Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Steve more than made up for her clumsiness. it was funny to think that Steve the boyscout often had more sex then Tony did at times. he gasped and moaned as she wrapped her legs around him, shuddering as he followed her into Orgasm, moaning as he rocked, milking himself out into her before he shuddered and collapsed next to her, panting hard as he wrapped his arms around her and snuggled close. he was a boy scout after all, he so loved to cuddle.

"...your being fucking Stupid!" Loki snarled as soon as he realized that Tony was piss drunk. "i fucking HATE you right now! you fucking COWARD!" Loki snarled, grabbing Tony by the back of the shirt and vanishing them. "Jarvis lock the fucking Lab! he doesn't go near it until he's fucking sober!" he ordered the computer as he threw Tony onto his bed and then, with a complicated hand motion, made every single bit of alcohol in the tower vanish. "You made a fucking Promise Tony! keep it for Alex's sake if you won't keep it for the Captain!" he raged before turning on his heal and heading out the door. "filthy traitor." Loki growled as he slammed the door behind him. he wasn't about to admit that he hoped Tony would take responsibility for the child in Loki, but he did. he wanted Tony to want the child. he wanted Tony to love him. clearly, that wasn't true, but Loki still hoped.
Myka shuddered quietly as he pulled out of her, whining quietly as she shifted, snuggling into his arms, to sated and quiet to really want to move just yet. Resting her head on his shoulder, taking comfort in the man holding her. But when he got up, she was gone, not even in his rooms or floor, or actually anywhere in the tower. The only reason no one had panicked as that she was wearing the bracelet Tony had made for her, that said she was up on the roof, hiding in clint’s outdoor nest, the small enclosed area that was just perfect for hiding. And she was definitely freaking out, even as she tried not to.

“What?”Tony sputtered yelping as he jerked in the other’s hands. “No!Jarvis, override that. I’m perfectly fine!” “No, you are not sir.”Jarvis said simply sounding worried. “What the fuck loki!?”Tony snarled watching him go, pissed, both angry and drunk as he slumped back onto the bed, starting to cry as loki shut the door behind him. While he’d started drinking to not feel, but now he had no option but to face the knowledge that loki had slept with someone else, and it was killing him.

Later Jarvis interrupted steve’s nap, even if he knew steve and myka needed time, and had made sure that they had privacy for their hookup, but his creator needed help, and since he wouldn’t subject Alex to a hungover tony, he would ask the captain, since tony’s best friend was the only person who would get through to him. “Captain? Sir needs you. He is...drunk and needs help, Captain.”Jarvis said sounding anxious, having tried to talk to loki and get him to help a hungover tony, but the man was to upset. So he was turning to the person who’d always managed to convince tony to take better care of himself.
Steve sighed as he realized she was gone and he settled into cross legged position so he could set his face in his hands and cry. he had raped someone. he didn't understand this, why had he done that!? it took him a while, but he finally got up and staggered for Bruce, he had to tell someone. he needed to go to jail, needed to pay for the crime he had committed. what he got instead was a tranquilizer, which calmed him down a lot, and a reassurance that he hadn't raped anyone and that he would look into it.

Loki huffed. "shut up. your not fine!" Loki spat, glaring at him. "just shut up and take a nap you drunken bastard."

Steve blinked after his second nap and he sighed a little as he sat up. "on my way." Steve promised as he got dressed and headed up to Tony's room, knocking on the door. "Tony, i'm coming in." Steve called, letting himself in and heading over to the other. "you know, i thought i hid all the alcohol." he admitted, studying Tony. "Tony? what is it? what's wrong?" he asked, worried now that he'd seen the other. this wasn't a 'i'm bored let's get drunk' this was a 'i wanna die but don't wanna go through the effort of doing it myself' sort of thing. "Tony, come on now. talk to me... i'm having my own freak out at the moment so i'm going to drug you and do perverted things to you if you don't tell me." which was a lie of course, but he'd used that line before and it always made Tony laugh.
“Go away....I’m rich, I bought more....”Tony muttered into the pillow from where he was laying starfished all over the bed, his face buried against his pillow, the room dark because his head was killing him now that he was sobering up. And it showed, when tony didn’t even bother laughing at the other’s words. Because it was something that had always invoked laughter, the thought of steve rogers doing perverted things to someone. “.....Loki’s pregnant with someone else’s kid...now go away. Don’t you have sexy things to do with your puppy now that you’ve been cleared for sex?”Tony growled, the emotional punch showing that he was actually aiming to hurt the other, because he wanted left alone, and no one did emotional combat better then tony stark when he was actually trying to hurt. Though knowing steve, he wouldn’t let tony get away with such blatant manipulation.

“Loki?”Myka shivered a little as she shoved her hands into the hoodie she was wearing, despite the emotional problems and utter confusion she was feeling, it was obvious despite everything she still trusted steve, as she was wearing a pair of his jeans and one of his hoodies, looking like a kid playing dress up in it, but the fabric smelled like him, and it was a scent she’d come to associate with safety, even if she was utterly, completely confused and feeling traumatized. Not because it was rape, or because of how she was feeling, but because it had dragged up memories, no matter how careful steve had been to not pin her, to not remind her, the woman was drowning in memories now that she was in control again.
Steve snorted. "yeah well. your not going to buy anymore." he warned before gasping, stunned. "you can't be serious! Loki's many things but he's no cheater!" he frowned. "Tony listen to yourself. you're blaming Loki for cheating on you, when you KNOW he can't stand people. who would he cheat on you with?" he froze at Tony's verbal smack and he closed his eyes. "...i raped her." he whispered softly. "i don't know what happened." he admitted. he had to tell someone, clearly Bruce didn't take his duty seriously. "Tony... i'm a rapist..." Steve whispered, sounding oh so traumatized. "and Bruce won't do anything about it..."

there was a long silence as Myka tried to get Loki's attention and then, surprisingly, the door popped opn, revealing Loki, who was laying in bed, curled up tight, face pressed into his knees as he laid on his side. so distraught he didn't even think of uncurling when she came in. "...Tony doesn't want me anymore." Loki whispered at her. "he doesn't want me because he doesn't want his baby..." he looked up at her. "are you alright? whats wrong?" everyone in the tower seamed to be having their trauma all at the same time.
“it’s my money, I can buy what I want.”Tony muttered into his pillow, pressing his face into the pillow. “Well, he’s pregnant, and I can’t have kids. So he had to sleep with someone else. I was seriously thinking Banner or Barton.”Tony muttered before pausing, realizing that his verbal attack really had found the mark, having not realized that they had been doing stuff. He’d been getting blind drunk at the time. “...You...raped...what...?I’m drunk aren’t I?”Tony blinked rolling onto his back to look at him, having no idea what to say to his friend who looked so traumatized, before pulling him down onto the bed. “...What did Myka say?”She asked wanting the whole story. Because he knew alot of things, knew steve was capable of alot of things, but not rape. “You’re being stupid, soldier boy. She did kick your ass every time you’ve sparred.”Tony pointed out looking worried, upset that he’d actually managed to hurt his friend, having just wanted him to leave, having not meant to really upset him.

Myka looked startled at the sight of the jotun, walking in, “What?We’re talking about tony right?”she said looking confused, before pausing. “...Why not? I mean...he’s good with kids...he...”Myka stared looking so confused before swallowing hard, sitting down on the edge of the bed, leaning back against the headboard.”I’m....I had sex with steve...well...I think I raped steve...I mean...I couldn’t stop....”her voice when that trembling that most girl’s voices did before tears when you were really trying not to cry
Steve snorted. "you can't. Jarvis won't let you." he stated with a sniff and then stared at Tony. "...Tony. he's an alien. how do you know he gets pregnant through sex? Thor certainly can't get pregnant. men aren't supposed to get pregnant. so he probobly gets baby supplies from means other than most people do. you're being ridiculous." he winced a little and looked down at his hands. "i don't understand it myself." he admitted. "every time, recently, when i got near her there was... it was like my entire body burned. it NEEDED her, i needed her... and we where sparring and suddenly we where naked and..." he shook his head. "she wasn't willing, i know she wasn't, not when she's so scared.... fuck Tony..." he made a strangled sound. "i raped her and i can't even tell you why!"

Loki nodded. "i told him i was pregnant and he told me he didn't want to see me anymore." he admitted. "he's a filthy coward." Loki Grumbled. "either that or he doesn't want a freak for a lover. or maybe he just doesn't want a baby with me, i don't know..." he admitted, shaking his head before he blinked at her. "...you and Steve had sex?... shit." he muttered. "he's probobly going around thinking the same thing." he admitted, looking concerned. "hey now. don't cry. Steve didn't struggle did he? he didn't protest, try to tell you to stop, or anything else?" he asked. "then why do you think you raped him? i know for a fact that he's been trying to think of a way to ask you out for a date. he likes you. you didn't rape him. and even if you did, he'll forgive you."
Tony frowned before looking at the other, staring at the other. The hope in his eyes so desperate it was painful to consider. He wanted, so badly, to believe that. “I am not.”He frowned annoyed with his friend for saying it, even if he was feeling stupid now. Before frowning at Steve’s words, tilting his head slightly. “...What about her?Did she seem affected to?”he asked curious, before wincing. “Don’t. Steve, you couldn’t have. You didn’t rape her....now...J?Can you tell me where Myka is?” “Ms. Barnes is in loki’s room.” “...okay. Come on. We’re going to go figure this out.”Tony said pushing up out of bed, wincing, the world swimming for him as he got to his feet, hungover enough that it made his head pound to be moving. “I’m sure there’s a explaination for this. Don’t worry so.”

“...Well, maybe you should talk to him.”Myka frowned at him looking comnfused, nodding as she rested her head on her knees, sniffling a little. “Y-yes...in the gym.”She muttered anxious, frowning at loki as she wiped her eyes. “N-no...he said we shouldn’t...but we didn’t stop...I couldn’t...I couldn’t stop. It was...It was like I was burning up. For days now...”She muttered wrapping her arms around her knees, looking anxious and worried about losing the single person she trusted wholly. “...Because he doesn’t want me!Not really. He doesn’t do relationships. I asked jarvis. Jarvis said he’s never brought the same person home twice. He doesn’t want more then this.”She said sounding so, so anxious. So that’s what she was really worried about. That steve wouldn’t want to do a relationship, that she’d fucked up the only friendship she had. And while jarvis had said it, he’d said alot of other stuff about steve liking her, but she’d stopped listening once she started obsessing over the idea she’d raped him.
he snorted a little. "you are too... and i don't know. she wasn't there when i woke up." he admitted, shaking his head. "i did! i raped her! i couldn't stop Tony!" Steve protested, shaking his head hard. "Tony! you're drunk as hell, you shouldn't be walking around." Steve protested, mostly because he didn't want to go see Myka. "i do worry! i raped the only girl i've been interested in in my entire life!" he complained. "she'll never speak to me again!"

Loki huffed. "i would, if he wasn't piss drunk right now." he growled. "...you had sex in the gym? how kinky." he teased with a smile. "it sounds almost as if you went into estrus." he admitted. "some of the Aeser women go through that." he admitted with a shrug. "it's a sort of heat i guess, makes them really really horny." he admitted. "from what i understand, some of the Jotun go through it too, but i've never experienced it." he admitted. "ah, is that what the problem is? Steve does do relationships. he just has to find someone he truly has feelings for. he brings home women that he knows doesn't want a relationship because sometimes he just has to have sex. he IS a man after all. you didn't ruin anything. you'll see, trust me okay?"
“well, then you’re be stupid. Talk to her before you jump to conclusions.”Tony said frowning rubbing a hand over his face, “Well, Captain, maybe she couldn’t stop either. There’s a reason.”He said studying him for a moment before collapsing back onto the bed, his head was killing him. “Okay, so what if you did?Are you simply going to let her go? She likes you Rogers. Man up and go see her. She’s not running away, just hiding in loki’s room.”

“...Oh.Oh, well...I’m sorry loki.”She said eyes widened a little at the thought of tony drunk before flushing. “I didn’t mean to!It was, we were fighting and then we were having sex, and I couldn’t even think about the fact that it was in a public place, I wanted to screw him and I wanted him...”She sounded anxious and worried before stopping, thinking about that, before nodding hesitantly. “Yes...it was like that. I, I didn’t care, I just needed him.”She shuddered a little before looking down at the blankets, before shaking her head. “Don’t lie to me Loki. He doesn’t do relationships, don’t be kind. I just ruined things...I messed up...I don’t want to leave!I don’t have anywhere to go.”She sounded so anxious, so scared, that she couldn’t even just trust loki to know steve, to scared of steve making her leave because they’d screwed.
Steve shook his head. "how can i ever face her again Tony?" he asked softly, closing his eyes. "i know she couldn't stop, but that doesn't mean it's not rape! i think she might have been drugged..." he admitted. "...i took advantage of her!" he complained, raking his hands through his hair. "...i like her too... i do... but i should be in prison..." he muttered. aaah the man of justice was kicking in. "...your right though, she didn't leave, she's just... doesn't want to see me right now... course, there's nor really anyplace else she could go..."

Loki huffed a little. "well, yeah. where you expecting something else?" he asked, sounding amused. "you both wanted it, trust me. the only person who doesn't realize he's in serious lust with you, was you." he assured her. "he wanted you just as bad as he wanted him. and he still wants you. besides, i'm not lying and if you weren't having a panic attack you'd know that." he stated, standing up. "Jay!? where's Steve right now!?" when he heard the other was with Tony he twitched. "...let us know when he leaves there alright?" he demanded, not wanting to face 'filthy Tony stark'. "you didn't mess up anything and you don't have to leave! don't make me smack you, you won't like it..." he warned. "Jay! tell Steve to get his ass down here!" he ordered. "tell him Myka's in a state and that she needs him."
“The same way you faced Hydra, and red skull, and everything else. Brace yourself and be ready for anything. You’re in serious lust for her, just face her, otherwise you;ll never know what could have been, or if she could forgive you.”Tony said before frowning, “Drugged?But...she was in the tower. Not possible....”he sighed quietly. “You are such a boy scout.”Tony grumbled rolling his eyes a little at the idea of putting steve in jail before sighing. “No, she doesn’t want to see you right now....and Steve, she’s the winter soldier. You know if she didn’t want to be here, really, it wouldn’t matter if she had someplace to go. She’d disappear.”He pointed out, because he thought it was true before opening his mouth to say something, before pausing when Jarvis spoke. “Captain?Myka is having a panic attack, Loki has requested your presence.”

“...Really?No. You’re just trying to make me feel better. I would have noticed if he wanted me.”She said her breathing coming in quiet little pants, really really starting to have a serious panic attack instead of just thinking to hard. “I don’t have anywhere else. He’ll make me leave. He wont want me to stay...can’t go...”Myka muttered to herself, to panicked to really hear loki trying to calm her, or asking for steve. To panicked, to scared to be calm. She’d always suffered from panic attacks, this one was just worse then any she’d ever had, because she truly, really cared about what she was panicking over.
Steve took a deep inhale, wondering if he could really do this. "okay. your right. i have to talk to her. soon... later... maybe..." he stuttered before shaking his head. "you have to remember Tony. she comes with a drug already working in her system, and Hydra had already used breeding techniques to make her in the first place... i can see them making her accept anyone who mounted her when they wanted to breed her..." he admitted. "which is why i raped her. she couldn't stop me..." he looked up at Tony. "...you do have a point." he agreed, biting his lip before he leaped to his feet at Jarvis's call. he turned and raced out of the room, not even bothering to worry about how she'd react to his presence.

"Myka... no offense, but why in the hell would i 'just want to make you feel better'? your a human after all." ah, so he WAS trying to distance himself a little. "he won't make you leave Myka! and even if he does, Thor would be willing to take you to Asgard where you would live safely." he assured her before calling for Steve when he realized that she was having an honest to god panic attack. not that he was left to worry long. he was shoved out of the room and Myka was in Steve's arms before Loki could even utter Steve's name. "Myka? look at me..." Steve ordered. "i'm sorry! i didn't mean to hurt you, i swear!"
“You do.”Tony said watching him before flinching, swallowing hard. “Bloody hell...I hadn’t considered that...”he frowned slightly, “...I wonder if the serum acts like a attraction to you. I mean., you have your own....you said it yourself. It ramps up your sex drive sometimes...it would make sense it does to her to...”Tony said before flinching a little, swalloing hard. “You didn’t. She would have if she wanted to.She wants you, and you’re the only one who doesn’t know that.”She pointed out before sighing watching him go.

“...shut up...You like us....even if you’re trying ot not to..”Myka muttered panting quietly, whimpering, curling up more at loki’s words.”I don’t want to go anywhere!Not to asgard.”She half yelled, not realizing he’d offered it as a nice thing, not as a have to leave. Startling badly when Steve picked her up she looked at him with wide eyes, trembling hard in his arms, shaking so badly it was like she was going to fall apart. “...I don’t want to go anywhere!Don’t make me leave!”She cried tears streaming down her face as she gripped his shoulders, trying to breath, trying to get a full breath in, but failing utterly.
Steve shook his head. "i think it must." he admitted with a sigh. "but i wanted her even before my body started doing things on it's own." he admitted, shaking his head. "besides, i can ignore it when it ramps up my sex drive." he could, but he usually didn't. not that tony knew that. it amused Steve to no end that Tony still somehow lived under the impression that Steve had less sex than a virgin. he raced out the door before he could comment on the fact that she liked him.

"you don't have to go anywhere." Loki promised her before he was shoved out of the room, glaring at the door. now he'd have to find somewhere else to hide. "hey! easy. you don't have to go anywhere! who told you that you have to leave!? i'll kill them!" he promised. "i won't make you leave! you have a place here now. i said so didn't i? i don't want you to leave." he promised her.
“Well, you’ll just have to convince her of that....and you can. But I doubt she’s ever had a chance to learn how to....put you two together...”He shrugged watching him run out.

Myka panted burying her face against steve’s chest, clinging desperately to his shirt, hanging limply in his arms, whimpering quietly. “N-no one...you don’t...you don’t want me to leave? I raped you!I couldn’t...I couldn’t stop!Don’t you want me to leave?!”She whimpered clinging and desperate to be reassured, starting to calm now that he was holding her, and not freaking out. In fact, he was being calmer then she was.

“Loki?Sir requests your presence in his bedroom, if you would. He has sobered a great deal...”Jarvis paused, as if debating on saying anything more, and it was obvious he was thinking of adding more then what tony had actually said.”and the captain has talked some sense into him about the child...he...He did not understand, loki.He thinks you slept with someone else to get pregnant, he doesn’t understand that it is his.”Jarvis said, adding more, because even if he was a AI, he had come to care for his creator, as much as he was able to, and loki had taught him how to do magic and create illusions, he was eager to help them both.
Steve held her tightly, shaking his head. "of course i don't want you to leave! and you didn't rape me! i raped you!..." he paused. "or... maybe i didn't..." he muttered. "i'm not sure. i don't really remember how it happened." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you didn't rape me Myka. i promise. i liked it, i wanted it, i encouraged it." he promised her, kissing her forehead. "i like you. a lot. you know?... though i didn't expect that to happen..."

Loki huffed from where he was sitting in one of Clint's overhangs eating something that would have made Steve sick. there was syrup and more flavors of ice-cream than could really fit into the bowl, covered in sprinkles, skittles, gummies and what looked like marshmallow cream. "...yeah he's sober alright." Loki grumbled before he paused, rage flashing in his eyes. "is that supposed to make it better!? he fucking thinks i cheated on him!?" he demanded, throwing his bowl of ice cream at the camera that Jarvis used to look around. Jarvis was just lucky he was smart enough not to approach Loki as a physical being. Loki probobly would have blown him up. "he can piss off!" but he slid out of his hiding place and headed down to where Tony was. "remind me to start teaching you transmogrification." Loki ordered. "you can turn Tony into a damn duck." he grumbled, pausing outside Tony's door and hesitating before shrugging and stalking in. "You're an ASSHOLE Tony!" Loki snarled, glaring at him. deciding to get his revenge. "I don't care if you don't want this baby! i'm having it and you ARE taking care of it! it's You're baby so you have to take responsibility for it!" he was being loud on purpose of course, aware of Tony's throbbing head.
Myka went limp so quickly in his arms that she nearly stumbled, clinging to him, pressing her face against his shoulder, swallowing hard. “...I think we were both raped in the sense we had no control.”She muttered relaxing, swallowing hard, relaxing fully at his promise she hadn’t raped him. Hadn’t destroyed their friendship, relationship...whatever this was. “I like you to.”Seh said, her voice that quiet quaver, as if she wasn’t sure about this, not that she liked him, but unsure about trusting him this much, even if they’d had sex, she was back in control, even if she could feel her body starting to respond to having him pressed up against her. “...I...I think we need to see bruce....we’re not in control right now...”She muttered looking nervous, and now that her head was clear enough, really afraid of utterly losing control again.

“...No, but I thought it would give you a sense of what he is thinking.”Jarvis said even as he protested getting hit with the ice cream. “Hm, a duck would be interesting.”Jarvis agreed. Tony winced as Loki stalked in, pressing his face into his pillow, groaning a little. “...What?”Tony growled softly, even the small sound making his head throb, even if he didn’t protest loki yelling at him, figuring he probably deserved it. “...I can’t have kids Loki...what was I supposed to think...I didn’t think, I just responded...”
Steve nearly staggered as she went limp, tightening his hug so she wouldn't fall. "yeah well... can't say i didn't enjoy it." he admitted sheepishly. he stroked her hair, not really aware of what he was doing. "yeah. we need to see Bruce." he agreed. "i'm really not in control." he agreed, shaking his head. "i know i shouldn't but all i can think about is..." he swallowed hard. "yep. going to Bruce, right now." he agreed, kissing her knuckles. "before i forget. i was wondering, would you like to go out on a date with me?" he asked hopefully even as he led the way to Bruce's lab.

Loki huffed. "you could have trusted me you fucking jackass! i don't know what hurts more! the thought that you just hadn't liked me because i was a freak, or the fact that you have no faith in me!" he growled. glaring at Tony. "the only thing that hurt more was the thought that you just didn't want your own child." Loki admitted, clearly very upset about Tony's actions. and who could blame him? finally he sighed and moved over to Tony, gently pressing his fingers over Tony's eyes, soothing relief spreading. soon, Tony's hangover was completely gone. that more than anything showed Tony that Loki had forgiven him. "so. explain to me, why do you think you can't have babies. i don't understand that." he admitted. "i suppose maybe i better start with how my, uh, breeding system works." he mused. "all i need is a genetic sample. sperm, cum, skin, blood, anything like that is used as a starter." he admitted. "then it just... forms." he admitted. "my magic creates a pocket that protects the baby, who get's it's nutrients from that same magical bubble. it's kind of like a womb, only there's no umbilical cord." which was why Loki didn't have a belly button.
Myka sighed softly, relaxing even more as he stroked her hair, quiet in his arms, “Well, it was nice....I’ve never...it was awesome.”She said stuttering a little, blushing, because she knew it would just piss him off if she admitted to the rapes and everything that followed, and she didn’t want that. She just wanted to be with him. “Me either.”She muttered swallowing hard as she stepped back from him, resisting the urge to roll her hips into his, knowing they needed to get out of this room before they ended up in bed again. Shuddering as his lips brushed against her knuckles. “Yes. Bruce. Now.”She said following him out of the room before startling slightly, flushing as she looked up at him, before nodding. “I-I would. Though we can’t go anywhere you know, I can’t go out...”She trailed off, feeling frustrated with the inability to go out, smiling strained at the geneticist as they stepped into the lab. “Bruce, we have a problem.”

Tony pressed his face further into the pillow, cringing at the loud voice. Oh god, he was dying. “...I’m sorry....”he said, sounding broken, upset. Hating that he’d hurt loki this badly, and having no idea how to fix it. Stilling a little as he felt the other getting near, he let out a breathy little moan as the relief hit him, shuddering a little. Cracking a eye to look at the other he swallowed, before frowning a little as he listened. “...oh....so Cap was right. Damn...”he muttered hating that he was going to have to admit that he’d totally, freaking freaked out so badly. “...Humans need sperm and eggs to have babies. While I can orgasm, my junk doesn’t contain any sperm, I really couldn’t have kids with a human woman...that’s why I freaked so badly...I knew I couldn’t have kids and I wasn’t thinking clearly when you told me...I just remembered that I couldn’t.....I’m so sorry loki...”He said sitting up, his shoulders slouching, looking so very defeated.
Steve smiled a little and nodded. "it was. i've never had it like that before either." he admitted softly. "course, i've never been emotionally attached to someone either..." he admitted, sheepish and blushing. "he smiled at her. "i don't care if Fury knows about us anymore." he admitted. "he can piss off." he admitted. "if we have to, we'll disguise you, or have an inside date. i could make some fancy food. get some fancy wine and have a candlelight dinner by the pool." he offered. "a problem?" Bruce asked, lifting an eyebrow. "what's wrong?" he was more than a little stunned as he heard what the problem was. "well that's interesting..." he muttered, frowning a little as he took blood samples from both of them, making sure they where on separate beds as he ran through some tests. "your right. the Serums are directly interacting with each other." he admitted. "it's not unlike a... er, dog." he decided. "she's in heat, putting off a pheromone that directly influences Steve's serum. Steve's serum then bursts into hyperactivity and releases it's own pheromone which makes Myka's worse. they keep bouncing off of each other until there's simply no resisting anymore." Bruce explained. "which is why what happened, happened." "and can you make it stop?" "er... no." Bruce admitted, shooting them apologetic looks. "sorry but this is a bit beyond my abilities. i need Tony, and probobly Loki as well to help with this. in the meantime, you have to try and avoid each other as much as possible, wearing heavy perfume might help too. it will hide the scent of the pheromones."

Loki snorted. "you better be you asshole." he complained, though he sounded affectionate. like a mother scolding a child for something naughty that was just as amusing. "Steve was right?" Loki asked, blinking a little. "...." he looked at tony, face etched in horror. "eggs!? human females lay Eggs!?" he demanded, stunned. "i KNEW your people where weird!" he complained. "...you're junk?" he asked, looking highly amused. "oh come here you fucking idiot." he ordered, holding his arms out. "i demand at least two blowjobs and you have to go and get me the weird food i want." he ordered. "also, i get to be in charge of the next sex game." he ordered, looking quite pleased with himself.
“Me either. Never really been awake for it. I mean...”She flushed looking awkward. “This is the most awake I’ve ever been...”she said looking awkward and unsure of how to say it without making things awkward before her eyes widened at his words, snickering. “Let’s have a few inside dates for awhile. We just went through all that effort to get me ‘killed’ I’d rather Alex have time to recover before fury starts pulling stunts again.”She smiled a little before nodding at Bruce and settling down to explain. Though it was obvious that she wasn’t able to stop touching the man at her side, cuddling into the blond super soldier’s side, resting her head on his chest as they talked. “Will it calm down eventually? I mean, I’ve never had it be this bad...will it be in bursts like dogs, or will it just be all the time?”She asked looking worried, because if they couldn’t control it, she’d lose the person she cared for. “Well...Tony and Loki are having their own emotional breakdown. We’ll deal with this until they get control.”Myka’s frown was worried before looking at steve, standing up, reluctant to move away. “I’m going to go for a swim. I’ll see you later.”She said leaning down for a kiss, though it was getting more heated with each moment she couldn’t draw away from him. Oh, they were going to be driven insane if they couldn’t get control soon, especially considering myka’s past, she wasn’t going to be able to handle clear headed sex.

“I am.”Tony muttered smiling as he looked over at him, before nodding, flushing a little. “yea....steve told me I was being a idiot, and that I was jumping to conclusions when I knew you didn’t like other people, and that you were jotun, you probably didn’t have kids like humans did...”He said before sitting up, shaking his head. “No, No. Well...they make eggs, but the baby grows inside them and bloody hell, I suck at explaining this....you should ask jarvis if you want to know. I just know that I’m incapable of doing it like that../.and don’t look so amused about what I call my cum.”He twitched a little before shifting, snuggling into loki’s arms, “It’s not nice calling me names...I think I killed a few brain cells okay...”He grumbled before nodding, looking amused. “Whatever you want.”He said before jumping a little at jarvis’ words. “Sir?Bruce requires your and loki’s assistance down in the lab if you are available....It seems Steve and Myka are having adverse affects to being together...I know you need to talk, but I thought it would be prudent for them to get help. Soon.’Jarvis said, indeed sounding sorry for interrupting the couple, but also worried about steve and myka. No matter what anyone said, jarvis wasn’t simply a AI, he was nearly human, and cared about the people in his tower.
Steve had gone very still, even as he continued walking. "they raped you." he whispered softly, looking horrified. "god, Myka. i'm so sorry." he whispered before he smiled. "an inside date sounds perfect." he agreed, kissing her forehead. "you have a point though... did it hurt when Loki stabbed you? i meant to ask before but i kept forgetting." nothing but a scratch, but Steve didn't know that. "i don't know." Bruce admitted. "i imagine it would settle down, but i can't be certain." he admitted. "i don't understand this kind of stuff. it's not biology so much as it is..." he ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. "it's beyond what i'm capable of understanding." he admitted. "i was barely able to find a solution to your problem. which i fixed by the way, your serum is working at 100% now. no more fighting with itself." Bruce promised her. "yeah well... i don't understand how Loki breeds. he mentioned something about DNA but that's about all i know about it." Bruce admitted with a shake of his head before he cleared his throat and gently nudged them away from each other. "okay. i'm going to go take a really cold shower, masturbate, and then.... visit Alex maybe." he decided. "good idea. the paternal instinct to protect alex would probobly override your body's reaction tot he Serum." Bruce agreed. "i'm not certain on that, but it seams likely."

Loki chuckled a little. "well. Steve's a smart fellow at least." Loki muttered. "i can't beleive i got pregnant again though..." he grumbled. "i didn't realize how much more potent human DNA was. my pregnancy prevention spells couldn't hold up against your genetic strength." Loki admitted before looking at Tony. "...are you still drunk?" he asked curiously before taking the Tablet. "you call it 'junk' Tony. there's nothing 'junky' about it. i like it very much." he admitted with a chuckle as he started googling about the human reproductive system. "and of course you killed a few brain cells. Steve probobly beat your head in once he realized that you got drunk again." he teased before looking up at Jarvis, frowning a little. "...adverse effec.... oh yeah. the heat..." he muttered, looking at Tony. "Myka was pretty damn freaked out earlier. thought that she'd raped Steve. i'm assuming Steve was the same." he admitted. "come on. we better see if we can fix them." he admitted. "the last thing we need is for one, or both, of them to have a psychotic break."
Myka nodded a little shuddering, tensing waiting for him to freak out. ‘Me to.’she muttered before relaxing as he continued, side stepping the emotional trauma for now, willing to overlook it. Shaking her head at his question.”Just a scratch, it healed within minutes.”She said smiling at him before sighing quietly at bruce’s words. “Well...okay. We’ll hope for it settling and go from there...”She sighed tiredly, hating that they didn’t knoww, before smiling happily. “thank you, bruce.”She said pleased that she wouldn’t have to worry about her body shutting down on itself before pausing, nodding a little. “I don’t know either, but I’m sure you’ll get to hear about it after they both calm down.”she smiled a little before whining as bruce nudged her away. “Yea....going to swim...then maybe visit with alex....”Myka muttered nearly running out of the room to get away from her boyfriend, not wanting to jump him, because she was clear headed enough this time around, to remember why she was utterly afraid of it, even if she trusted him.

“He is.”Tony smiled a little before looking up at him, tilting his head slightly. “That’s weird. I mean, shouldn’t your spells hold?”he muttered looking curious before smirking. “Sort of. More punch drunk. You finished sobering me up, but my body knows it should still feel drunk, since I drank so much, so its making me respond like I’m hungover even if the actual effects are gone....”He sighed before frowning at loki. “Well, good. I’m glad you like it.”He snickered a little before shaking his head. “Uh...actually no.He was more worried I was killing myself then upset I was drunk.”He smiled before wincing, “Fucking hell....shit.”Tony huffed out a sigh before getitng up. “Let’s go. Maybe we can sort this out, hopefully. You’re right, we can’t let them fall apart. We have enough problems without a insane super soldier.”He said smiling as they settled into the lab, simply happy to be with him, and happy that he wasn’t to angry with him for his over reaction, settling in to figure out a solution, or least a answer. And he did, sort of. He figured out like dogs and cats, their systems would settle after a given amount of time, about a week, and while she’d probably go into heat again, it shouldn’t be nearly as bad as the first time, as they grew used to being around each other. And with loki’s help, they could combat the effects a little, at least keep them from jumping each other at every opportunity ....at least, until they wanted to. Not realizing there was another reason it would stop besides simply time. If she got pregnant. Oh yes, life for the super soldiers was about to get interesting.
he nodded a little, willing to overlook the fact that she had been raped, simply because he didn't want to upset her. "ah, good. i didn't realize he did more voodoo. i thought he actually stabbed you." he admitted sheepishly. "it was quite upsetting to watch him thrust that damn spear through your body." he admitted. "i really do hope this settles down. i want to have sex with you sure, but not because some stupid Drug is making us. it's a but early for a physical relationship, you know?" he asked, shaking his head. "maybe we'll be lucky and it only lasts a few days." but they where never that lucky. "i'm sure." Steve agreed with a smile, watching her head off before sighing and settling his head in his knees. "i'm so fucked..." he admitted softly, Bruce sighing as he nodded. "yeah. but we'll figure it out." he assured the captain, who left and went to take a really cold shower.

Loki shrugged. "not really. they aren't foolproof after all." he admitted. "i hadn't thought about it so i hadn't updated my spells properly." he admitted. "it's my fault really." he admitted. "ah. a mental drunkenness then. well it'll wear off eventually." Loki decided with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "well. to be honest, i was a bit concerned you where killing yourself too." he admitted, looking slightly amused, and a little bit worried. he headed out with Tony, shaking his head as they worked on the serum interaction. "well it's not good news, but it isn't bad news either." Loki admitted as he studied their results. "it's too complex for traditional magical assimilation. i can't directly interact with the serum." Loki admitted. "the only reason why i could stop Myka's from attacking her, was because it was a stray part of the Serum that wasn't doing what it was supposed to. sort of like keeping the rain off of yourself when it's raining. you can keep dry, but you can't stop the storm." Loki admitted. "thank god Tony's a genius." Loki admitted with a chuckle. Bruce nodding. "yeah. i still don't understand how the Serum is changing their very genetic code." he admitted, shaking his head.
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