Missing Parts(lady/moon)

"no Myka's issues are internal and have to do with her genetic code and DNA." he admitted. "and i don't think she's inhaled the amount of mold that Steve has. she shouldn't have any problems, but i do want to examine the rest of you. i've already checked myself, blood and lungs and i'm clean, but i want to make sure no one else has come into contact with it." he admitted. "i suppose i should test Myka as well, just to be sure." he decided. "i want to test Alex first, he's the youngest and the most likely to have severe complications if he's inhaled the mold." Bruce admitted. it only took two hours to determine that no one else had come into contact with any kind of mold. it was a great releif to know that no one else was going to be sick, but that didn't make Steve any less ill himself.

it was three days before he woke long enough to have a coherent conversation that consisted of more than 'water please'. "hey. good morning sleeping beauty." Clint chirped, smiling as Clint blinked, letting Myka help him take long drinks of water. "morning." Steve rasped. "what time is it? and why do i feel so terrible?" he asked breathlessly. "my chest hurts." "it would. you have a pretty severe lung infection." "infection?" "yes. your very sick right now Steve, though you're recovering now. you inhaled a lot of pretty bad mold." "mold?" "yes. it would have been black, or dark green in color on a wall. i already checked the church you go to every Sunday but there was nothing there." "...oops..." Steve muttered, sounding extremely sheepish. "i... uhm.. i didn't know it was bad..." he paused to cough, long and hard, spitting up a mix of... well it was gross and a few flecks of blood. "ugh..." he glanced around and smiled sheepishly at Tony and Elena, who where there as well.
“He does make a good sleeping beauty doesn’t he?Though it seems wrong no one had to kiss him awake.”Tony said raising a eyebrow a little, tilting his head slightly as he leaned back in the chair he was sitting in. Though all of them looked worried about him, it was obvious that Myka was by far the most effected, looking minutes about falling over herself. Despite being able to run on little sleep, the woman had gone from sitting at steve’s side to working out, the only times she was actually sleeping was when bruce and loki had ganged up on her and put her to sleep. “....You go to church? And he said it wasn’t at the church. So we still don’t know where it was.”Tony said looking thoughtful, raising a eyebrow. He’d known steve disappeared, but he hadn’t known where he’d gone. Myka winced a little as he spit up, gently cleaning him up before settling back onto the edge of the bed that everyone had termed myka’s spot since she’d rarely moved out of it in the last three days. Quiet and watching over steve, having mostly retreated into silence as more time past, as if already bracing to lose him. Totally falling apart.
Steve chuckled weakly at Tony's words and shook his head. "kiss me and i'll hurt you Stark." he complained softly. "i go to church every Sunday." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "i tell you so, every Sunday... but it wasn't at the church." he admitted. "i..." he looked highly nervous. "i don't want you to think that i don't love it here. because i do. i really do... even if the stuff here is a bit upsetting sometimes... like the clothing option beaches... that's... uhm... yeah i don't like that so much." he admitted with a cough. "i go to Brooklyn..." he admitted suddenly. "the house i... well, the apartment really, that i used to live in is still there. i was... no one ever emptied it. so... so my mothers things and stuff is still there. some of it." he admitted softly. "i. go there to think sometimes, and to remember. i didn't know the stuff on the walls was bad for me..."
“Hm, I’m not the one you want kissing you anyways.We’ll let the real person handle kissing you.”Tony snickered a little, amused that Myka was so wiped out that she wasn’t really aware of what they were talking about, simply glad that steve was awake. Tony raised a eyebrow looking thoughtful. “I know you like it here. You tell me. Alot.”Tony pointed out before looking startled, “Oh...well. If you want. We can move the stuff here...or I can have the apartment cleaned up, get rid of the mold...make sure it’s actually safe.”Tony offered trying not to think about the hurt feelings he was having, having not known this. Feeling like he’d missed something important, after all, steve was his friend, shouldn’t he have known this?

“Myka. You need to sleep.”Elena said after a moment getting up, catching the woman’s arm as she stumbled as she got up. Gently making her sit down again she looked at steve. “Just lay down okay?” “But its his bed...shouldn’t sleep in it.”Myka muttered sleepily. “I’m sure he wont care. Sleep, Myka. We can take care of him for awhile.”Elena said, using her mothering voice to gently sooth the woman asleep before looking up at steve, shaking her head a little. “I don’t know if I want to fuss over you, or yell at you for worrying us so much.”She teased a little, bending down to kiss his cheek. “I’m glad you’re going to be okay.”At least she hoped so. “And I was to tell you that clint’s on bedrest which is why he’s not up here with you. He’s being punished.”She smirked a little, even if it was only his arm, she’d made clint just lay down and nap with alex because the man simply refused to not do the things that hurt. He really was a horrible patient.
he chuckled a little. "aren't you a real person?" he asked, sounding both baffled and amused, as if he knew the joke was there, but was simply assuming Tony was too manic to tell it properly. "i do like it here." he admitted. "i just. it was mine, you know? it was a place where i used to belong, and as much as i love it here, i don't really belong." he admitted softly. "i just wanted to get the things i used to know, but it was so decrepit that i actually had to dig through rubble and muck to find anything worth keeping.." he admitted, coughing a little harder. "i didn't want you to think i didn't want to stay here and..." he bit his lip and looked away. "well when i... found the place i.. it was... emotional..." ah. he hadn't told anyone because he didn't want them to see him crying as he dug for any memory he could get his hands on. "i don't mind." Steve assured her. "i'm a little cold, you could help me keep warm." he looked quite worried about her. "i'm sorry." he muttered to Elena. "i really didn't know..." he admitted, coughing again. "i'll be fine." "he really will be, the medicine is already doing what it's supposed to. he's on the mend.... though the lung infection is being difficult." he grumbled. "it might take longer to clear up, but it will clear up." he promised. "i trust you won't be going back?" "no. i won't go back." Steve muttered with a sigh. "i feel awful." he admitted. "definitely not going back." Bruce glanced at Tony, the message clear. 'send someone to clean that place up and gather what can be salvaged for Steve'.
"I am,but you'd rather have puppy kisses then swapping spit with me."tony snickered,cause he was indeed a little to manic from being sleep deprived to really be following well. Tony stopped staring at his best friend,before nodding, looking down at the floor unwilling to shoe just how hurt he was feeling. He'd tried so hard to make sure everyone felt like they belonged here,that he really wanted them here.so to hear it like that was hard."ah. Avoiding seeing anyone while emotional is something I can understand.don't worry capsicle."tony said smiling a little,his features and feeling once again under control.

"Kay...I'll keep you warm.."mtka muttered tiredly falling asleep as she laid next to him,nearly snuggling but not."I know you didn't.I was teasing,I won't yell. Though I might yell at myka if she doesn't get some sleep."elena smiled looking relieved at bruce's words,that he really was on the mend."well. I better go get some work done."tony grinned as he left smiling,not about to admit he was grabbing loki and heading to the apartment himself.between wearing the suit and loki"s magic he figured it was safe to go....and he felt like it was something that should be taken care of a friend instead of a stranger.so within the hour, the people of brooklyn were greeted with a sight no one thought they'd ever see. Tony stark,willingly digging through stuff and finding what he could.
Steve looked confused, and a little disturbed. "why would you trade spit? gross Tony." he complained, giving the man a rather nasty look. the same look that he always gave Tony when he was being a little too disgusting for Steve's sensibilities. "i'm sorry Tony." Steve muttered. "i love how welcomed i am here." he admitted. "i love that you make me feel comfortable here in the tower. i like all the modern day perks, but it's still..." hard. he was still adjusting and trying to find his place in the world. "...Tony your always emotional." Steve teased, hoping to make things right between them. Tony was his best freind, and he was the only reason why Steve hadn't had a breakdown yet. he smiled a little as Myka settled down next to him and he was too tired to care that everyone could see the utter adoration and affection plastered on his face as he gently covered her with his blankets. "try to get some sleep Tony." Steve ordered, coughing again as he settled in for some more sleep himself.

fortunately for Tony, the suit had air filters, so the spores didn't affect him. the place had flooded over the years a few times so the mold was so rampant it was actually growing like carpet. every move sent it up like dust. it was no wonder Steve was so sick. still, back then most everything had been made out of metal or plastic, so there was actually a lot of stuff that could be salvaged. they managed to get a lot of Steve's boy scout medals. and anything up on a shelf seamed to be fine. pictures where coated in dust and mold, but they could be cleaned and disinfected easily enough. upstairs a few hand made quilts where able to be salvaged, and a tiny stuffed, well worn dog, overly floppy but adorable. Loki was banishing all the Mold he could, the deadly spored unable to get into his own breathing space thanks to a spell. it wasn't long before someone from the health department came and tried to get the two to leave the area. he was ignored of course, but the man did insist on covering all the doors and windows with health hazard warnings and tape so no one else would come close.
Tony tilted his head as he watched the other, before a small smirk quirked his lips. “You better stop while your ahead, cap, otherwise you’re coming dangerously close to saying you love me.”He said the smile small and fragile, but real. More real then his normal smiles.They were okay, it wasn’t steve’s fault that Tony had issues, and tony couldn’t even tell him some of it, for some reason, steve had liked howard. So whatever issues about being accepted, and making others feel welcome(going fairly over the top most of the time,) the man having been made feel unwelcome in his own home, had always striven to make sure that the people he wanted with him, felt accepted. “I will.Get some sleep yourself.”Tony smiled as he left.

Tony smiled as he gathered everything, looking at loki. “Now, not a word. I mean it. I’ll get yelled at, in his captain’s voice, if he knows I came and cleaned up myself.”He grumbled smiling a little as they headed back into the tower, stepping out of the suit he looked at Loki, leaning down to kiss him lightly.”Go on to bed. I’m going to go give this stuff to Cap, then I’ll be back.”he smiled softly, kissing him again before heading into steve’s room. “Myka?It’s me.”Tony said stopping in the doorway when he heard myka moving, waiting until the sleepy woman just relaxed. Just how long had tony been sitting at steve’s side, if even a sleepy myka had accepted his presence.”hm,g’away.”Myka muttered, the sounds of brooklyn think in her voice as she shifted, snuggling back into the bed, to tired to really wake up. “Hey. I brought you some things.”Tony smiled as he shifted the box in his arms, smiling at the good captain as he held up the stuffed puppy. “I never took you for a cuddly person, cap."
Steve chuckled a little. "i do love you." he admitted sleepily. "your my best freind Tony." Steve always got so damn emotional when he was in pain and tired. when he was sick too apparently. "like the big brother i never got to have." he mumbled. "even if you are immature as hell." he mumbled with a smile as he slipped off to sleep.

Loki chuckled a little. "yes Tony. i know. he'll go into a rage worrying about you. after all that mold made him of all people sick. he won't care that you where protected." he admitted. "we'll tell him that we hired people. which we did, the hazmat people are in there now, killing off the mold. apparently the whole building was condemned and no one bothered to check on the place. they'll bring in anything else they find." Loki admitted as he kissed tony eagerly. Steve was half asleep yet when Tony returned and he smiled at Tony. "mmm yeah G'way.. sleep." he mumbled before perking up a little at the sight of the stuffed Puppy. "Spartan!" he muttered, reaching for the toy. "my mother made him for me when Bucky got a new puppy." he admitted, smiling. "i was so jealous and angry that we couldn't afford anything 'good'. if you look really close here, you can tell she made him out of old clothes." he admitted with a smile. "this was the first birthday present that wasn't food i ever got." he admitted as he snuggled into the dog. "thank you."
“You’re making me feel old. Stop.”Tony ordered smiling slightly.

“Exactly. We did hire people...after.”Tony snickered a little amused as he stepped into the room. “In a sec. Wanted to give you your stuff.”Tony smiled looking down at the other, refusing to hope that this would make steve feel like he belonged. He knew he was being stupid, but it hurt some. But he understood, he did, but it didn’t make him feel any better. “Spartan?Really?You named it after a warrior race?You are such a dork.”Tony muttered as he handed over the toy, settling the rest of the stuff in the box on the floor, hiding a wince a little at the idea that his best friend had been that bad off. He’d known it, but it was always so new to know it. “Well, it wont be the last. I’ll be sure to buy you everything but food.”He smiled, biting his lip a little. “You are very welcome.”he paused, hesitating before bending down to kiss his forehead, “Get some sleep, lughead.”He said before he left, hoping Steve would just pass off the emotional moment as a sleep induced hallucination.

In the morning Myka smiled softly as she looked down at the man laying next to her, her drawing pad balanced on her knees, pausing as she realized he was awake.”How do you feel?”She muttered quietly, looking worried about him, smiling slightly wondering how he was feeling.

Elena huffed as she looked at clint as he tried to make him and alex some breakfast.”You should have woken me up.”She growled, yawning as she stretched, running her fingers through her hair, looking annoyed. “I’d have a better chance of convincing Myka to rest if you’d stop being such a horrible patient.”
Steve smiled a little. "yeah. i was really big into ancient history when i was a kid." he admitted with a smile. "it was Spartan or Menes." he admitted with a grin. "and when Bucky said that Menes sounded like a girls monthly, i immidiatly picked Spartan." he admitted with a chuckle. "i like food." he admitted with a smile as he yawned. "love you Tony." he mumbled. "i will... your such a girl." he teased as he was told to sleep. he blinked at her in the morning. "feel terrible." he admitted. "like there's something heavy sitting on my chest. hurts to breath." he admitted. "can you help me sit up?" he asked hopefully.

Clint smiled sheepishly. "i can do this! it's not taxing at all!" he complained. "and you where up late last night taking care of Cap." he stated simply. "besides i'm not the reason why Myka's being such a pain!" he complained, sulking as he let her take over making the scrambled eggs. the only thing that Clint could actually cook properly.
“Dork. You are the biggest dork in the world. I’m going to put a article in the paper, that says ‘Captain america,amazing in person dork in private.”Tony snickered to tired to really make sense, before poking him. “I am not a girl!”He whined shaking his head. “I’m sure you do.”Myka said wincing a little, “Damn. Bruce said there was nothing to do for that, until your lungs start clearing themselves out.”She said looking slightly worried, before setting the drawing book aside, helping him sit up, fluffing the pillows behind him to make sure he was comfortable, before settling back into her side of the bed, relaxed and watchful.

“You can’t even pick up the pan and the spatula.”Elena said rolling her eyes a little before snickering. “We all know why Myka’s being a pain, even if she’s not aware.”Elena said snickering, finding the woman’s obliviousness over wanting to jump the good captain, fairly entertaining. “Mama. Can we go see unka Steve?”Alex said as he clamored up into his chair watching the other two, smiling happy, just to be with his parents. “Not yet sweetheart. He’s still sick.”

“Sir?” “...Jarvis, it’s not morning yet. Why are you waking me up?”Tony grumbled from where he had his face buried in the pillow and half of loki’s hair, holding the man against him. “It is morning sir, but that is not why I was waking you up. There is something you need to see.”Jarvis said bringing up the news, letting it play for a bit, and it was a few minutes before tony was conscious enough to realize they were talking about the avengers, and the safety of a child in their care. Oh.Oh hell. Turning over onto his back so he could watch the news more, the tight nervous feeling hit him more as he watched the public argue over if alex should stay with them or not, or if it was safe for a child to be in their company, or if Elena was a bad mother for endangering her son like this.
Steve snickered. "your the one who has an entire room full of Star Wars and Star Trek crap. if i'm a dork, yer a nerd." he teased with a chuckle. "you are a girl. acting all girly..." he mumbled. "yeah. i know. it's full of fluid and shit." Steve admitted as he coughed, smiling at her. "thank you." he muttered as he relaxed into the pillows. "that's much better. a lot easier to breath this way." he admitted. "have you been there all night?" he chastised gently. "you need to get rest too you know." apparently her cuddling up to him had been passed off as a delusional dream, or he had simply forgotten.

he sulked. "i can too! i have an entire arm that's not hurt at all!" he protested. "and it's kind of fun, watching her dance around him like that. and once Steve's feeling better he's going to dance right back." he admitted with a snicker. as he settled into the chair at the table. "you remember how i explained about Germs little man?" he asked with a smile. "he still can't have any in his body right now." he admitted as he picked out lint from Alex's bed head.

Loki groaned in annoyance as voices half woke him up. "shhhhhh." was his only contribution before he sighed as he sat up and blinked blearily at the screen. "....that's really not good." he muttered, more listening than actually watching. "Clint and Elena are not aware of this, correct?" he demanded Jarvis. "make sure they don't find out. we'll tell them ourselves." he turned to Tony. "those filthy idiots don't realize that Alex was already in danger just because he's Clints son. even if Clint never found out, someone else would have and used it against Clint... we might have to tell the truth. of a sort."
“Welcome.And good.”She said smiling slightly, blushing slightly as he chastised her, shaking her head a little. “No, I got some sleep.”She said not about to tell him she had snuggled up to him if he was forgetting about it. “I’m fine, Steve.”She said frowning at him a little.

“You do, but you’re setting a bad example for being a patient.”She teased before grinning, “It’s fairly amusing. I convinced her to sleep in the same bed as him last night. To bad he’s feeling bad, otherwise that would be interesting.”She smirked looking amused. Alex frowned looking up at his dad before nodding.”Okay....can we draw him a picture?He’d like that. We’ll make him a iron man picture.”He decided starting to eat when elena gave him his food.

“No, no it really isn’t.”Tony groaned before sighing, rubbing a hand over his face. “No, they are not. I will make sure they do not see yet.”Jarvis reassured as he locked the tv’s so clint and elena wouldn’t get to see them yet. “No, they don’t realize that yet. They just know that a child was involved when-”He stopped turning to stare at the tv, paling slightly as he heard his own sins being listed as yet more reasons to not leave a child in clint and elena’s care....”Well...it seems that telling clint and elena they are not good enough wasn’t enough.”He grumbled, refusing to look at the emotions that brought up.
he nodded. "good. you need to rest to stay healthy you know." he admitted with a smile. "i worry about you." he admitted softly. still too exaughsted to really censor himself. "you really don't take proper care of yourself." he muttered. "but then, neither do i apparently." he admitted with a weak little chuckle. "what all did Tony find from my house? i just had no idea where to start..." he admitted, trying, and failing, to get to the box that was just out off his reach.

he snorted. "as if she needed a bad example. we both know she'll do what she wants." he admitted with a chuckle. "he probobly won't remember that." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i can't beleive he got sick because he was trying to dig out his old house by himself. silly fool." he muttered affectionately. "he scared the life out of me." he admitted. "i think he would like a picture little man. how about one of all the avengers?" he mused with a smile.

Loki sighed a little. "those bastards. they are wrong you know." Loki admitted. "you might not have been the best of role models before. but you are not the same as you where. you haven't had an honest drink in two months and then some. you aren't doing drugs. you don't throw wild parties. they're just pissing on you, because they hate that your not being the drunken slob you where." he admitted, looking at Tony intently. "i'm going to give a press release myself. i'm going to lie, a lot." he admitted, his eyes vicious and his grin sharp. "they will regret pissing off the avengers."
“I know.”She muttered before startling a little, turning her head to stare at him, not used to people worrying about her. “You shouldn’t. I can take care of myself.”She muttered smiling slightly at his words.”Besides, you should be worrying about yourself. I’m not the one hacking up a lung every time I cough.”She muttered before resting a hand on his chest to stop him.”Don’t stress yourself. I’ll get it.”She said before moving over, leaning across him to pick up the box, shivering a little as her breasts and stomach brushed against his chest as she moved back to her spot with the box. “Let’s see....medals of some kind...pictures, is that you?”Myka smiled as she picked up a picture of steve and his mom before the serum, smiling slightly. “There’s a few quilts in here to....letters from you.”

“I know, but you should take care of yourself.Or let me take care of you.”Elena sulked a little before laughing.”Probably not. To bad, I’m sure the puppy would apperciate a good snuggle every once in awhile.”She smiled before snickering.”Well, it’s not like he’d get sick doing normal things. But at least tony’s getting the place cleaned out, so he wont be going back now.” “Okay!All the avengers.”alex agreed finishing his breakfast, scrambling down from his seat to go find his coloring book.

Tony turned his head looking at the man, frowning slightly, trying not to let the words get to him. “No, I’m not. But I’m still his favorite you know, maybe I am a bad influence here...”Tony sighed quietly, rubbing a hand over his face slumping back into the pillows, before turning to look at him. “You’re going to lie?About what?”He asked looking curious before sighing. “And do we tell clint and elena before or after we have the press conference?”
he chuckled a little. "no you can't." he muttered. "and why should i worry about myself? i have the entire tower for that." he admitted with a smile as he burst into some more coughs. Bruce said the coughing was a good thing, it broke up the mucus and the infection, which would keep Steve from drowning internally. "thanks." he muttered weekly, smiling as she started digging through the Box. "yeah that's me." he admitted. "wasn't i a little runt?" he asked, sounding amused. "i was sickly too, i'd always had breathing problems. those Medals are from my Boyscout." he admitted. "i had the most badges out of anyone. i even got a medal for opening, and running my own lemonade stand and making a profit." he admitted with a smile. "i used to write to my mom." he admitted, yawning. "i'm surprised she kept them." he mumbled, falling asleep.

he huffed. "i don't need to be taken care of." he complained, sulking. "and i'm sure Puppy hates being called that." he admitted with a chuckle. "she does need some good cuddles though." he admitted with a nod. "and your right. nerve gas and tear gas don't even work on him anymore." he admitted. "pepper spray doesn't even register to him." he admitted. "you know tony went there himself to clean it out don't you? that's good blackmail material." he admitted with a grin as he watched Alex scamper off.

"you are his favorite. and you've done a very, very good job being a good role model for him." he admitted with a smile. "you are not a bad influence." he assured the other. "oh, many things." he admitted. "depending on how big the reaction to all of this is." he admitted with a grin. "we should tell them before something happens..." he paused as Jarvis informed them that Carol Shennedy from Children's Social Services was there. "...like now."
"I can to. I'm a adult."myka sulked making a face at him before smiling slightly."it would be a kindness to the people who worry about you if you'd look after yourself."myka sighed a little."yea you were on the small side. It amazes me the serum took care of that...I mean I was a small teen,but it wasn't that big of a difference."well,conaidering both her parents were serum experiments and one was bucky,who in no way was small, yelped with that "they were from her son.of course she kept them."myka smiled as she watched him fall asleep.

"I don't call her that to her face,I'm not stupid. "...tony went himself?but.."she trailed off realizing that yes it would be something the billionaire would do. Taking care of a problem for a friend even if he wouldn't tell said friend he did it himslef."oh yea.definite blackmail cause god knows steve'll yell at him for it."

"Tell that to his father.I'm sure clint thinks I'm horrible."though that was more because tony was his favorite,not because he was a bad influence."well considering its a avengers scandal,its going to be huge."tony sighed not looking happy before nodding."lets go then. We'll tell them.."he said but even as he reached for his pants he heard jarvis."...fucking bloody hell....fuuuuucccckkk."tony scowled as he scambled into his clothes."jarvis?have her medt us on clint's floor. We'll go tell them now.loki?come on."rony hustled heading for the stairs,knowing he could run down faster then the elevator could get the social worker up.

Elena looked up startled as tony ran in,"unka tony!did you come to draw to?" "I-uh..not yet kiddo.I need to talk to your mom and clint okay?then I'll draw."tony promised nodding towards the kitchen and stepping inside.looking a little sick as he looked at clint and elena."we..uh..have a problem.there's a woman from social services her about alwx." "What?!"elena sputtered
he chuckled. "yes and so am i. didn't help me much now did it?" he asked softly. "besides, i take better care of myself than the rest of you combined. so there." he complained petulantly. "it's not my fault i didn't know the dust was bad for me." he grumbled. "my serum does have it's drawbacks though." Steve admitted with a sigh. "i suppose." he admitted. "but i 'died' thirty years before she did. i would have thought she'd of moved on." he admitted, smiling as he realized his mother had loved him even when he was dead.

Clint snickered. "good. because Tony called her that once and i wasn't sure if she wanted to beat him or cry." he admitted. "and he will yell at Tony for it." he admitted with a chuckle.

Loki chuckled. "actually, i think he's just jealous that Alex likes you more." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "you're a better influence on the child than Clint is in any case. Clint curses in front of that boy more often than you curse in total." he admitted. "Alex already has fifty dollars in the swear jar." he admitted with a snicker. "in quarters." he admitted. "i'm less concerned about the Avengers than i am Alex's well being." he admitted before he sighed a little ad followed Tony out into the hall, grabbing his shoulder and simply stepping through space, beating the time by three entire minutes. "yes. it's been on the news that many people think Alex isn't safe with us." Loki admitted. "i'll be monitoring him closely." he promised. "let me speak to the woman first." he ordered. "try to stay calm." he ordered as he headed out to meet Carol. telling her that they already had a child psychologist in the building to help Alex. not that she cared. she was just there to check for abuse or neglect. Loki knew it was a lie. she was there to remove Alex.
“Stop making so much sense.”Myka whined a little smiling though. “Don’t whine. You sound like a two year old.”she teased amused that he was sulking, shifting, settling back against the headboard working on her sexy steve picture, refusing to think about why she was drawing him like this, because well, that was to many emotional moments, but she did apperciate just how good looking he was. “So does mine. At least yours doesn’t leave you feeling like someone shoved you through a meat grinder.”She grumbled a little before shaking her head,”I don’t think you ever get over losing a child. Your mother loved you, even after you were gone.”She looked down at him, biting her lip.”You were lucky...I didn’t have that...mine died when I was young...and I just ended up with agents and handlers just alone...brooklyn isn’t any fun when you’re on your own.”She said smiling slightly, keeping her voice quiet and soft, knowing he still needed to sleep.

“Probably. Who wouldn’t be jealous of me?”he snickered a little before smirking. “Hm, I heard Elena yelling at him for it. It was fairly cute really.”Tony snickered before making a face. “Me to, you know that. But because it’s dealing with the avengers, they’ll focus on it for longer.”he pointed out before relaxing as they got to the kitchen. Watching the other’s, watching pain tighten elena’s features. “But-but we’re making him safe. We’re not hurting him.”Elena said sounding so, so worried. After so long on her own, trying to take care of alex, to have someone come into her home, tell her that she wasn’t doing it, when she was afraid so scared she was screwing up Alex, left her a even more mess. Carol looked up at the god as he walked out to talk to her, before following him in. “Clint...”Elena muttered looking at her lover anxiously as she walked into the living room, resisting the urge to snap at the sight of the woman talking to Alex. Listening to them talk, feeling her nerves wind tighter and tighter.

“No!Mama!I don’t want to go!MAMA!”Alex yelled running for Elena, plowing into her legs, clinging to her. “I know sweetheart, I know.”Elena said her voice holding all the tears she couldn’t cry, crouching down so she could pick him up, gently rocking him as she looked at the woman. “It is standard procedure to remove the child, until it’s decided if the enviroment is safe or not.” “Mama!No.Stay.”Alex whimpered burying his face against her chest, clinging to her.
he smirked a little. "i love making sense." he admitted with a chuckle. "and i have every right to whine. i have a horrible role model, Clint's been a bad influence on me." he teased with a chuckle. "Bruce will fix you." he promised with a smile. "he's good at that." he admitted. "he's probobly already working on a way to make your serum work properly." he promised her. "you're not alone anymore." he promised before he drifted off.

Loki rolled his eyes. "a lot of people." he teased with a chuckle. "yeah, well at least Alex knows not to repeat anything that Clint says." he mused with a chuckle. "i know. it's as if we're celebrities, only without any laws to protect us." he admitted with a sigh. "Elena. think about it for a second. these people wouldn't be bothering us at all if Fury would keep his nose out of things." Loki commented simply. "you are not hurting Alex, he just wants a chance to get Alex out of your grip." he stated simply before he turned to Alex. "Alex, come here." Loki ordered, picking up the little boy. "i want you to do something for me." Loki admitted as he set the boy on the couch. "whenever you feel sad, or scared, or alone, i want you to do your magical exercises. can you do that for me?" he asked with a smile. "and don't forget. this bracelet means that we can find you, no matter where you go. we will always be with you." he promised even as he placed a small rune just behind the boys ear. magical, Loki could now track the child anywhere. "as for you, woman." Loki sneered at her. "i, as Prince of my nation have declared Alex one of my people. if you hand him over to any authority that is not yourself. such as politicians, policemen, Government officials, or parts of the military, it will be seen as kidnapping and my people will react appropriately. so be very, very careful of who you hand him off to." Loki warned, his eyes serious, but tone calm.

"Clint and Alex face much more serious threats from the politicians of this world, than they do some silly backwater evil villain." Loki stated, turning to Vahlmr. "this is Vahlmr. he is Alex's primary Psychologist. by the laws of this planet, you cannot refuse him. he will be going with you and Alex to help the child. who, you are actually hurting a great deal by removing him, as he is suffering through separation anxiety and abandonment issues." Loki warned her. "please keep that in mind. Vahlmr. you are Alex's guard. if this... woman, dares to ignore the laws between our peoples, you are to remove him from her care immidiatly and find a proper authority." "yes my lord." well, that was going to put a wrench in things. especially since Vahlmr chose to go invisible most of the time. if there was any mistreatment, or handing off of Alex, there was going to be hell to pay. "Tony! i want a world wide press release for tomorrow. and i do mean world wide." Loki stated, his eyes glittering rather mischievously. "after all. we are Earths defenders. we had better make sure the entire world knows it." he stated as he spun on his heal and stalked out. Loki was up to something very, very big.
“No, I’m not alone anymore.”Myka smiled watching him, biting her lip a little before bending down after he was asleep, pressing a kiss to his forehead before shifting, snuggling down into the bed, asleep herself.

Elena swallowed hard, nodding. “Y-yes. That’s true. Fury’s just doing this to be a pain.”She said, though her voice quavered a little, so so close to falling apart. Alex frowned from where he was clinging to his mother before looking at loki, nodding as he looked up at loki seriously. “I-I can do that.”he sniffled, “Can I take my iron man and hawkeye toys?” “Of course.”Carol said looking disturbed a little at the sight of all of them, before looking at tony, a slight sneer curling her lips. “Remember, Alex, your like me. Bracelets for iron man okay?”Tony said tugging on the bracelet a little. “Kay unka tony.” “And I’ll watch over you, Jarvis will to.”Tony promised swallowing hard as Elena sat on the couch next to alex, gently brushing his hair. “Yes?”Carol looked up at Loki, eyes wide as she considered what he was telling her. Oh.well, that made things complicated. “He will be safe in our protection.This is simply to make sure that this is a safe enviroment for him.”Carol said. “Vah, you coming with me?”Alex said though he still looked anxious, looked pleased that someone he liked, knew was coming with him. “Come, Alexander.”Carol said looking a little pale though as she moved to pick up the child. “No!Say goodbye first.”Alex yelled climbing up to his mother clinging to her even as he tried to reach everyone. “Shh, I got you. You’ll be home soon, sweetheart.”Elena muttered against his hair as she stood, moving around the small group to make sure everyone got a hug and kisses, before handing alex over to Carol, looking so close to tears. “Of course. I will go down to SI myself and make sure the press conference is set up.”Tony said smirking a little before leaning down to kiss Alex’s cheek.”I’ll watch over you, little iron.”He muttered before leaving to set things up. Elena was quiet and watching Alex leave with the woman, the boy crying as he clung to vahlmr, before collapsing into clint’s arms in inconsolable tears. To distraught to even wonder what Loki and Tony were up to.

The evening found Myka pacing Steve’s room in a furious temper, though her steps were light and quiet to not wake him up, to anxious to sit still. Having tried working out the temper in the gym, as she’d gone down to visit Alex for lunch, and found him gone, and his parents utterly lost in their pain and grief. The sight of her friends in pain, and not being able to help them had sent her into the gym in a fury, and even after 5 hours and nearly straining the bones in her hands to a breaking point, she hadn’t calmed any. Glancing at Steve as she realized he was stirring she smiled slightly.”How do you feel?”She said her tone calm, even if the very nature of her pacing said that her calm was a lie.

Elena stirred from where she was laying in Clint’s arms, snuggled down into the hammock, head resting on his chest, after alex had been taken, simply having had no strength to move, to do anything but lay here. “...What....what do we do?He’s gone clint. I failed...I couldn’t protect him....I always told him I would....”she said breaking down, so far gone she wasn’t even aware she was cutting him out of her life, of responsiblity. Still not used to having someone else to rely on, that in her pain she was leaving the most important person out.

“...what do you have planned?”Tony said as he returned, looking haggard and pissed, after all he’d spent the day wrangling things from SI and dealing with pepper, and had every intention of forgetting himself and this mess for a few hours.
Loki smiled as he gently stroked the boys hair. "very good. now go and pack your toys. and don't forget the writing book and some coloring books and your crayons." Loki ordered, Clint staggering after the boy to help him pack some clothes as well. "no matter where you are Alex. you are NEVER alone." Clint promised the boy as he pulled him into a one armed hug. "i love you Little Man." he promised softly. Vahlmr nodded. "i am indeed coming with you Little One." the man promised with a smile as he stroked the boys hair. "it is like an adventure, don't you think?" Vahlmr asked, to soften the blow of being forced away from his mother. "we'll have to write down everything that happens. like in your books." catharsis. writing it down, would help Alex let out all the emotions he had inside. Vahlmr really was very good at his job. "good." Loki stated with a smile as Vahlmr followed Carol, holding the boy tightly and telling a silly story about a rabbit that got stuck in a flower pot to try and comfort the boy. there, he could not be removed from the boys side, because every time they tried Alex flew into a major fit.

Steve blinked at the ceiling and swallowed thickly, asking for his usual cups of water before he finally spoke. "something happened? you're all tense. what's wrong?" he demanded, coughing a little as he shook his head. "feel sort of like i was tossed under a bus." he admitted.

Clint shook his head. "Loki has a plan. you saw it. i think he suspected something like this would happen." he admitted. "Loki is dangerous. and he plays the human politics like their two year olds. he'll fix this." he muttered softly. "you did protect him. you stayed calm until he was gone. that gave him the strength he needed, and kept him from being traumatized." he assured her. "you did not fail, not at all. not in the least." he promised, stroking her hair. "your not alone anymore. and i'll go and get alex myself if i have to." he promised her. "even if i end up in jail, you can take Alex to Asgard. Loki said he named Alex as such, you'll be safe there with Thor until things can settle down."

Loki turned to look at Tony, his head tilted. "if you had to choose, would you be an Avenger, or pick Alex?" Loki asked softly. but that was the only thing he would say on the matter, and instead took his time in reducing Tony into a sexed up pile of goo.
Alex looked up at clint, clinging to him.”Love you to.”He sniffled a little before smiling, nodding a little at that, a smile brightening his face. “It is!I’ll go on a adventure like hawk and unka tony. Then I’ll come back and tell them all about it.”Alex agreed looking pleased with the idea and happy with the story. Though they did try to seperate them, the social workers quickly realized it was easier to deal with them together, then the screaming two year old. It just would take them long enough to figure out how to get around loki’s rules, and wait to see what would happen in the morning.

Myka sighed softly helping him drink before wincing. “I just left the gym. Sparring makes me tense.”She pointed out trying to avoid telling him, because she knew it would upset him because there was nothing they could do. “Well, at least you’re feeling better then you look.”She teased a little before her shoulders slumped, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Alex’s gone....due to the...scene...me and clint caused yesterday, the child protection services, decided that they were unfit parents, and removed Alex from the tower until they decide if it is safe or not.”

“...Loki AND tony are dangerous. Did you see how pissed he was?Both of them were?”she shuddered, because she might have been willing to stand up to one or the other, but she’d never consider taking on the couple together. “Not to mention no one’s told cap yet...he’s sooo going to freak...”She muttered giggling sadly at the imagined disapproval that Captain America was going to be voicing. Shuddering at his words she cried quietly, nodding. “I did do that...”She muttered relaxing, realizing she’d kept it together enough to send Alex on a adventure instead of scaring him. Turning her head into his hand a little, she struggled to calm, wincing a little at that. “I can do that...but we better not have to....I just got you back, clint. I don’t want to lose you again.”She muttered raising her head to look at him.

Tony paused staring at him, “Alex. You know that.”Tony said his eyebrow twitching a little at the idea that anyone would think he’d chose saving ingrateful ingrates over a child he cared for. But despite his curiosity, he let the other reduce him into a pile of goo, the worries and frustrations forgotten for the moment.
Steve stared at her for a long moment and then sighed. "it's not your fault." he informed her sternly. "so you get that thought out of your head right this instant." he ordered. "this is no ones fault but Fury's. you of all people should know he orchestrated this in an attempt to force Alex into his custody. Loki will have plans, he's batshit insane but he's also very, very smart." he took her hand. "it will be alright."

he nodded. "Loki will fix this, and if he can't, i will." he promised her. "Myka will tell Cap, he'll be pissed but he won't lose his cool. he's the Captain for a reason after all." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you really think i'll be in jail for more than a few days? Loki will bust me out if no one else does." he admitted with a chuckle. "and besides. i've broken out of more prisons than i've beat up bad guys." he admitted with a grin. "it will be fine."

"i do know that. that's what we like to call a hint Tony." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes.

the next morning. Loki stepped up tot he Podium where hundreds of people where waiting for him to speak. Loki started off by questioning what right they had to call Elena a bad mother, when celebrities did ten times worse to their children every day. he went on to complain about how people who really abused their kids where ignored because they weren't 'high profile' enough. he spoke about how they wouldn't have torn an already traumatized child out of the home of a political person who had just been attacked physically for his political views. he verbally tore every shred of 'evidence' of abuse they had to shreds. and then he continued. he told them mostly the truth, that Alex was Clint's biological son, proven by paternity tests (a lie of course but they didn't know that) and that through the efforts of villains, Clint was led to think that Elena was dead and spent the next three years in state of depression because he thought the woman he loved was dead. Loki told them that Clint only entered Alex's life, because Alex was kidnapped before Clint even knew the poor child even existed. and that they had no right to blame Elena or Clint for that, because lots of children got kidnapped for use as leverage against high profile parents, and listed several people who had their children kidnapped for money or political maneuvering.

"it has come to our attention that you do not fully appreciate the sacrifices that the Avengers give every day. it has come to our attention that you want us to choose between a two year old little boy, who needs us as his family, and our roles as the Avengers. so until further notice, we are hereby. disbanded. if we have to choose between saving the world, and keeping a child, we will always choose the child, civic duty be damned. we the Avengers, will no longer be on Duty. we will not help the police, we will not fight the bad guys, we will not save the earth from alien invasions. our priority will always be out family, same as it is for any other family on this, and the other planets. from this point on. there is no more Avengers." Loki informed the gaping masses. "you made us choose. well we chose. and we chose Alex. have a good day." and with that, he turned on his heal and left, and Clint gaped at the TV, where he'd been watching Loki from the couch. "...oh my god..." well, he bet fury hadn't counted on THAT!
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