Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Myka flushed brightly at his words, pressing her face against his shoulder, swallowing hard. Laughing quietly as he hit his head, studying him worriedly for a moment before deciding her super soldier could handle himself, kissing him back a hand curling around his forearm, steadying both of them, shivering as she watched him come, steadying him even as she washed her hand off, “You’re a super soldier. You don’t get heart attacks.”She muttered snickering a little shivering a little before looking up at him, biting her lip as she considered that, before nodding jerkily. “I might...I might stop you, but...”She swallowed hard relaxing quietly because she was already leaning against him in a wet mess, might as well try....maybe. “Okay. I want to try.”she said swallowing hard hands fisting around his forearms to steady herself, bracing herself to be touched. But she couldn’t do it, her nerve breaking after a few moments scampering back, barely pausing long enough to grab a towel as she left the bathroom, her nerves shot, having given everything to simply touching him, to pleasing him, that she couldn’t handle being touched. Though when he came out the quiet, muttered angry cursing he heard made it obvious even if he was alright with it, she wasn’t. Angrily getting dressed she stared at the floor. “...I’m hungry.”She said, trying to distract from the epicness of her fucked up head.

“Yea, I’d like to see you make that stick.”She snickered, even if she’d already talked to the billionaire about cutting down on the presents before looking startled, blushing ever so slightly. “He actually shares a birthday with Cap. July fourth.”She snickered a little looking pleased that alex was doing so much better now. “Oh good. The only person who makes better pancakes then you, is Cap, and I swear he cheats making them somehow.”Elena smiled a little before looking at clint, nodding. “I think we were both just overemotional....and not used to having someone to talk to. I mean..we never really had any other relationship except with each other.”Elena shrugged a little looking amused as tony shuffled into the room, ignoring them all in favor of getting coffee.
he smiled a little as he shook his head. "i might have one... i could... it's possible." he muttered with a chuckle. "it's fine if you need me to stop." he promised, nuzzling the top of her head. he let her break away and he turned the water off before he followed her out, grabbing a towel for himself. "Myka? it's alright. really it is." he promised, picking up her hand and gave her a kiss to her knuckles. "you're improving very well. don't be so hard on yourself. i wasn't expecting anything like that for months. maybe even years." he admitted with a smile. "what would you like for breakfast?" he asked, kissing her forehead before heading to the bedroom to get dressed and make her food.

Clint smirked. "i already have for the most part." he admitted with a chuckle. "...really!? oh i am SO telling Alex that." he admitted with a grin. "if i'm lucky, he'll switch his infatuation from Tony to Cap." he admitted with a chuckle as he he tickled Alex's toes. "so his birthday is in a month. we'll have to do something special. "Cap put's love and joy into his pancakes." Loki stated with a smirk. "and a bit of Cocaine, just like his mama used to make." that cracked Clint up. Steve had been horrified when he realized that they had been putting cocaine, a very addictive and dangerous, and now illegal drug in his soda pop. he'd sulked for months actually, bitterly complaining that the Coke didn't taste right and then complaining about the chocolate, the cereal and everything else that was 'right' in his world. it had been very hard for the Avengers to not laugh at Steve while he was sulking like that.
Myka frowned in frustration as he took her hand, looking up at him after a moment,sighing quietly. Her shoulders tense and strained, looking like she wanted to deny that she was doing okay,but she knew he was right. It was simply her desire to be able to please him,to make sure he was okay that had allowed her to focus on what she had done. It was amazing really,and said just how much she cared for him that she hadn't stopped before he'd come. Nodding jerkily she swallowed."okay...okay I am improving more. "She muttered slumping, because she knew she was being hard on herself then she should be.it was amazing she wasn't screaming insane,much less simply trusting him like that."...waffles? "She asked looking up at him, a quiet contentment on her face,studying him,making sure he really was okay with bypassing sex until she was ready.wanting so badly to believe.

"Yea. Early hours of july fourth."elena smiled smirking."he might.he does like drawing with cap, and getting him and myka to toss him around."she snickered a little before nodding."we'll do something for both of them.it'll be great."she smiled before her eyes widened,laughing a little."...have you ever told him he puts that in his pancakes?"she giggled amused at that idea of cap putting love in his pancakes, having heard about the coke,it amused her."...cocainr...in pancakes?"she stared not sure what to think
he smiled as he set his hands on her shoulders. "your doing amazing." he assured her with a smile. "i don't need sex to know that i love you. i don't need sex to be happy." he promised. "i have my own hand if i need it that bad." he stated with a chuckle. "and i'll get a sex toy if that's not enough.... though, it's a bit intimidating, all that stuff..." he admitted with a shudder. "some of those... toys, scare me to the willies." he admitted. "Waffles." he agreed with a grin as he headed into the kitchen to start cooking. he made a mess of his, again, but didn't mess with hers aside from putting in what she wanted. he made bacon too, and some fruit salad.

he smiled a little. "Alex and Cap party, Alex is going to be ecstatic." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "he loves 'being the ball' yeah." he agreed with a grin. "and i have, actually. he thought i was insane for weeks." Clint admitted with a smirk. "but considering what he does to his food..." Cap had a horrible sweet tooth. "he doesn't really use cocaine." Loki promised, looking amused. "as if Cap would use something so bad for you. his is better because he has an ancient recipe and i don't. his has a 'special secrete ingredient' that he won't SHARE." Loki grumbled as he flipped the pancakes.
Myka sighed quietly, closing her eyes, slumping as she rested her head against his. “I know. And...I’m sure tony would love to help you figure out those things, if you’re that curious.”She giggled a little, feeling reassured at that. “Love you to.”she muttered watching him go, relaxing, content. Grinning when she saw her waffles, glad that he hadn’t fucked with them. Being pregnant messed with her stomach enough as it was.

“He is.”Elena agreed before pausing, staring at clint for a moment before snickering. “You ARE insane. But it’s okay. I’m sure you found something else to make fun of.”She giggled shaking her head before shrugging. “I know, but when he was little, it wasn’t that horrible....and he might share. If you tell him its a craving and you demand to know so you don’t have to wake up him, and the other pregnant person.”Elena pointed out grinning as they settled in to just having a morning breakfast.

A month later Elena smiled, looking at her son in bemusement as he held the shield he was holding tightly, running over to clint, dressed as Cap, the boy was so excited to be having a birthday party with his uncle steve- who just happened to be captain america. So excited in fact, that the party tony was throwing for them was all he’d talked about for days, even if tony was sulking at having to share the spotlight with Cap. Alex having demanded his own captain outfit, and tony...being tony, had gone above and beyond the call of duty, and made a real life toddler version of steve’s outfit-out of spandex and cotton of course instead of kelvar-but it was obvious it’d been made by the same person who’d done steve’s. “Ready for your party, kiddo?”She smiled amused as Alex tried to rush both her and clint towards the door. “Yes!Mama, papa!Time to go!”

Myka smiled as she stepped out onto the balcony, amused as she looked around at the red white and blue decorations, though it was more tasteful and subtle then she’d expected from tony, it was just a quiet party for the family, to celebrate boy and uncle. “Elena said alex is overly excited, and on their way up.”She smiled slipping a arm around steve’s waist, closing her eyes as she leaned into him, though it wasn’t obvious, the slight bulge to her stomach said she was pregnant, and after a few hand jobs and a awkward broken off blow job when she’d freaked, she was definitely feeling okay with touching steve. Now having him touch her, was a whole different matter still, but she could touch him. Which was amazing to her, and she was enjoying touching him, and watching him come undone. And...she was nervous about her present. And hoped he liked it. And was totally not looking forward to her doctor’s appointment the next day since he couldn’t go, but she was going to live for the moment, and enjoy the party.
a month later found a lot of changes. the world had settled down and Thor had dealt with Tyr, and Odin, in a most brutal manner. much to Loki's delight. they'd had that talk they'd needed and Loki had cried for three days straight because he was hormonal and just that happy to have his brother back. Loki was very clearly pregnant now, stomach swelled rather adorably and Alex loved nothing more than to rub Loki's belly and talk to the baby.

Clint had been talking to Vahlmr, a lot and seamed to have overcome his own emotional issues and was happier than he'd ever been with Elena and Alex. though he was going to have words with the God, who had taught Alex how to change the colors of, well, everything. so at random, the walls, chairs, tables, floor, fridge and everything else within touching distance would change to a vibrant random color according to Alex's little mind. "remind me to smack Tony." Clint muttered, looking amused as he watched the boy running around with a foam shield. Clint had put his foot down at a real metal shield. "alright little Monkey!" he chirped, grinning as he scooped the boy up and playfully hung him upside down by his ankles. "you're entirely too hyper! maybe Mama should tickle all that energy out of you?"

Steve was staring around at the red white and blue and wondered if he could kill Tony. probobly not, he'd done it for Alex after all. annoying Steve was just a bonus. "Alex is always overly excited." Steve pointed out, looking amused. "he's also two.... er, three. so it's to be expected." he admitted with a smile as he kissed her temple. he loved how much she was trying, but he was a bit worried she was going to push herself too hard. "are you sure your alright with me not going with you tomorrow?" he asked, looking worried. he was going to the Children's Hospital. one of the little girls 'Make a Wish' had been to meet Captain America, and she was in her last week. Cap just couldn't say no. how could he? but he was so very much worried about Myka.
"Hm,no don't smack him.I'm sure when steve sees the outfit he's going to smack tony."she snickered knowing perfectly well steve knew tony made the outfit,but not how very accurate it was."though I'm glad you convinced him out of the reql shirld. That would have been bad."she smiled shaking her head at their apartment,sighing at the utter clash of captain, iron man, and hawkeye colors as alex's mood changed at any given moment."no! Mama no tickles!"alex demanded as he squirmed,trying to get away from his mother's fingers as she tickled him.

"No killing tony...at least not till you see what alex's is wearing."she snickered a little pressing her face into his shoulder giggling a little. Content and easy,though he was probably right, she was pushing to hard."just think,ours br that much more engergitic being part super soldier."she snickered,because that was another thrn that had settled, she'd gotten better at accepting that this was actually happening,nd that they'd be okay."of course.you're sending tony, bruce and elena with me. Thouh I think elena's only going to have a excuse to do 'girl time' after and torture the guys."she said though if cap couldn't go,something tight in her chest relaxed at the idea of going with another woman,which made her feel horrible,because while she trusted the guys,they were still guys and without steve to be a buffer she felt weird. Smiling up at him she sighed."no matter how bad I feel going without you,I'd feel even worse if you delayed to go with me,and the girl died before you saw her.go.I'll be fine.but tonight,we're celebrating so don't worry."she said leaning up to kiss him
Clint smirked a little. "good point." he agreed with a chuckle. "but you know. it's Tony, you would think Steve would take that into account." he admitted with a snicker. "everyone knows how anal Tony is about stuff like that." he admitted with a grin. "i'm still hitting Loki." he admitted with a shake of his head. "if my gun safe turns pink one more time, i'm going to cry." he admitted, looking amused laughing as Alex was tickled before he righted the boy and set him on his feet and followed him to the 'party room'.

"are you sure i can't kill Tony?" Steve asked, looking amused. "...he must be wearing the little Captain America outfit then... how bad is it?" he asked with a small grimace before he looked at her with a small amount of horror. "...your right." he admitted, looking down at her belly. "i'm going to go grey before i hit my thirties." he admitted with a small sigh. "oh well. it's a small price to pay for something i know i'm going to love so much." he admitted, smiling at her belly. he was inexplicably nervous. two weeks ago he had heard his little babies heartbeat. it had really made him fall desperately in love with the little creature in her belly. he knew what he wanted. he just wasn't sure if she wanted it too. "i suppose so. she's a cute little girl." he admitted with a smile. "i've even got Tony making her another fake shield." he admitted. "i'm going to sign it and the Family will sell it when she dies to pay for...well, everything." he admitted as he smiled and kissed her back, grimacing as a hyper Alex collided into his 'tender bits'. "Hello Alex... don't you look... nice."
“Yea, but even knowing that, this outfit was a little over the top, you gotta admit.”She pointed out looking amused because she knew how anal tony was, it had still amazed her though to see the small captain america suit. “..Can film it and remind you later that you cried cause it was pink?”she teased smiling as Alex took off for the party room.

“Hm, very. Though you might want to.”she smirked a little before smirking, “I heard they had to convince Tony to not give him a metal shield instead of a foam one.”She said snickering a little, amused at the look of horror she was getting before nodding a little. “Hm, but you’d look so good grey.”She teased flushing a little as he looked down at her stomach, absently rubbing a hand over the curve there as he smiled. “I’m sure even if you’re technically retired, it’ll still sell well. It’ll be good.I can handle going alone for a good reason.”She smiled snickering as alex collided into him. “Be nice.”she muttered looking down at the hyper alex who was so proud of his outfit. “Thanks!I get to be you for the night, since we share a birthday. Mama said I only get to wear it for special days.”Alex pouted a little though, pushing the cowl back, latching onto Steve’s leg, having no intention of leaving him alone even as the others got there. “...Cap, you have a mini-me. It’s sorta cute.”Tony teased as he walked into the room, a arm around loki’s shoulders, smiling as he took in the ballroom and balcony, it was perfect, and a perfect spot to watch the fireworks going on later.
he scowled at her. "no you can not!" he complained, sulking at her. "don't be mean to me. i made you runny waffles!" he had too. he'd made the waffle batter too thin, so they hadn't cooked in the waffle iron. at least he was still trying.

"yeah i heard that too." he admitted with a laugh. "a three year old with a metal toy. no that would not end well. even if most of my toys where metal." he admitted. "well, no. we couldn't really afford metal. mostly it was stones and sticks." he admitted with a snort. "...you think so?" he asked with a grin as he stroked a hand through his blond hair. "i'm always nice." Steve grumbled as he smiled at Alex and ruffled the boys hair. "well, it's a very special kind of suit." he admitted. "you wouldn't want it to get ruined would you? not when Uncle Tony went through so much effort to make it for you?" he was also well aware that in a few months, Alex would probobly be too big for it. he was growing like a weed. he looked up at Tony, feigning annoyance and drew his thumb across his own neck, indicating that he was going to Kill Tony. he actually did glare when he saw the cartoon Captain America on the massive cake. he was careful not to let Alex see him sulking though. he did enjoy the cake, and the ice-cream. and he was only in a bad mood because he was terrified of Myka's reaction.

"Myka?" he asked, hesitating before he took her hand and bent down onto his knee. "i love you more than anything else in my life. i wake up in the morning, and smile because you're sleeping beside me, and i go to bed smiling for the same reason. you are always the first thing i think about, and the last thing i ponder on before i go to sleep. i would love nothing more. than if you would marry me, and be the love of my life, for the rest of my life." he admitted, opening a ring box to show her the ring he had gone in secrete to get. not even Tony or Loki knew he was doing this.
“no it wouldn’t have. Especially with all the breakable things.”Myka snickered a little looking up at him,”Well, you’re old. Of course you didn’t have metal.And yes, you’d make a dashing grey old guy”She teased wrapping a arm around his waist, leaning into him a little before smiling as Steve ruffled alex’s hair. “Oh.No!Can’t have that. Mama’s right.”alex smiled looking pleased. Elena smirked a little, amused because like steve she knew that it was going to be only a few months before her gangly toddler was out of the suit. Tony winced, shrugging unrepentant about it.”he wanted it.”He protested grinning, looking amused that steve was going to yell at him later for the cake, even if alex’s excitement over the cake more then made up for steve not liking it. “you’re sulking, love.”Myka muttered in his ear, looking worried then startled as he took her hand.

Tony nearly had to stuff his fist in his mouth, because only cap would manage to gift himself with a marriage proposal on the same night myka had gotten him a ring. Oh gods, that was to perfect. Myka flushed as she took the ring in her fingers, tears filling her eyes, and despite her own plans, looked at the man, searching his face, wanting to know if he meant it before nodding, slipping the ring on. “Yes.Always.”She muttered patting her own pockets, getting the ring box out, holding it out to him, flipping the lid up to show him the silvery ring, the meteorite rock glinting in the low light, the vibrarium that tony had crafted around it brilliant and light in the low lights, delicate words around the edges, dragged out of her hydra trained brain, the quiet russian words promising forever, promising to be his shield and sword when he needed her, and to be there with him. “It seems we had the same idea to...”She muttered flushing ever so slightly.

Tony swallowed hard to keep from laughing, though he looked extremely pleased for them both. “I think that’s a sign for the rest of the gifts.”Tony said smiling as even alex calmed down enough to know that this was a serious moment.
he smiled a little at her. "well. you just have a response to everything don't you?" he asked, grinning a little at her. "well, you'll find, Alex. that Mama is almost always right." he admitted with a grin as he ruffled the boys hair. he offered her a stunned look as she pulled out the box and blinked stupidly at it for a moment before he laughed and hugged her. "best birthday ever." he admitted with a beaming smile as he slipped the Ring onto his finger, deciding not to comment on the German. he could read it easily enough and he didn't really agree with it. but he wouldn't complain, because it showed him how much she really did trust him. "great minds think alike." he whispered, giving her a gentle kiss before glaring at Tony. "i really am going to hurt him." he grumbled even as he wove his fingers into hers and headed for the table to see what else he had gotten. giving Alex high praise for the picture he'd drawn of all the Avengers, including Myka and her unborn Baby, and Loki and his unborn Baby. their family. it was enough to make Steve want to cry. he wouldn't of course, he was a man after all. but it was so much that he actually had the urge to be thankful for being frozen. oh who the hell was he kidding, he WAS thankful for being frozen.
“Good.”Myka muttered fisting her hands in his shirt as she hugged him, sighing quietly.”You don’t have to agree to know I want to protect you. Even...even if you wont let me.”She muttered in his ear, closing her eyes, because she knew he would dislike it, but for herself, she’d needed him to be able to see a promise that she wouldn’t forget, that no matter what happened, or if she forgot who she was, or lost herself again in the persona of the winter soldier, that she’d come back for him. While she’d known it was a selfish need when she’d put it on the ring, she’d done it because she needed to. “No you’re not.”Tony grinned amused as the couple headed for the table, settling in to open the presents. A new tablet from tony, the newest starkpad, a book of funny useless facts from elena and clint, a set of throwing knives from natasha, and much to myka’s embarassment, because she didn’t know how he’d react, a drawing of the howling commandos. While she’d drawn it from a worn picture tony’d had from Howard, with steve and bucky front and center, she hadn’t made the connection to bucky barnes and herself.

Settling in next to steve as tony ran around, fussing over alex as he opened his own presents, about everything and anything that a toddler could want, resting her head on his shoulder tiredly jumping a little as fireworks lit the sky. “Yes!Oh gods, they’re on time. I totally didn’t think the city would actually let it happen!”Tony crowed absolutely in love with the fact that he’d gotten the best and most expensive fireworks on the market to let off in celebration. Laughing as alex went insane, tired enough that he was starting to wear down though as he climbed into clint’s lap to watch, giggling the whole time.
he smiled at her. "oh." he muttered, stroking her hair. "well. if that's what it means then i can handle that." he admitted, relaxing as he realized that she wasn't just giving him a position of 'handler' as he had thought. no, she was giving him faith that even if she was lost, she would come back to him. "i so am." he complained to Tony, sulking at him before he smiled at Myka as he sat down. he adored all the presents, but when he opened the drawing he had to swallow hard to keep from crying. it was amazing. he quickly had the picture in a frame and stroked Bucky's cheek as he studied the picture. "Bucky, Dum, Jim, Monty, Gabby and Jac." he muttered to her as he pointed each one out. "we almost single-handedly stopped Hydra." he admitted with a smile. "i wonder if any of them are still alive?" he nearly crawled out of his skin when the first firework went off. Clint did jump, drawing a gun that wasn't there, Bruce stuffing his fist into his mouth to keep from laughing at the jumpy people. "i can't beleive the City let it happen too." Clint grumbled, making Steve chuckle and shake his head. "still the best Birthday ever." he admitted with a smile as he watched the fireworks. "i think this is Alex's best Birthday ever too." he admitted with a chuckle.
“It does.And you better handle it, cause I’m not going anywhere.”She muttered slumping into him, relaxing when she realized he knew what she’d fumblingly tried to tell him, that she needed a physical proof of a promise, to come back, of a faith in him to not give up on her. Smiling as she rested her head on his shoulder, blushing ever so slightly. “Tony found the picture in his dad’s stuff, but it was worn. Between me and jarvis, we figured out what it was supposed to look like.”Myka said relaxing, pleased that he liked it, having not been sure he would. Jumping herself, and nearly half way out of her seat before she’d registered that it was just fireworks, amused that both natasha and elena had reacted similarly. “We’ve all been doing this to long, if we’re this jumpy.”Elena said snickering a little. “I’m tony f-”He paused correcting himself,”Stark, I can make anything happen..... It also helped that it’s Cap’s birthday, and they thought it’d please him to have this.” “....does no one realize that all the ideas you pass off as ‘Cap’s desires’ are just your utter ridiculousness?”Natasha snickered smiling as they watched the fireworks. “Yea, it’s the best one for him,At least till next year.”Elena snickered resting her head on clint’s shoulders, yawning tiredly, remembering the first two small parties, with just her, alex, and becca the babysitter. This, was so much better. Myka smiled yawning as she snuggled into her fiancee, starting to fall asleep.
he smiled as he wrapped his arm around her and gave her a gentle nuzzle. "i love you." he murmured softly. "and even if you get lost, i will always find you." he promised, kissing her forehead. "it's the best present ever." he promised her with a smile as he examined his Howling Commandos, suddenly thinking of another thing he could give her. something that was hers in the first place. "Franklin? we all know you have a weird middle name Tony." Clint promised when he saw Alex's interest in why Tony had cut himself off. "some of those 'utter ridiculous' things i actually liked." Steve admitted. "even if i did berate Tony for using my name like that." he admitted with a chuckle before he scooped Myka into his arms. "i'm out guys." he declared, smiling as he carried Myka back to the bedroom for some well deserved sleep.

in the morning, Steve was getting dressed in his Captain America suit and was headed for the hospital while the others got ready to head for the hospital. "have a good day okay?" Steve ordered, giving Myka a kiss before he kissed her finger where the Ring was and gave her a smile before turning to look at Elena, Bruce, and Tony, who where taking her to the Doctor Visit. "take care of her." he ordered, trying, and failing to be stern. he knew Myka would kill anyone who would try to attack her anyway. but it was nice to know he could trust others to take care of her as well. he sighed, plastered a grin on his face and stepped out into the charge of the press. why THEY had to be there was beyond him, but he would make sure they didn't set foot in the children's hospital. he wouldn't allow it. ever. "well. come on." Bruce decided, smiling at Myka. "we're going out the back." he admitted.
Myka smiled looking up at him, blushing slightly as he kissed her hand, “I will.Take care of yourself to, okay?”She muttered knowing seeing the kid was going to upset him. “Aye, aye, captain.”Tony snickered a little as he flounced into the room, though he was being his usual ridiculous self, there was a serious look in his eyes. He’d take care of Myka. “Let’s go then.”Myka sighed a little looking thoughtful as she followed the other’s out, amused as her and elena settled in to talking pregnancy things, and glad that they could get where they were going in relative peace, at least compared to the press following Cap.

But the appointment was interrupted as the room shook, shuddering as the bomb set at it’s foundations sent all those in the room tumbling to the floor, and tony stumbling for the briefcase suit, even as he caught myka, drawing her close, ignoring her trying to take care of elena when he saw the woman was crouching near the floor, instead taking care of myka as the pregnant woman stumbled off the exam table, nearly falling to the floor in her haste, tucking the smaller woman in his arms,curling his body around hers, to protect her from the falling debris, even as he felt it hit his shoulders and back. Then the world went dark.

When he woke he frowned, looking confused, trying to figure out why he felt drugged and lazy, instead of just blacked out. Scrambling to sit up he swallowed glancing around the room, needing to see the other’s, paling as he realized they were missing one of their numbers. Even as he picked up the phone to call Cap. This conversation was going to be ugly, and he knew he deserved it, but...he swallowed hard crossing over to elena, gently shaking her awake, as steve answered. “Cap?We have a situation over here...”Tony said sounding awkward, having no idea what to say to tell him his fiancee was missing.
he smiled at her. "i'll be fine." he promised, kissing her goodbye. Bruce smiling as he drove them all to the Hospital. he chatted with the doctor and complained at Tony when the billionaire teased that Bruce was flirting with her. he didn't deny it of course. he WAS flirting with her after all. he went green at the first hint of a tremor, not that it did any good. he was still green when Tony woke up, completely out cold. Hulk woke with a jerk and snarled as he started picking debris off of Tony, looking for Myka. roaring in rage as the Hulks tiny brain realized that Myka wasn't there. he was about to go on a fury rage on the city looking for her.

Steve was still at the hospital, playing with the little girl when he got the phone call. he hung up, told the little girl he had to go save someone, gave her the signed shield, made his apologies and ran back to the tower, yelling into his phone for Jarvis to call Loki and tell him to find Myka, telling Jarvis to find Myka, and telling Clint to get his ass to the hospital to check on Elena even as he watched a massive green Hulk raging through the city. which was the first clue to the populace of Manhattan that something was very, very wrong. the other was the picture of absolute FURY on Steve's face. Steve, who never even looked truly annoyed. it was a very, very scary sight, angry Captain America. no one got in his way as he tore into the Tower, calling Tony back to see if anyone was there who was hurt.
“Hey, hey, no running out yet big guy.”Tony said looking up at the hulk, wincing as he watched the hulk go,but not trying to stop him, knowing he had a bigger problem to deal with in the shape of a pissed captain america. Having hung up with Steve to check in with clint and order him to stay at the tower with alex and natasha, he had elena, and the woman was fine. Shaken and pissed, but okay. By the time they hit the tower both where stressed and working on their phones, Tony trying to get Jarvis to find Myka, and pale and shaken as he realized something that he absolutely didn’t want to tell steve, and would try not to. If he could help it.Cause it’d do none of them good. While Elena had called and gotten put on speaker phone to talk to clint and alex, reassuring the two she was fine.

“We’re outside. Hold on, we’re on our way up.”Tony said answering the cell phone call from steve, even at the same time as they walked out of the elevator, “Steve. I’m sorry, I-I don’t know what happened. Or how SHIELD knew we were there, but-”he took a deep breath stopping the guilt ridden, absolute self hating words he had going on, not sure how to tell him, really not wanting to, but he knew steve was aware myka had a bracelet like alex’s, tracked and coded to jarvis...the fact that it read no vitals, scared him silly. “We’re going to find her Cap.”He said before pausing. “Did you get ahold of loki?”

Elena walked into clint’s arms, hugging him tightly, swallowing hard. “Go. Help them. I’ll stay with alex.”She said, she was banged up, but she was fine. Nothing compared to her missing friend, really, really scared for the woman. Not because she thought they’d kill her...but because she knew they wouldn’t.
Hulk just sneered at Tony before taking off anyway. he was going to find the hurt one with the baby inside, by any means necessary. "Shut up." Steve growled when Tony walked in. "don't you DARE blame yourself for this! we both know what the fuck happened." he hissed, baring his teeth. "Fucking Pepper Potts spilled the fucking beans and now Hydra has my woman!" Steve snarled, something breaking in his fist. oh. it was his phone. "yes. Loki's doing the 'off with the fairies' thing." Steve grumbled, pointing to Loki, who was sitting in a chair, staring off at nothing with glazed eyes and a dazed expression. pouring all of his focus into finding Myka. "Jarvis called Thor too." he admitted. "and Jormungandr is looking as well. he's gotten in contact with his sister, who rules the underworld. Myka's not dead." he admitted, pacing back and forth. three hours later, Loki finally came out of his trance, muttering that 'they' had magical assistance and he couldn't pinpoint her and they kept moving. eight hours after that Bruce returned, naked, but unrepentant. Loki kept trying, coming out of his trance only long enough to eat, drink and piss until he simply collapsed from exhaustion, ignoring anyone who tried to get him to stop. as time went on, Steve started to get more and more upset, until they had to start drugging him.
Tony startled a little, paling at steve’s words, nodding a little. “I’ll deal with pepper. And find out what happened.”He said looking pissed as his mind connected the dots he’d not been looking at, having not wanted to think about what it meant that hydra had known myka was still alive. “We’ll find her.”He growled before something tight in his chest relaxing, realizing that despite jarvis not being able to find her, she wasn’t dead. That was something, even if he was supremely pissed that Hydra had somehow figured out how to work around starktech, which was insulting all on its own.

And by the time they past the month gone mark, all the team, and not just steve was ragged around the edges, snappish and annoyed, lashing out at the other’s, though they all had started spending a few hours with alex each day, because even if he was aware something was terribly wrong, the toddler was still so, so innocent. IT was a relief sometimes to just see the world through his eyes, even if he was upset his aunt ‘ka was gone. Tony was about at the breaking point, not only because myka was still gone, but because loki was to pregnant to keep doing the trance, though they’d had convinced him to take it somewhat easy, it was still hard on all of them. And while he’d had words with Pepper over the first few days, he’d stepped back to simply to deal with her after they found myka, otherwise he was afraid he was going to kill his CEO.Then, against all odds, something changed.

Myka’s vitals came back on.

“Steve!Loki!Get in here!”Tony yelled as he jerked at his workbench, blearily staring at the blinking light in the middle of Siberia, trying to make his mind focus enough to know what he was seeing. “J!Status.” “...Anxious, high heart rate, seemingly healthy...She is on the Baykal lake, Siberia...I do not know more sir.Shall I tell the others’ to suit up?.”Jarvis said, sounding oddly subdued, even the AI reacting to the stress of the last month. “Yea.”Tony said getting up, already thinking about what they’d have to do to convince steve to stay behind.
Steve nodded, his eyes narrowed a little. "deal with her. or i will and she won't come out of the encounter alive." he warned, baring his teeth again.

a month later though Pepper was still alive and Steve was growing a beard because he refused to take the time to shave. he would eat, but he refused to sleep for more than an hour and it was making him look all the more haggard. the only time he smiled was when he was with Alex, and even then it was forced. Loki wasn't doing much better. the poor God-ling cried often, unable to handle all the stress when he was awash with hormones. despite being well rounded, he was the first one in the Lab when Tony yelled, Steve not far behind. ".... you tell me to stay here and i'll tear your head off and use it as a bludgeoning tool." he warned, his eyes narrowed. "let him go. i have a feeling you'll need him." Loki admitted. "i'll have to stay here. i'm too pregnant. i'll stay with Elena and Alex." Loki promised Tony, well aware he was more than useless right now, swollen with child. Bruce, Steve, Tony, Natasha and Clint would have to take care of things.
Tony paused, opening his mouth as he studied the captain, so, so wanting to tell him to stay behind, but he also knew Loki was probably right. Steve was the person Myka trusted, probably the only one. They’d need him. “Fine. Go help Clint warm up the jet. I’ll suit up.”He said already moving over to loki, leaning down to kiss him slowly, looking worried.”Take alex and elena up to the penthouse. If something happens, get to the panic room. I wouldn’t put it past Fury to turn her bracelet back on, just to get us out of here.”He muttered really, really worried about why the bracelet was working again, hugging loki tightly before stepping back. Moving over, suiting up, “I’m heading out.See you in siberia.”Tony said smiling quietly at loki as he spoke over the comm, before he flipped the faceplate down. Having every intention of getting there before the others.

”Be careful Steve.”Elena muttered hugging him tightly looking so worried about sending them all out, but she knew better then to suggest steve stay behind. Stepping back she looked worried for him before looking at clint, reaching out, taking his hand, leaning in to kiss him. They’d said goodbye on so many missions, that it’d gotten to the point that she couldn’t say it anymore, simply because it sounded like she was saying it forever. And after budapest....she couldn’t. Pressing her forehead into his she shuddered a little, “Be careful.”She muttered gently untangling alex’s arms from clint’s leg, wincing as the toddler clung all the tighter. “Come on sweetheart, he has to go get aunt myka. Come on sweetheart.”She said wincing as she crouched down, swallowing hard as the boy clung to her to tightly, but didn’t stop him simply standing up and watching the avengers leave. It was so horrible to be left behind, looking at loki, she smiled quietly, painful. “It sucks to be left behind.”She muttered

“You know, it’s a good thing this place isn’t as snow covered as I thought it’d be. We’ll be able to get down to where Jarvis says she is without warning anyone.”Tony said, though he doubted they’d go completely unnoticed, he was glad it was mountainous enough they could take their time, though walking through woods was going to suck in his suit. Not that he was going to complain-much- if it meant there’d be a better chance of getting close without things going to hell. Studying everyone as they walked off the quinjet, trying not to suggest steve stay there, but it was so hard, when the man looked as close to breaking as tony’d ever seen him.
Loki smiled as he kissed Tony. "i'm not staying in this tower." he warned. "Jarvis will not be able to access us when i leave, but i will know when you and the others return here." he promised. "once you return, stroke your necklace and i will know it's safe." he promised, a necklace appearing around Tony's neck. "this will also let me monitor your vitals and track you. if i have to, i will send Jor to collect you all." he promised, kissing tony again as he watched the other head out.

"i'm always careful." he promised her, smiling as he kissed her again before giving Alex a hug and a kiss as well. "be good for mommy. i'll be back soon." he promised. "i shouldn't be gone more than a day." he admitted, giving Elena another kiss as Loki walked in. "it does indeed. pack a bag for a few days. we're not staying here." Loki admitted. "i have a Safe house. we'll be going there." he admitted. "Fury can get into the Tower far too easily." he admitted as he shook his head. "my bags are already packed. there's plenty of food there. please be swift."

Steve was the first one out of the Jet and he was forcing himself through the snow, completely uncaring about the cold. focused only on finding Myka. it was a bit scary to watch him as he focused entirely on getting to Myka. someone was going to die if this turned out to be a false lead, and it was probobly going to be Pepper or Fury. hell they where lucky Pepper wasn't dead in the first place. he was in the lead as he honed in on the bracelets signature. he knew the only way to get it off was to cut her hand off. the rings where made out of vibranium mixed with adamantium. there was nothing that could cut it. and they wouldn't want to mutilate Myka like that, not when she was so useful. so the chances of it being her was high.
“Good.Take care of them loki.”He muttered starting a little as he started a little as the necklace appeared, nodding a little. “Good. I track everyone else, it’s good to know someone’s tracking me.”Tony muttered looking amused and nervous.

“I’ll be good. You to papa. Be good, and bring aunt myka home.”The three year old looked up at him seriously. “Don’t worry how long your gone, just bring her home.”Elena said her eyes serious, kissing the other before sighing quietly. She’d worry if they were gone longer then a day, but she trusted that they would be okay. Needed them to be okay. “Alex, ready for a vacation?”Elena said trying to distract the toddler, laughing quietly as the boy darted for his room, intent on gathering everything he needed for a trip. “Which is disturbing you know, stark tower is one of the world’s most secure places....”Elena trailed off, shuddering at the idea. Because it truly worried her that fury could get in. “We’ll be ready in a few minutes.”Elena agreed and it was true, within ten minutes she not only had her things ready, but enough toys to entertain alex while they were gone, the boy chattering excitedly that they were going on a trip. “I’m glad he’s young, makes this interesting to him...”Elena muttered as they got to the safe house, pleased as she watched alex relax and explore things.

Tony shook his head a little as he watched the captain making tracks through the snow, amused though as they followed in his wake, letting him break the snow up for them, walking in near knee deep snow was just a pain in the ass. “I feel like we should be playing some bond music, or maybe jason bourne...”he muttered talking simply because his reflex sarcasm was kicking in, the jittery anxious man simply talking because if he shut up he was going to start thinking to much, and despite steve’s words, he still blamed himself for getting myka taken. Pausing at the edge of the clearing to the lake he studied the cabin/house they were facing, wondering for all the world why they’d gotten this close without being confronted by someone. It was to quiet, made him worry that it was indeed a false lead, even if he was aware of that the bracelet and rings couldn’t be taken off without taken her hand off. “Cap, call it.”He said tilting his head towards steve, willing to follow whatever directions were given, trusting steve’s judgement on a fight, as the best tactician on the team, even if he was currently emotionally compromised, all of them were. So he’d let steve decide how to go after Myka, even if the silence of siberia was starting to freak him out a little.
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