Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Tony snickered, “I’m so glad I got that recorded by the way, barton, you’re face...”He shook his head laughing.”Well, at least you have the sense to not leave him alone with me.”he smirked a little.

“Yea, almost as bad as Tony actually. But he’s not quite figured out words, or sentences yet, so it’s fairly adorable listening to him talk and talk about absolutely nothing.”She smiled a little, amused that he was so reluctant to leave Alex. Giggling hard at his words. “Who said you were obeying me?And he does. All I heard for days after Loki’s attack was about iron man...which was cute cause he really can’t say iron yet, it comes out I-ren man.”She said rolling her eyes at his amusement at not warning tony, not protesting because she knew he’d do it anyways. “Ah. Well. That’s true.”Elena said relaxing at that, realizing that Alex really would be to excited about that to worry about where he was. “Yea. We’ll talk as we pack....and Yes. I better get someone...I can’t afford to just shut down, and I can’t just leave it-” “Don’t worry about it. I’ll have Pepper send over one of the interns. They like me, they’ll enjoy the break from Stark Industries.”Tony said as he walked towards the door, indeed having already thought of fury kidnapping them, after all, he had even more trust issues then the assassins put together most of the time. “You’re welcome. I’ll see you in a few hours.”Tony said as he left. Heading for her own bedroom she paused, looking startled at Clint’s words, frowning a little. “You didn’t drag me into anything. If anything, I made it complicated, by not being able to just not know if you were really alright after Loki’s attack.”She sighed quietly, looking tense and nervous, because no matter how she tried to relax, she wasn’t so much scared for herself, but for her son. Hands trembling a little as she pulled open her dresser, leaning against it as she fought to be calm. Shuddering a little."But no matter what, I'd rather be with you, then be doing this on my own, Clint."She said turning to look at him.

Tony smirked a little as he got off the phone with Pepper, looking vaguely shaken as he did. Talking with Pepper always left him in a mess of conflicting emotions, no matter how business like and professional their conversations were, he was still shaken by talking to her. Stepping into his bedroom he paused, staring at the present sitting on his bed, not sure what to do.
Clint glared at Tony. "just for that, i'm hiding all your clothes, doping Banner up on viagra, and locking you two in a room together!" he decided, Bruce groaning. "Tony! stop egging him on!"

Clint chuckled a little and nodded. "Loki said it was best if i just let you tell me what to do." he admitted. "since you know him best and what your doing you know?" he asked with a smile before sighing. "well. i guess Alex can like 'I-Ren Man so long as he hates Tony properly." he decided. "and don't worry about Income, i have about three mil saved up that i never used." he explained. "i'll do the... uh, child support? thing and make sure you never have to worry financially." he promised. "he is my son after all." he admitted with a soft smile. "i want him to have the best of everything, including education and medical attention." he admitted with a firm nod. "and i won't be denied this." he warned, getting that mulish look on his face he got when he expected her to argue and he wasn't about to back down. he barely even realized that Tony had already solved the 'staffing' issues.

"you didn't complicate a damn thing!" he growled. "Fury did! if i had my way you never, ever would have been on your own! this is Fury's fault and his fault alone, NEVER yours!" he assured her. "...actually... remind me to punch Tony later for trying to seduce the mother of my child. it will be good revenge for the puberty thing." he decided before he caught her hands. "you'll never be alone again, i promise. no matter what my role, i won't leave you again." he promised, kissing her hands. "it's going to be alright. you'll see. now, where's your suitcase? i'll help you to pack."

on Tony's bed was a simple leather waist pouch and a letter next to it. according to the letter, in Loki's elegant script, the pouch was charmed and spelled. no one with evil intentions would see the pouch, and it could not be forcefully removed from his person. if someone did manage to steal it, it would immidiatly return to him. so long as it was on Tony's person in some manner, it would do nothing. inside there was four years worth of food, charmed to stay ever fresh, always good, and forever perfect. there was even milk, ice-cream, and a variety of already cooked meals. there was years worth of water as well and the letter explained that there was a tracking device attuned to Jarvis inside that Jarvis could constantly monitor. if Tony was kidnapped or went missing, he would easily be found. if he was kidnapped, there was food and water so he couldn't be starved to death, and there was an extensive first aid kit as well. the letter also explained that it could hold several weapons of Tony's choice, as well as clothes, paperwork he didn't want others getting a hold of, and anything else he might want or need. like his iron Man bracelets in case of emergencies, or even a few repulsers. he would never have to worry about something like Obediah again.
Elena smiled a little, “I do know what I’m doing.”She said, relaxing at his words, realizing that he did in fact have faith in her to know what she was doing. Before snickering.”You don’t hate him as much as you pretend, but I’ll let you brainwash your child into picking a favorite avenger.”Elena teased rolling her eyes before her eyes widened, staring at him for a long moment before nodding.”Oh...well. Okay. At least if something happens and I can’t come back, I wont have to worry about the bookstore.”She said sounding pleased with the idea that no matter what happened, the place she’d come to love was going to be taken care of. Relaxing at his promise she smiled, looking amused that he was expecting her to argue, when really they just wanted the same thing. The best for Alex. “I wasn’t going to deny you that. I mean, I want the best for him to.”She smiled quietly.

“Well, I guess that is true.”She said letting him shift the blame to fury before laughing, “I will. Though, can he be blamed when I came onto him first?I mean, I picked him up.”She mused snickering a little, teasing because this is what they did. Teased each other, easily slipping back into their relationship before startling a little as he caught her hands, looking up at him. “I want that. I don’t want to be alone anymore.”She muttered smiling at him, turning her hand, fingers brushing against his cheek as the man kissed her hands, “As long as you stay away from my underwear, I guess you can.”She teased grinning a little as she dug out two suitcases, one for her and one for alex.

By the time they finished packing, Elena was asleep on her feet, wincing a little as she heard the wide awake two year old in the other room, so tired in fact she overlooked she wasn’t alone. That she didn’t have to do things on her own anymore. “I’m coming sweetheart.”She smiled tiredly as she stumbled to his room, grinning at the sight of her son trying to reach the doorhandle and get it open, smiling as he reached out for her. “Mama!Up!”Alex demanded. “Hey. You want to go see where iron man lives?And Hawkeye?And the others?”She said smiling because she knew the thought of seeing them would distract the toddler from the earlier trauma. “Yes!”Alex demanded twisting in her arms as she picked him up, eyes widening at the sight of Clint.”Hi!”He giggled happily, for the moment, safe in his mother’s arms, forgetting everything else except that there was a new person in his house, that made his mama smile.

Tony stared looking it through, biting his lip as he considered it. And then packed it without really thinking about it. Not only tossing a set of his bracelets into it, but a few hand held repulsors and oddly enough, a extra arc reactor, a cell phone, a few of natasha’s spare knives(that he was really hoping she never noticed were missing), and the few stupid nick-nacks he’d picked up from the team, small things, little things that reminded him he had a team, that he had a family now. Settling the full bag on the bedside table he frowned a little, looking torn before heading out to find loki, needing to talk to the man about these riddiculous gifts that he had to stop getting.....even if he was loving them. He found this courting awkward, and definitely not appealing....poor tony. In such denial.
he smiled a little. "i know you do. and if you don't, you know people who do." he admitted with a nod. "all i have is Loki... and you can't really trust him completely." he pointed out. "and i do hate him!" he stated with a grin. "i hate him enough to make Jarvis 'stop working' and to hide all of the Coffee in the house." he admitted with a snicker. "well, i can't see us never coming back here." Clint admitted. "this is a very nice home. i can see you and Alex being happy here until he leaves home for his own long life." he admitted, smiling at her. "we'll make it safe for both of you, even if we have to fight the whole nine realms." he admitted with a smile before he relaxed. "oh... well... good then." he muttered, a little surprised. he'd expected at least a token argument, not a full on agreement. "yes, he is to be blamed." Clint stated with a sniff. "because it will panic him and amuse me and i can't hit you." he pointed out with a smile. "besides, we both know you only picked him up because he was the softest target." he teased back with a chuckle. "do i have to? i remember you used to wear this slinky red lace pair when you wanted my attention." he teased. "do you still have them?" he asked with a grin as he pretended to try and peek over her shoulder.

"hello there Little Man!" Clint chirped with a grin as he carefully picked Alex up and held him in the air playfully. "wow! you sure are heavy! you must eat a whole lot!" he teased, dropping Alex into his arm, each motion careful and cautious, not wanting to hurt the toddler. he tickled Alex's belly. "why don't you and i pack some stuff while your mummy goes and takes a nap so she doesn't look like a Zombie?" he offered Alex. "i know all kinds of stories about the Avengers you know." he preened with a grin. "would you like to hear about the time Iron Man got his head stuck in a toilet?" he offered, tossing Elena a wink and a reassuring grin as he took Alex back into his room and started to pack, checking often with Alex to see if the boy needed this or that while Elena had a rest. by the time she woke up, Alex was all packed and Clint was teaching the boy how to 'take down' anyone who might try to nab Alex. "That's it Little Man! always keep your thumb out of the way and then... ooooomph!" she walked in just in time to see Alex's bony fist hit somewhere very tender. "g..good... job.... ohmygod...." Clint groaned, kneeling on the floor, curled up and clutching his privates.

Loki was lounging on his bed, looking as if he was asleep, wearing nothing but a pair of his favorite black leather pants and a set of headphones. he looked gloriously sexy and downright innocent laying there, relaxed and calm. even when Loki didn't think anyone was around he never really relaxed. without his shirt on, one could see the Runic band that kept Loki 'contained'. it was not a Tattoo in the least, but had been burned into his arm with a fire heated metal brander coated in special blood based Ink. seven drops from each Avenger, which was what bound Loki to them. "...do you want more sex, or did you want to attempt to try to convince me that you want me to stop with the gifts?" Loki asked, smirking a little as he watched Tony, his body relaxed, but his guard back up. "i'm afraid that until you either give in, or honestly don't return my feelings, it will be a futile endeavor to try and make me stop. it simply won't work." Loki admitted, examining his nails, which he had painted a dark, dark blue at some point.
“...that’s just mean.Poor tony.”She snickered a little looking amused that the two had this relationship,cause even giving him a hard time, she knew the teammates liked each other a little, otherwise Tony wouldn’t have trusted clint to not shoot him for getting in the way. “It is. And thank you.I want this to be home.”She smiled looking amused snickering a little at his startlement that she wasn’t going to argue with him, before snickering. “Well, no you can’t. Well you could, but even in training, you were weird about it.”She made a face at him before snickering.”You have to wait till I’m around. I want to watch him freak out....and he was. Easiest to find to. I mean, I thought about Banner, but really, Stark was the one everyone knew where he was.”She said before flushing brightly at his question, nudging him back. “Yes you do. And...and maybe.”She flushed brightly because despite nearly being to small-cause she’d kept some of the baby weight despite working to get it off- she had kept the small scrap of red lace.

Alex giggled as he was picked up, screeching in laughter as he was tossed up carefully. “Yea!mama good food.”He said pleased, well at least clint wouldn’t have to worry about starving, elena had always been really good at cooking. And despite the careful motions, the toddler was screeching with laughter as he was tickled, squirming.”Okay! Mama nap.”He ordered looking up at his mother before looking at Clint, eyes wide.”I-ren man, stuck?”He asked with wide eyes, looking totally entranced with the idea. “Come get me if you need anything.”Elena muttered smiling pleased that father and son were so good together as she retreated to her room to nap. Stepping back into the living room she watched for a moment, opening her mouth to warn clint but nearly stuffing her hand in her mouth to smother her laughter. “Okay?Hawk okay?I wrong?”Alex crouched down next to his new friend, patting at his cheek, looking worried. “He’s okay sweetheart. Just don’t punch him there okay?”Elena said her voice serious as she walked closer, crouching down next to him to make sure clint really was okay, nearly getting knocked over as alex flung himself into her arms, crying at hurting his new friend when all he’d done was follow instructions. “Shush, its okay.He’s not mad.”Elena muttered stroking his back as she hugged him, glancing down at Clint.”You’re not are you?you okay?”She muttered to quiet for alex to hear, looking a little anxious about the answer. Knowing he was new to the whole kid thing, and wondering if he was going to be okay with this.

Tony tilted his head as he looked at the man on the bed, swallowing hard as he studied the runes, his mind already trying to figure out what it said before his eye twitched. “Stop with the gifts Loki. I mean it. I’m not bi, and I really don’t want a relationship.”He said looking annoyed, but his eyes were just as guarded as loki’s. Failing with pepper had screwed him up, even more then he already had been. And even as he looked at the oddly innocent looking god he was drawn to his fingernails.”.....why are you’re nails blue?”He asked after a moment, curious.
Clint snickered a little. "it's no less than he deserves! besides, he poured Salt in my Coffee yesterday and Honey in my shampoo!" he complained, not about to admit that he suspected it had actually been Loki. "yeah. training with girls has always been hard. i mean, sure, i can beat up an evil woman if she's trying to kill me... poor Cap has trouble even with that. nineteen forties sensibilities you know." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh, if your not around, i'll record it for you." he assured her with a chuckle. "it's a time sensitive thing you know. i have to catch him at just the right moment to ensure maximum terror and trauma." he admitted with a grin. "besides, Banner doesn't date. the whole Green Monster thing means he can't have sex. every time he tries he hulks out, the poor man. can't even masturbate." he admitted with a chuckle before he grinned. "yeah, i have my pair of red lacy panties too." he teased with a snicker. she'd always loved watching him model women's underwear, pervert that she was.

"Yes, i agree, you're mama does make very good food." he agreed with sparkling eyes. "yeah mama! go take a nap." he ordered right alongside Alex, tossing her a wink. "oh yes! Iron man got stuck! see, he'd dropped his Carbonized Hot Iron in the toilet, and was trying to get it out. only Iron man was very dizzy because he was... er, poisoned by an enemy and he fell in." he explained to the little boy, leaving out the fact that Tony had been drunk at the time. somehow he'd managed to detach the seat, but the rin had gotten wrapped around him from neck to armpit. they'd had to cut him free. of course, not being a heartless bastard, Clint did in fact, glorify it to say that the toilet seat had been enchanted by a villain to humiliate Tony and leave him helpless. "...no...no... you didn't.. do wrong." Clint assured the boy. "i'm not mad Little Man. just a bit winded." Clint promised, smiling up at the two of them. "i'm alright, i've been hit by a lot worse down there." he explained. "just give me a second to catch my breath, he caught me off guard. i told him where to hit, i just didn't expect him to actually hit me." he admitted as he slowly uncurled. "very good job Little Man. getting hit there hurts a whole lot when you're an adult. so if someone ever tries to grab you, you hit them there and run away screaming, okay? but don't hit people there unless you're in danger or you'll get in trouble." he warned. "now come here, let me give you a hug." he stated, pulling the frightened boy into a hug. "you've got a nice punch there little man." he praised with a grin as he ruffled the boys hair.

Loki smirked a little. "Liar." he stated simply. "i am the god of lies Tony Stark. you can fool yourself all you want, but you can't fool me." he stated with a smirk. "the gifts will continue until you give in, or honestly, that being a key word there, do not want me." he studied Tony. "i will go slowly of course. i don't want you to think this is a joke Tony." he admitted, a flash of pain in his own eyes, telling Tony that Loki had probobly been mocked that way before. someone had turned something that was supposed to be sacred, into a mockery just so they could torture loki. "well, there's this thing called 'punk'. i discovered it on the Facebook and Googled it. i don't care much for the hair or clothes, but i did like the makeup. some of it." he admitted with a smirk. "i was going to try the 'eye liner' next. though i think i'll skip the eye shadow and mascara... still a little iffy about the black lipstick."
Elena smiled looking amused at the two's interaction."heros of the world and you just spend your timr ptanking each other..."she shook her head in amusement before wincing."oh god.that poor man."she muttered cause while she hadn't dated since alex was born,she'd at least been able to take care of herself that way, even if it hadn't been as fulfilling as the real thing. Smiling as she headed to br she shook her head in amusement as alex hung on clint's every world about the horrible villian whod trapped iron man. She was going to have to remember to ask him for the real story later.

"Mama?"alex muttered looking unsure as he clung to his mother looking down at clint."hes okay. See?clint's not mad at you sweetheart."she smiled looking relieved though that he wasn't angry, indeed she hadn't known how he'd do with it,and was so glad that the first surprise of having a two year old had bren so easy to handle,glad he'd not disappointed her by over reacting."hes two.of course hes going to do what you say."she teased amused as alex looked between them,relaxing as he realized they were relaxed.""okay.no hit until scared."alex nodded wisely before climbing into clint's arms hugging him."now you two.are you reafy to go see the rest of the avengers?"elena said smiling as she got up and got their bags."yes!go now!"alex scampered to his feet looking at the two adults,his worries about hitting clint forgotten.

"...I don't want this loki.I mean it.stop."tony said looking annoyed.if anything loki would never have to worry about him making a joke of it as he'd been scarred by his relationship with pepper,and even before he hadn't made a joke of the few relationships he had had.if anything, he took them to seriously.tony stared at him for a long moment before twitching.not sure what to think about the man going punk."....if you put on lipstick I won't go out in public with you."he said making a face not that he wanted to go out with loki,at least not ehat he'd admit to,but still, punk loki was just to much for him to think about.
Clint snickered a little. "loki started it." he stated simply. though, that was a lie. Clint started it by locking Loki in the bathroom for three hours. that was how long it had taken Loki to escape all the different locks Clint had put in place. it was easy to magic something apart when you knew it was there, it was much harder to have to figure it out when you couldn't see what was blocking the door. Loki had retaliated by turning Clint into a Duck for ten minutes. "i'm not mad little man." Clint promised, smiling at the other. "well i'm more used to older students who are aware i'll...." he paused and wiggled his eyebrows. "if they hit me in such a way." the eyebrow wiggle was a silent 'code' that Clint had 'taught' Elena. it meant 'kick their asses.' "that's right little man. and i'll show you other ways to keep people from snatching you too, but the Groin hit usually puts most of them down." he assured the little boy with a smile. "...i wonder how he's going to react when he realizes i'm an Avenger?" he asked with a grin, because he wasn't in uniform, Alex's tiny mind hadn't grasped the fact that 'Hawk' was a superhero yet. "C'mere little man! i'll give you a ride!" Clint chirped, scooping Alex up, movements much more fluid now as he placed the boy on his shoulders. he was an assassin after all, it was his job to judge a persons strengths and weaknesses.

"i won't stop." Loki stated. "because i do want this, and no matter how much you deny it, you like the attention at the very least." Loki stated simply. "we take things like this very seriously Tony." Loki warned. "i have to obey a certain code of conduct." he admitted. "if i don't, Thor will legally bound to kill me." he admitted simply. "particularly since he is your brother in arms. he is your family as much as he is mine... and if you tell him i said that i will deny it and make you suffer!" he warned. "he will defend your honor against me if he has to, so you don't have to worry about me forcing you into anything you aren't ready for, or truly don't want." he reassured the man. "no lipstick then." he agreed with a smile.
Alex smiled back, looking happy that clint wasn’t mad. “Hm, That’s true. Just remember he’ll take everything you say literally.”She said looking amused, flushing a little that she still remembered most of their code before smiling. “Oh, be prepared for being followed around and being in his sight all the time until the fascination that his new friend is a avenger passes.” “Hawk?hero?”Alex craned his neck to look at the other, before laughing happily as the man picked him up, hands tangling in clint’s hair to keep his balance as they left. When they got to the tower she smiled a little as they stepped into the elevator, glancing at Clint. “Are you sure Tony’s okay with us staying here?”She said nervous not only about being in the billionaire’s home if he wasn’t okay with this, but because she knew the longer she was in clint’s company, the harder it was going to be to leave him. Because despite how good things were going, and knowing that it hadn’t been him refusing to see her, the woman was heartsore, and heartbroken still, enough to doubt that this would work. Which made her so scared of letting alex get attatched to his father. Whistling a little as she saw the suite of rooms Tony had given clint, a whole floor to himself. “he doesn’t do anything by halves does he?”

Tony frowned a little, the wrinkle between his eyebrows saying he was thinking to hard before sighing. “Fine. Do whatever you want, since you are going to anyways.”He grumbled, the fact that he didn’t spend more time arguing, just meant loki was right, he was enjoying the attention. His eyebrows raising before snickering. “Oh, I would never dare tell thor you still think of him as a brother. I’d be hugged to death.”He snickered before smirking. “Good. Cause you in lipstick, is kinda a creepy image...”
Clint smiled a little and nodded. "i'll remember that." he agreed with a chuckle. "i don't mind him following me." he admitted with a smile. "Yeah Little Man, i'm Hawk-eye. i'm with the Avengers." he admitted with a grin. "yeah, Tony's cool. he wouldn't have offered if he didn't want you here." he pointed out with a smile. "it really is alright." he assured her. "and no. he doesn't do halves... or wholes for that matter. it's always over the top. mountains if he can manage it." he admitted with a smile. "anyway, this whole space is yours." he promised her. "i wasn't sure if you wanted me living in the same space as you so i can either sleep in my normal room, there." he indicated the only closed door in the place. "i have weapons in there so it's locked, always." he explained, glancing at Alex. "locked with a Key." he explained with a small smile. "i can either stay in there, or stay in the spare room on Natasha's level. or Bruce's." he had to wonder if Elena would get jealus if he stayed with Natasha? "i'll have to repaint the Little Man's room though, it's too boring for a toddler. you'll help me right?" he asked hopefully. even if they didn't succeed in being intimate again, he wanted Alex to have his own bedroom, and Elena too. they would always be welcome at the tower, or in his own home... if he ever got around to getting one.

"i do what i want." Loki stated with a smirk. "yes, you would be hugged to death. smushed like a grape. and then i would be honor bound to kill him for killing the target of my so called affections. and then odin would kill me for killing his precious 'true' son." here Loki sneered. "which wouldn't be half bad actually." he admitted, pondering it. "we could all live in hell together. wouldn't that be fun?" he admitted with a wicked little smirk before he shrugged and slid his fingers over his eyes, eyeliner appearing just like that... it made him look feminine almost, and sexy and made those gorgeous eyes of his just stand out like emeralds. with a swipe of his fingers, his lips where coated, not in black lipstick, but in a clear lip gloss sort of thing that made his lips look full and perky. "hows that then?" Loki asked with a smirk, studying Tony. "i have to look my best you know."
“Well, as long as you’re sure.”Elena smiled a little, relaxing as she realized he was right. Tony stark would have absolutely no problem telling her where to go if he really didn’t want her in the tower. Grinning at the man’s words she shook her head, “Well, he’s rich enough to get mountains.”She snickered before smiling looking around her, biting her lip as she thought. Actually putting thought into whether or not to let him stay, before opening her mouth to ask him. “Is-Oh.Okay.”She said flushing a little slumping slightly in relief that he’d anticipated her worry of the weapons, even if it was locked anyways. Smiling a little as she set Alex on the ground, smirking slightly as the boy ran around the huge space to investigate everything. “My room!Here!”Alex yelled from one of the bedrooms before darting back out to search the rest of the apartment. Elena turned to look at him, her eyebrow twitching a little, her eyes frosting over slightly at the idea of him staying with the others, even if the words coming out of her mouth didn’t say jealous, her look did. She’d guessed he’d slept with Natasha, but wasn’t brave enough to ask. “You can do what you want. It’s your space.”She shrugged before smirking. “White is definitely to white for Alex. We’ll paint and decorate. Put that 3 million to good use, find something awesome. I mean, I was never really hurting for it, but I couldn’t go over the top, I want to give him the room he wants. We’ll take him shopping.”She said looking excited at the idea of giving alex everything she hadn’t been able to afford to give him. Blushing ever so slightly, looking around the apartment, awkward and off step, not sure about being alone-well, as alone as one got with a 2 year old- with either of their beds close by, having avoided temptation up until now. She was so, so confused and not knowing what to do.

“...This is a little to much greek tragedy for a asgardian god. I’d almost go for it, if it didn’t involve killing me and thor.”he rolled his eyes looking at the other, his eyes flowing the other’s hands, watching the eyeliner appear, swallowing hard as he adjusted himself without even noticing, his pants unbearably tight. “...I’m sorta weirded out you know what lip gloss is, and unbearably curious to know if it’s flavored.”Tony said before he could stop himself, tilting his head a little, for once not really aware that he was being watched intently.
he smiled a little. "he is rich enough to own mountains... in fact, i think he DOES own a mountain... and an island." he admitted with a shake of his head. "You got it Little Man!" he stated as Alex yelled that it was his room. "yeah well.... it's not really... my space i mean." he admitted. "i live here but it's never..." it had never been home. he wasn't attached to it. he would be just as content sleeping in a tent in the woods or in an apartment. "maybe we'll do a superhero theme?" he mused with a smile. "he seams to adore the superheros. is there anything else he likes?" he asked curiously. "racing cars, storms, football? it would be pretty weird to have a superhero room when he's living in a superhero house..." he admitted, hesitating. "how about i help Alex unpack?" he offered, not wanting to leave them alone just yet. not wanting to give them up.

"better a Greek tragedy than a roman one." he pointed out with a smile. "well of course i know about lip Gloss." he admitted with a chuckle. "strawberry flavored." Loki admitted with a smirk. "shall i let you sample it?" he offered. "your pants seam a little tight. perhaps i aught to... assist with that little problem?" he offered with a grin as he sat up properly, muscles flexing under his skin, making him look deadly, and sexy all at the same time. like a wild jungle cat that could eat you at any moment. but so beautiful you just had to sit and watch.
“....I’m going to have to ask him about that.”She said looking thoughtful and vaguely disturbed that anyone was that rich. Tilting her head at his words she nudged her shoulder against his. “well, it’ll be home now. Cause even after we go back to the bookstore, he’s going to be here half the time, you know. I wont keep him away from you clint.”She smiled at him before laughing. “He does. But you’re right. He’s already in a superhero house, we’ll do something else. He likes horses, and cars, and wolves. And red and gold.”She teased him a little snickering before nodding. “Yea, go ahead. I’ll go unpack my stuff.”She said smiling as she headed for the other room, starting to settle in, relieved for just a few minutes to herself. It was such a rarity since alex was born, to have privacy. Even if it was just for the length it took them to unpack everything. By the time the boys were done unpacking, Alex was exhausted, nudging things into place around the room, leaning against Clint tiredly. “Sweetheart, time to sleep, love.”Elena smiled as she walked into the room, digging in the dresser to find his pj’s, smiling as she helped him change. “Say goodnight, Alex.” “Night mama. Night hawk.”Alex smiled sleepily hugging them both as he was settled into the bed. “Come on.Jarvis already said he’d let us know if he needed us.”She muttered, stepping away, tugging clint out of the room with her, having already made friends with the AI. “You look happy.”She smiled as she gently shut the door behind them, making sure alex was settled and sleeping before smiling up at Clint, despite her nap, looking tired herself.

“...Hm. Pepper’s allergic to strawberries.”He said, the first thing he remembered about strawberries popping out of his mouth, wincing at the mental connection and shying away from it before sighing, raising a eyebrow. “Hm, they are a little tight.But it’s not such a little problem.”He said frowning a little taking a step back, but not leaving the room as he watched the other man. “You’re going to be the death of me,Reindeer.”he muttered.
Clint smirked a little and nodded. "ask him about the time in Tahiti too." he suggested with a snicker before he smiled at her, his entire being softening at the thought of alex being around all the time. "i thought i would be scared." he admitted, watching the boy run around. "but i'm not. i'm... it's not excited its..." he shook his head. "i can't place the emotion really... but it's warm and makes me smile, so it has to be a good one." he admitted, smiling at her. "i have a Son... i don't think the shocks worn off yet because i keep expecting to wake up and this will all have been a dream..." he admitted with a sigh. "maybe we could do a wild west thing." he mused with a smile. "all little boys love cowboys. we could paint a farm out int he distance and wild horses along one wall and wolves baying at the moon on another, it would be pretty cool. we could even get him a real rough and tumble cowboy bed." he admitted with a grin. before he offered her a beaming smile for not making him leave and headed off to help Alex unpack, making sure all the little boys toys where exactly right. "...goodnight Little Man." he muttered, watching Alex drop off to sleep. "i am happy." he admitted with a smile. "and kinda tired, which is weird... i can go toe to toe with the worst villains in the world and barely have to take a breather, and yet the two year old wore me out a little." he admitted. "i can't imagine how exaughsted you must be... go to bed. i'll get up if Alex needs anything." he promised, hesitating before leaning forward and kissing her forehead. "sleep well Spitfire."

"Was she?" Loki asked, looking strangely amused. "it seams a bit of a problem to me. after all, it's my fault, shouldn't i fix it?" he asked with a grin as he watched Tony intently. "i'm not wearing any underthings you know." he teased, eyes sparkling with amusement. "oh, of course i'm not going to kill you, that would ruin all the delight in seducing you and making you forever mine. but you can have your delusions if you want to."
Elena smiled at him."tell mr how you feel after the shock's worn off then we'll see."she said smiling half worried that he'd freak out once it did wear off but remembering him with the little girl at the zoo she thought they'd be okay."that would be cool.he'd like that "she smiled pleased with the idea of cowboys smiling as she left the alone."I think that's something every parent has founf.we can run grown adults into the grounf but our children tire us out."she smiled looking amused before jumping a little at the kiss to her forehead."goodnight.I'll see you in the morning."he said disappearing into her bedroom with a slight smile. In the morning she was already up and making breakfast,smitking slihtly when she heard alex pounding on clint"s door."hawk up! Mama's fooking!" She heard the two year old yell,smiling as she flipped the pancakes,racing,laughing wuietly as within momemts alwx bareeled into her legs.

"Yea.I get yelled at for forgeting sometimes."he muttered shrugging a little before swallowing hard as his eyes dropped to look thr man over."no,I can see that. Those clothes are to snug to have anything under them."he swallowed hard before frowning a little."its not a delusion when you're going to kill me with sex."he whined a little
he smiled a little and nodded. "yeah, all little boys like Cowboys..." he muttered with a smile. "oh my god! it makes sense now!" he gasped, eyes sparkling with laughter. "adults are always wishing that they could bottle up a kids energy! what if the kids ARE bottling it up!? Alex is sucking out our life energy and that's why we're tired when he's still bouncing around! and why he only gets tired once we're exaughsted! it's a conspiracy!" he teased, chuckling as he headed off to his own bed... which wasn't a bed at all. it was a hammock. "...uuuugh.. Little Man! it's like... oh my god it's six thirty in the morning!" Clint complained in utter dismay. "go back to bed!" he complained with a groan as he crawled out of his hammock and dragged his carcass out of his room, locking it and dragging his feet over to her, slumping onto the table. "it's... so. eeeaaarrrllllyyyyy....." Clint usually dragged his carcass out of bed around eleven. "i didn't even know there was a six in the morning..." he groaned. "...Elena? i'm gonna have you take him to the park later." Clint stated, studying her. "i don't like the idea of all those weapons being in here with him around. i'm going to move them all to Natasha's." he explained. "she'll take proper care of them until i need them." he admitted. "then i won't have to lock the door." Clint was giving up his weapons for Alex! now THAT was a heart stopper. Clint LOVED his weapons. they where his babies! "any weapons i do have will be kept in the safe. it's voice/eye recognition. tony made it. it's wicked sweet.... god i'm tired... does he always get up this early?"

Loki smirked a little. "well. i'm not allergic to anything so you don't have to worry about that." he promised with a chuckle. "yes, yes they are. and they're really kind of uncomfortable at the moment. i'm considering taking them off." he admitted, wiggling his hips a little before he stood up and slinked over to Tony, pressing a kiss to the man's mouth. "you're not ready for sex again." he purred with a chuckle. "go and get yourself a cute woman from a bar and fuck her brains out." he suggested with a grin.
“It is.Still not a morning person?”Elena snickered as she sipped her coffee, pouring him a glass before looking at him, tilting her head, looking startled.”What?”she blurted looking startled and amazed at the idea before scrambling to get her bearings back, not sure what to think about him giving up his weapons, but refusing to look at the warmth that spread in her heart. While she had agreed to dating, and trying again, the woman had been hurt badly enough by fury’s pretending to be clint, to be hesitant of trusting the real one, no matter how much she knew she was being stupid about it. Studying him a long moment she smirked. ‘Does tony know how much you’re in love with his safe?”she teased before looking down at her bouncing son as she slid some pancakes over to him, amused as he dug in before nodding. “When he goes to bed as early as he did last night, yea. He usually goes to bed about 8, and gets up at 8 but he was out by 7 last night, it makes the day start early.”She smiled as she ate.

“....Don’t.”Tony growled even as he lowered his head to kiss the other again, sighing softly, raising a eyebrow. “last time I picked up a woman in the bar, it was one that’s going to get me punched.”He whined. Well, at least he wasn’t totally unaware that clint was going to punish him for picking up elena, even if it was her fault. Smiling slightly before shrugging.”But you’re right, I should definitely go sleep with someone.”he said before fleeing the room. And he did, the proof doing the walk of shame out of the penthouse as he stumbled towards the kitchen for coffee, having every intention of heading down to the workshop as soon as he was caffeinated enough to function.
he grunted at her. "hate morning." he groaned before he looked up and looked around, panicked at her outburst. "what?! what happened?!" he demanded before he blinked t her. "oh... right, weapons. well my priorities have to change." he pointed out. "i have a child who needs to hold first place. silly guns and knives don't hold a candle to Alex or you." he pointed out. "and i don't want Alex to get hurt." he admitted before he smirked. "of course not. that would just make him think i liked something he made. don't want him to get a bigger head than he already has after all." he admitted with a groan. "eight!? oh god... i'll never survive." he groaned with a sigh.

"Dont' what Tony?" Loki asked with a smirk. "don't tease you even though you like it? don't kiss you even though you want me to? don't seduce you even though you want e to?" he smirked at Tony. "don't worry. i'm sure Clint won't beat you up too badly. just make sure they're not married before you pick them up and you'll be fine." he assured her. he smirked as Tony wandered off and he hummed to himself as he headed for his private bathroom for a nice long, luxurious, wank. in the morning he was in the kitchen when Tony arrived, using a piping bag to put the finishing touches on what looked to be a... cupcake? a red and gold cupcake. "good morning." Loki chirped with a smirk. "did you have fun? didn't get beat up by angry ex boyfreinds?"
Elena snickered a little at his panic, looking calm before smiling slightly. Tilting her head slightly as she considered what he was saying. “....oh. Well. Yea. I just hadn’t expected you to grasp that so soon...or really want to...”She said frowning slightly in confusion, looking bemused at this new side of clint. While she knew he was a caring lover, she hadn’t considered he’d take to fatherhood this well. “Not hurt.”Alex piped up looking up at the sound of his name, looking at the two adults. “No, you’re not. You’re just fine.”Elena smiled bending down to kiss Alex’s head before smirking at Clint’s words, “...You don’t have to get up with him you know. I’m usually up. Just not get up.”She said though she looked hesitant, stopping the disappointment that gripped her at the idea of him not wanting to get up. She shouldn’t expect him to keep the same hours they did, she’d had years to get used to it. He’d known about alex for a day. “You’ll be fine.”She promised before perking up a little. “You should join us at the park after you and natasha get the weapons taken care of. We can go to the zoo.” “Zoo?”Alex perked up looking excited, revealing who indeed elena had been going to the zoo with all the time.

Tony paused in the doorway, blinking slowly, tiredly as he studied the man and the cupcake.”...it’s to early in the morning for alternate dimensions and things. You’re making cupcakes.”he said sounding bemused before laughing as he hustled over to get some coffee, “No, no angry boyfriends. Just angry girls disappointed they weren’t the one I chose.”
he smiled at her. "i always did want kids." he admitted softly. "like he'd let me sleep in." Clint stated with a roll of his eyes. "i'll just have to get used to it. besides, you've taken care of him alone for too long, i'm going to do my fair share of child time." he assured her. "besides... i suppose it will be good for me." he grumbled. "more time in the day and all that jazz..." he muttered before he brightened as well. "i like that idea! after the Zoo we can go shopping for some... essentials." he tossed her a wink. he'd already realized who she was going to the Zoo with when he realized he had a son. "What's your favorite Animal Little Man?" Clint asked curiously. Elena had said Horses and wolves, but who knew how many animals the little guy liked.

"yes, i am making Cupcakes... i burned most of them, but this one made it! it's harder than it looks cooking with these new ovens." he admitted, kicking Tony's stove. "took me a while to figure out how to manage the temperatures. they really are very handy things, a constant temperature makes for much better cooking." he admitted with a nod before he laughed. "just imagine how pissed they'll be when they realize i'm trying to seduce you." he teased. "the might come after me with pitchforks. make sure to bring Popcorn." he teased, well aware that if that happened Tony would sit back, watch, and laugh.
“Well, he would. For maybe ten minutes. Before gets even more demanding in you getting up.”Elena snickered a little looking amused, before her shoulders slumped a little, relaxed at the idea of him putting in child time, enjoying the thought of having someone else there, having clint there, who would be different then having the babysitter around. “Essentials huh?I’m hoping your not including lacy red underwear in that.”She teased a little, saying it before she’d really thought it through, blushing more, cause while she did have some, most of her things were conservative and prim, with no sex appeal to them, because she’d long ago given up on the hope of a new relationship....only to find herself in a old one. “Wolves. And lions.”Alex perked up as he finished his food, smiling happily. “And the pray dogs” “prairie dogs.”Elena corrected smiling as alex continued to list half the zoo, while he had his favorites, it was obvious he loved the animals he saw. “Mama, done.”Alex said looking up at her as he finished eating, smiling as she gave him a smacking kiss on the cheek.”Good job. Why don’t you go play, and we’ll go out in a few hours okay?” “Okay!” Elena smiled watching him disappear back into his bedroom, smirking at clint. “he’ll be content to play for awhile, if you want to go back to bed.”

“Well ,that makes me feel a littel better. Knowing you didn’t make them perfectly.”Tony snickered sipping his coffee before making a face. “Don’t kick it. It wont make you feel better.”he said smiling a little before nodding. “Very pissed. Also a good thing I don’t go out in public with you. Otherwise you probably would get jumped.”He snickered before smirking as he sat at the table, nodding. “It would be great entertainment. Me and Clint could watch here from the tower as they hunted you.”he snickered at the thought.
he snickered a little. "now i know why my mother hated me." he admitted with a snicker. "oh she'd love me once lunchtime hit. but before that she hated me." he admitted with a grin. "yes, essentials, like paint, and bedding, and some... T. O. Y. S." he admitted with a grin at her. "but sure. i could get some lacy red underwear for myself." he agreed with a snigger. "oh yeah?" he asked, grinning at the boy. "well hten, we'll have to see all those animals, won't we?" he asked with a grin as he watched Alex rush off before he turned to her with sparkling eyes. "i have the BEST idea." he breathed with a wicked grin. "wait here. i need to make a few... uh... i need to do some email things with Jarvis's help." he stated, giving her a kiss to the cheek. "Jarvis! care to give me a hand buddy!?" he asked, practically bounding himself he was so excited.

"oh hush... Clint's planning something extreme by the way. you're going to have a three hour construction crew in here while he's taking the kid to the Zoo." he admitted as he handed Tony the cupcake. "here. try this and tell me if it's good." he ordered. "it's called a Mudslide Cupcake." he explained. it had Kahlua and Baileys in it. he was sure Tony would love it... if he'd made it right. which he had, so Tony was probobly in heaven right then. "i have a recipe for a Jack Daniels honey whiskey cupcake too. Jack and coke, coconut rum, all sorts of things." he admitted with a smile before snorting. "well, Steve would rescue me." he decided. he hoped.
“Ahhh I see. Definitely going to need some T.O.Y.S. For here since everything else is at home.”She snickered a little looking amused before rolling her eyes. “Good. Cause I know Tony’d enjoy the sight of you in them.”She teased looking amused as Alex babbled. “Yes!All of them.”Alex said seriously. “You always have the best ideas. You’re the one who thought it was a good idea to pretend dating when we were on that mission with coulson, I thought he was going to choke when he realized we really were screwing.”She rolled her eyes looking amused as she watched him go, amused he was so excited “Of course sir.”Jarvis replied.

When it was time to go, Elena smiled slightly as she knocked on Clint’s door, Alex perched on her hip. “We’re heading out okay?So give me a call when you get to the zoo.” “Hawk coming?” “In a bit. He has a few things to do first.”Elena reassured smiling as Alex rested his head on her shoulder.

“Extreme huh?Well, I’ll have to go see what he’s going to do.”Tony shrugged a little because while it made him twitch with the idea that there were strange people in his place, he also knew that he was perfectly capable of protecting himself if something went sideways. Raising a eyebrow as he took a bite of the cupcake he moaned as he leaned back into the seat. While he’d cut back on the sheer amount of alcohol he drank, to the point he wasn’t nearly the alcoholic he had been, he still indulged sometimes. And he was constantly struggling to not give in, and be the man he’d been. But he was doing better then he had ever in his life before. “These are amazing...I could totally eat these while working without getting liquid on the electronics...”He moaned quietly before smirking, looking at Loki.”Yea, capsicle would save you.”Leaning his chair back he smirked at teh super soldier walking into the room. “You would wouldn’t you?Probably wouldn’t even let me and clint sit around laughing.”He pouted at the imagined fight.
he chuckled and nodded. "we'll have to get him a few while we're at the Zoo." he agreed with a nod. "remind me to buy a camera." he ordered. "i do look gorgeous when i wear them." he agreed with a chuckle. "i do have the best ideas." he admitted with a smirk. "i still can't beleive he walked in on us like that." he admitted with a laugh as he headed off. "Alright! i shouldn't be more than.... thirty minutes!" he called out. "i just have to get this set up first." he admitted. "i'll see you in thirty, okay Little Man?" he asked with a grin as he poked his head out and ruffled the boys hair. "i have a surprise in the making!" he admitted, tossing him a wink. half an hour later he was indeed in the park, looking around for them, dressed quite handsomely.

"he's going to make a bedroom for Alex." Loki explained with a chuckle before smirking as Tony moaned. "no, you'd just have to worry about crumbs." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched Tony enjoy the cupcake. "....uh..." "it was a metaphorical question... cupcake?" he offered a lopsided thing to Steve who blanched a little. "uh... no thanks... i'm fine." "...you sure? it's misshapen but it's cooked all the way through, no? Tony do you want another?" he asked, offering Tony the lopsided, but no less delicious cupcake before he turned his attention to the Stove and started whipping up a new batch. "this time they will all be perfect." he muttered to himself. "...Tony?... this is sort of freaking me out a little bit. why is he making cupcakes?" "to prove that i can supply proper food to my intended." "intended? are you getting married?" "please. as if i would do something so plebeian as tying my intended down in such a final manner." Loki scoffed. "i intend to devote my life to his happiness. there's a difference." "...how.. er, romantic." "not really. it's entirely for my own selfish joy in having him all too myself... for the most part."
“Okay!”alex smiled happily as clint ruffled his hair, both mother and son looking bemused at the thought of what he was up to. Elena smiled a little as she watched him from the lion enclosure, Alex holding onto her hand ,but for a moment, her attention was on the man who looked quite out of place all by himself. “Alex. Hawk’s here.”She said smiling as the boy nearly fell over as he turned quickly to look for clint, laughing happily before running towards him. Elena smiled as she followed, glad the zoo wasn’t that crowded as Alex barreled towards his father without a care of who was in the way, plowing into his knees like a cannon ball of excitement. “Hawk!We go see hawks to.”Alex decided. “He missed you.”Elena smiled in amusement at them, glad clint was used to getting hit by things, otherwise he might find a two year old a little hard to live with.

“Ah. Well, this is going to be interesting.”he looked amused at the idea before making a face. “Crumbs would be bad....hmmm..I’ll figure something.”He said before snickering. “Don’t look so confused, capsicle.”He muttered snickering as he watched the two, before devouring the second cupcake, smirking. “Don't let him fool you with that romantic crap. He’s also hoping I get so drunk on these that I admit I like him and want to have sex. Not happening I'm never drunk, but if he keeps making these, I might put out for the sheer desire to keep eating.”Tony said smirking a little.
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