Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Clint snickered at her and he shook his head. "no, i meant the overprotective bitch part." he teased with a grin before nearly falling out of his chair. "did you guys get me a puppy?" Steve asked, sounding baffled. "because if you didn't then i don't have a puppy." he pointed out, wondering if they'd all lost their minds as both Bruce and Clint struggled not to burst into laughter right in Steve's face. "...did i miss something?" he asked, frowning a little as he rubbed Alex's hair and cut up a french toast into bite sized pieces for the little boy. he looked up as Vahlmr and Thor came in, the blond elf sort of guy glancing around before his eyes settled on the food, mildly curious. "hey, come on in and help yourselves." Steve offered, Vahlmr offering a nod and a thank you as he helped himself to some potatoes and french toast, ignoring the meat entirely. "Vanir are vegetarians." Loki explained. "they can cause no harm to a living being, and that includes eating them." he admitted. "though, if there is no hope for a creature left, they are allowed to put the creature out of it's misery." "it happens very rarely." Vahlmr admitted. "and only if there are intruders upon the realm." he admitted. "this is very delicious."
“You just told him that part, and I got to just tell him the puppy part.”Elena snickered before looking at steve, shaking her head. “No, we didn’t. And yes, you did.”Elena sighed watching steve, before growing serious. “You’re following Myka around like she’s a injured puppy and your a overprotective bitch hound... It’s fairly cute.”Elena teased a little, though her voice was gentle, realizing he probably wasn’t going to like it, but that he wouldn’t let it go either. Easier to just tell him instead of upsetting him by drawing it out. “Thank Steve. The rest of us fairly suck at cooking.”Tony snickered a little. “I can cook. I think.”Myka said as she walked into the room, a small smile on her face as she settled at the table, already reaching for food, starting to eat with the gutso usually reserved for thor and steve, but like steve, her body required more calories, even if she weighed less.
he chuckled a little and shook his head as Steve blinked at her, mouth slack with shock before he glared, not at Elena, but at Clint who just snickered even more even as Alex, like all little children, asked what a bitch hound was. "....it's a naughty word Alex and we should wash your mothers mouth out with soap for it. i'd wash Clint's mouth out, but it won't do any good. never repeat anything he says." Steve suggested, making Clint scowl right back at Steve who ignored it and smiled at Myka as she walked in and muttered something about 'at least it's a cute puppy'. Steve had already shoveled down three eggs and four pieces of french toast and was working on several pieces of bacon as he carefully helped Alex eat his own meal, Vahlmr muttering about how he liked earth food if it was all as great as this, making Loki snicker. "there's an entire group of humans who have dedicated themselves to a meatless life. some of them even refuse to eat milk or eggs or honey. they have entire foods created just for vegetarians." Loki admitted, "some of it is really good. though i haven't enjoyed Soy yet." he admitted. "Soy?" "it's a bean of some kind." Loki admitted. "i think."
Elena glanced at Clint, before elbowing him. “Shush.”She muttered flushing a little as Alex asked what a bitch hound was. Usually she was more careful than that. “...soap?Mama says you cant put soap in your mouth.”Alex frowned in confusion before craning his head around to look at the man before nodding. “I wont.”he agreed as he started to eat. Elena nearly stuffed her fist in her mouth to keep from laughign at the ‘cute puppy’ comment, looking amused as she ate. “It is a bean.And if you want to keep sleeping with me, it’s never coming in the tower, Reindeer.”Tony scowled over his coffee cup as he actually ate food, having gotten better at eating food the longer the team was there. Myka smiled slightly watching the others, still looking nervous but sort of relaxing, before glancing at Clint. “I need to talk to you and elena when we’re done eating...” “About what?”Elena frowned watching her. “...Getting fury to leave you alone. At least for awhile.”Myka said looking at Steve, anxious because she had no idea how they were going to react to the idea, but still wanting to put it out there.
Clint snickered a little and then flushed as Alex asked that naught word. "no, your not supposed to put soap in your mouth, but sometimes if you say naughty things, your mother might take some soap and wash your mouth out with it." he admitted. "it tastes very bad, and it's very unpleasant, which is why you shouldn't say naughty words or things." he explained to Alex with a smile. "i hate to tell you this Tony." Loki stated. "but you already have Soy in the house. and a lot of it. it's in almost everything." he pointed out. "it's a filler i think, cheaper and easily flavored, a lot of companies use it." he admitted. "almost 60% of your processed foods has soy in it." Loki admitted, looking amused. "we where hoping we could do a fake... er, D-E-A-T-H scene to fool Fury into thinking she's not an issue and we think he's not the bad guy that he is." Steve explained. "but i don't know much about that." he admitted. "so we where hoping you and Natasha could plan something out that would fool Fury." he admitted as he handed Alex another piece of Bacon and offered Vahlmr another slice of french toast and some eggs, which the man gratefully accepted. "sure, we can plan something out, that's actually not a bad idea." he admitted with a smile. "we'll have to be very careful about it though.
Alex frowned a little before nodding. “Soap bad.”he decided as he munched down. “Shush. I don’t know anything about this.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before raising a eyebrow looking at the others. “That’s actually a fairly good idea.”He said looking thoughtful at the idea. “And it has to be in public. If we did it here at the tower, I think he’d simply believe it was something we planned. Out there, it might be more real, and might get him to believe it more.”Myka said smiling a little, before startlign a little as alex climbed into her lap. “Mornin’ ‘ka.”Alex smiled at the assassin, unaware of the absolute panic that filled her face as he nibbled on the piece of bacon steve gave him. Tony raised his eyebrows before getting up, “Come on, little iron. We’ll go play with Jarvis while mama finishes eating.” “okay!”Alex smiled happily as he let tony pick him up, snuggling into the brunette as he was carried out of the kitchen, leaving the adults to talk and myka a chance to calm down.
Steve grinned. "Soap is pretty bad." he agreed with a chuckle "i used to get soap in my mouth all the time." he admitted with a chuckle. "i was a very naughty little boy." he admitted with a grin before looking up at Natasha. "we where thinking the park. her target was..." he glanced at Elena and then Alex. "after all so they would need to be there... but i'm a bit worried about how that might affect him.." he admitted, glancing down at Alex. "if you inform him that it is a play to fool bad people, and that no one is actually going to be hurt, he might not be too affected by it." Vahlmr admitted. "children are very resilient." "and i can momentarily make her appear truly dead. it's a form of a medical coma. she will have no heartbeat, no pulse, no breath. her body will be momentarily out of time, though she will simply feel as if she's dreaming. it only works for an hour at most though." he admitted, watching Tony before a Clone split off from him and followed Tony, well aware Tony wouldn't want to be alone with the child. "i was wrong?" Vahlmr asked, watching Loki, who glared back at the man. "shut your face."
Natasha tilted her head as she considered that, “Central park would be a ideal place. If we wanted public but also privacy to make sure no one accidentally got hurt.”She female assassin looked thoughtful as she considered. “And we could tell him it’s just pretend. Let him see her as soon as she was awake again, it would be okay.”Elena said looking at vahlmr, wondering if she would cause alex damage to do it like that before watching loki’s clone leave the room, looking slightly amused. Frowning again as the clone and alex returned within a few minutes without tony. Myka tilted her head glancing towards the door, her hypersensitive hearing letting her hear what was going on in the living room, and while she had known tony had been unhappy with his ex, he hadn’t realized until hearing him talk to her, that Tony Stark was utterly furious with pepper potts. Frowning a little as she listened to the elevator and the two disappearing upstairs to the penthouse, she wondered if it was a good idea to just let them go when Tony sounded one good shove away from being violent. Glancing at Steve, knowing he’d heard to.
Clint nodded. "it would be Ideal." he agreed. "me and Elena and Alex could be there on a 'picnic' with the team. Myka wouldn't normally know about the Avengers so she wouldn't think anything of us. probobly think we're just common civilians." he muttered before looking over as Alex and Loki returned, Loki looking very annoyed. "that woman is a bitch." Loki grumbled before glancing down at the little boy. "that's a naughty word and you should never say it." he explained to the little boy. "i'll go wash my mouth out with soap later." he promised before looking at the others. "i really don't like her. can i kill her? do you think that would annoy Tony?" Loki asked curiously as he let Alex climb up onto Bruce who grinned nervously down at the little boy. but Hulk seamed to like the little kid so he wasn't too worried... should someone go up there and moderate them?" Steve asked nervously, Loki shaking his head. "Jarvis? let us know if things get too bad up there would you?" Loki asked. "We don't want any depression or attempted murders after all." Loki admitted. "...i wonder what happened between those two?" Clint muttered. "i've never heard them fight like that before..."
“No, I wouldn’t. They wouldn’t think the rest of you would be a danger to me.”Myka said thoughtfully, “Because you would register as civilians.”She agreed before looking at Loki. “Have to wash your mouth!”Alex said looking up at loki, agreeing watching the adults as he he snuggled into bruce’s lap content to be with him. “No, I think killing her would annoy tony....I could make her disappear.”Myka said sounding thoughtful as she looked towards the door. “I think Tony would be even more upset if we did that.”Elena pointed out. “Of course, Loki.”Jarvis agreed, and as much as he could, the AI sounded nervous. “Where they like this when they broke up?”Elena asked looking worried. And no, if anything their breakup had been so cold that strangers would have had more emotional responses to the leaving of their significant other.

"Loki?Ms. Potts has left, and Sir has requested no one come up for the foreseeable future, unless it is a emergency."Jarvis said though the AI sounded weird, he was conveying tony's request, but sounding like he didn't think that was the best idea.
Clint nodded. "precisely, which would give us the advantage. particularly if you come in close, which you'd probobly have to. there's too many people and too many trees in Central park to ever have a clear shot... and since you where supposed to grab...." he glanced at Alex. "too, you'd have to get close anyway." he admitted with a small shudder. he couldn't imagine the hell poor Alex would have had to go through if they hadn't gotten to Myka first. "thanks Jay." Loki chirped, smiling a little. in a matter of days, Jarvis would have his own form. it wouldn't be completely physical, but it would be enough to let him truly interact with everyone in the house. "no, they weren't like this at all." Steve admitted. "they where sort of indifferent to the whole thing. i think i was even more upset than they where." Clint admitted, shaking his head. "...yeah well. i was never very good at listening." Loki admitted with a smirk as he turned on his heal and disappeared, reappearing next to Tony. "you told the smart ass to tell me not to bother you in that sort of voice and i'm never going to listen Tony."

"...Elena? can we talk?" Clint asked her softly, glancing at Bruce. "Bruce will watch Alex, and Steve right?" they both nodded. "thanks." he muttered, looking at Elena as he led her into a more private room. "...i... i really want to be your lover again." he admitted softly. he had always hated the word 'boyfriend'. it had never seamed a strong enough word. "i want to ask Alex if he'd be alright with me living with you and him full time." he admitted, blinking at her. "i want him to, i don't know, be a part of the decision of making a family." he admitted, fidgeting. "i want to be a family with you."
“Exactly. No one would question me not doing the sniper thing, since I had to come get him anyways.”She said tilting her head a little, her eyes sad and pained, because it would have broken her in some way, to rip apart this family, but she would have done it. “... That’s...weird.”Elena frowned wondering at the breakup before snickering as loki disappeared. “No, I told him to tell EVERYONE to stay away, and not editorialize his own damned emotions into it.”Tony shifted his eyes from the tumbler and bottle of vodka sitting in front of him, to the man standing next to him, before staring at it again. “What do you want loki?”

Elena looked up startled, worry darkening her eyes as she nodded. “Yea. He’ll be okay.”She said looking at the others. Myka offered a hesitating smile, “We’ll be okay.”She reassured as she watched them go. Elena followed looking worried, anxious as she turned to look at him, before looking startled, having thought he was breaking up with her, not that he wanted to have this conversation. “I...I would like that.”She said blushing ever so slightly, shifting, wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning into him. “I want that to. To have you, be a family with us.”She hugged him tighter, scared alex was going to freak out, even if she was sure he wouldn’t, the idea still scared her.
Loki chuckled a little. "yes well. i was never very good at listening to orders." he admitted as he settled next to Tony, stretching out a little. "i thought i'd see if i could help." Loki admitted. "i can listen if you want to talk. and i like pain if you want to hit me. and if you just want to fuck all the angst out then that's alright too." he admitted, watching Tony, his head tilted. "let me help you?" he asked hopefully, setting a hand on Tony's shoulder and offering him the Wine from before. a much bigger glass this time. "use me however you need to. i'll enjoy it, i assure you." he promised Tony with a small smile.

Clint nearly winced when he saw the worry in her eyes before he smiled at her, looking bright and happy as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. "i was thinking, maybe we wait... to tell him that i'm his father. for when he can understand things a little more?" he asked, looking nervous. "give the 'adoring public' more time to accept this too. i don't want them slamming Alex for being born..." he admitted with a scowl as he nuzzled her hair. "i'll talk to Alex after nap maybe?" he wondered as he held her. "maybe i could even move into your room?" he teased with a smile. "i still prefer my hammock, but laying in a bed with you has a lot of benefits." he admitted with a playful grin because he knew, that she knew, that he was lying. he only preferred the hammock when he was sleeping alone. because then he didn't feel so lonely.
“True. You are fairly horrible at the following orders thing.”Tony smiled slightly, tensing a little under Loki’s hand, swallowing hard as he reached out, taking the glass of wine and sipping it slowly. Drinking because he didn’t know what else to do yet. “....You know, I don’t know what disappoints her more. That I refuse to kick you guys out, or that I’m enjoying being a avenger without her around....”He sighed quietly pained. Because he had no idea where to start, but pepper being disappointed and pissed at him seemed like a good spot as any.

Elena relaxed, smiling relieved as she cuddled against his chest before nodding. “I think we should. He wont understand right now.”She muttered sighing quietly as he nuzzled her hair before tensing a little. “...How bad do you think your adoring public is going to be when they realize we’re actually together?”She said before laughing, blushing. “I would like that. We might consider getting the big hammock if you’re moving in.”She looked amused leaning back to look at him, gently running her fingers through his hair.
Loki smiled at him a little. "as if your any better." he teased with a smile before he frowned a little. "she doesn't want you to have the Avengers here?" he demanded, looking confused. "what does she care? she doesn't even stay here even when you where dating." he complained looking baffled. "and she's angry because you've moved on? god almighty is she a vengeful bitch." Loki scoffed. "you have every right to have whoever you want to stay in your tower." he assured Tony. "and just because she doesn't want to move on, doesn't mean your a bad person because you did Tony." he promised the other. "i can understand now why your so reluctant to start a relationship with me... i'll have to go a little slower for you." he promised. "i won't push you into anything Tony. you know that right?"

he smiled a little and nodded. "what the hell do i care about those bastards?" he asked. "or you for that matter? i'm just worried because Alex is so little... he won't understand why the world doesn't seam to like you." he admitted with a shake of his head. "well... we could always get one of those really big outdoor ones to cuddle in and just sleep int he bed." he admitted with a grin. "Alex would love cuddling in a hammock i bet." he admitted with a chuckle as he leaned into the touch. "i love you." he admitted softly. "i never stopped loving you."
“I am. I listen to the bitch and puppy duo, otherwise they might go throwing me around the room.”Tony smiled a little before pausing, thinking about that before sighing. “No, she doesn’t want alex here. The others bother her, but she cares he’s here.”Tony sighed quietly swirling his drink in his glass, before sipping it a little. “I know, Loki.”He muttered offering a small smile, staring down at the bar. He knew he was going to piss him off, badly, but he needed to talk, and loki was the first person he felt comfortable telling, because he was fairly certain he’d listen to the order to not hurt her, where he wasn’t sure cap, hawk, or hulk would. “...I asked her to marry me. She said no.”

“True. I don’t care, but it makes things complicated sometimes, if they’re following you around and everything.”Elena said slumping into him, looking worried, her features tight, worried. Because she knew alex would be hurt by it. “No, he wont. I don’t know how to stop it from upsetting him, but we can help make it not so bad...we’ll help him.”she sighed before grinning at that, “That would be awesome. Alex would probably enjoy it.”She said blushing ever so softly, kissing him.”I love you to. Always, forever. Never stopped.”She muttered before stepping back.”Come on, we better go catch up with alex. We mentioned the park, and you know he’ll be demanding to go. Cap and Myka are probably tired listening to him already.”she snickered a little.
Loki snorted. "Myka is much too behaved for that." Loki teased, though he didn't dispute that Cap might start tossing tony around. "what's wrong with Alex being here? what does she... oh." he muttered, remembering what Clint said. "...that bitch!" Loki snarled. "she really thinks that..." he sighed and shook his head. "she's not worth the effort Tony. just tell her to piss off... better yet, let ME tell her to piss off!" he ordered before he stilled, staring at Tony with wide eyes. Tony had... he had actually. "oh Tony. i am so sorry." he whispered, taking the others hand. "that had to be the thing that hurts most huh? trusting her like that and then..." he huffed. "but i guess i'm not helping..." he didn't even try to go after her, because part of him knew that Tony was still in love with her.

he nodded. "it would be a little complicated." he agreed with a shake of his head. "but then, they always follow me around, the filthy scavengers." he grumbled. "we'll just have to explain to him that they're jealous." he decided with a smile. "it would be awesome." he agreed with a grin and a chuckle. "we could red books in there, or watch movies and stuff." he mused. "it's perfect for cuddling." he admitted with a smile. "yeah your right." he agreed with a chuckle. "which park should we go to? the one with the dinosaurs or the Avengers themed one?" he asked with a smirk.
“I see you didn’t include Cap in that.”Tony smirked a little before tilting his head at loki’s words, vaguely amused at loki’s reaction, even if it felt like he’d been gutted. “Hm, she does. Especially since she doesn’t think I can stay away from being a blackout drunk. And we are never, ever telling Clint what she said about Elena allowing alex to be here, because there are only so many ways to cover up murder, and I don’t want to do it for that.”He shuddered, because that had been what had made him really lash out. He’d known how pepper felt about alex being here at the tower, but it had been when she walked in and seen tony with alex and started in on Elena that the billionaire had snapped, badly. And now he was trying to put the pieces back together. Flinching a little as the other took his hand, he shuddered. “Not helping?Why?”Tony frowned looking up at him, before turning, sipping the wine even if he was staring at the harder stuff, tempted to pick up the drink. But despite it all, and how torn up he was, the fact he was still keeping his promise to Cap, showed just how fair he’d stepped back from being a alcoholic. “....I..I wanted a family, loki. I had wanted to start trying for kids, and get married and the whole nine yards. I thought...I thought I could do it, and still be an avenger, be myself...just just proved I couldn’t.”he sighed tiredly, because he’d been so willing to subject himself to doctors when he’d figured out he was infertile before bringing it up to her, because he’d wanted to know just what they had to do. So proposing and mentioning kids at the same time, had been his way of saying he was ready, but having pepper both turn him down and lash out at him for becoming like his father had nearly crippled him.

“They do. But we’ll just have to figure out how to get some privacy to. I don’t want to live my life, alex’s life, splattered over the front page, Hawk.”She muttered before laughing. “We can do that. He’d enjoy the idea everyone’s jealous of us.”She snickered before nodding. “we can. We’ll have to go shopping when we go out. I’m sure someone in the city sells them.”She said before pausing, staring at him. “...there’s a avengers themed park?”
Loki chuckled a little. "oh Cap would totally throw you off your tower." he teased with a smile before he scoffed. "Jesus Tony you've been sober for how many months?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow. "just because you have a drink from time to time doesn't mean your a drunk." he complained. "she has no right to judge you when she can't even see how great a person you are." he stated with a sniff. "and we are never letting her anywhere near Alex or i might just make sure she can never walk again." he warned. "she'd make a great pet snake for him." he admitted with a smirk. "sorry, i meant i wasn't helping you feel better." Loki explained before watching Tony. "you want kids?" he asked, offering the other a soft smile. "me too." he admitted with a smile. "i really miss mine you know?" he admitted. "and of course you can do that." Loki stated. "having a family, having a child, being a Father and a superhero... sometimes, the only reason why we can keep going, is because we have something so precious worth fighting for that we just can't stop." he admitted. "you really would make an amazing father." he admitted.

he smiled a little. "i know. and there are ways to get some privacy." he admitted. "i just need to figure out how to." he admitted with a shake of his head. "we'll make it work, even if we have to move to another country. i hear Africa is great this time of year. and Alex could have a pet Zebra." he teased with a chuckle. "and od course he would. he's living with superheros!" Clint admitted with a chuckle. "we should let Alex help us pick one out. it could be tons of fun." he admitted with a grin. "and yes, there is." he admitted with a snicker. "it's pretty awesome, Tony built it as a donation to the city." he admitted with a grin.
“2 months, 3 days, 4 hours and some odd minutes.”Tony muttered responding in a absent way that said he wasn’t really aware that he was keeping a exact mental count, and would be exactly harsh with himself if he broke it. “Why do you think I sent your clone back with him?”He snorted a little before smirking a little at the idea of her being a serpent before shrugging. “I’m not being overly helpful in making myself feel better, so it’s not your fault really.”he pointed out before flinching a little. “I...I had. I can’t have any.”He shrugged, though the motion and the look on his face was shutting off that conversation, he was done. As much as he wanted to talk, he was done with this conversation now. “...We have alex. I’ll fight for alex.And you.”he muttered shifting, reaching up and dragging the other down for a hard kiss, having every intention of distracting him.

“We’ll figure it out.”She said before laughing. “Hm, a pet zebra would be pretty awesome.”She agreed before smirking, nodding. “we’ll take him with us. And I just have the vision of you and alex testing out everything.”She snickered a little.”Why doesn’t it surprise me that it was tony’s brainchild?”She snickered shaking her head. “No, let’s go see the dinosaurs. I have a feeling the avengers wont be as interesting, since he is living with the avengers.”She pointed out, pulling away from him. “Let’s go. It’s to bad we can’t invite myka. I have a feeling she could use some innocent fun.”She said sadly, eyes pained at the idea, wondering just how things were going to be, and if they really could pull off the fake assassination.
Loki blinked, looking surprised. "wow. that's impressive." he admitted. "especially all on your own. most people fail within the first week." he admitted. though he didn't know if that was actually true or not. "it amuses me that you can always tell when i'm me and when i'm a clone." he admitted with a smile. "i still can't figure out how you do that. even Thor cannot tell." it was actually pretty easy. the real Loki had two freckles on his cheekbone. but he didn't seam to be aware of them, because his clones never had them. "Can't have..." he stopped at the look on the others face. "we do have Alex." he agreed with a smile as he let Tony drag him in for a kiss, humming happily as he snuggled closer. "i want you to fuck me so hard i feel it for a week." he purred at the other with a grin.

he chuckled. "not as cool as a pet Lion." he teased with a grin. "and of course we have to test them out!" he stated. "we have to know whats comfortable after all!" he admitted with a grin. "the same way that you know that teh Avengers Trading card games, board games, computer games, action figure line, clothing lines, candy, ice-cream and frozen treats, fruit snacks and nightlights where Tony's ideas." he admitted with a smile. "i know... maybe we could invite her for a 'in-house' play date?" he mused. "Alex adores her." he admitted with a smile. "they could play with that massive Lego set Loki got, that he doesn't think i know about, for Alex." he mused. "she'll be able to live her own life soon. i'm sure of it."
“Well, I had a impressive ideal to live up to, you know. Cap was standing guard over me.”He snickered a little before smirking. “It amuses me to.”He said not about to tell loki how he could tell, cause then loki would correct it. Grinning at the other’s demand, he leaned up to kiss him lightly. “I think I can do that.”he smirked wrapping his arms around him, looking amused as he headed for the bedroom. Having every intention of using loki as much as the man wanted, needing to purge the emotions out of his system, otherwise he was going to break his streak, disappoint Steve, and get blinding, blackout drunk.

“We’re not having a pet lion.”Elena said rolling her eyes a little before smirking. “True....does Cap know he named the popsicles Capsicles yet? And how in the world did he get pepper to agree to naming them that?”She snickered. Because it was a accident, pepper’d given the meeting to tony, and tony in all his wisdom, had chosen the names for everything. “She’s frightened of him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen more adults nervous around a kid, then I do in the tower.”She smiled slightly though as they headed back into the living room nodding. “We could do that. Maybe instead of the park, we can do a play-in day. Give steve a break from hovering.”She said pausing at the sight that greeted them as they walked into the living room. Watching Alex use both myka and steve as jungle gyms as they tossed him as easily as a football between them, lightening fast reflexes guaranteeing that he wasn’t in any real danger of falling, amazed that myka was allowing him to climb up and down her to simply be tossed to steve. It was amazing, and made elena have hope that the woman would someday be emotionally stable. Stable enough to handle the feelings steve was developing, because even simply watching them, it was obvious to everyone but myka that the man was falling. And falling hard.
Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "you didn't do it for Steve Tony." he stated with a smile. "you did it for you." and for the family that Tony had wanted to start. "hmmmm good." Loki growled. "you might have to fuck me a fewe times, just to make sure it stays in my memory." he teased with a grin as he let Tony do whatever he wanted to him, well aware of how close Tony was to hitting the drink.

he pouted. "not even a baby lion?" he asked, pouting a little. "and no, i think everyone's too scared to tell him. though, someone... Loki i think, did put some in the communal freezer." he admitted with a grin that told the world it had been him to put the 'capscicles' into the freezer. "so he won't be in the dark too much longer. "Pepper made the mistake of thinking Tony could handle a meeting on his own like a civilized adult." he admitted with a snicker. "i'm sure he did it just to piss her off." he admitted with a smile. "i know right? i mean, i was a little worried at first... he's so small and fragile sort of..." he admitted. "took me a while to realize that i wasn't going to break him, you know?" he asked with a smile. "it's Steve, he'll never stop hovering." he pointed out as he watched Myka and Steve playing 'Alex football'. "it's amazing how much fun he has being tossed through the air like that." he admitted with a chuckle. "Hey Cap! toss him here!" Clint ordered with a grin, catching the boy and tossing him to Myka with a laugh.
Afterwards Tony sighed quietly as he slumped down onto the bed, panting quietly sweating and tired, raising his head to look at the man next to him.”You okay?”He asked worry showing in his face. While he knew the man had said it was okay, he was still worried about hurting him.

“No, not even a baby. They grow up.”she reminded smiling slightly before snickering, “uh-huh, well we’ll just have to wait and see if ‘loki’s’ idea works.”She grinned at the idea of what cap was going to do, laughing slightly. “...Tony’s not a civilized adult, no matter how much he pretends.”She snickered amused that tony had probably done it not to piss steve off, but to piss pepper off. “He is, but he’s stronger then he looks, I promise. You wont break our son.”She teased a little before smirking. “No, but I’m fairly certain Myka’ll get tired of him hovering this close.”She muttered smiling at the sight of them tossing a squealing laughing alex around. Myka smiled as she caught the boy, hugging him gently before settling him on the ground, relaxing as she looked him over makign sure he was okay, even if she knew he was. “He’s okay.”She reassured looking at the parents anxiously, as if sure they were going to get yelled at for throwing him around, even if clint was joining in. Much like tony,myka was afraid of hurting him,even if the toddler was shrieking in utter joy at having his adopted uncle and aunt play with him.
Loki grinned where he was laying. "fuck yes. that was amazing." he groaned, wriggling. "i might not be able to sit down tomorrow. god i love that." he admitted, as limp as a rag doll, exaughsted, and sore and loving every second of it. so relaxed he was a little worried he might melt into the bed. "hmmmm we'll do that again right?" he asked hopefully.

he pouted. "how about a baby bear cat?" he asked hopefully. "or at least a pet raccoon?" he asked hopefully. "yes, yes we will. i expect to see glorious carnage." he admitted with a grin. "and he can be a civilized adult on occasion. i've seen it happen." he admitted with a nod. "i know. well i know that now, but at first i didn't." he admitted with a smile. "and not everyone has my set of skills." he admitted with a chuckle. "and i'm not sure Myk will get tired of it." he admitted. "she seams really touch starved. you know?" he asked with a grin before laughing as Myka set him down. "we know he is." he assured the woman. "he loves being tossed around." he admitted, scooping the boy up and tossing him into the air. "so, wanna come play Legos with us Myka?" he asked the woman with a grin. "maybe we could even color, huh kiddo?"
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