Missing Parts(lady/moon)

“Hm, he did. It was weird, cause I could see the spear coming at me, then he sent me back to the tower...so weird.”She shuddered a little before flushing slightly, nodding. “Yes..I would prefer that....Sex is...it was good but...”She shrugged looking nervous, hoping he understood why she was hesitating, not because she didn’t trust him, but because she just wasn’t used to sex meaning something good. Smiling she nodded. “Hopefully just a few days.”She agreed looking amused and a little anxious as she left.

“Hm, well as long as I’m not totally to blame for this.”Tony said smiling, kissing him lightly, holding onto him. Because he so knew this was going to be bad when the others found out they were expecting....well, namely pepper. He was so not looking forward to that. Wrinkling his nose he huffed. “I wasn’t trying to, I just wanted it to stop...though it was probably a good thing Jarvis got you to take the torch away.” “Thank you sir.” “That wasn’t a thank you,J.”Tony sulked a moment as they worked before sighing as he looked at loki. “But since it’s working like it’s supposed to in drawing them together, we can’t do anything about it.But...we’ll help them not give in until they’re ready. It shouldn’t be longer then two weeks, we can do that.”Tony said sounding pleased with himself.

But as two weeks started winding down, myka was finally starting to show signs of the serum backing off. While they’d only had sex once, the longer they resisted, the harder they had problems doing so. Having taken to spending as much time with the others, and alex(since they could channel all that sexual frustration into paternal urges), and a few heavy makeout sessions, they hadn’t given in, mostly because myka couldn’t handle it, still deathly afraid of people and sex in general. The fact her own body was betraying her like this, it was hard to want sex just for them, because it scared her to be at war with her own body. But it was winding down, not realizing that it was because she was pregnant, not simply the heat running its worse. Though now that her body wasn’t urging her on, she was tired and feeling out of sorts as her body adjusted to being pregnant. Looking up from where she was laying on the floor next to alex, she smirked slightly at her boyfriend, “Ready for our date?”She said, so excited because they hadn’t been able to have their date yet, since they couldn’t be alone together without wanting to tear off clothes, so this was the first night they’d trusted themselves enough to have a quiet date night.”No!Aunt Ka, you can’t go!We playing.”Alex frowned looking up at his aunt and uncle, looking upset at the idea. While his parents were cooking dinner, he was still not allowing them to leave him for longer then a few minutes, or simply into the room next to him. Clint and Elena had actually planned a similiar date night, to see if they could leave him, because being with him constantly-though they loved him dearly- was starting to wear on them.

Tony smirked as he looked at the man under him, pinning the jotun to the bed, leaning down to kiss him softly, hands smoothing down his body before pausing, frowning slightly at the curve to his stomach. It wasn’t big, but it was a definite difference on a man who’d been slim and fit. Tony had quite well avoided thinking about the baby, and the others had let him get away with it, at least for the moment. But confronted with the proof, he was so not going to avoid it any longer.
he nodded. "pretty freaky i bet, yeah." he agreed with a small shudder. "it was good, great even. i just don't think we're emotionally ready for that step yet." he admitted, offering her a sheepish smile. "i want you to want me, and i know you do. but your not ready for it yet." he admitted. "and honestly, i don't think i am either."

"of course your not." Loki scoffed, looking amused. "it's my own fault for forgetting that humans have stronger DNA than i'm used to counteracting." he admitted. "your welcome Jarvis." Loki interrupted Tony's tirade. "when are you going to start showing people by the way Jay? i'm quite curious to see what you chose for yourself." he admitted, amused.

Steve smiled a little as he helped Alex with a massive floor puzzle. he had truly enjoyed those heavy make out sessions, but he was terrified he would lose control of himself again. he had always been the one to cut off the contact, terrified of his body's intense reaction to her. he was more than glad to finally see that their bodies where starting to calm down. "oh Alex..." Steve muttered when the boy got all worked up again, holding his hands out to the boy. "i know your scared Alex. but we're superheros. we're never going to leave you. you know that right? no matter where you go, or how long we're gone. we will always come back to you." Steve promised, giving the boy a big hug. "we love you, and not even the end of the world would keep us away from you." he assured the child.

Loki moaned as he was pinned and then kissed rather ruthlessly, moaning as he shuddered at the hands on his belly. he looked up and hesitated when he saw Tony's frown. he knew the other had some very serious confidence issues, no thanks to that brute of his father and that bitch Pepper. he was really going to have to work with Tony to make him realize that there was nothing wrong with him, and that he was going to be a perfect father. "Tony? you alright?"
“In my own time. I am enjoying making you wait.”Jarvis said with a sniff, sounding so much like tony when he was in a mood it was funny.

Myka smiled a little, because despite enjoying making out, she was glad that they could have their private time again, without having to worry about climbing all over each other. Wincing a little as alex got worked up “Always?You’ll always come back, and bring papa back?Mama needs him. I need him.”Alex sniffled looking up at his uncle, burying his face against steve’s chest. As much as he was worried about his uncles and aunt leaving him, it was Clint leaving him that totally undid him. Totally freaked him out.“Always, Alex.”She promised sitting back on her heels as she looked at them, gently stroking his hair, trying not to look startled, realizing alex had called Clint papa, and not sure when that had startled. “...did he just call you papa?”Elena muttered as she looked at clint, pausing in the kitchen doorway, having been about to tell them to go on, knowing tony had ordered in food for them, the billionaire having actually not allowed steve to set up his own date, simply telling him to go down to the ballroom when they were ready for a date.

Tony bit his lip pushing up a little before slumping to the side, sighing quietly as he nodded. “Hm, yea....just....you really are pregnant....I mean, you could be just getting fat...but I don’t think so and....and it’s my kid you know?This is going to be so fucked up....”Tony muttered, not because he didn’t want kids, or want them with loki, but because howard and pepper had manage to cut him off at the knees in terms of his confidence, his utter over the top ego and attention whoring ways, hiding just how self loathing and insecure he really was.
Steve smiled a little. "we'll always come back Little Man." Steve promised, glancing at Myka. when had he started calling Clint Papa? Clint was probobly ecstatic about it. "of course we'll make sure Papa comes back." he promised, smiling at the little boy. "yeah. yeah he did." Clint stated softly, his voice all choked up with emotion. "Alex! dinner time!" he called, his voice still a little funny. Steve glanced at Myka and had to grin. if Tony had been here, he's have teased Clint about being so overly emotional.

Loki chukled a little as he watched Tony, smiling a little. "call me fat in three months time and i'll probobly beat your head in." he warned with a smile, stroking Tony's hair. "hey. i love you Tony." Loki stated softly. "and i know you, i know you a lot more than that pepper bitch does. you'll make a wonderful father." he promised as he stroked Tony's hair. "besides, you handle Alex and Goku perfectly." Loki admitted, because Vahlmr made Loki and Tony babysit Goku anytime the Vanir needed to do his 'mind voodoo' on Myka or Alex.
Myka grinned at Alex’s words, amused before shooting a look towards the boy’s parents, not about to tease clint about sounding off. “We gotta go now Alex, we’ll see you later okay?”she smiled pressing a kiss to the boy’s forehead as she stood. Elena grinned, looking at elena, wrapping a arm around clint’s waist, hugging him. “You are a good papa.”she muttered kissing his cheek, blushing ever so slightly, pleased that he was so happy. Jumping a little as Alex slammed into her knees. “Mama!What did you cook?” “Mac and cheese. Now settle, you’re to excited.”Elena said ruffling his hair as she helped the boy up into his chair, smiling softly as she watched the other two leave, glad they were happy, and could have a night to themselves without being to overwhelmed.

“So, you know what tony did?”Myka asked as they stepped into the elevator, smiling as Jarvis took them down to the ballroom, stepping into the quietly, soothing light in the room. A private party, thrown for two. Looking startled as she realized exactly what Tony had done. Stepping into the room, she stared at the balcony as she stepped out onto it, smiling quietly as the wind brushed against her cheek, ruffling black hair as she stared at the image reflected on the glass Tony had set up around them, and it made her curious on how he’d given them the wind, of the outdoors, while enclosing it in glass to give them the image they were looking at. Staring at the lakeside dinner they were having....while dead center in the middle of the city. Even the city sounds, was neutralized, and if you didn’t know it was a illusion, you’d never guess the city was inches away. “....Tony deserves a prize. Or something.”She said smiling as she looked at the candle lit table, before looking up at Steve.”Hungry?”she said as her stomach growled, wondering what tony had gotten them to eat.

“Hm...I’ll remember that...I’m sure you’ll find other things to beat my head in for.”Tony muttered smiling a little leaning his head into loki’s hand as he stroked his hair, before shrugging. “Pepper’s pepper. She knows me. Always has.”he huffed a little before grinning, “I’m only good with alex cause I’m his favorite, and I let you take care of Goku.”He pointed out shrugging, not being dense on purpose, he really couldn’t see that he was good with them.
Clint smiled a little at her. "he called me Papa." he whispered, sounding amazed and ecstatic. "he really called me papa." he breathed. "i can't decide if i want to throw a party or cry i'm so excited." he admitted softly before smiling as Alex pounced on Elena. "so how are you feeling then Little Man?" he asked curiously, wondering if Alex would call him Papa again. he hoped so. it made him feel all good inside.

"i don't have a clue." he admitted. "i'm a bit worried about it actually. usually Tony's only this secretive when he's about to do something naughty." he admitted before staring at the scene he had walked into. "oh my..." he muttered, more than a little stunned. "hey Jay!?" he demanded suddenly. "Tell Tony he won the bet.... you know, the one where he said i would never ever tell him he was super awesome? yeah... he just won it." Steve declared. "i'm starving." he admitted, smiling at her. "lets see what kind of food Tony got for us." he stated, holding his hand out to her, bowing slightly. "my lady."

Loki smiled a little. "i'm quite irritable in my last trimester." he agreed with a chuckle. "i nearly decapitated Thor once for asking me if i needed anything. i can't remember why. i'm sure he deserved it though." he admitted with a nod. "and pepper's a stupid bint who wouldn't know a good person if they risked their lives to save hers. oh wait! you did that. she's a lying sneak Tony and you can't believe anything she says. she's just pissed because you won't do what she tells you to anymore and you won't like her lying shoes." he stated simply. "you are going to be a great father. i will make certain of it myself if i have to." he assured the other.
“He did.Truly.”elena smiled looking a little choked up herself, because this was more then she’d ever hoped for. Ducking her head to hide the tears misting her eyes she laughed quietly.”Well, how about you skip the tears, and we’ll have a private party later.”She muttered waggling her eyebrows teasingly before smiling at alex. “Happy, papa. Uncle steve is making aunt ‘ka happy, and promised to come back later. We’re going to finish our puzzle.”Alex said sounding pleased with the idea, smiling as his mother got him some food, settling in to eat, not aware of what calling clint papa was doing to the man.

“...you know, now that you mention it, that is a worrying thought.”Myka muttered thinking it over before nodding, looking stunned herself, jumping a little at steve’s demand. “I will sir.....And he says he wants it done in person, in front of everyone. After your date, of course. And that...”Jarvis paused, looking unsure if he should relay his creator’s final words, before huffing what sounded like a frustrated sigh. “And that there condoms and lube behind the bar if you should wish for some.And Goodnight, and stop bothering him, he’s trying to have sex himself.”Jarvis said, deciding that they could use something to laugh over. “....It’s amusing how much of tony’s personality is in that AI.”Myka said laughing as she took his hand, “Let’s.”She smiled as she stepped over to the table, sitting down she grinned at the food they were going to eat. “He ordered in to Trattoria’s. Italian.”She grinned as she looked over everything looking amused at the note tony had left for them, with a promise that he hadn’t tried to cook, and simply ordered in.

“Oh...that’s good to know. I’ll just be hiding in the lab for that.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “I’m sure he did.”He said smiling before wincing, sighing softly as he rubbed a hand over his face as he laid back. “No, she’s pissed I wouldn’t give up being iron man. I really can’t....I tried once. I was miserable.”he sighed before eyeing the other, about to say something before jarvis interrupted grinning as he relayed the message of wanting his winnings in public, with lube and condoms hidden in the room somewhere. Grinning at loki’s look. “Their date is amazing. I’m amazing. I really should go on more dates, I’m better at it then I thought if Steve’s calling me awesome.”
he smiled at her. "i like that idea. we could introduce our Little man to the freezer in the common area." he teased with a snicker. "...." he had to swallow again when the boy called him Papa to his face. "t..that's great Alex." he breathed. "it's a very pretty puzzle too. maybe we'll glue it together and hang it opn your bedroom wall." he offered with a strained smile. he was so close to crushing the boy in a hug he was feeling so emotional.

Steve nodded. "i know right?" he asked with a smile. "....Tony just lost the privilege for the condom Comment." Steve decided before smirking at her. "Loki certainly isn't helping Jarvis's personality any either. i heard them trading barbs the other day. it was pretty hilarious. Loki called Jarvis an 'over-glorified copy machine' and Jarvis told Loki he was a 'hack job magician'. it was pretty awesome." Steve admitted with a snicker. "...i wonder if he realizes that, as a man and a woman, we don't actually need Lube..." well, unless they where going to do something kinky, but that wasn't the point. "i love Trattoria's." Steve admitted with a smile as he shook his head. "it's kind of sweet how he went through such an effort though. i'll have to get him something nice."

Loki chuckled a little and nodded before he scoffed. "Tony don't be stupid. i've talked to Pepper. i took a trip through her mind. she's a fucking quim who needs therapy desperately." he admitted. "Iron Man is who you are, not what you are. you need to be Iron man, not for the people, not for the kids, but for yourself." he admitted. "that she made you give it up, just proves that she never truly cared about you." he admitted. "if you go on dates, bring me home something good okay?" he ordered with a smirk. because he didn't give a damn if Tony went out with other people. Tony showed his love and devotion in better ways than monogamy.
“We could do that. He’d love seeing tony’s freezer.”She snickered a little at the idea of all that ice cream, biting her lip to keep from having a equally emotional reaction to clint being papa, before nudging him a little, looking worried. “Can we, mama?” “Of course Alex.”Elena smiled looking at clint, tilting her head, worried about how he was. “No...maybe, mama, we should give it to uncle steve. He needs more pretty things.”Alex decided eating happily, before pausing, frowning up at clint. “You okay?”He said looking worried now to.

“Hm, no, this date is to amazing to not tell him in person, even if that was a stupid comment.”Myka blushed a little snickering before her eyes widened, laughter in her face as she giggled. “That is awesome. It’s probably a good thing they’re making fun of each other, instead of ganging up on Tony to tease him.”She snickered before nodding. “Well, considering how much sex he’s had, I’m betting he just left the lube to be a dick, not because we would need it...we’ve had enough problems avoiding having sex, to give in....well, at least now.”She said blushing, looking both interested and amused, because she did want to have sex with him, just not now. The last two weeks both equally scarring and calming to the woman. Having learned to trust him all the more the longer they resisted. “Me to. And he did do a amazing effort...I wonder what he did that he doesn’t want to tell us.”She snickered, because she knew it was simply tony being tony, and not some grand scheme for something. Tony just didn’t do anything by halves, and he’d known just how desperate they needed to relax together.

“....if you say so.”Tony said simply agreeing about pepper because he didn’t want to fight over it, not when the woman in question already made his head and heart hurt, he didn’t want to fight with loki over her. Sitting up on his elbows he frowned looking confused, “...I meant dates with you, you idiot.”He teased grumbling as he collapsed back onto the bed, sighing. “...So, wanna put bets on if the captain and his girl are having sex tonight, and if so, who seduces who?I mean, he doesn’t have sex. He’s to virginal. I bet it’ll be myka...though...I dunno!them having sex is just to weird.”He said willing to use his best friend’s relationship and
he grinned a little and nodded. "i think that's a good idea Little Man." he agreed, his voice tight. "Cap would love a Captain America wall hanging..." he sounded choked up, and amused. "P. Papa's fine." he assured Alex. "just... got something in his eye, that's all. i'm going to go to the bathroom, i'll be right back." he stated as he practically fled to have his emotional moment. he didn't want to upset Alex after all.

he rolled his eyes. "i am NOT telling Tony he's amazing in front of other people." he stated simply. "it ruins the whole joke." he admitted with a smile. "it was a stupid comment and i intend to tell him so." he admitted with a smile. "i think Loki, Jarvis and i should gang up on Tony." he agreed. "maybe we'll actually get him to blush. it's something i've never seen before." he admitted with a smile. "and honestly, i think he just forgot he had it in here." he admitted. "it's Tony. i'm pretty sure he's had sex in here." he admitted as he examined the table and chairs. "maybe we should disinfect these?" he muttered before he smiled at her. "it was pretty difficult for a while there." he agreed. "i've never been so out of control before." he admitted. "makes me wish i could get drunk, at least then i'd have had a bit of practice." he admitted as he gently pulled her chair out for her. being that he was a gentlemen. "oh, he probobly sold my liver or something." he admitted with a grin. "he even got us wine."

Loki huffed. "i do say so." he grumbled before he gave Tony a baffled look. "Tony, i'm fat. i am NOT going out in public like this." he complained. "and i laugh at you." he admitted, smirking. "you do realize that in the last six months, Steve's had more sex than you have? he's had like, fifty women in the tower." he admitted. "and never the same one twice." Loki admitted, wondering how Tony was going to react to that.
“It’d be perfect.”Elena agreed smiling at the idea of giving it to steve, before biting her lip, worried about him. It was weird seeing clint upset like this, even if she knew it was a good thing. “lkay.”Alex said watching Clint go before returning to his food, no worrying anymore. After a few minutes Elena walked to the bathroom, knocking on the door.”Clint?”She muttered glad that alex was happily engaged in eating enough to let her check on him.

“...That would be awesome. I wonder if anyone’s ever seen him blush.”Myka said looking interested and amused at the idea. “....urgh. Don’t say that. I was enjoying it, I don’t want to consider him having sex on this stuff.”She whined a little looking amused before nodding. “It was. I’ve never...Never been awake long enough to really be that out of control....it was hard and confusing.”She said smiling as she sat down in her chair, smiling up at him.”thanks.”She said kissing his cheek before settling in to start eating. “.....why would he sell your liver?”Myka said bemused, snickering at the idea before looking at the wine, shaking her head a little. “You know, for a man who says he sucks horribly at all inter-personal relationships, he does do a amazing job with what other’s would want.”She said proving that she’d indeed paying attention, as tony for the most part, did a fairly good job at judging what other’s wanted from him, and even if the results tended to be over the top, they were rarely completely wrong.

Tony frowned looking him over he smiling, “You’re not that fat. I mean, if I didn’t know you were pregnant, I probably wouldn’t have noticed.”Tony said looking thoughtful before sitting up again, staring at the man laying next to him, frowning. “...You are such a liar. Steve’s never brought that many people home. I would have noticed the virtuous captain bringing more people home then me.”Tony said looking bemused, because in the year since pepper had left him, he’d had a lot of dates and flirting, but his heart had rarely allowed him to let anyone get close enough, Elena having been among the rare ones he’d actually brought back to the tower.
Clint opened the door at the knock, offering her a sheepish smile. "i'm okay." he promised. "i just needed a moment to calm down is all... god, did you hear him!? he called me Papa!" he gasped, looking so delighted he might pass out. he wouldn't of course because Jarvis would record it and show it to Tony. "he called me Papa." he muttered, sounding more stunned than delirious now. "god... that's amazing." he breathed, a smile still plastered on his face.

"no i don't think so. i doubt even when he was a child he blushed." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "i understand." he admitted. "i never imagined that my body could react like that. it was frightening." he admitted as he smiled at her. "it's Tony. he does a lot of weird things. and i could survive without a liver i think. people would pay huge bucks on the black market for my organs you know." he admitted. "Bruce's too." he admitted. "even a blood sample, they could reverse engineer the process that made us, us." he admitted. "i think that's how they made a duplicate serum actually. probobly got some of my blood somehow." he admitted as he handed her a glass of the sweet red wine. "Tony's just.. traumatized. between Howard and Pepper, Tony has very little self confidence. Tony's hurting pretty bad inside, but i think Loki's starting to fix it." he admitted.

Loki huffed and sulked at his belly. "i'm fat." he grumbled before he smiled at the other. "yes, i am a liar, but i'm not lying about this. Jay? how many women as Steve brought home since moving into the tower?" in the last year and a half Steve had brought home, or took to a hotel a total of 154 times. "see? Jarvis even made profiles of them." the only thing the profiles said though was that Steve didn't care what the looked like so long as they weren't overly obese or overly skinny, as in the anorexic type. and he only fucked a woman if she was over twenty one, save one, but that was because the woman had a fake ID. which Steve hadn't known about yet, fake ID's. funnily enough, the women never blabbed, and never tried to stick around. proving that Steve was a lot better at picking his one nighters than Tony was.
Elena smiled a little, relaxing slightly before nodding, leaning forward, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I did. And you are, you know.”She muttered shifting closer, snuggling against his chest, refusing to cry because for so long, this had just been a pipe dream for her, something to imagine, having clint around, and for alex to be able to call him papa. “It is amazing. And shows you are just as important as tony, I mean. He’s just the favorite, your papa.”She teased a little because she knew it had upset the man to have alex tag after tony with such devoted attention, though he did follow after all the avengers really, but alex doted on tony, which bemused the billionaire really.

“...No.Surely as a teenager he blushed.”Myka said smiling before relaxing, nodding as she swallowed hard, “Yes...it was.”She said glad he understood before laughing, “Well, that’s true. Tony is odd, even for a billionaire....and that’s a disturbing thought. I don’t want to know people want your body parts, because that means people would want mine, and its weird!”She whined a little though she looked amused, before smirking. “Well, if you would stop getting in fights, your blood wouldn’t be so readily available.”She teased a little sipping her whine as she started eating her ravioli. “....Do you think he’d miss her if I took care of pepper?I mean, she deserves it if she messed him up that badly.”She said anger tightening her stomach for a moment as she considered just how messed up her friend was, before relaxing, looking at the amazing date tony had made them, she smiled slightly, to relaxed, to happy to be truly focusing on pepper. Wincing a little as her stomach rolled, frowning a little down at her plate.

“You are not.”Tony rolled his eyes before sighing, “You are, you totally are.”Tony sulked before staring at the cieling as he heard jarvis’ answer, looking shocked as he considered what he was hearing. “no...no this is wrong. He’s brought more women tehn I did into my tower!?How did we not hear about this?”Tony whinced both amused at his best friend’s sex life, and disturbed that he hadn’t known about it, even if the women never talked, they’d been in his tower before pausing. “Did they know he was cap?”
he smiled at her. "do you need to have an emotional moment?" he asked softly as he stroked her hair. "i know... Tony can be his favorite Avenger, i don't care. i get to be his Papa." he admitted, voice shining with pride and joy. " "it's kind of amusing how Alex dotes on Tony though." he admitted with a smile. "come on, lets go back before Alex draws on the wall again."

"not as far as i know." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "and Tony isn't so much 'odd' as he is improperly socialized." he admitted with a smile. "people think your dead. they don't want your body parts." he teased with a smile. "and if you think i'm bad for fights now, you should have seen me when i was runt. i was getting beat up all over the place." he admitted with a chuckle before he sighed and shook his head. "he'd be pretty upset, yeah. he still loves her, even if he doesn't want to admit it." he admitted with a shake of his head. " "you alright?" he asked nervously as he saw her wince. "is the food bad? i can order us something else." he offered.

Loki chuckled. "i totally am not." he admitted with a grin. "yeah, he did. and he didn't say anything about it because hes a shy guy." he pointed out with a chuckle. "that and you'd have teased him relentlessly." he pointed out. "i think maybe six of them in total did." he admitted. "when they tried to, er.. post? about sleeping with Captain America their computers mysteriously stopped working." Loki admitted, finding it amusing that Jarvis was protecting Steve so well.
“No, I’m good. We’ll have a emotional moment later.”She smiled looking amused before grinning, “Yes, you get to be papa....and tell tony he’s not allowed to give Alex his own iron man suit until he’s at least a teenager, cause you totally know he’ll do it, simply because alex would like it.”She snickered at the idea before nodding. “It is. Even more amusing because tony has no idea how to handle it except let him do it.”She giggled before nodding, headnig back into the kitchen, grinning at the sight of alex’s clean plate and the boy himself settled in the living room, trying to put more pieces into the puzzle.

“Well, good.”She huffed, sounding pleased that her death kept anyone from wanting her parts, a little disturbed at the thought of the body harvesting, before smirking. “I can imagine it. You get beaten up on a regular basis now....though I guess, since you fight like aliens and von doom, you can be forgiven for bleeding all over things.”She teased before huffing. “Fine. Pepper can live.”She sulked before nodding, taking another bite. “Fine. Food’s fine...I just kinda feel nauseous....probably haven’t eaten enough, and my body’s protesting it. Don’t look so worried, eat.”She ordered ignoring her rolling stomach as she started eating, determined to not mess up their date, though she did feel a little better the more she ate.

“...But...but... No one should be this shy!Noooo this is unfair to the world and me as a whole, to have not known this. I’m telling steve that when he’s done with his date.”Tony sulked a little at not knowing before smirking, “Ohhh!Jarvis, you should have told me about those facebook posts. That would have been awesome.” “...The captain asked me not to, Sir, and you asked me to keep the other’s private lives from you if asked to.” “This is saddening. Tricked by my own AI to not invading the other’s privacy.”He sulked, though ti was true, the man had left the other’s pasts and current lives alone, unless something relevant came up/.
he grinned a little and nodded. "we'll sob in each others arms after he goes to sleep and then sneak away for hot sex." he agreed. "and Tony can't make Alex his own suit until Alex is at least eighteen or has earned his drivers license for at least a year." he stated simply. "he's such a good boy." he admitted with a smile as he picked up the plate and settled it into the sink to be rinsed and washed and put away. Clint looked up as Jarvis piped up with a warning that there was someone at the docks, threatening to burn their whole world if they didn't hand over Loki.

he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i don't, actually. i haven't ended up in the hospital once since becoming an Avenger." he admitted with a smirk. "Pepper is a bit of a bitch though, you could get her fired or something." he admitted with a chuckle. "are you sure?" he asked, looking worried before he calmed as she looked a little better with every bite. "so, i was wonderi..." he paused as Jarvis's voice popped up and told them that there was an issue at the harbor. someone was demanding they hand over Loki or watch their world burn.

Loki chuckled a little and shook his head a bit. "don't tease Steve." he ordered. "Myka is the first girl he's ever really liked aside from that woman from the War, Peggy was her name?" he asked as Tony complained to his AI as he turned on the TV and blinked at the TV. a massive, massive serpent with horns was writhing in the ocean, demanding that they hand over Loki Leaufeyson or watch as he tore their world to shreds and burned the remains. "...oh hell." Loki groaned. "Tony i have to go take care of this."
“Yes, sneaking away for hot sex is good.”She agreed before laughing, “I agree. Now we’ll just have to get Toyn to agree with that.”she said, even though she knew tony wouldn’t do it if they told him not to. He might break rules for himself all the time, but he wouldn’t do it if they asked for Alex. “He is.”She smiled before pausing, paling slightly before nodding as alex pelted into the room, hugging clint’s legs. “You be careful, papa?”Alex said looking up at him, before letting Elena pick him up. “Go. We’ll be here when you get back.”Elena said smiling at Clint, though she looked a little sit with the idea of not being able to protect him, shifting alex a little, nodding.”Go. We’re fine.”She said trying so hard to be brave for alex.

“As messed up as it made me, I do love being able to heal almost anything. It makes fighting interesting.”She said before laughing, looking pleased with the idea,”:I could do that. I shall plot on how to get her fired.”The assassin said before nodding.”sure. I’m feeling better already.”She said as she ate, looking up at his question, before huffing out a sigh.”You go. I’ll-...I can’t go.’Myka said as she stood though, already heading for the elevator, knowing he had to go, and hating that she couldn’t go with them. Even if she had no idea how she could help there, it was killing her not to be able to go and take care of this with them.

“Why not?”tony asked before wincing, sighing quietly. “Yes. Peggy. And fine...I wont tease him to badly.”he said before looking at the tv, for a moment at a loss for words as he stared at the snake.”Uh...no you don’t. You don’t have a suit. I have a suit, and a captain america. We can deal with a serpent.”Tony said already movign to get out of bed, gathering the clothes he wore under the suit, leaning down to kiss loki hard, not realizing that he didn’t have to protect loki from the serpent, but he was willing to do so. “Stay. Be safe here.”he smiled a little looking nervous though about facing the serpent as he headed for the balcony, already getting jarvis to get the suit ready for him.
he chuckled a little and paused a little. "i can get Tony to agree." he admitted with a smile before grunting as a tiny head collided with his man bits. "uhff..." he groaned before he chuckled and nodded. "i'm always careful little man." he promised as he left to get suited up. until Jarvis spoke up that they weren't needed and that Loki was taking care of it.

he grinned at her. "it makes sex interesting too." he admitted, rubbing his neck where she had bitten him very hard the other day when he tried to pull away after a heavy make out session. "shit..." he muttered as he realized there was a problem. "hold on." he muttered, giving her a chaste kiss. "i know you hate this, but it's only for a little while." he promised before pausing as he heard Jarvis inform them that Loki was taking care of it. "what the hell do you mean Loki's taking care of it!? he's pregnant for gods sake!"

Loki chuckled a little. "good." he admitted before giving Tony a look. "i do so have a suit, and it's much cooler than yours. besides, the giant snake isn't a threat to me. i know him. just wait here." he ordered as he got up and stretched before giving Tony a kiss. "just stay here. watch me work my magic." he ordered with a grin as he vanished. on the TV, he reappeared in front of the massive serpent and pointed, making the beast lower it's head. what followed was astonishing. Loki treated that massive creature as if it was a naughty two year old, scolding it until it was hanging it's head and cringing. even the news reporter was speechless as Loki finished off with 'and meet me at Stark Tower in ten minutes! and you had best be suitable for mixed company!" and with that, Loki was gone, stepping back into Tony's room, looking slightly annoyed. "what an idiot. i mean really. as if he could burn the earth. he's a water serpent!" he complained, shaking his head. on the TV the serpent had vanished under the waves and did not resurface. Loki was amazing really. he had faced down a creature that three people could have laid in it's mouth, sideways, and been comfortable... well, aside from the slobber.
Elena looked worried before laughing quietly at alex nailing clint in the groin, smirking at him a little. “You should think about wearing a cup until he’s taller. Might help.”She teased a little though she still looked worried, before pausing as he came back in, looking confused. “What’s loki doing?”She said looking worried before looking at him. “you better go see what’s going on....”She said willing to stay in the apartment, simply because she didn’t want alex to realize something was going on that was worrying. Such as loki taking care of things.

Myka flushed bright red at that, tilting her head. “It will make sex interesting.”She agreed before kissing him back lightly, sighing. “I know...still don’t like it.”She muttered before frowning, tilting her head at jarvis’ announcement. “...we better go see.”Myka said date forgotten, looking worried as she considered whatever loki could be doing. “Loki shouldn’t be doing anything.”She said looking worried both about loki, and what tony was going to do if loki indeed was taking care of things.

“No it isn’t. Mine’s awesome.”Tony sulked a little but smiled before frowning. “You know him?What?”He sputtered looking annoyed as he stood in his jeans watching the tv, looking annoyed at being left out of the loop, and for being left behind. Staring at the tv he tried to decide what was going on. Looking startled at loki inviting the serpent over he cleared his throat, half dressed and confused as he studied the other.”...you know, the serpent’s to big to fit in the tower...”he said sounding unsure, even as he finished dressing, trying not to freak out at the idea of the serpent being close enough to hurt loki, indeed loki had faced it calmly. But it upset him to be left behind. Glaring a little at the man as he pulled on his shirt. “And never leave me behind again, loki,. I mean it.”he said simply, not about to admit to the utter terror that had gripped him for those few moments, much like he'd been when killian had had pepper.
he snorted. "no that would hurt his head." he admitted, shaking his head. "...i don't know! he can't be out there fighting monsters!" he complained, shaking his head. "i'll be right back." he promised, racing down the hall to Tony's rooms to see what was happening.

he chuckled a little and then sobered. "i know. i'll be back as soon as i can..." he paused as Jarvis piped up. "come on. let's go to Tony's rooms." he decided, turning and leading the way. meeting Clint halfway there and they all, Bruce and Natasha included, hesitated as they heard Tony yell at Loki.

"...Tony he's not actually a serpent. i mean, he is, but he's not typically that big." Loki stated simply. "...oh Tony, i'm sorry." Loki breathed as he realized Tony was upset. "i didn't mean to frighten you. the Serpent was never any trouble, not for me." Loki admitted. "you'll understand in a moment. i'm... i'm not sure how you'll handle him. he's..." he paused as Jarvis piped up that there was a very strange boy in the lobby. "son of a bitch. i told him Ten minutes!" Loki growled. "i wanted to explain to everyone before he came up here... oh... Jarvis will you tell everyone to gather in the living room please and have the little brat sent up too?" Loki asked, kissing Tony gently. "i really am sorry i worried you." he whispered. "come on, lets go deal with the little pest." he muttered, heading up to the Living room. where a youngish looking boy with white hair and eyes of gold stood, looking very sheepish as he stared at his toes.

(This is him, the snake wrapped around him is what his serpent form looks like.)
(soooo pretty XD)

“I don’t care what he was, you should have let me at least get suited up and go with you!”Tony scowled fiercely, before looking annoyed. “You didn’t frighten me, simply pissed me off for leaving me here!”Tony scowled, making Myka and Natasha wince a little as they hesitated to hear the billionaire actually yelling. It was such a rarity for tony to actually, truly lose him temper that neither woman were sure they wanted to see him, despite being as strong and good at fighting as they were, tony was a evil genius when pissed, and neither wanted to deal with him.

“Of course, Loki.”Jarvis said simply as Tony stalked out of the room, barely letting loki kiss him before he left, pausing at the sight of his friends already waiting for them. “...Is he as young as he looks?”Tony asked asked as he headed for the bar to pour himself a drink. Elena looked confused as she slipped into the living room biting her lip to keep from laughing at alex’s words. “Mama!He’s pretty!Mama, wanna play!”Alex demanded squirming in her arms, wanting down, and play with the new person in his world. Because he assumed it was safe, since the boy was in his home, so therefore his presence was okay. “No, not yet, sweetheart.Go see papa.”Elena smiled looking amused as alex was distracted and leaned out of her arms to grab ahold of clint, clinging to him like a monkey. “....Tony, what’s going on?”Myka said standing next to steve, bouncing a little on her toes, looking a little worried. Though she assumed loki knew him, she wanted to know what was going on, and feeling fairly annoyed with having her amazing date being interrupted. “Dunno. Ask the Reindeer.”Tony said sipping his whiskey, and while he’d given up on alcohol, he did occasionally enjoy a drink every once in awhile. And despite his recent binge, he was perfectly capable of not drinking until drunk. This just numbed his emotions slightly.
Loki winced a little. "Tony. please don't yell." Loki pleaded softly, looking quite upset. "i didn't know it would bother you so much. i promise, i won't do it again." he promised. "no. he's not." Loki admitted. "he's about three thousand..." here Loki paused and the boy rolled his eyes. "three thousand four hundred and fifty six." "don't get smart assed with me young man!" Loki spat, making the 'boy' cringe again. "what the HELL where you thinking!?" "i'm Sorry! i was gone!" the boy protested. "when i got back, no one would tell me where you where or what had happened! it was like they'd killed you and just didn't want me to know! Tyr finally told me that you tried to take over Midgaurd and that the humans had beaten you and where holding you captive and where torturing you and raping you!" Loki glared at his son. "and you believed him!?" "not at first! no. but everyone kept giving me these looks and then all of a sudden i felt a new Sibling and..." "...and assumed Tyr was telling the truth..." Loki finished, looking furious. "Jarvis! get Thor!" Loki demanded as he held his arms out to the boy, who clung to Loki. "i'm sorry! i didn't know you LIKED it here!" "hush now. you where tricked. it's not entirely your fault." Loki muttered before looking around at the others. "up now." he demanded of the boy who wiped his wet eyes. "Jor. these are my... acquaintances." Jor just snorted, looking amused as Loki ran through introductions. "everyone, this is my oldest son, Jormungandr." "...sorry about threatening you." Jormungandr muttered sheepishly.
“Good.You shouldn’t do it again.”Tony grumbled a little before staring at the boy, tilting his head. “...Do all asgardians age this slowly?”Tony asked, his natural curiosity taking over for his anger before wincing at the boy’s words, “Acquaintances now are we?And don't yell, you're upsettihg him.”Tony said raising a eyebrow, tilting his head, scolding him slightly, already protective of the boy, simply because the man was there, and was loki's son. Loki was right, he was going to be a good dad, if he ever got over his complex “It’s okay. We get threatened alot.”Myka said looking at the boy curiously, glancing at Steve. “We’ve found people older then us. This is pretty cool really.”She muttered because she didn’t feel like such a freak with loki, thor, or now jormungandr, because she was simply a child compared to their life spans. “Loki?”Thor said as he stepped into the room from the balcony, “Jarvis said that Jormungandr was here.”The thunderer said, looking truly startled to see his nephew on earth, frowning slightly. While he had regularly gone home to asgard, he didn’t stay long, preferring his friends and earth entertainment to the simple, stale asgardian life where there wasn’t really anything exciting going on. You could always count on midgardians for being interesting.
Loki nodded. "yes. for the most part." Loki admitted. "i myself am upwards of ten thousand years old." he admitted. "he should be upset." Loki grumbled but didn't yell at Jormungandr again who offered Tony a thankful glance. "yeah. older than us..." Steve muttered. "god i think Loki's older than the dinosaurs are." he admitted with a chuckle. "makes me feel almost normal." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Thor." Loki greeted. "my son came here because you fucking brother...." he handed Alex a quarter. "told MY SON that i was being raped, and tortured!" he snarled, his eyes blazing with rage. "you deal with him Thor, and make him understand that making my children place themselves in trouble and Danger will be met with a killing force next time! Jormungandr could have been KILLED because of this Thor!" he snarled. "Odin wouldn't have risked letting Jormungandr do what i tried to do and i don't give a Damn..." he handed over another quarter. "What you think of you're precious father. we BOTH know that he's always hated my kids! and now Tyr just tried to get one of them killed, i won't stand for it! DEAL WITH IT, or i WILL!" he warned, furious to say the least. Jormungandr was ignoring the two nd was currently trying to figure out what was making the TV work.
“Yes!For once I’ m not the old one in the relationship.”Tony snickered a little before huffing a sigh at loki’s words about jor being upset. “We should ask him about the dinosaurs. I bet he knows what really happened to them.”Myka mused before wincing at loki’s words. Thor’s eyes widened with each passing of loki’s words, before holding out a twenty towards Alex who grabbed ahold of it eagerly as he slipped into asgardian for a moment before remembering himself enough to speak english.”I will take care of Tyr. You know I would not wish any harm to come to your children because father is simply to stupid and cruel to do something.”Thor said his expression bringing into mind words like thunderous. Tony bit his lip looking both worried and amused at the idea of loki paying alex, shaking his head. About to break the mood by making a joke.”If you keep it up, he’s going to be able to stuff Clint’s apartment with all iron man stuff.”He pointed out . “You are his favorite friend tony, you should be pleased he is getting more things.”Thor said before pausing, looking at his nephew, looking amused. “Also, you will want to show Jor how to work your earth things, he has never seen such wonders.”He said before looking at loki.”I will go now and deal with them. I will return soon to tell you what happens in asgard.”Thor said as he left. Making elena wince, “I wouldn’t want to be Tyr or Odin right now.”she said before looking worried as Alex ran to jor’s side, tugging on his hand, with the reckless excitement of any two year old. “Hi!I’m alex. What’s your name?Wanna play?”
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