Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Tony grinned at him, before collapsing back onto the bed, closing his eyes. “Good. CAuse I agree, we’ll do that again. Later.”he muttered yawning, closing his eyes. “we should probably go make sure the other’s know we didn’t like die or something...”he muttered, though he made no move to get up. For once, absolutely relaxed and rung out.

“....”Elena stared at her lover, trying to decide if he was serious or not. “We’ll talk about it. Maybe.”she said before grinning. “Were you drunk at the time?You might have imagined it, Clint.”She pointed out, even if she knew tony was capable of being a civilized adult sometimes. “...Now that you mention it, she probably is.”Elena shuddered at the thought of what the other woman had to have gone through, smiling a little. “Don’t worry. We know you and steve wouldn’t do anythnig that would hurt him.”Elena said smiling as alex giggled in delight as he was tossed up again. “....legos?Those are those building block things right?”Myka said looking hesitant before nodding, “I would like that.”She said smiling wider as Alex giggled in utter delight. “Yay!Color!I have a avengers book!”He giggled happily, reaching out for her. “Okay, I’ll come build and color.”Myka said before looking at Steve, wondering if he was coming but not brave enough to demand him come in case he wanted to do something else.
Loki chuckled a little. "definitely doing that again." he mumbled, ready to take a nap. "Jarvis. if anyone asks if we're okay, tell them we're sleeping and if they bother us i'll turn them into ducks." Loki ordered, snuggling more into Tony so he wouldn't get cold, closed his eyes and slipped off to sleep.

Clint tossed his fist up into the air. "yes! Raccoon for the win!" he chirped happily. "you know i don't drink." he complained, looking amused. he'd have a drink or two, but he hated being drunk, it made watching ones own back far too hard. "what are Legos?" Steve asked, looking curious. "oh! Crayons! i know what those are!" he admitted with a grin. "an Avengers book huh? well, i'll have to help you color huh?" he asked with a grin, following them. "man i haven't used crayons in forever." he admitted. "my mom was actually a kid when they first came out. before that, they had to use charcoal sticks. very messy." he admitted with a smile.
Tony laughed, snuggling down into the other as he fell asleep.

“I know, but it’s weird thinking Tony as a adult.”She snickered a little before smiling at Steve. “they’re plastic building blocks.”Elena explained grinning as they headed for their apartment, amused as the two super soldiers followed. “Yes!I wanna color Tony!”Alex said already running for his bedroom to retrieve the coloring book. Elena snickered a little, “When he tries to use markers on Tony for real, it’ll be amusing.”she said smiling a little. “I’ve used charcoal before. When...when I was younger, I drew alot.”myka smiled slightly grinning as they all settled down to color. Yea, it was obvious the woman was touch starved as she settled near both steve and alex, letting both near enough to be casual touches, and enjoying it. She just hoped whatever came next didn’t ruin it.

The next day Myka looked nervous as she slipped onto the form fitting leather jacket she had asked tony to get, it was her normal outfit, simple form fitting black jeans, jacket and t-shirt under the jacket, you’d never guessed that she was getting ready to ‘kill’ someone. Pulling her hair back into a ponytail she glanced at herself in the mirror one last time before heading for the kitchen, pausing at the sight of tony eating one of the new capsicles. “He’s going to kill you.”She muttered rolling her eyes as she witnessed just how bad his taste buds were screwed up as he ate the popsicle and drank coffee. Rolling her eyes a little as she started to make breakfast, while she wasn't great at cooking, she could make eggs.“No he wont.”Tony said smirking a little, for once dressed in a pair of jeans and sweater, ready for a simple day in the park.

Elena looked nervous, resting her head on Clint’s chest, shuddering slightly. “are you sure this is the best idea?”She muttered, knowing that indeed, it was a good idea, probably the best one they had in getting myka free and making fury back off a bit, but it still made her nervous.
"Building blocks... like bricks?" he asked, looking baffled. "well i'm going to color myself!" Steve decided with a grin. "really?" Steve asked with a smile. "me too. i was a bit of a runt, so i'd often have to stay inside while the others where doing physical education and recess, and i'd often draw whatever i wanted." he admitted. "i like to think i got pretty good." he admitted.

the next morning, Clint was trying to get Alex into a jacket, since it was chilly outside, but he couldn't find the Iron Man Jacket and was currently trying to bribe the boy into accepting the bright green Hulk jacket instead. it wasn't working. Loki thought it was hilarious. "whose going to kill Tony this time... what is that?" Steve demanded, snatching up the Popsicle package and he narrowed his eyes at Tony. "i hate you." he paused and studied the package. "Blue Raspberry, strawberry, and coconut?" he asked, his head cocked curiously as he took a white Popsicle out and studied it before biting into it. "....it's not bad." Steve admitted as he headed off with his frozen treat, forgetting that he was angry at Tony. he wasn't fully awake yet. Tony knew he could get away with things so long as he pulled them before Steve properly woke up.

"no... but it's the only way to protect Myka." he admitted. "and hopefully it will make Fury back off for a little while." he admitted. "we even have a plan for the 'Body'." he admitted. "Loki's going to 'banish it into a Volcano'." he admitted with a chuckle. "after we discover she's from Hydra of course."
"You are."myka smiled a little as steve walked in,smirking a little as tony looked a little nervous."its a capsicle....and no you don't. You love me,no need to lie...and its okay,I made sure they used a cartoon you instead of a picture."tony snickered a little sleepily, "they are very good."he agreed. "Steve.sit.unlike tony,you can't live on Popsicles and coffee.eat."myka ordered the sleepily super soldier as she set a plate of eggs and bacon in front of him,sighing quietly.trying not to be as nervous as she was.

"I know,I know..I'm just worried about alex.."she sighed quietly before laughing."of course after. This is going to be interesting.."she muttered,definitely very nergous."alex,sweetheart just wear the hulk jacket." "No!" "Alex,yes."she ordered gently putting the jacket on despite his protests."there. But uncle tony's going with us remember?why do you need a iron man jacket,when you can get the man himself?" "...oh.yes! Unka tony going!"alex cheered brightening at the thought the man was going. Elena sighed quietly looking at clint."lets get some food and get this over with..."she said so,so nervous.
Steve blinked at Tony and then reached over and slapped Tony upside the head before licking his Popsicle again. too tired to hold a grudge. "don't wanna." Steve grumbled as he sat down, abandoning the Popsicle in favor of actual food, the three flavored Popsicle melting slowly on the table. "Coffee." Steve grunted, reaching across the Table in an attempt to steal Tony's. he was too far away and he ended up just falling asleep. he clearly hadn't had a good nights sleep.

he smiled a little. "i know." he admitted softly. "it's going to be fine." he promised, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. he had spoken to Alex yesterday about becoming a family together. when Alex had agreed they'd all gone out and gotten a massive hammock together, and as expected. Alex and Clint had to test each one to see what was best. it had been a fun day. "that's right! Uncle Tony IS going with us!" he admitted with a grin. Bruce was staying home though, wary of pissing off the Hulk. but Steve was going and Tony was going. well, if they could get Steve to wake up.
Tony yelped, “cap!”He sputtered looking annoyed. “You have to. You wont feel good if you don’t.”Myka said looking bemused at the idea of the popsicle melting before putting it in a bowl and putting it back in the freezer, before looking at tony huddling around his coffee to keep it from steve. Myka sighed quietly, looking at tony. “help me get him to bed. He’s in no shape to go with us.”She said looking worried, or at least as much as she allowed herself, but considering it was showing at all, meant she was really worried about the other. “I really think getting him into bed is something to be done on your own, when he’s awake.”tony leered a little even as he finished his popsicle and went to help her get steve to his feet.

“I know, I know.”She muttered sighing quietly, amused as she leaned into him for a moment. Smirking slightly as she remembered what they’d done yesterday, it had been amazing, to watch father and son test all those hammocks together. “Yay!And lo!”alex said running for the elevator, barely waiting for them before heading upstairs to gather the rest of the party for their outing.Elena paused at the sight that greeted them, tall lithe myka holding a equally tall super soldier on his feet despite being mostly asleep, and tony looking really short next to the two. "He okay?" "Just tired. We were going to put him to bed before we left."Myka said looking worried.
Steve grunted a little. "don't feel good now." he muttered sluggishly before drifting back to sleep, whining as they tried to shift him, pushing Tony away with an annoyed little grumble.

he smiled a little as he watched her before he grinned at Alex. "yep! Loki too!" he agreed with a chuckle as he followed the boy upstairs where they where trying to manhandle the captain. "...oh hell... he has a fever." Clint muttered as he set a hand to the Captains forehead. "we better get Bruce to watch him. Elena will you go get him? he should be in his lab." he admitted as he took Tony's place on Steve's other side and helped Myka take him back to his bedroom. "god Steve you're heavy. why didn't you tell anyone that you weren't feeling well?... is he even awake?" no, he wasn't, as he proved by uttering a cute little snuffle that might have supposed to be a snore. this was going to throw all of their plans into chaos.
Alex looked up at his captain with that wide eyed child look that said he knew something was wrong. “uncle steve?”Alex said even as he followed the others, looking upset when steve didn’t answer. “I know, I was going to put him in bed and go get bruce.”Myka muttered looking anxious. “I’ll get him. Be right back.”Elena said disappearing, biting her lip. Wondering if there was something strong enough to knock steve’s feet out from under him, how long it would take the rest of them to get sick. “No, he isn’t. We couldn’t get him up long enough to try walking, so I figured I was strong enough to support most of his weight with help..”Myka muttered snickering a little as she snuffled against her shoulder, nudging open his bedroom door before helping clint put him in bed, looking up at Clint. “I...I don’t think we’re going to be able to go today. I mean, I know it’s going to be dangerous not to go, but I don’t feel comfortable trying to see to this if he’s down either...”She sighed quietly, looking really, really anxious and worried about the only person she really trusted.
"it's alright Little Man." Clint promised. "Uncle Steve is just having a bad stomach ache." he assured the little boy. "he'll be alright Myka." Clint assured her. "he's been sick before. it's a bit frightening to see him like this, but it's happened before." he admitted, though he wasn't about to admit that the last time he's been 'sick' it was because he'd been bitten by a Snake that usually killed within minutes of being bitten. "i don't like the thought of him being sick either but how long would you wait before attacking us? it has to be today, you said so yourself." he stated softly. "out of the way please." Bruce demanded as he walked in, doctors kit in tow as he examined Steve, who had gone still and pale. "..high fever." Bruce muttered, feeling Steve's face. "...it's almost as if he's been poisoned again, but there's nothing here that could have made him sick." he muttered as he carefully took a blood sample. "you needed to go fake Myka's death didn't you?" he asked, looking up at them. "you're in the way, go do that." he ordered, waving them off.
“He’ll be better, Aunt ‘ka.”Alex said tugging on the woman’s hand, smiling at her when she looked at him. “Oh. Well...I guess I’ve never been awake enough to actually get sick...”She said frowning slightly thinking it over, wondering if she had been sick and just not remembering before wincing, nodding slightly. “Okay...we’ll go.”She muttered her shoulders tense and aching as she watched steve, her stomach tight as she considered what bruce had said. Poisoned?Really? “Come on, Myka.Tony and Loki are waiting. Natasha’s promised to stay here with them, just in case.”Elena said as she bent down to pick up Alex, pressing a kiss to dirty blond hair as she watched Myka, wondering if she was emotionally stable enough, but even wondering that, she knew they had no choice but to do this now. “Okay...Okay.I’m...ready.”myka swallowed her hand absently ghosting over her side, touching the knives and gun at her side under the jacket, absently reminding herself that she was okay, that they were going to be okay. “Go on. I’ll take the long way down, and come out a few blocks over.”She said glad tony was a paranoid bastard and had a secret way out that let out a few blocks over. At least they weren’t risking being seen together just yet. “I’ll see you at the park.”She nodded as she left.

Tony looked up as the small family got into the car, leaning back into the seat as he pulled out of the garage. “How’s cap?”He said looking back at themm trying not to look as worried as he was
"the Serum usually prevents you from getting any sort of sick." Bruce admitted. "whatever Steve is sick with, it's not something that easily afflicts most people." he admitted. "he's probobly ingested something bad or gotten bitten by a spider and is having an allergic reaction or something. he'll be fine." Bruce promised.

"I'll be there Myka. you don't need to worry." Loki promised her. "and Steve will be fine. he's a big guy and he's impossible to keep down." Loki assured her before heading off with the family. "he's got a fever." Loki stated softly. "Bruce thinks he might have eaten something bad, or is having an allergic reaction of some sort." he admitted as they headed for the park. "i have a bad feeling about this." he admitted with a narrowing of his eyes. "we will have to be very careful."
“He’ll be fine...”Myka muttered reassuring herself. Shaking the feelings away, she slid easily into the ice cold assassin, refusing to be the woman that she was becoming, simply focusing on what she had to do, the newest mission. Faking her own death. Looking up at Loki she nodded. “I know.”She swallowed hard.

“So do I, but Myka’s right. It’s our best chance to get Fury to back off some.”Tony said as they got to the park. Smiling a little as Alex grabbed one of his hands and clint’s, dragging them towards the play area as loki and elena followed after. The tight nervous feeling in his stomach as he looked over at Clint. “You know, it’s almost worse knowing she’s out there somewhere, instead of having it be a surprise.”Tony muttered even as his eyes scanned the park. And even knowing she was out there, even knowing what Myka was wearing, he didn’t seen her approaching, not until she was nearly to them, the casual clothes letting her blend in seamlessly in with the rest of the people in the park.
Clint nodded and Loki sighed. "we might have to get a little... dirty." Loki admitted softly. "well don't look around for her you idiot." Clint scoffed before turning to Alex. "now remember. it's just a game." he muttered softly. "now. do you want to go down the slide, or should i push you on the Merry go round?" he asked with a grin. even he was a little surprised when she finally attacked, having almost forgotten the plan when he was so focused on Alex. the resulting fight ended with Loki shoving a 'spear of destiny' entirely through Myka. or, that's what it looked like anyway. Clint had a gunshot wound from an idiot police officer who aimed at the wrong fucking person, and Alex was screaming and crying because even the kid could tell that this wasn't a game. all in all it was a massive mess. Myka herself had been transported back to the Tower as soon as the blade touched her skin, leaving only a tiny scratch, what was laying there, bleeding out before them was a replicated copy. a clone. he looked down at the fake body and tossed his hand at it, banishing it while he moved over to Clint to check on the man. the gunshot, while painful, was not life threatening. "i'm alright, try and calm Alex down." Clint ordered through gritted teeth, Loki nodding as he gathered Alex into his arms and talked the boy through a magical exercise to help calm him down.
Alex smiled looking up at him, “Merry go round.”Alex decided. Myka indeed had managed to get close, silently moving among the other’s, eyes widening as she died seeing clint go down she had no idea what to do, panic tightening her features as she found herself back to the tower. Going in search of bruce and steve right away, looking anxious. “Bruce, Clint was shot.”She said as she walked into the room, absently bandaging the small scratch from the blade.

“Hawk!Hawk, hurt!MAMA!”Alex screamed as he tried to get closer to clint, crying in those great big sobs that only children are really capable of, that whole body shaking tears. “Sweetheart, he’s hurt, but he’s okay. I promise.”Elena said as she picked alex up, holding onto him tightly, trying to calm him, anxiously towards Clint as she held onto their son. “Thanks loki.”She muttered slipping the screaming upset toddler into loki’s arms, glad that within a few moments he was focused on the magical excersie, instead of where his mama and clint were. “Hey, you are not allowed scaring me this badly you know.”Elena said kneeling at clint’s side even as tony worked on bandaging his arm, having improvised a bandage out of his shirt, looking anxious to see him actually bleeding. Tony snorted, glaring at the police officer. “Well, he’d do a better job at not getting shot, if idiots wouldn’t shoot him.”He growled, pissed and worried, before getting up. “Can you walk on your own, or do you want me to carry you?Cause while I know the kind officers want you to go to the hospital, you’re going back to the tower. Bruce is perfectly capable of taking care of that. It’s a through ahd through, it’s painful, but the bullet’s not in you anymore, so we just have to get it bandaged.”Tony rambled a little, so anxious he was rambling as he put pressure against the wound. Elena eyed tony before glaring at the officer who’d shot clint. “We need a ride back to the tower.”She said her voice cold and pissed, not about to get in a argument about where to go, looking at tony after a moment. “...Are you oaky?” “Fine.” “Is he always like this when one of you are hurt?”She asked looking at clint, absently bemused that tony stark of all people was this distraught over someone else’s pain.
Bruce's head shot up and he sighed. "those god damned street cops." he grumbled. "always thinking they have to get involved in shit." he grumbled as he started setting up an emergency kit. "Loki will probobly bring him straight here. how bad is he?" it was just a shoulder wound. he wouldn't be tossing Alex around for a while, but it wasn't really life threatening.

Loki nodded and soothed Alex as best as he was able, glaring at the group of cops as he did so, the small group of three shuffling nervously. they hadn't realized what was going on, they just saw a man and a woman fighting and took the woman's side. they hadn't realized that it was Clint Barton, one of the Avengers! "where did the body go!?" one of the cops finally asked and Loki glared at them. "i banished it to a volcano." he stated. "i'm not entirly sure the woman was human. i didn't want to risk her coming back to life later." he admitted as he rubbed Alex's back. "Elena! i'm taking Alex and Clint back to the tower, these humans are pissing me off. stupid questions." he growled as he took Clint's hand and vanished, all three of them, to the Tower where Bruce immidiatly had Clint on a table and under 'surgery'. Loki returned after a half a second and took Elena's arm and Tony's. "we're leaving. good day!" he spat at the cops who flinched, but didn't try to stop them as Loki took them to the sitting room where Alex was with Natasha and Myka where waiting.
"Well,they see a guy and girl fighting,and immediately took my side.I feel insulted for my gender."she snickered a little before gesturing to her shoulder."looked like a throufh and through to his shoulder.loki should probably be here soon."she agreed biting her lip nervous and upset clint had been hurt because of her stupid plan.

Elena nodsed a little."considering what they normally fight,banishing it was a good idea."she said when she saw one of the cops starting to protest."go.we'll wait."elena said watching clint vanish trying to not freak out as much as she wanted to. When loki got them to she coulsnt blame tony for pouring them all drinks,sipping her whsikey as Alex clung to her."mama?hawk okay?"alex demanded anxiously clinging to her tightly,mall hands wrapped in her hair to keep her close,holding on as tightly as he had when he was younger."he'll be fine,sweetheart.his shoulder just got hurt." Myka winced before quietly walking out of the room and stepping out onto the balcony,her emotions to much of a riot to stay in there,staring down at the street. The only rhing keeping her from being suicidal was her promise to steve she'd try. She hadn't wanted to hurt anyone anymore,and since this had been her plan,she knew this was her fault. She'd gotten clint hurt.she was just lucky cops shot to hurt and not kill,otherwise it'd be so much worse.just needing the quiet.the only person she would consider talking to,to sick to reaalize just how upset and torn apart she was.
Bruce nodded. "not that bad then. he was hurt worse when Loki tried to take over the world." he admitted.

"thanks Tony." Loki muttered as he knocked back his shot and then summoned himself his favorite Jotun wine. it would settle his nerves a lot more than earth whiskey would. "Hawk will be just fine." Loki assured the little boy as he watched Myka head out of the room, Vahlmr watching before he stood and followed her. "do you wish to talk?" he asked Myka gently, his head tilted as he watched her. "this was not your fault you know. Clint knew he was going to be in danger. he accepted the danger because it was to help someone he thinks is a very good freind." Vahlmr admitted. "you are a wonderful young woman who has had Entirly too much thrust upon her shoulders. you should not blame yourself for the mistakes of others." he assured her, gently squeezing her shoulder. "don't jump." he warned. "it won't kill you and the good Captain Rogers will yell at you if you do." he teased with a smile as he went back to the living room, where he would talk to Alex.
Alex looked up at loki with those big watery eyes, clinging to his mother.”Really?” “I promise. He’ll be fine, little iron.”Tony said smiling softly leaning over to ruffle his hair. “...No. Not really.”Myka said quietly turning to look at him before looking back over at the city. Swallowing hard, she shuddered a little. “He shouldn’t have been. It wasn’t...it wasn’t a necessary risk. I could have come up with something better.”She sighed softly, staring down, because she was just as good at planning and thinking as steve, so when something went wrong with her plans, she thought it was her fault, for not being good enough. Looking over at vahlmr she nodded a little. “I wont.”She promised before heading back inside her. Wandering the tower for a little while, she resisted the urge for as long as she could before finding the drawing book tony had gotten her, and heading to steve’s room, Settling on the bed next to him she huddled in the corner of it, as if she was scared to be sitting with him, but equally unable to leave either. Settling in to draw, she wasn’t even really aware of drawing steve, not as steve was now, sick and flushed, but how she could think of him, flushed with sexual tension and laying in bed, using the good sleeping model he gave to make it up. While she was so not ready for sex, or anything like that, steve was one of the few people in the world who could understand just how high of a sex drive the serum had given her, created simply to try and breed a better soldier. And so, she worked out some of the frustration on drawing the good looking captain laying next to her.

Meanwhile Alex had calmed as him and vahlmr talked, though he was still looking towards the door anxiously, scared clint had ‘left’, and wasn’t coming back, despite his mother’s and the other’s reassurance that his hawk was okay. Tugging on Elena’s hair he whimpered.”Mama?See now?” Elena bit her lip looking at the others before nodding, “Hold on, alex. Let’s ask. Jarvis?Will you see if we can see clint yet?”She asked, knowing bruce would understand why she was asking. She understood that he was okay, alex needed to see him.
Vahlmr smiled a little. "there is a saying. no plan survives contact with the enemy. there are always unforeseen variables. the good captain falling ill was one. the police interfering was another. i have no doubt that you feel guilt because you made the plan, but you forget. the good captain, Clint, and Natasha also helped with this plan. and Loki as well. do you suppose they are to blame as well for being unable to see into the future?" he asked with a smile as he left. Steve was pale and sweaty, his breath a rasp in his throat as he slept. he looked terrible, bus considering Bruce didn't have him hooked up to anything, it probobly wasn't as bad as it looked. "My...Ka." Steve groaned, blinking at her, confused and disoriented. "water?" he rasped hopefully. he gulped down four glasses and then returned to sleeping.

there was a pause as Jarvis spoke to Bruce, and then he replied that it was alright for Alex and Elena to enter. inside, Clint was already stitched up and all the blood was gone and Bruce had covered the hole with gauze and tape. "hey Little Man. you wanna help?" Bruce offered with a smile, well aware that Alex would eagerly do anything at all to help Clint. "here, hold these for me, and hand me one when i run out, okay?" Bruce asked, winding bandages around and around Clint's shoulder to keep the wounds clean and aggravated. "he'll have to wear a sling for a while. a week, maybe two. but will be perfectly fine." Bruce promised.
“...I know that.It doesn’t make me feel any better.”Myka sighed quietly, though the look she gave him was of that held parts of relief and relaxing, glad to have not be at fault for this, even if it seemed to her like she was. Even time steve breathed in, myka winced a little, he sounded so bad. Startling a little at the sound of her name, she nodded, leaving her journal open and resting on his stomach as she scrambled up to get some water, helping him drink it before settling back down next to him, waiting, standing guard over the other super soldier to make sure he’d be okay, with each hour that past though she grew more and more anxious as he sounded so horrible. She’d never had anyone to care about, so caring about steve, was driving her insane when she couldn’t help him feel better.

Alex ran into the room, dragging elena along with himm before looking up at bruce. “Yes!I help hawk.”Alex said scrambling up onto one of the chairs next to bruce, hovering as he handed bandages over to bruce, looking up at clint with that anxious quiet look, relaxing a little when it appeared that he was indeed fine. “Good. You hear that?No working to hard, and you have to rest.”Elena said looking at clint, wrinkling her nose a little because she knew he made a horrible patient. “Don’t make me have to tie you up to behave.”She muttered leaning down to kiss his forehead.”Come on, let’s go get alex down for his nap.” “NO!” “Alex, Clint needs to rest. You two can rest together, and I’ll read you a book okay?”Elena smiled looking down at the boy. “Okay.”Alex agreed looking up at clint, “Ready?We rest. Mama will watch over us."Alex ordered, looking so serious in taking care of clint.
Bruce chuckled a little. "you are a great help." he agreed as he ruffled the boy's hair before he finished bandaging Clint. "alright. i can vacation for a week. it's not that hard." but he looked rather frantic by the idea. he hated being still, hated being trapped. "...i'd probobly not mind being tied down." he admitted with a smirk. "okay. i'm ready." Clint agreed with Alex. he couldn't lay down, hurt too much, but he was pretty tired. he was as fast asleep as Alex within minutes. Bruce smiled at Elena and then headed off to check on Cap.

"Myka?" Bruce asked, surprised to see her there. "hey. i'm here to check on Steve." he admitted as he moved carefully into the room. "you don't have to worry so much." he promised her. "i haven't found out what's wrong, but he's not getting worse which is a good sign." he admitted. "i'm running blood tests." he admitted as he gently checked Steve's temperature. 103. high, but not dangerous yet. "if he wakes up, try to get him to drink anything you can get him to." he suggested to her. "Clint is fine. he's sleeping with Alex." he admitted. "he's going to be insufferable." Bruce grumbled. "he's a horrible patient. he's going to be trying to do things he shouldn't be as soon as he gets up." he admitted as he took another blood sample from Steve and glanced at Myka. "will you watch over him? let me know if he wakes up?"
Alex smiled pleased at having been able to help, “You can. I mean, I’ll take care of you, and I’m sure alex’ll let you play with his toys.” “Yea!We can play, and read, and hawk!You can help me draw.”Alex said eagerly, sensing the worry at being still, looking up at his father with hope, wanting to help him feel better. “....I forgot about that.”Elena smirked amused as she got her boys settled in, glad that they were resting, both fast asleep within moments.

Myka jumped a little, holding the drawing book closer ot her, not about to let him see before nodding. “Hey.”She muttered. “He woke up, drank some, and went back to sleep...”She sighed, biting her lip at his words. “I...I know. But...I can’t help it.”She said trying to calm, to not be anxious, but it was hard. “Good. I was worried.I’ll go see him later.”She said, despite vahlmr’s words, she still wanted to apoligze for getting him hurt. Snickering at bruce’s observation. “He would make a horrible patient. Elena’ll just have to punish him for it.”She snickered a little before nodding. “I was planning on staying. Go get some sleep, Bruce. You look like you could use it.”She smiled a little as she settled more into the bed, looking tired herself. But like steve, she didn’t need sleep for more then a few hours, and her anxiety was going to keep her awake, so really, she was the perfect person to watch over the other super soldier.
Clint smiled a little. "i would like that little man." he admitted as he kissed the boys forehead. "we'll do some drawing later." he promised.

Bruce smiled a little. "good. that's a good sign." he admitted as he checked Steve's pupils and his pulse rate. "everything is reacting normally so i don't think it's anything too bad." he admitted, offering her a smile. "i think he'd like that. Alex is pretty worried about you, he seams to think you where hurt too." he admitted. "i think her punishing him removes the actual punishment out of the equation." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm exaughsted." he admitted with a chuckle. "i've been up for four days on a new experiment." he admitted with a chuckle before he headed out. he was more than a little worried though, because he couldn't find what was wrong with the man. he didn't bother to go to sleep. he was too worried about what was making Steve sick. when he realized what it was, he was beyond shocked.

"he has an infection." Bruce explained that morning at breakfast. "from what i can tell, he inhaled some mold and it... festered. the Serum repressed the symptoms so no one, not even Steve, noticed anything. it's gotten into his bloodstream." Bruce explained. "i have him on an IV right now that should help, but he's going to be sick for a while." he warned. "and if any of you are sick with anything, you better not go anywhere near him. his immune system is compromised right now." he admitted. "if a disease like the flue gets into his system right now, he's not going to be able to fight it off and his body is going to start attacking itself."
Myka stared at Bruce with wide eyes, her eyes shuttering a little as she stared down at the table. This was going to be hard. Tony frowned slightly watching her as he sipped his coffee, before looking at steve. “Myka’s problems don’t count as her being sick right?I mean, it’s her serum that’s fucking her over, not sick/”Tony paused thinking that over, “Wait. What kind of mold, and is it catchable?Cause I mean, she might be surpressing the symptoms to....” Elena paused staring at the billionaire for a long moment. “Are you trying to get her in to see him, or keep her out?”she asked looking worried herself. “we better not see him, clint. I mean, we’re not sick, but Alex’s always getting sick in the fall, and kids get sicker easier. No reason to risk it.” “I’m trying to figure out how to keep the puppy from freaking out.”Tony snarked tiredly, to sleepy to realize he’d called Myka a puppy to her face. “What?”Myka started a little looking at them, hurt flickering through her eyes as she gathered up her plate, to upset and anxious to realize they were only teasing her because they cared for her. “No!Aunt Ka!Stay. You promised. We were going to draw.”Alex said settling more into myka’s lap, having given up sitting in clint’s lap since the man had to eat with only one good arm, so he’d settled into myka’s lap, reassuring himself she was okay. “I’ll come draw later, okay?I-I’m just going to go work out first, love.”Myka muttered pressing a kiss to alex’s head as she set him on the floor, wincing a little as tears filled his eyes as he climbed up into elena’s lap. Tony winced a little sighing quietly. “...Damn....”He sighed tiredly, starting to wake up more, wondering if he should worry about upsetting her. He liked his limbs where they were thanks, he didn't want her pulling them out of place.
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