Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Coulson answered on the first ring and there was a long, long silent moment after Tony spoke and then, finally. "i'm sorry. i think i misheard you. did you just say that Fury had her declared an enemy of the state?!" he demanded, stunned. "....i'll inform the president. as senior agent and Fury's Second in command i can do that. you make sure to let the public know. do you have the letter?" he demanded. "i'm going to assume you and everyone in the tower received one." he growled. "as well as every hospital in the united states." Coulson actually sounded angry! "ah. yes. i have one here in my mailbox. i'm going straight to the white house but it will take me a few hours to get there. make sure she's hidden until i can have Fury ousted. Maria will distract him until i can get to the president."

Steve snorted. "wel. you have a six pound baby, which is surrounded by about thirty pounds of water and life systems." he pointed out. "you'll lose most of it after you give birth." because she had been so active before pregnancy, she had been allowed to continue exercising after, so long as it wasn't too dangerous. sparring wasn't allowed, but jogging was until she got too big anyway. he worked out with her every day, supporting her. "...oh hell. i forgot about Loki and Tony having a baby together. that child is going to be horrible!" he admitted, shaking his head. "shhh. hey, shhh it's okay. i've got you." he promised her. "no one is going to be allowed to hurt you or the baby." he promised. "Tony's already planning Fury's death. i bet you." he admitted, cradling her as she struggled not to collapse. "...What!?" Loki demanded, shocked. "Fuck! Heimdall! get Sigyn!" he ordered the man. Sigyn was the 'mother' of three of his children. she hadn't given birth to them, but she'd helped raise them and they had stayed rather close freinds until he'd gone insane. he knew she wouldn't let a mother go into labor without help and she was a healer. Loki would trust no one else with Myka's safety, not even Frigga, who was often too influenced by Odin.
“...I’m glad that you can be surprised, Agent.”Tony said sounding just as angry as he waved a hand at clint, tossing him the letter and a laptop, letting elena distract alex as he and the two assassins settled in to getting the public aware. “Oh yea, I’m holding the toxic piece of shit. Make sure you tell the president Cap was included on the ‘lab rat’ agenda, because he’s going to need to be aware I’m about to dump this in the presses lap, and they’re going to love the good Captain being treated like that.”Tony snickered bitterly as he typed, because while the public would react badly to a pregnant woman being treated like this, but once they realized it was Steve Rogers’ child she created...it was going to spread like a wildfire, and wouldn’t stop with just fury. It’d burn the president to if he wasn’t careful. “Loki took her to asgard. They’re safely off world for now, until we clean this up.”Tony said hanging up, glancing at clint. “Coulson’s getting things moving.”he swallowed hard looking at elena and alex, glancing at clint. “You might consider getting them out of town...me and natasha can handle the press...”He said looking anxious, needing to protect his family.

“...don’t be so logic about it.”Myka grumbled rolling her eyes a little because she had stayed active, at least going for walks, but it wasn’t pleasant to go from being the standard of a super soldier’s build, to being this big. Myka swallowed hard, tilting her head up to look at steve, struggling to be calm, trembling slightly. “O-okay.”She stuttered a little trying to be calm before giggling a little. “I’m sure tony is planning a elaborate painful death...”She muttered leaning into steve more. Heimdall nodded, tilting his head as he moved to leave. “I shall get her. Why do you not take her to Sigyn’s rooms. The lady is in the market, by the time you get to the rooms, I will be there with her.”Heimdall said before leaving. When they arrived in the room, myka leaning heavily on steve, barely on her feet, in to much pain to concentrate on the new world around her, to blinded by it to concenrate.”Steve, make it stop...please...”She begged, so at a loss, that she couldn’t do anything but cling. “loki, heimdall said-”Sigyn stopped as she ran into the room just behind them, pausing at the sight, paling a little at the sight of the woman, “Lay her down.Come on sweetheart, you can do this.”Sigyn said ignoring the men in favor of helping myka, wincign as the woman struck out at her, pausing as Myka fought against them, to blinded by pain to realize they were trying to help, to in pain to really recgonize steve and loki with her anymore, driven by pain to protect herself and the child she carried. “Loki?”Sigyn paused looking at loki, looking anxious and worried, knowing she’d need both their helps if mother and child were going to be okay. She couldn’t help myka until the woman was calm enough to let her.
Coulson huffed. "anyone would be surprised about this. how could Fury be so damn stupid? he can't possibly have thought he'd get away with this?.... unless he was planning on taking them and hiding. pretending he never had them in the first place..." he muttered, sounding disgusted. "yes, i will. he'll probobly have an emergency address to the public." Coulson admitted. "keep your eye on the TV and be prepared to release your own statement." he ordered. "i have to go now. the Jet's taking off." being second in command had it's perks. like being allowed to take off in a plane anytime he needed to. "i don't know if we can take them anywhere." Clint admitted. "we could go back to Loki's Safe house, but we can't get there without leaving a way for certain people to track us." Clint admitted. "we have to wait for Loki to come back and take them there." he admitted, biting his lip. "oh! they can go to Asgard! Myka would like having a woman close by..." he muttered. "and that way i can stay here and help."

Steve smiled. "i'm very good at Logic." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head before he stroked her hair, trying to sooth her. "of course Tony is planning a painful death." he assured the other with a smile before he scooped her up into his arms and followed Loki to Sigyn's rooms. "shh. i can't make it stop Love." he admitted. "but i'll be here with you every second." he promised as he held her hand. "...shit!" Loki gasped as he moved over to her, pushing calming magic into her, making her dozy and sleepy and hopefully calming her down. "sorry Sigyn... she's been heavily abused before we where able to rescue her." Loki explained, holding Sigyn's other hand, hoping to feed her a constant supply of calming magic. "hey. i'm here Love. it's okay. it's Steve. i won't let anyone hurt you. but you have to let the Doctor see to you." he pleaded, trying to calm her down. "it's going to be alright, i promise."
“He’s just that arrogant. He wants another child to create in Myka’s image. A better assassin with the original serum in their veins.”Tony shuddered rubbing a hand over his face, disgusted and pissed before smirking. “I will.And it’s going to be a amazing speech, with all the Stark Sass and smartassery in place. Go. I’ll talk to you later.”He said hanging up with coulson looking vaguely amused as he sat down to start writing before frowning. “...Damn.”Tony winced knowing better then to lead anyone to loki’s place before tilting his head, nodding. “Good.We’ll have thor come get them. J?” “He’s already on his way, sir.Arriving momentarily.”The AI answered even as the skies over NYC darkened, the storms coming in tasting of a edge of power and fury, the thunderer was beyond pissed, and walking in from the balcony he looked around them. “What is this that Jarvis told me of?”Thor said, his expression thunderous, tony quickly explaining before looking at elena and alex. “We were wondering if you’d take them to asgard with steve and myka.” “Of course.” “Come on alex, we’re going to go stay with uncle thor for awhile.” “Papa to?” “No, he has to stay and help uncle tony.” “No!I don’t wanna go then!”Alex said, even if he was out of his terrible twos, recent months had been to stressful on them all to be really okay with everything happening, and he wanted his pappa, moving over to clint, clinging tightly.

“You can!Please, stop.”Myka begged craning her head back to look up at steve even as she fought them, before stilling under loki’s hands, trembling harder even as she calmed. “I know. Thor needed someone to talk to, and thought I would understand better then the others.”Sigyn said blushing ever so slightly as she coaxed myka’s body into doing the natural function, magic helping along, keeping both mother and child calm as she worked to deliver the child. Blushing because despite having been loki’s ‘baby mama’, it had been thor she’d fallen in love with these last few years, she’d just been to shy to say anything, so having him simply talk to her had been nice. “No-no, not alright. No!”Myka said, despite the magic, and sleepily struggling some, she was to weak and magicked to interfer to much and within a few minutes Sigyn was gently easing the small baby away from his mother, smiling as the cooing cry. “Now, why couldn’t any of your kids be that quiet, loki?”The healer teased a little even as she cleaned up the child, before smiling at steve. “Your son is fine, healthy and lovely.”She said before gently easing the child into his arms, before moving to clean up myka, and make sure she was okay."Keep her under for a little longer Loki, She'll hurt herself if she struggles now..."Sigyn muttered as she worked
"don't be too sassy Stark. we want the people to take your side, not be annoyed that you're running your mouth." he warned before he hung up. "Alex..." Clint stated as he settled in front of the boy when he started to throw a fit. "look at me... i need you to go with Uncle Thor. you and Mommy are not safe here." he explained. "i need you and mommy somewhere very safe so that i can make sure the bad guys can't ever hurt you, Mommy, or Aunty Myka ever again." he explained. "i need you to go with mommy and keep her safe for me. and Aunty Myka is going to need help as well." he explained to the little boy, stroking his hair. "you won't be gone for long. i'll see you in just a few days." if things didn't work out, then he'd just go to asgard and they'd all live there. he had to put his family first, and that's what he was going to do.

"shhh, i'm sorry i can't." he admitted, stroking her hair and cradling her. trying to comfort her. "it's going to be alright Love." he promised, holding her as Loki soothed her with magic, Loki flashing Sigyn a small smirk. he knew exactly why she was blushing.really, she was just too adorable. he returned his attention to the woman who was panicking and wondered if using more magic would end badly? probobly. "my children are, and where perfect." Loki stated with a sniff before he smiled at the little boy in her arms. "but Steve's baby is pretty perfect too." Steve smiled a little as he watched the baby, not wanting to abandon his lover for the child but he took the baby anyway so Sigyn could finish healing Myka, stroking her hair as he muttered reassurances that it was almost over. he was hopeful the worst of the pain would be over now, and she'd calm down enough to recognize the people around her.
“Hm, I’ll be perfectly well behaved, agent. Don’t worry.”Tony smiled a little hanging up. “No!I stay.”Alex yelled looking upset about leaving, glaring at his father even as his mother wrapped her arms around him. “It’ll just be a little while Alex.” “...I can keep mama safe.”Alex said looking at clint, calming slowly as his parents held him. “It’ll just be a bit, little iron.”Tony reassured, smiling as alex clung to elena as she stood, obviously upset about leaving, but listening to his parents. “Be careful okay?”Elena muttered leaning over for a kiss, not trusting fury not to have something up his sleeves. Scared because she’d mourned him once, she didn’t want to lose him again.

Sigyn rolled his eyes as loki smirked at her, rolling her eyes a little as she worked. “They are, they’re just so...loud.”Sigyn whined a little snickering slightly, smiling slightly.”Almost done.”She reassured steve when she realized he was torn between myka and steve. “....Steve?Where’s?-What-?”Myka said her voice pained as sigyn finished, stepping back. Looking at the new parents, she looked relieved to see that the woman calm enough to start coming back. Having added just enough magic to loki’s to numb the woman, knowing she was sore, but the serum would take care of that soon enough. “steve?”Myka’s voice raised a little, so close to panic, remembering being in labor, but not what happened to the baby, to disjointed, to panicked to not think clearly before pausing, frowning slightly as she looked up at steve holding the baby.”Is...is that....?”she trailed off.
Clint smiled. "that's right. you have to help keep Mama safe and healthy." he admitted, stroking the little boy's hair. "and you'll have to take care of Uncle Lo." he admitted. "he's very close to having his baby, and he's not taking it as easy as he should." he was going to pay for that later, but giving Alex a task would keep him calmer hopefully. "i'm always careful." he promised, giving her a gentle kiss. "Fury's desperate. he's on his last legs. he won't last much longer."

"well of course they're loud. how else where they supposed to get attention from anyone other than us?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "alright." Steve agreed, relaxing as he realized Myka's trauma was almost over. "shh, Myka. it's okay. you're fine." he promised his lover, smiling at her. "yes. i'm here, yes. this is our child." he admitted, smiling at her, his eyes watery. "a little boy... he looks like you already." he admitted, carefully settling the baby in her arms. he'd practiced on a fake baby for hours to make sure he wouldn't hurt the newborn. "oh look at him. he's so perfect." he breathed. amazed at the bundle of limbs in Myka's arms. "what do you want to name him?" he asked, smiling as he stroked the little hand. "god... i helped make him... sort of." he muttered, stroking a tiny cheek. "i don't think i've ever felt like this before. it's like every joy in my life is happening all at once right at this moment."
Alex bit his lip looking worried before nodding seriously. “I’ll take care of uncle lo, uncle tony.”He said craning up to look up at tony. “Good.I’ll feel better with you taking care of him.”Tony smiled a little, not bothering to tell clint he was going to pay for the comment, he knew loki would get him back for it, even if no one told him. “Good.I don’t want to be gone long....remember, you have a family now. Being your normal careful doesn’t count anymore”She said looking worried, looking at the small toddler clinging to her, because if something happened to him, she’d survive because she had alex, it’d kill her son to lose his papa. Smiling as she stole another kiss before letting thor take them to asgard, amused at her son’s fascination with the new world, momentarily distracted from it as they went to find the others.

“Good.Cap’s here...”Myka muttered relaxing fully, resting her head against steve’s hip as she relaxed, trusting steve to take care of things, knowing he wouldn’t let anything happen to their son.Shifting to sit up a little she smiled as the blond boy-as blond as steve, wtih bucky and myka’s electric blue eyes- stared up at his parents, looking worried herself. Because despite practicing, she knew just how strong her and steve were, she was so, so scared of harming a child. Looking startled as steve put the baby in her arms, looking anxious as she gently touched a hand, smiling as the babe grabbed her fingers, looking down at the child,”....James Anthony Rogers.”She said quietly, liking it, not only for her father, but because it bridged the past and present, linking steve’s old best friend with his current one. A good strong name. “...just sort of?”She teased a little swallowing hard, nodding, because the utter love and joy she was feeling, scared her badly. “I-I know what you mean...”
Clint smiled. "you're good at taking care of Uncle Lo." he agreed with a smile. he knew Loki did appreciate Alex's help. the little boy loved to go and get anything Loki needed or wanted, saving the pregnant man from getting up and getting it himself. and Alex loved to brush Loki's hair for him, and tie Loki's shoes too. which was good because Loki couldn't reach anymore. "Elena. if we haven't solved the problem in three days. we're leaving Earth permanently." he admitted. "i won't risk Alex's health and safety here if we have other options." he admitted. "Vahlmr offered us a place in Vanir, and i know the Light elves will take us in if Thor vouches for us. if we can't solve these problems. then we will leave. and i know you don't like that. but we can pack up everything, even your bookstore, and take it all to the new place." he promised her, kissing her gently before watching her leave, his heart aching.

Cap smiled a little. "yes. i'm here." he promised her with a smile. "....Tony's never going to forgive you for naming a baby after him you know." he teased, sniffling a little. "our little James. oh it's perfect Myka." he whispered, kissing her forehead. "i was hoping... can we list Tony as Godfather, and Elena as Godmother?" he asked hopefully. "i'd feel safer, knowing that the little guy has someone to take care of him if something happens to us... because i'll die before i let Fury have either of you." he admitted. "and i know your the same..." he admitted, stroking her hair and the little tuft of blond on little Jame's hair. "he's gonna be a little hellion. just you wait. we'll have to make sure he knows all the best stories about his grandfather, mother, and father." he admitted with a smile as he watched her. "our son is going to be the best ever." he admitted with a happy grin. "he's going to be simply perfect." he breathed. "our perfect little man."
Elena winced as she considered that before nodding.”Okay. Three days.”She muttered kissing him back before leaving.

“...Why not?You’d think he’d like it.”She said blushing slightly smiling a little before thinking on that, nodding. “If...if something should happen, I wouldn’t want anyone but those two having him.”She muttered looking pleased with the idea. Even if it scared her to think about ,she’d knew elena and tony would kill to protect james, sighing quietly as she leaned her head into his hand, starting to look tired and sleepy. “We’ll tell him about everything...”She muttered yawning,shifting james into his arms, “Need sleep.”She muttered actually dropping off within moments of handing james over, trusting steve to take care of him,even if she did want to stay up and watch the child herself.

A day later Tony smirked slightly as he straightened his tie, slanting a glance towards Coulson as the man walked into the room. “So?What did the president have to say?”He said even as he moved towards the elevator, stepping inside, making coulson follow him, having ever intention of getting to his press conference on time, knowing that both fury and maria were attending in person to be ‘security’ though he knew fury was there to snoop and try to find Cap and Myka, along with every reporter he’d bribed with rumors of what was currently happening. He was actually surprised no one had tried to break down the door yet to get upstairs for a exclusive, instead of waiting downstairs patiently. Wanting to know just how much he could spill to the press without the president freaking out and accusing him of treason to.

Myka smiled tiredly as she sat in the garden, smiling at the baby laying on her legs, sleeping peacefully. The woman was exhausted, despite trusting steve, since that first couple hour nap, she hadn’t slept at all,even though her body demanded it. To protective and scared of what was going on earth, to consider sleeping, even if she needed it. “Hey Loki.”She smiled as she leaned back against steve’s chest, glad to see loki, grinning as elena and alex followed him in, alex first making loki sit down before plopping down next to her to watch the baby, even if alex’s close presence set her teeth on edge, even if she knew none of them would hurt james, teh woman was just to protective to relax. “Be careful Alex.”Elena warned smiling slightly.
he chuckled a little. "your right, he's going to love it and we're never going to live it down." he agreed with a snicker. "good. plus it means Clint and Loki will be in charge of him too. Elena and Loki will keep the other two in line. i just know all of the kids are going to be spoiled rotten thanks to Tony." he admitted with a chuckle as he kissed her gently. "sleep. i have him, and you." he promised softly.

Coulson offered Tony a nod. "the President said he would give his speech after yours." Coulson admitted. "he has declared Fury an immediate threat to national safety. and he is to be arrested on sight. i already have the orders handed out to the men. we have the building completely surrounded, and there are a dozen men loyal to me, and the Avengers hiding within the crowd ready to arrest Fury as soon as the order is given." Coulson admitted as he examined Tony's speech. "try not to indicate that the president allowed this, but go ahead and complain about the fact that the Council allowed Fury to do this. this will get them out of power as well hopefully." Coulson admitted. "i'll be waiting inside, i'm supposed to be trying to find Myka, Steve and Alex. the man is sick." Coulson growled. "i gave the men orders that if he struggles, they should hurt him. feel free to get in on it. speak about your own experience, the President will air the rest of Coulson's dirty laundry." "Tony!" it was Loki! no. it was a Clone of Loki. the lack of a baby belly was proof enough of that. "i sent a Clone to offer support." Loki explained with a smile. "do we have everything figured out?"

Steve was just as exaughsted. he couldn't sleep, joy had been replaced with irrational fear. he was afraid he would wake up to find his little James dead, kidnapped, missing, hurt, sick or various other issues. it made for poor sleeping behaviors. after all that hell though, who could blame him? "good morning." Loki chirped, hand on his stomach for balance as he struggled into a chair. "god... this sucks." Loki groaned, rubbing his belly. "i want to have my baby already! my other six where all early!" he complained. Loki was a week late now, and he was clearly in a bit of a mood about it. "Tony's making a press release today. i sent a clone down to watch." he admitted. "we'll know everything that happens, as it happens." or Loki would. he might... refrain from saying some things. honestly, he was a little amazed at how welcomed they'd all been. even Tyr had avoided from saying anything nasty to Thor's guests or to Loki. Loki still wanted to go home, back to New york, but being in Asgard wasn't the hell he'd thought it would be.
“Good. And it’s almost to bad we don’t tar and feather anyone anymore. I mean, I can totally do that. Though just shooting him would be better.”Tony said smirking a little as he slid a bracelet on, smirking as it folded out into a repulsor in the palm of his hand, while weaker then the one’s in his suit, it was enough to cause harm and not immediately recognizable that he was armed. “I’ll complain about everything. And tell them about elena of course.”Tony smiled looking pleased, having already asked clint if it was okay to reveal everything about that, because he’d been willing to expose fury, but he’d wanted to make sure the other didn’t freak out with the world knowing about elena and alex. “Loki?”Tony sputtered starting to get angry before pausing, realizing it was just a clone before smiling. “We do. Come on. Come be my bodyguard while I deliver the coup de grace.”He said he was so going to love bloodlessly gutting Fury. Pausing as he stepped into the conference room, grinning at the sight of fury and maria in the front row, before stepping up to the podium.”I am sure you’re all wondering what you’re doing here today. Well. I’ll tell you.”Tony grinned before he gleefully started spilling everything that fury had ever done to any of them, including firing the nuke that had nearly gotten tony killed, barely even registering the threat before he felt the bullet tearing through his shoulder, laying on the floor staring at the cieling as he heard the agents taking down fury.”...I can’t believe he shot me...”Tony grumbled mentally looking over the wound, realizing it was just shoulder shot, and while it’d shattered the shoulder joint, it wasn’t the worst wound he’d ever gotten. It’d be just a few months recovery.

“Morning.Well, six early, it’s about time you had one late.”Myka teased tiredly. “She’s probably waiting for her papa, and you’re always complaining she’s like tony. Tony’s never on time for anything.”Elena pointed out. “Good.I want to go home.”Myka said because despite the welcome they’d had here, she was to panicked still, to out of sorts to be comfortable with a place that wasn’t home. Even without the threat of fury around, it’d probably be months before James was allowed outside simply because his mother was having panic attacks at the idea.
Coulson chuckled a little. "it would be fun. it's also a shame we can't have him hung or put on a firing line." he admitted with a sigh. "just shooting him would be easier, but we have to come out of this looking squeaky clean." he admitted. "we don't want anyone trying to take Fury's side." Coulson admitted with a shake of his head. "you where about to yell at me, weren't you?" Loki demanded, sulking at Tony. "you're just not nice." he complained playfully. "that's why i'm here. i don't trust Fury at all." he admitted with a shake of his head. he gasped as he realized Tony had been shot and quickly leaped onto Tony, stemming the bloodflow and trying to figure out if the Bullet was still in there. he only moved away when Bruce appeared and he whirled, snarling as he advanced on Fury, who was fighting the Agents who where trying to have him arrested, all the news stations focused intently on the fight until Loki ended it with a sharp thrust upwards, striking Fury in a single blow. shattering the nose. it wouldn't kill the man, despite popular belief, but he was out for the count for a very long time. once Fury was down, and things had started to calm, all the TV's switched to the President, who informed the world that Fury was now a traitor to the state, the Council was here-therefore disbanded, and that as soon as all of the Avengers where available, there would be an awards ceremony in their honor for saving the world, Protecting the american People, and ending a threat tot he american way of life and ending a threat to the World peace. he then went on to explain everything else Fury had done. highlighting exactly why the Avengers where being honored.

"yes. well... i'm going to punish Tony for this." he admitted with a huff before he smiled at her. "we'll be home soon." he promised her. "the Press release has started." he admitted, explaining what was happening after a delay before he went pale as Tony was shot. he was silent for a long moment and then. "Tony was shot. it's not a dangerous one, Fury caught him in the shoulder. i shattered his nose in payment. the American President is on... Fury will be 'euthanized'... not that the President will admit to that. the Council has been disbanded. and we're going to all be given awards." Loki admitted. "it's over. Fury is done." Loki admitted. "but we're going to stay here for a while yet so that we can make sure all of Fury's loyal peons and Hydra are exterminated. it shouldn't take more than an hour, since the idiot left detailed records that Coulson dug up."
“It truly is....but is it a firing squad if I use the repulsor?I can totally kill him like that, and make it look like a accident. ‘a technical misfire’.”Tony sulked, before smirking at loki. “Well, I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”he said. Laying on the ground he looked up at bruce, “Bullet past through, bone’s busted, but it’s fine.”Tony muttered turning his head to watch the fight before pushing himself to his feet, stumbling a little as he leaned on bruce, glancing at the clone. “Come on, I’m going upstairs and laying down for like the next day, and maybe drinking.”Tony wrinkled his nose, waving goodbye to the reporters who despite listening to the president, were still shouting questions at him, even though he made it obvious he wasn’t going to be answering as he disappeared back upstairs.

“I’m sure he’ll enjoy it.”Myka snickered a little before paling at the news, looking worried. “that-that is a good punishment.”She said before pausing, tilting her head as she looked up at steve, “You know...I wonder if the president would let me take care of fury...I mean...I was trained for ‘euthanizing’ missions.”She said humming a little, enjoying the thought of murder even as she let James cling to her finger, the baby gurgling happily as he watched alex palying with his toys. Both children happily ignoring the adults. “Well, it’s coulson, I’m sure he’ll have it finished in no time.”Elena snickered a little, but a little disturbed, because without fury in charge, the avengers had a option of going back to being who they were, and her family in the line of fire scared her.
Coulson smirked a little. "oh. i assure you, he won't live for very long while in 'prison'. no one likes a person who would abuse a child. and Fury not only abused one. he experimented on one." he pointed out. "and was going to do so again." he admitted. "no. he certainly won't last long. we'll make sure of it." he promised with a smirk. "there's bone shards in there. i need you to lay still for a while." Bruce ordered. "we'll take you upstairs for the 'surgery' part." Bruce agreed. "HEY!" Loki snarled. "MY HUSBAND IS BLEEDING TO DEATH! SHUT UP AND GET OUT OF THE AGENTS WAY!" the reporters where instantly silent and moved to hug the walls as Clint started to snicker as he helped Tony into the Tower. once they where there and well settled and Bruce started working on the others shoulder when Loki suddenly collapsed, his eyes wide before dissolving as his concentration snapped.

"very good punishment. and no, i doubt it. i think they intend for him to have an 'accident' while in prison. most prisoners don't like people who hurt children after all." he admitted. "and he not only hurt you as a child. but he was planning on hurting two more." he admitted. "i'm not sure we're going to go back to being Superheros though." he admitted. "i mean, sure if the planets about to be destroyed or we're all about to be killed or something we'll probobly help simply to make sure our kids are safe, but i sure as hell served my civic duty." Steve admitted. "i'm not about to start stepping into the path of bullets again. not when i have a little one that needs looking after." he admitted, smiling at little James before looking up as Loki yelped and paled. "...Loki? what is it?" "....this is all Stark's Fault!" Loki complained as he looked down at himself, his lower half soaked. "my water just broke..." "oh hell... THOR!!!! Go get Tony! and Sigyn! Loki's gone into Labor!"
“Hm, I must admit, that would be a good plan. Jail is a good spot him....remind them he put her on ice at 16. It’ll do his soul good for confession.’Tony snickered amused because he just knew that prison was going to be hell for as long as it lasted. “I’ll lay still as soon as I’m out of here.”Tony grumbled not wanting to lay here, before snickering at loki’s words, looking at him.”You’re scary, love. I’m so glad you’re on my side this time.... I should let you talk to the reporters more often.You’d be very good at PR.”Tony said blood loss making him a little more rambly then normal, smirking a little as he settled on the bed as bruce worked.

“...True.”She swallowed hard around that thought, flinching away from the memory of exactly what her childhood had been like, and what would have been waiting for her son and nephew had it gotten to that point. “Good.”Elena huffed smiling a little. “I-What?”Elena stopped startled at loki’s words before wincing, moving to loki’s side, smirking slightly at the thunderclap that announced thor’s leaving, because a instant thunderstorm was usually a herald of whatever the thunderer did. “Come on, let’s get you out of her. Myka?Steve?”Elena said standing again, looking at myka.”You two will have a easier time lifting him then me.If you trust me?”Elena said looking at the cooing baby in myka’s arms, and the uncertain mother’s features, feeling a flush of happiness as the woman simply slid james’ into her arms, trusting like she so rarely trusted anyone. “Let’s go.”Myka said gently sliding her arms around loki as steve helped her, glad that the serum had allowed her to heal from delivering quickly, the two super soldiers getting loki to the bed about the same time tony, thor and sigyn walked in. “How do you feel?”tony said still holding a bandage to his shoulder, having not let bruce finish taking care of it, settling on the bed with loki as sigyn set about working.
Steve smiled as he kissed her knuckles. "you won't ever be hurt again." he promised softly before wincing as Tony sulked down at himself. "it's amazing how he can hear us even when he's half the planet away." Loki admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i can walk!" Loki protested, trying to heave himself out of his chair. "...i just need a little bit of help getting up that's all." he complained, sulking. he was able to walk on his own, though they did have to catch him twice when he nearly went to his knees at a contraction. "i feel fine." Loki admitted. "don't forget, i've done this before... a lot actually." he admitted with a chuckle. "how are you feeling? Sigyn? will you look at his shoulder? i'm not dilated enough yet." he admitted. "i won't be for another hour or so yet. Tony has bone shards in his shoulder." he admitted as he watched Tony. "...our baby is coming. are you ready?" he asked Tony with a smile.

three hours later, and three of Tony's broken fingers, they brought into the world a beautiful baby girl. "i want her to have a Midgardian name." Loki decided with a smile as he stroked her tiny fist and carefully bent so that Alex could get a good look at her. "what do you think of having two new siblings Alex?" Loki asked with a smile. "pretty exciting huh?"
“No you can’t.”Myka grumbled even though they did let him walk, catching him easily. “That’s a little disturbing, you know.I have all these step kids I don’t know.”Tony grumbled before looking at his shoulder, “It hurts, kinda numb really, and no it’s okay-” “Tony, lay down. Neither Thor or Loki will forgive me if your shoulder is fucked.”Sigyn said, proving she’d spent enough time on earth to to pick up some slang, settling in to look at his shoulder, flicking a look at tony’s face at the panic in his features. “of course I am.”Tony huffed. Oh yea, totally not ready for this.

“maria Thoryn.”Tony said smiling a little, as he considered his daughter, wishing that his mother could have lived long enough to see this, looking nervous but content to watch the baby. “Yes. We have to be quiet, Mama said babies need lots of sleep.”Alex whispered as he bent close to inspect the baby, looking fascinated before making the logical leap to his parents need, turning towards his parents, colliding with clint’s knees. “Papa. I want a baby.”he demanded, making myka snicker. “I think we have enough kids for now.The papers are going to have a field day as it is”She smiled looking amused.
Loki huffed. annoyed when Myka 'mocked' him. "well. if you want i'll invite them all to a picnic someday so you can meet them." Loki promised with a smile. "yes. lay down Tony or you won't get fucked for months." Loki warned, looking amused as he settled in for the long process of giving birth. which didn't take long at all, being a shape shifter was awesome.

"that's a wonderful name." Loki agreed with a smile. "you're going to have broken ribs once Thor realizes you gave her his name." he teased with a smile. "it's just perfect." he whispered before settling her into Tony's arms. "yes, babies do need a lot of sleep." Loki agreed. "and they get scared easily, so we have to be quiet around babies." he agreed, since Alex had been telling him that exact same thing every time he saw little baby James. "Alex. you already have two babies." Loki teased with a smile. "you're going to be too busy helping us take care of Maria and James to want another one. wait a few years." he suggested with a chuckle as he settled in to relax and take a nap. "and we are going to that medal ceremony. i deserve to be rewarded for my service to your planet." he stated with a sniff and a smile. "you look so natural, holding her." Loki assured Tony.
“No I wont. I’ll make Steve stand in for me. I mean, he’s a teddy bear, I’ll tell Thor I can’t be hugged because of my shoulder.”Tony huffed looking pleased with his idea before smiling, looking amused at alex’s words. “That’s what mama said. No yelling uncle tony.”Alex said looking up serious before frowning at his uncle, before nodding seriously. “Okay. I’ll take care of james and maria. They’ll be good.”Alex agreed climbing up on the bed and settling against tony’s side as the man held maria. “I am not. It’s weird.”Tony grumbled, looking decidely nervous about it, but was okay with holding her, leaning down to kiss loki’s forehead.”Go to sleep. We don’t have to go back for a few days to the ceremony.”he said because while he didn’t want to deal with the fallout on earth right now, he knew he had to, and he wasn’t about to see the press like him for once. It would be to nice to pass up.
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "a good excuse." he agreed with a chuckle, grinning at Alex. "that's right, no yelling." he agreed, ruffling the boys hair. "don't let anyone else hold her until i wake up." he ordered before he settled in for a rest.

three days later, they where all standing in front of the White house, surrounded by Coulson's men. he was in charge of Shield now and was doing a complete overhaul of how the place was run and who was allowed in. the President was smiling as he watched them mingle with each other, and thanked Tony for not blaming anything on him. it was a rather lengthy ceremony, but that was because Steve and Myka where given the highest military honor available. the Medal of Honor, only a person serving in the military could be awarded the medal and they where, technically, still a part of the Army. then each person got the Presidential Medal of Freedom. one of the highest honors a civilian could receive. to top it off. each was given a Congressional Gold Medal. each hand minted to express the reason why the person was getting it. each of the Avengers Coin had the Globe, and in the middle was their personal 'superhero insignia'. even Elena got a medal, even if she wasn't there to get it. Clint hadn't liked the thought of her in public and she had stayed home with Loki and Vahlmr to take care of the babies. "we stand here, in recognition today of people who have risked their lives for us. and as one last gift to them, i hereby declare them Friends of the Nation, and award them diplomatic immunity. therefore, the press will not be allowed within fifty feet of any one person unless otherwise invited." the President declared. "any slander, untruths, or outright verbal attack towards them in any form, will be taken as the threat to our nations peace that it is." the President declared. which meant that they wouldn't be hounded by reporters all the time anymore! and wasn't that great? they could finally have some peace.
Tony smiled watching his family, because while he was enjoying the attention of the award ceremony, it was better to see his family so honored. Even better to watch Steve and myka among the generals and marines attending, watching the two soldiers settling into talking, it was good to see myka trusting them to protect her, to be able to protect herself to relax here. Looking startled at the news of their immunity he smirked at steve, nudging him. “Does that mean I can kiss you capsicle?I mean, they can’t write about it anymore.”He teased because he could see Myka resisting the urge to smack him outside the head. Moving over to the president tony smiled, shaking his hand before gesturing steve and myka closer.”Mr. President, I know we’re all awesome and great, but these two, well it’s mr, and mrs. Capsicle, everyone should get to meet them personally.” “...Are you drunk, tony?” “Noooo. I’m just ready to go home, and if I bribe him into talking to you, I might be able to leave.” “...you know we have a baby at home to.” “I don’t care. You two have become the new bradanglina, which is totally uncool, cause em and loki, are so much cooler, but you two have being a national icon couple. They’ll build monuments to your awaesomeness...” “Oh gods.he’s going to be worse now that the press cant hound him.”Myka shook his head looking amused.
Clint, Coulson and Maria all wore their Medal of Honor and their Presidential Medal of Freedom with pride. Natasha was 'standing guard' for Myka's sanity so Clint had hers. while not technically a part of the recognized military, they where close enough so the President could bend the rules just a little. "touch me and i'll make sure to punch you so hard in the crotch you'll not be able to have sex for another several weeks." Steve warned as he moved over at Tony's beckoning. luckily, the President looked entirely amused by the exchange as Steve glared at tony. "i'm going to tell Loki on you." he warned. "and then i'm going to put you into a statue so you can't bother us anymore." he grumbled, rolling his eyes. "come on. it's time to go home." he ordered. "the party is breaking up and i don't want to leave James in the hands of your lover for too long. Loki will corrupt him and i'm sure Natasha's already telling him all about how amazing guns are." he admitted, shaking his head. "and don't worry Myka. if he gets too bad, we'll just kick him out for a while."
“Don’t be threatening.You’re not sexy like that.”Tony snickered even though he was keeping from touching the super soldier before grinning. “Fine, fine. Tattle to loki if you must. I’ll behave.”He silked. “Me either. James will learn bad things in their company.”Myka snickered a little as they left.

7 years later Myka paused as she raised a hand, touching the comm unit in her ear as she swiveled a little, “Uh, guys. Tony’s on his way. No laughing.”She warned as she watched iron man join the battle, the sniper choking on her laughter as she watched the brightly colored purple, pink, and princess stickered iron man totally blow up one of the doom bots he was fighting. Must not laugh, must not laugh. But oh, there were words going to be said when they got home. because this had Alex, Maria, and James written all over it.
"no laughing?" Cap repeated, baffled before he snorted as he realized that Tony was... pink. and sparkly. and oh shit this was his fault! he was going to KILL James! though, it had probobly been Alex who had instigated it. "...so. Tony... making a fashion statement or just hoping to blind our enemies?" Clint asked, since he feared Myka not one little bit. it was also revenge for Tony's... joke, last week. "....i am SO yelling at them when we get home!" Steve growled, well aware that Tony was going to agree with him. had it simply been at home, Steve was sure Tony would have laughed. having to go out in public wearing that thing though? yeah, the kids where in deep, deep shit. of course, Clint was laughing, loudly, over the com. so much so that he'd actually stopped fighting just so he could point and laugh. yeah, Clint was gonna get his ass kicked too. Natasha was going to Kill him if Tony didn't do it first.
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