Missing Parts(lady/moon)

“He was proud of it.I couldn’t exactly yell at him.”She muttered twitching a little, looking at her son in bemusement as he fished, the boy happily unaware of his parents talking about him, entranced with the front of him. “I know. I told tony I’d keep him off his feet as much as we could.Just wish Tony would come, I mean, I love having you here, but Loki’d rest more if tony was here to be demanding. I know, I wish she would to, but she’ll come out when she’s ready.”She sighed before tugging clint down into her lap, leaning back in her chair as she wrapped a arm around his waist, grinning as Alex trotted over with his first.”papa!Look!”Alex said so proud of the small fish barely bigger then his hand, looking so so proud.

Myka swallowed, trembling a little, raising her head a little, leaning into his hand as she shuddered. Swallowing hard before blinking slowly, “O-okay...”She muttered wincing as she straightened out, shuffling because she’d been sitting there huddled up to have her pregnant body protesting over it. Settling at the table, she watched him cook, hanging her head a little. “...Was I better? Before?Was I better then this?”She said sounding pained and quiet, hating this. She felt such a mess.
he snickered a little. "it was still hilarious." he admitted with another snicker and a shake of his head. "Loki's actually been doing really good. he sits down most of the time, and you can't expect him to give up magic just because he's pregnant. this is Loki's... what, seventh time being pregnant? he knows what he's doing by now." he assured her. he had to smile as he settled into her lap and he smirked at her as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Loki sound proofed your bedroom." he whispered in her ear before he beamed at Alex. "that's a great catch little man!" he praised. "better go help Loki! i think he has a catch too!"

he smiled at her as she finally spoke. "when you first got here, the first time i mean. you where worse." he admitted. "you where scared to death of all of us." he admitted. "but you stayed because you wanted something better for yourself." he admitted as he placed the tray of cookies into the oven. "by the time you where kidnapped, you had gotten comfortable enough with me to..." here he blushed. "well. you let me put my mouth on you." he admitted, so embarrassed. "you liked to give me... uh..." here he paused. "anyway! you like to hold my hand." he admitted with a smile. "and i love to hug you. but i like it best when we lay on the couch and watch Movies. and you lay your head on my lap and i brush and braid and play with your hair." he admitted with a smile. "sometimes we'll just leave the TV off and take turns reading to each other."
“Was not.”Elena huffed before sighing. “I know. I still worry about him though.”She grumbled making a face though, slightly amused though that loki had been pregnant so many times. Flushing as she shuddered, she growled. “Then I’m punishing you after Alex goes to bed.”he growled quietly before grinning. “Good catch,sweetheart.” “It’s a mama fish!She’s the smallest of us all. So it’s mommy.”Alex said with all the knowledge in the world as he ignored his tiny mama pouting at being the shortest in the group. “Uncle Lo’ I’m coming!I help!”Alex said leaning his fish in Clint’s capable hands to go help his uncle. Eager to help the pregnant man. “Take care of that, Clint.”Elena said rolling her eyes a little as she looked at the poor small fish.

“....I know I can trust you.It’s...it’s like how I knew the bracelet was important to get free. I can feel it, I just can’t remember.”Myka sighed quietly before startling, looking up at him with wide eyes, sputtering a little. “Really?”She stuttered a little, blushing as she considered what else he’d been about to say before her eyes widened as the memory crashed into her, the memory of him coming in her hand and his face...oh yea. Now that was a good first memory to know. Swallowing hard she smiled a little, swallowing hard. “I like movies. We should watch some after you finish the cookies.”She said smiling softly, because while she might not be able to lay down in his lap, she could at least try being in his company after days of hiding. Mentally ready to try putting her life back together again.
he smiled a little and nodded. "i like it when you punish me." he purred before he snickered at his son's declaration of it being a 'mama' fish. "if it's a Mama fish, shouldn't you put it back in the water so it can have baby fish?" he asked with a grin. with both Myka and Loki pregnant, they'd had to explain a few well edited facts of life. "it's cute how Alex dotes on that man." Clint admitted with another snicker as he examined the fish with a shake of his head. "it's tiny..." he muttered, amused. "if we where in the states, we'd have to throw it back." he admitted with a grin.

Steve offered her a beaming smile. the knowladge that she still trusted him, despite her fear, was like he'd just been handed the holy grail and been allowed to drink out of it and then speak to God himself. "you'll remember." he promised her. "and even if you don't, we can rebuild our relationship. you are the only woman i have ever truly loved. sure i've had a few crushes and an infatuation or two. but True Love only comes once. you're the only one for me, and even if we have to start all over, i'll gladly do it again and again just to see your smile." he admitted, offering her his ever so adorable 'i'm precious and in love with you' smile. "yes, really." he admitted with a chuckle. "sure! Tony suggested something called 'Bond'. i borrowed the entire set from him." he admitted. "and again, if you need me to leave, i will." he promised her. "don't push yourself too hard..." he paused as the oven dinged. "cookies are done!" he chirped, offering her the pan and letting her take what she wanted.
“Good.You deserve it.”Elena muttered smiling quietly, giggling at alex’s declaration. “Yes!And it has to find a papa fish.”alex said before bolting off to help loki. “It is. Toss it back. Like you said, it has to go have baby fish.”She grinned a little watching him throw the fish back, sighing quietly. Because while she loved it here, it was so peaceful, she was ready to be back home. And the tower indeed had become home.

Myka blushed a little as he beamed at her, looking bemused at the look. It hurt her heart to see him so happy just to know that she trusted him, it made her afraid she’d never remember him. “...Well, we’ll just take it a day at a time then.At least this time we’re not wondering if the other likes us.”She smiled her heart beating faster when she saw that smile, it touched her heart, made her want to hug him. “I wont. I’d rather not be more confused then I already am.”She smiled a little grinning as she grabbed up some cookies, heading into the living room. Settling on the couch to watch the movie, and while they did indeed start at the beginning with the original bond, she relaxed enough that she laid on the couch with her feet in his lap, content to just be with him.

It was towards the end of both their pregnancies that everyone felt safe enough-mainly myka felt stable enough to have more people around- that everyone returned to the tower. And while she wasn’t nearly as big as Loki, myka looked ready to pop any day. “Aunt myka!Uncle steve!I missed you!”A slightly taller Alex grinned at his uncle and aunt as he ran into the room, skidding to a stop in front of myka, looking up at her with those wide eyes. Having been told Myka wasn’t doing well and he had to be careful, so in his three year old head it meant treating her like glass. “Can I hug you aunt myka?” “Of course kiddo.”Myka smield a little, laughing softly. She’d gotten better with touching, casual hugs and the occasional kiss from steve, and she was okay with the others as long as they gave her plenty of warning she was getting touched. And while she didn’t remember everything, she remembered enough.Smiling as alex wrapped his arms around her waist, wincing a little as the baby kicked at alex’s cheek where he was touching her. “Oh!Mama!Baby kicked. Sit, aunt myka. Need to sit.”Alex ordered, and a bemused myka let her nephew bully her into sitting down, just like he did to loki, before climbing up next to her so he’d be there if she needed anything. “You look well, Myka.”Elena smiled, looking so happy that the couple in front of her seemed to be doing okay.

“Hey. Aren’t you supposed to be sitting down?I mean, you’re ‘doctor’ gave you orders.”Tony teased as he looked up from the paperwork he was doing, his hair sticking up every which way. Knowing Alex had taken up his role of taking care of Loki as Tony drowned in paperwork and dealing with everything he hated about being CEO of Stark Industries. There was a perfectly good reason he’d let things spiral so far with pepper. And it was because he hated doing this side of the business. He’d rather be in his workshop. But he still hadn’t found someone he liked to be CEO, so for now, he was back in charge. Growing serious he rubbed a hand over his face as he leaned back in his chair, gesturing loki to shut the door, because he wanted the other’s opinion, and hadn’t dared bring it up to steve or myka, not when they’d just started settling back into a relationship. “We’re going to have to take care of Fury. He’s going to try something when she has that kid. Or our kid for that matter, I mean, it’s mine and yours, brains and magic.”Tony said shuddering, showing that even while he was working on paperwork, he’d been thinking about ‘avenging’ things more, already moving to defend his family from any danger he saw.
Steve smiled a little as he examined the thing in his hands. he thought she should have it, now that she was feeling better. he had to chuckle as Alex came bounding in, as hyper as ever. "morning Little Man. how many fish did you catch?" Steve asked, well aware he was probobly going to be ignored. he smiled as Alex asked if it was alright to hug his Fiance' and he chuckled a little as he stroked the boys head. "the baby likes to kick." Steve agreed, grinning rather wickedly as he watched Myka be bullied about by a three year old. it was hilarious. "doesn't she?" Steve asked with a grin. "she's simply gorgeous like that." "....she kinda looks like she swallowed an exercise ball, OW!" Clint grimaced as he rubbed his shoulder that Steve had just punched.

"nope. my 'doctor' is fussing over Myka." he admitted with a chuckle before he looked around and scowled. "... that's enough of this i think." Loki decided, flicking his fingers and then spreading them out and suddenly there where three of them, each using magic to organize the piles of paperwork and then read each and every piece of paper. luckily, the Clones weren't pregnant the way the real Loki was, and they quickly had everything under control as Loki carefully sank into a chair. "...i could always just have him... vanish." Loki admitted. "all i need is a location and a Clone can pop over there and take him to Nifelhiem where Hela can make him do the work he's best at. shoveling shit." he admitted with a smirk before he looked at Tony. "Fury won't dare touch our child." Loki snarled, baring his teeth. "he would strike a war with Asgard, straight up if he did something so stupid." he admitted. "we'll handle Fury, and soon." Loki promised. "no matter how it has to happen, that filthy bastard won't get anywhere near me or Myka, nor our children." he promised, smiling at Tony. "it's going to be alright, even if we have to destroy all of Shield to do it."
“Lots. Mama has pictures!I caught lots and lots.”Alex said smiling up at his uncle even as he clung to myka. “I do. I’m going to make a scrapbook. And no, clint you can’t put the ones of me gagging in it.”Elena said rolling her eyes a little looking at him. “So did alex. He was a hyper munchkin.”Elena said looking down at her son, biting her lip to keep from laughing, because she knew how myka felt, and wouldn’t apperciate being laughed at. “She does. Tired though. Are you sleeping?”Elena asked looking at her. “No. It’s impossible to find a good way to sleep.I usually end up sitting in steve’s lap and letting him hold me upright to get comfortable. It’s horrible.”myka grumbgled before looking up at clint, slanting a look towards elena. “...From listening to him you’d think he enjoys being celibate.”

“Ah. Good. She needs fussed over. She’s not been sleeping well.”Ah, well, at least tony was aware of everything happening, even if it seemed he hadn’t left his office in days. STudying the clones he smiled quietly, relaxing as he realized they were getting it done before looking at loki, leaning down and picking up loki’s feet, absently rubbing them before sighing.”I know....it’s just...I’d rather know what he has planned for them. You know?Cause if it’s a plan that doesn’t require him to be here, it might be worse to let him disappear....I don’t know, I’m just feeling sick and worried over it, and I can’t even pinpoint the reason for it.”He said before relaxing, “...You’re right. And if nothing else, we’ll pack them up, all of us actually, and go to asgard. I mean, Thor’d love having everyone underfoot all the time.”He said snickering at the idea.
Steve chuckled a little as he nodded. "gagging? but he was so convinced you'd shriek." Steve admitted with an impish little grin. "very hyper." Clint agreed, not that he minded. he was glad Alex was such an active child. it made teaching him so much easier. Loki had already taught the boy all of the basics in magic and was starting on the more complex things and the child was soaking them up like a sponge. he could read, he could do math, and Loki was teaching him other languages. "i was thinking of getting her one of those easy chairs so she can sleep sitting up." he admitted. "she'll at least be more comfortable that way." he admitted, giving her a tender smile. he loved that she could trust him so much again, but he wanted her to get a good nights sleep once and a while at least. "i know right?" Steve grumbled. "even Alex isn't that callous." he stated with a huff, shaking his head. "anyway, Myka. it took me a while to find it. but this is yours." he admitted, handing something to her. a case. inside was a Purple Heart Medal. on the back it read 'James Buchanan Barnes. Aka: Bucky.' and the date of his birth, and his assumed death. "i know you don't have anything from your Birth Father, so i thought you should have that."

Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "Steve's doing a good job taking care of her though." he admitted. "he's so understanding it almost hurts." he admitted with a shake of his head. "oh, that feels lovely." Loki murmured happily as Tony rubbed his feet. "my feet have ached for like, a week straight." Loki admitted with a chuckle. before he frowned. "your right of course, but i really don't want to go to Asgard. Thor will do his best, but most Asgardian's hate me and think Humans are little more than clever monkeys." he admitted with a shake of his head. "we won't be very welcome there..." and he didn't even want to get into what Odin might do. right now he wouldn't do anything, couldn't do anything because Loki was on earth under sentence. though, considering Loki had just spent a month outside of Avenger company, that 'sentence' had been broken and discarded quite a while ago. between Odin and Tyr, Loki was quite terrified to go back to Asgard. and that wasn't even accounting for the rest of the populace who hated Loki simply for being born.Loki had very few good memories to go with asgard. the ones he had where centered around his mother and Thor. he would go, if he had to, but he wouldn't like it.
Elena eyed her fiancee, twitching a little. “I did some of that to. They laughed.”She grumbled shaking her head in amusement though. “You make a good chair. Though you’re not as soft to lay on.”Myka muttered smiling slightly as alex sprawled over her stomach, listening to the baby. Looking startled at Steve’s words she looked up at him.”Find what?”She asked as she flicked open the case with her thumb, eyes widening a little as she stared down at it, picking it up. Reading it her eyes filled with tears, nodding a little. “T-thank you.”She muttered. “No cry, aunt myka. No cry.”Alex said turning his head to look up at her, wrapping his arms around her as much as he could. “I’m okay, Alex.”Myka smiled wiping her eyes, gently stroking alex’s hair. Looking up at her lover, she frowned slightly, a tinge of anger there, hormonal enough to be angry that no one had told her.”You didn’t tell me.”She said swallowing hard. “Hey alex, come on. We’ll go make lunch. We should have a party since we’re all back.”Elena smiled looking betweene them to, it growing when alex nodded eagerly already heading for the kitchen. Giving the two privacy.

“I know. He’s making me feel worse for not being around.”Tony sighed wincing as he looked down, running his hands through his hair. While he knew he had to take care of stark industries, and that they’d all agreed that steve shouldn’t be at the tower alone with myka until she was okay, it was still hard to be away from loki. “I’m sorry. You should have seen if Elena or Clint would have rubbed them.”He said smiling, having cut his own visits short because Alex had become so upset when Clint was away, so he’d given up his time with loki, simply to make sure his friends were happy. No matter how upset it made him to do so.”I know you don’t. I don’t either, but it’s a last resort, if only till we can take care of fury.”Tony sighed quietly, gently squeezing Loki’s ankle, offering comfort. “Come on, let’s go lay down. I haven’t sleep in awhile.”He said smiling as he got to his feet.
he chuckled a little. "i can't blame you. i hear those things are slimy." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you won't catch me fishing, ever." he admitted before he smiled at her. "that's why i'm getting you an easy chair. so you can get a few nights of good sleep." he admitted with a smile before he nearly laughed as he caught sight of Alex. "he'll be a great big brother." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's okay Alex. those are Happy tears." Steve assured the boy, though he was looking worried too, not entirely certain they where happy tears. he looked a bit startled at the anger, looking almost hurt as well as confused. "tell you what?" he asked, baffled as to why she was angry at him. "i never hid it from you that Bucky was my best freind..." and then it clicked, his hand flying to his mouth. "oh my god... you didn't know... you. i thought you knew! i'm so sorry!" he gasped, stunned that he could have been so stupid. "i'm sorry Myka, i didn't realize you didn't know... that's why i was telling you all those stories about him. i thought you knew..."

Loki smiled a little. "don't feel so bad Tony. you had to be here, and i understand that. i'm glad you where here, so i wouldn't worry about Steve and the others in the Tower." he admitted, stroking Tony's cheek. "besides, Alex gets so upset." he admitted, shaking his head. "besides, Clint wouldn't touch me and Elena can't press as firmly as you can." he admitted. "...i'll go if i have to." he agreed with a sigh and a shake of his head. "alright. i could go for a nap..." he paused and then pouted. "...i can't get up on my own." he admitted, sulking. "you need to help me." he admitted, looking quite annoyed. "you lot finish up this mess." Loki ordered his crew of Clones. "i'm taking care of the company paperwork from now on. you're just terrible at it." Loki teased his lover with a kiss.
“They are....and you are such a city boy. It’s okay, I’m a city girl. We’ll leave the fishing to my boys and loki....and maybe tony, just so we can laugh.”Elena snickered a little. “It would be nice to sleep well.”She smiled a little. “He will. Someday.For now, he’ll have to settle for cousins.”Elena smiled blushing slightly as they left. “Okay. Aunt myka be happy. We’ll make dinner.”alex said scampering after his parents eager to help. “I know that.”She grumbled shifting, angry with him for not telling her, moving to get up, before pausing studying him for a long moment before shaking her head. “No...I mean...I feel stupid now...we both have Barnes as a last name...but like I said once...it was common in brooklyn.”She said her shoulders slouching a little, feeling stupid and upset for having not made the connection. “I thought you just wanted to talk about him. I mean...he was your best friend.”She slumped back onto the couch, looking lost and confused.

“I know, and you keep telling me that. You feel better with me here, but it was still hard.”He muttered leaning into the touch, before wincing, “he was. I think his seperation anxiety’s getting to him again.”Tony said before laughing, “No, clint wouldn’t.”Tony smiled before getting to his feet and looking at the man, biting his lip to keep from laughing. “I’ll always help you.”He said smirking a little as he pulled the other to his feet, heading for their bedroom, kissing him back. “You know, this is where I’d usually argue I’m amazing at everything, but your right, I’m horrible at paperwork.”he snickered a little as he undressed.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "i can't see Tony fishing." he admitted. "hell i was shocked Loki knew how to fish... he's sort of feminine you know?" he asked with a playful grin. "as for cousins, do you think that these three kids are going to grow up caring that they're only cousins? they'll be siblings without a doubt." he admitted with a smile before he winced at Myka's betrayed expression. "i'm sorry. i really did think you knew." he admitted, setting a hand on hers, biting his lip. "he was my best freind. but he died a long time ago. the hurt is gone." he admitted. "i told you all those stories so you'd know what an amazing man your father was." he admitted as he shook his head. "i hurt you... i'm sorry..." he looked so upset that he had upset the woman he loved.

Loki smiled a little. "it was hard, yes. but worth it." he admitted with a smile. "Vahlmr will start the therapy sessions back up." he agreed. "he took the baby to his homeland." Loki admitted. "something about 'saving the world' or something. i dunno." he admitted with a huff. "Vanir are just so secretive." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you better." he grumbled. "i'm going to need help getting into bed too." he admitted, sulking. "your also smart enough to know if you claim it, i'll just let you do it." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "now, help me get my feet up." he ordered, sitting on the bed and leaning back. with his stomach swollen, he couldn't lift his legs up and over the bed.
“Sort of. But he does have other kids.Kids like fishing.”Myka smiled looking amused before smiling, “You’re right. They’ll all be close.”She smiled pleased with the idea that a group of people, that for the most part had been only children, were going to have kids who knew what it meant to have siblings. Looking down at their joined hands she swallowed hard, her voice soft.”I...I thought you were talking since you’d slept so long...not because I needed to know...”She swallowed hard before gently pulling away, her heart feeling like she’d been punched, and struggling hard to not let Steve realize just how upset she was, knowing it would just upset him more. And it hurt her more then anything, to consider upsetting him, wincing as the child responded to her upset, kicking at her insides. “Come on sweetheart...”She muttered rubbing her stomach, moving to get up. "I'm going to go take a nap...will you make some cookies? And dinner?I really don't want to cook..."She muttered avoiding his eyes, not really aware of just how see through the excuse was in her desperate need to be alone, without actually telling him to leave.

“It was.”Tony smiled before looking relieved that vahlmr would be taking care of alex, and probably myka. She needed someone to talk to. Snickering a little he smiled, “I’m sure no more secretive then you, god of mischief.”he teased stealing a kiss before smirking. “I’ll do whatever you want.”he smiled before making a face.”I try not to claim things that aren’t me. Cap likes to think I’ve learned some humility that way.”He snickered a little before leaning down and putting loki’s legs up on the bed, before climbing in next to him.Yawning he sighed, stealing a kiss, as he rubbed a hand over loki’s stomach.”How much longer?”He muttered
he chuckled a little and nodded. "very true." he agreed. "and we're all close." he admitted with a smile. "just because we're not related, doesn't mean we're not as close as siblings ourselves. we just have the added benefit of not having had to grow up with each other. i've heard horrible stories of sibling terrors growing up." he admitted. "...is he upset again?" Steve asked softly, knowing better than to touch her stomach, she hated that no matter how much she trusted him. and he couldn't blame her for being over protective. "sure. i'll make you Cookies and get that ice-cream you like so much too. Ice-cream always calms the little one down." he promised, his words assuring her that he understood she needed her privacy. "anything you want for dinner or should i make you that Italian thing you like so much?"

Loki smiled a little. "there is a difference between planning pranks, and guarding secretes that could someday end an entire world, or save it." he pointed out. "they're a lot like Gods. they very rarely intervene, so when they do, it's usually a world wide effect or bigger." he admitted. "that's probobly why Vahlmr is so interested in us. we saved the world without Vanir intervention. it's quite rare." Loki admitted with a snicker. "oh, i'm sure Cap knows better." he admitted with a chuckle. "not much longer." he admitted with a smile as he stroked his own belly. "look. feel." he ordered, taking Tony's hand and pressing it to his belly, where the baby was kicking up a storm. "she's waiting to meet you." he admitted with a smile.
“Yea, he’s enjoying kicking my liver around.”Myka sighed quietly rubbing her stomach before tilting her head. “Hm, ice cream sounds amazing.”She muttered perking up at the idea a bit, tilting her slightly as she looked at him, resting a hand on his shoulder and pushing up, standing slowly. “Italian.”She decided smiling at him a little, biting her lip as she headed for her bedroom. Settling onto the bed before she started crying, feeling totally at a loss. Actually ending up crying herself asleep, awkwardly curled up on the bed, arms wrapped around herself as she slept. Feeling so lost and confused, having lost her footing again with the knowledge of her father’s identity, Feeling totally unsure of anything anymore, and most of all, of steve’s love for her, because she had such a hard time trusting people, it was hard for her to trust his love and this...well, she was totally lost, and she had no idea how to bring it up without hurting him worse, or her worst fear, would be having him confirm he loved her just because she was bucky’s daughter.

“Hm, I see....and I’m always doing awesome things. I mean, I got rid of the stupid nuke.”He snickered a little, shuddering slightly before startling a little as the baby kicked his hand, looking down at the man laying next to him, offering a small smile.”That’s amazing.I can’t wait for her to be here either.”he muttered kissing the other softly.
he smiled at her. "well, he has two very active parents." he agreed with a chuckle. Steve hated calling the baby 'it' so he usually switched between genders depending on his mood or simply called it 'my child', 'my baby', or 'my little heart and soul' sometimes interspersed with 'yours or 'ours'. "Italian it is." he agreed with a smile before biting his lip a little as he watched her leave. wondering if he had ruined their life. he hoped not. he was going to have to talk to Vahlmr... after he got everything for Myka finished. her cheese stuffed ravioli in the spaghetti sauce that he loved to make for her. because he did it mostly all from scratch, it took a few hours. finally though, he had everything ready and carried it up to her, pausing as he realized she'd fallen asleep crying. well. he had a solution to that as well. super rich hot chocolate to go with the ice-cream and some rich brownies to compliment both of them and the cookies.

Loki smiled a little as he nodded. "you are always doing amazing things." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "it's amazing how excited you are. you where so terrified at first." he admitted with a bright smile as he winced. "shit... Tony. she's kicking my bladder, help me up i have to piss." he groaned, shaking his head. "she's doing this on purpose and she gets it from you." he complained as he tried to haul himself out of bed so he could go pee.
Myka stirred when she heard him walking into the room, tensing as she reached for the knife near the bed, having grown more anxious about people in the room with her when she was asleep, the longer she was pregnant and not able to defend herself. Before relaxing, realizing who it was. “...hey.”She muttered quietly raising her head, pushing up awkwardly, feeling huge and clumsy as she looked at the other. “...You brought ice cream to...”She smiled though it looked a little strained, smiling pleased as she reached for the tray of food, settling it in her lap, she was quiet as she started to eat. Only after she had some food, and she’d spent some time thinking, she glanced over at him, so confused on how to ask what sshe wanted, and realizing she was just going to have to be blunt, and hope that he forgave her. Needing to know, because if so...well, it changed everything. And she needed to know before she worried herself even more.”...Do...do you love me because I’m his daughter?Am I just a replacement for him, since you lost Bucky?”she said staring down at her plate, swallowing hard.

“Oh don’t worry, I’m going to be terrified when she actually gets here. Right now, I can be excited, because she doesn’t need me to do anything. When she’s actually here, well that’ll be a different story.”he said smiling slightly because the man was still utterly afraid of being as bad as his own father, before laughing. “From me?Why from me?It’s not my fault she’s kicking your bladder.”he said snickering as he helped the other up and to the bathroom.
he smiled as she stirred, waiting at a distance until she realized who he was. he was well used to this. couldn't blame her in the least. he'd actually gotten her the knife and sheath that currently resided under her pillow. wanting her to feel safe. "hey." he greeted. "yes. and i made brownies and cookies and hot Chocolate." he admitted, offering her a tender smile before hesitating as he realized she was looking nervous. "what?" he asked, looking stunned. "of course not!" he promised her, taking her hand. "yes, i would always have taken you in, but i would have done that no matter your parentage." he promised her. "i love you, because your smart, and brave, and so very strong. i love you because you know fifty eight ways to kill a person with your bare hands, and yet can hold Alex with such a gentleness that it takes my breath away. i love you, because every step of the way was a challenge. i love you because you let me fuss over you, even when you think i'm being silly. i love YOU, not because you're Bucky's daughter but because your you." he promised, gently stroking her hair. "i would love you even if you where Tony's daughter..." there was a pause. "well... that might be pushing it a little, but that's besides the point." a bad attempt at humor. "...i'm old fashioned you know. i would never have given you that ring, if i hadn't loved you one hundred and fifty percent." he promised, smiling at her. "i promise. if anyone's a replacement for Bucky, it's Clint."

Loki chuckled a little. "you're already such a good father." he admitted. "i wish i'd had such a good mate for my first six children." he admitted with a sigh and a smile at tony. "Jor adores you, you know." he admitted with a smile. "yes. from you!" he grumbled. "she's determined to be just as annoying as her father." he grumbled. "she wants attention and she's gonna have it one way or another." he admitted with a snort as he waddled for the bathroom only to curse when he realized he didn't actually have anything in his bladder. "Tony!...." he whined, stomping his foot. "make her Stop!" he whined. "she's tap-dancing in there." he grumbled, glaring at his belly.
Myka smiled softly as she took the glass of hot chocolate, sipping it as she stared at him, biting her lip as she considered the man in front of her. Wanting so much to believe what she was hearing. Her smile widening slightly at the mention of killing, shuddering a little. Hating that she could, that such gentleness could be a surprise, when she tried so hard to be careful. “Oh...”She swallowed, looking down, feeling stupid for asking now, but having needed to know. And while she wasn’t sure if she believed him, she needed to. Because she loved him, even if she was broken, and he deserved better, she loved him. Looking down at her hands she nodded a little, giggling slightly at his joke. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I’m not tony’s then.”She muttered swallowing hard, before pausing, frowning a little as she looked up at him.”Clint?Really?”she asked sounding curious before shifting, pausing long enough to consider him before leaning into his arms, squirming around to get comfortable. Despite their talking about a chair, and worry he was angry with her for asking, she needed held, and wanted to sleep in his arms. Shifting as she ate, she contented herself with being held, and trying to not think to hard.

“really?He does?”Tony said studying the other man, looking curious. “What do your other children think of you mating with a human?”He asked sounding genuinely curious before laughing. “I am never annoying. I don’t need attention, everyone just gives it to me.”he smirked a little before smiling as he realized what was going on, drawing loki into his arms, kneeling down, pressing a kiss to his stomach.”Come on sweetheart, papa wants to sleep. Can you rest to?”He soothed, before starting to explain his newest engineering project, figuring if she really was his kid, she’d appriciate it.
he smiled a little at her as she drank the chocolate. he gently picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. "it's alright. you don't have to feel so bad. i would have asked too if our positions had been reversed." he admitted softly, offering her a sheepish smile. "yeah, Clint's the most like Bucky was." he admitted. "quite most of the time around people he doesn't know, but get him in private and he just turns into this insanely funny guy who loves pranks." he admitted with a grin. "you're really not like your Father at all." Steve admitted with a smile. "which is a good thing because as much as i loved Bucky, there where times when i hated his stinking guts." he admitted with a smile as he let her pull him into position, holding her as he let her sleep.

Loki smiled a little. "well. Jor adores you as i said. Hela is fairly indifferent, though she's loving having Pepper to help her out so she's inclined to like you simply for that. Fenrir doesn't really give a damn who i mate with so long as you make me happy. Sleipnir thinks your amazing, apparently he was watching when you risked your life to get rid of that boom." he admitted with a smile. "Vali and Narfi are holding their judgment until they actually meet you." he admitted with a smile. "but they're already inclined to like you simply because Jor does." he admitted, smirking at his lover. "you are too an attention seeker." he teased as he watched Tony sink to his knees. sighing as the baby stopped dancing a jig. "oh that's wonderful. thank you." he murmured as he settled back into the bed for a nap, letting Tony's soothing voice carry him into sweet dreams.
Myka smiled a little, relaxing a little as he smiled. “Well, okay.”She muttered before laughing, nodding. “That does sound like Clint.”She smiled liking the thoughts of her father, and feeling connected to the past simply by having steve tell her things about him, and having clint around. Grinning at Steve’s words she smiled. “Good thing to. It would have been weird if I was like him to much.”She snickered as she fell asleep.

“Hm, I’m glad she’s enjoying pepper.”Tony muttered looking thoughtful before laughing. “I think I ant to meet someone who thinks I’m amazing.”He snickered before smiling pleased, glad that all the kids were inclined to like him before smiling. “You’re welcome.”he said settling back in bed with him.

A few days later Myka smiled a little as they walked in the park, making a face at steve, “I know Alicia said walking around would be good, but I don’t like being out here.”Myka said because despite everything, she was still anxious and worried about being outside, even if she was enjoying the day out with everyone, being out in the open made her nervous. Smiling a little as she watched Elena and Clint clamor after Alex on the jungle gym, she rubbed a hand over her stomach as her and steve walked, having come to central park just to get out of the tower for awhile, walking around the lake was good exercise.

Tony frowned as he walked into the park, having stayed home to get some work done but the letter he was holding needed to be taken care of right away. Crossing to where he could see loki sitting on the blanket, he crouched down next to him, looking around. “Where’s Steve?”He asked, looking worired. Because he so didn’t want to give it over to the super soldier, but they needed to know soon, otherwise things were going to get ugly fast...and the fact that Fury had actually gotten approval for this actually sickened him, and made him want to go to the public, but he wouldn't, not until he talked to the couple.
Steve smiled at her. "i know. i don't much like it either. but no one would dare bother us." he admitted. "not after our threat of leaving Earth altogether." he admitted with a shake of his head. "besides, we have both Clint and Natasha watching our backs." he admitted with a smile as he watched Alex. "besides. we'll be bringing our own child here someday no doubt." he admitted, smiling at her. "we can't hide for the rest of our lives, even if i would like to." he admitted with a shake of his head. "we might go to Asgard anyway, Loki is fighting it, but Thor doesn't like leaving us here..." he shook his head. "it's kind of funny, the way Loki is digging his heals in when he hated everything to do with earth when he was first sentenced here."

Loki looked up as Tony approached and he indicated where the two where walking. "what's wrong? you look like you swallowed some acid." Loki admitted. "have we finally heard Fury's next plan?" he asked, looking worried. "Tony, what is it?"
Myka smiled a little. “I know, I just feel exposed...and clumsy. I’m huge Steve.”She grumbled rubbing her stomach, before smiling, watching Alex play. “I know. It’s going to be fun, when the babe is big enough to play like that.It’s just....I worry about getting him to that age...”She said because more tehn anything, she woried about something happening to their child, before smiling. “I know. Thor really, really doesn’t like us being anywhere he can’t protect us easily. And with Loki near due...I’m actually amazed Tony’s not demanding to leave yet.”She said before laughing, “I know. But I think tony’s convinced him there’s good things about earth.”She said wincing a little, because she’d been having cramps for most of the morning, and assumed it was braxton hicks contractions, but the longer it went on, the less she was sure about that. But, they hadn’t gotten closer together, nor grew in intensity, so she hadn’t said anything yet. She’d give it another hour, and if it didn’t pass, she’d go to the hospital.

Tony sighed as he looked at the two, before pausing, staring at the other.”I think I did. I mean, I nearly killed myself choking on my coffee when I read this.”Tony said sitting back on his heels, before nodding a little. “Fury got a judge to sign off on a warrant for Myka’s arrest, declaring her a traitor to the nation, and as such the child she carries is ‘property of the government’ since she and Rogers were both a science experiment, government sanctioned lab rats....it goes on but at that point I felt so sick I couldn’t keep reading. It’s bullshit, and easy enough to tie up with SI lawyers, but if she has that kid before we sort it out, legally, any doctor she sees, has to turn the child over to the state.”Tony shuddered, because he’d never considered that his government, or fury would go so far as to simply treat them as slaves, when the public would turn on them so easily, but he knew fury’s obsession with getting another super soldier, of perfecting the serum, far outstripped his need for subtly and what the public would think of him. He had a feeling that the current problems, would all be tied to fury, so if fury went down for it, it would leave the rest of shield still able to function and be in charge.
"read what?" Loki demanded, picking the letter out of the others fingers before his eye twitched. "...that's it." he snarled, getting to his feet. "Jarvis! alert Thor that we're going to Asgard!" he ordered into his bracelet before he went straight to Myka and Steve while yelling for Tony to get Clint and Natasha to help him with the Legal Stuff and that he'd be back once he was certain Myka was safe in Asgard.

Steve smiled a little. "you're not huge." he protested, smiling at her belly. "you're perfect." he admitted, wondering if he'd get punched if he tried to rub her belly? probobly. "oh, our child won't have any trouble at all getting to that age." he assured her. "i'm more worried about the teen years." he admitted. "can you imagine the tantrums out teenager is going to throw?" he asked with a grin before he paused and blinked as he watched Loki storming over. "Loki, what is it?" "Myka has been declared an 'enemy of the state' and a 'traitor'. any Doctor she sees has to turn her in." Loki explained. "i'm taking you both to Asgard where you will be safe until Tony can work out the Legalities. it won't take long." Steve was practically apocalyptic with Rage but he refused to freak out. "alright. come on Myka." Steve offered her his hand. "there are doctors in Asgard that can keep track of your pregnancy until we can come back home." "we're leaving now. there might be agents waiting at the tower." Loki admitted, offering her one hand and offering Steve the other so they could be teliported right then and there. "Heimdall!" Loki snapped. "Take us up!" and with a swirl of blue, they where gone to Asgard. even Heimdall wouldn't fight with Loki on this, not when an innocent baby was at stake.
“This.”Tony said letting Loki take the letter before smirking at Jarvis’ confirmation that he’d inform Thor, before heading to gather clint and elena, looking worried as they headed back towards the tower, looking worried as they got to the tower. Glad they didn’t have agents waiting for them, but he was sure it wouldn’t be that long. Already dialing Coulson as he followed the others upstairs, knowing he was going to be calling in favors, but they needed fury out of office, now.”Myka’s been declared traitor of the state, followed probably by Steve’s warrant to if he can pull it off. We need Fury taken care of, Coulson.”he growled, pissed as the other answered.

“I am to.I gained like 40 pounds.”Myka sulked before realizing what he was watching, reaching out, hesitating for a moment before tugging his hand closer, resting it on her side, smiling as the baby kicked at his hand. “...Considering Tony’s kid will be reaching teenage years at the same time, I’m sure ours will be perfectly behaved.”She snickered a little before pausing, looking at loki, paling slightly as she looked at loki, swaying on her feet a little, gripping steve’s arm not to fall. Even knowing they were leaving, scared her. Bad enough she was edging into panic.Gripping steve’s hand in a bruisingly tight hold she took loki’s hand, being more careful with him then she was being with steve, eyes widening as they teleported. When they arrived in Asgard she looked around her with wide eyes, whimpering quietly, the teleporting accelerating her labor.”...Guys...I think I’m in labor...”Myka whimpered as she doubled over, feeling her water break, slumping more into steve.
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