Peace of War(Avengers)Lady-Moon

“Yes, she’s very bossy. SO much more then you, really. It’s sort of horrible.”Tony snickered a little before smiling as he was snuggled.

“This just gives tony the excuse to move it up the list of things to do.”Brii snickered amused because she knew tony was so going to skip all the other projects he was doing, simply to do the bow. “Not to mention, your wings will get in the way of a quiver. I’ll have to redesign both bow and quiver to fit with the wings.”Tony said smiling a little, looking up at loki, looking a little worried before nodding. “Be careful.”He said. “Don’t worry, I’ll be out there to, just go play in your lab, Tony.”Natasha snickered as he headed outside, smiling as she stretched.
Loki smiled a little as he pondered Clint needing a new bow. he could actually help with that. some of the Nine Worlders had wings, they needed various kinds of equipment as well. he'd show Tony the designs later. "i'll be fine." he promised with a smile as he kissed Tony before heading out with Natasha, studying her. "...why does Tony get sad when he talks about Pepper Potts?" he asked Natasha once he was sure no one had followed them out.
Natasha paused as she stretched, glancing around them. While no one was out there, she wouldn’t put it past tony to have jarvis watching the porch. “Let’s walk.”she said stepping out into the yard, letting silence reign until they were onto the mountain path. “He loves her. Well, he convinces himself he doesn’t anymore, but I don’t think it’s possible for Tony Stark to not love Pepper Potts, even when he loves you as much as he does.”Natasha said looking at the other, knowing he’d understand that tony had issues with being in love, even more so when he felt he was betraying pepper despite their relationship having fallen apart months before. “She was his personal assistant when he became Iron man, and while she accepted that doing this was a part of his life, a vital part to who he is, she never really was happy with it. And made her feelings on the subject of him endangering himself very clear. He tried to stop, he lasted nearly a month in not responding when we needed help, I mean, he’d give technical supported, but he wouldn’t actually suit up.”Natasha’s features tightened a little at the remembered fight that had brought everything in the tower to a crashing halt. “He lasted until clint nearly died when his ‘nest’ was compromised and no one was there to catch him when he jumped off the sky scraper. Thank god Bruce got him before he hit the pavement, but it was close....after that...Tony couldn’t live with the thought of not suiting up, and pepper couldn’t live with him endangering himself anymore. After that...their breakup was a forgone conclusion, though she made that last month of him actually attending thearpy with her, trying to work it out, all the more miserable, because she gave him up they could work it out. It didn’t...and I don’t think he’s really dealt with it, but you’re helping him, Loki.”Natasha said because while she knew most of what had happened, she knew there was a piece of the story missing, but she had no idea what it was.
Loki followed her as she instructed him to walk, his head tilted a little as he pondered that. "he loves her, but she doesn't love him?" he guessed. "or they simply can't fit together properly..." he muttered. "oh, i know Tony loves me." he assured her. "we Jotun aren't as caught up with being possessive of our lovers as you humans are." he admitted. "many of us tend to love more than one person while others love only one person." he shrugged. "it's complicated, but we are always very loyal." he admitted. at least now he knew why Tony couldn't say 'i love you'. Loki would have to be a bit more careful. "she couldn't accept that he was a warrior." he mused. "she doesn't understand the need to protect other people, to protect those you care for. on Earth, warriors are rare..." he mused. "she is unused to battle. i can understand that." trying to see things from both Tony, and Pepper's side of things. "she wanted it to work, but they couldn't connect." he agreed, biting his lip. "i am not helping him enough, i don't think." he admitted. "he is still sad, and seams constantly frightened that i will leave him." he scowled a little. "i will have to fix that. yes." he muttered, contemplating it. "thank you Lady Natasha. i am no longer confused... are Tony and the Lady Pepper still on friendly terms at least?" he asked, looking a bit worried. "he sobered up for her, didn't he?"
“They couldn’t work properly. And in the end, they quit before they started hating each other. Which is for the best, they’re better like this.”Natasha said before smiling,”I wish people here would be better like that. Life would be simpler.”Natasha smiled glad loki wasn’t going to get upset, but nodding. “She couldn’t. She understood that he needed to do it, that even if he tried quitting, it made him she called it quits before he could hate her for his choice.”Natasha sighed softly looking at the other, tilting his head a little. “He probably is. Loki, Pepper has been one of his best friends for nearly 20 years, he thinks if he can’t make it work with her, then who would put up with him?”Natasha shrugged a little before smiling.”But you understand him, better then she did I think.”She hummed a little before tilting his head. “They’re....”Natasha paused trying to think of what to describe the weirdness that was pepper and tony these days.”friendly. There’s no real way to describe it, unless you see them together.”she said before nodding. “He did, and we’re proud that he’s kept up with it, instead of starting to drink again. Cap especially had been afraid he’d fall apart....then you arrived.He’s staying sober Loki, for tony, that’s a feat in itself, and you’re helping more then you think.”
he nodded a little. "i guess i can understand that." he agreed. "it's like how Brii and Thor tried to be in love, but are better off as close freinds or even siblings. Tony still thinks he needs to love Pepper, without realizing there's more than one kind of Love." he cocked his head. "i can help with that." he admitted. "i think. she seams to be a perfectly reasonable woman, i could probobly get her to help." he admitted with a nod. "how could i not understand him, when he's so very much like me?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "well. i will see them interact eventually." he admitted with a smile. "the way he was acting, i had been a bit afraid he had been in an abusive relationship." he admitted. "he mentioned she was a pain in his ass so..." he shrugged. "he tried to explain the meaning but i don't understand how someone who is annoying can be painful to ones butt." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. " long as i am helping, even just a little, then it is a good thing." Loki agreed, smiling at her. "thank you for the explanation." he offered her a smile. "i'm going to go back inside before Tony starts to worry."
“Exactly. They know each other to well to ever to good as partners.”Natasha snickered a little before smiling. “She’s reasonable, at least most of the time. Though Tony is the one person who does drive her to be unreasonable.”She said before frowning slightly, “If it was abusive, and I’m not saying it was, it wasn’t in a traditional way of him being phyiscally hurt.”Natasha paused, thinking that idea over, now that loki mentioned it, wondering if that was what she had missed about tony and pepper before laughing. “Your welcome.Go. I’m going to finish my run.”She smiled before starting to jog, having every intention of doing her normal run.

Tony smiled as loki came into the room, sitting at the workbench, that was less impressive then the one in new york, but it was perfectly adequate in providing tony with anything he needed. “Have fun?No attacks from nature or anything?”He said snickering slightly because despite enjoying being out of the city, him and nature never really got along
he nodded a little. "this is true. of course they feel terrible about 'abandoning' each other and such." he scoffed a little. "Humans are so dramatic about things." he grumbled with a shake of his head. "well, i don't think it was mentally abusive. he has issues but none that would arise from him being mentally tortured by the woman he loved." he admitted with a shake of his head. "...what are you running from by the way?" Loki asked curiously. not familiar with the idea of just running to run.

Loki smiled a little as he bounded in. "oh yes Tony. lots of attacks. why, the Caterpillars tried to eat me and the Squirrels tried to bury me and the birds just all around thought i was a poop station." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "really Tony, it's just nature. nothing out there will hurt me." he promised with a chuckle. "now. come here i wanna show you. some of the people i have contact with have wing like protrusions that they have to deal with, if not actual wings. i thought you might like to see how they design their things for inspiration." Loki admitted.
“That’s good. He’s already has enough problems with out that being part of it.”Natasha said before laughing. “Nothing. It’s just excerise, to stay in shape.”Natasha said amused at loki’s question.

“....Don’t say stuff like that, I’m not sure if you’re being serious or not. I mean, I deal with a lot of weird shit as a Avenger, there could be like mutant caterpillars or something...”Tony said eyeing the man as he bounded into the room before smiling, getting up. “I would definitely like to meet these people. It’ll be fun.”Tony said because he was so going to give the first prototypes to cap and brii, to let them join clint in the skies if they wanted. Simply being creative, because even if he had issues admitting it, they all were his family.
he smiled at Natasha. "i love Tony. it is important in any relationship, to understand your partner. being judgmental is one of the biggest ways to break trust, and lose the person you love." he admitted. "Human's haven't learned that for the most part." he admitted. "people like the Avengers are rare on this planet."

Loki snorted. "no Tony. Nature didn't try to defeat me. i promise." he stated, chuckling at his lover as he settled down next to Tony, flexing his fingers over a mass of blank paper, the designs spreading across them like ink bleeding through the page. "there you go." Loki chirped with a smile as he handed the designs over. "see? the ones i know tend to sit low on the hip along the thigh and are strapped in place." Loki explained. "i think many of your medieval people had similar quivers." he admitted. "you'll of course make something better, but it's an idea. there is also a design that allows the Quiver to settle across the lower back." he admitted, showing Tony that design as well. "Chest quivers don't tend to work very well." he admitted with a shake of his head as he examined the designs.
“Good. Cause Nature defeats me all the time. There’s a reason I live in the city.”Tony grumbled, because despite loving being out here, it truly freaked him out sometimes to be here. He just didn’t get along with nature. Grinning as he looked at the designs, absently sketching, “He’s used to drawing over his back, even if his current one is at a angle. If we set it straight down his spine he wont lose any mobility, it wont affect his draw or wings and if I make the arrows a touch shorter they wont stick out over his head and risk breaking if he’d have to jump or something.”he muttered mostly talking, just to talk. “No, I could see chest quivers just being awkward.”he snickered a little.

Meanwhile upstairs Brii bolted to her feet as the door opened, fire wreathing her hand as she saw the red head walking into the room, defensive of both tony’s home, and because she needed to protect not only clint and steve, but loki. “H-Pepper?”Natasha paused staring at the CEO as she walked into the room, looking vaguely disturbed, wondering if tony had known she’d be here. After all, he had a tendancy to want to see her, even if she didn’t want to see him. “I have conferences in denver this week. I assume Tony forgot?”Pepper said shaking her head a little staying in the doorway, watching the asgardian in front of her nervously, not getting closer, not wanting to provoke a attack. “It’s okay brii.She’s allowed being here.”Natasha said even as she watched the flame disappear.
Loki snorted a little. "Tony, i can commune with the animals and the trees. Nature isn't going to hurt me." he promised with a snort. "maybe if you built an indoor wilderness?" he suggested. "then i could have some nature, and you can still live in the city. it would be perfect." he admitted with a smile. "will he strain his arm trying to draw from a straight quiver?" he asked curiously. "and isn't his back too sensitive in between the feathers for a quiver there? we might have to test that before you build a spine quiver." Loki admitted as he examined Tony's sketch. "that is a good design though..." he muttered, a bit envious. "i like how it's strapped in place at the hips and shoulders, it doesn't interfere with the wings at all then." he admitted. "your really very good at this. i wonder how you'd fare drawing alchemical circles?" he mused. "i desire to teach you. you might be able to learn the science of Alchemy easily enough."

Steve and Clint both looked up as Brii leaped to her feet and they both smiled in greeting to Pepper. "conference? oh hell. yes, he must have forgotten." Clint muttered as he scratched the back of his head, his wings twitching self consciously as he realized Pepper hadn't seen them yet. or met the Blue, horned, Ice Giant that was currently hanging out with Tony. he wondered how she was going to react to this new level of freakishness.
“Hm, Jarvis?See what you can do with designing a indoor outdoor thing.”Tony ordered,he’d look it over later, focusing on inside the project he was working on before sighing. “Damn.He probably would....and you’re right. If his wings are sensitive, the wing joint probably is to...hmm..I wonder if collapsable arrows would be just as strong...”He frowned looking thoughtful, before smirking. “It gets easier with time, I always doodled my way through school. This is just another cool thing to do. Wings I’ve never had to do. Can’t say my life is ever boring.”he snickered a little before tilting his head. “really?”he said before his stomach growled.”Want to go get some lunch?”

“Doesn’t surprise me. Is he down in the lab?”pepper asked looking curious tilting her head as she stared at clint, opening her mouth, before stopping, trying to figure out how to ask.
Loki grinned a little at the promise of an indoor nature and paused. "i should think so. it's the arrow head after all that needs to be strong, not the arrow shaft. the shaft is just for straight flight if i'm thinking of my physics right. so long as it doesn't fall apart while flying through the air, it should do what it's supposed to." he admitted before smiling a little. "oh. it's not the drawing. it's how quickly you came up with a workable idea. it takes me days to set up an alchemical circle sometimes." he admitted with a shake of his head. "yes. really. it's a complicated science, but not that different from chemistry and physics. after all, you invented an entirely new element. it's not unlike that. it just doesn't use technology like you do." he admitted. "i would love some lunch." he agreed with a smile.

"...i ate an Asgardian Apple designed to make me live forever and this is what happened." Clint explained to her, looking sheepish. "also, i'd like to introduce you to my Life Mates, Steve and Brii. flirt with them and i will eat you... i'm sorry, i don't mean that..." he muttered, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "yes, he and Loki are down in the lab. they're trying to work on a new bow and quiver for me." he admitted to her. "... you want to touch them, don't you?" he asked, looking amused. "everyone wants to touch them, you can if you like." he offered, holding a wing out to her.
“Hmmm...I wonder if I make a thigh sheath with arrowheads, and the a telescoping shaft, then he wouldn’t have to worry about having something huge in the way.”Tony muttered thinking it over before tilting his head, smiling, looking pleased with the praise. “thanks. I usually have some ideas floating around, though the other’s will no doubt enjoy telling you how some of them are fairly riddiculous.”He snickered before grinning. “Awesome.We can look at that after lunch.It is vacation really, I should take a break.”he grinned heading for the door.

“...I’m been gone to long if this is happening without me knowing.”Pepper said looking at a loss for words. “Don’t worry, we’ve all been a little off our game.”Natasha snickered before laughing at clint’s threat as pepper smiled. “Yea, you’re safe from that Clint. I don’t want them.”Pepper reassured instinctively knowing to reassure him before grinning. “really?I’m amazed it took him this long to want to do that...”she smiled before nodding. “I just...they’re there!I want to touch.”Pepper said reaching out, gasping slightly as she felt the soft feathers. “....I think I’m disturbed your groping Barton, Pep. I mean, his wings are like a secondary sex organ these days. Like breasts.”Tony quipped as he walked into the room, seamlessly hiding behind the ‘I don’t care she’s here, go with it’ mask, that was so flawless that it’d fooled everyone into not realizing that yes, he’d gotten married and divorced within the span of two months.
Loki nodded. "i think that would work great. especially if they have a locking mechanism somehow. a single flick of the wrist and thei're locked into the 'long' position. you could even make various kinds of arrowheads. a shattering, one with acid inside, one with fire stuff inside like those flame throwers. that's awesome." he admitted with a grin. "you could even do electric arrow heads that are 'armed' when you open it up all the way. like a Tazer!" now Loki was excited. "or one that explodes like a bomb, or one that injects you with a poison, or a sleeping solution,,, or... or..." he paused as his stomach growled again. "a good idea sometimes needs to be ridiculous." Loki admitted with a grin. "and besides, you clearly love doing this. how is it working when you have fun doing it?" he asked with a smile.

Clint smiled a little. "i think we where all thrown off our game when Thor asked us to take in Loki." Clint admitted to Natasha, shrugging his wings instead of his shoulders. "well good." Clint huffed at her. "because they're mine, and i won't share." he stated with a sniff before he chuckled a little. "i think he's wanted to, he just didn't have an excuse until now." he admitted, letting her stroke his wings. "...actually they're not nearly as sensitive as they where at first. i think the sensitivity alters itself depending on the situation. if it was Steve or Brii stroking me like that, i'd probobly be limp as a rag doll and purring." " purr?" "i do." Clint admitted. "he's an Elder Roc." Loki stated, looking amused. "they are the only species of Bird that Purrs like a Cat does." he admitted. "very amazing birds and one of the most gentle. if raised from hatching, they ca be trained to accept riders." he admitted. "of course... actually getting the egg is a matter of death and death because the mothers are very, very deadly." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'll show you a picture later."

(this is what an elder Roc (raised by humans) looks like. the Wild ones are aften much darker.)
“Yea. And if needed, he can lock them as arrowheads, if they’re balanced enough, you could use them as a throwing knife.”Tony said frowning a little thoughtfully before grinning, “I knew I liked you for a reason. You’re just going to indulge my inner child and let me create I want.”Tony snickered before smiling.”It’s not. I sucked as a boss, because I’d rather be in the workshop then a office. There’s a reason Pepper runs things these days...we’ll have to get clint down here to get his opinion. He’s better at hand held weapons then me.”

“...I think tony’s the one you need to caution on wanting to share.”Pepper teased the man a little, knowing that despite every taunt to the contrary, tony stark didn’t sleep with everything that moved, he simply flirted, because he could. “....I feel like I should protect you from cats, Clint. I mean, you are part bird now.”pepper teased. “It’s very adorable. He sounds like a chittering bird.”Brii smiled looking amused as she absently stroked clint’s hair, studying clint’s wings.”You know, now that you mention it, the wing patterns sorta look like a roc’s.”Brii muttered. “what are you doing here pepper?”Tony asked looking bemused. “...You forgot YOU had a conference this week to attend, so I was going to cover, but now you’re here. So you can go.”Pepper said, smirking at tony, knowing if she talked long enough, and bluffed enough he’d actually go because they’d prefer him going, but had settled for her when it was obvious tony hadn’t been reading his email when he didnt accept any of the invites.
Loki nodded. "this is true! you could even design multipurpose arrowheads." he admitted with a smile. "it would be awesome!" he admitted with a grin. "and you love to create, why not let you?" he asked with a smile. "well, you do pay Pepper to do the boss stuff for you, so why not?" he asked with a smile. "let her do what she's good at, and you do what your good at." he ordered with a smile.

"oh, i already threatened to eat his insides if he tried to take my mates." Clint assured her with a nod. "he flirts, but i don't think he can help that, so it doesn't bother my instincts all that much." he admitted with a nod before he scoffed. "i'm not afraid of a cat." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "i'm entirely too big for them." he admitted before he grinned as Brii 'groomed' him, kissing her neck. "what's a conference? can i come? i bet it's fun." Loki admitted as he stepped into full view, examining Pepper. "hi! i'm Loki Leau..." he paused and then swallowed thickly. "i'm Loki!" he stated, plastering a smile back on his face. "you must be Pepper Potts. Tony tells me you do CEO. i don't really understand how you can be the boss if he's the boss. how does that work? he's not very good at explaining things that he isn't very interested in." he admitted grinning ever so sweetly at Tony. "i'm helping him make arrows for Clint's new quiver." he admitted. "he's really a genius, it's amazing some of the stuff he comes up with!"
“No, he really can’t.”Pepper snickered a little before smiling. “It would be entertaing to watch though.”She said looking amused as brii shuddered at the kiss. “It’s a meeting thing, for students. The graduating class asked for tony to speak to them, and instead got me. You could have told me you were here, I wouldn’t have flown out.”pepper said studying tony. “I forgot. I was just getting a lake for birdboy.”Tony snickered a little before nudging loki, looking worried for him, and ignoring the look he was getting from pepper. “I am. And he really isn’t, business things never interest him. He’s the boss in the sense that he owns everything, but he hates paperwork, so he lets me take care of those things for him.”Pepper explained before staring at loki for a long moment, at a loss on how to deal with what was obvious tony’s...boyfriend...before looking at clint and steve. “This is not a good idea. Tony’s already got a inflated ego, he doesn’t need help making it bigger.”She teased. “I do not!”Tony sputtered before looking at clint. "I need your help in the lab to."
Clint grinned a little as he folded his wings in tight as Loki cocked his head a little. "a meeting?" he asked. "oh! Students! how exciting! i can go, right Tony!? please?" he pleaded. "it will be fun! i want to see what human students learn. i bet it's very different then Jotun lessons." he admitted, clapping his hands eagerly. "Sorry Pepper. i don't think any of us thought to tell you. usually Nat does it, or Jarvis." Steve admitted, looking quite sheepish. "so you just... what is paperwork?" he asked, looking completely baffled. "...i think i get it. Tony owns it, but hates people, so he makes you handle people and he hides in his lab and pretends he's not terrified of children and puppies." here Loki was grinning impishly at Tony, teasing the other. "oh. and Killer Caterpillars. mustn't forget about the homicidal nature." he teased with a snicker. "you do Tony. you do. but then, Loki's is just as big as yours is, so i think it's a good match." Clint teased, smirking a little before he looked a little panicked. "the last time you said that, i broke three ribs and you set me on fire." "...did you really?" Loki asked, looking at Tony, a little startled as well as amused. "how did you manage that?" "oh. he wanted me to 'hold it down' while he 'worked on the thrusters'... Iron man is one heavy piece of shit. and the thrusters are what set me aflame."
Tony frowned looking at pepper, before pointing at her. “If he gets high on learning or like sugar or something while I’m there with them, I’m blaming you. Just because we’re divorced doesn’t mean you get to skip out on responsibility of the children when you abandon them to me.”Tony said, not really aware of what he’d admitted to. “I just met him. I can’t be blamed for him, or for your actions anymore Tony.”Pepper said with a good natured roll of his eyes before smiling a little. “It’s okay. It’s good to see him happy.”She muttered to steve, smiling slightly as she watched tony and loki. “Yes, that’s it. Oh, you’ve had to protect him from the puppies already?” “I am NOT scared of puppies!”Tony sputtered. “They are a good match. Instead of relying on us to inflate their egos, they have each other.”brii snickered a little. “...Hey!That wasn’t my fault. I told you not to straddle the legs while holding it down.”Tony protested though it wasn’t the most convincing argument.
Loki smirked. "i won't get high on Sugar Tony, i promise. or learning. but i might get high on LIFE!" he warned, smirking brightly, trying to look innocent and failing. "don't worry Tony, i'll keep you in line... i mean, it's not like their kids right? they're semi adults. teenagers or such. i doubt you can scar them irreparably." he admitted before blinking at the admission, filing it in the back of his mind for later before ignoring it. "well. he's less depressed anyway." Steve agreed with a shake of his head. "are you alright with this?" he asked Pepper, a bit worried about her. she had loved Tony for so long... "well not the puppies. but a butterfly landed on him earlier and he completely freaked out." Loki lied with a snicker. "Tony! if i hadn't been straddling the legs you would have taken my head off! i'm a dumb shit but i'm not THAT stupid!" Clint complained, Loki laughing. "you know. he has a point Tony." Loki admitted with a grin. "still, i'm sure he deserved to get his ass kicked. you just used a different way to get it done."
“.....Totally your fault pep, my love, my darling, light of the-” “Stop, tony. You’re not annoying me into not going. Just go to the conference.”pepper rolled her eyes. “I’m not sure. I nearly blew up clint a few months ago.”Tony said snickering a little. “I’m fine. It’s good to see him happy.”Pepper reassured smiling a little, because while it hurt, and she was totally at a loss to what to think, it was good to see tony like this. Not that she was exactly happy with it, but it was good anyways. “...I did not!” “Don’t lie. You hate nature, Tony.”Pepper rolled his eyes totally willing to believe tony freaked out over a butterfly. “I’m so glad we agree your a dumb shit.”Tony teased looking at clint. “Shut up. No he doesn’t.”He sulked not about to admit he’d been wrong about just how much damage the new thrusters could do and had calculated wrong.
Loki snickered as he listened to Tony and glanced at Pepper. "you should call her apple of your eye, beautiful rose, and Honeysuckle too." he commented. "she might eventually give in. but then you'll go anyway because i want to and you won't dare leave me alone with her, because imagine all the blackmail i might get from her." he pointed out, smirking a little. "and you know what a person like me, could do with blackmail material." he teased as Steve smiled at her. "you're a good woman Pep." Steve admitted, nudging her gently. "things will work out for you, i'm sure of it." he admitted with a smile as Loki laughed at Pepper's easy acceptance that Tony had panicked over a butterfly. "so when do we go to this thing?" Loki asked curiously. "i desire to meet and corrupt earthlings." he admitted with a grin. "Loki... that sounds extremely perverted and creepy coming from you." Clint commented with a chuckle. "it was meant to."
“...Oh!Yes. I must go. Okay.Nope, you two aren’t allowed being friends.”Tony said looking at the two, shaking his head looking a little disturbed at the idea of pepper and loki being alone before smirking.”I know, and I don’t want to think about it.” “I try to be.”Pepper muttered, blushing slightly because it wasn’t that she was so good, but that she knew just how much she had hurt tony, and he deserved some happiness. “well, you have about two hours till it starts.”Pepper said looking at her watch. “...He does creepy well. Why do you think he’s with tony?”Brii snickered before stretching.”We should go to.”She said looking interested in the idea of the conference to.
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