Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Myka whimpered quietly pressing her hands over her ears as he repeated he loved her, curling up more, shuddering a little. “....Hydra wanted a kid. My kid. Your kid. Now they have both. So just go. You have what you want, just leave me alone.”She whimpered, revealing just what she thought, that she thought this whole thing, had been a elaborate hoax to just get her pregnant, to give hydra what they wanted. While she knew logically she was being stupid, her broken scared self thought he was tricking her. To scared of being pregnant, of being awake to be logically right now. “...Go, just go.”She whimpered, though she relaxed some when he didn’t leave, despite her words, it was obvious she needed him.

“uh-huh.”She snickered a little looking amused at the excuses, wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning forward to kiss him lightly, “Though you probably are right about the magic.’She said resting her head on his chest, smiling quietly. “You realize this is the first time in weeks he hasn’t had to be in the room with us?”She said sounding so happy about it.

“So, how do you feel about having a gecko named after you?”Tony smirked a little as loki walked in, alex settled in his lap, showing him how to do the glass ball trick, content to simply watch him play. "Unka lo!Come play!"Alex demanded smiling happily.
Steve looked confused. "Hydra wanted what!?" he demanded before he paled, suddenly understanding. "...oh my god..." he muttered before shaking his head. "i did NOT want this." he growled. "granted, i didn't not want it. but in a few years would have been better." he admitted. "Myka, listen to me. i am NOT going to leave, and Hydra will get their hands on you, me, or that child over my cold, dead, and decaying body." he informed her sternly. "You're not going to get rid of me." he assured her.

he smirked at her. "don't you 'ahuh' me." he complained. "by the way. don't tell Tony, but you know how he was working on Technomancy? he doesn't realize it yet, but his technology is starting to react to him." he admitted with a smirk. "i was watching him work on... actually i don't know what it was, but several of his wires fused together when he wasn't paying attention." he admitted, looking amused. "i can't wait until he realizes he was actually 'trying too hard'. it's going to be hilarious." he admitted with a smirk.

Loki chuckled a little. "it's pretty epic." Loki agreed, smirking a little. "you do realize that 'Iron' is a female though right?" he asked, picking up the little red lizard. "sure, i can play." he agreed, picking up a glass ball and showing it was in fact him who had taught Jormungandr. he did things with that little glass ball that should have been impossible. it defied gravity! being a sorcerer, that was probobly true.
Myka flinched a little at his demand, shifting to get more under the blanket, shuddering a little, before shifting, looking up at him through the fall of her dark hair, studying him for a long moment before nodding slowly, hesitantly. “...Okay.”She said, she sounded nervous and scared, before reaching out, wrapping a hand around his wrist, tugging a little. “get in here.I want cuddled. I still feel sick.”She muttered snuggling into him as soon as he wrapped his arms around him, shivering, crying quietly. “I can’t...I can’t do this Cap...”She muttered clinging to him, starting to break, not in a panic, but mourning, knowing that she’d never be able to be normal, that she wouldn’t be able to function like someone normal, knowing he deserved better, and feeling totally inadequate to provide what he eeded.

“I’m do what ever I want to you.”she smirked leaning over to kiss him before laughing, staring at him. “Really?That’s awesome. He was focusing to much, to make it work?”She snickered before raising a eyebrow. “Hm, does anyone ever know what tony works on?”She pointed out sighing softly, “Also, should we be worrying about steve and myka?”she said having been filled in on what was going on, she was worried about the two quiet super soldiers.

“...I’m so awesome both genders want to be named after me.”Tony said after a distressed moment of considering being female, and feeling the boy in his lap squirm nervous about his uncle’s reaction to being a ‘girl’, he relaxed, realizing it really was okay. “...You are such a cheater. Using magic.”He snickered bouncing alex on his knee a little, just because he could, looking at loki. “How’s cap and myka?”He muttered curious, having obeyed social nicities and not spied using jarvis, but he wasn’t above asking loki if he knew how they were doing.”Also...we need to find her a doctor to.”
he winced as she flinched and then relaxed as she whispered her agreement, smiling as he slipped into bed next to her. "of course you feel sick. you're still in shock." he muttered, wrapping his arms around her in return. "shh, of course you can." he promised her. "of course you can. you're not alone anymore. you have me at the very least. but you also have Loki, who is quite protective of you. i think it's his mothering instincts." he admitted, trying to get her to smile. "Vahlmr adores you. Clint will protect you simply because i love you. Tony thinks your the best female in his life by far." he smiled at her. "no one will ever let you be alone ever again." he promised.

he snorted a little at her and then pouted. "yeah apparently." he admitted, looking amused. "the more he reads that book and 'practices' the more technology responds to him when he's focused but not paying attention." he admitted with a smirk. "...we probobly should but i just can't think of how to help them. this is big news." he admitted with a grimace. "and a big shock for both of them."

Loki smirked a little. "yes well. Iron is also pregnant." Loki admitted as he examined the Lizard. "...you mean he can't tell?" Jor asked, looking surprised. "well, it doesn't matter. we can incubate the eggs. i doubt Clint and Elena will know how." Loki admitted. "the whole point of the magic ball is to use Magic with it." Loki admitted, looking amused. "all it does is make the ball just a touch lighter, so it floats like a half empty balloon. it slows it down a little is all. it's like i pumped it half full with helium." he admitted as he made the ball balance on the tip of his finger before he handed it back to Jor and got his glazed look for a moment. "they are.. coming to terms, but are not in any danger." he stated, sounding relieved. "why? we have Bruce."
Myka shuddered a little, shifting, resting her head against his chest, trying to relax, though she relax, as she tried to accept that she really wasn’t alone, even if she wasn’t quite certain about it yet, shifting to look up at him. “He is about as mothering as you are. You two baby me something fierce.”She muttered before pausing, thinking about that. “....How do you figure I’m the best female in tony’s life?”She said curious about the billionaire’s thought process, relaxing more as she considered the people who were becoming family, going quiet, and sad. Wishing, not for the first time, her parents had lived long enough to see her older, to see the life she was building. Even if she wasn’t aware of her real parents, she had loved the couple who’d raised her, and had felt lost after their death.

“That’s pretty amusing.”Elena snickered a little at that before sighing, nodding a little. “It is....would she take it the wrong way if we went over to the bookstore, and raided my collection of baby books? I mean, alex’s is older, but I kept everything I had from being pregnant....she might like having it.”Elena said grimacing to, because she didn’t know how either super soldier would accept help, or let them in, but needing some way to fuss over them, about as mothering and fussy as Loki was, not only to alex, but all of them. “Mama!Papa!Babies!We having babies!” “....Tony?Loki?”Elena called sounding unsure and looking down at their son as she picked up the excited toddler.

“...Well, I made you pregnant, I guess the lizard was feeling jealous.”Tony muttered snickering a little. “Eggs?Babies?”Alex startled twisting to look up at loki, and at the other’s agreement he ran off to tell clint and elena. “The lizards, El.”Tony called looking amused before sighing quietly, wincing a little, but looking pleased at the news steve and myka weren’t in any danger. “Good.That’s good.”He said sounding relieved to before snorting. “We do, but he’s not going to want to do her exams and everything. Babies are weird, and not what he specialized in. Not to mention with the serum, there might be complications and such.”he said wincing as he considered that.
he smiled at her as she relaxed a little more. "...i don't mean to..." he muttered apologetically. "i guess i hadn't realized i was doing it i guess." he admitted, looking quite sheepish. "and considering it's either Pepper... whose a bitch, or Natasha, who Tony's scared of as your competition, i'd say you have the position." he teased her with a chuckle. "plus you let him fuss over you." he pointed out. "Elena doesn't let him fuss." he admitted with a nod as he smiled at her. "are you feeling any better now? do you want me to get you anything?" mothering her again.

he hesitated and then. "even if she doesn't want them, the Cap will." he admitted. "we'll go and get the books." he agreed with a smile. "...do you have... you know. pictures? of Alex when he was a baby? and you pregnant?" he asked hopefully before pausing as he blinked at alex. had he found out about Myka already? what was that about Eggs though!? had Loki told him about how people got pregnant or something? "shut up Tony." Loki ordered, looking amused. "my lizard got yours knocked up and i can do the same to you." no he couldn't, but Tony didn't need to know that. "the Lizard is pregnant?" "yes. Iron is pregnant." Clint choked on his laughter. "yes, Frost is the daddy, and yes i will take care of the eggs myself." he promised with a small chuckle. "when they hatch, we can donate them or something." he admitted before studying Tony. "Myka isn't going to like that Tony. she isn't going to want a stranger in here." he admitted. he didn't mention that she already didn't like being surrounded by the people that where already there.
“I know. Which is what makes it all the more adorable.”Myka muttered pressing a kiss to his neck, sounding amused at how sheepish he was before thinking about that.”Ah...yes. That makes sense. I don’t scare him.”Myka snorted amused before nodding a little, “I feel better...”she said as her stomach growled.”and maybe something to eat?”

Elena flushed a little at his question, feeling stupid for having not thought that he’d want to see them before. Nodding a little. “yea. I have a whole album and his baby book.We’ll get them when we get the books.”She smiled before shaking her head in amusement at loki’s words. “No, you wouldn’t do that. You’re already pregnant.”Tony said looking a little freaked out by the idea of being pregnant. Not because he’d be pregnant, but because well, it’d result in a kid, and he was already freaking out enough as it was. “I know, but I know bruce, we can ask him, but I doubt he wants to be her doctor now. Pregnancy has to many complications, even withou tthe serum....we’ll just have to figure something out...”Tony said looking up at clint and elena for help, knowing he was right, but knowing that this was going to be hard on myka when she had enough problems dealing with them, even after weeks of livign with them.
he flushed. " 'm not adorable." he protested, sulking a little. "well, honestly i think all women he comes in contact with scares him." he admitted with a grimace. "i think Pepper ruined him." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'll make you anything you want. what would you like?" he asked with a smile as he slipped out of bed, waiting for her request before giving her forehead a kiss, muttered that he loved her again, blushed, and went to make her requested food.

he smiled, looking delighted. "Great!... what's a baby book?" he asked, looking puzzled before he grinned. "we could do hammock time and share the pictures with him." he decided. "Alex would love it." he decided, beaming at her. "....valid point." Loki agreed. "plus, you wouldn't look as adorable as i do if you had a big belly." Loki agreed with a nod. "i suppose it would be nice to have a birth doctor here. no one from Asgard will come, not at my request and certainly not after what Thor's going to do to Tyr." he admitted, shaking his head. "we'll have to find a human doctor." he grumbled. "we better tell Steve so he can tell Myka though."
"That was such a adorable brooklyn twang."she teased amused as dhe let her own words roll into a brooklyn accent before smiling."soup and grilled cheese."she demanded flushing as he left, feeling sad for her friend who was so scared of women and confused on why steve loved her.but she was happy and scared. Sighing she settled down into the bed to wait,falling asleep before he came back though,emotionally worn out.

Elena smiled."that would be nice. Id like that to."she smiled at the idea of shoeing alex the pictures before smiling wider."a baby books has all the baby's information,and all their firsts.like first word and first haircut and all thst stuff."she smiled."..I always have a valid point...and I look aforable no matter what."tony twitched before sighing."what do you think thor's going to do to him? But your right,its better to have a doctor instead of a healer.I'm sure a ancient healer would just freak her out...fine.I'll go tell him.hopefully then he can think a good way to tell her.."tony sighed kissing loki lightly before heading for steve's apartment.knocking lughtly before walking in,smirking at the aight of steve cooking."wait till cravings kick in,then things start get interesting."tony snickered a little putting off what he had to tell him,because he had a feeling steve was going to like the idea of a stranger near her even less then myka did.
he huffed and pouted at her. "well, i was a street kid you know. it took Bucky forever to teach me how to talk like a civilized person." he admitted with a grin. "Grilled cheese and soup. tomato or Chicken noodle?" he asked with a smile.

he smiled at her. "i bet you looked gorgeous." he mused before he hesitated. "...do you think we could have another one?" he asked softly. "Alex would make a great big brother... not now of course, but maybe in a few years?" he asked, glancing at her, unsure how she'd react to such a suggestion. "you're not Adorable Tony. Adorable doesn't mix well with Sexy." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "you're a beefcake not a feminine sweetie like i am." "...sweetie?" Clkint asked, looking like he wanted to laugh at Loki. "shut up you brute." "it's not nice to tell people to shut up Father." Jormungandr stated with a smirk. "hush you." he ordered with a smile as he kissed Tony. "good luck." he muttered softly.

Steve looked up at Tony. "i think they've already started. she wanted soup and grilled cheese." he admitted with a chuckle. "and i'm pretty sure she's sleeping right now." he admitted before looking up at Tony as he finished flipping the sandwiches. "what's up?" he asked. "if our worried you don't need to be. i think she believes me that i'm not going to leave her alone..." he hesitated. "i might need to convince her again, but for now i think she'll be okay." he hesitated again. "...i told her i loved her..." he admitted, sounding quite shocked. "and i meant it... do you think it's too early to know i'm in love with her?"
“It’s still adorable.”She smiled snuggling into the bed, “Chicken.”She demanded as she settled in.

“I looked like a beached whale.”Elena twitched a little before looking startled, staring at him, biting her lip. Because despite them being together, planning on getting married, being pregnant had left scars on her heart, and it was hard thinking about but...”Yes. That would be nice.”She smiled at him. “Ahhh.I see.”tony snickered shaking his head looking amused. “Hm, you are a sweetie.”Elena snickered a little. “I’m going to need it.”Tony muttered.

“hm, that’s just wanting food. Cravings are when she starts wanting chocolate and pickles.”Tony shuddered a little at that before smiling. “I was worried, but that’s not why I came down.”he said before looking startled, eyes widening slightly. “I think the only problem with that, is that it took you this long to figure that out.”he teased a little shifting slightly, “I actually came down to ask you about something.”Tony said shifting, looking slightly nervous about it.
Clint snorted. "being as you've never had an accurate judgment of yourself, i will assume you to be wrong." Clint stated in a smug, superior tone before he smiled at her. "i can't beleive we bought Alex a pregnant lizard... we should complain to the pet store. they clearly don't know what they're doing." he grumbled, shaking his head. "we could always sell the lizards back to them." he mused with a chuckle. "i am adorable and amazing." Loki stated with a scoff. "i am above you all... except Elena and Alex." Loki declared. "and Myka. the rest of you are peons and will do as we tell you." there was a pause and then. "he's not wrong." Clint admitted with a chuckle as he reached down and scooped up the blue gecko that was trying to climb over his foot.

Steve blinked a little. "....okay. gross." he muttered, shaking his head as he stirred the soup before he flushed at Tony's words. "well... i don't have a whole lot of experience you know..." he muttered as he smiled a little before he turned and blinked at Tony. "Tony? what is it? what's wrong?" he asked before he looked sympathetic. "are you having panic attacks about being a father yourself?" he asked, looking concerned about Tony. "you're going to make a great dad you know. you're never going to be anything like Howard." he promised the other.
“I am not!I was huge.”Elena sulked a little before laughing. “We should, but he’s enjoying the idea of watching baby lizards come. Besides... He’s got a pregnant Iron-who’s named after his uncle tony, and that’s way, way to amusing to pass up thinking about.”She snickered before laughing. “No he’s not. He’s definitely right.” “Careful papa!Careful!”Alex warned as he walked over, leaning against his father’s leg as he looked up at the gecko, smiling pleased and happy, totally oblivious to the worry over his aunt myka and uncle steve.

“Yes it is. Don’t worry, You’ll get plenty of experience with weird shit if Loki’s any indication on how pregnant people are with food.”Tony snickered a little before looking startled, before smiling. “uh-yea. For once, no I’m fussing over you two to much to worry about being my dad. Definitely not worrying about that.”he assured, which meant yes, he was worried about that, but he was shelving that particular worry, in favor of getting myka help. “You need to convince Myka to go to a doctor. I can have Pepper find a good one, she’d be able to research and find one that would fit Myka, but Steve, she needs a baby doctor.”he said looking worried, despite knowing the woman hid her feelings, tony was aware of just how much myka was going to hate it
Xlint snorted. "i don't beleive you." he admitted with a smirk. "this is true. it's a good thing Jor and Loki know how to incubate the eggs though." he admitted. "because i don't think we could raise them to hatching." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm being careful." he promised Alkex as he carefully set the Gecko on the boys head, Jor chuckling as he watched and played with the pregnant female since his massive albino snake was sleeping. "the female will need a modified cage." Loki admitted. "but i can make one." he promised. i'll make a proper incubator as well that will remain perfect magically. then he can watch them hatch when they start." he admitted.

Steve chuckled a little. "Loki's going to crave weird things i bet. like raw fish eggs, and rabbit liver." he teased with a snicker. "besides Loki's not that pregnant yet is he?" he asked curiously. "did Loki ever say how long Aeser pregnancy lasts?" he asked curiously. "and your terrified of being a father, i know you are." he stated with a snort. "i know you are because i am. and i refuse to be scared shitless alone." he admitted with a shake of his head before pausing as he looked at the other. "...you mean... like. a stranger?" he asked, looking quite horrified by the idea. "what's wrong with Bruce!?" he demanded, looking quite unhappy with the idea.
“Very good.”Elena agreed looking amused at alex’s fussing. “Good. Oh!That feels weird papa.”Alex giggled as the gecko shifted around on his head, rolling his eyes up, trying to see the lizaard even without moving. “Thanks loki.”Elena smiled pleased and happy that her son would have a chance to see his lizards hatch, sighing quietly. “Hey loki?think you can watch alex for us?”She paused making sure alex wasn’t freaking out at the idea of them leaving, looking amused that he was so fascinated with the lizards he wasn’t worrying. “Me and clint need to run over to the bookstore for a bit.”

“Oh god, don’t say that. You’re going to make it happen.”He whined a little before shrugging. “No he’s not, and he didn’t.”Tony paused, looking slightly worried about that before grinning. “Okay then, I’ll be terrified because you’re terrified.”Tony said not about to admit he was absolutely terrified simply because he was tony stark, and howard messed him up horribly. Wincing as he realized steve wasn’t going to like this either. Nodding a little.”yes, but I’d make sure to see that it’s safe, steve, no one weird and unknown.”Tony swallowed shaking his head. “there’s nothing wrong with bruce, for every day injuries. But pregnant people shouldn’t be left with normal doctors. I mean, there’s a whole profession dedicated to babies and things. And the serum’s going to make things complicated, especially with both of you having it. I think it’d be a good idea to get her to a professional baby doctor, instead of simply hoping bruce knows what he’s doing.”he said, before swallowing looking at his friend nervous. Half tempted to ask bruce to join them, but feeling the need to simply be with his best friend as they both confronted the fact they were going to be parents.
Clint chuckled a little. "they have sticky toes huh?" he asked with a grin as the Gecko just sort of hung out on Alex's head, licking it's own eyes. "yes, i can watch him." he agreed. "try to be careful?" he asked with a smile. "it's calm now, but the common peon are still rather upset about you two being together and choosing Alex over the rest of the world." he warned, looking a little amused as Clint paused. "...i'll get my G-U-N-S's." he agreed, heading into the bedroom. better safe then sorry.

he snickered a little. "i am going to laugh my ass off if he wants raw meat. i really am... so long as it doesn't bother Myka anyway." he admitted with a chuckle as he pulled the soup off the heat before he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "i don't know Tony... she's already so frightened... i.. i don't want a stranger in here when she's so helpless..." he admitted, looking quite worried. "...you're right though. the Serum was already causing havoc with her body. who knows what it will do to a baby. and we might not know anything is wrong until it's too late...." he chewed on his lip. "fine, but Bruce has to be there anytime she sees the doctor. Bruce knows the most about the Serum so it only makes sense." plus Bruce would protect Myka to the death, even the Hulk was overprotective of Myka. Tony might not attack a woman, simply because she was a woman. Bruce had no such problems.
“uh-huh!its weird papa!”Alex giggled though, completely entraced with the lizard to realize his parents were leaving. “We will be. And we have tony’s bracelets on, Jarvis will know as soon as something happens if something does.”Elena said twisting the silver bracelet around her wrist in thought before following Clint, “I want one to. I can still use one.”She said not giving him a choice in the matter as she settled a gun into a side holster under her jacket, before walking out to the living room again, crouching down. “Me and papa are going out for a little bit, you’ll be good for uncle loki and jor?” Alex paused looking up at his mother, looking a little anxious, but not as utterly terrified of not being with him as he had been. “Okay mama.You’ll be home soon?” “yes. We’ll just be a bit.”Elena promised kissing his cheek and hugging him, before straightening, heading for the elevator, not wanting to draw out the goodbye, knowing alex would be upset if they did. “....how upset do you think teh world is?”She said as they headed for the bookstore.

“....Ew. Just stop, Capsicle.”Tony whined before sighing, wincing. “I know steve...I was there when we told her.”Tony looked worried himself, biting his lip. “We wont bring the doctor here. I’ll get her into the doctor’s office after hours, so she doesn’t have to see anyone else, or interact with anyone. But I wont invite someone here, knowing how uncomfortable it’ll make her. This is her home, strangers here will be to much. We’ll deal with it.”Tony said, not about to admit to be willing to spend alot of money if it meant his best friend’s girl felt safe, felt okay with things. Even if he suspected Steve knew just how much money tony’d blow on that, he knew it would make steve uncomfortable to know tony spent a obnoxious amount of money to take care of Myka....not that it’d stop him from doing so, but he tried to not make his friend uncomfortable. “Whatever you want. And you’re going with her to. And if you can’t, I will. Clint will. Elena or natasha will..she wont go alone, ever.”Tony said tilting his head, amused that bruce was going to be going no matter what, because he was so overprotective of the woman, that even hulk understood just how broken she was. Which made sense, since bruce was so, so angry over myka’s treatment by shield and hydra. “You better get her that soup before it gets cold...and I’ll see to finding a doctor.”
Clint chuckled a little. he'd been more than a little stunned to come home and find one Gecko stuck to the side of the tank, and the other actually hanging out upside down. those tiny feet where pretty awesome. "that's true. the only way to get these off is to have out hands chopped off. and no ones going to wanna do that." Clint admitted with a nod. "you want the snub nose or the Wessen?" he asked, not even bothering to argue with her, just handing over her a gun. "we'll be home lickety split." he assured the little boy with a smile as he kissed the boy's forehead and then headed off. "how much do you think i don't care?" Clint asked with a smirk. "it's their own fault. they told me to choose, i chose. the world can go burn." he admitted. "we'll go live on Asgard if we have to." he admitted with a shake of his head as he walked next to her, well aware that everyone along the street was watching them, whispering and pointing. some where glaring, others looked like they very much approved. Clint ignored them all.

Steve smirked a little and shook his head a little. "....i don't know if she'd like leaving the Tower anymore than she would bringing in a stranger... but she does need a doctor." he admitted, biting his lip, hewing on it hard. it was a rare thing to see. he usually only did it when he was extremely anxious ad it usually resulted in him chewing his lip bloody. he didn't want Tony to spend that much money, but he didn't want the baby, or Myka to suffer either. it was extremely hard to think about this. finally he nodded. "alright. we'll take her to the doctors at night. after hours." he decided. "she might find that easier to handle." he admitted as he continued to chew on his lip, still very anxious about it. "she's not going to like this. no, not at all..." he muttered as he nodded. "yeah, she can't go alone." he agreed, shaking his head. "make sure it's a woman. she won't want a man touching her." Steve ordered. "she barely stands me touching her." he admitted as he poured the soup into a bowl and carried it and the plate of sandwiches back to her. his lip bleeding, but he hadn't noticed it. the Serum would heal it in a matter of minutes anyway.
"The wessen."elena smiled looking amused as alex giggled about clint's promise to be back lickity split, quiet as she walked with him. "I know you don't care.neither do I really..its just...I feel responsible for it even if it isn't my fault."she shrugged a little,knowing they were being watched but handling it simply by ignoring them mostly. When they got to the bookstore she smiled as they walked in,heading up to the apartment, gatheting the photobooks to show him before she went to look for the books."see?I told you I looked like a whale."she pouted a little as she dug through her bookcases to get the books she knee steve and myka would need.

"She probsbly won't,but its one or the other."tony said simply biting his lip to keep from laughing at the sight of steve thinking so hard.it was such a rarity that it made him glad to know myka loved him as much as steve loved her since he was so worked up. Knowing better thrn to mention his lip,knowing it'd hral within moments. Nodding a little he smiled."I'll make sure its a eoman."he said his eyrs angry,not with steve but at the reminder of what myks had gone through."we won't leave her alonr steve.we'll all takr care of her."he smiled watching steve go,hoping that the conversation went better thrn he thought it was going to.

"Steve?"myka muttered stirring yawning tiredly as she shifted to sit up,stirring,looking worried as she noticed thr blood."you're bleeding.ehat hsppened?"she said starting to get up.no matter how she felt,she was going to hurt ehoever hurt him,not realizing he'd done it to himself.
he smiled a little as he shrugged. "why feel responsible for people who tried to take your child away?" he asked. "this is no less then they deserve. Fury can protect them, the fucker." he admitted. "that's his job. lets let him do it... he was going to use us, the Avengers i mean, as his own personal army for world conquest, and i refuse to be anyone's tool. not Fury's. not the sheep of the world, and certainly not the world itself." he stated with a sniff. "you are the only one who gets to tell this superhero what to do. and maybe Cap." he admitted with a grin before he grinned at the picture of her. "i knew it. you looked gorgeous." he stated softly, voice full of emotion. "look at you El. how can you not see it? you where practically glowing."

he nodded a little. "yes. make sure it's a woman." he agreed as he headed off. "i'll make sure she's safe and never hurt again." he mumbled, shaking his head before smiling at ehr as she woke up. "sorry, i didn't meant to wake you.... blood?" he asked, looking baffled before looking down at himself. "i don't see any blood... oh..." he muttered, suddenly flushing. "my lip, i forgot." he muttered as he wiped the blood off. "i was... anxious. i chew on it..." he muttered as he handed her the food, proving his story true as he started gnawing on it again. "...i need to talk to you. and your probobly not going to like it. but it's necessary..." he muttered, chewing on his lip even harder. "Tony's getting you a baby doctor. because Bruce doesn't know enough about babies. they're worried that the Serum might affect the fetus... we're going to take you to the doctor at night, when no one else is around." he promised her. "and Bruce is always going to go with you, no matter what. and i will too. if there's a chance i can't make it, then one of the others will go with you." he promised, babbling because he was worried she'd freak out. "you won't ever be alone and we'll make sure the doctor is the best in her field."
“I shouldn’t, and I know it’s stupid, but I can’t help it.”She shrugged a little rolling her eyes before smirking. “Hm, I should order you around more.And cap doesn’t count, everyone listens to cap.”She pointed out before flushing, studying his face for a long moment, looking down at the pictures, biting her lip. “...I...I guess I was.”She said looking down at the obviously pregnant picture of her in budapest, the european skyline breathingtakingly beautiful, hands resting on the curve of her stomach.”...what’s wrong with you?”She said frowning as she stood up with the books in her hands, frowning at the emotion in his voice, looking concerned.

“...you were bringing me food. Isn’t that supposed to mean wake up?”She muttered smiling slightly before nodding. “Yea, blood. Oh.”She said looking down at her bowl of soup before looking up at him, looking worried that he was so anxious. She just knew she wasn’t going to like whatever was upsetting the usually calm man. “....Oh.”Was all she said, not freaking out, but sounding defeated. Broken, to overwhelmed by everything, to consider getting worked up. She’d probably freak out later, but for the moment, she was beyond freaking out. Glancing up at him as she started eating, to hungry to ignore the food she nodded a little. “Okay.”She sighed, shifting to rest against him as she ate, then finishing, setting the bowl aside as she cuddled against him, to overwhelmed by everything to consider even being nervous about him being close, though she’d gotten better at him touching her, it was still sometimes nerve wracking to her.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "this is true, good thing Caps not all that bossy." he admitted with a chuckle. "...i'm sorry. i just... i wasn't there..." he whispered, voice choked as he closed his eyes and sank into a chair. "all my life, all i ever wanted was a family and... and it was almost all taken away from me and..." he shook his head hard. "i'm sorry. it's just. it all hit me all of a sudden that i never got to see you pregnant. never got to endure your mood swings and cravings. i didn't get to see Alex take his first steps or say his first words... it, it kinda hurts..." he admitted softly. "it hurts that i couldn't be there for you..."

he smiled a little. "not when your as tired as you are." he admitted with a chuckle even as he chewed furiously on his lip. making it bleed all over again. he could only sigh in relief when she didn't panic. he wasn't sure she could handle another panic attack so soon. he relaxed as she snuggled into him and started to eat and he smiled and gently stroked her hair, knowing she liked that. it helped that it wasn't a sexual touch the way hand holding or leg patting could be. "you should get some more sleep." he murmured. "i'll stay here with you. i won't let anything happen." he promised.
Elena swallowed hard looking at him, crossing to stand in front of him, setting the books down on the table, reaching out, gently stroking his hair. “I know, and I’m sorry....I didn’t...I would have tried harder if I had known. “She swallowed, the knife twisting in her gut at the thought of causing him this kind of pain, swallowing hard, picking up the book to show him the pictures of alex when he first started working, sitting down on his lap,gently wrapping her arms around him, resting her forehead against his temple, heart hurting at just how badly he was hurting. “You’re here for me now. For alex. We can’t change what happened, we can just move forward. And if...when...you want to try again, don’t doubt for a minute I’m going to make you sit through every weird ass craving and all.”She muttered closing her eyes, just relaxing into him, trying not to think to hard, because if she did, she might have a breakdown, simply because it upset her to see him like this. Having a feeling the next few days were going to be tender and painful for them both, simply as they relieved the time she had spent pregnant, in their own ways.

“...You’re bleeding again.”She muttered sleepily, barely awake enough to eat even as she relaxed, barely noticing as he stroked her head, shifting, pressing her head into his hand, relaxing under the touch, finding comfort in it. “Good. I trust you to not let anything happen.....we’ll be okay...even if we have to go to the stupid doctor’s....”She muttered closing her eyes as she settled into her eyes, starting to fall asleep, trusting him to take care of her.
he offered her a broken smile. "it's not your fault, and never think it is." he ordered softly, leaning against her before smiling at the little Alex. "oh look at him. he was so teeny tiny..." he whispered, chuckling as he saw a picture of a red faced screaming babe and an exasperated Elena trying to feed him. "your babysitter must have taken these?" he mused, his head tilted. "i am here now. and not even death will keep me away from you now." he promised softly. "i love you." he admitted, taking her hand and touching the ring on her finger. he was very happy he had proposed to her. now he could finally have the life he'd always wanted.

he grimaced. "bad habit." he muttered. "at least it heals quickly now." he admitted. "we will be okay, even if i have to make it okay." he agreed softly as he hesitated before kissing the top of her head. he said nothing after that, just letting her sleep. he entertained himself by drawing her sleeping, peaceful face. she looked like an Angel when she slept, and he wanted to capture it.
“Fine.”Elena sighed softly, even if she didn’t sound so sure, she would try to not blame herself. Laughing quietly at his words, she nodded, looking at the picture of alex clinging to her hands as he took his first steps. “He was.”she muttered wincing at the screaming babe picture and nodding. “Yea. She was good for us, reminded me that my boy was precious, even when I wanted to scream.”She smiled before nodding, leaning into him more,”Good. I love you to. We’ll be together, forever now.”She muttered resting her head against his.

“Hm, true.”She muttered relaxing, settling in, content to sleep.

Nearly two weeks later Myka glared at the blond standing in front of her, even as she did up her boots, unhappy and not shy about letting everyone know it. Even if she wasn’t vocally protesting the need to go to the doctor’s, everyone knew she was highly uncomfortable with going, and even the desire to see their child on a ultrasound, or to maybe hear a heartbeat, wasn’t enough to make her happy about it. “Ready?”She said as she got up, tugging on her jacket, wincing a little as she saw bruce waiting for them. Tilting her head a little. “Sorry, Bruce....you can stay here if you want....despite what Rogers thinks, I can still fight like this.”She said, not about to admit that her pants were starting to feel a little tight. Didn’t want to think about that just yet.

“Loki?”Tony called as he walked in from the lab, his hair messy and every which way, obvious that he’d been sent on a inventing spree, and not even really aware of walking in to the living room before pausing at the sight of Elena sitting on the couch, upset. “What’s up?”he paused staring. “Nothing. Just talking.”Elena said smiling at the genius, and it was mostly true. While she was talking, she was also trying not to worry about clint to much, because despite wanting to be with him more then anything, the memories the pictures of alex’s early days and her own pregnancies had made the woman have her own mini-breakdown, and knowing clint would be upset she was blaming herself, so she’d turned to loki, hoping he’d help her sort out the feelings before it effected her life to much, not wanting clint to worry. Not realizing clint was starting to think she was having second thoughts about their relationship.
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