Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Myka’s shoulders hunched a little, staring down. “...Yea. Okay.”She agreed, because she knew he wouldn’t drop it, not because she really believed it. Before laughing a little. “he is insane. And he’s plotting things. Him and tony have a press thing tomorrow.”She said curling her fingers around his, taking comfort in the touch as she relaxed.

“We’ll fix it.”She said before laughing a little. “he’s a good captain, even if he can’t take care of himself.”she snickered a little before smiling. “True....him and tony would probably enjoy trying to get you out of jail.”She snickered, relaxing tiredly, emotionally exhausted and tired as she settled into him.

Tony was standing behind Loki as he listened to the other talk, though him and natasha was quietly talking to each other, actually putting bets on who would lose their tempers first and demand questions and what was going to happen next. Pretty much making it obvious that the avengers, trusted loki enough to let him talk for them. Raising a eyebrow at the screaming that started as soon as Loki left he stepped forward, raising one hand, “I will answer one question, since it was directed at me.”Tony smirked looking way, way to pleased with himself. You just knew there was bad things going on in his head. “You asked if Iron man, since I had worked as a a free agent, before becoming a avenger will still protect you.”He paused dramatically, shrugging. “No. I’ve already dismantled my own suits, and broken down all the plans for them. What can I say, I enjoy being a kid’s favorite uncle. And before you even ask, the good captain is in total agreement. Yes, I know, big surprise that since you all seem to think he owes you something for finding him and unfreezing him, but the good captain IS from the 1940s. Family means something to him.”He grinned as he left with natasha, both looking pleased, and sure within hours alex would be home.

“....what...what just happened?”Elena stared on in shock, her mind having been derailed at loki’s speech, that she really couldn’t think of what to say, clinging to clint, snuggling against him, crying and laughing all at once.

Myka to, stared at the tv where her and steve were watching it, before starting to laugh. “oh god, fury’s going to shit kittens. That...that was awesome.”she laughed until she cried, more so in relief that she hadn’t gotten alex taken away from his parents then that she was finding loki’s speech that funny.
Steve chuckled a little. "it's fun when Tony plots things." he admitted. "remind me to tell you about the time he turned Clint completely blue. like, head to toe, hair, skin, everything." he admitted with a grin. "it was awesome..."

Loki spoke quite passionately and he knew he had gotten to the mothers in the crowd when he asked them how they'd feel if they had their son torn away from them after being attacked? they all knew Alex would be returned, and returned fast. he stayed to watch Tony bedazzle the crowd... in horror. he smirked a little because he knew Tony had not dismantled the suits. he loved those suits. plus he'd need them if Alex was threatened again. one brave person did have the guts to ask where the Good Captain was. they where all quite concerned when they found out he was sick from helping homeless people in mold infested places. hey, no one was about to admit he was digging out his childhood. Loki was already on the phone, talking to the bitch Pepper, who was screaming at him for 'seducing Tony away from his duty.' Loki told her she was a bitch and that if she continued to verbally abuse Tony she would quickly find herself out of a job. "can i fire her Tony? please?"

"what ust happened was Loki being Loki. if we're not superheros, then they have no right to keep Alex away from us, because then the situation is safe." Clint mused. actually, they had no jurisdiction to take Alex in the first place, and little lady Carol was in a shit ton of trouble with the FBI right now for taking Alex. "i can certainly handle not being a superhero." he admitted with a smile.

Steve chuckled a little and nodded. "i like Natasha's touch. i was saving homeless people..." he snickered a little. "so long as Alex comes home." he admitted with a smile. "i don't think they had the right to take Alex in the first place." he admitted. "it wasn't legal when i was a kid." he admitted, shaking his head.
Tony smiled slightly looking amused as he stepped towards Loki, “You looked pleased I horrified them.”He muttered because he knew the team at least, knew the suits were still together. He was more likely to commit suicide then to dismantle any of the suits beyond what was needed to repair them. Listening to Natasha wax poetically about the captain’s efforts to help homeless people he snickered. “...you know, this wouldn’t be so amusing if I didn’t know he would do that, and rescue kittens from trees...and help people across streets,...”he smirked a little rubbing a hand over his face as he heard loki getting yelled at. “No. And you know she’ll be here soon enough, along with Coulson. I’m actually surprised neither of them are here already.”Tony muttered as they headed back to the penthouse.

“Loki is amazing. Loki deserves a kiss.”Elena smiled giggling a little, so relieved and happy that her son was going to be home soon. At least as soon as anyone could get him here. “Hm?can you?and whatever shall you do with your spare time?”She said looking at him, worry darkening her eyes, really wondering what he’d do without being a avenger, or being a shield agent. For a moment, pure utter panic tightening her chest as she thought about how she’d messed up his life.

“Hm, it does sound like something you’d do.”She teased a little before relaxing, nodding a little. “Probably not. But that usually doesn’t stop self righteous people who think they know best...the fact that alex is going to be traumatized by being taken away from his family, again, is doesn’t matter to them.”She shuddered a little looking at him, “Feeling better today?”She asked, glad that he wasn’t coughing as much, and looked a tad bit better.
Loki chuckled a little. "quite pleased." he admitted with a smile. "i'm sure we could still move all of us to Asgard." he admitted. "Thor would need to give permission, but i'm pretty sure he'd give it quite happily. "i know right? he so helps kittens and homeless people." he admitted with a chuckle. "Hill will be here soon as well as soon as she finds out what Fury is planning next." he admitted.

Clint pouted at her. "you can't kiss Loki! you know where he's been, you'll get cooties." he teased with a smile before he pondered. "well. let me see. i'll live to watch my son grow up. i won't have to worry about being shot anymore. hmmm..." he mused. "i might buy something." he admitted with a smile. "how about a bigger bookshop?" he mused with a smile. "well. i'll think of something."

he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i know. bastards." he muttered, coughing into his hand again as he smiled at her. "much better actually."

and yet, three days later, Alex still wasn't back in their custody. it wasn't until Thor came and threatened to remove Alex from their custody himself did they finally hand Alex over, Vahlmr in tow. the Vanir looked... slightly annoyed, which bothered Loki a little. it was very rare to see a negative emotion on the man's face. "Alex!" Clint yelled, rushing to his son and pulling him into a tight hug. even Steve was there, he was in a wheelchair, but he was there. on the plus side, the bitch who had taken Alex had been fired and would never work in social services again. what WAS strange was the tiny little baby in Vahlmr's arms. "...Vahlmr. why do you have a baby?" "it's mother tried to drown it. it is mine now." Vahlmr stated simply, making Loki snort and move over to examine the baby. "...it has a tail." "yes i know. that is why it's mother tried to drown her. they where going to remove the tail."
“...You know, I don’t know if your kidding or not, but I would totally be okay with moving to asgard.”he snickered at the idea of having a whole new realm to explore. “Hm, I haven’t caught it on video, but I am sure he does.”

“...true. I don’t want tony cooties.”She shuddered before laughing a little before her eyes widened, “I would love a bigger bookshop.”She said sounding pleased with the idea.

Alex ran for clint, crying as he clung to the man hugging him. “Hawk!Mama!” “Hey sweetheart.”Elena said looking haggard and exhausted, but so, so happy to have her son back. Wrapping both her boys in a tight hug she pressed a kiss to alex’s hair. “im not going anywhere anymore mama. I’m staying home.”Alex said his words a little jumbled, but sounding so happy, crying quietly, happy to be home and with the people who loved him, before squirming away wanting to see the other’s to. “...So you brought it here?”Tony said looking thoughtful as he looked at the baby, before raising a eyebrow. “What are you calling it?”he asked, grunting a little as Alex collided with his shin bones, well...his arms did anyways, his head hit higher. “Hey, little iron.”he said sounding winded for a moment before picking him up. “I bought you a few drawing books, cause uncle Steve is up, and needs a new drawing partner.”Tony said ruffling the boys arms, yelping a little as alex twisted around fast enough to nearly fall out of his arms, to excited to be calm, grinning at his sick uncle. “Unka steve!We draw later. Okay?” Elena smiled quietly as she moved over to Vahlmr, worry darkening her eyes. "How is he?"She muttered watching alex run around to everyone.
Clint smiled as he held his son, fighting back his own tears. "there's my boy." Clint muttered with a smile. he knew someday the child would go on sleepovers and stuff, but for now he intended on keeping the boy very, very, very close. "yes, i brought it here." he stated, narrowing his eyes at Tony, clearly daring him to say anything about it. "...i am unsure as to the gender." he explained as he looked down at the sleeping baby. "Vanir do not have genders until they're about a thousand years old, so he won't know the sex of the baby." Loki explained, looking amused. "he understands men and women on principle, but only because one has breasts and the other doesn't. some of the... larger, humans he still has issues with." he admitted with a chuckle. "give the poor thing here." Loki ordered as he cradled the baby and examined the crotch for a second. "it's a little boy. what is his name?" Loki asked, stroking the babies hair. "Goku, so i am told." Vahlmr admitted as he reclaimed the baby. "it is mine now.... He is mine now." Vahlmr reiterated as Loki laughed at Tony's cock knock. "i would love to draw little man." Steve agreed, smiling. "we have to be gentle with Uncle Steve right now though, he's still sick, don't climb on him okay?" Clint ordered with a smile.

"he is upset." Vahlmr admitted. "they spoke of finding him a new home where he could hear. your human mind healers are filthy and stupid." he stated, his voice tight. clearly, he was angry with the children's social services as he let Goku suck on his finger. "they are incompetent and inept." he stated. "we went through many learning books and magical exercises to keep him calm, but he is better than anticipated. i beleive my presence kept them from doing anything extreme." he admitted. "they did not dare do anything against Alex, or try to place him with someone else while i was there." he admitted. "he will need time to calm down... but he can recover from this."
Alex nodded,”And mama’s to.”Alex muttered looking pleased and happy. “Okay then. We’ll decorate a room for it.”tony shrugged, unwilling to get in a fight over another kid in the house even if it made him want to go jump off the balcony. He was definitely so not a kid person, no matter what anyone told him. He was okay as long as he didn’t spend to much time thinking about it. “You’re going to have to learn things, if you’re staying here.”Tony snickered at the idea before smiling. “Well, at least we’ll have boys clothes then.”he mused looking at the baby. “Shut up, loki.”Tony growled a little as loki laughed at him. Alex beamed at steve as he climbed out of tony’s arms and went over to steve, resting his head on his knees before nodding. “We’ll draw. And I’ll climb on aunt ‘ka.”Alex said looking up at the two super soldiers, looking sleepy and excited, so overexcited he was actually tired. And he hadn’t been resting well, despite the calming presence of vahlmr.

Elena winced looking upset at that, watching alex. “...No wonder he’s upset.”She muttered shuddering at the absolute terror that had to have happened when they stupidly said that where alex could hear. Studying the other man, she realized just how angry he was. Leaning up she kissed his cheek. “Thank you Vahlmr, I think you’re right. You kept him calm...thank you for making it easier on him.”She smiled quietly stepping back looking down at alex.”Come on sweetheart. You should get some sleep.” “Dont wanna. Gonna draw.” “After a nap. Aunt Myka’s making uncle steve take naps to.” “Can I nap with him?And mama?And Hawk?And lo and tony?”Alex asked looking up at the good captain with wide eyes, before looking at his mother. Elena smiled raising her eyebrows at steve, amused that alex was pretty much asking for a dog pile of his favorist people, and it made her want to hurt the social workers so much for upsetting her son like this, that they’d upset him enough that he wanted all his people close to him.
"that's right. you're everyone's boy." he chirped with a smile as he stroked Alex's hair. "i am learning at a fast rate." Vahlmr admitted. "it is easy since Jarvis allows me to meld with him, and access entire files of Data at once." Vahlmr admitted. "we have not yet reached biology." he admitted as he tickled the baby's belly. "this is true. i'm kind of surprised though. Vanir rarely take interest in the lives of mortals. and for the child to have a tail. it's strange." Loki admitted, studying Vahlmr, who appeared completely smitten by the boy child. "the last time the Vanir took interest in a child, it was Merlin." he admitted. "worlds first superhero i guess." he admitted. "Jesus was a Vanir raised child as well." he chuckled at his lover as he was told to shut up and he gave Tony a kiss to 'sooth the wounded heart'. "that's right little Man, you climb on Auntie Myka." Steve agreed with a chuckle.

"yes. but he will calm down. i promised him i wouldn't let them take him anywhere without me. Carol, the woman who took him, is actually in a great deal of trouble. she had no legal right to take Alex away from you when there was no neglect and no abuse happening." he admitted. "and even then she dragged her feet in working out the paperwork to return him." he admitted. "last i heard, she was being arrested for kidnapping and obstruction of justice." he admitted. "i don't mind." Steve admitted with a smile. "we'll need to push a few beds together." "no need. i can expand the bed using magic." Loki admitted as he swung Alex into the air and gave him a gentle, playful wiggle. "come on Alex, you can help me make the bed." Loki promised, glancing at Vahlmr, amused that the man was stroking the baby's fuzzy tail and the baby was practically cooing about it. "that baby is weird." Loki muttered, amused when Vahlmr glared at him for it. "the child is not weird! he's reacting as all of his kind do!" "...kind? he's not human then?" "of course not! don't be stupid." Vahlmr ordered with a roll of his eyes. "is there a cradle around somewhere? he's too small to puppy pile." "i can make you one." Loki promised.
“...I’d be more disturbed your having what amounts to sex with my AI if Loki wasn’t teaching him things to.”Tony snickered a little looking amused as he watched vahlmr, slanting a look towards Loki, looking thoughtful. “....Should we be worried he’s this interested?”He said, still sulking at getting laughed at even as he kissed loki back. Myka smiled a little, shaking her head as she looked down at the two who had worried her the most, alex and steve. “We’ll play after a nap, Alex.”She smiled ruffling his hair.

Elena winced at that, before nodding. “Good. She should be in trouble.”She said sounding pleased because it had been traumatizing for them all, and not just her and clint, to be without the boy they all cared for. “Yay!”Alex grinned as steve agreed, squealing in delight as loki picked him up. “I’ll help. I got lots of practice. Just like you said to.”Alex said babbling happily to myka as loki held onto him. “...What is he then?”Tony asked in curiosity as they all headed for the bedroom, smirking as loki made the beds. “It’s a good thing we all get along well.”Natasha said as she walked in with bruce trailing after her, and within moments all of them were laying in a puppy pile of limbs and comfort, Alex snuggled between his parents even if he was hanging onto both tony and steve’s shirts over their shoulders, it looked awkward, but the boy was asleep within moments of finding himself surrounded by family.

Myka smiled a little as she laid next to steve, close but not touching, as if she was still acutely aware of being that close to someone, even trusting him, and him hurt like she couldn’t bring herself to touch even if she wanted to. Which was was actively not making herself think about. Even if she was ignoring the super soldier next to her, she was aware of his presence, felt the fire he lit under her skin, and mentally cursed her own serum. While it gave her all the benefits in a fight, it also had a side effect of hiking her sex drive sky high for a week out of every month, which personally she thought had been planned, simply to try to breed a new super soldier, but she’d never really been awake long enough to feel the full effects of it. Well...she’d now been awake enough, and attracted enough, to feel the lust burning her alive, even if she was ignoring it, it was getting worse with every day. She was just hoping it’d stop soon. She knew steve didn’t want her like that, so she was going to try and not make things awkward between them. Needing him as a friend to much to consider trying to seduce him. Oh, the next few days were going to be interesting.
Vahlmr blinked at Tony. "it's nothing like sex." he stated simply. "all i'm doing is placing my mind inside of Jarvis's database where he implants large amounts of information at once. it's like one computer accessing another. happens all the time." he pointed out, Loki snickering as he glanced at the other. "implanting." he laughed brightly at that, well aware that he'd made it sound oh so much more dirty.

"she is in trouble, as is everyone who assisted her." he admitted. "oh i'm glad you got a lot of practice! we'll have to see how far you got!" he agreed with a grin, letting Alex help him change the bed was an interesting experience. the boy didn't have a lot of magical ability yet, but since the bed came out with spaceships and avengers in various rainbows of colors, it was pretty clear that Alex had certainly been involved in the process. "the child is a Saiyan." Vahlmr admitted with a smile. wondering if anyone would get the joke. clearly the child's parents had a sense of humor, even if the mother had gone insane. "well. Alex has certainly improved." Loki mused, grinning as he realized the spaceships and avengers on the bed where moving. "very good Little man! i'm impressed." Loki admitted as he poked a iron man image, making it try to blast him. not that the blast could leave the fabric. "very interactive." Loki admitted with a chuckle as Steve grinned and flicked another Iron Man image, making it tumble head over heals. "very good." Clint agreed with Natasha as they all piled in, Steve sitting upright so he could breath easier but the rest of them laying in a tangle.

they where lucky that the baby was well behaved, because it didn't wake them up at all. though it was a happy little thing once people started to wake up, sucking on it's monkey like tail and kicking it's legs as if practicing for when it was older. "well he's certainly a happy thing." Loki mused, having gotten up to make the food. Vahlmr was offering the child a bottle, but apparently little Goku wasn't hungry, or thought his tail tasted better. "Myka?" Steve slurred. "you have to get up. you're on my bladder and i really have to pee." he admitted, smiling at her. "hmm... you know, your hair smells really nice." he admitted, making both Clint and Loki struggle not to laugh wildly at Steve.
“...Oh yes. I’m sure he’s implanting things.”Tony snickered sharing a look with loki, looking way to amused. Vahlmr had just made things worse, instead of clearing up the idea of sex.

“I gots far!”alex grinned happily as he helped, giggling as he helped loki make the blankets. “....Are we talking dragon ball Z now?”Tony said staring at the vanir for a long moment looking confused before snickering at elena’s shocked look as she saw exactly what alex was capable of. “...there’s so many more iron men then the rest of us.”Elena teased snickering a little that even if he was putting them all on it, alex still had a favorite. Poor clint. “Thanks. I practiced.”Alex smiled pleased that loki was proud of him. “...Hey!Don’t go poking the iron man. Leave him alone.”Tony whined from where he was laying, rolling his eyes as everyone settled in to sleep and flicking iron men and poking hawkeye into firing his bow. He really, really was impressed with this.

“He is.Thank god. Screaming babies would just be horrible.”Tony grumbled from where he was sleeping, yawning a little as he raised his head to look at steve, before dropping his head back down to muffle his supressed laughter. “...Dont wanna....you make a good pillow.”Myka muttered sleepily, past out enough that she wasn’t aware she was snuggling against the man, a leg over his, having been having a really really good dream. Snuggling him because he smelled good.”...I know. I smell good all the time.Even after a workout and being sweaty.”She muttered, shifting a little, rolling her hips into his, still to sleepy to really be aware she was moving against the tree trunk thigh pressed against her. Before yawning rolling away to let him up. Tony's eyes went wide, trying not to laugh, wondering exactly what she'd been dreaming about
"of a sort. the Saiyan people are real. and Dragonball Z where... close." he admitted with a smile. "however, his parents clearly had a sense of humor." he admitted with a chuckle. "however, you won't find this little guy doing any of the insane stuff that Dragon ball claims is possible." he admitted. "he'll be stronger than the average human of course, as his people are still rather primal." he admitted. "but that Kame Hame Ha crap is just silly." he admitted, smiling as he watched the bed get made. Clint pouted a little as he saw all the Iron Men and tried to poke them all into a corner o they couldn't be seen, but they where just as annoying as the real Tony was. "this is kind of fun." Steve admitted with a grin, watching as one of the Iron men did battle with an Irate Iron man... well, until a Hulk smashed them both flat. "we'll have to increase your lessons." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "wouldn't want you getting bored." he admitted with a smile.

"very terrible." Loki agreed with a chuckle as he poked the baby playfully, making it giggle. "it's a little too happy. it's kind of creepy." Loki admitted, Vahlmr snorting. "just because your children where hellions doesn't mean anything. "hmmm i do make a good pillow." Steve agreed. "but i really do have to pee." he admitted, smiling at her, not really aware of the other people watching them, shivering as he felt her grinding against him. he ignored his own reaction as he struggled to the bathroom, Clint helping Steve there when the man almost collapsed. still weak from being sick, but recovering quickly.
Tony stared not sure if vahlmr was serious or not before smiling slightly. “That’s just...insane.”he said laughing a little amused at the idea of dragonball Z being real. This was insane. Elena smiled slightly as clint poked at the iron man, leaning down to kiss clint’s cheek.”There’s some hawkeye’s see?”She muttered amused as the real tony grinned happily at being the one all over the sheets. “don’t pout, you’ll upset alex.”She muttered in clint’s ear as alex giggled happily watching the iron men fight before nodding looking up at loki.”Don’t want to be bored.”he agreed, snuggling down to sleep. “This is amazing.”Tony smiled looking amused as they all settled in to rest, amused that alex was holding onto them all.

“Just because your children are insane doesn’t mean this is weird.”Tony agreed raising his head to look at loki, amused that even without meeting them, he’d guessed right on what they were like. Nearly biting through the pillow to keep from laughing at steve and myka, having realized what the woman had done even as she rolled to snuggle him as steve got to the bathroom. Looking up at Loki he raised a eyebrow, as if to ask how long it’d be till steve jumped myka. If he was recovering enough to respond even to a semi-conscious grinding job, he was curious about what was going to happen when he was really up for it. It was going to be quite interesting.

“....gonna go work out...”Myka yawned tiredly as she rolled out of bed, rubbing a hand over her face as she woke up more, gathering her workout clothes and heading for the gym, already feeling the lust and desire burning her alive. But because of her past, what she’d gone through every time she’d woken up, she couldn’t deal with wanting steve, so she was running away, and using all that frustrated energy into pummeling his punching bag.
"not so insane. a lot of authors are inspired by the inhuman creatures and people they come across. Shakespeare, Hamilton, Dragon writers, vampire authors, all sorts of things." "Vampires are real?" "of course they are. they live in Niflheim." Loki admitted. "there are Hawkeyes." Clint agreed, chuckling a little. "i don't see any black widows though." he admitted, examining the characters on the bed.

"my children are not insane! they are just vocal and know what they want." Loki protested with a shake of his head as he picked up Goku, carefully removed his tail, and popped the bottle into the boys mouth like the expert baby caregiver he was. "there, now he's eating. he's probobly just never seen a bottle before. still, to see a real life Saiyan... better not let the humans notice him. they'll try to run experiments on him or something." Loki grumbled as he handed the child back to Vahlmr who smiled and tickled the babies toes.

"have fun Myka!" Clint chirped. "Steve's taking a bath." he explained to the others. "said he felt grungy." he admitted with a chuckle as Loki smiled. "good. oh. Tony, remind me to have Bruce check me over after he's had some rest. i've been feeling rather ill lately." Loki admitted. "i'm going to avoid coming in here until Steve's better, just in case i'm actually sick." Loki admitted as he grinned at Alex. "you awake little man?" he asked, his head tilted. "how about i make you some chocolate chip pancakes?" "i want pancakes!" "you don't get any! your pancakes are worse than your waffles are!"
Natasha huffed a little as she looked at the blankets, pouting a little. “I guess I’m not interesting enough. His mother’s not here either. Just the boys.”Natasha snickered as she watched a captain and iron man duke it out.

“Uh-huh. Whatever you say loki.”Tony teased a little shaking his head, amused as he watched myka and steve. It was fairly amusing. “Probably not....and no, we better not let anyone see him. At least not shield or the goverment, they’ll freak out.”Tony mused looking amused as elena shifted, snuggling alex as the boy started waking up.

Natasha muffled her laughter looking amused. “Hm, not to mention he’s probably having...issues.”She snickered having seen the moment between the two super soldiers, wondering if either would give in and screw. She knew steve wasn’t the innocent virgin tony pegged him as, but she also knew Myka was scarred. It would be interesting at least. “What?Really?”Tony looked up at loki worriedly, tilting his head a little before nodding. “Good idea.Don’t want him getting sick again...”He sighed a little. “Chip pancakes!Yes!”Alex giggled happily as he patted his mother’s cheek, smiling as she woke. “Mama!Come eat. Lo’s making pancakes!” “Okay, okay. Let’s go.”Elena grinned as she scooped up her laughing boy, glad that his separation was forgotten for the moment as they headed for the kitchen to cook, content to just be with her family.
"exactly, though as he gets older it will be easy enough to hide his tail when he needs to." Vahlmr admitted. "if i have to, i will take him back to Vanahiem and leave him in the care of my fellows." he admitted.

"many issues." Clint mused with a snicker. "do you think either of them are aware that they basically had foreplay right in front of us?" Clint asked with a snicker. of course Alex had to ask what Foreplay was and Clint sighed, told the boy it was a bad word and put a quarter in the childs hand and sent him off to put it in the swear jar. "i need to go to the bank and get more quarters..." he admitted with a huff. "or you could just stop saying naughty things in front of your kid." Loki pointed out, looking amused. "he's so quiet i keep loosing track of whether or not he's in hearing distance! he has bat ears i swear!" he complained as he followed Loki, Elena, and Alex to the kitchen to make food.
“No, probably not. Neither of them are that awake.”Tony snickered amused that the two had indeed just had foreplay with them in the room. Elena punched clint in the arm, looking annoyed but amused though. “Just stop swearing.”She ordered rolling her eyes as they headed for the kitchen to cook.

Two days later Myka frowned harder at the punching back she was hitting, twisting, putting all her frustration and feeling into punching the bag. Feeling irock a little, despite being built to withstand a super solider’s punch, she was so beyond simply sexually frustrated that she’d already broken one of the treadmills and a punching bag trying to wear herself out. Twisting to swing at who she sensed walking behind her, stumbling as she reeled back when she saw it was steve, stumbling a little.

Tony smiled slightly as he looked up from the tablet he was working on, “Hey. Loki. How you feeling?”he asked as he walked through the med lab, having gotten distracted enough by work to have just realized he’d never remembered to tell loki to see bruce. So here he was, trying to do the responsible thing, and get loki some help, even if he was still working. The newest project he was working on, taking up so much of his attention that he was even passing on sex for the most part.

Elena smiled softly as she looked at the boy sleeping in her lap, looking up at clint. “You look happy.”She muttered, looking exhausted and happy herself. Over the last two days alex hadn’t let either of them out of his sight, even if he was asleep, he woke screaming if they tried to leave. So she was happy to have him home, but equally worried that he was still this upset.
"yeah, ow!" he complained as she punched him in the arm. "why do you have to beat up on me, i'm injured you know?" he complained.

Two days later, Steve was very better. he was still a little weak kneed and he still had the occasional coughing fit, but he had been cleared for everything, sex, sparring, punching bag, even saving the world. oh wait, they weren't doing that anymore. "morning Myka." Steve chirped, staring at her. the Serum increased his sexual appetite too sometimes. for some reason though, every time he saw her, he lusted so much he had to seek privacy. it was like a scent in the air that he couldn't fully detect. whatever was happening, he had to really keep himself in check, especially since she was so frightened of people in the first place. not to mention he suspected those filthy Hydra bastards had raped her.

Loki was laying on the exam bed, his hands over his face and his shirt off. he looked to be quite miserable. "...i'm pregnant." Loki whispered softly, well aware that Tony was going to freak out. he knew the history, he knew that Tony had wanted them until Pepper tore his heart out and trampled on it. he knew, he knew all too well that Tony was going to go all 'i'm a bad person' angst once he found out. of course, he had forgotten one small little detail.

Clint smiled a little. "i am happy. no i'm more than happy." he admitted. he'd been allowed to remove the sling, but he wasn't cleared for any physical activity but sex yet. "i have the life i've always wanted." he admitted. "a loving woman that i love back. a precosious son that is entirly too much like me." he teased, indicating the wall where Alex had used finger paints to make a family drawing on the nice clean walls. making it rather hard to want to punish him for it. "i don't have to fight bad guys and worry about whether or not i'm going to make it home... life is almost perfect..." he looked worried at Alex. the only not perfect part of his new life. Vahlmr had said it would take time, but it didn't stop Clint from worrying.
"M-morning."she stuttered a little panting from the effort she'd been putting into pounding on the punching bag."want a spr?"she said looking up at him, licking her lips a little before stepping away.not wanting to give into the urge to plaster herself against his front. Moving away because the strength of the desire to do it was frightening. Moving away as she headed for the ring,knowing he was the only person in the tower that could keep up with just how hard she needed to work out.

Tony paused his mind already back on the tablet,not really listening to the answer before he frowned his mind procesing it after a moment,stepping back from him."what? You..you...no. move bak into your own rooms loki."he said responding to it instinctively,not being rational and wanting to talk it out,but scrambling back from the pain of having his lover sleep with someone else. Pausing for a moment he swllowed hard glancing at loki before stealing himself and leaving. Barely making it to the hallway before breaking into a run,shutting the lab door and locking it down. Refusing to talk to anyone even if they tried.

Elena flushed at the other's words,looking happy.that had been what she needed to hear,tht he wanted this.that this wasn't a problem."I do love to.I love you so much."she muttered blushing at his response, leaning up for a kiss before laughing quietly."its disturbing sometimes how much he takes after you. Even before he met you."she smiled quietly looking amused t the wall,having wanted to yell but alex had been so,so proud of his drawing that she hadn't been able to."he'll be fine,we'll be fine."she mutterd gently stroking alwx's hair.
Steve swallowed thickly as he nodded. he had a bad feeling about this. he wanted to jump her, so bad. but he was Captain America, he would NOT rape her... no matter how much she made his head spin and his cock throb. he'd have to go out tonight and find a willing woman. he'd gone too long without sex if he was reacting this badly. he followed her into the ring and studied her, his head cocked curiously. why did he have such a furious reaction to her? was it something in the Serum? it had to be, he was attracted to her to begin with, but over the last two days, it was like his body had a mind of it's own.

Bruce blinked a little as Tony reacted, Loki looking stunned and heartbroken. "Tony... what?!" he demanded, looking shattered as he sat up. too late though, Tony was gone and Bruce finally realized what was wrong. "i forgot. Tony's Sterile." "what's that? he mentioned that before." "means he can't have kids." "course he can have kids, he has DNA doesn't he?" Loki demanded, looking confused and hurt as he shook his head. "never mind! i don't care, i don't need him and i don't need any of you people either!" and with that, Loki was gone, vanished into his own rooms. where he'd only open the door for Alex. the others didn't matter. they would just take Tony's side anyway, because after all, he didn't really belong there. he'd only been fooling himself.

he smiled at her, hesitating a moment before he pulled out the ring he wore around his neck. the engagement ring he had been about to present to her before she 'died'. "i've been meaning to tell you." he admitted softly. "before you... died. the reason why Fury did what he did... it was because i was going to ask you to marry me, and retire from Shield." he admitted, carefully unhooking the ring and offering it to her. "i love you more than the world. the only thing i love more than you would be Alex... and maybe video games." he teased, flashing her a smile to show he was joking. "i want you to be in my life forever, and i want to make sure i never lose you again... will you marry me?"
Myk smiled watching him,swallowing hard to focus. Totally needed to beat him bloody,not imagine wht he'd look like flat on his back.yep totally focusing on the fiht. Not even aware that she was drgging him down with her, of course hydra had set it up o that if two super solders were together,their bodies would react,diving them togehter....the fact myka and steve liked each other without that extra help was going to make it even harder to not to fuck over every available surface.

Elena's eyes went wide and startled as she saw what he was holding,she alwx a little as he was snuggling againt her chest so she had a arm free,draging clint down for a hug,"yea.of course,yes."she muttered clinging to him starting to cry quietly.so overwhelmed with both the knowledge he was staying,and wanted her,nd why fury had done this.
Steve shook his head, struggling to focus, needing to focus. he couldn't let her... too late. he blinked, he was on his back, when had that happened. she was straddling him, her crotch settled right over his rock hard cock and he shuddered, inhaling deeply, trying to get fresh air, but all he got was more of the Serum pheromone that made him relax even more under her, feeling sluggish and horny. "sorry." he whispered, because he knew he needed to. he was gently thrusting against her, his head studying her intently as he swallowed hard. "i don't... know. what's happening." he whispered, sounding concerned, but oh so aroused. he needed. he needed. he needed. but he couldn't, she was hurt, had been hurt, had been raped. he couldn't take her. he needed to get out, get away... but he couldn't move.

he smiled at her and chuckled as he was dragged down and he kissed her, deep and happy. "god i love you." he whispered as he held her and Alex tightly. simply needing to hold them. "i'm gonna go tell everyone that i'm gonna get married once Alex wakes up!"
Myka shuddered as her legs settled on either side of his hips, barely aware of rocking her hips into his as she felt him pressed against her, taking a deep breath, but like him, instead of getting a clear head from it, all she got was even more unfocused. She knew there was a reason she feared this, didn’t want this, but looking down at the man under her, she couldn’t remember. Whimpering quietly as he rocked into her, she pressed down against him, looking down at him with blue eyes blown so wide that there was just a thin rim of blue around her pupil she tugged at his shirt, “...don’t...either...don’t know either...”She stuttered, sounding so out of it, but just as needy as him, hands scrambling to get his clothes off, to desperate, to needy because she’d never had it hit her before like this, never had the serum totally obliterate all her control, all fear of being like this.

Clint grinned looking up at him, resting her head on his chest. “we will...we should get some sleep while he’s asleep.”She muttered standing carefully to make sure Alex wouldn’t wake up, heading for their room, the three of them having been sleeping in the hammock for the last few nights, since alex wouldn’t let them go anywhere without him.

Hours later jarvis gently spoke to loki, sounding as concerned as he ever did. “Loki?I’m overriding Sir’s command for privacy, since I feel that his life is in danger.”Jarvis said sounding anxious as he could.
Steve moaned as he arched against her, shuddering as he struggled to work through it, to try and control himself. there was no way he could, not with her moving like that against him. he shuddered against her and leaned up, tangling his hands in her hair and kissing her deeply. well, if this was going to happen, he was at least going to make sure she enjoyed every single second of it. he touched her, stroked her, worked her body in ways that no virgin would ever be able to do and was ever so careful with her. making sure she enjoyed. by the time they finally got to the actual coupling she'd cum three times. he was careful not to actually pin her down as he mounted her, slipping inside of her. working his hips in gentle motions that made his cock move in fantastic ways inside of her. lost to the Serum, lost to her. though he was going to be so upset once he snapped out of it.

he smiled a little and nodded. "i agree." he murmured. "i'm tired." he admitted as he kissed her again before settling in for a nap. a well deserved one.

Loki was laying curled up on his bed, the door locked and the sounds all turned off. angry and upset. "...." he sighed as Jarvis spoke up and he sat up and headed for the Lab, appearing there between one step and the other. "What are you doing Tony?" Loki demanded, his voice toneless. "the magical protections i placed you on are acting up. your doing something stupid aren't you? stop it."
Myka moaned as his hands found her hair, kisisng him back, a little clumsy, a little quiet, even as her hips rocked into his. Looking up at him, eyes wide and lust filled, no hint of fear as he moved over her, lost in feeling him in her, whimpering quietly in pleasure as she wrapped her legs around him, clinging to him as he fucked her, like him, lost to everything except the feel of the man in her arms. Coming with a strangled gasp, nails biting into his back, turning her head a little, teeth biting into his shoulder to not scream as the world shattered around her, for the first time ever, actually enjoying having someone in her like this, slumping back onto the sparring mats, panting and quiet. Not together enough yet, to freak out.

Tony tensed hearing the man behind him, before frowning .”Nothing stupid. Go away. I have work to do.”he said sounding angry and worse, drunk. Just a bit, the words so slightly slurred that if you didn’t know that it took alot-a obscene amount of alcohol-to even get that much, who wouldn’t know he had been drinking. But this was tony stark, who had turned drinking into a hobby and never showed signs of being drunk. But this, he was showing signs of. “I’m perfectly capable of working on a repulsor without it blowing up.”Tony said when it became obvious loki wasn’t going anywhere.
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