Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Loki offered tony an amused look before turning his rage on Thor. Loki even looked impressed by the words Thor spoke. "you know. the child cannot understand your words." Loki pointed out. "paying him for your rather impressive language was not needed." Loki admitted, glad to know that Thor would still protect his children. "Good. make sure he suffers Thor!" Loki demanded. "i don't care that he used to call me names, i don't care that he used to tell me that Father would never love me, i don't care, but the second he pulled my children into this... make sure he understands that he's lucky to still be alive." Loki snarled. "this? it won't stop me from ripping him to shreds if he tries again." Loki warned, indicating the branded runic spell that kept Loki from being too far away from the Avengers. truthfully, Loki could have broken it weeks ago if he'd wanted to, but he saw no reason to tell Thor that. "i killed your thing..." Jormungandr declared, looking horrified at the now black screen, the plug in his hand. "i'm sorry! i didn't mean to!" he stated before looking at Alex, looking rather wary. he'd been around children of course, but never a human child. "i am Jormungandr. what kind of games do you play?" he asked curiously. the child was much younger than him of course, but Jor was a curious guy, and was more than happy to entertain Alex.
"I know.but your children taught me that children are very good at mimicry even if they do not understand."rhor said simply before looking at the bonds,a fierce amused grin crossing his lips.because if he had to chose,he'd chose his brother over his father,and he was certain his father knew it,and had long suspected odin abused loki simply because of that."I will tell him."thor said as he left.tony smiled at jor's upset."no you didn't.you simply stopped the power going to it." "And even if you did,tony's very good at fixing things,so don't worry about breaking things."elena said swallowing looking nervous about alex getting close. "Jor...jorm..."Alex stttered over the name before smiling."jor!we play games. We should put a puzzle.papa?can jor help with a puzzle?"alex said twisting to look at clint. Totally oblivious to jormungandr's nervousness,simply wanting to play with the new person.
Loki paused. "...good point." he agreed with a chuckle. "and giving him a quarter every time we say something naughty lets him know without asking that he should never repeat what we said." Loki agreed. "he smirked at Thor's sly smirk, he should have known his brother would know. it was deeply heartening to know that Thor was on his side of things at least. "Thor?... just so you know... i'm sorry." Loki admitted, deciding to at least repair his end of the bridge. "the things i said... i didn't mean them. well, most of them. i'll never call Odin Father again to be sure." Loki admitted. "but... well, perhaps i was hasty in saying you weren't my brother." Loki admitted softly. "Power? have you a magic generation that works this?" he asked, examining the plug. "it's not Magic Jor." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "they've managed to manipulate electrical currents to run their technology." "what, really!?" Jor asked, looking amazed and delighted. "Jor is fine." Jormungandr assured the little boy Clint hesitating before nodding. "what is a puzzle?" Jor asked, looking baffled as he let the boy take his hand and drag him to the large entertainment station which had puzzles, books, crayons and other stuff to entertain Alex while he was in the Commons. "what am i to do?" he asked the child, watching Alex pour out the puzzle pieces.
"Exactly.the last thing I need is for elena to beat my head in cause I have alex cursing in asgardian."thor snickered a little before growing serious,tulting his head.studying his brother for a long moment before nodding.not accepting ,because it would take longer for the hurt feelings to heal, but he was going to accept, to gain his brother back."I'll be back soon.we'll talk then."he said before switching to asgardian flicking a look over the room before looking at loki."take care of them loki.tony looks ready to yell and there is something weird about myka."he said looking concerned,sensing the pregnancy but knowledgeable enough to know what it was as he left."sort of. Electric runs it."tony said walking over to plug the tv back in turning it back on and smiling at alex as the boydemanded a puzzle to be done."jor. A puzzle is a picture,silly."Alex said walking over and pouring the pieces out before looking up at jor in confusion,not knowing why hee didn't know how to do this."put them together." "You match the edges together,jor,and make the picture."elena explained moving over to help.
Loki chuckled a little and nodded before he watched Thor, hopeful. Tony had helped him open his heart again, he could only hope Thor wanted to have a piece of it. "yes. i have a feeling we'll have a lot to talk about." Loki admitted with a sigh. "Tony's always ready to yell... he's angry at me for facing my own son alone..." Loki admitted, sounding slightly amused. "and i already know what is wrong with Myka." he admitted with a shake of his head before glancing at Tony. "come on. you can yell at me some more." he promised, taking Tony's hand. "i'll let you paddle me too." he promised with a grin. "a picture?" Jormungandr asked, looking baffled as he watched Alex. "Jormungandr comes from another place Alex. he didn't grow up with the same toys as you." Clint explained as Jormungander examined the pieces and then picked out a few of the edge pieces. "so the pumps fit into the holes. that's easy enough." he admitted as he tried to fit a few of them together. "they do not fit... are you sure this is how it works? why not just magic the pieces together?"
“What’s wrong with me?”Myka said as thor left, turning to look at loki, frowning slightly. Before pointing at steve. “If there’s something wrong, it’s his fault. He’s the one making my body all wacky.”She said though there was real worry in her eyes before stepping away, running her fingers through her hair, slumping. “I’m going to try and get some sleep....since our food’s ruined by now...”She muttered at steve heading for the door, trying to not worry to much about what loki had said was wrong. She felt sick a little, but not bad. Surely nothing was really wrong, right?

“Who said I was going to yell?”Tony muttered even as he let loki take his hand, eyeing jormungandr and alex for a moment. “he’ll be okay with them?”He said sounding worried. “Go. I’ll supervise them.”Elena said smiling, watching tony respond to the idea of paddling loki. Rolling her eyes as the two disappeared into their bedroom.

“Uh-huh. This one has puppies on it.”Alex frowned a little thinking about that. “...how far is this place?You’d have to be very far away to not have the same toys.What did you play with then?”Alex said looking up at his new friend with wide eyes, looking heartily curious. “Yes. And match the picutre on it. See?You’re trying to fit to different colored pieces together. You need something similar.”Elena explained, showing him how to put the pieces together, biting her lip at alex’s response to the idea of using magic. “Nu-huh. Can’t do that. Cap says it’s cheating to use magic.”Alex said wisely looking amused though as he settled on the floor to work on the puzzle.
Loki smiled at her. "nothing at all." he assured her. "your genetic code changed is all and Thor sensed it. your body is stable now." he explained. or rather, lied. he didn't want her to have a panic attack after all. "and actually, it's Bruce's fault, since he fixed the Serum." "oh sure, make it my fault." Bruce complained, looking amused. "Tony... you live to yell." Loki admitted. "and i admit, i should have explained things before i left, but i was worried that Jor would really do something stupid." he admitted, shaking his head. "Jor will be fine, he knows to behave." Loki assured Tony. "you'll tie me up too, right?" Loki asked with a grin as he started stripping down once they got into the bedroom. he knew Tony needed the physical contact to reassure himself that Loki was fine.

Steve hesitated and then moved over to her. "we could just sit in the room and talk if you'd like?" he offered her with a small smile. "i had a lot of fun tonight. maybe we can have another date later?" he offered. "we could order Mexican food."

Jor smiled at him. "it's very, very far away." he explained. "it's much farther away than the moon is." he explained. "it's even further away than Pluto is." he admitted. "we played with things like this." he explained, pulling something out of his pocket. it was a large glass ball which he swirled around in his hand. he did a few more tricks, which one might have seen in a circus, if they where lucky. "well, we certainly don't want to Cheat." he agreed as he offered the ball to Alex. "here. you keep this. i'll show you how to do it sometime." he offered with a smile. "so. we have to make a picture." he decided as he examined the puzzle pieces and then settled down to try and fit them together. "this is a very nice challenge." Jormungandr admitted, looking quite pleased with this new 'game'. "i will have to find a way to replicate this back home."

(this is what Jor does with the Glass ball.)
“Oh.Good.”Myka said calming at the assurance that it was okay as they left. “I do not. Though yelling at pepper is amusing.”Tony snickered a little before sighing, “You should have. It would have been easier to let you go, if I had known the brat was Jor.”Tony said before eyeing the other man as he shut the bedroom door. “I think I will.”Tony smirked as he stripped down himself, shoving loki back onto the bed as he reached for the handcuffs, smirking as he tied the other up, “Well, you look fairly good like that.”He snickered before getting up, heading for the bathroom, leaving loki there. Oh, he was going to be cruel now. It was such a rare thing for tony to give into the desire to be cruel, but loki had scared him badly enough to want to punish him, and since he’d never hurt loki for real, he could do this.

Myka smiled looking up at him, “That would be nice. I’m not all that tired yet.”She said before nodding, “It was fun tonight. We’ll have to remember to tell Tony he’s amazing.”She snickered a little as they stepped into what had once been steve’s apartment, and slowly became theirs, “I would love to have another date.If you want.”She said offering a small, hesitant smile, because despite everything, she was still young, still unsure enough of her welcome to be nervous about him wanting her. Half afraid he wanted her simply because she could be the perfect sex partner for him, more then capable of taking anything he dished out, even if she knew the thought was ridiculous and stupid, she was insecure enough to think about it. Smiling as her stomach growled at the thought of food.”That would be amazing.”she said before pausing, looking at the apartment living room, shaking her head a little as she looked at the candlelit romantic setting that matched the date they’d left, shaking her head a little. “we need to make sure tony’s getting laid enough if he’s this interested in our love life.”She snickered shaking her head as she asked jarvis to order them some mexican food.

Alex’s eyes widened at that, “That’s far!You can’t even see pluto from here. Far,far away.”Alex said sounding amazed at the idea before looking even more amazed at the glass ball,”Wow!I want one. Mama, can you get me one?Uncle loki would get me one.” “We’ll see.”Elena said swallowing hard before laughing as Jor handed the ball to alex, looking amused as the boy clung to it as he helped with the puzzle.”thanks!”Alex giggled before nodding. “It’s a puppy picture. We make puppies.”He said settling in to help. “I am sure your father would be more then happy to help you with that.”elena said before smirking at clint, “Tony might have to fight to be the favorite.”She snickered because she knew while he protested and whined about having a toddler hanging around him, she knew tony’s reluctance about having alex with him was more fear of fucking him up then any dislike of being the boy's favorite.

(heh. that was cool!)
Loki chuckled a little. "i too enjoy yelling at Pepper." he agreed with a grin and a shake of his head. "i'm sorry... i really am. but if Jor had hurt even one person, Odin would have had him killed Tony." he whispered, sounding horrified by the idea before he smiled as he watched Tony strip. he landed on the bed with a grin, and obediently lifted his hands so that the other could cuff him in place. "...Tony?" Loki asked as he watched the other leave. "oh, god dammit!" Tony KNEW he hated being left half horny the way he was. the only thing he hated more was being fully aroused and then left to hang. no matter how long the time was. though, no matter the length of time, Loki never magicked himself free like they both knew he could because he liked being under Tony's control. so, no matter how much it annoyed Loki, he was stuck there until Tony decided he'd been punished enough.

he smiled a little and nodded. "i'm not going to tell him. he lost that privilege when he made that quip about condoms." he stated with a sniff. "i do want." he agreed with a smile at her. "i really like you." he admitted. "..." he blinked at the room, covered in candles and the only thing he could think of was. "shit, he's trying to burn down the tower." he muttered, looking around at the hundreds of candles. "how the hell did he manage this o.... oh, right. Loki." he muttered with a roll of his eyes. "alright. he can be told he's awesome." he agreed with a smile. "he's a pain in the ass, but at least it's always obvious that he cares." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he is a little obsessive isn't he? i think it's because it's me." he admitted with a smile. "he is my best freind after all."

Jormungandr smirked a little. "sure you can. you just need the right telescope." he admitted with a chuckle. "...Uncle Lo?" Jor asked, sounding very, very amused. "do you call him that to his face?" "yes he does." Clint admitted with a smirk. "he's having trouble with the kuh sounds. he was calling me 'Lint for a while." Jor snickered a little as he helped Alex make the puzzle. "what's a puppy?" he asked after a moment. "oh my. those are some odd looking creatures. are they canine?" he ashed as he examined the picture on the box. "there are so many different kinds." "Puppies are young dogs. Dogs are descended from wolves when people tamed, and mated different kinds of them for specific trait characteristics." Clint explained. "ah. i see. fascinating." he muttered. "we don't have dogs. just Direwolves." he admitted. "hey! i made one fit!" he declared, looking quite delighted.
“I know. It’s just upsetting to be left behind. You didn’t even give me a chance to follow.”Tony huffed before smirking as looked over his shoulder at the other. “Yes?”He smirked watching him for a moment before the shower could be heard turning on. And indeed it was a bit before tony returned, perfectly showered and looking pleased with himself as he considered his lover. “Now. You lied before. To myka. I know you, you did. Now why?”He asked, pushing because steve was his best friend, and he needed to know, and while he knew myka and steve hadn’t seen it, he knew loki to well to believe the lie. Leaning down he nibbled at the other’s collar bone as he settled on the bed with him, just relaxing now that he was making sure loki was fine.

“Good. I like you to.”Myka said blushing a little before nodding, looking around before pausing. “He is. Well. No. If loki helped him light the things, he probably knew enough to not catch anything on fire.”Myka snickered a little at the idea before nodding, “Hm, he is a pain in the ass. A socially awkward one, but it is nice he cares.”She snickered before nodding, “Probably. He loves you steve, no matter how awkward it makes him, he does care.”She grinned at him, leaning up to kiss him lightly,tugging him down for a better kiss, while she was tall, the other super solider still was taller by a few inches. “Wanna make out until the food gets here?”She grinned, giving him a flirty, amused smile as she leaned against him.

“Oh yea.It’s quite adorable.”Elena said looking amused at Loki being uncle lo. “It’s a dog!”Alex said looking confused at Jor not knowing this, before smiling as he giggled. “Lots of puppies. Papa?Can we get a puppy?”Alex twisted to look up at clint at his explaination to the different kinds of dogs before looking at jor.”I want a direwolf.”he declared. “No sweetheart, I don’t think that’s a good idea. But we can ask uncle tony if you can have a puppy in the morning, okay?”Elena said half hoping alex would forget about it, before grinning at jor’s delight. “Look, mama!He made a puppy’s paw.”Alex said looking quite happy with that, helping him find more pieces. “Hey you two, we better get some sleep.”Elena said standing, picking up the protesting toddler as he tried to get down again. "No, mama!I wanna play!"
Loki nodded. "i know. i'm sorry. i won't do it again." he promised before sulking as Tony left him there. "i did lie..." Loki agreed, "mostly because i am not completely certain i am correct." he admitted. "she's not sick. but because of the Serum i cannot be completely sure that what i think might be the case is true. i need a day, maybe two to be completely sure." he admitted, moaning as he relaxed into the nibbling. "she's not going to take it well if it is true..." he admitted softly.

Steve smiled at her. "this is true." he agreed, examining the candles. "now that you mention it, none of the Wax is melting." he admitted as he hesitated and then touched the flame, looking shocked. "it's cold!" he admitted, stunned. "magical flames... that's pretty cool." he admitted with a lopsided grin. "so long as he stops teasing me about 'being a virgin' i might consider forgiving him... it amuses me that he hasn't realized." he admitted with a snicker before he hummed as he was kissed, bending obediently for her. "god yes." he muttered as he kissed her again.

Jormungandr smiled a little. "i'm sorry Little One, but Direwolves are too dangerous to be kept as pets. they cannot be tamed." he admitted. "as far as i know, only my father, your 'Uncle Lo' and my younger Brother Fenris can calm a Direwolf." he admitted as Clint glanced at her. "....you know very well Tony isn't going to say no." he admitted, looking amused. "i was going to get him a lizard." he admitted. "we'll have to cut him a deal. he takes care of the lizard for six months or so, and then he can have a puppy. that way we can at least be sure he'll be somewhat responsible with the puppy." he decided. "hows that sound?" he asked with a grin as he gave her a kiss. "it's alright Alex. i'll be here for a while." Jor promised. "i'll play with you when you wake up. besides, i need to go to bed soon too. have to sleep to get lots of energy right?" Jor asked, offering the boy a smile. that ploy had always worked with his younger siblings. "your staying here right?" Clint asked once Elena got Alex settled. "no. i own a Hotel in Chicago." Jor admitted with a grin. "i'll be staying there."
Tony stared at him for a long moment, looking thoughtful before sighing. “Well, that’s a good reason to not tell her. But you will tell her, even if she’s not going to take it well if you are right.”he paused leaning up to kiss loki, hands skimming over his body.”Then again, you should tell Steve first, then let him tell her.”Tony said before grinning, losing himself in making sure loki was really okay, more then willing to look him over and not worry about anything besides making sure loki knew that he was annoyed with being left alone, and should be told things.

Myka’s eyes widened as she saw that, looking stunned to. “That’s awesome. We should get them a present or something, for being totally awesome date planners.”She snickered a little before looking up at him, “Well, he does spend a inordinate amount of time in his lab, are you really surprised he’s not that observant if it doesn;t involve building parts or the suits or anything?”she teased grinning. “Good.”She hummed before pushing him back ionto the couch and settling into his lap, content to simply make out and enjoy being with him until their food got there.

“...oh.That would not be a good pet.”Alex said frowning at the idea before looking up at his parents. “I know.”She muttered before tilting her head. “I like it. We’ll take him tomorrow and get a lizard, and let him choose what he wants.”She said sounding pleased with the idea as she kissed him back. “Promise?”Alex pouted looking upset at leaving to go to bed before nodding. “Yes!Lots and lots. We’ll go to the park next time!”Alex gigled happily as elena carried him for his own room, looking pleased with having made a new friend.
Loki nodded. "of course i will tell her." he admitted. "she would discover it on her own anyway, and it's better if she hears it from someone else so she doesn't do anything drastic." he admitted. "i'm not sure i should tell Steve though. this would have to be something Myka tells him." he admitted, sighing into the hands stroking him.

Steve snorted. "what do we get a man who has everything?" he asked her. "we could always get him some sex toys i suppose." he mused. "what are those things called, anal beads? we'll get him some of those." he decided with a snicker. "and no, i'm not that surprised. it's just hilarious." he admitted with a grin. he grunted as he was pushed into the couch and chuckled as he kissed her, stroking her sides and her arms and her back, but never straying lower because he knew she'd jump away if he did. he'd had a lot of practice figuring out how to read her. he knew when he was going too far for her comfort.

"not a good pet." Jor agreed with a chuckle. "okay." he agreed with a chuckle. "it's amusing though, how everyone sort of flocks to Alex. he'll be an amazing leader someday." he admitted. "i promise." Jormungandr stated seriously before he blinked. "what's a park?" he asked, looking baffled, Clint laughing as he explained the concept to Jor who nodded before heading off to his own place of sleep.
“...That’s worrying loki. Seriously.”Tony complained sighing softly as he considered that, before pushing to worry away to focus on the man under him. Not wanting to worry now.

“...”Myka giggled at that, nodidng. “we will.Give it to him, and let him open it in front of everyone. It’d be quite amusing.”She giggled settling in to kissing him, just enjoying it.

A few days later Myka smiled from where she was laying in steve’s lap watching the fast and the furious, looking up at the couple walking into the room. “We have something for you Tony.”Myka said holding up the box that did indeed hold the anal beads for him to take, feeling to sick to get up and move to talk. Having tried to spar with steve when they’d gotten up, but gotten to sick to deal with it,they’d settled in to watch a movie and hopefully feel better. Though she knew she was worrying steve, she tried to just relax and be calm, and not to worry to much herself, because she knew if he realized she was freaking out, he would. Because while her body was amazing at healing stuff, the downside of having that much hormonal shifts regulated by the serum, it meant that now that she was pregnant, the serum was kicking into overdrive and hadn’t leveled out yet, leaving her sick and queasy, even more then she would have been if she’d been a normal woman.“What is it?”Tony frowned as he leaned over the back of the couch to take the box, before laughing a little when he saw what was in the box, smirking at steve. “Giving up on being a slut these days?Passing on your toys?”He teased quirking a eyebrow at him.

Elena smiled as she settled Alex on her hip, looking at Clint and Jor, amused that loki’s oldest had taken a liking to Alex, and when he was in town, visited with him and loki. It was quite adorable really. And since Jor had been interested in seeing the city, Elena had invited him to go with them to help Alex get his lizard...and she found it amusing that Tony had told them to get whatever they wanted for the lizard, not even stick with one of the small ones, they could get whatever alex wanted, as long as he was happy with it. “Ready you three?” “Yes, mama!”Alex giggled resting his head on her shoulder, cuddling against her as they headed down to the garage, settling into his car seat with a smile.
Steve smiled as he ran a brush through her hair. he just loved to play with her hair, and was current brushing it, simply because he could. plus it seamed to make her feel better, so he felt useful that way too. "what did she get you?" Loki asked curiously, blinking at the Anal beads. "...what in the world is that? some sort of children's toy?" he asked curiously, picking it up and looking it over. "ah. so you finally found out." Steve muttered, looking extremely amused. "nah. we bought that just for you. maybe you might catch up to me." he teased. "looks like you'll have to teach Loki how to use it though."

Jor was still quite hesitant around Clint and Elena, though he was starting to accept the fact that they weren't going to do anything unpleasant to him. he absolutely adored Alex though, and was already teaching him 'contact juggling' and a few bits of extra magic. Alex could make things hover now, and change the color of things. and Jor was teaching the boy how to chance into an animal. all sorcerers could do that if they practiced hard enough, though Loki was a rare, true shifter that could turn into anything he wanted. Jor was also teaching Alex how to make his hair turn colors and grow shorter or longer as he pleased. he had also shown Alex more Asgardian toys, including a flying spinning top, and magical wooden figurines that moved as they pleased. "i suppose so." Jor agreed with a timid little smile as he sat next to Alex in the back seat.
Myka smiled softly as she looked up at steve brushing her hair, content to let him do it, because it was such a rarity to have someone want to take care of her in her life, she just enjoyed it. Tony grinned looking at loki “I’ll show you later.”He teased stealing a kiss before nudging loki, giving him that look. That look that said loki better talk to myka because he said he would. Beofre laughing at steve’s words. “Hm, seems loki pays more attention then I did. Finding out about your sex life was scarring, Spangles.”Tony pouted before smirking.”I’ll love showing how to to use them.” “Urgghhh. Stoppp. Please. You’re making me sicker then I already am.”Myka whined pressing her face into steve’s thigh, smirking against the denim of his jeans before biting down lightly, teasing him lightly before looking at the other two. “Clint and Elena going after their lizard?”

Elan shook her head a little amused as she studied her son’s hair, finding it amusing the boy had made it as short as clint’s, but with the bright red and gold of iron man, well, at least shades of it, more like auburn and blond then true gold an red, but the intent was there. “Yes!Mama we’re going to get the biggest lizard!I’m going to name it Max!or-or Fen!or something!”Alex said to excited to think well, if he’d been a dog his tail would have been wagging so hard he would have knocked himself over. “Alex, slow down.”Elena scolded lightly as alex pulled on her hand as they walked into the pet store, making him walk when it was obvious he wanted to run around, and she had a feeling they’d probably getting more then one lizard, if only because the boy was so excited, and clint was incapable of saying no. Which was just adorable most days.
Loki offered Tony a returning look that said 'i'm getting to it, don't rush me'. "it's not that hard when he has to walk past my door to get to his own room." Loki pointed out. "and women are so... giggly." Steve snorted. "Myka's not giggly." "of course she is. she just does it on the inside." Loki stated before he sighed. "yes. they went to get the lizard... listen. i need to speak to you. both of you." he admitted, looking wary. "it's about why Myka is been feeling so ill lately." he admitted as he bit his lip, struggling with how to phrase this without causing a panic.

"well you don't want to get the biggest lizard." Jor piped up suddenly. "they are usually very sedate..." he paused to explain what sedate meant. "you'll want a littler lizard, they are usually much more active." he admitted. "they will be far more entertaining." he admitted, amused at how Excited Alex was over a silly reptile. "we might have to stop at the P.A.R.K and let him run off some of that energy." Clint muttered, sounding amused. "wow." Jormungandr muttered, looking around in awe at all the animals before he headed over to the reptile selection with Alex. Jormungandr ended up getting a pretty albino Ball Python that was upwards of three feet that had been in a cage that was entirely too small for it. Clint had been a bit concerned about a snake bigger than Alex being near his son, but Jor had assured him that he could literally speak to the snake, and that it wouldn't even bite, let alone try to eat or squeeze Alex.
“True. It’s probably a good thing you’re staying in my room, I mean, you wont have to listen to Cap and Myka get it on.”Tony snickered a little. “We’re not, I mean we haven’t-”Myka sputtered before stopping, frowning slightly at the term giggly, looking up at loki. “I am not giggly. You’re giggly.”She pointed out before frowning, “what?Something’s wrong?”Myka said sitting up quickly, wincing as the world tilted around her at the sudden movement. Tony winced at the panic in the woman’s face, biting his lip, not knowing what was wrong, but knowing loki was upset about telling them, so he had no idea how to make this better. “Just tell them Loki, she’s going to panic.”Tony muttered already seeing the panic setting in, and wanting to head off the panic attack, looking at steve, hoping he’d have a idea how to calm her so they could talk, feeling utterly out of his depth.

Alex paused, listening to that before nodding. “Littler!Littler is better.Bestest.”Alex decided looking pleased with that. Elena laughed a little, nodding. “We’ll have to. After we take the animals home.”she said looking amused before smirking at Jormungandr’s awe at the pet store. Alex giggled happily as he got two small geckos, the small portable cage perfect for a boy who wanted to carry them himself, even if the cage was nearly as big as he was, letting clint and elena carry the food and bigger tanks for the animals and everything. “Papa!Mama!Thank you!”Alex said pouncing on them as soon as clint put the animals in the back of the car, pouncing on them with hugs and kisses before climbing up in his car seat, settling into his seat, eager to get home and play with the geckos.
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "i agree." he admitted. "i bet they're very vocal." Loki admitted, sounding amused. "i am not! how dare you! i am a GOD!" he stated with a sniff. making Steve choke. "don't do that. it makes me think bad things." he ordered, Loki chuckling. "...it's not wrong per say..." Loki admitted before sighing as Steve wrapped his arms around Myka and murmurer comforting things in her ear. "...Myka. you are pregnant." Loki explained softly. "you're over-flux of hormones and the Serum made it hard for me to be sure until this morning." he admitted. "but you are, in fact, pregnant."

Jormungandr chuckled a little and nodded. "littler is better." he agreed, smiling at the boy. he chuckled as Alex gushed over the pet Geckos and had a mildly entertaining thought of suggesting Alex name them Loki and Tony. better not. Loki would probobly stick him in the corner for eternity for a prank like that. he himself had his new snake, Sephestion, wrapped around his shoulders where it appeared to be taking a nap. "what are you going to name them?" he asked Alex with a grin, Clint smirking. this was going to be entertaining.
“They probably are. I might have to sound proof the place.”Tony mused before smirking at Loki. “No, I’m a god, you’re just the one who worships me.” “Don’t say that. Tonyyy!”Myka whined twitching at that mental visual before staring at loki. Going tense in steve’s arms, starting to panic, “N-no, can’t. Can’t.I have to...go.Yes. Go.”Myka said squirming to get out of steve’s arms, and it was a good thing that even if she tried, the other super soldier was stronger then myka, and steve could easily keep her still, but even caught, she was still panicking. The utter, broken panic was heartbreaking, not only because she was pregnant, but she had known for years that they were trying to breed a better soldier, this was making her panic as she considered what hydra wanted, so far gone in her panic to consider steve, and tony, and loki, and the others would protect her, she was falling asleep. “Loki, put her to sleep.”Tony muttered glancing over at loki, looking anxiously at the frantic woman struggling in steve’s arms.

Elena looked over at Clint, smirking a little. Oh yea, this was going to be amusing, letting alex name his pets. “Iron and Ice. Cause see?Ones red like uncle tony, and the other’s blue like uncle lo is when he goes all icy.”Alex paused thinking that over, twisting to look up at Jor.”....They wont mind that will they?Papa!I can name them that right?”
Loki smirked a little at Steve's red face. "...this is true." Loki agreed, smirking at Tony. "i do worship you. a lot." he admitted with a chuckle before telling her the news, wincing a little as he realized she was having a total and complete panic attack. Steve wrapped his arms around the girl and held her tight and close, giving her no chance to run away. he couldn't let her run away. she would do something bad if he did. Loki nodded at the order and gently flicked his fingers at her, making her sleep against her will. "...that went better than i thought it would." Loki admitted. "poor girl. she just can't catch a break." he breathed with a sigh.

"Iron and Ice? hmm. how about Frost and Iron?" he suggested. "Frost is a bit cooler." he admitted with a grin. "i think they'll be a little annoyed, but they'll forgive you." he promised, looking highly amused. "i think they would be amused to know you named your pets after them." Clint admitted with a grin. "if they don't like it, you can always change their names." he assured the little boy.
“Oh!Yes. Frost and Iron.”Alex agreed happily, not realizing he was making his mother giggle as she pulled into the parking garage.

Tony nodded a little, relaxing a little as Myka slumped into steve’s arms, dead asleep. “She’s going to kill us when she wakes up...”He muttered knowing she wasn’t going to be happy with the unexpected nap, probably even worse because she’d still be worked up. Looking at his best friend he huffed out a sigh.”You better get her to bed...”He muttered. “Uncle tony!I has two lizards!Frost and Iron!Come look!Mama’s putting them in my room.”Alex babbled as he ran into the common rooms, bubbly and happy, walking with clint, having been to excited to simply not go tell the others right away about his pets and want to show them. Tony paused from his inspection of watching Myka sadly as she slept, startling a little as he looked down at alex as he ran in to hug him. "What?"
Steve just nodded and gently picked Myka up, cradling her as he took her to bed. unsure how to feel. he was going to be a father... he was going to have a child... god that was a frightening thought, horrifically frightening. "Myka." he muttered as he realised she was waking, several hours later. "i'm so sorry." he whispered. "i didn't. i should have... i won't leave you. i swear it." thinking her panic was because of his fear of raising a child. "it's my child too and i'll help you raise it. i won't leave you to take care of him, or her, alone." he promised, struggling to make sure Myka understood that he was going to stay with her. "i love you and i won't let you go." he promised, more than a little stunned by himself. he loved her?... he did love her. a lot. he wouldn't let her run away from him.

Jormungandr smiled as he played with Alex, showing him another trick with the glass ball, showing him how to do a front to back with the hand, making the ball flip from the front of the hand to the back. it was surprisingly difficult to contact juggle, as Clint had found out when he broke sixteen of the little glass balls. Alex hadn't broken one yet. he was such a clever boy. the two geckos where running freely in the apartment when it became clear that Jor could also speak to them and thus recall them when it was time to go back into their cage.
Myka stirred frowning slightly as she looked at steve, confusion crossing her face. Not awake enough to figure out what he was saying really."what..."she started before trailing off, the memory crashing into her,curling up on the bed,fetal,because despite his words of reassurance,it was something that she'd been worried about.this scared her for another reason.made her doubt everything. Because after so long,had she been set up,hydra having playing circumstances just right to get this result."what?"she started,wincing as he face connected with her knees she started so badly at the idea he loved her. So scared that it was a lie,that thia was a trick,because she'd broken her own rules,and started caring for him...not even aware that she was as in love with him as he was with hr."no your not...just stop.please.hydra has what the want...just go.please."she begged,o damaged,so broken she couldn't even process they were in a relationship, everything scary enough to her to doubt everything she'd thought was between them. And while she wanted nothing more then to have it be real, she'd been through to much to have that kind of trust."just go...before I care for you more...go!"

Elena snickered a little as she looked at clint,leaning over to kiss him lightly."I thought you were good with tour hands.how is it both alex and tony haven't broken one,but you have?"she teased amused that alex had conned the billionaire into not going to his lab for the day,the man simply playing with the glass ball and letting alex shoe off his geckos.though he still freaked when he was in the room alone with alex,he was okay with the others being there.
Steve smiled as she woke up and winced as she curled up. he hated how broken she was. he was going to make people pay for doing such things to her. "i love you." he repeated when she asked 'what'. "...what about Hydra?" he asked, frowning as he sat up a little and examined her. "i'm not going." he stated with a growl. "and you can't make me. i love you, and i'm keeping you because i know you love me too. i won't let you do this alone. we're in this together. i know your scared, i am too, but we can be scared together." he promised her, not leaving. never leaving. he knew she wouldn't beleive him, not for some time, but he didn't care. he could, he would make it work.

Clint rolled his eyes. "i don't have the grace for it. hand to hand fighting doesn't usually need intricate balance." he admitted. "completely steady hands is one thing, completely steady arms, shoulders, head and everything else is another." he admitted. "Tony has to have the ability to hold perfectly still because the things he works on could blow up at a twitch of an elbow, and Alex is a kid. they learn fast." he was well aware that he was just making excuses. "plus, i think Alex might be channeling Magic into his." which was probobly true.
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