried about that before sighing, simply holding the other."I don't know loki,but I'll help you save jotunhiem if we can...and if not...I'll be there to."he swallowed hard because it torn him apart to not be ablr to fix this
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