Missing Parts(lady/moon)

“yea.”Myka said smiling slightly at her husband’s bafflement, wincing at clint’s words. Knowing tony wasn’t going to appreciate it,especially since she knew he was nursing broken ribs that had left his other suit out of commission until he’d get a chance to fix it from their last fight. While they didn’t go out on world saving missions alot, this month they were covering for the fantastic four while sue and reed got ready for their wedding, which is why they were dealing with the doombots. “Shut up, barton. I hope your wife gets moody enough she shoves you off the roof in the next nine months. It’ll be peaceful in the tower then.”Tony said, his voice sounding rough and pissed, and proving that yes, even tony stark didn’t know everything. If he had, he wouldn’t have announced however vaguely, that elena was pregnant over the comm, if he’d known she hadn’t told him yet. Growling as he finished off the last bot he huffed.”I’ll see you guys back at the tower.”Was his abrupt departure, not only because he didn’t want to be in public, but because the sparkles on the inside of the suit were really, really starting to piss him off.
Clint paused as Tony spoke and looked confused. "nine months? why nine m..." he paused, paled and looked utterly horrified for a moment before utter elation lit his face. he was going to be a daddy again! he was going to get to see Elena all swollen with child and bitchy and adorable! a part of him had never forgiven himself for not being there while she was pregnant with Alex. "Hey Tony, don't start yelling until we get there." Steve ordered. "and Clint. Your child started this. i think." "shit!" Clint cursed, realizing that yes, this was the kids fault, not Loki getting revenge. "Dammit Alex! i'm sorry Tony, i only laughed because i thought Loki did it. we'll have words with the kids!" he promised as he headed back for the tower, calling ahead to warn the 'sitters' that the kids where in deep shit. it was Steve who did the most of the yelling. he didn't find it funny at all. no, not in the least. if it had been Loki he probobly would have yelled at the Goddling as well.

"What where you thinking!?" Steve demanded of the three children, watching them squirm under the combined force of three angry fathers and a glittery pink suit which was currently being buffed back into the red and gold.
“I’m not. I’m starting the grinder when I get there.I’m not going out in public like this again.”Tony growled as he stripped off the suit, knowing it was his own fault that his suit was pink, considering he was the one that had fallen asleep. Smirking a little as he buffed, he glanced at the three kids as steve yelled, to pissed to consider talking to them, which was why steve was doing the talking.

“... We thought he’d find it funny.... He liked the hello kitty iron man.....”James muttered looking up at his father, curled up on the couch, looking at his mother for help, because he always hated upsetting his father. “I’m sure he did find it funny, up until the point he had to go out in it.”Elena said shaking her head as she considered teh three kids, running her fingers through her hair.
it took every ounce of Steve's self control not to plug his ears, or twitch every time that damn grinder set to work. he knew James was probobly in hell right now. he knew all three kids could read lips, thanks to Natasha and Loki, so he never stopped lecturing even when he was sure his ears where going to bleed. when Cap paused, Clint took over, chastising the children for doing something so damaging to a machine that cost more than the entire Tower did. "where did you three even get that stuff!?" Steve demanded, pausing as he realized that Clint was fidgeting. "....they where on sale! i thought Maria would like them for her coloring books!" he complained. "i only bought a few of them!" if they'd had enough to cover the entire Iron man, it had been more than 'just a few' more like a 'few hundred'. "CLINT!" "i'm sorry! i don't understand how they found the time to do all that anyway! it must have taken them hours!"
"Oh. That’s my fault.”Tony said as he switched off the grinder, shaking his head a little as he studied the kids, huffing out a sigh.”I fell asleep while they were down here, they woke me up when loki sent them down to get me. They must have been here longer then I thought if they got that done.”Tony said squirming a little because he was so, so redoing the locks on his lab if the kids had gotten down here without him even realizing they were in the room. “Now. You three are going to clean the lab. Go.”Myka said moments away from stuffing her fist in her month to keep from laughing at the three of the kids darting for the work area, really really wanting to laugh at the scandlised look on clint’s face. “That’s like a million stickers.”Elena said as she walked into the room, pausing to look at the suit, shaking his head a little amused, wrapping a arm around clint’s waist, leaning into her husband. “It is, but it just gives me a excuse to redo the suit.”Tony grinned, because he was so going to redo the whole suit now that he had to strip it down to clean anyways. Pleased and happy, shaking his head as he headed off to find loki to tell him what their children had been up to, and despite being annoyed, he wouldn't change a damned thing.

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