Missing Parts(lady/moon)

he chuckled a little. "i certainly enjoyed it." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "i never imagined you'd like to be called a good boy so much. maybe i should make you stand in a corner or spank you when you annoy me." he teased with a smile as he kissed the other. "sometimes, people just need to be taken care of." he admitted with a chuckle. "now. i smell waffles. i think Captain Amazing is cooking."

Clint grinned at Alex. "she's in the shower bud." he explained. "did you behave well for the babysitter?" he asked. "which cereal would you like today?" he asked, letting Alex choose from the dozen or so cereals that Clint had suddenly found in his cupboard. "huh... did your mom go shopping?" nope, that had been Steve, who had 'run a raid' on Clint's food looking for some Vanilla and had been horrified to find nothing but boxes of mac 'n cheese and hamburger helpers. "wow..." he muttered, stunned as he examined the now fully stocked fridge. "well... that's impressive." he admitted. cheese, sandwich meat, bacon, eggs, all sorts of things. and his freezer was stocked as well. full of things other than Pizza rolls and ice-cream. there where corn-dogs and chicken nuggets and other things for Alex, but there was also real food like steak, chicken, hamburger meat and everything else Elena would need to make healthy food for her boys.

he smirked a little as he studied his Waffle, his head tilted a little. "yeah i'm not the best at it." he agreed with a chuckle as he settled at the table with his waffle, pouring, not syrup, but whipped cream and vanilla flavored coffee creamer all over it. yeah, he was certainly an odd duck... "well... i suppose we could claim Clint and Natasha chopped you up into little pieces and used you for fertilizer." he mused with a grin. "Clint's probobly going to spend the day getting laid." he mused. "he finally gave in last night, according to sources anyway." who would have thought Steve would be a gossip!? "i love Waffles." Steve sighed happily, munching on his... well there was no telling what it was but it certainly wasn't a waffle.
“Hm, probably cause I know I’ve never been good in my life.”He snickered a little before smiling, leaning up to kiss him back before nodding.”I think you’re right. Let’s go.”he said as he slid out of bed looking amused.

Alex frowned, “Mama, now.”He demanded starting to climb out of bed,needing to make sure his mama was still around despite trusting Clint, before stopping, looking up at Clint, nodding.”I did.”She said before following Clint into the kitchen, pointing at the lucky charms. “Want Marshmellows.”He said looking up at Clint. “No, I didn’t shop. I think steve went.You horrified the good captain with your food choices.”Elena teased as she walked into the kitchen, yelping a little as alex pelted into her shins. “Mama home!” “I told you I’d be home today, sweetheart.”Elena muttered petting his hair.

Myks stared at the food before shaking her head. “That...that is the most disturbing mix of anything I have ever seen...”She shuddered a little before nodding. “We could do that. We’ll see.”She looked amused before raising a eyebrow. “No, he has a toddler remember? He wont be able to spend the whole day getting laid. Though waiting just makes things interesting.”She snickered a little flushing slightly looking away from him, amused that he was a gossip before eating quietly. Tensing a little at the sound of people walking towards the kitchen, her enhanced hearing showing that they were closer then comfortable without knowing who it was. Tony cleared his throat pausing at the kitchen door, out of sight. “Is it safe to come in, Spangles?”Tony said refusing to step in until he knew for sure myka would attack either of them for simply walking into the room.
Loki chuckled. "your always perfectly behaved for me." he pointed out with a sly grin as he slid out of bed and yanked on his own pants and stretched, humming happily.

Clint chuckled a little and nodded. "Mama's in the shower kiddo." he reminded the other. "she'll be out in a lickity split." he promised before blinking at Elena. "...oh... why was he looking in my cupboards?" he wondered, looking baffled. "well, there's plenty of stuff now, lots of healthy food things for Alex. remind me to thank Steve later." Clint was a laid back fellow, he didn't give a shit if someone was ruffling through his stuff unless you touched his very special stamp, bottle cap, coin, Toy Car, trading card and small glass animal collections. yeah, clint was what was commonly known as a 'controlled hoarder'. meaning all his collections where kept neat and clean and not in massive piles. though, his Car collection was about to find it's way into Alex's hands, or some of the cars where anyway. the child friendly Hot Wheelz anyway. there weren't many suitable for two year olds, but Clint knew that as Alex got older, they could share a love for collectable cars at the very least. he even had an original, first edition 1968 car worth over $600 dollars.

he smirked at her. "i've seen more disturbing things." he admitted. "tony eats some weird stuff..." he paused. "actually i think Tony got me on this.." he admitted, blinking at his waffle, which was sort of soggy at that point before he shrugged and stuffed another large bite into his mouth. "good point, i forgot about Alex." he admitted with a chuckle. "well they'll spend the day with him in any case." he admitted, shaking his head before looking up at Tony and paused, looking at Myka. "...come in slow, hands visible." he suggested to Tony. "Myka? this is Tony, Tony Stark. he's an annoying asshole but he's a good guy... sort of, when he wants to be. and that's Loki Odinson. he's a..." here he scowled. "...God. from Asgard." "God is a relative term. it's simply what the humans of that time called us. we're not really gods." he assured Steve who huffed a little. "in any case, Loki's an egotistical asshole who was once bent on world domination until he was seduced, literally, to the light side of the force." yep, Steve knew Star Wars. Tony's influence again. Steve wouldn't admit it, but Tony was rather, kind of sort of his best freind.
“Wanted something for his waffles. Was horrified you didn’t have anything.”Elena snickered a little smiling. “I will. It saved me the trip of getting things.”she smiled looking a little sad as their son clung to her, knowing that even the separation had upset him. She just hadn’t thought it’d be this bad. “Come on, sweetheart. We’re going to eat breakfast, then we’re going to read to you, and play okay?” “Okay.”Alex rested his cheek against her thigh, looking up at her, mother and son adorably cute together even as she settled him in her lap, smiling as he started to eat. Elena offered Clint a small relieved smile, the look on her face saying she’d expected a bigger fit about being left behind then what they had. “So, besides our cuddle time, what were you doing today?”She said, because despite knowing he wanted her and alex there, it worried her a bit, to know they were taking up all his free time. Afraid he wouldn’t tell her if he wanted left alone to do something.

“I can do that.”Tony smiled a little as he held his hands in front of him, before shuffling towards the coffee maker, like normal, not able to think without it. “Morning.”he muttered to them both, to tired to focus on them yet. “...Hello.”Myka said watching the two, looking a little anxious at having the new people in the room, even if steve was there, or that he’d promised they were okay. Even with clint in the gym the day before, the only reason she hadn’t freaked out, was it was more open space then the kitchen, and because steve had been the man’s main focus instead of her. Now the two entering the kitchen seemed to be focusing solely on her, even if tony was really focusing on his coffee, it just seemed like they were to her. “,....”Myka stared at the ‘god’ before frowning as tony started to laugh. “Hey, I’m at least a sith lord, I mean, I have the whole child prodigy anakin skywalker thing going for me, not Luke’s idiotic self. Despite being a superhero, loki was definitely seduced to thet dark side..”Tony sulked a little. “...”Myka stared at them all, looking highly confused at the references to star wars. After all, she’d been awake for some of the last 50 years, but she really hadn’t been had a chance to go to the movies really.
he blinked, looking horrified. "he's making waffles?!" he demanded. "god, he makes the worst waffle EVER! it's so nasty i can't even watch him eat it... it's not even a waffle after he gets done with it!" he admitted, shaking his head before he smiled softly as he watched Elena with Alex, brushing the Ring he was now wearing around his neck, hidden under his shirt. he couldn't help himself, he needed the constant contact of something that meant so much. "i was going to work out for an hour at some point." he admitted. "other than that, no plans." he admitted. "i don't do much usually." he admitted. "i'm rather boring..." he admitted sheepishly. "usually i just sort of lounge about, collect things, stuff like that."

Steve snorted a little as Loki grinned. "he's such a Zombie in the mornings. you would think the blowjob would have woken up." "...Loki?" "yes dear Virgin eared one?" "...shut up." Loki just sniggered before he made a face at Steve's plate. "...what is that?" "a Waffle." "...is it?" "of course it is!" "....was it mutated?" "NO!" "Tony... you are not a Sith lord." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "you're barely a Luke Skywalker. the only thing he was good at anyway was incest." he admitted making Steve snort. "besides, you can't even get your Oil press to stop spraying you every time you walk past it." Loki stated simply. "you don't know Star Wars?" Steve asked Myka, noticing her confusion. "we'll watch them sometime, there's six movies, they're the best! i like Lord of the Rings too, but Star Wars is better."
“He is....and why?What does he do to it?He makes good food.”She said wondering what could be so wrong with the waffles cap made that her usually very laid back and eat anything lover would refuse to eat it. Raising a eyebrow a little as she watched him brush his chest, amused a little, and wondering at the edge of a necklace she could see, but shrugging it off before relaxing.”Well...good. I’d hate to think you were giving up a life to stay with me and him.”She said bouncing alex a little, amused as he whined at being bounced. “Collect?I collect.”Alex twisted looking at the other, before leaning back to look at his mother. “Mama?I’m done. Can we read now?” “Ask Hawk. He’s the one who does the voices right. You tell me I do them wrong remember?”Elena said smiling a little at the memory of clint reading the three little pigs to alex, doing the wolf voice. It was fairly adorable. “Hawk?We read now?”Alex said turning those big stormy eyes on his father, doing that puppy dog look he’d picked up from tony.

“Immawake. I could totally work right now.”Tony muttered sipping his coffee, smirking a little at steve’s new name. “He always eats waffles like that. I think he just opens the cupboard and dumps everything into it....and I am not luke skywalker!I have no siblings, and I could totally go to the dark side and rule things. Fury fears me going to the dark side.”Tony protested before frowning. “You did something to it!I know you did. I fix it and fix it and it just keeps spraying me. I know its you.” “....are you sure this is tony stark?I thought....he doesn’t sound that grown up.”Myka said frowning at the genius, though amused because she knew this kind of genius, so brilliant that he acted out. “Of course I’m tony stark. I’m sith lord material, and a genius.”Tony smirked watching her, mostly being utterly ridiculous to see how she acted when she was relaxed and calm, and glad to see that she seemed to relax. He wanted her comfortable here, and not just for herself. But because steve cared for her. “......why would you want a lord of a boxing ring? I mean...it is not that good to be beaten on...” “....”Tony stared biting his lip to keep from laughing. “You need to watch movies. I think we should have a team movie night, get the Ice Queen caught up on pop culture.”Tony said watching her, waiting for her to react to the nickname, testing her, by simply being himself, to see just what buttons to push. Because he could rarely help it, he protected himself by pushing others away. It said something about his team’s determination that they hadn’t let him push them away from him.
he shook his head. "he puts EVERYTHING in it! the sweeter the better. coconut, strawberries, bananas, chocolate chips, marshmallow bites, blueberries, caramel and white chips. if it's there, and sweet, it goes into the waffle. and then he covers it either in ice-cream, whipped cream, or that flavored, tooth rotting coffee creamer. sometimes all three. it's disgusting!" he admitted with a shake of his head. made sense though, Clint liked a scoop of ice-cream, once and a while. but otherwise he normally hated sweets. "as if i had a life to begin with." he stated with a scoff. "missions, and training, that was the extent of my life." he admitted, eating the last of his chex. "you collect things Little Man?" he asked with a gin. "maybe i'll let you see my collections." he offered. "sure bud, we can read now." he agreed, smiling as he let Alex drag him into the other room where he picked out easy words and helped Alex sound them out. the boy really was very, very smart. and Loki's training was only making that intelligence expand.

"no you couldn't. your half dead." Loki teased with a smirk as he watched Tony. "...even you don't eat waffles like that." Loki complained, Steve scowling. "i don't tell you how to eat your waffles so lay off mine!" "you brush your teeth right? because they're going to rot out of your face if you eat things like that often." "of course i brush my teeth! there's nothing wrong with my Waffle!" "Tony... you are NOT Sith Lord material. you can't even say 'no' to a toddler." Loki pointed out, looking extremely amused. "no no, Sith isn't a boxing ring." Steve explained. "the Sith is an evil cult, there are only two at a time, the Master, and the Apprentice. they are literally the complete personification of evil in one body." he admitted. "it's always amazed me that the Sith lord could do so much damage on his own, but, i guess that's just because it's a movie." he admitted. "Team movie night!" Steve agreed, nodding as he scooped up the last of his mushy waffle and swallowed it down. "we'll have one as soon as Myka is more comfortable." he agreed with a smile.
“....I think you’re right. That’s fairly disgusting.”Elena shuddered a little. She had a sweet tooth, but that was just to much sweet stuff. “Well, that’s true. But I still feel weird with being the center of the world for you.”She said blushing ever so slightly. “Yes. Mama gives me toy animals. I wanted a zoo.”Alex chirped, before smiling happy as he dragged him into the other room. Elena smiled watching them go before following. It was only after a few hours though that Elena stirred, the three laying on the bed, with alex cuddled up between his parents, yawning a little. “...He’s so smart...I’m so happy he seems okay...”She muttered stroking alex’s hair as the boy napped, closing her eyes.

“There is to. Look at all that sweet stuff.”Tony smiled a little at steve’s protest before frowning at the other’s words. “I can to. I only didn’t because have you seen his parents? Clint’s liable to shove me out the window of my own tower if I said no.”He pointed out refusing to acknowledge that they were right. “...Oh...”Myka flushed a bright red at her mistake, finishing her food as she looked at the others. “...I think I would like watching these movies....I...I know I do not know alot of things that make sense to others who have seen the movies.”she muttered running her fingers through her hair.
he nodded. "very disgusting." he agreed. "besides, you where always the center of my world." he admitted with a smile. "and now i have a much bigger world." he said as he watched Alex with soft, adoring eyes much the way he had once looked at his Cat. the last remaining family he'd had before he and Elena had been paired. his Father had gotten the cat for Clint just days before the old man died. he'd loved that cat so much that he'd cried for days when it finally died. he truly loved Alex with all of his heart. "a Zoo hmm? you'll have to show me your animals sometime!" he decided with a grin. "i have a Zoo too." he admitted. he wanted one of every known mammal and reptile and avian. which was hard, he had to custom order some of those little glass figurines. which could run upwards of a thousand dollars. it wasn't even half finished yet, and he got one once a month, though he figured he might have to stop so they could properly save up enough money so alex could go to a very good school. "he really is very smart." Clint agreed. "he can already read some names, i'll have to keep teaching him, he'll be bored in school though." he admitted. "he learns too quickly, he might have to be put in an accelerated program." he mused.

"there's nothing wrong with what i eat!" he complained, scowling a little before he snorted. "you are SO in denial." he pointed out, smirking as Loki snickered. "i hate to say it Tony, but he's not wrong. you just can't say no to Alex. you even let him sit in your lap." he pointed out with a smirk. "i only watched them a few weeks ago." Clint admitted. "Tony made me watch them. with Tony it's hard to trust him when he 'wants to show you something cool' because five times out of ten it's porn." Steve admitted, making Loki laugh all over again.
Elena flushed at that, offering a small smile. “Well, good. You need a bigger world.”She muttered smiling as she looked down at alex. Looking so happy that he had accepted being a father so easily. “I will.”Alex agreed turning to look up at him, eyes wide. “REally?I want to see!Later.”Alex agreed smiling. “I forgot you collected those.”She muttered looking amused at him, tilting her head before nodding. Shifting to look down, amused alex huffed at being moved as he napped. “He is. Always has been, but I think here, with loki and not to mention tony being...well tony and all genius around him, and you and the others, he was sure to pick up some things quickly.”She bit her lip before nodding. “he might....Tony might be the person to ask about accelerated programs though. He probably spent alot of time in accelerated programs.”She smiled before looking up at jarivs’ words. “Clint, Sir wanted me to inform you that the captain and Ms. Barnes are going to be sparring in the gym momentarily if you would like to watch.”

“I am not!I can say no to a two year old!”Tony huffed his eye twitched a little, because even despite his hangups he knew the others were right, that he was totally incapble of saying no. “.....what is...porn?” “Oh my god. You need to watch tv. That’s it, you two don’t get to spar. You’re going to watch porn and star wars.”Tony decided smiling a little. “....I think...I would like to spar more.”Myka said not liking the look of utter delight on tony’s face at the idea of telling her about the tv shows. “Fine.Fine.”Tony huffed. “Later then. And Jarvis?Will you let clint know that they’re going to spar?I’m sure he would like to watch.”Tony said watching the two super soldiers, curious about them enough to follow them into the gym.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "sure kiddo, course you can see." he agreed with a chuckle as he smiled at Elena. "it got worse after you..." he cleared his throat. "Nat made me throw the bubble gum wrappers, pop tabs, rock, leaf, and a whole bunch of other stuff away." he admitted. "you know that show hoarders?" he asked, sounding quite ashamed. "yeah... it was that bad. everything was all piled up, i was like... insane there for a while. i haven't a clue why i did it now, but it made sense back then to collect everything. especially different kinds of pop cans, crushed, whole, clean or off the street if i saw one i'd pick it up." he admitted. "i actually had to go to a therapist and stuff." he admitted. "can't seam to shake the hoarding thing though because i still have to go out every single time they come out with new Hot Wheels and buy the whole dang set. but apparently that's 'not unhealthy' so i'm allowed to do it." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh, a spar?" he asked, hesitating as he tried to figure out how to move without waking Alex. he took way too long to do it, but the boy stayed sleeping. "you don't mind? i'll be right back.. but i have GOTTA see this... i'll record it for you?" he offered, realizing she probobly wanted to see too.

Loki snorted. "no you can't." he stated simply. "Tony you can't even say no to the ten year olds that want your autograph and to hand you things." "Porn is a recording of people having various kinds of sex that you then buy to masturbate to." Loki explained to Myka, Steve going bright red. "Loki! you can't just say thing like that!" "why not? it's the truth." "...i'd rather jump off the roof." Steve muttered low enough that only Myka could hear him. well, and Loki. "no one said you where invited Tony." Steve complained as he headed back to the gym, stretching as he went. "man, a spar where i don't have to worry about crushing someone, this is going to be great... i apologize in advance though, i'm not used to fighting women yet." he admitted.
Elena flinched a little, her eyes pained as she looked at him. “I’m sorry.”She muttered her voice thick with tears, because this had been done to him, using her as the weapon against his heart. “Because you could keep them. Protect them, in a way you hadn’t me. I’m sorry Clint....and don’t worry about the collecting. If...if you still want to buy things, I mean, I collect books. You collect cars. Alex’ll like both, though he might apperciate the toy cars more now.”She snickered a little, having seen him thinking about giving it up for alex, to pay for things. But after talking to jarvis, she knew he was more then rich enough to do both. “Go.Record it, but go. I want to watch it after.”She said sounding pleased that he’d not only taken care to not wake alex, but knew that she would want to see.” And I’ll stay here and read, if you’ll get me my book.”She smiled shifting a little, waving a hand towards the living room where she’d left her book. Smiling at him when he returned with it, she waved him away. “Go.We’ll be okay.”

“I make them hold it while I sign it. Or set it on the table. Not even cute ten year olds are capable of making me forget my neurosis about being handed things.”Tony twitched a little before grinning at loki’s explanation. “...Oh. Why would you not simply go have sex instead of watching?”Myka said looking thoughtful and amused at Steve’s blush. “No, but it’s my tower, and it’s the first fight she’s going to be in since she woke up. I want to watch her, see if there’s anything bruce needs to know before we fuck around with the serum.”Tony said, hiding his desire to simply watch them fight, as a scientific experiment. Myka smiled as she stretched, making sure loki and tony were in front of her and steve at her side as they walked, not trusting them at her back as she worked out her muslces. Grinning at Steve’s words, that bloodthirsty grin that said she was going to enjoy this. “It is. And then I feel that I should be apologizing to you, after all, it is a weakness to exploit.”she smirked as she walked into the gym, slipping into the boxing ring, turning to watch him, waiting, watching. A silent hunter.
he smiled at her. "there is no reason why you need to be sorry. i was sick. that's all." he assured her before blinked at her. "you know... that actually makes a lot more sense than the crap the therapist tried to tell me. seamed to think i was repressing memories of my father molesting me." he admitted with a scoff before he blinked at her. "...well... i don't know i mean..." he hesitated. "the cars aren't so bad. they'll run me maybe fifty dollars a few years but... the figurines can run upwards of a thousand dollars a month..." but he could afford it no problem. he could actually spend six times that and not even put a dent in his bank account. "i kind of figure... when i get older, he could have my collections." he admitted, smiling at Alex. "they are great money someday, like, if he wants to get married, sell a few coins or an old Hot Wheelz and he has enough for an engagement ring." he admitted with a smile. "course, as smart as he is, he probobly would have a pretty high paying job." he mused. "sure." he agreed, fetching her book and giving her a kiss before racing out and asking Jarvis to record them.

"yes well, i have the feeling you might be abetter fighter than me." Steve admitted with a laugh. "maybe i should ask for a handicap?" he teased as he studied her, settling into his own form, defensive, waiting for her to make the first move. Shield had taught him a lot in the art of hand to hand fighting, but he still tended to fall back into common boxing, or street fighting. he moved, darting in and taking a swing at her side, slow, soft, a testing maneuver, to see how she retaliated. "fifty bucks says Myka takes him down." Clint stated as he watched, Loki smirked. "hundred says she throws him to the ground, but he wins the fight."
Elena relaxed, nodding a little. “I know...it wasn’t me.”She muttered smiling a little before laughing quietly, that quiet disbelieving laughter that said the therapist was a idiot. “Your father was a good man.”She smiled before smirking a little. “You wont even put a dent in your bank account, much less mine, Clint. Spend what you want.”She snickered a little before smiling, that soft gentle smile that said she was pleased with his thoughts. “I am sure he would love that. Now go. Enjoy yourself.”she smiled watching him go in amusement.

“Maybe. But you also outweigh me. That’ll make up the difference.”She said looking amused before raising a eyebrow. “Whatever would you ask for as a handicap?”She said loose and bouncing slightly on her toes, watching him. While she did study most hand to hand fighting styles, she’d had enough time to do that, but she’d been in enough brawls, just cutting loose to keep up with him. Snapping a arm down as he moved, she scuttled back, kicking out at him. Tony snickered watching, glancing at the other two. "I feel like we're watching something close to foreplay..”He muttered snickering, watching the two in amusement, wincing at the lightening quick blows starting to land as they devolved into a real fight, “Bloody hell. She’s healing nearly as fast as he is.”He said, because even when steve landed a blow hard enough to bruise instantly, it was healing just as quickly. Wincing as steve landed a punch that made myka stumble, smirking a little as it threw the assassin enough to give in and body slam him, and despite being lighter then him, it was still a solid hit, as both super soldiers went down in a tangle of limbs and snarling fury as myka tried to distangle herself, because while she'd meant to take him down, she hadn't meant to fall with him.
he smiled a little. "yeah, i made sure she was fired after that." he admitted. "my second therapist was much better, though she never tried to put a reason on my hoarding habits." he admitted. "...you know i was always bad with money." he grumbled. "are you sure it won't hurt the bank accounts?" of course not. and even if it did, Tony was supplementing all the Avengers pay on the sly so they couldn't yell at him for it.

he smirked a little as he nodded. "this is true... and i don't know... blindfold you maybe? plug your nose?" he asked with a lopsided grin before hissing as he blocked the kick and matched it with a kick of his own. "...you know. you might not be wrong." Loki mused. "many animal cultures do battle to find the best mate." he admitted with a smirk. "damn, this is amazing!" Clint breathed, watching in amazement as he watched the fight with wide eyes. "i can't beleive Natasha is missing this." he muttered, stunned as he watched Steve hit the mat, bouncing. Steve had hit the floor, if he won, he'd be up a hundred bucks! he could take Elena to a fancy restaurant or something. she used to love that. Steve hissed again as he hit the ground and with a thrust she was on her back and he was on top of her, legs pinning hers down, hands on her elbows, giving her no chance to use leverage to get him off. "do you Yield?" he asked, wondering if she could get free or if he'd won. he wasn't about to relax, he knew better after sparring with Nat.
“I know, but I’m sure it wont hurt.”Elena promised, keeping her own counsel on that. Because even if she didn’t know for sure, she had gotten a sense for tony in the days she’d stayed her, guessed that he was using his own fortune to make sure his team was okay, had everything they needed. But until he wanted to tell them, she wouldn’t say anything.

“Blindfolding me would just make me want to hit you harder.”she snickered a little as she followed the blows, the fierce grin that curled her lips saying she was truly enjoying the fight. “I’m never wrong. And this is definitely sexual somehow. Though I’m sure they wont admit it.....they’ll do it again. Natasha can watch next time.”Tony said knowing Natasha was in business meetings with pepper this morning, and was going to be truly upset she missed this. Myka snarled as he thrust against her, growling as he rolled her, staring up at him with wide, frightened eyes, despite having fought well, being pinned had flipped a switch, turning a warrior into a victim, staring at him for a long moment before fighting against him like a wild thing, and even if her arms were pinned she moved against him with a wild fury, desperate to get away from him, enough to move him a little, but to small, to pinned to actually get him off of her. “Steve?”Tony called stepping closer, moving to see her face, wanting to know if they should step in or not.
he smirked a little. "could be fun." he agreed, looking just as delighted by the fighting. "it really is. god look at them, it's like they're fucking with fists." Clint muttered, sounding amused as he glanced at Tony. "i'm recording it. she can watch it later." he admitted before pausing as he realizing the Spar had turned into something else entirely, and it wasn't pleasant. "Stay back Tony!" Steve ordered, Loki wrapping an arm around Tony's waist to keep him from moving any closer. "Myka! That's Enough!" Steve ordered, using his Captain voice again. "now. i'm going to get off your legs, and then release your hands, if you hit me i'm going to be extremely unhappy." he warned, Clint watching with wide eyes as Loki's expression turned thunderous. what had happened to her to have such a strong reaction to being pinned?! raped? tortured? Steve very carefully released the woman and slid backwards giving her the space she needed to calm down. "Myka? are you alright?" he asked after a moment, sounding worried. "Tony? you should consider employing a good psychologist." Loki muttered. "one well versed in children and assassins if you can find one." he admitted. "Alex could use one and i'm pretty sure Myka needs one." he admitted softly, not wanting Myka to hear him. "Steve? do you need help? i can put her to sleep." Loki offered, wondering if Myka was going to calm down or not.
"Not getting any closer."tony reassured even as he stepped back towards loki, wincing at myka reacted to the sound of his voice,craning her neck to see who was behind her,fighting harder to get free. And as he watched her his anger soared.there were very few things that could cause that kind of reaction to being pinned,and since he'd seen just helpless she was when first waking up he could hazard a guess what happened. Myka's head snapped back around to steve as he ordered her still,trembling harder but stilling.responding to him,even if she wasn't really seeing him yet. Offering a hesitan nod she swallowed watching him."I don't think id find one specializing in assassins but I'll find someone."tony muttered watching them,relaxing a little as myka simply shifted to curl up in a ball instead of lashing out at steve as he moved back.not responding to his question of if she was alright or not,though it was obvious she wasn't.not really
Steve wasn't paying any attention to Tony, he knew Loki and Clint would keep the billionaire safe. "Easy, Myka, easy, it's alright." Steve promised her softly as he let her up. Loki just scowled. "it's a shame those filthy bastards are dead." he muttered. "i'd love to really make them hurt for making her like this." he growled. "i'll bring someone in." Loki decided, crossing his arms. "or Thor will anyway." he decided. "your human therapists are woefully inadequate." he admitted, wincing as Myka curled up into a ball. "we'd best leave, she'll be angry if she knows we've seen this." Clint ordered, shoving at Tony and Loki to force them out the door. Steve just slid out of the ring and settled onto the floor so she could have all the space she needed to calm down and chattered at her about various new things. like Twitter and You tube. just babbling until she calmed down.

Clint went straight to Elena, looking quite furious and he checked to make sure Alex was still asleep as he handed her the Tablet that Jarvis was now playing the Spar on while he went to the locked cabinet and poured himself a tiny tumbler of whiskey, just to calm his nerves. he had never been much of a drinker, but sometimes a person just needed a strong shot to calm down. "they messed her up bad." he explained once he could talk without yelling. "you'll see what i'm talking about, at the end." he explained, watching her watch the spar.
Tony nodded watching cautiously, worried on what she’d do.”I wish they weren’t to.”he said before a dark smirk curled his lips. “We could convince Steve this is all fury’s fault though. That would be a fight to see.”He muttered before looking at him, looking thoughtful before nodding. “He left a way to get in touch with him. Have jarvis use it, I have a feeling we’re going to need help sooner rather then later.”He said before looking at Clint, wincing as they walked out.”I want a drink.I need a drink.”Tony muttered heading for the bar in the penthouse, glaring at the glass cabinet. Fucking hell.

“....what is....twitter...and does twittering not involve birds?”Myka said after a while, her voice muffled against her arm as she pressed her arms over her ears, refusing to uncurl, but starting to acknowledge the world around her, not completely out of it yet, but starting to come back.

Elena looked startled from where she was sitting on alex’s bed, gently untangling the boy, making sure he kept sleeping before taking the tablet. Following him into the living room she watched, half the spar and half him, wondering at his drinking. “okay....”She muttered before cursing as she threw the tablet away from her, watching it hit the couch with a dull thud, looking sick. Swallowing hard she walked over him, stepping into his arms, clinging to him because she had no way to comfort the woman who was shattering. “Fucking hell....Bloody...fucking hell...”
Clint snorted. "it is Fury's fault. he's the reason why Hydra did this shit." he muttered as Loki nodded. "i'll do that." Loki promised, giving Tony a kiss before he stalked off to talk to Jarvis, and thus, his brother. "here." Loki stated a moment later, offering the other a tumbler of something that was rather blue. "it's a Wine made from a spring fruit from Jotunhiemr." Loki explained. "it's very, very strong so Sip, don't gulp." he warned, smiling a little. once tony took a sip, it was like he'd swallowed Moonshine straight from the freezer with the taste of Sake and, well it almost tasted like apples.

"Twitter is where young, stupid people put up this thing called 'tweets'. it's like a text, only on a computer where everyone can see it. they are usually really short, and really dumb. like, really dumb. Clint is very fond of posting his bowel movements." he admitted. "most people talk about their lunch. which is stupid. no one cares that your eating a tuna fish sandwich." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Facebook is just as bad, though there are some fun games on there as long as you have enough freinds to keep you going."

Clint poured another shot of whiskey and simply held it, waiting for her to reach the panic attack/freakout. "here." he handed her the glass before wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight. "Loki's going to get her an asgaurdian therapist or something." he admitted softly. "i'm pretty sure i wasn't supposed to hear but he thinks Alex might benefit from seeing the Therapist too." he admitted softly. "i'm worried about her..." he admitted with a sigh. "Cap really, really likes her, though i don't think he realizes it yet. i don't think she's emotionally stable enough to handle those kinds of emotions."
Tony glanced at the other, taking the glass, “...You do know I promised Cap I’d give up drinking right?”He muttered even as he sipped the glass, moaning quietly at the taste. “That’s like all my favorite alcohols mixed into one...”he said closing his eyes as he sipped the rest.

“....why would anyone want to post their bowel movements?”Myka frowned sounding so confused, before swallowing hard, shifting. Pushing up she stood slowly, wrapping her arms around herself, stepping away from him. Still feeling anxious and boxed in, even if he was sitting a far amount away from her. “I...I better go...”She muttered blushing, embarassed he’d witnessed this, paling quickly as she looked around for the others, realizing that they had probably seen, and that was a kick in the gut. Feeling like she’d ruined all her chances before she’d even had a chance to make a new life.

Elena offered him a small smile at the offered alcohol, downing it before leaning into him. “...Huh. Well...maybe. He is clinging more. Worse then he was before. I mean, he is young, but this has been a upsetting few weeks for him...he probably could use someone to talk to....right?”She asked seeking his opinion, needing to include him in on the parenting before wincing. “Dammit. If it was just...the rape...”She shuddered, assuming that was what it had been, “-or the ice, or being out of time, she’d be okay, be able to handle this. But its all three, and she’s probably free falling...”She sighed quietly. “I don’t know....this is going to be bad. So. So bad.”She muttered.
Loki smiled. "no, you promised Cap you'd stop gettign drunk." he corrected. "besides, right now, i think you need it, and the Wine has less alcohol than some of your earth liquors." he admitted. "it's strong, and has a habit of knocking you on your ass if you gulp it, but that little cup shouldn't get you drunk." he promised, smiling at Tony. "good isn't it?" he asked with a chuckle. "it's one of my favorites."

Steve shrugged. "i honestly have no idea.." he admitted with a shake of his head. he was laying on his back, staring at the ceiling. "you better not." he warned. "a lot of the people here have this 'people saving thing'..." he admitted, smiling at her. "they feel like your someone they need to protect." he admitted. "you can run away, but we'll just follow you to make sure your safe, happy, and healthy. Bruce especially. he won't let you go until he's fixed your Serum problem." he admitted. "give us a chance, okay? we know Hydra fucked you up good, we don't blame you for it. hell we'd be hypocrites if we did. after all, Tony's pretty self destructive himself. Loki actually tried to kill every last one of us and turn the human race... actually we're not sure what he was planning but he still tried to subjugate the entire world. Bruce actually destroyed more of the city than Loki did, and he tries to kill us on occasion when he looses control." he admitted, smiling at her. "we all helped each other. let us help you, okay? and when your safe, and stable, then you can move out and do whatever you want with your life, but let us help first, okay?"

he smiled back before he shook his head. "considering the lives we live, he's going to grow up knowing his daddy is in danger every day." he admitted. "he's going to be in the news all the time, he's going to be so smart that other kids find him frightening. he's never going to have a truly normal life, but he could have a happy one and i think a Therapist to help him through the hardest parts of his life can give him a peace that i can't..." he admitted, stroking her hair. "so she was raped then?" he asked softly. "probobly when she first woke up from the ice, they must have been trying to breed her, or they where just sick." he hissed, holding her tightly. "i hope she doesn't run away..."
“True.”Tony said raising the glass, sipping it before smirking. “It is strong. And good. Tastes like I’m drinking homemade moonshine.”he said smiling as he looked at the other, sighing quietly. “Did you get ahold of Thor?”

Myka frowned reezing where she was, staring at him. Trying to decide what to do shuddering a little, hugging herself tighter. “...Okay....I can try.”She said stsaring at the floor, looking so young and torn up, so very confused and having no idea how to respond, the meotions threatening to knock her feet out from under her. “...What...what should I do now?”she said looking around her because she had no idea what to do, had never had a chance to really deal with the aftermath, going from one mission to the next, she couldn’t deal with the emotions. Starting to cry silently as she sank to the floor, curling up, crying into her knees.

“Hm, I hadn’t considered that.”She winced a little before sighing. “It wont be normal, but it will be happy. We wont let it be anything else.”She muttered before wincing, “I...I don’t know for sure, but there are few things that could get a woman to react like that. Torture, but I bet she was trained to withstand that, like most soldiers. I doubt that caused more damage. Rape....she’s defenseless Clint. You saw how disoriented and weak she was waking up, she’d be the perfect victim for a certain kind of predator.”She shuddered because while she didn’t know for sure, the sense she got from the woman, said that rape was likely. “Hopefully. Though I don’t think Cap would let her run that far. He’d probably tag along...”[/align]
Loki nodded. "i don't know what Moonshine is but i would imagine it must be close." he admitted with a chuckle. "yes, i got a-hold of Thor, he'll bring Vahlmr the next time he can get away from his duties." he promised Tony. "you'll like Vahlmr. he's gorgeous." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "as straight as a metal girder, but gorgeous nonetheless." wow, that was straight. at least a pin could be bent.

Steve offered her a smile. "thank you." he breathed with a smile. "do now? now you do what the rest of us emotionally backwards, insane, socially inept slightly retarded people do. we have a cry, eat a galleon of ice-cream, watch crappy TV shows and find ways to forgive ourselves and then do what we can to make the world a better place." he admitted. "it's going to be hard, it will probobly take a long time, but once you start to realize that your not alone anymore... the world starts to hurt a little less with each day." he admitted as he got up and moved over to her, offering her his hand. "come on, i'll show you how to work Tony's insane TV and we can get some ice-cream. the freezer is always stocked with like, hundreds of different flavors." there was actually a freezer devoted only to Ice-cream and there was over forty flavors in there. Steve figured it was a Tony thing.

he smiled at her. "as long as i have you and Alex, i will always be happy." he assured her with a smile. "she still had to work up to the torture, which meant that she was still tortured. even i have nightmares about being tortured sometimes." he admitted. "she'd be a perfect victim, and worse... she wouldn't have anyone to tell." he whispered, horrified. "probobly. that man is so smitten and he doesn't even realize it." he admitted, sounding amused. "oh, Alex is up." he muttered, putting the alcohol away abd locking the cupboard once more to keep curious toddler fingers out. "what should we do tonight? something physical, he stayed inside all day, little boys need to run around." he admitted with a chuckle.
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